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生物光子场的光谱分布特性研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
改装设计了分光谱段测试生物光子场辐射强度的装置;用此装置实验证明生物系统的超微弱光子辐射(UPE)存在于从紫外-可见到红外的宽光谱范围内,而且其f(λ)≌常数。此结果对于证实生物光子场的相干特性具有一定意义。  相似文献   

特定电磁辐射增强大豆种子超弱光子辐射   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
生物超弱光子辐射(简称PE)是生物代谢过程的一种普遍现象,它控制细胞内和细胞间的新陈代谢、功能调节以及信息传递。PE光强度与细胞活力、环境因素以及化学物质的作用有关。 红外辐射(包括特定电磁辐射)能产生广泛和显著的生物效应,国内外已有报道,化学  相似文献   

杨美娜  韩金祥 《生物磁学》2011,(8):1598-1600
生物光子辐射来自生物分子从高能态向低能态的跃迁,它提供了有机体代谢及能量转化的重要信息,生物光子对生命系统内部的变化及外界环境的影响有高度的敏感性,生物光子的探测和分析能够揭示系统内部的细节变化,展示外界环境的微弱影响。本文就近年来生物光子辐射研究的热点与进展作一简要综述。  相似文献   

生物光子辐射的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生物光子辐射来自生物分子从高能态向低能态的跃迁,它提供了有机体代谢及能量转化的重要信息,生物光子对生命系统内部的变化及外界环境的影响有高度的敏感性,生物光子的探测和分析能够揭示系统内部的细节变化,展示外界环境的微弱影响。本文就近年来生物光子辐射研究的热点与进展作一简要综述。  相似文献   

采用生物超微弱发光探测技术,并用量子光学中的光子计数分布统计方法测量植物叶片超微弱发光的结果表明,大光金鱼花幼叶和老叶的超微弱发光强度较低,光子计数分布与泊松分布基本吻合。  相似文献   

生物光子发射(PE)方法是揭示生命活动的一种非损伤方法。由于机理不清,仅获有限的认同。根据Dicke近似,顾樵曾经提出PE的全量子理论。然而,Dicke近似不适合生物系统。本文在不引入Dicke近似的前提下,利用量子化学和半径典辐射理论研究了PE的全同粒子模型。结果表明,全同粒子会成相干态,其中超辐射态的光子发射几率是粒子数的平方和三次方的线性函数。本文结论成功地解了细胞分裂和细胞癌变等生命活动的PE现象和外界因素对PE现象的影响。  相似文献   

采用光子计数成像系统(PIAS)对植物幼苗萌发过程的超弱发光进行观察。结果表明,自发光子长时间积累可形成二维图象;光子计数和采集图象均可得到植物体的自发发光;通过实验探测到幼苗的根,叶在同一平面图象有不同的发光表现;光子成像系统可客观地比较生物自发超弱发光,为进一步研究超弱发光机理提供实验基础。  相似文献   

用生物超微弱发光探测技术,对植物叶片的超微弱发光透过滤波片进行测量,并用量子光学中的光子计数分布统计方法得到的结果表明,不同波长下,大光金鱼花叶片的光子计数分布不同,但幼叶和老叶的光子计数分布的规律基本相同,而成熟叶片光子计数分布的规律比较紊乱。  相似文献   

水稻和玉米幼苗的超弱生物光子发射比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用自制的超高灵敏度超弱生物光子发射(ultraweak biphoton emissions,UBE)二维图象系统观测比较了水稻(Orza sativaL.)和玉米(Zea maysL.)不同品种种子萌发过程中超弱生物光子发射的变化。发现普通饲料玉米(阳单82)和高杆水稻品种(金科占)的种苗及+1叶的UBE分别比超甜玉米品种(穗甜1号、3号)和矮杆水稻品种(矮珍占)低,而前者的UBE衰减比后者要快,进一步证实超弱生物光子发射是十分灵敏的,且其差别的出现远远早于其它生物学指标,这种特性可能具有普遍性。  相似文献   

本文介绍了自行研制的二套系统及其应用。1.高灵敏荧光显微镜系统,该系统探测灵敏度达到10-6lx量级,比普通CCD系统提高了104倍,系统用宽量程照度计对微弱光成象性能进行了标定,在给出细胞荧光图象的同时,可以给出每一象元的发光强度,并可给出视觉更易分辨的光强的三维显示和伪彩色图象。在该系统上得到了分红菌甲素在Hela细胞中的分布图象,Hela细胞加入竹红菌甲素后的光照损伤及抗氧化剂维生素E等对细胞的保护图象。2.光子计数成象系统,该系统灵敏度达10-8lx量级,可探测到单个光子及其分布,在其上得到了绿豆芽,树叶,昆明鼠,人手及手指的超微弱发光的光子图象,并用统计理论进行了信号检验。  相似文献   

Early detection is a critically important factor when successfully diagnosing and treating cancer. Whereas contemporary molecular techniques are capable of identifying biomarkers associated with cancer, surgical interventions are required to biopsy tissue. The common imaging alternative, positron-emission tomography (PET), involves the use of nuclear material which poses some risks. Novel, non-invasive techniques to assess the degree to which tissues express malignant properties are now needed. Recent developments in biophoton research have made it possible to discriminate cancerous cells from normal cells both in vitro and in vivo. The current study expands upon a growing body of literature where we classified and characterized malignant and non-malignant cell types according to their biophotonic activity. Using wavelength-exclusion filters, we demonstrate that ratios between infrared and ultraviolet photon emissions differentiate cancer and non-cancer cell types. Further, we identified photon sources associated with three filters (420-nm, 620-nm., and 950-nm) which classified cancer and non-cancer cell types. The temporal increases in biophoton emission within these wavelength bandwidths is shown to be coupled with intrisitic biomolecular events using Cosic's resonant recognition model. Together, the findings suggest that the use of wavelength-exclusion filters in biophotonic measurement can be employed to detect cancer in vitro.  相似文献   

The seed embryos of Isatis indigotica Fort were exposed to He-Ne laser (5.23 mW/mm2, radiated for 5 min) and microwave (1.26 mW/mm2, radiated for 8 s) irradiation to determine the effects of microwave and He-Ne laser pretreatment on enzyme activities, and biophoton emission of cotyledon. Then: (i) changes in the activities of enzymes in I. indigotica cotyledon (such as amylase, transaminase, and proteinase) were measured to investigate the effects of He-Ne laser and microwave pretreatment; and (ii) biophoton emission was measured to determine the speed of cell division and metabolism. Results from these experiments indicated that: (i) the activities of amylase, transaminase, and proteinase of the cotyledon pretreated by HeNe laser and microwave were significantly increased; and (ii) the intensity of biophoton emission was enhanced significantly by He-Ne laser and microwave irradiation. These changes suggest that He-Ne laser and microwave pretreatment can improve the inner energy of seeds, lead to an enhancement of cotyledon enzymes, and speed up the metabolism of the cell, resulting in significantly increased biophoton emission.Moreover, the mechanism of action of the effects of laser and microwave radiation on the microcalorimetric parameters, enzyme activities, and biophoton emission of seeds is discussed on the basis of the results obtained.  相似文献   

Ultraweak biophoton emission originates from the generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) that are produced in mitochondria as by-products of cellular respiration. In healthy cells, the concentration of ROS is minimized by a system of biological antioxidants. However, heat shock changes the equilibrium between oxidative stress and antioxidant activity, that is, a rapid rise in temperature induces biophoton emission from ROS. Although the rate and intensity of biophoton emission was observed to increase in response to elevated temperatures, pretreatment at lower high temperatures inhibited photon emission at higher temperatures. Biophoton measurements are useful for observing and evaluating heat shock.  相似文献   

The seed embryos of lsatis indigotica Fort were exposed to He-Ne laser (5.23 mW/mm^2, radiated for 5 min) and microwave ( 1.26 mW/mm^2, radiated for 8 s) irradiation to determine the effects of microwave and He-Ne laser pretreatment on enzyme activities, and biophoton emission of cotyledon. Then: (i) changes in the activities of enzymes in L indigotica cotyledon (such as amylase, transaminase, and proteinase) were measured to investigate the effects of He-Ne laser and microwave pretreatment; and (ii) biophoton emission was measured to determine the speed of cell division and metabolism. Results from these experiments indicated that: (i) the activities of amylase, transaminase, and proteinase of the cotyledon pretreated by HeNe laser and microwave were significantly increased; and (ii) the intensity of biophoton emission was enhanced significantly by He-Ne laser and microwave irradiation. These changes suggest that He-Ne laser and microwave pretreatment can improve the inner energy of seeds, lead to an enhancement of cotyledon enzymes, and speed up the metabolism of the cell, resulting in significantly increased biophoton emission. Moreover, the mechanism of action of the effects of laser and microwave radiation on the microcalorimetric parameters, enzyme activities, and biophoton emission of seeds is discussed on the basis of the results obtained.  相似文献   

The processing of neural information in neural circuits plays key roles in neural functions. Biophotons, also called ultra-weak photon emissions (UPE), may play potential roles in neural signal transmission, contributing to the understanding of the high functions of nervous system such as vision, learning and memory, cognition and consciousness. However, the experimental analysis of biophotonic activities (emissions) in neural circuits has been hampered due to technical limitations. Here by developing and optimizing an in vitro biophoton imaging method, we characterize the spatiotemporal biophotonic activities and transmission in mouse brain slices. We show that the long-lasting application of glutamate to coronal brain slices produces a gradual and significant increase of biophotonic activities and achieves the maximal effect within approximately 90 min, which then lasts for a relatively long time (>200 min). The initiation and/or maintenance of biophotonic activities by glutamate can be significantly blocked by oxygen and glucose deprivation, together with the application of a cytochrome c oxidase inhibitor (sodium azide), but only partly by an action potential inhibitor (TTX), an anesthetic (procaine), or the removal of intracellular and extracellular Ca2+. We also show that the detected biophotonic activities in the corpus callosum and thalamus in sagittal brain slices mostly originate from axons or axonal terminals of cortical projection neurons, and that the hyperphosphorylation of microtubule-associated protein tau leads to a significant decrease of biophotonic activities in these two areas. Furthermore, the application of glutamate in the hippocampal dentate gyrus results in increased biophotonic activities in its intrahippocampal projection areas. These results suggest that the glutamate-induced biophotonic activities reflect biophotonic transmission along the axons and in neural circuits, which may be a new mechanism for the processing of neural information.  相似文献   

We have investigated spontaneous and light-induced photon emission of suspensions of rat hepatocytes and of HTC hepatoma cells. Rat hepatocytes exhibit spontaneous biophoton emission, but from hepatoma cells this was not detectable. In contrast, after irradiation with white light, the reemission intensity was found to be lower for hepatocytes than for the tumor cell line. Induced photon emission was neither influenced by anaerobiosis nor by the intactness of the cells. Cell-fractionation studies demonstrate that the induced photon emission was caused by the nuclear fraction and by isolated chromatin. Phenol-extracted DNA, however, has lost this capacity. Our data suggest that differences in the chromatin structure may explain the cell-specific induced photon emission.  相似文献   

We have investigated spontaneous and light-induced photon emission of suspensions of rat hepatocytes and of HTC hepatoma cells. Rat hepatocytes exhibit spontaneous biophoton emission, but from hepatoma cells this was not detectable. In contrast, after irradiation with white light, the reemission intensity was found to be lower for hepatocytes than for the tumor cell line. Induced photon emission was neither influenced by anaerobiosis nor by the intactness of the cells. Cell-fractionation studies demonstrate that the induced photon emission was caused by the nuclear fraction and by isolated chromatin. Phenol-extracted DNA, however, has lost this capacity. Our data suggest that differences in the chromatin structure may explain the cell-specific induced photon emission.  相似文献   

Biophotons spontaneously emitted from radish root cells were detected using highly sensitive photomultiplier tube. Freshly isolated radish root cells exhibited spontaneous photon emission of about 4 counts s?1. Addition of hydrogen peroxide to the cells caused significant enhancement in biophoton emission to about 500 counts s?1. Removal of molecular oxygen using glucose/glucose oxidase system and scavengering of reactive oxygen species by reducing agents such are sodium ascorbate and cysteine completely diminished biophoton emission. Spectral analysis of the hydrogen peroxide-induced biophoton emission indicates that biophotons are emitted mainly in green–red region of the spectra. The data provided by electron paramagnetic resonance spin-trapping technique showed that formation of singlet oxygen observed after addition of H2O2 correlates with enhancement in biophoton emission. These observations provide direct evidence that singlet oxygen is involved in biophoton emission from radish root cells.  相似文献   

盐胁迫下绿豆幼苗的超微弱发光   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
对不同NaCl浓度胁迫下绿豆种子早期萌发时的超微弱发光变化进行了初步研究。结果表明,随。NaCl浓度的增加,绿豆胚根的生长速度(根长)减慢,生长受到明显抑制,其超微弱发光的强度显著下降。萌发期间,SOD活性随着盐浓度的增加而降低,其活性与生物光子强度有极为密切的关系。这些结果表明生物超微弱发光探测技术有可能成为植物盐胁迫研究的有效工具,对于进一步理解盐胁迫机理有一定的意义。  相似文献   

水稻籽粒灌浆过程中超弱发光特性的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本实验对水稻籽粒灌浆过程中不同时期籽粒进行了超弱发光测定。实验结果表明:在整个灌浆过程中单粒发光量呈单峰曲线,在籽粒全部充实并且颜色由青转黄时,发光量最大;发光强度呈递减趋势;运用该技术有可能进行水稻不同品种间的比较和品种灌浆力强弱的筛选。  相似文献   

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