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不同蔬菜种植方式对土壤固碳速率的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近年来蔬菜地面积快速增加已成为我国农田土壤碳库变化的重要驱动因素,研究蔬菜种植方式对农田土壤固碳影响,对于揭示我国农田土壤碳库变化具有重要意义。通过实地调查与采样分析,研究了山东省苍山县3种蔬菜种植方式(大田种植、季节性大棚和长年性大棚种植)对农田土壤固碳速率影响及其随种植时间的变化规律。结果表明,3种种植方式下蔬菜地土壤有机碳含量均随种植时间的增加而增加;长年性大棚、季节性大棚和大田种植方式下0—100 cm土层土壤平均固碳速率分别达到1.44、2.73、1.60 Mg.hm-2.a-1;表层土壤(0—20 cm)平均固碳速率依次为0.64 Mg.hm-2.a-1、0.36 Mg.hm-2.a-1、0.20Mg.hm-2.a-1,3种蔬菜种植方式的土壤固碳速率存在显著差异。同样为蔬菜地,选择合理种植方式是提高农田土壤固碳速率的重要途径。  相似文献   

红壤侵蚀地马尾松林恢复后土壤有机碳库动态   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
运用RothC(version 26.3)模型,并结合“时空代换法”对长汀河田红壤侵蚀退化地马尾松人工恢复后林地表层(0-20cm)土壤有机碳库的动态变化进行了反演和预测,研究结果表明:RothC 26.3模型的模拟结果能够较好地反映红壤侵蚀地植被恢复过程中土壤有机碳的变化趋势;RothC 26.3模型适用于中亚热带季风气候条件下马尾松林地土壤碳库的动态模拟;侵蚀退化地在马尾松林建植后,林地表层土壤碳吸存速率以非线性的形式上升,并在15-25a时间内达到最大,马尾松恢复后前30a林地土壤平均碳吸存速率约为0.385 tC·hm-2· a-1,自马尾松建植后演替至当地顶级群落(次生林)全过程中平均碳吸存速率约0.156 tC·hm-2·a-1;根据模拟结果得到的拟合方程,计算得到研究区红壤侵蚀退化地的碳饱和容量约为36.85 tC/hm2,固碳潜力约为33.26 tC/hm2.  相似文献   

暖温带落叶阔叶林碳循环的初步估算   总被引:41,自引:1,他引:40       下载免费PDF全文
 森林生态系统碳循环过程与大气中二氧化碳含量有密切的关系,直接影响着大气成分的组成,进而对全球气候变化有重要影响。以我国暖温带落叶阔叶林生态系统近10年的定位研究为基础,初步建立了该类生态系统碳循环数值模式。结果表明:暖温带落叶阔叶林典型生态系统每年从外界主要是大气中吸收的碳是10.3 t·hm-2·a-1,植物呼吸释放到大气中的碳通量为5.5 t·hm-2·a-1。森林植物干物质积存的碳量为4.8 t·hm-2·a-1,通过凋落物分解释放到大气中的碳通量为2.46 t·hm-2·a-1。森林同化的碳绝大部分以活生物呼吸和凋落物分解的形式释放到大气中去了,存留在活生物体和凋落物中的很少。通过对碳现存量的研究发现,所研究的森林生态系统碳现存量为165.05 t·hm-2,其中活生物体碳现存量为61.2 t·hm-2,死生物体碳现存量为104.05 t·hm-2 (包括土壤中碳),土壤碳现存量为96 t·hm-2。土壤碳储量占总碳储量的58%,土壤是该地区森林生态系统主要的碳库,森林生态系统土壤中碳储量的变化必然引起整个区域碳储量整体动态的变化。  相似文献   

 用小流域集水区和物质平衡方法,于1999年对西双版纳热带季节雨林生态系统的氮素循环进行了初步研究。西双版纳季节雨林生态系统的氮库总储量为6 481.2 kg·hm-2,其中活体生物量、凋落物层和土壤(0~30 cm)中的氮储量分别为970.9、37.7、5 481.2 kg·hm-2。土壤中的氮占生态系统氮总储量的84.4%,活体生物量占15.0%,凋落物层仅占0.6%。结果表明季节雨林的氮主要分布在土壤中,而在生物量中只占很少部分。大气降水、林内穿透水、树干流及地表径流的氮含量分别为0.565、0.828、0.983和1.042 mg·dm-3,氮通量则分别为8.89、10.97、3.57、5.95 kg·hm-2·a-1。大气降水输入氮8.89 kg·hm-2·a-1,径流输出氮5.95 kg·hm-2·a-1, 收支平衡(输入—输出)为2.94 kg·hm-2·a-1。氮的生物循环:吸收为149.86 kg·hm-2·a-1,存留为69.30 kg·hm-2·a-1,归还为80.56 kg·hm-2·a-1,循环系数为0.54。结果表明未受干扰的季节雨林生态系统处于氮积累的状态,有利于该生态系统的稳定与持续发展。  相似文献   

近年来由于气候变化,极端天气现象及其相应的自然灾害的频繁发生,致使人类面临严峻的挑战,全球环境问题已备受瞩目。湿地碳循环在全球气候变化中具有不可忽视的作用,研究湿地系统与大气中碳素的交换,有助于深入了解湿地生态系统对大气环境的影响。在生物量和土壤温室气体排放测定的基础上,对洞庭湖白沙洲湿地4种主要植被系统与大气碳素交换进行研究,结果表明:杨树人工林、芦苇和苔草3种植被系统净生产力吸收大气中碳量分别为9.88、6.83.thm-.2a-1和4.07.thm-.2a-1,土壤排放碳量(包括CH4中的碳素)分别为3.08、2.79.thm-.2a-1和2.80t.hm-.2a-1,3种植被系统每年净吸收大气中的碳6.80、4.07t.hm-.2a-1和1.27t.hm-.2a-1,都是大气CO2的汇;黑藻与竹叶眼子菜混交群落净生产力吸收大气碳1.23.thm-.2a-1,土壤排放的碳1.32t.hm-.2a-1,该系统每年向大气净排放0.09t.hm-.2a-1,是一个弱的CO2排放源;将CH4温室效应是CO2的21倍折算成CO2量,杨树林土壤排放CO2量(包括CH4折算成CO2量)为16.19t.hm-.2a-1,比植被净生产力吸收的少16.64t.hm-.2a-1,对大气温室效应而言,该系统是温室气体的汇;芦苇、苔草以及黑藻与竹叶眼子菜混交群落土壤排放CO2量(包括CH4折算成CO2量)分别是43.68、39.19t.hm-.2a-1和32.22t.hm-.2a-1,比植被净生产力吸收的还多20.60、24.27.thm-.2a-1和27.71.thm-.2a-1,对大气温室效应而言,这3种湿地植被系统都是温室气体排放源。  相似文献   

祁连山青海云杉林斑表层土壤有机碳特征及其影响因素   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26  
何志斌  赵文智  刘鹄  苏永中 《生态学报》2006,26(8):2572-2577
以祁连山青海云杉林斑为研究对象,调查获得林斑的水文、土壤、植被数据,分析了表层(0~20cm)土壤有机碳特征及其与地形、植被和土壤特性的关系。结果表明:青海云杉林斑表层土壤有机碳含量的平均值为(84·9±26·7)g/kg,变异系数31·5%。有机碳含量与土壤含水量、海拔、土壤容重和灌木生物量呈显著正相关关系,而与林木郁闭度呈显著负相关关系。此外,人工采伐形成的林窗斑块(面积0·02~0·12hm2)和半阴坡小斑块林地(面积0·17~0·89hm2),其斑块面积大小并未明显影响土壤有机碳含量的变化。经主成分分析表明,海拔和土壤含水量是影响土壤有机碳含量的第一主成分,林木郁闭度是第二主成分,灌木生物量是第三主成分,累计解释率为83·8%。  相似文献   

长白山高山冻原生态系统的碳储量   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
魏晶  邓红兵  吴钢 《生态学杂志》2005,24(12):1380-1383
对长白山高山冻原生态系统碳在植被-凋落物-土壤中的分布进行了研究。结果表明,在长白山高山冻原植被亚系统中,碳储量分布规律是典型高山冻原(TT)>石质高山冻原(ST)>草甸高山冻原(MT)>沼泽高山冻原(WT)>石海高山冻原(RT),长白山高山冻原的植被碳储量为3.3457×104t。而生物量分布规律是WT>TT>MT>ST>RT。在长白山高山冻原凋落物亚系统中,平均凋落物量是0.991 kg.hm-2.年-1;凋落物碳储量为1.5043×104t,碳储量分布规律是TT>ST>MT>RT>WT。长白山高山冻原土壤(0~20 cm)亚系统中,有机碳储量为3.162×105t;每年约有1.4105×104t碳通过土壤呼吸释放到大气圈,长白山高山冻原植被-土壤系统现已成为3.6471×105t碳储库。  相似文献   

研究比较了湖南会同林区毛竹、杉木人工林生态系统碳含量和碳贮量分配特征,结果表明,15年生杉木各器官碳含量在47.15%~50.43%之间,不同器官碳含量高低依次为树干、树叶、树皮、树枝、树根;毛竹不同器官碳含量波动在44.51%~49.91%,各器官碳含量高低依次为竹鞭、竹枝、竹叶、竹干、竹蔸、竹根,但是毛竹不同器官碳含量与年龄之间没有明显变化规律。林地土壤3个层次(60cm深)碳素含量为0.746%~2.390%,各层次碳素含量分布不均,表层(0~20cm)土壤碳素含量和碳贮量最高。毛竹、杉木人工林生态系统碳贮量分别为166.34tC·hm-2和150.19tC·hm-2,并且其碳贮量空间分布格局基本一致,土壤层是主要部分,其次为乔木层,林下植被层和凋落物层所占比例最小。其中,毛竹林土壤层有机碳贮量占83.92%,乔木层占15.38%,林下植被和凋落物层分别占0.38%和0.32%;杉木人工林土壤层碳贮量占62.03%,乔木层占34.99%,林下植被和凋落物层分别占0.70%和2.28%。另外,碳贮量在两个树种各器官中的分配,基本与各自的生物量成正比例关系。从植被年固定碳量来看,毛竹林为9.94tC·hm-2·a-1,相当于年固定CO2量为36.44tCO2·hm-2·a-1,是杉木林的1.39倍。  相似文献   

引黄灌区土壤有机碳密度剖面特征及固碳速率   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为揭示灌溉耕作对土壤有机碳密度剖面(0—100 cm)分布产生的影响,通过在宁夏引黄灌区进行实地调查与采样,以无灌溉耕作的自然土壤作为对照,研究不同灌溉耕作时间序列下灌区土壤有机碳密度的剖面分布特征,并估算其平均固碳速率。结果表明:灌区土壤有机碳含量具有随土层深度增加而下降的剖面分布特征,灌溉耕作对增加表层土壤有机碳含量作用最明显;灌区土壤剖面碳密度与灌溉耕作时间和土壤类型均显著相关(P0.01),相关系数分别为0.63和0.74,且因灌溉耕作时间和土壤类型的不同,土壤有机碳密度差异性显著(P0.05);灌溉耕作影响的土层深度及剖面土壤有机碳密度的增加量因灌溉耕作时间长短的不同而异;引黄灌区5类土壤的平均固碳速率为0.53 MgC·hm-2·a-1。引黄灌溉耕作在增加农田土壤固碳中发挥着重要作用。  相似文献   

基于B2气候变化情景数据, 利用大气-植被相互作用模式AVIM2, 模拟预测了1981-2040年中国成熟林植被和土壤固碳速率的时空变化特征及其对气候变化的响应。结果表明, 中国森林区域平均气温从1981年的7.8 ℃增加到2040年的9.0 ℃, 森林区域降水量略有增加。成熟林植被碳总量从8.56 Pg C增加到9.7 Pg C, 植被固碳速率在-0.054-0.076 Pg C·a-1之间波动, 平均值为0.022 Pg C·a-1。成熟林土壤碳总量从30.2 Pg C增加到30.72 Pg C, 土壤固碳速率在-0.035-0.072 Pg C·a-1之间波动, 平均值为0.010 Pg C·a-1。虽然研究时段内中国植被和土壤固碳总量均没有显著变化趋势, 但区域植被和土壤固碳速率对气候变化的响应具有显著空间差异。未来在气温增幅较大的东北和东南林区, 特别是在东北的长白山林区, 森林植被和土壤固碳速率将大大降低; 而在气温增幅不大的西南林区南部和其他林区, 植被和土壤固碳速率将提高。统计结果表明未来气候变暖不利于成熟林固碳。  相似文献   

橡胶林固定CO2和释放O2的服务功能及其价值估计   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
蒋菊生  王如松 《生态学报》2002,22(9):1545-1551
橡胶树除生产橡胶和提供优质木材外,还有长期不为人们注意的生态服务功能。以中国的橡胶林为研究对象,采用标准标木生物量法,对橡胶林固定CO2和释放O2的生态服务功能及其价值估计进行了研究。结果表明中国橡胶林目前每年从大气中固定的CO2总量为411万t,所释放的O2为299万t。经分别采用C税法和工业制氧成本法估计了CO2和O2的价值达到1238亿元和12亿元。二者价值之和相当于中国橡胶林每年生产橡胶和提供木材等直接产品价值的28.7倍。橡胶林CO2的固定能力是热带山地雨林的4.7倍。50a来中国橡胶林已累计固定CO2达到11292万t,释放O2达8212万t,对短期内缓解大气的温室效应发挥了巨大的作用。  相似文献   

Abstract One of the greatest challenges for ecologists this century will be restoring forests on degraded tropical lands. This restoration will require understanding complex processes that shape successional pathways, including interactions between trees and other plants. Shrub species often quickly invade disturbed tropical lands, yet little is known about whether they facilitate or inhibit subsequent tree recruitment and growth. We examined how shrubs and other vegetation (e.g., vines, grasses, herbs) affect tree recruitment, survival, and growth during the first 6 years of forest succession in Kibale National Park, Uganda. The study was undertaken in two recently logged exotic softwood plantations. We studied the successional trajectories in two recently logged areas that varied in their initial densities of trees and shrubs. Analyses suggested tree seedling presence and density were not strongly related to shrub density or height during succession. Tree sapling presence and density were positively significantly related to shrub density and height. We found little response in the tree community to experimental shrub removal, and although removal of all nontree vegetation temporarily enhanced tree growth, the effect disappeared after 2 years. Some early‐successional trees benefited from reduced competition, whereas some mid‐successional trees benefited from the presence of other vegetation. Some specific tree species responded strongly to vegetation removal. We interpret our findings in light of designing manipulations promoting forest restoration for biodiversity conservation and conclude with four tentative guidelines: (1) manage at the species level, not the community level; (2) increase facilitation for seedlings, reduce competition for saplings; (3) be cautious of assumptions about plant interactions; and (4) be adaptable and creative with new strategies when manipulations fail.  相似文献   

Human-modified forested landscapes are prevalent in the tropics, and the role of complex mosaics of diverse vegetation types in biodiversity conservation remains poorly understood. Demographic traits and the spatial pattern of biodiversity are essential information when considering proper forest management and land use strategies. We compared the tree community structure (stem density, basal area, tree diversity, abundance of rare, endemic, and upper-layer trees, and species composition) and the forest dynamics (mortality, recruitment rate, and increments of basal area, and above- and below-ground biomass) of 39–46 plots among five dominant forest types: young and old fallows, rubber plantations, and fragmented and old-growth forests in Sarawak, Malaysia. We also explored how tree diversity was distributed across different spatial scales using additive partitioning of diversity. Swidden cultivation and rubber plantations showed decreased stem density, basal area, tree diversity, abundance of rare, endemic, and upper-layer trees, and increments of above- and below-ground biomass, which affected tree mortality, dominant trees, and species composition. Little distinction in species composition was observed among young and old fallows and rubber plantations, indicating a relatively quick recovery of the tree community in the early stages. The highest diversity was found among forest types, indicating that the whole forested landscape comprises a suitable scale for tree biodiversity conservation in the region. Our results suggest that although fragmented and old-growth forests have an irreplaceable role and a high priority in conserving biodiversity and sustaining the function of the forest ecosystem, secondary forests may also have a reinforcing role in maintaining tree diversity in the region, especially under the current circumstances in which a large portion of the landscape is human-modified and faces an increasing threat from the expansion of oil palm plantations.  相似文献   

甘肃省森林碳储量现状与固碳速率   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
针对森林碳平衡再评估的重要性和区域尺度森林生态系统碳库量化分配的不确定性, 该研究依据全国森林资源连续清查结果中甘肃省各森林类型分布的面积与蓄积比重以及林龄和起源等要素, 在甘肃省布设212个样地, 经野外调查与采样、室内分析, 并对典型样地信息按照面积权重进行尺度扩展, 估算了甘肃省森林生态系统碳储量及其分布特征。结果表明: 甘肃省森林生态系统总碳储量为612.43 Tg C, 其中植被生物量碳为179.04 Tg C, 土壤碳为433.39 Tg C。天然林是甘肃省碳储量的主要贡献者, 其值为501.42 Tg C, 是人工林的4.52倍。天然林和人工林的植被碳密度均表现为随林龄的增加而增加的趋势, 同一龄组天然林植被碳密度高于人工林。天然林土壤碳密度从幼龄林到过熟林逐渐增加, 但人工林土壤碳密度最大值主要为近熟林。全省森林植被碳密度均值为72.43 Mg C·hm-2, 天然林和人工林分别为90.52和33.79 Mg C·hm-2。基于森林清查资料和标准样地实测数据, 估算出全省天然林和人工林在1996年的植被碳储量为132.47和12.81 Tg C, 2011年分别为152.41和26.63 Tg C, 平均固碳速率分别为1.33和0.92 Tg C·a-1。甘肃省幼、中龄林面积比重较大, 占全省的62.28%, 根据碳密度随林龄的动态变化特征, 预测这些低龄林将发挥巨大的碳汇潜力。  相似文献   

Elevated nitrogen (N) deposition may increase net primary productivity in N‐limited terrestrial ecosystems and thus enhance the terrestrial carbon (C) sink. To assess the magnitude of this N‐induced C sink, we performed a meta‐analysis on data from forest fertilization experiments to estimate N‐induced C sequestration in aboveground tree woody biomass, a stable C pool with long turnover times. Our results show that boreal and temperate forests responded strongly to N addition and sequestered on average an additional 14 and 13 kg C per kg N in aboveground woody biomass, respectively. Tropical forests, however, did not respond significantly to N addition. The common hypothesis that tropical forests do not respond to N because they are phosphorus‐limited could not be confirmed, as we found no significant response to phosphorus addition in tropical forests. Across climate zones, we found that young forests responded more strongly to N addition, which is important as many previous meta‐analyses of N addition experiments rely heavily on data from experiments on seedlings and young trees. Furthermore, the C–N response (defined as additional mass unit of C sequestered per additional mass unit of N addition) was affected by forest productivity, experimental N addition rate, and rate of ambient N deposition. The estimated C–N responses from our meta‐analysis were generally lower that those derived with stoichiometric scaling, dynamic global vegetation models, and forest growth inventories along N deposition gradients. We estimated N‐induced global C sequestration in tree aboveground woody biomass by multiplying the C–N responses obtained from the meta‐analysis with N deposition estimates per biome. We thus derived an N‐induced global C sink of about 177 (112–243) Tg C/year in aboveground and belowground woody biomass, which would account for about 12% of the forest biomass C sink (1,400 Tg C/year).  相似文献   

The conservation of biodiversity within tropical forest regions does not lie only in the maintenance of natural forest areas, but on conservation strategies directed toward agricultural land types within which they are embedded. This study investigated variations in bird assemblages of different functional groups of forest‐dependent birds in three agricultural land types, relative to distance from the interior of 34 tropical forest patches of varying sizes. Point counts were used to sample birds at each study site visited. Data from counts were used to estimate species richness, species evenness, and Simpson's diversity of birds. Mean species richness, evenness, and diversity were modeled as responses and as a function of agricultural land type, distance from the forest interior and three site‐scale vegetation covariates (density of large trees, fruiting trees, and patch size) using generalized linear mixed‐effect models. Mean observed species richness of birds varied significantly within habitat types. Mean observed species richness was highest in forest interior sites while sites located in farm centers recorded the lowest mean species richness. Species richness of forest specialists was strongly influenced by the type of agricultural land use. Fallow lands, density of large trees, and patch size strongly positively influenced forest specialists. Insectivorous and frugivorous birds were more species‐rich in fallow lands while monoculture plantations favored nectarivorous birds. Our results suggest that poor agricultural practices can lead to population declines of forest‐dependent birds particularly specialist species. Conservation actions should include proper land use management that ensures heterogeneity through retention of native tree species on farms in tropical forest‐agriculture landscapes.  相似文献   



Ectomycorrhizal (ECM) fungi provide one of the main pathways for carbon (C) to move from trees into soils, where these fungi make significant contributions to microbial biomass and soil respiration.


ECM fungal species vary significantly in traits that likely influence C sequestration, such that forest C sequestration potential may be driven in part by the existing community composition of ECM fungi. Moreover, accumulating experimental data show that tree genotypes differ in their compatibility with particular ECM fungal species, i.e. mycorrhizal traits of forest trees are heritable. Those traits are genetically correlated with other traits for which tree breeders commonly select, suggesting that selection for traits of interest, such as disease resistance or growth rate, could lead to indirect selection for or against particular mycorrhizal traits of trees in forest plantations.


Altogether, these observations suggest that selection of particular tree genotypes could alter the community composition of symbiotic ECM fungi in managed forests, with cascading effects on soil functioning and soil C sequestration.  相似文献   

我国东北天然林保护工程区森林植被的碳储量   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以东北天然林保护工程区森林生态系统为对象,通过对其主要森林类型进行调查,探讨天保工程经营区划对森林植被固碳现状的影响,并结合已有的东北林区生物量与蓄积量数据库,建立了东北林区主要树种组的生物量-蓄积量回归模型,然后以第7次森林资源清查为基础,对东北天保工程区森林植被碳储量进行估算,以期为全国森林生物量的估算和天保工程的评估提供参考。结果表明,不同经营区之间(重点公益林、一般公益林和商品林)森林植被碳密度的差异并不显著,这可能与天然林保护工程实施初期经营区划的标准、样地的选择以及天保工程实施过程中粗放的管理方式有关。东北天保工程区森林植被碳储量为1045 Tg C,占东北、内蒙古三省森林植被总碳储量的68%;工程区以天然林为主,占工程区总植被碳储量的97%。工程区森林植被平均碳密度为41 Mg/hm2,较东北、内蒙古三省平均植被碳密度高14%;工程区植被碳密度随林龄的增加逐渐增大,由幼龄林的13 Mg/hm2到过熟林的63 Mg/hm2。因此,继续加强天然林保护工程的实施,提高其林分质量,这对未来我国森林碳汇潜力的增加和森林的可持续发展都具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

The quantitative role of the canopy size of nurse shrubs on microenvironment and native tree establishment in degraded tropical lands has been seldom studied. In a 21‐month field experiment, we aimed to test the effect of a native shrub with different canopy sizes on the early establishment of native trees as part of the effort of forest restoration in tropical China. We examined the microenvironment, and the seedling establishment and growth of two native trees: Castanopsis fissa and Syzygium hancei in both open space (OS) microsite and microsite under the canopy of the native pioneer shrub Rhodomyrtus tomentosa. Shrub microsite was further divided into large canopy (LC), and medium canopy (MC) microsite, based on the shrub leaf area indices. Results showed that relative to OS, LC had higher soil nutrient concentration and water content, and lower photosynthetic active radiation (PAR), while MC had lower PAR and higher soil exchangeable Mg, K, and Ca. Survival and growth were mostly enhanced, while water stress and photoinhibition reduced for C. fissa seedlings in MC and S. hancei seedlings in LC. It is found that the beneficial effects of the native shrub on seedling establishment and growth result mostly from the improvement in nutrient and water availabilities, the reduction in plant stress caused by harsh summer light, and the specific ecological requirements of different tree species. We suggest that different canopy sizes of native shrub R. tomentosa may be explored to target different native trees and hence promote forest restoration in degraded tropical ecosystems.  相似文献   

Natural forests in South‐East Asia have been extensively converted into other land‐use systems in the past decades and still show high deforestation rates. Historically, lowland forests have been converted into rubber forests, but more recently, the dominant conversion is into oil palm plantations. While it is expected that the large‐scale conversion has strong effects on the carbon cycle, detailed studies quantifying carbon pools and total net primary production (NPPtotal) in above‐ and belowground tree biomass in land‐use systems replacing rainforest (incl. oil palm plantations) are rare so far. We measured above‐ and belowground carbon pools in tree biomass together with NPPtotal in natural old‐growth forests, ‘jungle rubber’ agroforests under natural tree cover, and rubber and oil palm monocultures in Sumatra. In total, 32 stands (eight plot replicates per land‐use system) were studied in two different regions. Total tree biomass in the natural forest (mean: 384 Mg ha?1) was more than two times higher than in jungle rubber stands (147 Mg ha?1) and >four times higher than in monoculture rubber and oil palm plantations (78 and 50 Mg ha?1). NPPtotal was higher in the natural forest (24 Mg ha?1 yr?1) than in the rubber systems (20 and 15 Mg ha?1 yr?1), but was highest in the oil palm system (33 Mg ha?1 yr?1) due to very high fruit production (15–20 Mg ha?1 yr?1). NPPtotal was dominated in all systems by aboveground production, but belowground productivity was significantly higher in the natural forest and jungle rubber than in plantations. We conclude that conversion of natural lowland forest into different agricultural systems leads to a strong reduction not only in the biomass carbon pool (up to 166 Mg C ha?1) but also in carbon sequestration as carbon residence time (i.e. biomass‐C:NPP‐C) was 3–10 times higher in the natural forest than in rubber and oil palm plantations.  相似文献   

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