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现阶段中国生态农业可持续发展面临的实践和理论问题探讨   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
章家恩  骆世明 《生态学杂志》2005,24(11):1365-1370
随着全球经济一体化的发展以及中国实施可持续发展和全面建设小康社会的需要,中国生态农业面临着新的机遇和挑战。我国生态农业经过20多年的实践,现已取得了一定进展,并具备了一定的发展基础。目前,全国2000多个县、乡镇先后实施了生态农业建设。然而,当前我国生态农业可持续发展面临着一系列实践和理论问题。在实践方面,存在着思想认识、技术、资金、建设与管理等问题。在科学理论方面则需要解决如生态农业的基本内涵、分类、生态模式的内在过程与机理及其生态服务功能、模式的尺度转换以及生态农业模式变化规律、生态农业安全等问题。因此,加快开展全国生态农业建设规划,加大资金投入和政策扶持力度,加强农业基础设施和社会化服务体系建设,加快农业产业结构调整和优化升级,发展生态产业,全面推动生态农业的产业化、标准化、信息化和现代化发展。是当前生态农业建设面临的重要任务。  相似文献   

紫色丘陵地生态农业发展现状与对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对重庆市紫色丘陵地生态农业建设的现状和制约因素的研究,提出紫色丘陵地生态农业建设对策。一是治理水土流失,改善生态环境,推广应用水土保持耕作法;二是抓好水利建设,提高抗灾能力;三是开发小流域综合治理模式;四是合理利用土地资源进行详细规划;五是发展立体开发型生态农业模式;六是应用旱作节水灌溉生态农业技术;七是采用种植、养殖、沼气池三结合型生态农业模式;八是农业结构调整同旅游资源相结合。  相似文献   

松滋县发展生态农业的调查与思考熊邦卫(湖北省松滋县委宣传部,434200)InvestigationandSomeConsiderationsontheDevelopmentofEcologicalAgricultureinSongziCounty....  相似文献   

介绍了广东生态农业的产生和发展的背景及生态农业建设的基本情况,并着重对目前广东省生态农业建设的9种主要模式及其经济和生态效益以及存在的问题进行了较详细的分析,在此基础上提出了广东生态农业发展的主要对策。  相似文献   

鄂中丘陵平原村级生态农业类型分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
应用娄量化方法I和系统聚类法对鄂中丘陵平原村级生态农业类型进行了分析。结果表明,依据该区自然资源特点和生态农业建设现状,可将25个村分成4种生态经济环境类型和8个生态农业类型,并提出了该区生态农业的发展模式。  相似文献   

拜泉生态农业建设的生态资产响应   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
卢兵友  徐玉新  王如松 《生态学报》2002,22(12):2260-2263
利用指标相对评价法,选择7个关键指标,对黑龙江省皋泉县生态农业建设情况的评价得出,该县生态资产从20世纪70年代末仅占系统自然生态资产总量的13.75%上升到目前的25.21%,说明生态农业建设对缓解生态资产的耗竭,提高其积累速度具有重要作用。  相似文献   

广东省生态农业建设及其发展对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了广东生态农业的产生和发展的背景及生态农业建设的基本情况,并着重对目前广东省生态农业建设的9种主要模式及其经济和生态效益以及存在问题进行了较详细的分析,在此基础上提出了广东生态农业发展的主要对策。  相似文献   

广东省生态农业建设及其发展对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍了广东生态农业的产生和发展的背景及生态农业建设的基本情况,并着重对目前广东省生态农业建设的9种主要模式及其经济和生态效益以及存在问题进行了较详细的分析,在此基础上提出了广东生态农业发展的主要对策。  相似文献   

我国生态农业发展中面临的新问题及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国生态农业发展中面临的新问题及对策吴文良(北京农业大学农业生态和环境科学系,100094)10年来,我国生态农业的发展取得了举世瞩目的成就,但也面临着一系列新的问题,值得深入探讨并采取相应的措施。1理论方面有待创新和完善我国生态农业的发展,突出表现出两大热点,一是学术界的“百家争鸣”,即在理论上对生态农业进行了广泛的探讨;二是各地进行了不同类型、不同层次、不同规模的生态农业试点,这两方面均取得了可喜的成果,并逐渐结合得越来越密切。但其理论仍以农业生态学为主,尚未形成具有内在逻辑联系的完善的理论体系,特别是对生态价值、环境价值、生态经济规律等方面的研究还很不成熟,总的看来大大落后于生态农业实践的要求,因此有待于创新和完善。2生态农业综合配套技术研究不足生态农业发展的技术关键不仅在于单项技术的创新,而且在于已有技术的组装配套,即技术的综合化、整体化。在国家级区域综合治理农业科技攻关、农业部重点科研项目和国家自然科学基金重点项目中均无生态农业方面的重要课题,充其量只在有关于专题和国家环保局重点课题中有所涉及,部分省地市级科研项目中有几个。少数生态农业的国际合作研究项目,较少有高层次的农业科研单位和高等院校参与,  相似文献   

基于农业面源污染分区的三峡库区生态农业园建设研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
刘涓  谢谦  倪九派  魏朝富  吕家恪 《生态学报》2014,34(9):2431-2441
在三峡库区建立生态农业园是解决库区农业、环境和生态问题的有效措施。以农业面源污染分区为基础,探讨三峡库区重庆段生态农业园的建设模式和对策。结果表明:(1)根据地形地貌特征,将生态农业园规划为三大生态农业区,低海拔平坝丘陵生态农业区适宜发展"粮果蔬-猪-沼气-粮果蔬+休闲旅游"复合型高效农业模式,中海拔低山生态农业区可采用"粮-林-畜-沼气-草"的生态农业园建立模式,高海拔高山生态农业区适宜发展林草牧药复合型高效生态农业发展模式。(2)结合农业产业发展,确定了生态种植园、生态养殖园和生态综合园为该区的生态农业园建设方向。划分归并后的五大农业面源污染产污区中,库首外围丘陵山地产污区适宜以生态种植园为主导发展方向;库尾丘陵山地产污区可主营生态养殖园;余下3个产污区的发展核心都宜放在生态综合园建设。(3)三大生态农业区中的中海拔低山生态农业区和五大产污区中的库中平行岭谷产污区是库区生态农业园的建设重点。(4)为保障生态农业园的建设,应积极促进国家、政府、企业和农户之间的合作关系,不断创新和提升农业面源污染防控和农业生产技术。  相似文献   

Sustainable agriculture is commonly accepted in China and is practised by means of agro-ecological engineering. Large scale agricultural production, supported by advanced technology and the dissemination of eco-agricultural knowledge, will be more important in the future. With the development of integrated pest management, increasing evidence suggests that, large- and very-large-scale ecological engineering techniques must be developed and used. Also, computer-aided techniques such as geographical information systems and expert systems offer a more effective way to resolve new problems in pest management. As a pilot investigation using computer-aided technology for regional pest management in China, a vegetable production information and decision system, BJ-CABBAGIS, has been developed. Design of the system, supporting software and hardware for its development, and its function and preliminary application are presented in detail.  相似文献   

Estimating regional plant biodiversity with GIS modelling   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this study, we analysed a statewide species database together with a county-level geographic information system (GIS) to build a model based on well-surveyed areas to estimate species richness in less surveyed counties. The Illinois Plant Information Network (ILPIN), a species-based database on all the vascular flora of Illinois, contains county distributions (totalling nearly 90,000) for each taxon and information on the taxonomy, ecology, biology, and ecodistribution. We compiled a statewide database with 112 variables on climate, landuse (current and historic), landscape pattern, soils and human population. We used a subset of this database to build a regression model for assessing native plant species richness for thirty-three botanically well-surveyed counties in Illinois. The best model was then used to predict the richness of the remaining sixty-nine less botanically surveyed counties. The model involved GIS (Arc/Info) and statistics (S-PLUS), including spatial statistics (S+SpatialStats). The resultant model had an R 2 of 0.80 and used the following variables: percentage of the county in cropland, the percentage with soils somewhat limiting for agriculture, the percentage of urban land, and the average size of farms. Although this particular model is not transferable to other locations without validation, the methodology shown here should be useful in estimating species richness patterns across regions where botanical sampling is heterogeneous.  相似文献   

基于医学信息数据仓库模型的数据挖掘   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用数据仓库和数据挖掘技术,以现有医院信息系统HIS及医学信息资源为基础,基于PC和Windows操作系统,利用SQL Server2005及SQL Server 2005 Analysis Services(SSAS)等软件,搭建了医学信息数据仓库模型,并运用数据挖掘技术抽取数据库中数据隐藏的规律,提高医学信息的利用率。为从错综复杂的、庞大的医学信息库中提取有价值的决策支持信息提供有效的途径和方法。  相似文献   

目的:研发放射治疗计划和放射治疗信息管理系统。方法:放疗网络采用客户机服务器模式,Oracle 9i为数据库服务器;使用PowerBuilder9i为编程语言进行开发。结果:该系统包括医生模块(放射治疗计划模块)、技术员模块、物理师模块、放射治疗电子病历查询和统计模块、系统管理模块五个部分。结论:该系统运行稳定,数据安全可靠,操作简单,可作为科室信息化建设的重要组成部分。  相似文献   



For years, emerging infectious diseases have appeared worldwide and threatened the health of people. The emergence and spread of an infectious-disease outbreak are usually unforeseen, and have the features of suddenness and uncertainty. Timely understanding of basic information in the field, and the collection and analysis of epidemiological information, is helpful in making rapid decisions and responding to an infectious-disease emergency. Therefore, it is necessary to have an unobstructed channel and convenient tool for the collection and analysis of epidemiologic information in the field.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Baseline information for each county in mainland China was collected and a database was established by geo-coding information on a digital map of county boundaries throughout the country. Google Maps was used to display geographic information and to conduct calculations related to maps, and the 3G wireless network was used to transmit information collected in the field to the server. This study established a decision support system for the response to infectious-disease emergencies based on WebGIS and mobile services (DSSRIDE). The DSSRIDE provides functions including data collection, communication and analyses in real time, epidemiological detection, the provision of customized epidemiological questionnaires and guides for handling infectious disease emergencies, and the querying of professional knowledge in the field. These functions of the DSSRIDE could be helpful for epidemiological investigations in the field and the handling of infectious-disease emergencies.


The DSSRIDE provides a geographic information platform based on the Google Maps application programming interface to display information of infectious disease emergencies, and transfers information between workers in the field and decision makers through wireless transmission based on personal computers, mobile phones and personal digital assistants. After a 2-year practice and application in infectious disease emergencies, the DSSRIDE is becoming a useful platform and is a useful tool for investigations in the field carried out by response sections and individuals. The system is suitable for use in developing countries and low-income districts.  相似文献   

A method is presented that allows for a life cycle assessment (LCA) to provide environmental information on an energy infrastructure system while it evolves. Energy conversion facilities are represented in an agent-based model (ABM) as distinct instances of technologies with owners capable of making decisions based on economic and environmental information. This simulation setup allows us to explore the dynamics of assembly, disassembly, and use of these systems, which typically span decades, and to analyze the effect of using LCA information in decision making.
We were able to integrate a simplified LCA into an ABM by aligning and connecting the data structures that represent the energy infrastructure and the supply chains from source to sink. By using an appropriate database containing life cycle inventory (LCI) information and by solving the scaling factors for the technology matrix, we computed the contribution to global warming in terms of carbon dioxide (CO2) equivalents in the form of a single impact indicator for each instance of technology at each discrete simulation step. These LCAs may then serve to show each agent the impact of its activities at a global level, as indicated by its contribution to climate change. Similar to economic indicators, the LCA indicators may be fed back to the simulated decision making in the ABM to emulate the use of environmental information while the system evolves. A proof of concept was developed that is illustrated for a simplified LCA and ABM used to generate and simulate the evolution of a bioelectricity infrastructure system.  相似文献   

Selection of optimal locations for sampling of groundwater is an important aspect of determining the fate of pesticides in the environment. For large land areas such as states and counties, the interaction of physical and chemical properties of soil, geologic strata, and pesticide molecule are quite complicated and highly variable. This article presents information that shows that the scale of the database influences not only the prediction of the vulnerability of ground‐water to pesticides, but also the areal coverage. In this study, the statewide agricultural pesticide in groundwater model was modified to evaluate the vulnerability of the uppermost aquifer in Woodruff County, AR, to pesticides. The state scale model used soil, geological, and topological databases on a 1:500,000 scale. In contrast, the county‐scale model used databases that were specific to the data layer rather than inferred and used soils at a 1:24,000 scale. A land use component was added to both models to reflect where pesticides are possibly applied in the county. The predictive ability of the two models was compared for nine wells previously sampled for pesticides. On the average, the county‐scale model had higher indices for the wells, indicating a greater vulnerability of groundwater to pesticides at these locations. At the well site where the highest concentration of a pesticide was found, the county‐scale model had a considerably higher vulnerability index.  相似文献   

临床决策支持系统(Clinical decision support system,CDSS)是利用决策支持系统相关理论和技术,为临床医师在诊疗过程中提供诊疗决策的支持系统。本文根据临床神经外科疾病特点,提出基于KD、DB、和MD的框架系统结构,并构建临床疾病知识库、病人信息数据库和决策模型库,为下一步实现NCDSS功能提供理论基础和方法指导。  相似文献   

德清县生态农业建设综合评价   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
陈杰  胡秉民 《应用生态学报》2003,14(8):1317-1321
应用综合指数法对德清县1990~1998年的生态农业建设进行综合评价。结果显示德清县生态农业系统的综合效益及资源利用、生态、经济和社会功能效益都呈上升趋势,其中1998年的综合效益指数比1990年提高了1.36倍.各效益指数在上升过程中出现波动,说明德清县生态农业建设还存在一些不足,尤其是农村产业结构调整、乡镇企业污染、系统稳定性等有待进一步改善.  相似文献   



Complex biological database systems have become key computational tools used daily by scientists and researchers. Many of these systems must be capable of executing on multiple different hardware and software configurations and are also often made available to users via the Internet. We have used the Java Data Object (JDO) persistence technology to develop the database layer of such a system known as the SigPath information management system. SigPath is an example of a complex biological database that needs to store various types of information connected by many relationships.  相似文献   

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