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小体鲟卵黄蛋白生化特性及合成途径的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
使用葡聚糖凝胶(Sephadex G-200)从小体鲟鱼卵粗提液中,提纯卵黄脂磷蛋白(Lipovitellin, Lv )和卵黄高磷蛋白(Phosvitin, Pv)。卵黄脂磷蛋白(含糖、磷和脂,等电点7.50)具有雌性特异性, 分子量为144 kD,由97.4 kD和30 kD的大小2个亚基组成。卵黄高磷蛋白(含糖、磷,等电点8.30)其分子量为66 kD,其具有两个亚基,分子量分别为47.6 kD、16.8 kD。制备卵黄脂磷蛋白兔抗血清,采用免疫组化方法对不同年龄小体鲟的肝脏、肠、卵(Ⅱ-Ⅴ期卵巢)及血涂片,进行免疫组织化学定位研究。小体鲟卵巢发育到 Ⅳ期前,卵黄蛋白主要靠卵母细胞自身合成,这个时期内源性合成卵黄蛋白;当卵巢发育到 Ⅳ期,卵母细胞自身不合成卵黄蛋白,主要是通过肝脏合成卵黄蛋白原,通过血液循环运送到卵巢,被卵母细胞吸收后,裂解为卵黄蛋白,这个时期外源性合成卵黄蛋白。  相似文献   

大阪鲫鱼两种卵黄蛋白免疫细胞化学的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
李朝军  刘荣臻 《动物学报》1994,40(3):324-330
以电泳提纯的卵黄脂磷蛋白和卵黄蛋白L制备兔抗两种蛋白的抗血清,采用PAP法对性腺成熟雌性大阪鲫鱼的肝细胞和卵母细胞进行两种蛋白免疫细胞化学位研究。肝细胞的粗面内质网上有强烈的卵黄脂磷蛋白的阳性反应,特别是在线粒体的基质中也发现卵黄脂磷蛋白的阳性反应,而另外一种类似于卵黄高磷蛋白的卵黄蛋白-卵黄蛋白L在肝细胞的粗面内质网和线粒体均呈现阴性反应,提示卵黄脂磷蛋白的前体物质存在于肝细胞的粗面内质网和线粒  相似文献   

红螯光壳螯虾卵黄磷蛋白的分离纯化和鉴定   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
采用凝胶层析、聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳及SDS-聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳法对红螯光壳螯虾(Cherax quadricarinatus)卵巢中的卵黄磷蛋白进行了分离、纯化和鉴定。结果显示该虾的卵黄磷蛋白是一个分子量为369ku的多聚体,由分子量为85.4、80.6、76.6、73.7ku的四个亚基组成。染色分析表明卵黄磷蛋白为糖-磷-类胡萝卜素结合的复合蛋白。氨基酸组成分析显示天冬氨酸(Asp)和谷氨酸(Glu)为主要氨基酸。  相似文献   

采用生物化学方法测定了罗氏沼虾(Macrobrachium rosenbergii)、日本沼虾(M.japonicus)成熟卵细胞和胚胎发育时期可溶蛋白的组成及含量。结果显示,2种沼虾的可溶蛋白在组成和含量上体现了较高的相似特性。可溶蛋白的含量在胚胎发育过程中逐渐降低;在成熟卵细胞和胚胎期,可溶蛋白在组成上以89 ku和100 ku的卵黄磷蛋白(Vitellin,Vn)为主,同时还存在243 ku1、81 ku6、7 ku5、4 ku和31 ku等其他一些蛋白亚基。40 ku蛋白亚基仅出现在成熟卵细胞中,推测可能参与执行了特定的生殖功能。可溶蛋白随着胚胎的发育呈现出蛋白亚基经水解逐渐由大分子变成小分子的趋势。前状幼体期和状幼体期出现的74 ku蛋白亚基可能与其在胚胎后期发育的功能有关。可溶蛋白在不同物种胚胎发育时期不同的变化,显示了每个物种在卵黄蛋白的组成、利用以及组织结构蛋白的形成中各自的特点。  相似文献   

从患细菌性败血症的西伯利亚鲟(Acipenser baerii)的体内分离到一株致病菌株X1,其对西伯利亚鲟的半数致死浓度(LC50)为5.62×105 cfu/ml,具有较强毒力;经ATB细菌鉴定仪生理生化鉴定和16SrDNA序列分析,菌株X1为嗜水气单胞菌(Aeromonas hydrophila);其系统发育分析表明,菌株X1与嗜水气单胞菌ATCC35654(登录号:X74676.1)的亲缘关系最近,其同源性为99%.用0.30%福尔马林灭活,将菌株X1制成灭活全菌苗,对西伯利亚鲟进行注射免疫.研究结果表明,嗜水气单胞菌X1全菌苗能够明显提高西伯利亚鲟的血清抗体水平及总蛋白、免疫球蛋白、溶菌酶含量,而且在嗜水气单胞菌X1全菌苗中加入弗氏不完全佐剂,有利于进一步增强西伯利亚鲟血清抗体水平及总蛋白、免疫球蛋白、溶菌酶含量.此外,嗜水气单胞菌X1全菌苗对西伯利亚鲟抗嗜水气单胞菌X1人工感染也具有较好的免疫保护作用,其对西伯利亚鲟的免疫保护率为50%,而且在嗜水气单胞菌X1全菌苗中加入弗氏不完全佐剂,嗜水气单胞菌X1全菌苗对西伯利亚鲟抗嗜水气单胞菌X1人工感染的免疫保护作用更好,其对西伯利亚鲟的免疫保护率为70%.因此,将嗜水气单胞菌X1全菌苗用于西伯利亚鲟细菌性败血症的防治具有广阔的发展前景.  相似文献   

从施氏鲟(Acipenser schrencki)、小体鲟(Acipenser ruthenus)、西伯利亚鲟(Acipenser baeri)、哲罗鲑(Hucho taimen)和金鳟(Oncorhynchus mykiss)五种鱼类卵黄中分离、纯化Ig,并对其分子结构进行了初步研究。结果表明:五种鱼类卵中Ig的分子量分别为施氏鲟524kD、小体鲟468kD、西伯利亚鲟475kD、哲罗鲑为490kD,金鳟498kD,其Ig重链的相对分子量相同,约为97kD。轻链的相对分子量各不相同,施氏鲟为27kD,小体鲟28.5kD,西伯利亚鲟30kD,哲罗鲑28.5kD和金鳟16kD。其中西伯利亚鲟、施氏鲟和小体鲟Ig等电点约为5.85,哲罗鲑和金鳟的Ig等电点约为6.55,其蛋白质结构上具有一定的相似性,且均为糖蛋白  相似文献   

建立了间接竞争酶联免疫吸附反应(ELISA)方法,对红螯光壳螯虾(Cherax quadricarinatus)胚胎及仔虾发育过程中的卵黄磷蛋白含量及其亚基组分进行了研究。该方法对卵黄磷蛋白具有良好的特异性,有效检测范围为31.25~250 ng/ml。结果表明,在发育初期胚胎先降解分子量比卵黄磷蛋白大的蛋白;亚基中,分子量较大和较小的亚基都先被消耗;胚胎内卵黄磷蛋白含量总体上呈下降趋势,其中在卵裂囊胚阶段后略有上升(3.19%),至后无节幼体期卵黄磷蛋白含量达最高(4.67%),之后不断下降,到仔虾离开母体独立生活时,含量只剩下卵裂期的1/4。  相似文献   


磷蛋白在植物信号传导和胁迫响应中有着非常重要的作用,磷蛋白质组学研究已经成为蛋白质组学研究领域中备受瞩目的一个部分.本研究用酚提取法以水稻日本晴苗期叶片为材料提取叶片总蛋白,提取率达3.5%;用固相金属离子亲和层析柱纯化富集磷蛋白,得到磷蛋白占总蛋白约6.4%.对过柱洗涤液、不同阶段洗脱液等各个组分进行SDS-PAGE,粗略检测其蛋白含量,并根据单向SDS PAGE结果对总蛋白、高峰段磷蛋白、非高峰段磷蛋白以及富集后再纯化的总磷蛋白进行双向电泳,比较其中的蛋白差异.本研究提出的方法和程序可在7 cm聚丙烯酰胺凝胶上检测到多达856个磷蛋白,是一种非常有效的磷蛋白富集、纯化和分离鉴定的方法.  相似文献   

本文通过聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳(SDS—PAGE)法,分析了蓖麻蚕卵黄蛋白质组分,对即黄磷蛋白(Vitellin Vn.)进行了鉴定、纯化,并制备了抗血清。对卵黄磷蛋白的分子量及相对含量进行了测定。并证明卵黄磷蛋白若处在酸性pH条件下能降解。  相似文献   

盐度对施氏鲟和西伯利亚鲟稚鱼的急性毒性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
比较了盐度对施氏鲟(Acipenser schrenckii)和西伯利亚鲟(A. baerii)稚鱼的急性毒性效应.结果表明:施氏鲟稚鱼的96h盐度半致死浓度(LC50)为14.72,西伯利亚鲟为13.08;96h盐度LC50及盐度反应曲线显示,施氏鲟对盐度的耐受力大于西伯利亚鲟;在高盐度(≥14.70)下,2种鲟鱼依次表现出缓慢环游、狂躁环游、活动减弱、身体失衡和活动停止(死亡)等5种行为反应;西伯利亚鲟各行为反应出现的时间均早于施氏鲟,说明西伯利亚鲟对盐度的反应较施氏鲟敏感.  相似文献   

脊神经节感觉神经特异蛋白的分离纯化和鉴定   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为进一步研究感觉神经特异蛋白29KD的结构和功能,我们以兔脊神经节及背根纤维为材料,通过制备匀浆,离子交换层析DEAE-Sephacel,高压液相凝胶过滤层析分离纯化了感觉神经特异蛋白29KD,薄层扫描鉴定纯度为80%以上,用蛋白质印迹法鉴定了该蛋白,并进行了该蛋白的稳定性观察。为该蛋白作为鉴定感觉神经元及其纤维的标志物,和研究感觉神经元的再生与功能打下了基础  相似文献   

兔感觉神经特异蛋白的纯化及稳定性观察   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以兔脊神经节及背根纤维为材料,通过制备匀浆,DEAE-Sephacel阴离子交换层析,高压液相凝胶过滤层析分离纯化了感觉神经特异蛋白29 ku,并进行了该蛋白的稳定性观察.  相似文献   

By immunological and biochemical methods a biotin-binding protein, distinct from avidin, has been shown to be present in chicken egg white. This vitamin-binding protein (Mr 67,000) bound [14C]biotin, displayed thermally induced biotin exchange reaction and exhibited gross immunological cross-reactivity with the purified yolk biotin-binding protein. In vitro labelling of soluble proteins with radioactive amino acids in the oviduct tissue explants from estrogenised chicks revealed that approx. 2% of the total radioactive proteins was immunoprecipitated with anti-yolk biotin-binding protein antibodies. The protein could be purified to homogeneity by employing ion-exchange chromatography on DEAE-cellulose and biotin-AH Sepharose affinity chromatography. The purified protein specifically bound [14C]biotin, and exhibited complete immunological homology with the yolk biotin-binding protein but not with avidin. Its electrophoretic mobility (at pH 8.3), acidic nature, biotin-binding characteristics, immunological cross-reactivity and tryptic peptide maps were very similar to that of yolk biotin-binding protein, and not avidin.  相似文献   

Two chromatographic methods for hen egg yolk phosvitin purification avoiding organic solvents were evaluated. Hydrophobic interaction and ion-exchange chromatographies were applied to isolated phosvitin. Hydrophobic interaction chromatography has better capacity than ion-exchange chromatography to fractionate phosvitin in their different polypeptides, but its protein yield was lower (0.7 vs. 1.7% of egg yolk dry matter). Finally, ion-exchange chromatography was selected and allowed to fractionate phosvitin polypeptides, including the recovering of phosphoproteins with high electrophoretic mobility: phosvettes. Highly purified (>98%) and free metal protein was obtained in reduced time. Phosvitin polypeptide heterogeneity was evidenced.  相似文献   

In the literature, oogenesis in nereid annelids is considered to be a model system because, unlike other system studied, nereid oocytes are thought to synthesize the bulk of their yolk protein themselves. As the first step to test the validity of this hypothesis, nereid yolk protein was characterized biochemically. Vitellin, the main fraction of the soluble yolk proteins, was prepared from Nereis virens oocytes. Preparation, purification, and some physical characteristics of this green-colored protein Nereis vitellin are described. The molecular weight was determined by gel chromatography as 420,000 daltons. With regard to the amino acid composition, Nereis vitellin was found to resemble both insect vitellins and an average protein, as defined by other authors. Methionine and cysteine were found in traces only. By staining procedures, Nereis vitellin was characterized as lipoglycoprotein. Nereis vitellin was also prepared from the coelomic fluid of gravid females of Nereis virens .  相似文献   

A new type of globular particle, the 'insoluble yolk globule', was isolated from the egg yolk of three avian species (hen, duck, and emu) by centrifugation or gel-filtration chromatography. These globules are stable in NaCl and urea solutions at concentrations that dissolve or disrupt other constituents of yolk, The isolated globules are about 1% of the dry yolk of hen's and duck's eggs but about 8% emu's-egg yolk. Most of these globules are less than 2 micrometer in diameter. Electron micrographs of sections show a preponderance of globules in the range 0.125-0.25 micrometer, each with a thick shell surrounding a feature-less anterior. Globules with the same appearance were seen in sections of unfractionated yolk. Two kinds of larger particles were also observed: (i) particles with a distinct outer membrane and a vesiculated interior; (ii) featureless spheres, possibly of lipid. The insoluble yolk globules comprise protein (8-11% by dry wt.), phospholipid (31-35% total lipid), triacylglycerols (49-53%), cholesterol (8%) and cholesteryl esters (2-3%); the variations being among species. The phospholipid is accessible to phospholipase C. The isolated protein is heterogeneous and resembles the apoprotein from the yolk low-density lipoprotein.  相似文献   

As part of a study of the transfer of proteins and lipids from avian blood to egg yolk, some properties of lipoproteins from the blood of laying hens were compared with those of the low-density lipoprotein (YLP) from egg yolk of the same hens. Although it is known from previous work that particles of the very-low-density lipoprotein (VLDL) of blood are the most likely precursors of YLP, their apoprotein patterns are different, according to electrophoresis and chromatography, with only one protein in common. YLP has the more complicated pattern which does not, however, include apoprotein B (ApoB) the main apoprotein of VLDL. It is suggested that during the transfer of VLDL to yolk, ApoB is cleaved to give smaller yolk apoproteins, especially apovitellenins IV and VI. Some evidence for this suggestion from the similarity of protein digests is presented.  相似文献   

An easy biochemical procedure for the isolation of lizard lipoprotein is presented as well as the partial characterization of several egg proteins from tropical lizards. In Anolis pulchellus the egg content which is very yolky is homogeneously distributed throughout the egg with no apparent presence of an egg-white. Nevertheless, after resuspension in 0.02 M glycine (pH 7.2), a yolk pellet and a fraction with soluble proteins were separated by low-speed centrifugation. By chromatography in Sephadex G-100, the major egg yolk protein (S-1) was highly purified. This protein was characterized as a glyco-lipo-phosphoprotein with a mol wt of 110,000-120,000 as shown by SDS PAGE. By DEAE cellulose chromatography two acidic proteins (D-5; D-6) were purified (Mr = 62,000-66,000), which do not seem to be components of the yolk granules. Protein D-5 was shown to be a Fe2+-binding protein. By immunochemistry, the liver was found to be the site of synthesis of S-1 and D-5; both proteins are female specific. It is also demonstrated that S-1 shares several chemical and structural properties with the lipovitellins from other oviparous animals.  相似文献   

江浙蝮蛇蛇毒中抗肿瘤蛋白的分离纯化及活性研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
利用离子交换和凝胶过滤层析等分离技术从江浙蝮蛇蛇毒中分离纯化到一种抗肿瘤蛋白,经SDS-聚丙酰胺凝胶电泳检测其分子量为58.2ku。MTT法测定该蛋白对K562细胞的LC50为4.96μg/mL,电子显微镜观察其能引起K562细胞的凋亡,琼脂糖凝胶电泳可见典型的DNA梯状条带,实验结果表明该蛋白对K562细胞有明显的抑制作用。  相似文献   

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