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白酒是中国人的传统饮料酒,并且我国的酒文化也是历史悠久。本文首先简单地介绍了一下白酒生产机械自动化技术发展历史,然后简单介绍了一些关于现代生物技术相关概念,最后对现代生物技术在酒曲中以及酿造过程中的应用展开了进一步的探究。  相似文献   

黄酒的质量取决于酿造原料、酒曲、加工工艺以及酿造环境,不同的酿造原料、酒曲、加工工艺和环境能赋予黄酒不同的品质与风味。本文在检索文献、比较分析新旧版黄酒国标的基础上,介绍了南北地区黄酒酿造原料的差异以及新型功能性黄酒原辅料研发现状,综述了浸米、蒸饭与发酵三个工艺关键环节的最新研究进展,旨在为黄酒技术的创新,功能性、饮料性、国际性黄酒新产品开发提供借鉴及参考。  相似文献   

金城 《微生物学通报》2012,39(4):0588-0588
用于白酒酿造的酒曲被西方学者誉为中国的第五大发明[1],是白酒生产中微生物及酶的主要来源,不同的酒曲在微生物群落结构上存在差异,并直接影响酒的出酒率及酒质。因而,研究和鉴定白酒生产中与特征风味物质相关的关键微生物种类,对生产工艺改进具有重要意义。  相似文献   

赵栋昌  刘锋 《生态学报》2020,40(15):5397-5407
基于民族生态学视角,运用生态学、民族学等学科的理论与方法,以贵州东南部的雷公山国家自然保护区为研究区域,对贵州苗族食用野菜资源及相关传统知识进行了调查研究。结果显示:(1)贵州苗族传统食用的野菜有80种,隶属46科67属,苗族对野菜的食用方式、食用部位呈现出多样性特征;(2)贵州苗族食用野菜相关传统知识的多样性主要体现在野菜采集文化、野菜处理传统知识、野菜饮食传统文化、野菜相关的苗医药文化、与野菜相关的文学与谚语等5个方面;苗族食用野菜相关传统知识多样性指数α和β分别为0.75和0.29,说明贵州苗族食用野菜相关传统知识具有多样而空间分布不连续的特征;(3)苗族食用野菜种类多样性与野菜相关传统知识α多样性指数的Pearson相关性系数为0.844,说明两者具有较强的正相关关系,食用野菜有关传统知识多样性对食用野菜种类多样性发挥着重要作用。因此,充分肯定野菜价值、挖掘整理和弘扬民族文化,促进野菜资源保护与可持续利用具有重要学术价值和现实应用价值。  相似文献   

2010年3月至2011年7月对西双版纳少数民族传统利用的药食两用植物进行民族植物学调查,通过访谈和野外调查工作,收集并记录了关于当地社区传统利用药食两用植物的传统知识以及其他相关信息,并选择了其中20种植物进行抗菌活性的筛选。共调查统计了43科95种西双版纳传统利用的药食两用植物,从分类学角度来看,以茄科(6种)和唇形科(6种)最多,其中草本植物占了最大比例,为49.5%。对其中20种植物的抗菌活性筛选结果显示,只有马蓝(Baphicacanthus cusia)和旋花茄(Sola-humspirale)对金黄色葡萄球菌有抑菌活性。从调查中可以看出:药食两用植物的利用在当地人的日常生活中仍占有相当重要的分量。但随着近年来经济快速发展导致的传统知识的急剧流失和森林的大面积砍伐,很多植物已经逐渐从人们的生活中淡出.如何保护这些传统知识并使其能够可持续发展下去是一个值得思考的问题。  相似文献   

采用民族植物学研究方法对湘西州花垣县民族植物进行实地调查,了解当地苗族对植物的利用现状。结果表明该地区苗族在食用、药用、观赏用及其它传统利用等方面的植物共有115种,涉及到64科,其中食用有17科20种,药用植物45科79种,观赏植物21科25种以及其它传统利用植物10科11种。总结和探讨该地区民间对植物的传统利用方法和科学意义,为实现植物资源的保护、开发和可持续利用提出相应建议。  相似文献   

中国白酒酒曲微生物组研究进展及趋势   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
酒曲是中国白酒酿造过程的糖化发酵剂,对酿造酒体的品质与风味有重要影响,其质量与其中的微生物结构和酶系组成有重要关联。近年来基于现代生物学技术对白酒酒曲微生物组的研究表明,该体系具有丰富的科学内涵与广阔的应用价值。酒曲微生物组具有微生物物种丰度高、酶系功能复杂多样等特点,并与制备环境存在显著交互作用。基于酒曲微生物组特点,研究者通过强化功能微生物制备强化大曲或接种功能微生物制备纯种酒曲,以实现提高酒曲质量与酿造功能的目标。本文就传统白酒酒曲微生物组的基本特征、酒曲微生物组理论应用与实践以及酒曲微生物组研究趋势进行简要综述。  相似文献   

西双版纳传统利用的野生药食两用植物   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2010年3月至2011年7月对西双版纳少数民族传统利用的药食两用植物进行民族植物学调查,通过访谈和野外调查工作, 收集并记录了关于当地社区传统利用药食两用植物的传统知识以及其他相关信息,并选择了其中20种植物进行抗菌活性的筛选。共调查统计了43科95种西双版纳传统利用的药食两用植物,从分类学角度来看,以茄科(6种)和唇形科(6种)最多,其中草本植物占了最大比例,为495%。对其中20种植物的抗菌活性筛选结果显示,只有马蓝(Baphicacanthus cusia)和旋花茄(Solanum spirale)对金黄色葡萄球菌有抑菌活性。从调查中可以看出:药食两用植物的利用在当地人的日常生活中仍占有相当重要的分量。但随着近年来经济快速发展导致的传统知识的急剧流失和森林的大面积砍伐,很多植物已经逐渐从人们的生活中淡出,如何保护这些传统知识并使其能够可持续发展下去是一个值得思考的问题。  相似文献   

本研究依据《县域生物多样性相关传统知识调查与评估技术规定》, 调查评估了云南省澜沧县和四川省康定市两县域生物多样性相关传统知识的分布数量与特征, 分析了传统知识保护与传承状况, 识别了主要受威胁因素和保护空缺, 旨在为我国传统知识保护和民族地区实施传统知识获取与惠益分享制度提供科学依据, 推动《生物多样性公约》与《名古屋议定书》等国际公约的履行。研究结果如下: 分别调查编目澜沧县、康定市的生物多样性相关传统知识145项、98项; 这些传统知识具有明显的地区气候与自然环境特征、生产生活实践特征、传统文化特征和地区社会经济特征; 相关部门在传统知识保护管理方面做出了积极努力, 同时包括习惯法、传统节庆等传统文化和包括祭祀、神山、神林等宗教方式在内的地方社区行动在传统知识保护与传承方面也发挥了重要作用; 生物多样性相关传统知识、创新和做法已被广泛应用于地方社区脱贫攻坚和产业发展; 传统知识保护立法仍不健全、受到威胁、保护意识薄弱及承载传统知识的生物资源减少是制约传统知识保护传承的主要因素。两县域生物多样性相关传统知识丰富, 并且地方社区有效参与了生物多样性相关传统知识的保护与可持续利用。今后应建立传统知识获取与惠益分享国家制度; 加强宣传教育, 提升保护传承意识; 因地制宜开展传统知识保护; 推动传统知识相关生物资源的保护与可持续利用。  相似文献   

西双版纳兰科植物集市贸易特点和保护启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
西双版纳是我国兰科植物多样性的热点地区之一。本文对该地区6个主要的集贸市场开展了为期1年(每月1次)的兰科植物贸易调查,以了解该地区野生兰科植物采集和贸易的特点及趋势,为兰科植物的有效保护提供依据。本次调查共记录到兰科植物38属107种,87.9%的种类为附生兰,除铁皮石斛(Dendrobium officinale)外,其余均为野生采集。在记录到的106种野生采集的兰科植物中,93.4%为西双版纳原生分布种,约占该地区野生兰科植物总数的1/4,但大多数种类的记录频次都很低,记录频次在10次以上的仅有14种,说明该地区兰科植物的采集和贸易在种类上具有一定的普遍性和随意性。市场上的兰花售卖者大多数都为当地居民,他们将采集和出售兰花作为经济收入的来源和部分补充。本次调查没有发现跨边境兰花的采集和贸易。西双版纳兰科植物的贸易具有明显的传统性、地域性和季节性,4–6月为兰花贸易的高峰期。石斛属(Dendrobium)植物是最主要的贸易对象,共记录到35种,占总数的32.7%,记录频次最多的种类也都是石斛属植物。本地区药用石斛人工集约化栽培的快速发展并没有减少对野生石斛的采集,反而在一定程度上刺激和促进了市场上的野生石斛贸易。通过对兰花贸易特点的分析,我们针对该地区兰科植物的有效保护提出了针对性的建议,包括应尽快制定和颁布地方性的法律法规,维护和传承本地区传统的植物文化,对古茶园和龙山林等进行持续的保护和采用传统方式管理,开展有针对性的公众教育和宣传来提高公众的保护意识,以及大力发展药用石斛的生态栽培,使更多的当地居民参与其中,并获得收益,从而减少对野生资源的采集。  相似文献   

For many years, traditional knowledge, techniques and know how have been applied in the process of fermentation of traditional liquor and also in the process of making its starter culture by Miao ethnic group who lives in Leigongshan Mountain, Southwest China. To protect liquor culture of Miao people, and in order to document and transmit it from generation to generation, we have conducted a series of surveys on the techniques and the process of brewing traditional liquor and making starter culture; and we have documented the plants which have been used for starter culture via ethnobotanical and taxonomical approaches, such as key informants interview, participatory rural appraisal, and ethnobotanical inventory. It has been demonstrated that the traditional liquor in Miao communities resembles other Xiaoqu alcoholic in terms of both the producing process and techniques. Thirty five species of plants used in starter culture, which belong to 19 families and 28 genera, were identified and inventoried. Piloselloides hirsuta (Asteraceae) and Indigofera bungeana (Fabaceae) are the most frequently employed ones among all of the plants. Fresh and tender stems, leaves, or shoots of the plants are parts of plants which are used to make distiller’s yeast; while the whole plant is barely used. The traditional knowledge associated with starter culture would fail to be handed down in a few decades, due to erosion of modernization and losses of young (female) labor and the ethnic language as well. More researche should be carried out as soon as possible to promote liquor culture of Miao people, e.g. census on plants in starter culture and valuation of its biological activities.  相似文献   

Mangrove plants are closely connected with folk customs of Jing ethnic group, and it is one of the symbols of Jing people as marine people. However, rapid economic development and globalization have brought about critical challenges to the cultural traditions of Jing people, and traditional knowledge of mangroves is being lost among Jing ethnic group. To protect folk customs on mangroves of Jing people, we have conducted a series of surveys on mangrove plants which have been used for folk customs of Jing people via ethnobotanical and taxonomical methods. The results showed that there were 14 mangrove plant species used in Jing people’s traditional folk customs. Four species of mangrove plants were used for religious belief, 11 species used in social customs and 7 species for material customs. Avicennia marina, Acanthus ilicifolius and Rhizophora stylosa are with the highest relationship with folk customs for Jing people. Our research can provide more comprehensive interpretation for characteristic on marine culture of Jing people, and improve the knowledge on ethnobotany of mangroves.  相似文献   

油瓜Hodgsonia macrocarpa,葫芦科多年生木质藤本植物。自20世纪初其食用价值被发现以来,各国科学家对其油脂组成、栽培利用进行了广泛研究。而油瓜的民族植物学系统研究则鲜为报道。本文运用关键人物访谈、小组讨论等民族植物学方法对油瓜的传统知识进行深入调查。本研究对西双版纳地区23个村寨的8个民族进行多次野外调查,记录民间传统利用数据,采集凭证标本。调查结果显示,油瓜的民族民间名多样;烤熟后的种仁被各民族所喜食;油瓜的根、茎、叶、果皮、种仁均可入药,主要用于肠道类疾病与皮肤类疾病的治疗。当地名称的多样性反映了各民族认识油瓜角度的差异,各民族间在油瓜食用知识方面较为一致,在药用知识上具在一定的差异。  相似文献   

Hodgsonia macrocarpa, commonly known as lardfruit, is a perennial woody vine belongs to family Cucurbitaceae. Since the food value of its kernel was reported in the early 20th century, increasing studies have been focused on the introduction and cultivation of the wild populations and chemical analysis of the edible kernel oils. While its ethnobotanical details about local nomenclaetures, gathering techniques, form of consumption and folk resouce management are left unclear. In this study we collected these ethnobotanical data from 8 ethnic groups by conducting field survey in 23 ethnic villages in Xishuangbana. Methods including key informants interview and group discussion were used for recording the traditional medicinal and culinary knowledge of lardfruit. The results show an unexpected diversity of their folk names, which indicate the long history of folk uses. The baked edible kernel is favored by all the 8 ethnic groups. The root, stem, leaf, fruit and seed are widely used as herbal medicine for the treatment of intestinal diseases and skin ailments. The diverse folk names and multiple medicinal uses practice among different ethnic groups indicate that they exploited this plant resource in various perspectives for culture, economic and social reasons.  相似文献   

The local herdsmen were served as informants, methods of interviews and voucher specimen collection and identification have been used to conduct ethnobotanical field investigations on wild edible plants in the Xilingol typical steppe area, Inner Mongolia. The results show that 29 species and two varieties of wild plants used for food and drinks by the Mongolians in Xilingol typical steppe area. The edible parts of the plants are whole plant, aerial parts, roots, stems, bulbs, leaves, flowers, fruits or/and seeds respectively. Among them, the leaf is the most widely used part. Six categories of food uses based on the mode of folk edible use were established to classify wild food plants, including wild grain, vegetables, fruit, substitute for tea, seasoning, and snacks. Among them, vegetables were the largest group, followed by plants used as substitute for tea, and plants used for seasoning. Wild plants are usually eaten raw or cooked by the local people. Raw materials and prepared food from wild plants are preserved through the method of pickling and drying. A distinguishing feature of region and ethnic group is that mutton, beef, fresh milk and yoghourt are necessarily used in cooking dish and making milk tea from wild plants by local Mongolians.  相似文献   

运用民族植物学的方法,对我国少数民族传统民居建筑使用的植物进行调查和分析.该文简要介绍了33个少数民族聚居区的自然环境条件和植被多样性;统计得到90种民间用于建筑材料的植物,报道了其使用部位、使用方法及使用民族,其中以傣族利用植物资源最为丰富;探讨了影响不同少数民族民居建筑植物选择的影响因素,包括自然条件、民族文化、社...  相似文献   

The traditional medicine based on medicinal plants in the Kingdom of Arabia Saudia presents a strong relationship belonging to natural remedies, health, diet, and folk healing practice recognized by a specific culture. The aim of the current study is to carry out an ethnobotanical review on medicinal plants used in traditional medicine in the Kingdom of Arabia Saudia including information on plant species, used parts, preparation method as well as medical uses. Earlier published data in journals, textbooks, periodicals, websites, and databases written in pharmacological evidence of Suadi medicinal plants were based on gathering information. The present review work reported that 96 species belonging to 47 families have been used in Saudi Pharmacopeia. Amaranthaceae has the highest number of plant species (7) Followed by Asteraceae, Apocynaceae, and Fabaceae with 5 plant species in each. The inventoried plant species in the current work are frequently used for the treatment of various illnesses and to ensure the medication safety of Saudi people. The biological analysis of plant form used in Saudi natural remedies showed the dominance of herb and subshrub form with a percentage of 43% and 30% respectively. The most used preparation method of plant drugs, which used in Saudi Alternative medicine was decoction and infusion. The whole plant, leaves, seeds, and aerial parts were the most useful plant parts in natural preparation in Saudi traditional medicine with a percentage of 29%, 28%, 7%, and 5% respectively as reported in the present review work. The present review work gives big data about medicinal plants used in traditional medicine in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia including data about plant species, used parts, preparation method as well as medical uses.  相似文献   

采用民族植物学和人类生态学的方法,初步研究了云南高黎贡山北部独龙江流域内独龙族的农业生态系统和采集利用植物的传统知识。处于近乎封闭的自然与社会环境中,独龙族与植物及植物环境的关系十分密切。独龙族的农业生态系统是典型的山地轮歇农业生态系统,系统中存在不少有价值的传统品种和地方品种,并以种植桤木(Alnus nepalensis)来促进轮歇地的休闲管理为特色,对保护当地的森林、生态系统和生物多样性起到了积极的作用。独龙族人人参与野生食用植物的采集活动,它是独龙族社会中仅次于农业生产而位居第二的重要经济活动,共采集100余种野生食用植物,其中有很大一部分是能代替粮食的产淀粉类植物。独龙族采集利用100多种药用植物,云黄连(Coptis teeta)和贝母(Fritillaria cirrhosa)等草药储量丰富,是独龙族用于同外界进行物资交换的主要物品。在其它植物资源的利用方面,独龙族也积累了丰富的传统知识,包括对纤维植物、染料植物等的认识和利用。桤木和董棕(Caryota urens)两个树种是体现独龙族传统植物学和生态学知识的代表种类。独龙族对植物的传统知识,有必要进行深入研究。  相似文献   

采用民族植物学的研究方法和手段,对恭城瑶族境内周期性集市药用植物及相关的传统知识进行了调查。主要研究结果如下:恭城瑶族民众与野生药用植物的关系极为密切,研究地区集市中常见药用植物71种,均为野生植物,常用于治疗肠胃、呼吸道、感染、风湿和外伤等疾病。在调查地区的野生药用植物资源及相关的传统知识面临着新的威胁,亟待采取必要的措施予以保护。  相似文献   

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