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盐胁迫是最重要的非生物胁迫之一,严重威胁植物的生长发育。了解植物盐胁迫适应性机制有利于科学选育耐盐作物,进而有效利用盐地滩涂,减轻日益增加的粮食压力。盐胁迫导致植物体内离子失衡、渗透紊乱以及毒性物质积累,特别是活性氧(ROS,reactive oxygen species)。为了适应盐胁迫,植物需要平衡细胞离子、重塑渗透势并维持ROS稳态。在过去遗传学和生理生化研究揭示了大量的植物盐胁迫响应和调控因子,它们通过多重复杂的胁迫信号通路调控植物的耐盐性。本文综述了近年来盐胁迫下植物的感知、信号转导、基因表达调控、激素调控以及适应性响应,归纳了一套较为完整的植物盐胁迫响应机制。  相似文献   

乙烯调控植物耐盐性的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
乙烯具有复杂的生物学功能,它调节着植物生长发育和许多的生理生化过程。乙烯也被认为是一种胁迫应答激素,直到近几年关于乙烯生物合成及信号转导途径与植物盐胁迫的关系才逐渐被挖掘出来。乙烯在不同水平、层次参与盐胁迫反应,包括乙烯合成关键酶(ACS)和乙烯受体,细胞质中CTR1和EIN2以及细胞核中EIN3传导、响应盐信号。但是乙烯合成和信号转导途径在植物盐胁迫响应过程中仍然存在许多未解决的问题。主要介绍乙烯合成及信号转导途径的各组分与盐胁迫关系的最新研究进展,并讨论其存在的主要问题。  相似文献   

盐胁迫会引起渗透胁迫、离子毒害和次级胁迫,极大危害到植物的生存。之前的研究中,借助于分子生物学和遗传学手段,已经鉴定出多个基因参与到盐胁迫信号通路的调控,其中SOS途径是主要的植物抗盐调节机制。氨基酸、甜菜碱、可溶性糖等渗透调节物质,脯氨酸、多胺等信号小分子,SOD、CAT等抗氧化酶,HKT等离子通道蛋白均参与到了植物对盐胁迫的响应。本研究总结了盐胁迫条件下植物调控离子平衡、氧化胁迫、生长发育的最新研究进展,为之后的研究提供依据。  相似文献   

MicroRNA在植物抵御盐胁迫过程中的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
盐胁迫是植物生长发育过程中的重要限制因子,可影响植物器官发育、形态建成、信号转导等各个环节,严重时会导致植物死亡。MicroRNA(miRNA)是一类长约19-25 nt的非编码单链RNA分子,越来越多的研究发现,在植物抵御盐胁迫过程中,miRNA可通过参与调控植物种子萌发、器官发育、形态建成、活性氧清除等过程发挥重要作用。对在植物抵御盐胁迫过程中发生响应的miRNA进行综述,旨在为植物耐盐机制研究和植物耐盐分子育种提供参考。  相似文献   

MAPK级联途径参与ABA信号转导调节的植物生长发育过程   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
植物激素ABA参与调控植物生长发育和生理代谢以及多种胁迫应答过程,促分裂原活化蛋白激酶(MAPK)级联途径应答于多种生物和非生物胁迫,广泛参与调控植物的生长发育。MAPK级联途径与ABA信号转导协同作用参与调控植物种子萌发、气孔运动和生长发育,本文主要归纳了植物中受ABA调控激活的MAPK级联途径成员,阐述了它们参与ABA信号转导调控植物生理反应和生长发育的过程,并对MAPK级联途径与ABA信号转导的研究方向作出了展望,指出对MAPK下游底物的筛选是完善MAPK级联途径的重要组成部分。  相似文献   

碱蓬属植物耐盐机理研究进展   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:5  
张爱琴  庞秋颖  阎秀峰 《生态学报》2013,33(12):3575-3583
碱蓬属(Suaeda)植物是一类典型的真盐生植物,属于重要的盐生植物资源,全球广泛分布.人们已经对20种碱蓬属植物进行了观察和盐胁迫实验,研究了不同器官或组织的生理生化特征及其对盐胁迫的反应,并基于这些研究分析了盐胁迫的应答机制.叶片肉质化、细胞内离子区域化、渗透调节物质增加和抗氧化系统能力增强是碱蓬属植物响应和适应盐胁迫的重要方式和途径.但迄今为止的研究工作尚有一定的局限性,主要包括:研究工作主要集中在植物地上部分,而对植物地下部分的研究较少;多是少数生物学指标或生理学现象的单独观察,而缺乏对生理代谢过程的整体和综合分析;针对某种碱蓬的独立分析较多,而与近缘种的比较研究较少;植物对中性盐胁迫的反应研究较多,而对碱性盐的研究较少.为进一步系统阐明碱蓬属植物的耐盐机制,今后的工作应注重碱蓬属植物响应和适应盐胁迫的信号网络和调控机制研究,基于系统生物学研究思路,采用现代组学技术探索该属植物响应盐胁迫的由复杂信号网络调控的特殊生理特征和特异代谢途径.  相似文献   

NO在植物生长发育和环境胁迫响应中的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一氧化氮(NO)是具有生物活性和信号转导作用的气体活性分子,它不仅对植物的许多生命活动如种子萌发、生长和衰老等具有直接的生理调节功能,而且作为防御反应中的关键信使,参与了植物对外界环境胁迫的响应,如干旱胁迫、热胁迫、盐胁迫、UV-B辐射、臭氧胁迫、重金属胁迫、机械损伤以及植物抗病反应.NO与各种激素如乙烯、脱落酸、水杨酸、生长素和细胞分裂素等,在调节植物的生理活动与信号转导方面有明显的协同作用,通过激素起作用可能是植物内源NO作用的机理之一.探明在正常生长状况下植物内源NO对植物生长发育的调控机制及其参与信号转导的生理机制是目前研究的重点.  相似文献   

植物对干旱和高盐环境的适应是一个复杂的生物学过程,涉及多条信号通路的交叉调控。其中,通过转录因子发挥的调控作用对增强植物的耐盐抗旱特性具有重要意义。结合最近的相关研究,重点综述了植物中的MYB、b ZIP、WRKY、NAC、AP2/ERF等各类转录因子在响应高盐干旱胁迫的信号通路中与ABA信号通路、ROS信号通路、Sn RK2信号通路及H2O2信号通路等存在的交叉整合作用,以期为利用基因工程手段增强植物的耐盐抗旱性提供更有效的改良途径。  相似文献   

植物SnRKs家族在胁迫信号通路中的调节作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张金飞  李霞 《植物学报》2017,52(3):346-357
蔗糖非发酵1(SNF1)相关蛋白激酶家族(SnRKs)是植物胁迫响应过程中的一类关键蛋白激酶。在响应生物胁迫时,SnRKs可通过参与活性氧和水杨酸介导的信号转导途径,增强植物对生物侵害的耐受性。在响应非生物胁迫时,SnRKs通过脱落酸(ABA)介导的信号通路,增强植株对干旱、盐碱和高温等的耐受性;且通过独立于ABA的信号通路,SnRKs可调控胞内能量状态,维持离子平衡。该文总结了SnRKs蛋白激酶作为胁迫信号通路中的主要调节因子的最新研究进展,并展望了未来的研究方向。  相似文献   

盐胁迫对植物叶绿素荧光影响的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
方怡然  薛立 《生态科学》2019,38(3):225-234
盐胁迫是制约植物生长发育的主要非生物胁迫之一, 研究植物的耐盐机理对开发和有效利用盐碱地有重要的意义。叶绿素荧光动力技术作为研究植物光合生理状况及植物与逆境胁迫关系的理想方法, 可表明外界胁迫环境对植物光合器官的伤害程度。通过总结性阐述盐胁迫对植物叶绿素荧光的影响, 分别从盐分类型、植物类型、光照强度以及盐旱交互作用等方面分析了植物叶绿素荧光对盐胁迫的响应, 进而反映盐胁迫对植物光合能力的影响程度, 并提出增强植物抗盐性的途径, 包括施加外源物质、利用转基因技术、真菌的协同效应和培育耐盐品种。最后对叶绿素荧光动力技术在抗盐胁迫的运用前景进行了展望, 提出了当前研究需要解决的问题, 旨在为提高植物耐盐能力提供一定的理论依据。  相似文献   

Signal transduction during cold, salt, and drought stresses in plants   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
Abiotic stresses, especially cold, salinity and drought, are the primary causes of crop loss worldwide. Plant adaptation to environmental stresses is dependent upon the activation of cascades of molecular networks involved in stress perception, signal transduction, and the expression of specific stress-related genes and metabolites. Plants have stress-specific adaptive responses as well as responses which protect the plants from more than one environmental stress. There are multiple stress perception and signaling pathways, some of which are specific, but others may cross-talk at various steps. In this review article, we first expound the general stress signal transduction pathways, and then highlight various aspects of biotic stresses signal transduction networks. On the genetic analysis, many cold induced pathways are activated to protect plants from deleterious effects of cold stress, but till date, most studied pathway is ICE-CBF-COR signaling pathway. The Salt-Overly-Sensitive (SOS) pathway, identified through isolation and study of the sos1, sos2, and sos3 mutants, is essential for maintaining favorable ion ratios in the cytoplasm and for tolerance of salt stress. Both ABA-dependent and -independent signaling pathways appear to be involved in osmotic stress tolerance. ROS play a dual role in the response of plants to abiotic stresses functioning as toxic by-products of stress metabolism, as well as important signal transduction molecules and the ROS signaling networks can control growth, development, and stress response. Finally, we talk about the common regulatory system and cross-talk among biotic stresses, with particular emphasis on the MAPK cascades and the cross-talk between ABA signaling and biotic signaling.  相似文献   

Although calcium is a critical component in the signal transduction pathways that lead to stress gene expression in higher plants, little is known about the molecular mechanism underlying calcium function. It is believed that cellular calcium changes are perceived by sensor molecules, including calcium binding proteins. The calcineurin B-like (CBL) protein family represents a unique group of calcium sensors in plants. A member of the family, CBL1, is highly inducible by multiple stress signals, implicating CBL1 in stress response pathways. When the CBL1 protein level was increased in transgenic Arabidopsis plants, it altered the stress response pathways in these plants. Although drought-induced gene expression was enhanced, gene induction by cold was inhibited. In addition, CBL1-overexpressing plants showed enhanced tolerance to salt and drought but reduced tolerance to freezing. By contrast, cbl1 null mutant plants showed enhanced cold induction and reduced drought induction of stress genes. The mutant plants displayed less tolerance to salt and drought but enhanced tolerance to freezing. These studies suggest that CBL1 functions as a positive regulator of salt and drought responses and a negative regulator of cold response in plants.  相似文献   

Environmental constraints that include abiotic stress factors such as salt, drought, cold and extreme temperatures severely limit crop productivity. Improvement of crop plants with traits that confer tolerance to these stresses was practiced using traditional and modern breeding methods. Molecular breeding and genetic engineering contributed substantially to our understanding of the complexity of stress response. Mechanisms that operate signal perception, transduction and downstream regulatory factors are now being examined and an understanding of cellular pathways involved in abiotic stress responses provide valuable information on such responses. This review presents genomic-assisted methods which have helped to reveal complex regulatory networks controlling abiotic stress tolerance mechanisms by high-throughput expression profiling and gene inactivation techniques. Further, an account of stress-inducible regulatory genes which have been transferred into crop plants to enhance stress tolerance is discussed as possible modes of integrating information gained from functional genomics into knowledge-based breeding programs. In addition, we envision an integrative genomic and breeding approach to reveal developmental programs that enhance yield stability and improve grain quality under unfavorable environmental conditions of abiotic stresses.  相似文献   

盐胁迫会导致植物受到初级的渗透胁迫和离子毒害以及次级的氧化胁迫和营养胁迫,严重制约了农业生产.植物盐胁迫应答转录因子能够通过调节下游靶基因的表达减轻盐胁迫对植物造成的伤害.文中基于土壤盐渍化及其对植物的危害、转录因子在植物盐胁迫信号转导网络中的中枢调节作用,综述了盐胁迫应答转录因子参与的盐胁迫信号转导途径、通过形成同源...  相似文献   

Low temperature is an abiotic stress that adversely affects the growth and production of plants. Resistance and adaptation of plants to cold stress is dependent upon the activation of molecular networks and pathways involved in signal transduction and the regulation of cold-stress related genes. Because it has numerous and complex genes, regulation factors, and pathways, research on the ICE–CBF–COR signaling pathway is the most studied and detailed, which is thought to be rather important for cold resistance of plants. In this review, we focus on the function of each member, interrelation among members, and the influence of manipulators and repressors in the ICE–CBF–COR pathway. In addition, regulation and signal transduction concerning plant hormones, circadian clock, and light are discussed. The studies presented provide a detailed picture of the ICE–CBF–COR pathway.  相似文献   

Responses and tolerance to salt stress in bryophytes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Plants have evolved complex mechanisms to perceive environmental cues and develop appropriate and coordinated responses to abiotic and biotic stresses. Considerable progress has been made towards a better understanding of the molecular mechanisms of plant response to a single stress. However, the existence of cross-tolerance to different stressors has proved to have great relevance in the control and regulation of organismal adaptation. Evidence for the involvement of the signal peptide systemin and jasmonic acid in wound-induced salt stress adaptation in tomato has been provided. To further unravel the functional link between plant responses to salt stress and mechanical damage, transgenic tomato ( Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) plants constitutively expressing the prosystemin cDNA have been exposed to a moderate salt stress. Prosystemin over-expression caused a reduction in stomatal conductance. However, in response to salt stress, prosystemin transgenic plants maintained a higher stomatal conductance compared with the wild-type control. Leaf concentrations of abscissic acid (ABA) and proline were lower in stressed transgenic plants compared with their wild-type control, implying that either the former perceived a less stressful environment or they adapted more efficiently to it. Consistently, under salt stress, transgenic plants produced a higher biomass, indicating that a constitutive activation of wound responses is advantageous in saline environment. Comparative gene expression profiling of stress-induced genes suggested that the partial stomatal closure was not mediated by ABA and/or components of the ABA signal transduction pathway. Possible cross-talks between genes involved in wounding and osmotic stress adaptation pathways in tomato are discussed.  相似文献   

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