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对不同演替阶段的树种细根生产动态及其对环境因子响应的差异目前仍缺乏了解。为此, 在福建省三明市选择了中亚热带演替前期的马尾松(Pinus massoniana)和演替后期的米槠(Castanopsis carlesii)两种人工林为研究对象, 采用微根管法对两种人工林的细根根长生产量及其动态进行了为期2年的观测, 并分析了细根生产量的径级和土层分布, 及月生产量动态与气温、降水、土壤温度、土壤含水率等环境因子间的关系。结果表明: 1)两种林分的细根生产量有显著差异, 马尾松人工林细根年根长生产量约为米槠人工林细根年根长生产量的4倍; 两种林分的细根生产量呈现显著的月变化, 峰值均出现在夏季, 且2年内总细根生产量以夏季的细根生产量最大。2)两林分均是直径0-0.3 mm的细根所占细根生产量比例最大; 土层分布上, 马尾松人工林0-10 cm土层细根所占生产量的比例最大, 米槠人工林30-40 cm土层细根所占生产量比例最大。3)偏相关分析表明, 两林分细根月生产量均与气温、土壤温度极显著相关或显著正偏相关, 与降水、土壤含水率的偏相关均不显著; 一元线性回归分析表明, 演替早期马尾松人工林细根月生产量与气温、土壤温度的相关性明显高于米槠人工林。该研究表明, 与演替后期的米槠人工林相比, 中亚热带演替早期的马尾松人工林细根生产量大, 且与温度间的相关性更高。  相似文献   

福建三明米槠次生林皆伐后形成人促更新幼林(AR)与米槠人工幼林(CC)、杉木人工幼林(CL),以保留的米槠次生林(CK)为对照,利用微根管法比较不同更新方式初期细根(直径≤2 mm)生物量和生产力的差异.结果表明: 1年内,AR、CC、CL和CK细根的年均生物量分别为422.5、253.1、197.2和162.8 g·m-2.4种林分细根总生产力大小为:AR (284.0 g·m-2·a-1)>CC (182.6 g·m-2·a-1)>CL (136.7 g·m-2·a-1)>CK (15.4 g·m-2·a-1).AR和CC春季生产力最大,CL秋季最大,CK冬季最大.CC表现为其他植物细根生产力多于目标树种,CL表现为目标树种细根生产力多于其他植物.AR和CC总细根的月生产力与各月降水量呈显著正相关,CL的其他植物细根月生产力与月均气温呈显著正相关.3种更新方式下幼林细根的年生产力和年均生物量都以20~40 cm土层最大,且以0~1 mm细根占主体.采用人促更新方式的幼林细根生物量和生产力大于人工更新方式的幼林,人促更新方式更有利于增加林地有机物归还、提高土壤肥力、维持较高生产力和降低更新初期林地碳源.  相似文献   

Aims As the primary pathway for CO2 emission from terrestrial ecosystems to the atmosphere, soil respiration is estimated to be 80 Pg C·a-1 to 100 Pg C·a-1, equivalent to 10 fold of fossil fuel emissions. As an important management practice in plantation forests, fertilization does not only increase primary production but also affects soil respiration. To investigate how nitrogen (N) fertilization affects total soil, root and microbial respiration, a N fertilization experiment was conducted in a five-year-old Cunninghamia lanceolata plantation in Huitong, Hunan Province, located in the subtropical region. MethodsOne year after fertilization, soil respiration was monitored monthly by LI-8100 from July 2013 to June 2014. Soil temperature and water content (0-5 cm soil depth) were also measured simultaneously. Available soil nutrients, fine root biomass and microbial communities were analyzed in June 2013. Important findings Total soil, root and microbial respiration rates were 22.7%, 19.6%, and 23.5% lower in the fertilized plots than in the unfertilized plots, respectively. The temperature sensitivity (Q10) of soil respiration ranged from 1.81 to 2.04, and the Q10 value of microbial respiration decreased from 2.04 in the unfertilized plots to 1.84 in the fertilized plots. However, neither the Q10 value nor the patterns of total soil respiration were affected by N fertilization. In the two-factor model, soil temperature and moisture accounted for 69.9%-79.7% of the seasonal variations in soil respiration. These results suggest that N fertilization reduces the response of soil organic carbon decomposition to temperature change and may contribute to the increase of soil carbon storage under global warming in subtropical plantations.  相似文献   

中亚热带地区是中国南方重要的木材生产基地, 大量的地带性常绿阔叶林被转换成以杉木(Cunninghamia lanceolata)为代表的人工林。白蚁是森林中最主要的社会性昆虫之一, 其取食行为既对森林类型转换后林中的树木产生危害, 也对林间枯枝落叶的分解具有十分重要的意义, 但对二者缺乏统一的认识。本文以中亚热带典型的米槠(Castanopsis carlesii)次生林、米槠人工林和杉木人工林为研究对象, 调查了不同林分白蚁的活动特点及其范围。结果表明, 米槠次生林与杉木、米槠人工林中均普遍存在白蚁取食现象, 但白蚁对次生林的取食高度和面积均远低于人工林。白蚁对生物多样性较高的米槠次生林树干韧皮部的取食面积仅分别为米槠人工林的1.65%和杉木人工林的0.59‰, 取食高度的11.1%和1.2%。同时, 白蚁对杉木韧皮部的取食显著大于米槠, 对杉木的取食面积和高度分别是米槠的27.7倍和9.2倍。每隔0.5 m为一个统计区间, 白蚁对杉木树干2 m以下韧皮部取食面积比例由低往高为4 : 3 : 2 : 1, 对米槠1 m以下高度部位的取食面积比为99 : 1。此外, 白蚁对次生林地表覆盖的凋落枝和凋落叶的平均取食面积分别为51.7%和46.1%, 而人工林对应均值分别为17.5%和29.4%, 均表现为次生林高于人工林。这些结果表明白蚁对生物多样性较高的次生林危害小于杉木人工林, 且在人工林中可见危害主要体现在白蚁对韧皮部的取食, 在次生林主要体现在白蚁对凋落物残体的分解作用, 这为区域森林经营管理提供理论支撑。  相似文献   

为揭示我国西北山地温带针叶林降水利用效率(RUE)的年际变化及其对气象因子响应的差异性, 在宁夏六盘山研究了华山松(Pinus armandii)天然林、华北落叶松(Larix principis-rupprechtii)和油松(Pinus tabulaeformis)人工林的RUE及其与气象因子间的关系。结果表明: 3种针叶林RUE及其年际变化存在种间差异。生产力高的林分(两种人工林)具有更高的RUE, 华北落叶松林年平均生产力和RUE分别为6.72 t·hm -2·a -1和1.12 g·m -2·mm -1, 是华山松林的2.53倍和2.49倍; 油松林分别为5.76 t·hm -2·a -1和0.97 g·m -2·mm -1, 也远高于华山松林。在林龄小于32年时, 3种林分RUE总体表现出随林龄而增加的趋势, 但存在着种间差异, 其中两种人工林增速更快; 华山松林在林龄为32-45年时, RUE呈波动变化, 之后呈下降趋势。RUE的年际变化趋势与林分生产力相似, 即在生产力较高的年份RUE也较高。气象因子对RUE的影响有明显的“滞后效应”和种间差异。RUE受年降水量及其年内分配格局的影响。随年降水量增加, 华山松林RUE逐渐减小, 而华北落叶松和油松林RUE均先升高后降低; 在干旱年份3种针叶林RUE趋向于相近的值(不一定是最大值), 而在湿润年份趋向于相同的最小值; 除受当年春季(4月)或秋季(9-11月)的降水量影响外, 3种针叶林的RUE还受上一年夏秋(8-9月)的降水量影响。3种针叶林的RUE都极显著地受到上年6月、当年3与6月气温的影响; 此外, 华山松林RUE与当年2月气温负相关, 两人工林均受到当年4、5月气温的显著促进作用。  相似文献   

Aims Pinus massoniana is one of the major plantation tree species in the low hilly lands along the upper reaches of the Yangtze River Valley in China’s “Grain for Green” project. The objective of this study was to explore the edge effects of forest gap on the ecological stoichiometry of dominant tree species in a P. massoniana plantation forest.Methods We collected Cinnamomum longepaniculatum leaves in a 39-year-old P. massoniana plantation forest with seven forest gap sizes (G1: 100 m2; G2: 225 m2; G3: 400 m2; G4: 625 m2; G5: 900 m2; G6: 1 225 m2; G7: 1 600 m2, and the control: closed canopy) located in Gao County, south Sichuan Province during different seasons. The contents of C, N and P in leaves were measured, and the effects of edges, seasons and their interaction on leaf C, N and P contents and C:N:P stoichiometry were evaluated.Important findings The leaf C content, C:N and C:P of C. longepaniculatum at the edge of forest gaps in different seasons were all significantly higher than those of understory plants in P. massoniana plantation. With increasing size of forest gaps, leaf C content and C:N ratio, C:P and N:P of C. longepaniculatum increased initially and then decreased with the maximum at medium size (400-900 m2). From spring to winter, leaf N and P contents of C. longepaniculatum increased after an obvious decrease; and the C:N and C:P increased first but then decreased. However, the inflection point all appeared in the summer. The nutrient utilization of C. longepaniculatum at the edge of forest gaps was more efficient in summer and autumn than in spring and winter, indicating significant edge effects. The results of principal component analysis (PCA) suggested that gap size, relative light intensity and monthly average air temperature were the main environmental factors affecting the stoichiometry of C. longepaniculatum at the different edge of forest gaps in the P. massoniana plantation. These results indicated that forest gap with size 625 m2 had the highest organic matter storage and nutrient utilization efficiency in the edge areas in all seasons, and therefore had the most significant edge effect on leaf element stoichiometry.  相似文献   

Aims A heterogeneous spatially distribution of nutrients in natural soil may affect plant growth. The objective of this study was to determine the effects of localized nitrogen (N) supply treatments on growth traits and root parameters among different families in Pinus massoniana.Methods Five families of P. massoniana seedlings from full-sib progenies were used as test materials (1, 25, 49, 52, and 57). This study included two conditions, (i.e. homogeneous phosphorus (P) deficiency vs. heterogeneous P efficiency) among soil layers in combination with four N supply treatments in a one-year pot experiment. These N supply treatments were: (1) Homogeneously high N along the soil profile (HHH); (2) high N-high N-low N (HHL); (3) low N-low N-high N (LLH); (4) low N-low N-on side with N addition and the other side without N supply (LLH/L).Important findings This study indicated that localized N supply treatment did enhance the growth of P. massoniana, and this enhancement mainly happened in the pattern of N applied to deep soil. The results showed: 1) Compared to the homogeneous low P condition, there were increase in the growth traits and root parameters of P. massoniana under heterogeneous low P condition. Particularly, the root length and root surface area under the heterogeneous P deficiency condition were 1.95 times and 2.11 times higher than that subjected to the homogeneous P deficiency. 2) Localized N supply treatment affected seedling growth, and there was a significant interaction among N supply pattern and P condition. In compared with homogeneous N supply treatment, the height, basal diameter and dry weight of seedlings increased significantly by localized N supply treatments (LLH and/or LLH/L) under both two P deficiency conditions. But when the seedlings parameters were enhanced under homogeneous P deficiency, they were inhibited under heterogeneous P deficiency subjected to HHL. 3) Within the two P conditions, LLH and LLH/L stimulated root proliferation significantly, and root parameters were significantly enhanced under the heterogeneous P deficiency condition. Specifically, the root length and root surface area subjected to LLH/L rather than HHH were significantly enhanced by 29.2% and 32.3%, respectively. However, the length and surface area of the roots were suppressed by HHL treatment. 4). There were significant differences in response to different N supply treatments among P. massoniana families Seedlings in the families of 49, 52, and 57 responded to the localized N supply treatments with increased root proliferation, which enhanced seedling dry mass. On the other hand, the seedling growth in the family of 25 were stimulated by N and (or) P concentration, while the response of seedlings in the family of 1 to local nitrogen supply was relatively slow and exhibited growth retardation.  相似文献   

Aims The objective of the study was to evaluate the dynamics of recalcitrant components during foliar litter decomposition at different forest gap size in Pinus massoniana plantation in the low hilly land, Sichuan basin. Methods The experiment was set up by thinning P. massoniana plantation to establish seven different gap sizes (G1: 100 m2, G2: 225 m2, G3: 400 m2, G4: 625 m2, G5: 900 m2, G6: 1225 m2, G7: 1600 m2). The contents of four recalcitrant components (condensed tannins, total phenol, lignin, cellulose) in foliar litter of two native species (Cinnamomum camphora and Toona ciliata) placed in litterbags at different locations in the forest gaps were evaluated. The litterbags placed under closed canopy were used as the control. Litterbags with air-dried leaves of C. camphora and T. ciliata were placed at center, edge of the gap and under the closed canopy in November 2013, and collected in December 2013, February 2014, May 2014 and August of 2014 for lab analysis. Important findings The results showed that: 1) Forest gap size had significant effect on the content of condensed tannins, total phenol and lignin for T. ciliata in gap center. However, the forest gap size had no significant effect on the content of recalcitrant components in the litters of C. camphora and cellulose content of T. ciliata. With the increase of gap size, except for cellulose content, the other three recalcitrant components content in small and medium sized gaps (G1-G5) were significant lower than in large gaps (G6, G7). 2) The condensed tannis content of T. ciliata at the gap center were significant lower than at the gap edge. The lignin contents at gap center of G3 was significant reduced in the C. camphora litter. The condensed tannins, total phenol, and lignin contents of T. ciliata litter in small and medium gaps significantly decreased. 3) The contents of the four recalcitrant components in both species’ foliar litter changed with time. The contents of condensed tannins and cellulose decreased and the content of lignin increased significantly with time, however, the total phenol content increased initially, and then decreased. Therefore, small and medium sized gaps (100-900 m2) could be the optimal gap sizes to promote the degradation of litter recalcitrant components for two native species in P. massoniana plantations.  相似文献   

采用负压法对福建省三明市亚热带常绿阔叶林中米槠次生林(BF)、米槠人促更新林(RF)、米槠人工林(CP) 0~15、15~30、30~60 cm土层土壤溶液可溶性有机质(DOM)的浓度及光谱学特征进行研究.结果表明: 土壤溶液可溶性有机碳(DOC)浓度整体趋势为RF>CP>BF,而可溶性有机氮(DON)则为米槠人工林最高;且 DOC 和 DON 在表层(0~15 cm)土壤浓度皆显著高于底层(30~60 cm).芳香化指数大小为RF>CP>BF,且整体为表层较高.米槠人工林表层土壤以荧光强度高的短波峰(320 nm)为特征峰,表明其易分解物质含量高,腐殖化程度较低;而米槠人促更新林表层土壤则以宽平的中长波峰(380 nm)为特征峰,说明其腐殖化程度较高,有助于土壤肥力的储存.此外,30~60 cm深层DOM特性几乎不受森林更新方式的影响.  相似文献   

以中亚热带不同类型米槠林为对象,研究了米槠天然林、次生林和人工林凋落枝在生产量持续增加阶段、高峰阶段、持续减少3种生产阶段溶解性有机质的动态及光谱学特性。结果表明:凋落枝生产阶段和森林类型显著影响米槠凋落枝溶解性有机质含量及光谱学特征。米槠天然林在凋落枝生产量持续减少阶段溶解性有机碳(DOC)含量较高,溶解性有机质在254、260和280 nm处的特征紫外吸光值(SUVA254、SUVA260、SUVA280)较低,表明该阶段天然林凋落枝质量较高,具有较高的以溶解性有机质为载体的物质循环效率。米槠人工林在凋落枝生产量高峰阶段具有较高的总氮(TN)、总磷(TP)、溶解性总氮(TDN)和溶解性总磷(TDP)含量以及较低的DOC∶TDP和TDN∶TDP值,但次生林凋落枝溶解性有机质含量及其光谱学特征在各阶段无显著差异。米槠天然林和次生林凋落枝DOC、TDN和TDP与气温和降水量呈负相关,人工林凋落枝TDN、TDP与气温和降水量呈正相关。人工林凋落枝生产量在高峰阶段具有较高的养分含量,可能具有相对快速的物质循环效率,天然林在凋落枝生产量下降阶段以凋落枝溶解性有机质为载体的物质循环效率相对较高。  相似文献   

Sparse Ulmus pumila forest is an intrazonal vegetation in Onqin Daga Sandy Land, while Populus simonii has been widely planted for windbreak and sand dune stabilization in the same region. Our objective was to compare the differences in carbon (C) density of these two forests and their relationships with stand age.
We measured the C content of tree organs (leaf, twig, stem, and root), herb layers (above ground vegetation and below ground root) and soil layers (up to 100 cm) in sparse Ulmus pumila forests and Populus simonii plantations of different stand ages, and then computed C density and their proportions in total ecosystem carbon density. In addition, we illustrated the variation in carbon density-stand age relationship for tree layer, soil layer and whole ecosystem. We finally estimated the C sequestration rates for these two forests by the space-for-time substitution approach.
Important findings
The average C contents of tree layer and soil layer for sparse Ulmus pumila forests were lower than those for Populus simonii plantations. The total C density of sparse Ulmus pumila forests was half of that of Populus simonii plantations. The carbon density of soil and tree layers accounted for more than 98% of ecosystem C density in the two forests. Irrespective of forest type, the C density ratios of soil to vegetation decreased with stand age. This ratio was 1.66 for sparse Ulmus pumila forests and 1.87 for Populus simonii plantations when they were over-matured. The C density of tree layer, soil layer, and total ecosystem in both forests increased along forest development. There were significantly positive correlations between tree layer’s C density and stand age in both forests and between the total ecosystem C density of sparse Ulmus pumila forests and stand age. The C sequestration rate of tree layer was 5-fold higher in Populus simonii plantation than in sparse Ulmus pumila forest. The ecosystem-level C sequestration rate was 0.81 Mg C·hm-2·a-1 for sparse Ulmus pumila forest and 5.35 Mg C·hm-2·a-1 for Populus simonii plantation. These findings have implications for C stock estimation of sandy land forest ecosystems and policy-making of ecological restoration and C sink enhancement in the studied area.  相似文献   

碳利用效率(CUE)是植被生态系统的一个重要功能参数, 反映了植被生态系统的固碳能力, 适用于分析不同时间段内器官、个体和群落等不同层次的碳收支趋势, 因而有助于对陆地生态系统碳功能的确定与预测, 引起了广泛关注。该研究采用生物计量法, 测定和计算了川西贡嘎山东坡峨眉冷杉(Abies fabri)成熟林树木不同器官的呼吸与净生产力动态, 分析了乔木层及其各器官CUE动态及主要影响因子, 并估算了乔木层不同径级树木CUE。主要结果: (1)乔木层各器官月呼吸速率与温度呈正相关关系, 以细根月呼吸速率为最大; 不同径级树木年呼吸量无显著差异, 以小径级树木树干的年呼吸量为最小。(2)乔木层细根和树干月净初级生产力(NPP)均随温度增加而增加, 以细根月NPP为最大。小径级树木年NPP最大, 其针叶年NPP也显著高于中径级和大径级树木。(3)林分乔木层及其各器官CUE大多集中在0.30-0.60之间, 其中细根、树干CUE具有相似的月变化动态, 均随温度的升高而上升。不同径级树木CUE及树干和针叶CUE均随树木个体的增大而明显下降。(4)气温和土壤温度与乔木层树干和细根CUE呈正相关关系, 而降水量与针叶CUE呈负相关关系。细根CUE与树干CUE呈正相关关系,与针叶CUE呈负相关关系。峨眉冷杉成熟林乔木层CUE主要取决于树干和细根CUE。该研究证实了川西亚高山暗针叶成熟林仍具有较强的碳汇功能, 在区域碳储存和森林生态系统碳循环中发挥着极其重要的作用。  相似文献   

为了解中亚热带森林转换对森林生态系统碳及养分循环的影响,以中亚热带米槠天然林、森林转换后的米槠次生林和杉木人工林为对象,对3种林分的凋落物量、养分归还量和养分利用效率进行4年研究.结果 表明:米槠天然林转换为米槠次生林和杉木人工林后,年凋落物量分别下降29.0%和45.7%,凋落物氮归还量分别下降34.0%和72.7%...  相似文献   

我国亚热带地区大面积天然林已转变为人工林,对森林生态系统结构和功能产生了极大影响。为揭示森林土壤团聚体中N2O产生的关键基因亚硝酸盐还原基因(nirKnirS)对森林转换后的响应特征,本研究选取中亚热带米槠天然林、杉木人工林和马尾松人工林为对象,分析了3种林分土壤和团聚体中nirKnirS基因丰度。结果表明: 天然林转变成人工林后,土壤pH值升高,但铵态氮含量下降。森林转换对土壤团聚体结构组成影响不大,但不同粒径团聚体中nirKnirS基因丰度存在差异,以小团聚体分布最多,粉-黏颗粒分布最少。各林分土壤中nirK基因丰度均显著高于nirS基因丰度,表明nirK在酸性森林土壤中占主导。天然林转人工林显著增加全土和团聚体中nirKnirS基因丰度,表明森林转换有利于提高nirKnirS基因丰度,这可能与pH值的提高有关。综上,天然林转变为杉木或马尾松人工林显著提高了土壤和团聚体中nirKnirS丰度,但对团聚体质量分数无显著影响。  相似文献   

研究轻度干扰和重度干扰对亚热带米槠人促更新林土壤总呼吸、异养呼吸的影响.结果表明:与轻度干扰米槠林相比,重度干扰林的土壤呼吸及其各组分均下降,其中,自养呼吸(RA,1.75 t C·hm-2·a-1)下降了40%.与轻度干扰林相比,重度干扰林土壤有机碳储量、细根生物量和凋落物量均显著降低.土壤温度可以分别解释轻度干扰林土壤呼吸(RS)、异养呼吸(RH)、自养呼吸(RA)的84.7%、68.3%、5.1%,可以解释重度干扰林的84.4%、54.6%、21.7%.轻度干扰林和重度干扰林RSRHRAQ10值分别为1.75、1.93、1.27和2.46、2.34、1.65.随着干扰强度的增加,森林生态系统碳储量降低,土壤呼吸下降,且土壤呼吸及其各组分对外界环境变化的响应更明显,生态系统表现出脆弱性,重度干扰下森林生态系统在短时间内难以恢复.  相似文献   

以木荷和杉木为试验材料,模拟异质和同质两种森林土壤养分环境,设计单植、两株纯植和两株混植3种栽植方式,开展盆栽试验研究木荷与杉木混交造林增产及木荷生长竞争优势形成的原因.结果表明: 与同质养分环境相比,异质养分环境中木荷与杉木混植时两树种均具有较高的苗高和干物质积累量,且木荷竞争优势明显,这与其根系可塑性强有关.混植的木荷各径级细根大量增生,其根系总长度、表面积和体积比杉木高80%~180%.木荷细根在垂直方向上采用了补偿性的生长策略,即除占据富养表层外,还在低养分斑块中大量增殖以获得更大的竞争优势.木荷与杉木的细根在土壤中的拓殖深度不同,生态位分化,缓解了两树种根系对养分的强烈竞争,提高了混植产量.纯植的木荷由于根系自我识别作用,抑制了根系的生长,使得纯植产量较低.细根在空间上错开和均匀分布可能是木荷纯林结构稳定的原因之一.建议在生产中采用块状整地和表层施肥等措施,改善土壤养分分布状况,营建混交林促进木荷和杉木生长,而对已营造的木荷人工纯林,可以及时调控林分密度促进林木生长.  相似文献   

Aims In forest ecosystems with phosphorus (P) deficiency, the impact of atmospheric nitrogen (N) deposition on nutritional traits related to N and P uptake potentially affect plant growth and vegetation productivity. The objective of this study was to explore the effects of simulated N deposition on fine root morphological characteristics and effiency of N and P absorption in Pinus massoniana under under low P stress.
Methods Two clones of P. massoniana seedling with different P efficiency (high P efficiency 19-5 vs. low P efficiency 21-3) were used. A two-year pot experiment was applyed with treatments of two P conditions, (i.e. homogeneous low P availability vs. heterogeneous low P availability) and three N deposition levels (0, 30 and 120 kg N·hm-2·a-1; i.e., N0, N30, or N120, respectively) .
Important findings 1) The growth of P. massoniana seedling was interactively affected the three factors: simulated N deposition, P condition and genotypes. Simulated N deposition increased the seedling height and dry mass under heterogeneous P deficiency, but did not significantly affect those traits under homogeneous P deficiency. Under heterogeneous P deficiency and N120 treatment, the seedling height and dry mass of clone 19-5 were 1.1 times and 1.6 times higher than that of clone 21-3, respectively. 2) Fine root length and surface area decreased as root diameter increased. N deposition significantly stimulated proliferation of fine root with diameter ≤1.5 mm, while roots with diameters ranged from 1.5 to 2.0 mm and over 2.0 mm were not influenced. The length of fine root ≤1.5 mm in diameter accounted for 90.4%-92.8% of the total root length and was not affected by N deposition. 3) Under the heterogeneous low P condition, clone 19-5 was found to respond to the simulated N deposition with increased root length and surface area in fine-root diameter class of ≤1.5 mm. Additionally, in compared with control, its N and P absorption efficiency were significantly enhanced 93.3% and 148.4%, respectively under N120 treatment. However, the N and P absorption efficiency of clone 21-3 was less affected by the simulated N deposition. The N and P use efficiency had no notable variation. Finally, we found that the proliferation of fine-root ≤1.5 mm in diameter and high N (P) absorption efficiency maybe the adaptive mechanisms of P. massoniana responding to atmospheric N deposition under P deficiency.  相似文献   

Aims The determination of the source of plant water is an important research on the plant-water relationship in arid and semiarid regions and helps to understand the adaptation strategy of desert species to the dry environment. Plant water use pattern affects plant community composition and ecosystem water budget. This study aims to investigate the water use patterns of Caragana microphylla and Artemisia halodendron, two typical shrub species, under altered rainfall conditions in Horqin Sandy Land. Methods Water treatments include ambient rainfall (natural rainfall), 50% increase in rainfall (enhanced rainfall) and 50% decrease in rainfall (reduced rainfall) by artificially intercepting and redistributing natural rainfall. Stable hydrogen and oxygen isotope ratios (δD and δ18O) were measured for xylem water, rainfall, and soil water in different soil layers (0-120 cm depth). The possible ranges of potential water sources used by C. microphylla and A. halodendron were calculated using the IsoSource model. Important findings 1) Alteration of ambient rainfall mainly affected the soil water condition in the shallow soil (0-30 cm). Increase in rainfall significantly increased the above- and below-ground biomass, and δ18O values of soil water declined with soil depth. 2) Under the enhanced rainfall treatment, A. halodendron mainly used the soil water in the shallow soil (0-40 cm) and C. microphylla was able to extract water from multiple soil layers. Under the reduced rainfall treatment, both species increasingly relied on extracting water from deeper soil layers, 60-80 cm for A. halodendron and 60-120 cm for C. microphylla. 3) For the natural rainfall treatment, in the wet season, the upper soil water was recharged by rainfall, C. microphylla and A. halodendron extract the shallow soil water (0-60 cm). However, in the dry season, soil water content was dramatically reduced, and main water sources for C. microphylla shifted from topsoil to deeper soil, and A. halodendron can use multiple layers of soil water. In summary, A. halodendron is more capable of exploring deeper soil moisture under reduced rainfall in comparison with C. microphylla, and is likely to be more adaptive to this water-limiting desert environment.  相似文献   

为了探讨人工林内优势乔木和林下灌草根际土壤氮矿化特征, 明确乔灌草根际土壤氮转化差异, 该研究以江西泰和千烟洲站区典型人工杉木(Cunninghamia lanceolata)、马尾松(Pinus massoniana)和湿地松(Pinus elliottii)林为对象, 在植被生长季初期(4月)和旺盛期(7月)分析3种人工林内乔木、优势灌木(檵木(Loropetalum chinense)、杨桐(Adinandra millettii)、格药柃(Eurya muricata))和草本(狗脊蕨(Woodwardia japonica)、暗鳞鳞毛蕨(Dryopteris atrata))根际土壤的净氮矿化速率、土壤化学性质及土壤微生物特征。结果发现: 1)物种、林型和取样季节显著影响了根际土壤净氮矿化速率(Nmin)、净铵化速率(Namm)和净硝化速率(Nnit)。马尾松和湿地松林内林下灌草根际土壤净氮矿化的季节敏感性高于乔木: 4月乔木根际土壤NminNamm显著高于大多数林下灌草, 而7月林下灌草根际土壤NminNamm显著提高, 与乔木不再具有显著差异, 与主成分综合得分方差分析的结果一致。一般情况下, 杉木林NminNnit显著高于马尾松林和湿地松林。7月净氮矿化显著高于4月。2)土壤铵态氮、硝态氮、全氮及土壤微生物量氮含量是影响根际土壤净氮矿化的主要因素。土壤化学性质对人工林根际土壤净氮矿化变异的贡献率为29.2%, 显著高于土壤微生物的解释率。充分考虑不同季节林下植被根际土壤的净氮矿化及其关键影响因素可为准确评估人工林生态系统养分循环状况提供重要支撑。  相似文献   

Aims The objective of this paper was to quantify the seasonal variation of active soil organic carbon in the subtropical forests for better understanding of the underline mechanisms in controlling soil organic carbon storage and dynamics in natural and restored forests in the region. Methods The study was conducted in a one-hectare permanent plot at Dashanchong Forest Park in Changsha County, Hunan Province, China. Four types of subtropical forests were selected as our study sites: (1) Cunninghamia lanceolata plantation, (2) Pinus massoniana-Lithocarpus glaber mixed forest, (3) Choerospondias axillaries deciduous broad-leaved forest, and (4) L. glaber-Cyclobalanopsis glauca evergreen broad-leaved forest. The soil samples were taken from 0-15 cm and 15-30 cm depths within each of the forests from December 2011 to September 2012. Soil microbial biomass carbon (MBC), mineralized organic carbon (MOC), readily oxidized carbon (ROC), and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) were analyzed for their seasonal changes. Important findings There existed a considerable seasonal variations of soil MBC, MOC, ROC, DOC among the forests, with a similar patterns of active organic carbon fraction. Soil MBC, MOC and ROC were significantly higher in the summer and the autumn than those in the spring and winter, while soil DOC was higher in the spring, summer and winter than that in the autumn. The seasonal variations of different active organic carbon fractions appeared different within the same forest type. Significantly-positive correlations were found between soil MBC, MOC, ROC, DOC and soil moisture content, soil organic carbon (SOC), total N, hydrolysis N, total P (except for MBC, MOC and ROC in Cunninghamia lanceolata plantation), available P, but not between soil MBC, MOC, ROC, DOC concentrations and soil pH, total K and available K. The results indicated that the differences of exogenous carbon devotion, physicochemical properties were responsible for the significant differences of soil active organic carbon, and the growth rhythm of tree species, soil moisture content, the availability of nutrient (SOC, N and P), and the sources of soil active organic carbon fractions made a major contribution to seasonal variations of soil active organic carbon. Soil MBC, MOC, ROC, and DOC could be used as sensitivity indexes to assess the dynamics of soil C, N and P.  相似文献   

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