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5个早籼稻品种不同播种期米质性状的主成分分析   总被引:21,自引:3,他引:18  
对8个播种期的5个早籼稻品种的品质性状进行主成分分析,归纳出了对综合米质影响较大的外观因子、加工因子、营养因子、蒸煮因子,它们对综合米质的贡献率依次减小,因此,稻米品质改良工作的重点应首先放在对外观及加工品质的改良上.不同品种及不同播种时期的稻米品质有较大的差异,整精米率和垩白是变异幅度较大并且对综合米质影响最大的指标、品种或播种期对米质的影响同时表现在米质性状的各个方面,综合米质好的稻米往往整精米率高、垩白少、蒸煮品质良好、蛋白质含量适中.在早稻生产中,应争取3月底以前播种并采取保温育秧措施,避开灌浆结实期高温的不良影响。此外,本文还阐述了各品质指标间的相关关系.  相似文献   

湘稻994的选育与特征特性及其开发利用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用辐射与杂交相结合的方法育成的优质早籼“湘辐994”,产量为6976.5kg/hm^2,生育期112天,米质优良,食味好,中感稻瘟病,中抗白叶枯病、褐飞虱和白背飞虱,田间抗性好。本文介绍了该品种的选育过程、特征特性及其开发利用。  相似文献   

根癌农杆菌介导的水稻转化及转基因R1代植株表型特征   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
用根癌农杆菌介导的方法对2个粳稻品种和4个籼稻品种进行了转化。粳稻成熟胚和籼稻幼胚来源的愈伤组织用携带质粒pGIH的农杆菌EHA101感染,对所有品种均获得较高的愈伤转化频率(20.83%~62.32%)。粳稻“申香粳4号”植株转化频率为17.39%,“秋丰”为9.21%。4个品种籼稻中仅“超丰早1号”获得1株转化植株。Southern杂交分析、GUS染色、T-DNA整合边界序列分析等结果表明外源  相似文献   

水稻耐光氧化和耐荫特性的生理基础   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
李霞  焦德茂 《Acta Botanica Sinica》2000,42(12):1271-1277
用简易、有效的人工光氧化和遮荫技术对30个水稻(Oryza sativa L.)种质进行筛选,鉴定出既耐光氧化又耐荫、耐光氧化不耐荫、耐荫不耐光氧化、既不耐荫又不耐光氧化等4种品种类型,并用既耐光氧化又耐荫的品种“武育粳3号”和对光氧化和遮荫均敏感的品种“香籼”进行光合特性研究。结果表明:在遮荫条件下,与对光氧化和遮荫敏感的品种“香籼”比较,“武育粳3号”的PSⅡ活性差异不大,RuBisCO活性降  相似文献   

小麦品种演化与远缘杂交亲和性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以79个改良小麦品种(系)与黑麦进行杂交,研究普通小麦品种与黑麦杂交亲和性的差异及其亲和性在品种更新,更换过程中的演变趋势,结果表明:供试改良小麦品种与黑麦的杂交亲和性显著低于对照中国春;结实率大于50%的品种3个,占供试品种的3.8%,结实率介于30% ̄50%之间的品种4个,占5.1%,结实率介于10% ̄30%之间的品种8个(10.1%),结实率小于5%的品种50个,占63.3%,另外,结实率介  相似文献   

在2005年国家主推的19个籼型超级杂交稻中有9个印水型杂交水稻,这种水稻连续创造了世界水稻最高产量纪录, 1/15hm2产达到了1 231.17 kg。印水型杂交水稻由中国水稻研究所主持完成,其育成和推广,从制种产量、杂种产量和米质等方面把我国杂交水稻的生产水平总体提高到一个新台阶,开创了杂交水稻超高产制种新时代,米质主要指标达到国际3-2级;制种产量创造并保持了我国和世界制种最高产量纪录,达到每1/15hm2440 kg;制种成本降低50%以上。从1998年至2004年,全国累计推广印水型杂交水稻24万hm2以上,增产稻谷64亿kg,创造经济效益 95亿元。该所“印水型水稻不育胞质的发掘及应用”项目荣获了2005年度国家科技进步一等奖和浙江省科技进步一等奖。  相似文献   

从非洲引进的早稻品种ERA,1359,叶片和颖壳均光滑无毛,为光壳稻,属粳稻一类。分集能力较强,抗早性强,产量较高,米质较优,适合在有一定灌溉条件的云、贵、川、渝、桂等地和雨水充足的长江流域种植。  相似文献   

耕作制度与水稻品种对二化螟发生世代的影响   总被引:16,自引:4,他引:12  
探讨了我县耕作制度与水稻品种的变化对二化螟发生世代及危害程度的影响。双季杂交水稻的大面积种植,一是使早稻的播、插期提早,二化螟第1、2代发生期也相应提早,发生量与危害程度转轻;二是杂交早稻为2代安全过渡创造了条件。提高2代转化率,导致晚稻上第3代发生期提早、危害加重;三是杂交水稻改善了二化螟的营养条件,加速幼虫发育,促进世代的转化。  相似文献   

美洲拟鲽抗冻蛋白基因(afp)导入番茄的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
将整合在Ti质粒上的afp基因作为供体DNA,用花粉管通道和子房注射方法导入番茄品种“中蔬四号”中,对D1、D2代进行Southern杂交获得杂交带;田间抗寒性试验表明,在春季平均气温低于正常年份4·4℃条件下,转基因组植株生长势优于对照;致死温度也比对照降低2℃.说明afp基因已整合到转化番茄基因组并获得表达  相似文献   

丁香属植物有性杂交试验的研究初报   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
1988-1989年在哈尔滨市第三苗圃进行了丁香属(Syringa L.)植物种间(内)杂交试验。结果表明:⑴不同杂交组合的亲和性差异很大,在试验的18个杂交组合中有5个杂交组合得到了发育正常的杂种F1代种子,但结实率不同,其中以白丁香与洋丁香为亲本的杂交组合,无论是正交或反交,杂种F1代的结实率均达86%以上,表现出较高的亲和力。而以重瓣洋丁香为母本,白丁香为父本和杂交组合,杂种F1代结实率仅有  相似文献   

Some closely related members of the monocotyledonous familiesAlismataceae, Liliaceae, Juncaceae, Cyperaceae, Poaceae andAraceae with variable modes of pollination (insect- and wind-pollination) were studied in relation to the ultrastructure of pollenkitt and exine (amount, consistency and distribution of pollenkitt on the surface of pollen grains). The character syndromes of pollen cementing in entomophilous, anemophilous and intermediate (ambophilous or amphiphilous) monocotyledons are the same in principal as in dicotyledons. Comparing present with former results one can summarize: 1) The pollenkitt is always produced in the same manner by the anther tapetum in all angiosperm sub-classes. 2) The variable stickiness of entomophilous and anemophilous pollen always depends on the particular distribution and consistency of the pollenkitt, but not its amount on the pollen surface. 3) The mostly dry and powdery pollen of anemophilous plants always contains a variable amount of inactive pollenkitt in its exine cavities. 4) A step-by step change of the pollen cementing syndrome can be observed from entomophily towards anemophily. 5) From the omnipresence of pollenkitt in all wind-pollinated angiosperms studied one can conclude that the ancestors of anemophilous angiosperms probably have been zoophilous (i.e. entomophilous) throughout.

正Dear Editor,Parainfluenza virus 5 (PIV5), known as canine parainfluenza virus in the veterinary field, is a negative-sense,nonsegmented, single-stranded RNA virus belonging to the Paramyxoviridae family (Chen 2018). The virus was first reported in primary monkey kidney cells in 1954 (Hsiung1972), then it has been frequently discovered in various  相似文献   

<正>Dear Editor,Infectious bursal disease (IBD) is one of the most important diseases of the poultry. The IBD virus (IBDV), a nonenveloped virus belonging to the Birnaviridae family with a genome consisting of two segments of double-stranded RNA (segments A and B), targets B lymphocytes of bursa of Fabricious leading to immunosuppression. In Pakistan,poultry farming is the second biggest industry and IBD is the second biggest disease threating the poultry sector.However, there is limited genome information of IBDV  相似文献   

正Dear Editor,Mink circovirus (MiCV), which is clustered in the genus Circovirus of the family Circoviridae, was first described in minks from farms in Dalian, China in 2013 (Lian et al.2014). The complete single-stranded circular genome of the virus is 1,753 nucleotides long and contains two major open reading frames (ORFs), designated ORF1 (Rep gene)and ORF2 (Cap gene)(Lian et al. 2014; Ge et al. 2018).Sequence analysis has shown that MiCV is most closely  相似文献   

Cyclophilin A (CypA) is a peptidyl-prolyl cis/trans isomerase that interacts with the matrix protein (M1) of influenza A virus (IAV) and restricts virus replication by regulating the ubiquitin–proteasome-mediated degradation of M1. However,the mechanism by which CypA regulates M1 ubiquitination remains unknown. In this study, we reported that E3 ubiquitin ligase AIP4 promoted K48-linked ubiquitination of M1 at K102 and K104, and accelerated ubiquitin–proteasome-mediated degradation of M1. The recombinant IAV with mutant M1 (K102 R/K104 R) could not be rescued, suggesting that the ubiquitination of M1 at K102/K104 was essential for IAV replication. Furthermore, CypA inhibited AIP4-mediated M1 ubiquitination by impairing the interaction between AIP4 and M1. More importantly, both the mutations of M1 (K102 R/K104 R) and CypA inhibited the nuclear export of M1, indicating that CypA regulates the cellular localization of M1 via inhibition of AIP4-mediated M1 ubiquitination at K102 and K104, which results in the reduced replication of IAV.Collectively, our findings reveal a novel ubiquitination-based mechanism by which CypA regulates the replication of IAV.  相似文献   

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