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苹果蠹蛾是仁果类水果的重要检疫害虫,在世界各地造成了巨大的经济损失。目前对其化学防治、化学生态调控、病毒等防治方法研究较多,但仍不能满足防控该害虫的需要,对新型防控技术的需求日益增强。不育昆虫释放技术(SIT)是一种可控制甚至根除靶标害虫的环境友好型防控技术,但传统SIT技术存在一定的局限性,如较难区分性别与筛选雌雄虫、辐射不育昆虫的交配竞争力和适合度降低等问题,这些缺陷随着昆虫遗传修饰技术的发展将得以解决,并将在害虫防控进程中起到积极作用。本文综述了苹果蠹蛾主要防控技术研究现状,介绍了通过遗传修饰技术改善SIT的技术策略,并综合分析了我国开展苹果蠹蛾遗传修饰研究情况和将其应用在苹果蠹蛾防控体系中的可行性及优势。  相似文献   

使用不育昆虫释放技术是一项新兴的苹果蠹蛾Cydia pomonella(L.)防治方法,使用转基因得到不育雄蛾具有比传统辐射方法更多的优点。转基因技术通过使用基于piggyBac等转座子的质粒载体,并插入显性条件致死基因以培育遗传性别品系,同时插入荧光蛋白等标记基因来显示转基因的效果;在人工控制的发育条件,建立成熟的稳定苹果蠹蛾品系,用以最终的田间释放以达到防治的目的。  相似文献   

在过去的几十年中,昆虫不育技术(sterile insect technique, SIT)已被用于防治农业害虫和人类健康相关的病媒害虫。相较于传统的农药控制策略,昆虫不育技术具有物种特异性和环境友好型等特点。通过释放不育雄虫的昆虫不育技术的主要障碍是在大规模饲养阶段将雄性与雌性分离,从而提高这些防治方法的成本效率,并防止释放携带和传播疾病的雌性群体。目前大多数针对双翅目害虫的遗传防治策略没有进行性别分离,少数害虫性别分离方法是基于蛹的大小或者雌雄蛹羽化时间差异进行人工识别和机械识别分离。双翅目昆虫性别决定及分化分子机制多种多样,其性别决定主要信号差异巨大,其多种性别决定基因已用于性别分离系统的开发。性比失衡性别分离策略通过破坏性别决定途径关键基因的表达获得雄性偏向后代,雌性条件性致死分离策略利用性别决定关键基因的雌雄选择性剪接差异实现性别分离,这两种性别分离策略目前正在害虫不育防治中接受大规模饲养应用评估,而基于双翅目昆虫雌雄性二态和基因标记发展的可视化性别分离策略也已成功实现多种害虫的性别分离。我们对性比失衡分离策略、雌性条件性致死分离策略和可视化性别分离策略在双翅目害虫中的研究进展进行了综述,重点评估了这些方法在雄虫大规模饲养和释放的应用潜力,以期在更完善的性别分离技术支持下为害虫防治研究取得更多突破性进展。  相似文献   

昆虫不育技术防治柑橘大实蝇研究概况   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
柑橘大实蝇Bactrocera minax(Enderlein)是柑橘果树上的重要害虫,我国在20世纪80、90年代曾经成功利用昆虫不育技术防治柑橘大实蝇的危害。本文从人工饲养、不育昆虫的获取以及野外释放等方面对利用昆虫不育技术防治柑橘大实蝇进行了综述,以期为我国柑橘大实蝇的可持续治理提供参考。  相似文献   

实蝇类害虫严重危害多种水果和蔬菜,是世界果蔬产业最重要的害虫类群之一,严重影响了发生地的果蔬生产和出口贸易活动。昆虫不育技术(SIT)是一种物种特异和环境友好型防治措施,在多种实蝇类害虫的防治、阻截和根除中起到了不可替代的重要作用。通过分子生物学技术对昆虫的基因组进行遗传修饰,可对SIT进行改进,提高其防控效果并扩大应用的物种范围,近年来相关方面的研究已取得重要进展,成为害虫遗传控制的研究热点。本文阐述了通过受四环素调控的tet-off基因表达系统来实现昆虫"不育"的基本原理和在果蝇及其他几种主要实蝇类害虫中建立的不同类型的遗传控制体系,以及类似体系在其他农业昆虫中的应用情况。简要介绍了在橘小实蝇遗传控制技术体系构建方面的工作进展,并对该技术的在害虫综合治理(IPM)尤其是实蝇类害虫防治中的应用前景进行了讨论和展望。  相似文献   

在过去的几十年中,昆虫不育技术(sterile insect technique, SIT)已被用于防治农业害虫和人类健康相关的病媒害虫。相较于传统的农药控制策略,昆虫不育技术具有物种特异性和环境友好型等特点。通过释放不育雄虫的昆虫不育技术的主要障碍是在大规模饲养阶段将雄性与雌性分离,从而提高这些防治方法的成本效率,并防止释放携带和传播疾病的雌性群体。目前大多数针对双翅目害虫的遗传防治策略没有进行性别分离,少数害虫性别分离方法是基于蛹的大小或者雌雄蛹羽化时间差异进行人工识别和机械识别分离。双翅目昆虫性别决定及分化分子机制多种多样,其性别决定主要信号差异巨大,其多种性别决定基因已用于性别分离系统的开发。性比失衡性别分离策略通过破坏性别决定途径关键基因的表达获得雄性偏向后代,雌性条件性致死分离策略利用性别决定关键基因的雌雄选择性剪接差异实现性别分离,这两种性别分离策略目前正在害虫不育防治中接受大规模饲养应用评估,而基于双翅目昆虫雌雄性二态和基因标记发展的可视化性别分离策略也已成功实现多种害虫的性别分离。我们对性比失衡分离策略、雌性条件性致死分离策略和可视化性别分离策略在双翅目害虫中的研究进展进行了综述,重点评估了这些方法在雄虫大规模饲养和释放的应用潜力,以期在更完善的性别分离技术支持下为害虫防治研究取得更多突破性进展。  相似文献   

疟疾、登革热等重大传染性蚊媒疾病严重危害人类健康,且目前缺乏有效的药物和疫苗,防治埃及伊蚊、冈比亚按蚊等媒介昆虫是控制和消除这些疾病的有效手段。化学杀虫剂的大规模使用在一定程度上控制了疾病的传播,但其抗药性和环境污染等问题也随之而来。分子生物学的飞速发展为昆虫不育技术(SIT)的更新及害虫防治提供了新的策略,由此发展起来的以释放携带显性致死基因昆虫(RIDL)为代表的一系列遗传不育技术为蚊虫种群防控提供了更加有效的选择。本文概述了遗传技术在蚊虫防控中的应用进展,包括蚊虫遗传防治的历史和策略,阐述了RIDL技术体系的原理,同时介绍了相关遗传控制品系和已经开展的田间释放研究,展示了遗传修饰不育技术在蚊媒疾病防治中的巨大潜力。  相似文献   

昆虫不育剂的效力和安全系数   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正> 昆虫不育剂已经用于害虫防治,并逐步发展为一类新型的化学药剂。例如,绝育磷(TEPA)和不育特(apholate)可以在棉花上防治象鼻虫、红铃虫和斜纹夜蛾等重要害虫。 耐普林(knipling)通过理论和实践的研究表明,施用接触性化学不育剂明显地优于辐射不育法,它不需要大量饲养和释放不育雄虫,并且比直接杀死昆虫的农药更为优越。如果某杀虫剂有90%的效力,以100头害虫作为基数的话,存活的10%害虫继续交配繁殖后代,就需  相似文献   

【背景】椰子织蛾是新入侵我国海南岛的棕榈害虫,昆虫不育技术是控制该害虫的潜在措施。【方法】通过研究椰子织蛾生殖、发育、存活等特性,探讨椰子织蛾不育技术的生物学基础。【结果】在(28±2)℃、(70±10)%RH、以椰子老叶饲养的条件下,每雌产卵量约170粒,净增值率约55.4,倍增时间约9.6 d,表明椰子织蛾可在室内大量饲养,为辐射不育提供虫源。椰子织蛾雌雄比为1∶1.04,雄虫先熟,产卵前期短,产卵期集中,表明该害虫交配行为相对简单,有利于不育雄虫发挥效能。雌蛹显著重于雄蛹,有利于不育过程中雌雄虫的分离。发育起点温度11.5℃,有效积温996.9日度,在海南岛每年发生4~5代,这些数据可用来预测椰子织蛾种群动态,便于释放不育雄虫。【结论与意义】本研究从生物学角度表明椰子织蛾可用昆虫不育技术进行防控,为其进一步的不育技术研发提供相关信息。  相似文献   

基于遗传修饰手段的昆虫不育技术(SIT)作为一类物种特异、环境友好、科学高效的新兴策略,在害虫防治中具有广阔的应用前景。释放携带显性致死基因昆虫的技术(RIDL)是改进传统SIT的重要手段之一,主要包括四环素调控系统、特异性启动子、性别特异剪接系统和特异性致死基因等重要元件,其中根据不同昆虫的特点选择合适的特异性致死基因对于构建遗传不育品系至关重要。这些致死基因或受到阻遏调控系统的控制、或特异的在雌虫中表达、亦或直接作用于X染色体,导致后代在特定发育阶段或特定性别中条件致死。本文综述了RHG家族(reapr、hid、grim、michelob_x)细胞凋亡基因、转录激活因子t TA及Nipp1Dm、归巢内切酶基因等在害虫遗传不育技术中的研究和应用,讨论了特定致死基因的效应机理和应用特点,并对其可能的发展方向进行了展望。由于不同效应基因的致死作用和调控机理尚未完全明晰,因此深入研究特异致死基因的凋亡机制和在不同物种中的兼容作用,将为害虫遗传防控提供更多的研究思路和手段。  相似文献   

The codling moth Cydia pomonella (Linnaeus) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) is a serious pest of pome fruit worldwide. In an effort to reduce the use of pesticides to control this pest, the sterile insect technique (SIT) is used or considered for use as a component of area‐wide integrated pest management programmes. Rearing codling moths through diapause has been shown to improve the competitiveness of sterile moths released in orchards, and provides management alternatives that would allow mass‐rearing facilities to increase their yearly production of sterile moths. Because radiosensitivity in insects can be influenced by numerous biological factors, laboratory tests were conducted to examine whether the response to increasing doses of radiation, as expressed in the fecundity and fertility of cohorts of moths, is similar for adult moths mass‐reared through diapause or through standard (non‐diapause) production protocols. Our data revealed that the effect of increasing doses of radiation on fecundity and fertility of codling moths reared through both rearing strategies was similar. In the case of fertility, this is a particularly important finding for the expanded application of codling moth SIT. If mass‐rearing facilities use year‐round diapause rearing, the dose required to treat the insects prior to release will be similar to that used when codling moths are reared through standard production protocols.  相似文献   

The sterile insect technique (SIT) has been successfully applied against codling moth Cydia pomonella (Linnaeus) (Lepidoptera; Tortricidae) in British Columbia since 1992 where the mass‐rearing facility produces between 15 and 16 million moths per week. Due to the seasonality of this pest, the facility is only fully utilized for part of the year. The time and expense of implementing SIT against codling moth in South Africa may be substantially reduced if moths from Canada were sexually compatible with those from South Africa. In addition, because the pome fruit‐growing season in both countries is opposite, the programme in Canada might benefit by maintaining moth production year‐round and selling moths to South Africa. Semi‐field studies in small cages and release‐recapture studies were conducted in an unsprayed apple orchard in South Africa to assess mating compatibility of laboratory‐reared codling moth from Canada and wild codling moths from South Africa. The results suggest that Canadian codling moth males were equally attracted to calling Canadian and South African females despite the fact that Canadian moths had been transported (from Canada to South Africa) for 48 h as both pupae and adults. The data also suggest that at lower field temperatures Canadian moths were more active than South African moths. Results from the release‐recapture field trials indicated that Canadian and South African males were equally attracted to Canadian and South African females. These results suggest that codling moths from Canada and South Africa are fully compatible and indicate that Canadian moths can be used for SIT studies in South Africa. As these studies were conducted with moths from two very different climatic and time zones, it is proposed that populations of codling moth in other pome fruit production areas may also be compatible with the Canadian moths.  相似文献   

Maximum production and fitness of insect species that are mass‐reared for biological control programmes such as the sterile insect technique (SIT) have benefitted from the employment of quality control and quality management. With a growing interest in the use of SIT as a tactic for the suppression/eradication of key lepidopteran pests, such as the codling moth, Cydia pomonella L. (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae), there is a parallel interest in inexpensive bioassays that can accurately detect differences in insect quality and monitor insect field performance. In this study, we examined laboratory (mating and flight ability) bioassays and field (field cage and open field release) bioassays simultaneously to discern the ability of the different bioassays to predict quality and field performance of codling moths produced in a commercial mass‐rearing facility. Moth quality was degraded by different levels of radiation during the sterilization procedure. Both the laboratory flight bioassay and the field cage bioassay successfully detected quality and performance differences that were relevant to moth performance in the field. However, the study data suggest that the field cage bioassay was a better predictor of the daily performance of males that had been released in the orchard than the laboratory flight bioassay. Conversely, data suggest that the controlled climatic conditions of the laboratory allowed the flight cylinder bioassay to be more sensitive in detecting daily fluctuations in the quality of moths caused by factors within the mass‐rearing facility. Therefore, both laboratory and field bioassays may be required to provide feedback on quality and performance of mass‐reared moths in a SIT programme.  相似文献   

Codling moth Cydia pomonella (Linnaeus) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) is the key pest of pome fruit in South Africa, and it’s control in apple and pear orchards relies on the application of insecticides and pheromone‐mediated mating disruption. Development of resistance to insecticides and placement of restrictions on the use of certain insecticides has made control of codling moth in South Africa increasingly problematic. The use of the sterile insect technique (SIT) as a control tactic for codling moth is under investigation as a potential addition to the current control strategy. We investigated the radiosensitivity of a laboratory strain of codling moth that was established from moths collected from commercial and organic orchards in the Western Cape, South Africa. Fecundity and fertility of this strain following radiation were consistent with values for the codling moth strain in the Canadian rearing facility in British Columbia. For both strains, the female codling moth was considerably more radiosensitive than the male. At a radiation dose of 100 Gy or higher, treated females were 100% sterile. The fertility of the South African strain was higher (86.3%) than for the Canadian strain (71.9%). This difference in fertility between the two strains was maintained when the dose of radiation was 100 Gy. However, the level of fertility was very similar between the two strains for doses ≥150 Gy. Therefore, based upon previously published work and the data from this study, an operational dose of 150 Gy is recommended for future codling moth SIT programmes in South Africa.  相似文献   

Franz G  Robinson AS 《Genetica》2011,139(1):1-5
The application of the Sterile Insect Technique (SIT) in area-wide integrated pest management (AW-IPM) programmes continues to increase. However, programme efficiency can still be considerably enhanced when certain components of the technology are improved, such as the development of improved strains for mass rearing and release. These include strains that (1) produce only male insects for sterilization and release and (2) carry easily identifiable markers to identify released sterile insects in the field. Using both classical and modern biotechnology techniques, key insect pests are targeted, where SIT programmes are being implemented. The pests include mosquitoes, the Mexican fruit fly, the codling moth, the oriental fruit fly and the pink bollworm. This special issue summarizes the results of research efforts aimed at the development and evaluation of new strains to a level where a decision can be made as to their suitability for use in large scale SIT programmes. Major beneficiaries will be operational AW-IPM programmes that apply the SIT against major insect pests.  相似文献   

The codling moth Cydia pomonella (L.) (Lepidoptera Tortricidae) is a key pest of pome fruit (apple, pear and quince) and walnut orchards in most temperate regions of the world. Efforts to control the codling moth in the past mostly relied on the use of broad spectrum insecticide sprays, which has resulted in the development of insecticide resistance, and the disruption of the control of secondary pests. In addition, the frequent reliance and use of these insecticides are a constant threat to the environment and human health. Consequently, there have been increased demands from the growers for the development of codling moth control tactics that are not only effective but also friendly to the environment. In that respect, the sterile insect technique (SIT) and its derivative, inherited sterility (IS), are, together with mating disruption and granulosis virus, among the options that offer great potential as cost‐effective additions to available control tactics for integration in area‐wide integrated pest‐management approaches. In support of the further development of the SIT/IS for codling moth control, the Joint FAO/IAEA Programme of Nuclear Techniques in Food and Agriculture implemented a 5‐year Coordinated Research Project (CRP) entitled ‘Improvement of codling moth SIT to facilitate expansion of field application’. Research focussed on sterile codling moth quality and management (e.g. mobility and life‐history traits in relation to rearing strategy, dispersal, flight ability, radiosensitivity and mating compatibility) and a better understanding of the basic genetics of codling moth to assist the development of genetic sexing strains (e.g. cytogenetics, the development of dominant conditional lethal mutations, molecular characterization of the sex chromosomes, sex identification in embryos and cytogenetic markers). The results of the CRP are presented in this special issue.  相似文献   

The sterile insect technique (SIT) is a proven effective control tactic against lepidopteran pests when applied in an areawide integrated pest management program. The construction of insect mass-rearing facilities requires considerable investment and moth control strategies that include the use of sterile insects could be made more cost-effective through the importation of sterile moths produced in other production centers. For codling moth, Cydia pomonella (L.) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae), this is an attractive option because mating studies have confirmed the absence of mating barriers between codling moth populations from geographically different areas. To assess the feasibility of long-distance transportation of codling moths, pupae and adult moths were transported in 2004 from Canada to South Africa in four shipments by using normal commercial transport routes. The total transport time remained below 67 h in three of the consignments, but it was 89 h in the fourth consignment. Temperature in the shipping boxes was fairly constant and remained between -0.61 and 0.16 degrees C for 76.8-85.7% of the time. The data presented indicate that transporting codling moths as adults and pupae from Canada to South Africa had little effect on moth emergence, longevity, and ability to mate, as assessed in the laboratory. These results provide support to the suggestion that the STT for codling moth in pome fruit production areas might be evaluated and implemented by the importation of irradiated moths from rearing facilities in a different country or hemisphere.  相似文献   

Assessment of quality of the sterile male insects that are being mass‐reared for release in area‐wide integrated pest management programmes that include a sterile insect technique component is crucial for the success of these programmes. Routine monitoring of sterile male quality needs to be carried out both in the mass‐rearing facility and in the field. Simple bioassays that can be conducted in the laboratory and that would be surrogates for laborious field tests would be a very cost‐effective way of monitoring sterile male field performance. Simple flight cylinders were used to assess whether these could detect differences in quality of male codling moth Cydia pomonella. The number of male and female codling moths that flew out of the cylinders was influenced by cylinder diameter, cylinder height and number of hours following the initiation of the test. The flight cylinder bioassay was capable of detecting differences in quality of codling moths induced by irradiation when moths were shipped, but no differences were found in flight ability when the moths were not transported. The tests also confirmed that handling and shipment reduced quality more for irradiated than for non‐treated codling moth, and that insect quality was significantly influenced by larval rearing protocols. The flight cylinder bioassay was therefore successful in detecting differences in codling moth quality induced by various treatments that had been identified previously by more complex laboratory bioassays and field trials. Treatment differences were most likely detected when flight cylinders were 16 cm high.  相似文献   

The codling moth Cydia pomonella (Linnaeus) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) is a serious pest of pome fruit worldwide and the sterile insect technique (SIT) provides an environmentally acceptable approach for its control. As the pest is present in both the southern and northern hemispheres it would be possible for a rearing facility in the northern hemisphere to supply sterile moths to an SIT programme in the southern hemisphere during the northern winter and vice versa. This could greatly improve the economics of moth production and the running costs of rearing facilities. However in order to develop this concept, it is important to assess if populations of codling moth from different geographical regions share mating compatibility. Twelve different laboratory and field populations from both hemispheres were sampled and field cage bisexual mating compatibility tests were carried out between selected combinations. The index of sexual isolation (ISI) and the female and male relative performance index (FRPI and MRPI, respectively) were calculated for each mating combination. In only two of the combinations was there a slight but significant deviation from random mating. There were also some significant differences in mating duration between the homotypic matings and the duration of a particular homotypic mating seemed to depend on the origin of the other population in the cage. It was concluded that there exist no barriers to mating between populations of codling moth from many parts of the world and that it would be feasible for sterile moths to be shipped from one rearing facility to SIT programmes in other parts of the world.  相似文献   

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