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向日葵螟是取食向日葵花盘及籽粒最为猖獗的一种害虫,可造成严重的产量损失。本文综述了向日葵对两种向日葵螟(欧洲葵螟Homoeosoma nebulellum Denis et Schiffermüller和美洲葵螟Homoeosoma electellum Hulst)抗虫性的研究进展,从向日葵的花药腺毛、瘦果性状、次生化合物(黑色素、倍半萜类化合物和花粉萃取物)等方面概括了向日葵和向日葵螟的互作关系,阐述了向日葵的形态结构及化学组成对向日葵螟抗虫性的作用,初步说明了向日葵对向日葵螟抗虫性的物理生化机制,并对未来在抗虫育种工作的启示及可能的应用进行了展望。  相似文献   

向日葵(Helianthus annuus L.)作为我国重要的油料作物之一,其葵花籽油的提取已经实现工业化生产,但其副产物向日葵盘、秸秆、葵花籽壳和饼粕等仍然利用不足.随着技术设备条件的优化及产业化条件的成熟,向日葵副产物具有十分广阔的开发应用前景.本文对向日葵花盘现阶段的综合利用情况进行介绍,并总结了向日葵花盘中绿原酸、水溶性多糖、萜类化合物等重要活性物质的提取方法.针对我国目前面临的向日葵作物综合利用发展中出现的向日葵花盘副产物处理难问题,阐述了向日葵花盘的药用价值及其重新开发和综合利用的方法,为向日葵花盘的利用提供指导.  相似文献   

内蒙古巴彦淖尔地区向日葵螟的种群动态与生活史   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了制定科学、有效的向日葵螟Homoeosoma nebulellum Denis et Schiffermüller(鳞翅目:螟蛾科)测报和防治对策,通过野外调查和室内饲养观察对内蒙古巴彦淖尔地区向日葵螟的发生为害规律及生活史进行了研究。结果表明:当地向日葵螟的寄主有菊科的向日葵Helianthus annuus L.、茼蒿Chrysanthemum coronarium Mill.、刺儿菜Cephalanoplos segetum(Beg.) Kitam和苣荬菜Sonchus brachyotus DC.,其中苣荬菜作为向日葵螟的寄主在我国是首次报道。应用性信息素监测结合田间调查的结果表明,当地向日葵螟一年发生2代,其中越冬幼虫4月下旬开始化蛹,5月中旬开始羽化,但此时羽化的成虫由于缺乏开花寄主而无法产卵为害。第1代幼虫在6月末为害茼蒿、7月下旬开始为害开花的向日葵。第1代幼虫于7月下旬开始羽化产卵形成第2代,其中有9.2%的老熟幼虫直接滞育越冬。第2代幼虫自8月中旬起为害晚开花的向日葵,9月中旬老熟后陆续入土越冬,至10月上旬收获时仍有30.0%的幼虫未老熟而随收获的葵花盘转至筛选出的杂质中越冬。在24℃,RH 70%和L16∶D8光照条件下测定第2代向日葵螟卵、幼虫和蛹的发育历期分别为4.2、15.9和11.1 d,雌、雄蛾寿命分别为14.9 d和15.1 d.综合观察结果,绘制了巴彦淖尔地区向日葵螟的生活史表。  相似文献   

向日葵螟成虫种群消长动态和空间分布型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了科学指导应用播期避害、性诱剂诱捕成虫和田间释放天敌昆虫-赤眼蜂防治向日葵螟,确定最佳防治时期和选择最佳防治方法,2009—2011年,在内蒙古巴彦淖尔市利用向日葵螟Homoeosoma nebulellum(Denis et Schiffermüller)性诱剂进行了向日葵螟田间种群动态和空间分布型的研究。结果表明,向日葵螟成虫每年5月中旬始见,直到9月底,一年有两个明显的成虫蛾峰期,第1个蛾峰期出现在6月下旬至7月上旬,第2个蛾峰期在7月下旬至8月中旬,当地向日葵1年受到两代幼虫的危害,而且开花期与向日葵螟两个蛾峰期吻合度越高,向日葵受葵螟幼虫的危害越重;通过应用5种聚集度指数测定和Blackith种群聚集均数λ分析,向日葵螟成虫在田间呈聚集分布,聚集主要由向日葵螟自身行为及环境因素引起。根据成虫动态和空间分布型,可以科学指导应用播期避害、性诱剂诱捕器和释放天敌昆虫的最佳时期及方式。  相似文献   

该研究以内蒙古自治区农牧业科学院选育的3个向日葵品种‘NKZ4’、‘NK244’和‘NK175’为试验材料,于2014和2015年在陕西武功、山西介休、内蒙古呼和浩特、辽宁沈阳、吉林长春、新疆乌鲁木齐和黑龙江齐齐哈尔7个不同生态条件的向日葵主产省区种植,测定各种植区主要环境气候因子以及各品种籽粒中油酸等脂肪酸组分含量,分析向日葵籽实油酸含量对气候因子的响应规律,并确定关键影响因子,探究气候因子对向日葵油酸形成的影响机理。结果表明:(1)不同生态区间向日葵品种籽实的脂肪酸含量差异较大,其油酸含量总体变化趋势为随纬度的增加而降低。(2)气候因子中日照时数、日均最高气温、日均最低气温、日均气温4个因子与向日葵油酸含量密切相关。(3)在向日葵各生育阶段和全生育期,籽实油酸含量与日照时数均呈显著负相关关系,与日均最高气温、日均气温呈显著正相关关系;在现蕾 开花阶段,油酸含量与平均风速呈显著负相关关系;在开花 成熟阶段和全生育期,油酸含量与日均最低气温呈显著正相关关系。研究发现,向日葵籽实油酸含量受种植区日均最高气温和日均气温影响最大,日均最高气温、日均气温升高5 ℃,籽实油酸含量由20%可上升至40%。  相似文献   

【目的】研究娄彻氏链霉菌(Streptomyces rochei)D74菌剂促进向日葵生长和抑制列当寄生的作用,及其对根际微生物的影响。【方法】通过构建向日葵-列当-S.rochei D74共培养体系,观察D74菌株对列当寄生的影响;采用田间小区试验,测定D74菌剂接种对向日葵植物生理指标和列当出土数的影响;测定向日葵产量指标,研究D74菌剂对向日葵籽粒品质及产量的影响;利用16S rRNA基因高通量测序技术和传统微生物培养方法,分析添加D74菌剂对向日葵根际微生物群落结构的影响。【结果】D74菌剂能够促进向日葵生长[茎秆重和花盘重分别显著增加(P<0.05)37%-40%和21%-37%],同时抑制28%-46%(P<0.05)的列当出土;还可以提高向日葵籽粒中粗蛋白含量5%-9%、大粒占比约66%(P<0.05)和百粒重8%-18%,并且通过产量测定表明,D74菌剂可增产约30%(P<0.05),这对提高农民经济收益具有深远意义。D74菌剂对向日葵根际微生物群落具有显著影响,调节了群落有益微生物数量。【结论】D74菌剂可以显著降低向日葵根部列当寄生病害的发生,促进花盘生长,使籽粒饱满,具有实际应用价值和推广意义。  相似文献   

向日葵的学名是 Helianthus annuus L.,He-lianthus 是“太阳的花朵”之意,由其命名即可知向日葵有朝向太阳的习性。关于年幼的向日葵花盘随太阳光线移动的情形,在十九世纪出版的泰里也夫所著“生物观察”一书中即有详细的描写。他写道:“尚未张开的向日葵的小盘子追随着太阳整日地移动着。在早晨,全部向日葵的头转向东方,到了中午,便朝向南方。当太阳将西沉时,它们早已在向西方探望了。到了夜间,向日葵的花盘又旋转来向着东方,……向日葵的花盘张开以后,大概那时由于茎干的生长停止的缘故,便丧失这种追随太阳的能力,但是它们依旧还不变地望着光线和热量射来较多的一个方面——  相似文献   

向日葵是世界上著名的油料作物和观赏植物之一,其次生代谢产物具有多种生物医药活性。本文研究了绿原酸、多糖、黄酮和多酚4种次生代谢产物在向日葵各生长阶段的分布和积累情况,结果表明:成熟期的向日葵花盘多糖含量最高为52.2 mg·g~(-1),开花期的向日葵花盘绿原酸含量最高为2.64 mg·g~(-1),苗期的叶中黄酮和多酚的含量最高分别为20.94和11.75 mg·g~(-1)。综合考虑这4种次生代谢产物的分布和积累情况,花期的向日葵花盘和现蕾期的叶最具有药用开发价值。  相似文献   

向日葵(Helianthus annuus L.)是世界四大油料作物之一。为解析向日葵主要脂肪酸组分的生物合成分子机制,选用高油酸自交系J9、低油酸自交系P50为研究材料;采用错期播种同期采样试验,以液相色谱测定授粉后不同样品籽粒的脂肪酸组分与含量;利用RNA-Seq技术,对不同样品测序,获得各样品与脂肪酸合成相关的基因表达数据,以气象学数据、液相色谱数据、向日葵基因组数据和转录组数据为基础,采用生物信息学方法分析相关数据。结果表明:(1)高油酸向日葵材料脂肪酸组分和含量受温度影响小,而低油酸材料易受温度影响;(2)J9和P50的12个样本的高表达基因数在7500个左右,而中、低表达基因数相当,是高表达基因的两倍,约15000个;(3)品种特异性表达基因和品种间特异表达基因去除重复后,在J9和P50在-CK和S数据集得到15885个,GO功能富集获得的与脂质代谢直接相关的403个DEGs 映射到与的脂质代谢相关的KEGG代谢通路,累计29个DEGs直接参与了19条相关KEGG通路。本研究将为深入解析向日葵脂肪酸代谢分子机制提供新信息。  相似文献   

西花蓟马在康乃馨不同品种上的田间分布   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
调查西花蓟马Frankliniella occidentalis(Pergande)在10个康乃馨(Dianthus caryophyllus)品种上的发生与分布,比较花朵颜色与气味对西花蓟马寄主选择性的影响。结果表明,花朵上的西花蓟马数量在不同品种间存在显著差异。花朵颜色是影响西花蓟马寄主选择的主要原因,而花朵气味也能影响西花蓟马对寄主的选择性。  相似文献   

The fitness of crop-wild hybrids can influence gene flow between crop and wild populations. Seed predation levels in crop-wild hybrid plants can be an important factor in determining plant fitness, especially in large-seeded crops such as sunflower. To determine patterns of pre-dispersal seed predation, seeds were collected from wild sunflowers (Helianthus annuus L.) and wild×crop F1 hybrids at three experimental field sites in eastern Kansas. Seed heads were dissected and each seed was counted and scored for categories of seed damage by lepidopteran and coleopteran larvae. Hybrid seed heads showed significantly higher levels of insect-damaged seeds. The average hybrid plant had 36.5% of its seeds (or 45.1 seeds per plant) eaten by insect larvae while the average wild plant lost only 1.8% (or 95 seeds) to seed predators. Hybrid populations had higher levels of total insect damage even when date of flowering, flower head diameter, and the number of open heads within the study site were accounted for. These results suggest that the reduced fecundity of F1 crop-wild sunflower hybrids demonstrated in other studies may be augmented by the increased seed predation in hybrid flower heads. Fecundity estimates of crop-wild hybrid and wild plants that disregard differential seed predation levels may not accurately reflect the actual relative contributions of hybrid and wild plants to future generations. Received: 21 December 1998 / Accepted: 8 July 1999  相似文献   

The preference–performance hypothesis for insect herbivores predicts that adult females should preferentially choose hosts on which their offspring perform better. We tested this hypothesis for the sunflower moth, Homoeosoma electellum (Hulst) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae), using 16 sunflower (pre‐breeding) lines, derived from a number of wild species of Helianthus, including Helianthus annuus L., Helianthus deserticola Heiser, Helianthus paradoxus Heiser, Helianthus praecox Engelm. & Gray ssp. hirtus (Heiser) Heiser, Helianthus praecox Engelm. & Gray ssp. runyonii (Heiser) Heiser, Helianthus petiolaris Nutt., Helianthus resinosus Small, and Helianthus tuberosus L. (Asteraceae), that are suitable for introducing wild sunflower germplasm into commercial cultivars. Female moths showed a range of ovipositional preference measures to the various lines. Combined data for three Helianthus species represented by multiple lines showed significant differences in female preference with respect to the parental species. Larval performance, determined by proportion of infested neonate larvae reaching the pupal stage, or mean pupal weight, varied across the lines and, as for the female preference data, also showed significant differences among the three parental Helianthus species represented by multiple lines. These data suggest that the characteristics in the pre‐breeding lines influencing female sunflower moth preference and larval performance likely originate from the parental species and may be consistently transferred to the derived pre‐breeding lines. Of particular note with regard to potential plant resistance mechanisms, lines derived from H. tuberosus showed consistent low preference–performance measures. Female preference and larval performance (for both measures) were strongly correlated, indicating that females preferred plants and lines on which larvae performed better, in support of the preference–performance hypothesis.  相似文献   

D. Pilson 《Oecologia》2000,122(1):72-82
Plant fitness is strongly affected by flowering phenology, and there are several ecological factors that are thought to shape the distribution of flowering times. One relatively underexamined factor is the timing and intensity of attack by herbivores that feed on flowers or developing seeds. This study tests the hypothesis that herbivores that feed on developing seeds of wild sunflower, Helianthus annuus (Asteraceae), impose selection on flowering phenology. First, the study population was found to contain genetic variation for mean date of flowering, so this trait could evolve if natural selection were operating. Next, the phenological pattern of abundance of five seed-feeding herbivores was documented. Damage by three herbivores, Haplorhynchites aeneus (Cucurlionidae), the head-clipping weevil, Homoeosoma electellum (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae), the sunflower moth, and Suleima helianthana (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae), the sunflower bud moth, was highest early in the flowering season, and declined as the season progressed. Damage by one herbivore, the seed fly Gymnocarena diffusa (Diptera: Tephrididae), was lowest early in the flowering season and increased as the season progressed. Finally, damage by two seed weevils, Smicronyx fulvus and S. sordidus (Curculionidae), whose damage was not distinguished, was constant through the flowering period. Third, damage by Haplorhynchites, Homoeosoma, and Suleima was found to be detrimental to plant fitness, suggesting that plants that flower when these herbivores are not abundant should have higher fitness. Finally, two phenotypic selection analyses were performed. The first included damage by Homoeosoma and Suleima, as well as flowering date, leaf area, and inflorescence diameter, as characters predicting plant fitness. In this analysis directional selection was found to act to decrease damage by the two herbivores, but did not act on flowering date. The second selection analysis was identical except that damage by the two herbivores was not included. In this analysis significant directional selection was found to favor later-flowering plants. Comparison of these two analyses suggests that all selection on flowering phenology is attributable to damage by Homoeosoma and Suleima: plants that flower later avoid damage by these two herbivores. While other influences on flowering phenology, such as pollination, mate availability, and seasonality, have been well documented, this study is one of few to demonstrate natural selection on flowering phenology that is a direct consequence of insect attack. Received: 17 November 1998 / Accepted: 18 July 1999  相似文献   

The banded sunflower moth, Cochylis hospes Walsingham (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae), is an important economic pest of sunflower in the Upper Great Plains of North America. Economic losses due to reductions in seed number, weight, and quality can be significant. Previously, the potential for economic losses were estimated by sampling for adult moths. However, sampling for moths can be difficult and inaccurate. An alternative is to sample for banded sunflower moth eggs, which can be accurately counted in the field by using a binocular 3.5 headband magnifier. The egg counts are used to calculate the economic injury level (EIL) (EIL = C/VWPK), where C is the cost of treatment per unit area, V is the crop market value per unit of weight, W is the slope of the regression between banded sunflower moth egg densities and weight loss per plant, P is a term for plant population per unit area, and K is the control treatment efficacy. Estimates of populations of banded sunflower moth eggs are taken from the center of 400-m spans along all field sides. From these samples and the calculated EIL, a map of the extent of the economically damaging banded sunflower moth population throughout the field is made using economic distance; ED = e ( ( (EIL/E)-1.458)/-0.262). Economic distance estimates the distance an economic population extends into the field interior along a transect from the sampling site. By using egg samples to calculate the EIL and mapping the distribution of economic populations throughout a field, producers can then make more effective pest management decisions.  相似文献   

Canola (Brassica napus L.) cultivars Oscar and Westar, engineered with a Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) cryIA(c) gene, were evaluated for resistance to lepidopterous pests, diamondback moth, Plutella xylostella L. (Plutellidae) and corn earworm, Helicoverpa zea (Boddie) (Noctuidae) in greenhouse and field conditions. In greenhouse preference assays conducted at vegetative and flowering plant stages, transgenic plants recorded very low levels of damage. A 100% diamondback moth mortality and 90% corn earworm mortality were obtained on transgenic plants in greenhouse antibiosis assays. The surviving corn earworm larvae on transgenic plants had reduced head capsule width and body weight. Mortality of diamondback moth and corn earworm were 100% and 95%, respectively, at different growth stages (seedling, vegetative, bolting, and flowering) on the transgenic plants in greenhouse tests. In field tests conducted during 1995–1997, plots were artificially infested with neonates of diamondback moth or corn earworm or left for natural infestation. Transgenic plants in all the treatments were highly resistant to diamondback moth and corn earworm larvae and had very low levels of defoliation. Plots infested with diamondback moth larvae had greater damage in both seasons as compared with corn earworm infested plots and plots under natural infestation. After exposure to defoliators, transgenic plants usually had higher final plant stand and produced more pods and seeds than non-transgenic plants. Diamondback moth injury caused the most pronounced difference in plant stand and pod and seed number between transgenic and non-transgenic plants. Our results suggest that transgenic canola could be used for effective management of diamondback moth and corn earworm on canola.  相似文献   

根据2年10个点次的田间试验结果建立了由数粒法、盘重法和盘径法预测向日葵籽实产量的回归数学模型,并根据1994年4个点次的产量实测结果对各模型的可靠性进行了验证.结果表明,三种方法建立的模型均有效、可靠.但在我国向日葵科研和生产实践中,以盘径法最为实用,建议推广应用.  相似文献   

Field trials were conducted during 2002 and 2003 to determine the productivity and compatibility of the cropping systems obtained from intercropping varieties of sesame (E8, PBTil and 530-6-1) and sunflower (Funtua, Record and Isaanka) in the humid forest–savanna transition zone which is outside the current growing areas. Intercropping did not affect the number of branches per plant, number and weight of capsules per plant, weight of seeds per plant, 1000 seed weight or seed production efficiency (SPE) of all sesame varieties in both years, except SPE in 2003. In both years, intercropping sesame with sunflower varieties significantly reduced grain yield of PBTil and E8. However, 530-6-1 produced grain yield similar to the monocrop when intercropped with Record and Funtua in 2002 and 2003, and Record in 2003. In both years, intercropping significantly depressed the grain yield of the three sunflower varieties because of reduction in their head diameter, head weight, number and weight of seeds per head and lower number of plants per unit area relative to their monocrops. E8, 530-6-1 and PBTil intercropped with the three sunflower varieties recorded land equivalent ratio values in the range of 1.13–1.37, 1.32–1.46 and 1.22–1.35, respectively. Based on competitive ratio values, E8 demonstrated the greatest ability to compensate for intercrop competition with taller sunflower varieties. It was concluded that growers can successfully cultivate sesame (530-6-1 and PBTil) under intercropping with sunflower in the humid forest–savanna transition zone.  相似文献   

Previous work shows that predation by small mammals is a dominant cause of mortality of low-density gypsy moths in North America and that declines in small mammal density result in increases in gypsy moth density. Here we examined whether predation by small mammals is density dependent by way of a type III functional response, and how predation is influenced by alternative prey. First we showed that the preference of predators for gypsy moth pupae was low compared to other experimental prey items, such as mealworm pupae and sunflower seeds. Predation on gypsy moth pupae was characterized by a type II functional response with percent predation highest at the lowest prey densities, whereas the functional response to sunflower seeds was characterized by a type III functional response in which predation increased with increasing prey density. These results suggest that predation by small mammals is unlikely to stabilize low-density gypsy moth populations.  相似文献   

Switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.) is a potential biomass crop for native species-based biofuel systems in North America. A recently identified pest of switchgrass, the switchgrass moth, Blastobasis repartella (Dietz) (Lepidoptera: Coleophoridae), feeds in the basal above-ground internodes and below-ground in the proaxis and rhizomes, causing premature tiller and rhizome loss. Our goal was to determine genetic and temporal variation among six upland cultivars for frequency of tiller infestation by larvae of the switchgrass moth in mature stands in the northern Great Plains and if variation in biomass production was associated with variation in frequency of infestation. Data were collected in 2011 and 2012 for tiller density, biomass, frequency of infestation, number of leaves per healthy and infested tiller, and weights of healthy and infested tillers. Differences were found among cultivars for tiller density, biomass yield, and numbers of leaves per healthy and infested tillers. ‘Summer’, ‘Sunburst’, ‘Pathfinder’, and ‘Cave-In-Rock’ were the highest yielding cultivars. Mean frequency of infestation was different between 2011 (6.7 %) and 2012 (9.6 %). Infested tillers had one less collared leaf than healthy tillers. The weights of healthy tillers were ca. 3× those of infested tillers in both years, suggesting an impact on biomass accumulation and economic value. Levels of infestation were similar for all six cultivars, indicating no feeding preference by the switchgrass moth larva among genetically diverse cultivars of switchgrass. Regression of biomass yield on frequency of infestation showed negative linear relationships for ‘Carthage’ and ‘Kentucky 1625’.  相似文献   

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