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五种常见嗜尸性蝇类的分子鉴定   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为了解决法医学人员对于嗜尸性蝇类的鉴定难题,对中山市、广州市及西安市5种常见嗜尸性蝇类共17个样本,对其线粒体COⅠ基因的348 bp大小片段进行了RFLP和DNA序列分析,采用ABI377测序仪测序,DNASTAR软件预测限制性位点,DdeⅠ, DraⅠ和HinfⅠ3种限制性内切酶消化,非变性聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳检测酶切结果,MEGA3.0软件包进行序列分析和构建系统发育树。结果表明: 采用mtDNA扩增结合银染技术和DNA序列分析,均可以方便快捷地进行上述三地5种常见嗜尸性蝇类的种类鉴定。本文结果为法医昆虫学中嗜尸性昆虫DNA鉴定数据库的建立提供了数据资料。  相似文献   

尤欢  周力兵  邓裕亮  陈国华 《昆虫学报》2014,57(11):1343-1350
【目的】果实蝇属Bactrocera中有国际上重要的检疫性害虫, 基于形态的物种鉴定有一定的局限性。另一方面, 云南边境地区为东南亚地区实蝇入侵我国的重要通道。因此, 对该地区实蝇分子鉴定方法的研究对于该属物种的快速准确鉴定具有重要意义。本研究旨在探讨DNA条形码技术在果实蝇属物种鉴定中的有效性。【方法】使用线粒体基因COI和COII序列的通用引物对果实蝇属20个物种60份样品进行PCR扩增、测序和序列分析; 采取距离方法和建树方法评价2种序列的鉴别能力。【结果】COI和COII序列平均长度分别为682 bp和339 bp, 种内和种间遗传差异较大, 有较明显的遗传距离间隔(barcoding gap), 鉴定成功率分别为91.2%和90.7%。另外, 分子系统树表明华实蝇亚属Sinodacus不是单系群。【结论】COI和COII序列均能够将绝大多数果实蝇属物种进行准确鉴别, 应用COI或COII序列进行果实蝇属物种鉴定具有一定的可行性。  相似文献   

本研究旨在利用线粒体DNA上的12S rRNA基因、COI基因分子标记鉴定少棘巨蜈蚣(Scolopendra subspinipes mutilans L. Koch)干燥体。通过提取少棘巨蜈蚣干燥体样本DNA,PCR扩增线粒体DNA上的12S r RNA基因、COI基因片段,对PCR产物进行电泳检测及测序分析,测序结果在GenBank上进行BLAST搜索,同源性分析,并用MEGA7.0软件对所有实验样品及少棘巨蜈蚣的近缘物种进行遗传距离分析、构建邻接(NJ)树以验证序列比对结果。结果表明,从少棘巨蜈蚣(Scolopendra subspinipes mutilans L. Koch)干燥体中成功地提取到了基因组总DNA,并成功扩增出了用于动物种属鉴定的12S rRNA、COI基因片段。但所得蜈蚣样本12S rRNA基因片段序列与NCBI的GenBank中的物种的同源性无90%以上的。通过文献调研发现尚无蜈蚣12S rRNA基因片段的相关报道,将该序列作为新的基因序列注册到NCBI基因数据库中,该基因片段序列的GenBank登录号为JN558832.1。这说明利用线粒体DNA上的12S rRNA、COI基因DNA分子标记皆可准确鉴定动物种属。本研究得到的12S rRNA基因片段序列可作为后续准确鉴定少棘巨蜈蚣药材的分子标记参考。  相似文献   

对嗡蜣螂属Onthophagus 12种蜣螂的线粒体COI基因3’端部分序列(731 bp)进行了比较,结果显示,COI序列的变异位点213个,简约信息位点167个.碱基替代主要发生在第3位点(64次),占替代总数的83.12%.除掘嗡蜣螂O.fodiens与婪嗡蜣螂O.lenzi小于2%外,其余种间遗传距离在8.1% ~15.8%之间,种内遗传距离为0 ~0.2%.单倍型多样性(Hd)和核苷酸序列多样性(Pi)分别为0.944±0.030和0.10518±0.0045.滑动窗口分析表明,可变位点频率在240~290 bp、675 bp附近较高.NJ树聚类结果与传统形态学分类相吻合:外群代表种分化最早,种间聚成一分支,种内个体优先聚集种下.本文认为COI基因适合作为嗡蜣螂属物种鉴定的DNA条形码.  相似文献   

为弥补传统形态分类方法的不足,探究应用DNA条形码技术进行分子生物学鉴定的可行性,本研究用DNA条形码技术检测了青海省海东地区3目6科14属18种110只小型兽类的COI基因部分序列。分析所测COI基因序列可知:种内遗传距离≤3%,种间遗传距离5-10%,属间遗传距离12-19%,种间遗传距离显著大于种内遗传距离。NJ树显示同种个体聚为有很高支持度的单一分支。有6个个体(4只黄胸鼠、2只小家鼠)在现场鉴定中被误定为其他种类。研究结果表明使用条形码技术能纠正形态学鉴定中的错误,也说明动物线粒体COI基因是一个有效的DNA条形码标准基因。  相似文献   

【目的】DNA条形码技术已成为生物分类鉴定的有力工具。DNA条形码技术的相关问题,如物种种内和种间的遗传距离出现重叠区域,将直接影响到物种鉴定的准确性。我们应用DNA条形码试剂盒检测技术来快速、准确地鉴定口岸截获的检疫性大小蠹属种类。【方法】针对大小蠹昆虫设计引物以提高PCR扩增效率。运用自主研发的基因条码分析软件找出基因片段上区分每个物种的多态位点规律,作为该物种的鉴定特征并建立数据库,应用于物种鉴定。【结果】使用针对大小蠹属昆虫设计的引物成功扩增出325 bp的COI基因片段。将大小蠹属12种昆虫的COI基因片段上的核苷酸诊断位点的组合作为物种的鉴定特征,可以准确地区分近似种。通过比对植物检疫鉴定系统数据库里的鉴定特征,将6个大小蠹属的未知样品成功鉴定到种(核苷酸序列一致性为100%),与形态鉴定结果一致。【结论】结果表明DNA条形码试剂盒检测技术可以准确鉴定大小蠹属的种类。该检测技术可以应用于其他经济重要性有害生物的检测鉴定。  相似文献   

DNA条形码试剂盒检测技术在大小蠹属种类鉴定中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
[目的]DNA条形码技术已成为生物分类鉴定的有力工具.DNA条形码技术的相关问题,如物种种内和种间的遗传距离出现重叠区域,将直接影响到物种鉴定的准确性.我们应用DNA条形码试剂盒检测技术来快速、准确地鉴定口岸截获的检疫性大小蠹属种类.[方法]针对大小蠹昆虫设计引物以提高PCR扩增效率.运用自主研发的基因条码分析软件找出基因片段上区分每个物种的多态位点规律,作为该物种的鉴定特征并建立数据库,应用于物种鉴定.[结果]使用针对大小蠹属昆虫设计的引物成功扩增出325 bp的COI基因片段.将大小蠹属12种昆虫的COI基因片段上的核苷酸诊断位点的组合作为物种的鉴定特征,可以准确地区分近似种.通过比对植物检疫鉴定系统数据库里的鉴定特征,将6个大小蠹属的未知样品成功鉴定到种(核苷酸序列一致性为100%),与形态鉴定结果一致.[结论]结果表明DNA条形码试剂盒检测技术可以准确鉴定大小蠹属的种类.该检测技术可以应用于其他经济重要性有害生物的检测鉴定.  相似文献   

【目的】粉蚧是一类重要的世界性检疫性害虫,对果蔬产业以及水果的进出口贸易造成了巨大威胁。通常,口岸截获的粉蚧多为若虫或残体,加之隐存种的存在和较小的近缘种间差异,严重影响了基于形态学特征的粉蚧类害虫识别鉴定的准确性和及时性。本研究旨在明确DNA条形码技术对重大潜在入侵害虫大洋臀纹粉蚧Planococcus minor(Maskell)的鉴定有效性。【方法】以旅检截获的36头大洋臀纹粉蚧为对象、其近缘种柑橘臀纹粉蚧Pl.citri(Risso)为参照,以线粒体COI基因5'端和3'端序列以及核糖体28S r DNA D2-D3区段序列为分子标记进行比对分析,以K-2-P模型计算种内种间遗传距离,以最大似然法(maximum likelihood,ML)构建进化树并进行系统发育分析,同时利用Species Identifier物种识别软件评价3种基因片段对大洋臀纹粉蚧的鉴定效果。【结果】当分别以COI基因5'端和3'端序列为分子标记时,截获大洋臀纹粉蚧的碱基序列与NCBI中大洋臀纹粉蚧的序列一致性分别为100%和99%~100%,而与近缘种柑橘臀纹粉蚧COI基因5'端和3'端的核苷酸序列一致性分别为97%~98%和96%~98%;且大洋臀纹粉蚧和柑橘臀纹粉蚧分别存在5个和11个稳定的物种特异性识别位点;系统发育分析显示,截获的大洋臀纹粉蚧均与数据库中的大洋臀纹粉蚧聚为一支。当以28S r DNA D2-D3区段序列为分子标记时,臀纹粉蚧属各物种间高度保守,无法区分大洋臀纹粉蚧与其近缘种柑橘臀纹粉蚧;种间遗传距离仅为0.004。此外,物种识别软件评价结果显示,基于COI基因5'端和3'端序列的鉴定结果完全正确,而基于28S r DNA D2-D3区段序列的鉴定结果却存在45.2%~61.9%的模糊鉴定。【结论】基于COI基因5'端和3'端的DNA条形码技术完全可用于大洋臀纹粉蚧的快速准确鉴定及检测,对有效阻截其入侵和进一步扩散蔓延意义重大。  相似文献   

我国8种猛禽的DNA条形码技术研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
用DNA条形码通用引物扩增了我国8种猛禽(14只个体)的线粒体细胞色素c氧化酶亚基I(COI)基因,选取648 bp DNA条形码标准区域,结合99条猛禽条形码序列,探讨DNA条形码对猛禽的识别和鉴定.结果显示,75.6%的猛禽符合10×规则,且80.5%的猛禽均具有独特的DNA条形码可作为物种鉴定的依据,另有19.5%的猛禽(鵟属8种猛禽)由于种间差异太小,DNA条形码对它们的识别鉴定存在一定局限.  相似文献   

【目的】明确山西翅果油树Elaeagnus mollis上发生危害的3种鳞翅目害虫形态鉴定特征及生活史特性,并基于mtDNA COI基因DNA条形码对这3个种进行快速物种识别鉴定。【方法】通过观察山西翅果油树上3种鳞翅目害虫成虫外部形态和解剖拍照雌、雄性外生殖器特征,利用PCR扩增对待测样本COI基因DNA条形码序列进行测定,与GenBank数据库中同源序列进行比对,基于COI基因DNA条形码序列构建邻接树 (neighborjoining, NJ),结合形态学研究结果对这3种鳞翅目害虫开展种类鉴定。【结果】形态学鉴定结果表明,危害山西翅果油树的3种鳞翅目害虫为榆兴透翅蛾Synanthedon ulmicola、兴透翅蛾Synanthedon sp.和斜纹小卷蛾Apotomis sp.。对这3个种的外部形态和雌、雄性外生殖器鉴别特征进行了描述和绘图。DNA条形码序列比对分析结果显示,榆兴透翅蛾与GenBank数据库中Synanthedon sequoiae的COI基因核苷酸序列一致性为90.7%,兴透翅蛾与GenBank数据库中Synanthedon spheciformis的COI基因核苷酸序列一致性为90.0%,斜纹小卷蛾与GenBank数据库中Apotomis capreana的COI基因核苷酸序列一致性为92.7%,NJ树聚类分析结果显示3个种分别形成明显的单系分支,与形态学和序列比对鉴定结果相吻合。【结论】本研究基于形态学鉴定和COI基因DNA条形码分子鉴定明确了危害山西翅果油树的3种鳞翅目害虫——榆兴透翅蛾、兴透翅蛾和斜纹小卷蛾,并提供了3个种的形态鉴定特征、生活史资料,为重要经济树种翅果油树的害虫防治提供了理论依据和科学资料。  相似文献   

成都地区四种食尸性蝇类 mtDNA中 COⅠ基因序列检测   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
通过检测食尸性苍蝇线粒体DNA(mtDNA)上细胞色素氧化酶亚基Ⅰ(COⅠ)中278bp 基因序列,鉴定食尸性苍蝇的种类,解决依据形态学方法不能鉴定苍蝇卵的种类、很难鉴定幼虫种类的难题 ,作为法医鉴别食尸性苍蝇及其幼虫、卵种类依据。随机采集放置在成都地区室外草地兔尸体 上的4 种15个食尸性苍蝇。利用改进的小型昆虫DNA匀浆方法提取上述苍蝇mtDNA;通过Perkin Elmer 9600扩增仪进行PCR扩增;聚丙烯酰胺非变性凝胶连续缓冲体系垂直电泳和银染显色技 术进行扩增结果检测;PCR胶回收试剂盒纯化;ABI 377测序仪测序;MEGA2.1软件包进行序列 分析和构建系统发育树。在双翅目食尸性苍蝇的种内进化分歧均数小于1%,种间进化分歧均数 大于7%。mtDNA上COⅠ序列分析能有效地对主要的食尸性苍蝇进行种类鉴定。该检测方法快速、 简便和精确,能作为法医鉴别食尸性苍蝇种类的可靠依据。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Identifying species of organisms by short sequences of DNA has been in the center of ongoing discussions under the terms DNA barcoding or DNA taxonomy. A C-terminal fragment of the mitochondrial gene for cytochrome oxidase subunit I (COI) has been proposed as universal marker for this purpose among animals. RESULTS: Herein we present experimental evidence that the mitochondrial 16S rRNA gene fulfills the requirements for a universal DNA barcoding marker in amphibians. In terms of universality of priming sites and identification of major vertebrate clades the studied 16S fragment is superior to COI. Amplification success was 100% for 16S in a subset of fresh and well-preserved samples of Madagascan frogs, while various combination of COI primers had lower success rates.COI priming sites showed high variability among amphibians both at the level of groups and closely related species, whereas 16S priming sites were highly conserved among vertebrates. Interspecific pairwise 16S divergences in a test group of Madagascan frogs were at a level suitable for assignment of larval stages to species (1-17%), with low degrees of pairwise haplotype divergence within populations (0-1%). CONCLUSION: We strongly advocate the use of 16S rRNA as standard DNA barcoding marker for vertebrates to complement COI, especially if samples a priori could belong to various phylogenetically distant taxa and false negatives would constitute a major problem.  相似文献   

Sand flies include a group of insects that are of medical importance and that vary in geographic distribution, ecology, and pathogen transmission. Approximately 163 species of sand flies have been reported in Colombia. Surveillance of the presence of sand fly species and the actualization of species distribution are important for predicting risks for and monitoring the expansion of diseases which sand flies can transmit. Currently, the identification of phlebotomine sand flies is based on morphological characters. However, morphological identification requires considerable skills and taxonomic expertise. In addition, significant morphological similarity between some species, especially among females, may cause difficulties during the identification process. DNA-based approaches have become increasingly useful and promising tools for estimating sand fly diversity and for ensuring the rapid and accurate identification of species. A partial sequence of the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase gene subunit I (COI) is currently being used to differentiate species in different animal taxa, including insects, and it is referred as a barcoding sequence. The present study explored the utility of the DNA barcode approach for the identification of phlebotomine sand flies in Colombia. We sequenced 700 bp of the COI gene from 36 species collected from different geographic localities. The COI barcode sequence divergence within a single species was <2% in most cases, whereas this divergence ranged from 9% to 26.6% among different species. These results indicated that the barcoding gene correctly discriminated among the previously morphologically identified species with an efficacy of nearly 100%. Analyses of the generated sequences indicated that the observed species groupings were consistent with the morphological identifications. In conclusion, the barcoding gene was useful for species discrimination in sand flies from Colombia.  相似文献   

The 5' region of the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) gene cytochrome c oxidase I (COI) is the standard marker for DNA barcoding. However, because COI tends to be highly variable in amphibians, sequencing is often challenging. Consequently, another mtDNA gene, 16S rRNA gene, is often advocated for amphibian barcoding. Herein, we directly compare the usefulness of COI and 16S in discriminating species of hynobiid salamanders using 130 individuals. Species identification and classification of these animals, which are endemic to Asia, are often based on morphology only. Analysis of Kimura 2-parameter genetic distances (K2P) documents the mean intraspecific variation for COI and 16S rRNA genes to be 1.4% and 0.3%, respectively. Whereas COI can always identify species, sometimes 16S cannot. Intra- and interspecific genetic divergences occasionally overlap in both markers, thus reducing the value of a barcoding gap to identify genera. Regardless, COI is the better DNA barcoding marker for hynobiids. In addition to the comparison of two potential markers, high levels of intraspecific divergence in COI (>5%) suggest that both Onychodactylus fischeri and Salamandrella keyserlingii might be composites of cryptic species.  相似文献   

Abstract Unambiguous and rapid sarcosaphagous insect species identification is an essential requirement for forensic investigations. Although some insect species are difficult to classify morphologically, they can be effectively identified using molecular methods based on similarity with abundant authenticated reference DNA sequences in local databases. However, local databases are still relatively incomplete in China because of the large land area with distinct regional conditions. In this study, 75 forensically important blow flies were collected from 23 locations in 16 Chinese provinces, and a 278‐bp segment of the cytochrome oxidase subunit I gene of all specimens was successfully sequenced. Phylogenetic analysis of the sequenced segments showed that all Calliphorid specimens were properly assigned into nine species with relatively strong supporting values, thus indicating that the 278‐bp cytochrome oxidase subunit one region is suitable for identification of Calliphorid species. The clear difference between intraspecific threshold and interspecific divergence confirmed the potential of this region for Calliphorid species identification, especially for distinguishing between morphologically similar species. Intraspecific geographic variations were observed in Lucilia sericata (Meigen, 1826) and Lucilia caesar (Linnaeus, 1758).  相似文献   

mtDNA中COⅠ分子标记在常见食尸性蝇类鉴定中的应用   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
死后不同时间,在尸体上出现不同种类食尸性蝇类的演替规律,可用于准确推断死亡时间。传统上仅依据蝇类形态学特征来判断种属,但由于蝇类的形态结构复杂和种间形态差异微小等特点,对蝇类尤其是对蝇类幼虫的种属鉴别很难。因此应用分子生物学方法对食尸性蝇类及其幼虫进行种属鉴定非常重要。本研究主要是利用此方法对我国西部部分地区常见双翅目食尸性蝇类包括:开普黑蝇、大头金蝇、丝光绿蝇及部分卵,铜绿蝇、棕尾别麻蝇及部分幼虫和蛹的线粒体DNA(mtDNA)上细胞色素氧化酶辅酶Ⅰ(COⅠ)中278 bp的基因序列进行鉴别。除个别蝇类如丝光绿蝇与铜绿蝇外,该方法均能有效地将上述食尸性蝇类鉴定到种属水平。在我国,它将成为法医鉴别食尸性蝇类种属的可靠依据。  相似文献   

唐秀娟  姜立云  陈静  乔格侠 《昆虫学报》2015,58(11):1262-1272
【目的】粉毛蚜亚科昆虫是重要的林业害虫,但是由于蚜虫体型较小,形态特征趋于简化,可用于物种鉴定的有效特征非常有限,因此一般基于外部形态特征难以对蚜虫物种实现快速准确的鉴定。本研究获取该亚科2属10种的DNA条形码标准序列,解决部分物种的分类问题,同时比较了3种标记对粉毛蚜亚科(Pterocommatinae)物种快速鉴定的效率。【方法】基于蚜虫的线粒体细胞色素氧化酶C亚基I(cytochrome oxidase subunit I, COI)基因、细胞色素b(cytochrome b, Cytb)基因和蚜虫初级内共生菌Buchnera 6-磷酸葡萄糖酸脱氢酶(gluconate-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, gnd)基因,对2属10种共197号样品进行NJ分析、遗传距离的计算以及基于相似性的物种鉴定分析。【结果】与K-2P模型相比,基于p-distance模型计算得到的遗传距离更小,序列差异频次图上种内距离与种间距离的重叠区域也小于前者;COI序列的物种鉴定成功率最高。获取了粉毛蚜亚科近200条DNA条形码标准序列,并建立了基于3个标记的该亚科物种DNA条形码序列库。【结论】在粉毛蚜亚科DNA条形码研究中,p-distance模型要优于K-2P模型;COI序列具有最高的条形码分析效率;增毛卷粉毛蚜Plocamaphis assetacea可能为蜡卷粉毛蚜Plocamaphis flocculosa的同物异名。  相似文献   

Abstract.  The utility of cytochrome oxidase I (COI) DNA barcodes for the identification of nine species of forensically important blowflies of the genus Chrysomya (Diptera: Calliphoridae), from Australia, was tested. A 658-bp fragment of the COI gene was sequenced from 56 specimens, representing all nine Chrysomya species and three calliphorid outgroups. Nucleotide sequence divergences were calculated using the Kimura-two-parameter distance model and a neighbour-joining (NJ) analysis was performed to provide a graphic display of the patterns of divergence among the species. All species were resolved as reciprocally monophyletic on the NJ tree. Mean intraspecific and interspecific sequence divergences were 0.097% (range 0–0.612%, standard error [SE] = 0.119%) and 6.499% (range 0.458–9.254%, SE = 1.864%), respectively. In one case, a specimen that was identified morphologically was recovered with its sister species on the NJ tree. The hybrid status of this specimen was established by sequence analysis of the second ribosomal internal transcribed spacer (ITS2). In another instance, this nuclear region was used to verify four cases of specimen misidentification that had been highlighted by the COI analysis. The COI barcode sequence was found to be suitable for the identification of Chrysomya species from the east coast of Australia.  相似文献   

《Journal of Asia》2020,23(2):540-545
With about 5000 known species, the Vespidae is a large family belongs to order Hymenoptera. The genus Vespa with 22 species is one of the four genera of the subfamily Vespinae. In Korea, 10 species and subspecies are recognized. Because of their social behavior, their treat to human health and their impact in apiculture, the reliable and sometimes automated identification of these insects to species level are important. To test the efficacy of DNA barcoding method for identification of species of the genus Vespa in Korea, 30 samples of eight Korean species of genus Vespa were collected and mitochondrial DNAs of 658 bp fragment cytochrome oxidase subunit 1 (CO1) region were sequenced. A Bayesian Inference based on COI gene of the Korean Vespa species was constructed. The phylogenetic tree shoed that identification of all specimens is possible based on COI gene and we found strong relation between the sequences of the collected species from different localities in South Korea which clustered together with 100% support with sequences of the same species in GenBank. The results demonstrate that DNA barcoding is a useful technique for rapid and accurate species recognition in Korean Vespa species. The DNA barcode part of COI for V. binghami is provided for the first time that can help for identification of this species through DNA barcoding. Also, the genetic diversity among Korean Vespa velutina was zero suggests that the invasion might have occurred in a single event with small number of founders.  相似文献   

Freshwater snails in the family Bithyniidae are the first intermediate host for Southeast Asian liver fluke (Opisthorchis viverrini), the causative agent of opisthorchiasis. Unfortunately, the subtle morphological characters that differentiate species in this group are not easily discerned by non-specialists. This is a serious matter because the identification of bithyniid species is a fundamental prerequisite for better understanding of the epidemiology of this disease. Because DNA barcoding, the analysis of sequence diversity in the 5’ region of the mitochondrial COI gene, has shown strong performance in other taxonomic groups, we decided to test its capacity to resolve 10 species/ subspecies of bithyniids from Thailand. Our analysis of 217 specimens indicated that COI sequences delivered species-level identification for 9 of 10 currently recognized species. The mean intraspecific divergence of COI was 2.3% (range 0-9.2 %), whereas sequence divergences between congeneric species averaged 8.7% (range 0-22.2 %). Although our results indicate that DNA barcoding can differentiate species of these medically-important snails, we also detected evidence for the presence of one overlooked species and one possible case of synonymy.  相似文献   

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