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ε亚基是叶绿体ATP合酶最小的一个亚基,有阻塞ATP合酶的质子通道和抑制其水解ATP活力的两种功能。用定点突变和缺失等分子生物学方法对ε亚基的结构功能进行了研究,结果表明:ε亚基42位上的苏氨酸(Thr42)对维持其结构和功能都很重要。与大肠杆菌ATP合酶相比,叶绿体ATP合酶ε亚基C端和N端的氨基酸残基缺失对其结构功能的影响更为敏感。  相似文献   

耐热碱性磷酸酯酶的功能结构域的定位   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
 为了确定耐热碱性磷酸酯酶 (TAPND2 7)发挥活性所必需的功能结构域 ,通过 PCR介导的诱变缺失 ,得到了 N端分别缺失 8、1 6、2 5个氨基酸的 3个缺失体 p TAPN8、p TAPN1 6和p TAPN2 5以及 C端分别缺失 1 0和 30个氨基酸的两个缺失体 p TAPC1 0和 p TAPC30 .经表达和活性测定 ,发现 p TAPN8和 TAPC1 0保持了较高的活性而其余 3个缺失体则失去酶活性 .据此 ,TAPND2 7的活性区域被定位在 8~ 465氨基酸之间 .在分离纯化的基础上测定了一些酶学性质 .发现 TAPN8和 TAPC1 0的比活没有大的改变 ,Tm 下降了 5.5℃ ;TAPN8的最适反应温度上升了1 0℃ .结果提示了 N端和 C端的这些氨基酸残基对热稳定性有一定的贡献 ,N端氨基酸残基还对酶的亲热性有贡献 .  相似文献   

ε亚基是叶绿体ATP合酶最小的一个亚基,有阻塞ATP合酶的质子通道和抑制其水解ATP活力的两种功能.用定点突变和缺失等分子生物学方法对ε亚基的结构功能进行了研究,结果表明:ε亚基42位上的苏氨酸(Thr42)对维持其结构和功能都很重要.与大肠杆菌ATP合酶相比,叶绿体ATP合酶ε亚基C端和N端的氨基酸残基缺失对其结构功能的影响更为敏感.  相似文献   

proEMAPⅡ(又称p43蛋白)是哺乳动物氨酰tRNA合成酶的辅助因子,近年来发现,p43具有细胞因子活性以及抗新生血管生成的作用,具有潜在的抗肿瘤疗效.p43的C端结构域即为EMAPⅡ,其结构和功能都已知,具有细胞因子和抗血管生成的双重功能.但是N端的结构还不清楚,研究表明全长的p43比EMAPⅡ具有更高的生物学活性,但是p43的结构和作用机制尚不明确.此外,作为蛋白质药物,更小的分子能够减少免疫原性和副作用,从而发挥更好的活性.本文利用生物信息学方法,对p43 N端的二级结构进行预测,并且在不破坏二级结构的前提下,构建了10个p43的缺失突变体,在体外对10个缺失突变体与全长的p43蛋白进行抗新生血管生成活性验证比较,最终我们获得了3个活性高的p43缺失突变体,并且发现N端的1~16,1~79位氨基酸和C端的264~312位氨基酸不是p43发挥抗血管生成功能所必需的,而且它们的删除使得活性位点更好地呈现并发挥活性.通过我们的研究,有助于揭示p43蛋白结构和功能的关系以及其作用机制,同时为临床筛选肿瘤治疗候选药物奠定基础.  相似文献   

戊二酰 7 氨基头孢烷酸酰化酶 (即GL 7ACA酰化酶 ,EC .3.5 .1.11)的催化中心通常在 β亚基N端的第一个氨基酸 ,底物亲和标记的研究亦显示N端存在着结合靶点 ,因而该区域的结构可能与酶的功能密切相关。对C130 β亚基N端的 2~ 8位氨基酸残基分别进行了肽段置换和定点突变研究。将N端前 8位肽段置换为来源于Arthrobacterviscosus的青霉素G酰化酶 (PAC)的对应序列后 ,C130酰化酶活力丧失 ;而置换为来源于E .coli的青霉素G酰化酶 (PGA)的对应序列后 ,酰化酶活力仍然保留 ,但Km 值从 0 .44× 10 -3 mol·L-1增大为 0 .5 5× 10 -3mol·L-1,kcat值由 4.92s-1降低为 1.6 4s-1。另对C130 β亚基N端 2~ 4位氨基酸残基作了单点突变 :第 4位的Trp为可能的底物类似物结合位点 ,被变为Tyr后 ,它对底物GL 7ACA的结合能力略为减弱 ,kcat则降低为 2 .2 9s-1;而变为Leu后 ,Km 为 0 .34× 10 -3 mol·L-1,kcat为 3.15s-1;第 3位的Ser变为Met、Ala及Cys后 ,随着Km值逐渐降低 ,kcat也有所降低 ,而S3 M、S3 A突变体的kcat/Km 值比野生型的分别增加了 2 2 .3%和 39.3% ;将活性中心Ser(β1)邻位的Asn(β2 )变为Gln后 ,C130酶活大幅度下降 ,kcat减为 0 .47s-1。上述结果表明 ,C130 β亚基N端的前几个氨基酸残基均可对酶的功能  相似文献   

为深入研究肌钙蛋白I2(TNNI2)作为核受体相互作用蛋白参与核受体基因表达调控的分子机制,采用缺失突变联合酵母双杂交技术证明了TNNI2与ERRα1的相互作用位于TNNI2的1~128位氨基酸残基区域.该区域包括TNNI2蛋白的N末端、抑制肽段(96~116位氨基酸残基)和一个核受体结合位点LXXLL模序(即NR盒).哺乳细胞瞬时共转染实验证实,TNNI21-128缺失突变体不具备辅助活化功能,并能作为负显性突变体完全抑制野生型TNNI2的辅活化作用.研究充分证明TNNI2与核受体的相互作用定位于TNNI2蛋白1~128氨基酸残基,并从侧面进一步证实了TNNI2能辅助核受体反式激活作用的功能.  相似文献   

蛋白质前体加工酶参与许多重要蛋白质闪体的加工成熟过程,哺乳动物来源的furin和酵母中的kexin是该家族的重要成员。首先人工合成了编码枯草杆菌蛋白酶抑制剂eglin C的基因片段,组装后在大肠杆菌中得到表达。以定点突变方法在野生型eglin C抑制活性中心的P1、P2和P4位引入碱性氨基酸残基可以将其改造为很强的furin抑制剂(Ki约10^-9mol/L),和kexin抑制剂(Ki约10^-11mol/L)。同时根据枯草杆菌蛋白酶和eglin C复合物的晶体结构,计算机同源模建了前体加工酶与eglin C突变体结构之间的相互作用,并结合实验数据得到以下结果:(1)P1位引入的碱性残基是该抑制剂活力的前提;(2)P4位碱性残基的引入可以极大地提高抑制剂活力约两个数量级;(3)P2 的碱性残基将有效提高抑制剂的活力。然而同时可以破坏抑制剂本身的稳定性。(4)野生型P3位的疏水性残基参与抑制剂活性环附近疏水核心的构成。  相似文献   

通过易错PCR方法建立了一个鼠肺不同长度的nGLP-1R(从第21个氨基酸开始到第145个氨基酸)的噬菌体随机突变展示肽库,通过噬菌体表面展示技术检测胰高血糖素样肽1受体N端片段(nGLP-1R)在缺失一段或两段基因后是否还具有结合Exendin-4的活性.经ELISA分析发现了一株无结合活性的突变株,命名为EP16.经测序比对,发现EP16缺失了前20个和后10个氨基酸,且第52位色氨酸突变为精氨酸.为确定EP16与Exendin-4无结合活性的原因,重新构建了无前20个和后10个氨基酸的EP16野生型及第52位色氨酸变为精氨酸的全长nGLP-1Rw52R与EP16进行对比分析.结果表明,EP16的活性丧失是由保守的第52位色氨酸突变为精氨酸引起的,缺失的前20个和后10个氨基酸没有影响其生物学活性.关键位点单个氨基酸残基的突变可以改变胰高血糖素样肽1受体N端片段整个蛋白质的生物学活性.  相似文献   

对于甾体激素调节靶细胞基因活动的研究,已有近30年的历史。近年来的主要进展是激素受体的鉴定和纯化及受激素调节基因的克隆。西德M.Beato最近专文综述了甾体激素受体与靶细胞基因调控的研究进展。通过对不同受体的cDNA克隆和氨基酸序列比较,发现已知的甾体激素受体都具有相似的结构。受体蛋白质具有可变的N端区、短而高度保守、富于半胱氨酸的中间区,以及较保守的C端区。每区内又可分为更短的基本结构区,为一些尚未完全确认的区域所隔开。例如,在中间区,富于半胱氨酸的区域构成两个“锌手指(zinc finger)”,其主要特点是一个锌原子与一段突出肽段构成的环上的四个半胱氨酸残基相联接。这种结构特点和体外结合及功能实验均提示,中间区具有结合DNA的功能。C端区似乎有更复杂的  相似文献   

生长激素释放肽的结构和功能   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生长激素释放肽(growth hormone releasing peptide,Ghrelin,GHRP),是最近发现的可以促进GH分泌的肽激素,主要来源于胃,有28个氨基酸残基,其第三位氨基酸残基(一般是丝氨酸)被脂肪酸修饰,实验证明被修饰的N端是其活性核心部位。该文介绍ghrelin的主要结构和生物学功能。  相似文献   

Wen D  Wildes CP  Silvian L  Walus L  Mi S  Lee DH  Meier W  Pepinsky RB 《Biochemistry》2005,44(50):16491-16501
Nogo-66 receptor (NgR1) is a leucine-rich repeat (LRR) protein that forms part of a signaling complex modulating axon regeneration. Previous studies have shown that the entire LRR region of NgR1, including the C-terminal cap of the LRR, LRRCT, is needed for ligand binding, and that the adjacent C-terminal region (CT stalk) of the NgR1 contributes to interaction with its coreceptors. To provide structure-based information for these interactions, we analyzed the disulfide structure of full-length NgR1. Our analysis revealed a novel disulfide structure in the C-terminal region of the NgR1, wherein the two Cys residues, Cys-335 and Cys-336, in the CT stalk are disulfide-linked to Cys-266 and Cys-309 in the LRRCT region: Cys-266 is linked to Cys-335, and Cys-309 to Cys-336. The other two Cys residues, Cys-264 and Cys-287, in the LRRCT region are disulfide-linked to each other. The analysis also showed that Cys-419 and Cys-429, in the CT stalk region, are linked to each other by a disulfide bond. Although published crystal structures of a recombinant fragment of NgR1 had revealed a disulfide linkage between Cys-266 and Cys-309 in the LRRCT region and we verified its presence in the corresponding fragment, this is artificially caused by the truncation of the protein, since this linkage was not detected in intact NgR1 or a slightly larger fragment containing Cys-335 and Cys-336. A structural model of the LRRCT with extended residues 311-344 from the CT stalk region is proposed, and its function in coreceptor binding is discussed.  相似文献   

PA4608 is a single PilZ domain protein from Pseudomonas aeruginosa that binds to cyclic dimeric guanosine monophosphate (c-di-GMP). Although the monomeric structure of unbound PA4608 has been studied in detail, the molecular details of c-di-GMP binding to this protein are still uncharacterized. Hence, we determined the solution structure of c-di-GMP bound PA4608. We found that PA4608 undergoes conformational changes to expose the c-di-GMP binding site by ejection of the C-terminal 3(10) helix. A dislocation of the C-terminal tail in the presence of c-di-GMP implies that this region acts as a lid that alternately covers and exposes the hydrophobic surface of the binding site. In addition, mutagenesis and NOE data for PA4608 revealed that conserved residues are in contact with the c-di-GMP molecule. The unique structural characteristics of PA4608, including its monomeric state and its ligand binding characteristics, yield insight into its function as a c-di-GMP receptor.  相似文献   

The mechanism of binding of murine IFN-gamma to its receptor has not been determined. We have studied this mechanism by examining the binding of overlapping synthetic peptides of IFN-gamma to cloned soluble murine IFN-gamma R. IFN-gamma (1-39) and IFN-gamma (95-133) were able to compete with [125I]IFN-gamma for binding to cloned soluble receptor. Peptides corresponding to the inner region of IFN-gamma--IFN-gamma (36-60), IFN-gamma (54-91), and IFN-gamma (78-107)--showed a markedly reduced ability to compete with [125I]IFN-gamma for receptor binding relative to the N-terminal and C-terminal peptides. In direct binding studies, the binding of [125I]-IFN-gamma (1-39) to soluble receptor could only be competed by IFN-gamma (1-39) and IFN-gamma and not by any of the other peptides including IFN-gamma (95-133). This suggests that the N- and C-termini of IFN-gamma bind to different regions of the receptor. These data in conjunction with previous structure/function studies and x-ray crystallographic data have allowed us to formulate a "velcro-key" model of IFN-gamma binding to receptor that involves both the N- and C-terminal domains. The N-terminus binds in the classical "lock-and-key" manner characterized by specific ligand-receptor binding. The hydrophilic C-terminus binds to a region of the receptor distinct from the N-terminus likely through the polycationic region, which is conserved across species barriers. Binding of this type would exhibit high affinity and low specificity similar to a piece of velcro. This interaction becomes specific when the C-terminus is in the context of the whole IFN-gamma molecule and may act to increase the affinity of receptor binding and/or facilitate signal transduction.  相似文献   

Macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF) is a multifunctional protein and a major mediator of innate immunity. Although X-ray crystallography revealed that MIF exists as a homotrimer, its oligomerization state in vivo and the factors governing its oligomerization and stability remain poorly understood. The C-terminal region of MIF is highly conserved and participates in several intramolecular interactions that suggest a role in modulating the stability and biochemical activity of MIF. To determine the importance of these interactions, point mutations (A48P, L46A), insertions (P107) at the monomer-monomer interfaces, and C-terminal deletion (Delta 110-114NSTFA and Delta 105-114NVGWNNSTFA) variants were designed and their structural properties, thermodynamic stability, oligomerization state, catalytic activity and receptor binding were characterized using a battery of biophysical methods. The C-terminal deletion mutants DeltaC5 huMIF 1-109 and DeltaC10 huMIF 1-104 were enzymatically inactive and thermodynamically less stable than wild type MIF. Analytical ultracentrifugation studies demonstrate that both C-terminal mutants sediment as trimers and exhibit similar binding to CD74 as the wild type protein. Disrupting the conformation of the C-terminal region 105-114 and increasing its conformational flexibility through the insertion of a proline residue at position 107 was sufficient to reproduce the structural, biochemical and thermodynamic properties of the deletion mutants. P107 MIF forms an enzymatically inactive trimer and exhibits reduced thermodynamic stability relative to the wild type protein. To provide a rationale for the changes induced by these mutations at the molecular level, we also performed molecular dynamics simulations on these mutants in comparison to the wild type MIF. Together, our studies demonstrate that intersubunit interactions involving the C-terminal region 105-114, including a salt-bridge interaction between Arg73 of one monomer and the carboxy terminus of a neighboring monomer, play critical roles in modulating tertiary structure stabilization, enzymatic activity, and thermodynamic stability of MIF, but not its oligomerization state and receptor binding properties. Our results suggest that targeting the C-terminal region could provide new strategies for allosteric modulation of MIF enzymatic activity and the development of novel inhibitors of MIF tautomerase activity.  相似文献   

Free reduced flavins are involved in a variety of biological functions. They are generated from NAD(P)H by flavin reductase via co-factor flavin bound to the enzyme. Although recent findings on the structure and function of flavin reductase provide new information about co-factor FAD and substrate NAD, there have been no reports on the substrate flavin binding site. Here we report the structure of TTHA0420 from Thermus thermophilus HB8, which belongs to flavin reductase, and describe the dual binding mode of the substrate and co-factor flavins. We also report that TTHA0420 has not only the flavin reductase motif GDH but also a specific motif YGG in C terminus as well as Phe-41 and Arg-11, which are conserved in its subclass. From the structure, these motifs are important for the substrate flavin binding. On the contrary, the C terminus is stacked on the NADH binding site, apparently to block NADH binding to the active site. To identify the function of the C-terminal region, we designed and expressed a mutant TTHA0420 enzyme in which the C-terminal five residues were deleted (TTHA0420-ΔC5). Notably, the activity of TTHA0420-ΔC5 was about 10 times higher than that of the wild-type enzyme at 20-40 °C. Our findings suggest that the C-terminal region of TTHA0420 may regulate the alternative binding of NADH and substrate flavin to the enzyme.  相似文献   

IFN-gamma is an essential immunoregulatory lymphokine for a variety of immunologic functions including upregulation of MHC Ag. The elucidation of the structure, particularly the receptor binding domains, should further enhance our understanding of its mechanism of action, and provide a rational basis for modulation of its activity by alteration of its structure. A predicted model of murine IFN-gamma structure has been constructed based on data derived from our synthetic peptide studies, circular dichroism spectra, and predictive algorithms for secondary structure, surface accessibility, and tertiary structure, as well as predicted structural similarities to IL-2. Direct synthetic peptide competition studies using five overlapping peptides that encompassed the entire IFN-gamma sequence of 133 amino acids showed that only the N-terminus of IFN-gamma, IFN-gamma(1-39), blocked binding to receptor, suggesting that the N-terminus is directly involved in receptor binding. Rabbit antibodies to the N-terminal (IFN-gamma(1-39)) and C-terminal (IFN-gamma(95-133)) peptides neutralized IFN-gamma activity, whereas antibodies to the three peptides that spanned the internal region, sequence 36-107, were without effect. Thus, the antibody data support the involvement of the N-terminus as a receptor binding domain and also suggest that the C-terminus of the molecule is also a binding domain. Predictive algorithms assign six alpha-helices and five turns to the molecule and circular dichroism spectra of both intact human and murine IFN-gamma and synthetic peptides of murine IFN-gamma showed that the molecule is mainly alpha-helical in structure. Drawing mainly on the four alpha-helix bundle model, a common motif in globular proteins such as IFN-gamma and IL-2 (whose crystalline structure is known), we constructed a simple model of the tertiary structure of IFN-gamma that fits well with our synthetic peptide and circular dichroism data. The model consists of the four-alpha-helical bundle along with N- and C-terminal helices that are predicted to be closely associated and together form the receptor binding domains. The model presented should contribute to further understanding the molecular basis of IFN-gamma action and allow us to begin modulating the function of IFN-gamma through the design of agonists and antagonists.  相似文献   

The Bacillus thuringiensis Cry1Ac toxin specifically binds to a 120 kDa aminopeptidase N (APN) receptor in Manduca sexta. The binding interaction is mediated by GalNAc, presumably covalently attached to the APN as part of an undefined glycan structure. Here we detail a simple, rapid and specific chemical deglycosylation technique, applicable to glycoproteins immobilized on Western blots. We used the technique to directly and unambiguously demonstrate that carbohydrates attached to 120 kDA APN are in fact binding epitopes for Cry1Ac toxin. This technique is generally applicable to all putative Cry toxin/receptor combinations. We analyzed the various glycans on the 120 kDA APN using carbohydrate compositional analysis and lectin binding. The data indicate that in the average APN molecule, 2 of 4 possible N-glycosylation sites are occupied with fucosylated paucimannose [Man(2-3)(Fuc(1-2)GlcNAc(2)-peptide] type N-glycans. Additionally, we identified 13 probable O-glycosylation sites, 10 of which are located in the Thr/Pro rich C-terminal "stalk" region of the protein. It is likely that 5-6 of the 13 sites are occupied, probably with simple [GalNAc-peptide] type O-glycans. This O-glycosylated C-terminal stalk, being GalNAc-rich, is the most likely binding site for Cry1Ac.  相似文献   

IL-1 beta is synthesized as an inactive 31-kDa intracellular protein, which is then processed upon secretion to an active 17-kDa carboxyl-terminal fragment. To identify the minimal portion of IL-1 beta required for activity, we constructed several deletion mutants of mature IL-1 beta. These included three amino-terminal deletions of 10, 16, and 81 amino acids, two carboxyl-terminal deletions of 17 and 72 amino acids, and one internal fragment between amino acids 17 and 81. Expression of the mutants was monitored by Western blots and immunoprecipitation. With one exception, all of these mutants and the full length 17-kDa IL-1 beta were expressed as soluble protein in Escherichia coli and could be assayed for activity and receptor binding in lysates without further purification. Whereas the intact 17-kDa IL-1 beta retained full biologic activity (greater than 10(7) U/ml of lysate) and competed for binding with 125I-labeled IL-1 beta, none of the lysates containing IL-1 beta deletion mutant proteins had activity or competed for binding to receptor at significantly higher concentrations. The loss of function in the smallest C-terminal deletion mutant does not appear to be due to the direct involvement of these C-terminal residues in receptor binding because both monoclonal and polyclonal antisera directed to this region bind to IL-1 beta but do not neutralize its activity. Therefore, this region is probably indirectly involved in sustaining the structure of the receptor-binding site.  相似文献   

CD44, a major cell surface receptor for hyaluronan (HA), contains a functional domain responsible for HA binding at its N terminus (residues 21-178). Accumulating evidence indicates that proteolytic cleavage of CD44 in its extracellular region (residues 21-268) leads to enhanced tumor cell migration and invasion. Hence, understanding the mechanisms underlying the CD44 proteolytic cleavage is important for understanding the mechanism of CD44-mediated tumor progression. Here we present the NMR structure of the HA-binding domain of CD44 in its HA-bound state. The structure is composed of the Link module (residues 32-124) and an extended lobe (residues 21-31 and 125-152). Interestingly, a comparison of its unbound and HA-bound structures revealed that rearrangement of the beta-strands in the extended lobe (residues 143-148) and disorder of the structure in the following C-terminal region (residues 153-169) occurred upon HA binding, which is consistent with the results of trypsin proteolysis studies of the CD44 HA-binding domain. The order-to-disorder transition of the C-terminal region by HA binding may be involved in the CD44-mediated cell migration.  相似文献   

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