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目的:观察楔形切除胃的不同部位对术后胃电节律的影响。方法:将30只雄性新西兰兔按照完全随机原则分为胃体近端楔形切除组、胃体远端楔形切除组及对照组3个处理组,每组10只。记录在自然恢复状态下术后3日、6日、9日胃体近端及胃窦处30分钟内慢波总数及正常慢波次数并计算正常慢波百分比。用析因设计分析切除部位、测量部位、术后时间三因素对胃慢波节律的影响。结果:上述三因素均对术后慢波节律有影响,切除胃体近端与切除胃体远端相比,前者引发的术后胃电节律紊乱的程度更严重且恢复更缓慢;术后测量胃窦处与测量胃体处相比,前者发生的胃电节律紊乱的程度更严重且恢复更缓慢。结论:大弯侧胃底与胃体交医院界处的"胃电起始区域"即为"胃电起搏区","胃电起搏区"的切除对术后胃电节律的影响大于传导区域切除对其影响。  相似文献   

张育瑆  俞晓军  考晓明  黄云  胡志前 《生物磁学》2011,(11):2049-2052,2070
目的:观察楔形切除胃的不同部位对术后胃电节律的影响。方法:将30只雄性新西兰兔按照完全随机原则分为胃体近端楔形切除组、胃体远端楔形切除组及对照组3个处理组,每组10只。记录在自然恢复状态下术后3日、6日、9日胃体近端及胃窦处30分钟内慢波总数及正常慢波次数并计算正常慢波百分比。用析因设计分析切除部位、测量部位、术后时间三因素对胃慢波节律的影响。结果:上述三因素均对术后慢波节律有影响,切除胃体近端与切除胃体远端相比,前者引发的术后胃电节律紊乱的程度更严重且恢复更缓慢;术后测量胃窦处与测量胃体处相比,前者发生的胃电节律紊乱的程度更严重且恢复更缓慢。结论:大弯侧胃底与胃体交医院界处的“胃电起始区域”即为“胃电起搏区”,“胃电起搏区”的切除时术后胃电节律的影响大于传导区域切除对其影响、  相似文献   

关于胃电的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文对胃电的特征、胃电与胃运动的关系、影响胃电的各种因素等生理学的新进展作了简要的介绍。也提出了胃电的临床应用和目前存在的问题。胃电分为慢波和快波。慢波也称为基础电节律,是一种比较规律的在任何生理情况下都能记录到的电波,在切除神经组织后仍能节律地发生,因此是肌原性的;这种波发生后不伴有肌肉收缩,为具有自律性的纵行平滑肌细胞所特有。胃电快波是负载于胃电慢波之上或其后的一系列峰电位,是胃运动的动作电位。故只有在胃运动时才有。胃电慢波的节律决定着每组胃电快波和胃运动的节律。神经系统和胃肠道的激素都能影响胃电活动。但关于这方面的研究,目前还存在着很多问题。  相似文献   

电针对狗胃电的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在狗胃壁埋植慢性电极,观察了电针对胃电的影响,实验结果显示,在清醒空腹情况下,胃电节律为每分钟5次左右,每一周期中以慢波为主,在有的情况下出现快波。进食时此节律减慢或紊乱,进食后快波成分增加,电针足三里穴,对慢波的影响很小,但能明显的增加快波振幅与摆动频率;这种变化在电针停止后仍能持续40-60分钟。吗啡能引起胃电节律的反复紊乱,对胃电快波的影响,表现为先增强后抑制的双相性变化。  相似文献   

刺激尾核对狗胃电的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在狗的急性实验中,刺激尾核对胃电快波和胃的运动功能呈双相性影响。当刺激尾核时.引起胃电快波活动减弱,胃紧张度及其节律收缩的波幅降低,在刺激结束后甚或在刺激末期,胃电快波则增强,胃紧张度增高,胃节律收缩的波幅增大。刺激尾核对胃电慢波的周期和振幅影响较小,且表现多种形式,但多数实验在给予刺激后先表现为周期延长,振幅略有增高,继而发生周期缩短,延长,波幅减小增大的交替性波动。同时观察到胃紧张度与胃节律收缩的强度,决定于胃电快波的活动,与胃电慢波的关系不明显.  相似文献   

十二指肠内胆盐对胃肌电和运动的影响及其神经机制探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文观察了牛磺胆酸钠(ST)灌入小鼠十二指肠后胃肌电快波、慢波和胃收缩波的变化,并对其神经机制作了探讨。用胃壁双电极和胃内水囊-压力换能器法将胃电和胃运动信号输至放大器,然后由记录仪及电子计算机对该信号进行记录、采集、贮存和处理。以5min为单位,计算出灌注 ST 前、后胃电快波、慢波和收缩波频率与总幅度变化的百分数。结果为:十二指肠灌注 ST(n=10)后,胃电快波频率、幅度和收缩波幅度明显抑制。腹腔神经丛麻醉,利血平化和碳酰胆碱可消除 ST 引起的抑制效应。酚妥拉明不能去除该抑制效应,心得安可部分消除 ST 的抑制效应。上述结果表明,十二指肠灌注 ST 对胃电快波和胃运动有抑制效应,并提示该抑制效应的神经传出途径可能为交感肾上腺素能纤维,由β受体介导。  相似文献   

目的经颈静脉途径应用心室起搏的方法制备心脏记忆犬模型。方法 8只普通级成年健康Beagle犬经腹腔麻醉后,Seldinger’s法穿刺颈外静脉成功后送入心内膜起搏电极,将电极头端固定于右室心尖部,近端连接于脉冲发生器。起搏频率设置较犬窦性心律时的基础心率快15%,保证起搏器连续起搏。结果连续起搏1周后所有动物均成功制备为心脏记忆模型。建模后犬的心率、呼吸、体重与建模前比较,无明显改变;所有模型组犬起搏前心电图均为窦性心律,起搏1周后出现心脏T波记忆,在下壁导联以及胸前导联均出现T波倒置,停止起搏后,心脏T波记忆逐渐消失;模型组犬与正常组犬心肌病理相比,无明显改变。结论经颈静脉途径应用心室起搏法建立心脏记忆犬模型的方法,具有手术简单,创伤小,诱发方式与临床相似等优点,为深入展开心脏记忆的机制研究奠定基础。  相似文献   

培养新生大鼠心肌细胞的电信号传导:多电极记录研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用多电极阵列同步记录技术对培养的新生大鼠单层心肌细胞的电活动进行胞外记录,观察心肌细胞在自发搏动和电刺激情况下信号在细胞间的传导模式。通过对记录信号的处理和分析,能获得诸如起搏细胞的数量和位置、动作电位的传导速度和途径以及不同起搏细胞间的相互影响等信息。研究还发现,心肌细胞阈下刺激会影响细胞的搏动和信号传导。  相似文献   

刺激大鼠蓝斑核区对胃电和胃运动的影响   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
用乌拉坦麻醉的大鼠,同步描记血压、胃电和胃运动,观察了刺激蓝斑核区对胃电和胃运动的影响,分析了其作用途径。实验结果表明,刺激蓝斑核区后血压平均升高60.5mmHg(P<0.001);胃电慢波的振幅由对照的0.52mV 减弱到0.18mV(P<0.001)。快波的振幅和频率也减少。胃内压平均下降到对照值的29.9%(P<0.001)。在横断颈髓的动物刺激蓝斑核区后血压的升高幅度明显减弱,平均升高9mmHg,升压效应的潜伏期明显延长;胃电慢波的振幅由对照的0.53mV 减弱到 0.24mV(P<0.001)。胃内压平均下降到对照值的45.1%。对胃电和胃运动的这种抑制效应可被切断迷走神经所完全消除。在事先切断迷走神经但脊髓仍保留完整的动物,刺激蓝斑核区使胃内压平均下降36.6%(P<0.01)。根据以上结果认为,蓝斑核区可能参与对胃电和胃运动的中枢性调节。此调节机制可能经由脊髓和迷走两条通路实现。  相似文献   

潘佳  刘丽 《生物磁学》2011,(2):341-343
目的:研究体表胃肠起搏联合多潘立酮治疗餐后不适综合征的疗效。方法:80例餐后不适综合征的患者,随机分为对照组及观察组。对照组40例予以多潘立酮10毫克,三餐前半小时口服;观察组予以多潘立酮10毫克,三餐前半小时口服,同时予以体表胃肠起搏,2次/日,每次45分钟,共2周,采用8导联胃肠电图仪记录患者空腹及进食后的胃电活动,及应用钡条行胃排空试验。分别于治疗前后对其症状、胃肠电图、胃排空情况进行评估。结果:治疗2周后,经胃肠起搏联合多潘立酮治疗的餐后不适综合征患者症状明显改善,较对照组改善更为明显(P〈0.05),胃肠起搏治疗后正常胃电节律百分比较对照组显著改善,实验组胃排空率较对照组改善。结论:体表胃肠起搏联合多潘立酮可显著改善餐后不适综合征患者症状、胃电图参数、胃排空情况.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the effects and mechanisms of intestinal electrical stimulation (IES) on gastric tone, antral and pyloric contractions, and gastric emptying in dogs. Female hound dogs were equipped with a duodenal or gastric cannula, and one pair of serosal electrodes was implanted in the small intestine. The study consisted of five different experiments. Liquid gastric emptying was assessed by collection of chyme from the duodenal cannula in a number of sessions with and without IES and with and without N-nitro-l-arginine (l-NNA). Postprandial antral and pyloric contractions were measured with and without IES and in the absence and presence of l-NNA or phentolamine by placement of a manometric catheter into the antrum and pylorus via the duodenal cannula. Gastric tone was assessed by measurement of gastric volume at a constant pressure. Gastric emptying was substantially and significantly delayed by IES or l-NNA compared with the control session. IES-induced delay of gastric emptying became normal with addition of l-NNA. IES reduced gastric tone, which was blocked by l-NNA. IES also inhibited antral contractions (frequency and amplitude), and this inhibitory effect was not blocked by l-NNA but was blocked by phentolamine. IES alone did not affect pyloric tone or resistance, but IES + l-NNA decreased pyloric tone. In conclusion, IES reduces gastric tone via the nitrergic pathway, inhibits antral contractions via the adrenergic pathway, does not affect pyloric tone, and delays liquid gastric emptying. IES-induced delay of gastric emptying is attributed to its inhibitory effects on gastric motility.  相似文献   

Objective: It has been reported that electrical stimulation at the distal stomach can disrupt intrinsic gastric electrical activity and delay gastric emptying. Gastric dysrhythmia and impaired gastric emptying are associated with upper gastrointestinal symptoms and weight loss. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of low‐frequency/long‐pulse gastric electrical stimulation (GES), at proximal and distal stomach, on canine gastric emptying, food intake, and body weight. Research Methods and Procedures: Eight dogs were surgically implanted with four pairs of electrodes along the greater curvature and a gastric tube at the dependent part of the stomach. Liquid gastric emptying at baseline, during proximal and distal GES at 6 cycles per minute, was assessed first by a dye dilution technique. Proximal and distal GES were then randomly delivered during feeding for 10 consecutive days, and food intake and body weight were recorded daily. Results: There was no significant difference in gastric emptying parameters among the various sessions. The mean daily food consumption was significantly reduced during both sessions of GES, resulting in significant immediate weight loss. Percentage weight loss was comparable between both sessions of GES. Discussion: Short‐term GES significantly reduced canine food intake and weight. This effect may not be related to changes in gastric emptying. GES may have a potential role in the treatment of obesity.  相似文献   

Obesity is one of the most prevalent health problems in the United States. Current therapeutic strategies for the treatment of obesity are unsatisfactory. We hypothesized the use of colon electrical stimulation (CES) to treat obesity by inhibiting upper gastrointestinal motility. In this preliminary study, we aimed at studying the effects of CES on gastric emptying of solid, intestinal motility, and food intake in dogs. Six dogs, equipped with serosal colon electrodes and a jejunal cannula, were randomly assigned to receive sham-CES or CES during the assessment of: (i) gastric emptying of solids, (ii) postprandial intestinal motility, (iii) autonomic functions, and (iv) food intake. We found that (i) CES delayed gastric emptying of solids by 77%. Guanethidine partially blocked the inhibitory effect of CES on solid gastric emptying; (ii) CES significantly reduced intestinal contractility and the effect lasted throughout the recovery period; (iii) CES decreased vagal activity in both fasting and fed states, increased the sympathovagal balance and marginally increased sympathetic activity in the fasting state; (iv) CES resulted in a reduction of 61% in food intake. CES reduces food intake in healthy dogs and the anorexigenic effect may be attributed to its inhibitory effects on gastric emptying and intestinal motility, mediated via the autonomic mechanisms. Further studies are warranted to investigate the therapeutic potential of CES for obesity.  相似文献   

Ghrelin is a recently discovered peptide in the endocrine cells of the stomach, which may stimulate gastric motility via the vagal nerve pathway. However, the mechanism of ghrelin-induced changes in gastrointestinal motility has not been clearly defined. The purpose of this study was to investigate the pharmacological effects of ghrelin on gastric myoelectrical activity and gastric emptying in rats, and to investigate whether cholinergic activity is involved in the effects of ghrelin. The study was performed on Sprague-Dawley rats implanted with serosal electrodes for electrogastrographic recording. Gastric slow waves were recorded from fasting rats at baseline and after injection of saline, ghrelin, atropine, or atropine+ghrelin. Gastric emptying of non-caloric liquid was measured by the spectrophotometric method in conscious rats. Intravenous administration of rat ghrelin (20 microg/kg) increased not only dominant frequency, dominant power and regularity of the gastric slow wave but also the gastric emptying rate when compared with the control rats (P<0.01, P<0.05, P<0.05, P<0.001 respectively). These stimulatory actions of ghrelin on both gastric myoelectrical activity and gastric emptying were not fully eliminated by pretreatment with atropine sulphate. These results taken together suggest that ghrelin may play a physiological role in the enteric neurotransmission controlling gastric contractions in rats.  相似文献   

Desvenlafaxine succinate (DVS; Pristiq) is a new antidepressant, serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor. Antidepressants have been widely used for the treatment of functional gastrointestinal disorders. Possible roles of DVS on gastrointestinal motility have not been studied. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of DVS on gastric slow waves (GSW), antral contractions, and gastric accommodation in dogs. Fifteen healthy dogs implanted with gastric serosal electrodes and a gastric cannula were studied in four separate sessions: control, DVS (50 mg), propranolol (1 mg·kg(-1)·h(-1)), and propranolol + DVS. GSW were measured via the gastric serosal electrodes. Antral contractions were assessed via an intraluminal manometric catheter inserted via the gastric cannula. The sympathovagal activity was assessed from the spectral analysis of the heart rate variability signal. Gastric tone was measured by barostat via an intragastric balloon inserted into the fundus via the gastric cannula. In the postprandial period, in comparison with the control, DVS reduced the percentage of normal GSW (P=0.001) and increased the percentage of tachygastria (P=0.005) and bradygastria (P=0.002). Simultaneously, DVS increased the sympathetic activity (P=0.006) and the sympathovagal ratio (low frequency/high frequency; P=0.044). These effects were blocked by propranolol. DVS attenuated postprandial antral contractions and gastric accommodation. The postprandial antral contractile index (area under the curve) was decreased by 26% with DVS (P=0.013), and gastric accommodation was decreased by about 50% with DVS (P < 0.001). The inhibitory effect of DVS on gastric accommodation was blocked by propranolol. DVS inhibits gastric contractions, slow waves, and accommodation in the fed state. These inhibitory effects are associated with an increased sympathetic modulation in the gastrointestinal system. Cautions should be made when DVS is used for treating patients with depression and gastric motility disorders.  相似文献   

Objective: To investigate the therapeutic potential of retrograde gastric electrical stimulation (RGES) for obesity in a rodent model of obesity. Research Methods and Procedures: The study was performed in 12 obese Zucker rats implanted with two pairs of gastric serosal electrodes, one pair for stimulation and the other for recording intrinsic gastric myoelectrical activity. It was composed of an acute study in three sessions to study the effect of RGES on intrinsic gastric myoelectrical activity and acute food intake and a chronic phase to study the short‐term effect of RGES on weight. RGES was performed through the distal stomach using long pulses at a frequency of tachygastria (known to induce gastric hypomotility). Results: RGES completely entrained intrinsic gastric myoelectrical activity and turned it into tachygastria at a certain strength. RGES reduced acute food intake compared with the control (p < 0.01). A 2‐week treatment of RGES resulted in a significant reduction in food intake (p = 0.002) and a significantly greater weight loss than sham stimulation (p = 0.004). Discussion: RGES at a tachygastrial frequency reduces food intake and results in weight loss in obese Zucker rats, and its effect is probably attributed to the introduction of tachygastria in the stomach.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the effects and mechanisms of electroacupuncture (EA) on rectal distension (RD)-induced delay in solid gastric emptying in dogs. Gastric emptying of solids was assessed in 12 dogs chronically implanted with a duodenal cannula by collecting samples at different time points from the cannula and measuring the dried weights of the samples. Bethanechol and atropine were used to qualitatively validate the method. In separate experiments, gastric emptying of solids was measured in a number of sessions: control, RD, RD + sham-EA, RD + EA of 6 mA, RD + EA of 3 mA, and RD + EA + naloxone. The method of gastric emptying by collecting and drying gastric chyme from the duodenal cannula was found to be accurate and reliable. Using the method, we found gastric emptying to be accelerated with bethanechol (70.01 ± 8.10% vs. 82.61 ± 4.15%, P = 0.04, vs. control) and delayed with atropine (4.31 ± 1.57%, P < 0.001, vs. control). RD substantially and significantly delayed gastric emptying. EA, but not sham-EA, attenuated delayed gastric emptying induced by RD (sham-EA: 48.79 ± 9.47% vs. EA: 74.28 ± 5.96%, P < 0.01). The effect was more potent with EA of 6 mA than EA of 3 mA and blocked by naloxone. EA is able to attenuate RD-induced delay in gastric emptying of solids, and this ameliorating effect may be mediated via the opioid pathway. EA may have a therapeutic potential for treating delayed gastric emptying attributed to lower gut distension.  相似文献   

Interstitial cells of Cajal (ICC) are the pacemaker cells in the gut. They have special properties that make them unique in their ability to generate and propagate slow waves in gastrointestinal muscles. The electrical slow wave activity determines the characteristic frequency of phasic contractions of the stomach, intestine and colon. Slow waves also determine the direction and velocity of propagation of peristaltic activity, in concert with the enteric nervous system. Characterization of receptors and ion channels in the ICC membrane is under way, and manipulation of slow wave activity markedly alters the movement of contents through the gut. Gastric myoelectrical slow wave activity produced by pacemaker cells (ICC) can be reflected by electrogastrography (EGG). Electrogastrography is a perspective non-invasive method that can detect gastric dysrhythmias associated with symptoms of nausea or delayed gastric emptying.  相似文献   

Gastric electrical stimulation (GES) has recently been explored as a therapeutic option for gastrointestinal motility disorders or obesity. The mechanism behind it is not fully elucidated. The aims of this study were to assess the effects of GES with different parameters on antral tone and to explore the involvement of the nitrergic pathway. Eight dogs equipped with a gastric cannula and one pair of serosal electrodes in the greater curvature 4 cm above the pylorus were studied on separate days. The study was composed of seven randomized sessions in the fed state [control, GES with different parameters, and GES plus neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS) inhibitor]. Each session included three consecutive 30-min periods (baseline, GES, and recovery). GES was performed with long pulses or pulse trains. The antral volume was measured using an intragastric balloon connected with a barostat device. Behaviors of the dogs during each stimulation period were also noted. We found that 1) postprandial antral tone was reduced with GES with all tested parameter settings, reflected as a significant and substantial increase in antral volume ranging from 179 to 309%; 2) the inhibitory effect of GES on antral tone was partially blocked (decreased by 39.5%) with an nNOS inhibitor; and 3) mild symptoms were induced with GES and found to be correlated with the GES-induced increase in antral volume. We conclude that retrograde GES with long pulses or pulse trains inhibits antral tone, and this inhibitory effect is partially mediated via the nitrergic pathway. These results suggest that retrograde GES may have a therapeutic potential for obesity.  相似文献   

Duodenum electrical stimulation (DES) has been shown to delay gastric emptying and reduce food intake in dogs. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of DES on gastric emptying, small bowel transit and food intake in pigs, a large animal model of obesity. The study consisted of three experiments (gastric emptying, small bowel transit, and food intake) in pigs implanted with internal duodenal electrodes for DES and one or two duodenal cannulas for gastric emptying and small bowel transit. We found that (i) gastric emptying was dose-dependently delayed by DES of different stimulation parameters; (ii) small bowel transit was significantly accelerated with continuous DES in proximal intestine but not with intermittent DES; (iii) DES significantly reduced body weight gain with 100% duty cycle (DC), but not with DES with 40% DC. A marginal difference was noted in food intake among 100% DC session, 40% DC session, and control session. DES with long pulses energy-dependently inhibits gastric emptying in pigs. DES with appropriate parameters accelerates proximal small bowel transit in pigs. DES reduces body weight gain in obese pigs, and this therapeutic effect on obesity is mediated by inhibiting gastric emptying and food intake, and may also possibly by accelerating intestinal transit. DES may have a potential application to treat patients with obesity.  相似文献   

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