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棉麦两熟共生期遮荫对棉苗生长发育的影响   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
黄淮棉区棉麦两熟2号主要种植方式(3:2式和3:1式)共生期不同程度遮荫,影响棉苗叶片C、N代谢和可溶性蛋白质含量,过氧化物酶(POD)活性、丙二醛(MDA)累积,与一熟棉相比较,遮荫棉苗的生理代谢能力降低,但3:2式共生期遮荫对棉苗生理代谢及其生长发育的影响与一熟棉差异较小,3:1式共生期遮荫对棉苗的生理代谢影响较大,不利于棉苗生长发育。  相似文献   

以泗棉3号棉花品种为材料,于2010和2011年在南京农业大学牌楼试验站设置铃期(7月13日-8月24日)增温试验,模拟全球增温条件下棉花产量、品质的变化趋势及其生理机制.结果表明: 在铃期增温2~3 ℃(日均温31.1~35.2 ℃)条件下,植株总生物量下降约10%,单株皮棉及籽棉产量降低30%~40%.棉纤维品质变化显著,且不同纤维品质指标对增温的响应程度存在较大差异:马克隆值和断裂比强度显著升高,纤维长度下降,而整齐度指数和伸长率无显著变化.棉株光合能力、干物质累积能力和光合产物输出能力显著下降;可溶性氨基酸、可溶性糖、蔗糖含量及碳氮比均显著下降,而淀粉含量显著上升;增温条件下营养器官干物质分配比例增多,生殖器官干物质分配比例相对减少,经济系数随之降低.棉株下部果枝受增温影响较小,中、上及顶部果枝受增温影响较大.表明在增温2~3 ℃条件下,棉株大部分时间处于热胁迫状态,不仅光合能力下降,而且光合产物向“库”端的转运能力下降,最终导致其减产.  相似文献   

蕾期土壤盐度降低后棉花生长发育的补偿效应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用盆栽方法,将棉花蕾期土壤含盐量由5‰降低到2‰,研究蕾期土壤盐度降低后棉花生长发育特征及其对产量形成的影响.结果表明:土壤盐度降低后,棉花株高、各器官干物质累积量、果枝和果节量及成铃数增加;各器官干物质的分配比例发生改变,根系和蕾、花铃干物质分配系数降低,叶片和茎枝干物质分配系数升高.土壤盐度降低后棉花生长速率加快,在土壤盐度降低后22 d,棉株干物质累积速率超过低盐对照;不同器官对土壤盐度降低的响应存在差异,株高表现最早,果枝和果节形成次之,蕾铃最晚,说明土壤盐度降低后,补偿生长首先表现在叶片、果枝和果节等器官的形成上,然后实现对产量的补偿.  相似文献   

施氮量对花铃期棉花果枝生物量累积时空变异特征的影响   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
试验在黄河流域黄淮棉区的河南安阳和长江流域下游棉区的江苏南京棉花大田进行, 氮素设0(N0)、120(N1)、240(N2)、360(N3)、480(N4) kg·hm-2 5个水平,定量分析了不同施氮量对美棉33B花铃期棉花果枝生物量累积时空变异特征的影响.结果表明: 不同施氮量下,两试验点棉株不同果枝部位营养器官、生殖器官、生物量累积时间变异特征均表现为Logistic曲线,空间变异特征存在明显差异.安阳点360 kg·hm-2施氮量、南京点240 kg·hm-2施氮量处理具有快速增长期起始时间早、持续时间短、最大速率大等特征,说明该施氮量水平有利于棉花生物量的快速累积,以形成较高的产量与品质;而施氮量过多或不足均不利于棉株不同果枝部位生物量的累积.可以通过不同的施氮量来调节棉株不同果枝部位快速生长期的生长特征值,以提高棉花的产量和品质.  相似文献   

种植方式与密度对油后棉生育特性及产量构成的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为提高棉油两熟作物的产量,实现棉花不同种植方式与密度的合理结合,2013年在湖南省4个试验点研究了密度与种植方式对棉花生育特性及产量构成的影响。结果表明,种植方式和密度对棉花产量的互作效应不显著,各种植方式间以营养钵的产量最高,直播产量最低,但无显著性差异。在同一种植方式中,果枝数、单株成铃数随密度增高而降低,产量随密度的增加而增加。在同一密度下,生育期以直播最短,单株成铃数以营养钵最高、果枝层数以漂浮最多、株高、果枝始节位以直播最高,不同处理对棉花铃重、衣分、衣指、子指影响不显著。直播高密度的产量与营养钵中密度、漂浮高密度产量相当。结果表明,不同种植方式之间产量无显著性差异,直播、营养钵、漂浮三种种植方式均适用于湖南油后棉种植,直播的日产量最高,漂浮日产量最低,适当加大直播种植密度,有利于提高棉花产量,为推广棉花轻简化栽培提供理论依据。  相似文献   

主要气候因子对麦棉两熟棉花产量的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用灰色关联度分析法和逐步回归分析法,分析了麦棉两熟种植棉花生育期间主要气候因子与籽棉产量的关系.灰色关联度分析法结果表明,黄淮海棉区棉花产量在年度间的差异主要受积温的影响,4-10月份≥20℃积温与籽棉产量的关联系数0.4463;其次为日照时数,关联系数0.4052,第三是降雨量,关联系数0.3133.在棉花生长的4-10月期间,以8月、9月的日照时数和8月份≥20℃的积温对产量的影响最大,关联系数分别达到0.7201、0.7116和0.7042.逐步回归分析法结果同样表明,积温是影响产量的主要因子,且为正效应;而降水量对产量的影响为负效应;得出的回归方程(P=0.0007598,R2 =0.7477)可试用于黄淮棉区两熟籽棉产量的预测和预报.  相似文献   

新型转基因棉花生态适合度及其对棉田昆虫群落的影响是转基因棉花环境安全评价的重点内容.本文选用新型转GAFP(Gastrodia anti-fungal protein)基因棉花及其非转基因亲本棉花为试验材料,于2013和2014年在河南安阳研究了田间棉花生态适合度及其对昆虫群落的影响.结果表明: 转基因棉蕾期、花铃期和铃期叶片干物质量与其亲本无显著差异;苗期比叶面积显著低于亲本,蕾期、花铃期和铃期叶面积显著大于亲本;苗期株高显著低于亲本,蕾期、花铃期和铃期株高与亲本无显著差异;棉花生长的4个关键时期(苗期、蕾期、花铃期和铃期),转基因棉单株果枝数、蕾数和脱落数均与亲本无显著差异,而铃期单株大铃数显著低于亲本.棉铃虫发生的3个高峰期,转基因棉对棉铃虫和甜菜夜蛾无明显控制作用,且对棉田昆虫群落、害虫亚群落和天敌亚群落的昆虫个体总数、昆虫群落结构与组成、均匀性指数、多样性指数和优势集中性指数均无显著影响.表明外源基因GAFP导入后,新型转基因棉花营养生长增强,产量构成性状整体无显著变化,未引起棉田昆虫群落变化.研究初步明确了新型转基因棉花生存竞争势态和棉田昆虫群落发生规律与动态,可为新型转基因棉花环境安全评价提供理论依据,同时为转基因棉花环境安全评价积累科学数据.  相似文献   

由11组各含P_1、P_2、F_1、F_2、B_1和B_2家系的平均数及其方差,估计了陆地棉有关株型的10个性状和有关产量、品质的7个性状的基因效应。结果表明,株高,主茎节间长,第5、10、15果枝节间长和纤维长度的遗传,除有加性、显性效应外,尚有不可忽略的上位性效应;第1、10果枝与主茎夹角的遗传属加性-显性模型;第1果枝节间长,第5、15果枝与主茎夹角,每株铃数,单铃籽棉重,衣分,霜前籽棉、籽棉和皮棉产量则主要是加性遗传效应。因而一般地说,株型性状的遗传并不比产量性状简单。  相似文献   

于2014—2015年在内蒙古自治区阿拉善盟阿拉善左旗内蒙古棉花综合实验站设置大田试验,以‘中棉所50’为材料,采用“一膜三管六行”机采棉配套栽培技术种植,研究播期(4月20日、4月30日和5月10日)对棉花产量、品质及养分吸收的影响.结果表明: 随着播期推迟,棉花生育时期推迟,生育期缩短,铃期日均温降低,收获密度增加;播期显著影响棉株干物质累积、养分吸收与分配,以及产量和品质形成,4月30日播种条件下,棉株干物质和养分在经济器官中的分配比例、养分总积累量及养分的皮棉生产效率较高,籽棉和皮棉产量最高,达6505.9和2660.9 kg·hm-2,且纤维品质较优;4月20日播期下,收获密度、生物量和养分累积量最低,虽然生物量和养分经济系数最高,但最终籽棉和皮棉产量仍较4月30日播期降低10.9%~14.0%和11.1%~14.2%;5月10日播期,虽然可以避开种子萌发期低温冷害,但棉铃发育期日均温偏低,尽管生物量和养分累积量最高,但是生物量和养分经济系数、养分的皮棉生产效率最低,最终籽棉和皮棉产量较4月30日播期降低32.5%~34.7%和35.9%~36.2%,且纤维品质最差.综合分析, 4月30日左右为内蒙古西部荒漠旱区棉花种植的最佳播期.  相似文献   

新型转基因棉花生态适合度及其对棉田昆虫群落的影响是转基因棉花环境安全评价的重点内容.本文选用新型转GAFP(Gastrodia anti-fungal protein)基因棉花及其非转基因亲本棉花为试验材料,于2013和2014年在河南安阳研究了田间棉花生态适合度及其对昆虫群落的影响.结果表明: 转基因棉蕾期、花铃期和铃期叶片干物质量与其亲本无显著差异;苗期比叶面积显著低于亲本,蕾期、花铃期和铃期叶面积显著大于亲本;苗期株高显著低于亲本,蕾期、花铃期和铃期株高与亲本无显著差异;棉花生长的4个关键时期(苗期、蕾期、花铃期和铃期),转基因棉单株果枝数、蕾数和脱落数均与亲本无显著差异,而铃期单株大铃数显著低于亲本.棉铃虫发生的3个高峰期,转基因棉对棉铃虫和甜菜夜蛾无明显控制作用,且对棉田昆虫群落、害虫亚群落和天敌亚群落的昆虫个体总数、昆虫群落结构与组成、均匀性指数、多样性指数和优势集中性指数均无显著影响.表明外源基因GAFP导入后,新型转基因棉花营养生长增强,产量构成性状整体无显著变化,未引起棉田昆虫群落变化.研究初步明确了新型转基因棉花生存竞争势态和棉田昆虫群落发生规律与动态,可为新型转基因棉花环境安全评价提供理论依据,同时为转基因棉花环境安全评价积累科学数据.  相似文献   

Little is known regarding to impact of simulated shading conditions on cotton yield and fiber quality at different fruiting positions. In this 2-year study, our field experiments investigated the effects of shading percentage on the cotton yield, fiber properties, photosynthesis, and carbohydrate concentrations in boll’s subtending leaves during various growing stages at different fruiting positions (FP). Net photosynthetic rate and effective quantum yield of PSII photochemistry decreased in response to shading on both FP1 and FP3 of the 7th sympodial branches, respectively. Shading also reduced sucrose and starch contents of leaves at each fruiting position. Shading decreased the number and mass of cotton bolls, the fiber strength and micronaire, while the fiber length increased at both fruiting positions. Our results suggested that shading resulted in the reduction of the cotton yield and fiber quality, which are mainly associated with the changes in boll number and alteration of photosynthesis and carbohydrate concentrations during the boll development.  相似文献   

留营养枝对棉株同化物生产,运转,分配及产量的影响   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
运用^14C示踪技术研究了留营养支棉株^14C同化物生产运转分配规律。结果表明:留营养枝与否对全株^14C总同化量基本没有影响,但留营养2枝棉株果枝叶的相对光合强度(以放射性比强度表示)降低;主茎叶、果枝叶的^14C同化量显著降低;营养2叶具有较高的光合作用强度和向外输送^14C同化物的转运速率,在^14C同化物生产运转分配中占有很重要的地位。留营养枝棉株^14C同化物的转运速率,在^14C同化  相似文献   

The cotton plant, Gossypium hirsutum, hosts various pests that damage different structures. Among these pests, Spodoptera cosmioides (Walker) and Spodoptera eridania (Cramer) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) are considered important. The objectives of this study were to characterize and to quantify the potential damage of S. eridania and S. cosmioides feeding on different structures of cotton plants. For this purpose, newly-hatched larvae were reared on the following plant parts: leaf and flower bud; leaf and boll; flower bud or boll; and leaf, flower bud and boll. The survival of S. cosmioides and S. eridania was greater than 80% and 70% for larvae fed on cotton plant parts offered separately or together, respectively. One larva of S. eridania damaged 1.7 flower buds, but did not damage bolls, while one larva of S. cosmioides damaged 5.2 flower buds and 3.0 cotton bolls. Spodoptera eridania and S. cosmioides can be considered species with potential to cause economic damage to cotton plants because they can occur throughout cotton developmental stages causing defoliation and losses of reproductive structures. Therefore, the results validate field observations that these two species of Spodoptera are potential pests for cotton.  相似文献   

Premature senescence, unopened and rotted bolls are the primary constrictions hampering the accomplishment of yield potential in Bt cotton. An experiment was conducted with the objectives to delay senescence, enhance boll opening and reduce the boll rotting. The experiment was conducted at two randomly selected sites of University of Agriculture Faisalabad, Pakistan, during 2015 and repeated in 2016. Each experiment was laid out in randomised complete block design with two by two factorial arrangement structure and replicated five times. Treatments were comprised of R0 = no fruit removal; R1 = removal of early fruit branches (REFB) and two genotypes, viz. V1 = FH‐142 and V2 = MNH‐886. Genotypes were selected on the basis of abiotic stress tolerance (FH‐142) and susceptibility (MNH‐886). Nodes above cracked bolls, monopodial branches, opened bolls per plant and seed cotton yield were enhanced by 23, 12, 13 and 17%, respectively, under the influence of REFB over no fruit branch removal, while the REFB‐mediated decrease in boll rotting was 27%. Moreover, the response of MNH‐886 was more remarkable than FH‐142 for all studied variables. Conclusively, REFB increased the number of nodes above a cracked boll, monopodial branches, opened bolls per plant and seed cotton yield while decreased rotted bolls per plant in both genotypes.  相似文献   

Agricultural crops experience diverse mechanical stimuli, which may affect their growth and development. This study was conducted to investigate the effects of mechanical stresses caused by hanging labels from the flower petioles (HLFP) on plant shape and cotton yields in four cotton varieties: CCRI 41, DP 99B, CCRC 21, and BAI 1. HLFP significantly reduced plant height by between 7.8% and 36.5% in all four lines and also significantly reduced the number of fruiting positions per plant in the CCRI 41, DP 99B and CCRC 21 lines. However, the number of fruiting positions in BAI 1 was unaffected. HLFP also significantly reduced the boll weight for all four cultivars and the seed cotton yields for CCRI 41, DP 99B and BAI 1. Conversely, it significantly increased the seed cotton yield for CCRC 21 by 11.2%. HLFP treatment did not significantly affect the boll count in the fruiting branches of the 1st and 2nd layers in any variety, but did significantly reduce those on the 3rd and 4th fruiting branch layers for CCRI 41 and DP 99B. Similar trends were observed for the number of bolls per FP. In general, HLFP reduced plant height and boll weight. However, the lines responded differently to HLFP treatment in terms of their total numbers of fruiting positions, boll numbers, seed cotton yields, etc. Our results also suggested that HFLP responses might be delayed for some agronomy traits of some cotton genotypes, and that hanging labels from early-opening flowers might influence the properties related with those that opened later on.  相似文献   

Abscisic Acid and cutout in cotton   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
A decline in growth, flowering, and boll (fruit) retention is referred to as cutout in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.). Fruit load affects cutout, possibly through hormonal effects. Experiments were conducted to test the hypothesis that fruits are a source of abscisic acid (ABA) that moves into fruiting branches and growing points where it inhibits growth, flowering, and boll retention. Removal of the flower or young boll at the first node of fruiting branches did not decrease the ABA content of fruiting branches or the abscission zone at the second node. Effects on ABA content of the boll at the second node varied. In one field test, ABA content of bolls at the second node decreased with successive harvests as bolls were removed from first node positions of several fruiting branches. Thus, the effect was cumulative and was not limited to individual branches. Removal of the flower or boll at the first node increased boll retention at the second node. Removal of all flowers during the first 3 weeks of flowering delayed the decreases in growth, flowering, and boll retention that occurred as fruit load increased. But, the ABA content of fruiting branches and mainstem apices was not decreased by early defruiting and did not increase with increasing fruit load. The results do not support the hypothesis that fruits are a source of ABA that moves into fruiting branches and growing points where it then inhibits growth, flowering, and boll retention.  相似文献   

The plant growth regulator PGR-IV has been reported to improve the growth, boll retention, and yield of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) under optimum growing conditions. However, little is known about the response of cotton to PGR-IV under low light stress. A 3-year field study was conducted to determine if applying PGR-IV before an 8-day period of shade (63% light reduction) benefitted the growth and yield of shaded cotton. Shading during early squaring did not affect yield. Shading after the first flower stage significantly increased leaf chlorophyll concentration and fruit abscission and decreased the leaf photosynthetic rate, nonstructural carbohydrate concentrations, and lint yield. Foliar application of PGR-IV at 292 mL ha−1 at early squaring and first flower did not improve the leaf photosynthetic rate of shaded cotton. However, shaded plants receiving PGR-IV had higher nonstructural carbohydrate concentrations in the floral buds and significantly lower fruit abscission than the shaded plants without PGR-IV. Applying PGR-IV to the foliage before shading resulted in a numeric increase (6–18%) in lint yield compared with shaded plants without PGR-IV. The decreased fruit abscission from the application of PGR-IV was associated with improved assimilate translocation. The yield enhancement from foliar application of PGR-IV was attributed to increased fruit retention. However, the average boll weight of shaded plants with PGR-IV tended to be lower than that of shaded plants without PGR-IV. Lint percentage was not affected by PGR-IV. Foliar application of PGR-IV appears beneficial for increasing the fruit retention of shaded cotton. Received June 12, 1997; accepted January 19, 1998  相似文献   

在池栽条件下,以美棉33B为材料,研究花铃期干旱、渍水7 d和渍水14 d处理对棉铃碳水化合物含量的影响及其与生物量累积的关系.结果表明: 干旱处理对下部果枝棉铃铃壳碳水化合物含量的影响较小,降低了中部铃壳碳水化合物含量;干旱处理上部铃壳和渍水处理铃壳可溶性糖、淀粉含量增加,蔗糖含量先降后增,且随渍水持续期延长变幅增大,蔗糖外运受阻加重.与铃壳相比,花铃期干旱和渍水处理对棉籽碳水化合物含量的影响较小.干旱和渍水7 d处理中部果枝棉铃生物量快速增长起始期提前但历时短,下部和上部棉铃生物量累积最大增长速率降低;渍水14 d处理不同果枝部位棉铃生物量累积最大增长速率均降低.相关分析表明,棉铃生物量及其最大增长速率与铃壳可溶性糖和蔗糖含量关系密切.因此,花铃期干旱和渍水影响棉铃蔗糖外运,改变棉铃生物量累积特性,是棉铃生物量降低的原因.

Cotton pests damaging fruiting bodies (squares and young bolls) are difficult to control and their damage results in direct yield loss. Small growers, with low technological inputs, represent a large portion of cotton growers worldwide comprising more than 76 countries; they rely mainly on cultural practices to counteract pest attack in their crops. Boll weevil, Anthonomus grandis Boheman (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), oviposition involves puncturing cotton squares and young bolls, causing abscission. We examined the impact on boll weevil population of collecting abscised cotton fruiting bodies and clipping plant terminals at 50% boll maturation in the field during two cotton‐growing seasons and under field cage conditions. Greatest numbers of damaged squares occurred ca. 117 days after planting and clipped plants resulted in reduction of abscised structures and adult boll weevils compared with non‐clipped plants, irrespective of cotton variety. Damaged young bolls were found ca. 128 days after planting in 2009 and 2011, but clipping had no effect. Numbers of boll weevils found in plants of the varieties BRS 201 and BRS Rubi (both in 2009) and BRS Rubi (in 2011) were, respectively, 13‐, 17‐, and 20‐fold greater when clipping plus collecting abscised fruiting bodies were not practiced. Furthermore, the average percentage of the boll weevil parasitoid Bracon vulgaris Ashmead (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) emerging from abscised and collected structures was similar between clipped and non‐clipped plant terminals in both seasons. Clipping plant terminals did not result in yield reduction and reduced adult boll weevil production. Collecting abscised reproductive structures, clipping plant terminals, and using both practices together reduced boll weevil populations by as much as 63, 57, and 79%, respectively, in cage trials. Thus, these practices cause significant impact on boll weevil populations and are feasible of adoption, especially for smallholder cotton growers.  相似文献   

The impact of brown stink bug, Euschistus servus (Say), and southern green stink bug, Nezara viridula (L.), injury was evaluated on preflowering and flowering cotton, Gossypium hirsutum L., plants in no-choice tests. Vegetative stage cotton seedlings and reproductive structures, including flower buds (square) and bolls, were infested with adults and/or nymphs of both species. There were no significant differences in height, height to node ratio, square retention, and flower initiation for cotton seedlings or plants with a match-head square between southern green stink bug adult- or brown stink bug adult-infested and noninfested treatments. Abscission for individual large squares (precandle) and multiple squares (medium and small square on the same sympodial branch) was not significantly different among infested and noninfested treatments for the following species and developmental stages: brown stink bug adults, southern green stink bug adults, and third and fourth to fifth instar southern green stink bug nymphs. In boll infestation studies, the relationship between boll maturity, expressed as heat units beyond anthesis, and boll growth, abscission, hard locked carpels, seedcotton yield, and seed germination was measured. Brown stink bug induced abscission in bolls that had accumulated > 0-350 heat units beyond anthesis. Boll growth and seedcotton yield was significantly lower for bolls infested with brown stink bug through 266.5 and 550 heat units beyond anthesis, respectively. The proportion of hard locked carpels per boll was significantly greater for the infested treatment in a cohort of bolls that accumulated from 51 to 400 heat units beyond anthesis. Seed germination in bolls infested with brown stink bug was significantly lower in bolls aged 101-600 heat units beyond anthesis.  相似文献   

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