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魏美才 《昆虫分类学报》1997,19(A07):138-144
本文系统分析了各大动物地理界叶蜂总科特有属现象、特有属间新缘关系及其分布,并探讨了其起源与传播途径。叶蜂总科在世界各大动物地理界的分布格局为:一个东亚主要分布和分化中心,4个次级分化中心:非洲中部、南美中偏西部、北美、地中海地区。各个次级中心具有相当密切的关系。北美的特有属集中分布现象不显著。叶蜂总科的起源地区可能位于东亚中南部或其附近。非洲界和新热带界分布的叶蜂总科属数比较少,但特有属比例很高,  相似文献   

说起报春花科植物就令人感到欣喜。这一科的近千种植物中,有500多种产于中国。其中种类最多的报春花属,中国产300种左右,占全球种数的五分之三,以致外国植物学者称中国是世界报春花科的分布中心。盛产于我国西南的报春花、点地梅等属,也是著名的高山花卉,尤其是报春花,花繁色艳,花期长,深得园艺学家青睐,一些种已在庭园和居室中广为栽培,给人们带来春天的希望。先说报春花之美报春花是报春花属(Primula)植物的泛称。这一届的植物几乎都是多年生草本。叶片基生呈莲座状,叶多有柄。花葶上方具一顶生的伞形花序,有时有2-3层乃…  相似文献   

杉科植物的起源、演化及其分布   总被引:27,自引:3,他引:24  
本文根据对杉科的系统发育、现代分布和化石分布的研究,结合古地理和古气候资料,讨论了杉科的起源、演化和现代分布格局的成因。杉科基本上是一个亚热带科,我国长江、秦岭以南至华南一带是其现代分布中心。东亚中高纬度的东北地区可能是其起源中心和早期分化中心。起源时间为早侏罗纪或晚三叠纪。杉科植物的各种类型很可能在早白垩纪甚至晚侏罗纪就已分化出来。杉科植物于东亚起源后,在当时劳亚古陆尚未完全解体、气候分带现象尚不甚明显的情况下跨越欧亚大陆散布到北美,并扩散到南半球。自晚白垩纪,白令陆桥和北大西洋陆桥对其在北半球的散布发挥了重要作用。杉科植物目前虽处于衰退状态,但在地质史上却曾经经历过极其繁盛的时代。在中生代中晚期和早第三纪,杉科植物种类繁多,广布于北半球,向北扩散到北极圈内的高纬度地区,是当时的大科。大多数现存属曾分别有过3个或2个分布中心:水松属、落羽杉属和北美红杉属在东亚、北美西部和欧洲;水杉属在东亚和北美西部;柳杉属、杉木属,很可能也包括台湾杉属在东亚和欧洲;巨杉属在欧洲、北美和东亚。在晚白垩纪和第三纪,现存属特别是水松属、落羽杉属、水杉属、北美红杉属和巨杉属,曾是北半球森林植被的重要组成成分。南半球也曾有少量种类,分布亦远较现代普遍。杉科在白垩纪的多样性达到鼎盛,具所有的现代属和大量的化石器官属,但在以后漫长的历史发展过程中,由于地质变迁、气候变化,大量类群绝灭。晚第三纪全球性的气温下降迫使杉科逐渐从高纬度地区撤出。第四纪冰期气候的剧烈恶化使杉科分布区进一步显著退缩至中、低纬度地区,最后在欧洲全部消失,仅在东亚、北美及澳大利亚的少数几个植物 “避难所”中残存下来。现今各属多分布于环太平洋地区极为狭窄的局部范围,在分布区内呈现出孤立或星散的残遗分布式样。杉科现存各属均为古老的孑遗或残遗类群。  相似文献   

本文就科昆虫的起源,各亚科、族及属的分布特点进行了分析和总结;并根据各属的世界分布情况,将其分为8种类型。文中还就中国科昆虫的地理分布及特点作了初步的探讨,结果表明:在我国已知的2亚科4族20个属中,东洋区分布的有10个属,其中有3个属仅分布于我国;古北区分布的有1个属;东洋-古北区分布的有3个属;东洋-新北区分布的有1个属;东洋-古北-新北区分布的有4个属;东洋-古北-新北-非洲区分布的有1个属。此外,科昆虫在中国的一个主要分布特点就是多数种类集中分布于华中区、华南区和西南区;而华中区则很可能是科种类的分化中心,并以此为中心向其他区扩散。  相似文献   

中国十字花科(Cruciferae)的地理分布   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
在评述十字花科(Cruciferae)分类系统,分析主要性状演化趋势和科、属分布的基础上,提出中国十字花科植物可能是本土起源的观点,其起源中心和分布中心可能在以青藏高原为主体的西部高山和丘陵地区,起源时间至少在第三纪晚期以前,并认为中国十字花科植物自起源地(青藏高原)可能有3条主要的散布途径:第1条是自青藏高原向东北部,沿宁夏、陕西、内蒙古、山西、河北,到达东北大小兴安岭一带,并在蒙古高原及东北山地形成次分布中心;第2条自青藏高原向东,经重庆、湖南、湖北,沿长江流域分布,到达东部沿海一带;第3条自青藏高原向东南部,经贵州、广西、广东、福建,延伸到台湾。  相似文献   

吴之坤  张长芹   《广西植物》2006,26(1):49-55,68
滇西北玉龙雪山地处报春花属的现代形成与分布中心,有非常丰富的报春花种类。根据作者2003~2004年对玉龙雪山报春花属植物进行系统调查和资料整理,表明该地区有报春花40种(包括亚种与变种),占我国产报春花属植物总数的12%及云南产报春花属植物总数的29%;同时研究了该属植物在玉龙雪山的分布规律及其资源的生境类型并介绍了主要种类的生物学性状及观赏价值(包括花、叶及其开花期);而且对玉龙雪山报春花资源的保护及合理开发利用提出了建议。  相似文献   

楝科(Meliaceae)的地理分布   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
楝科为泛热带分布科,全世界有51属,约550—600种,分布于旧世界热带地区有46属,热带美洲有8属.热带亚洲和热带非洲为楝科两大现代分布中心.中国楝科共15属,61种,占世界属总数的29%,种总数的10%。中国楝科的分布是在全球楝科分布区的边缘,主要分布于中国西南部及南部诸省,种类由西南向东南递减。中国楝科属的分布区类型可归为5类:1.热带亚洲、非洲和中南美洲间断分布(1属);2.旧世界热带分布(3属);3,热带亚洲至热带大洋洲分布(2属);4.热带亚洲至热带非洲分布(1属);5.热带亚洲分布(8属)。中国楝科种的分布区类型仅有2类:1.热带亚洲分布(31种);2.中国特有分布(30种)。楝科植物的起源推断在早白垩纪。中国楝科植物由印度—马来西亚成分及特有成分组成。热带亚洲的楝科植物主要是通过中南半岛和中国云南。广西和海南等地发生联系,而菲律宾和台湾之间可有直接的联系。  相似文献   

本文系统分析了各大动物地理界叶蜂总科特有属现象、特有属间亲缘关系及其分布,并探讨了其起源与传播途径。叶蜂总科在世界各大动物地理界的分布格局为:一个东亚主要分布和分化中心,4个次级分化中心:非洲中部、南美中偏西北部、北美、地中海地区。各个次级中心均与主要中心具有相当密切的联系。北美的特有属集中分布现象不显著。叶蜂总科的起源地区可能位于东亚中南部或其附近。非洲界和新热带界分布的叶蜂总科属数比较少,但特有属比例很高,说明其隔离分化程度较大。新北亚界和西古北区分布的叶蜂总科属数较多,但特有率较低,表明隔离分化程度较小。东方界的叶蜂区系既贫乏且特化程度很低,所分布的属除个别特有属外均与东亚区共有,可能是由东亚区系向南衰减弱化而成。澳洲界处于叶蜂总科区系的外缘,区系成分十分贫乏。  相似文献   

为了研究神农架世界自然遗产地的种子植物区系特征,基于Phylomatic建立时间树并综合多学科证据,探讨了该区系种子植物科属起源的时间特征。结果发现,神农架世界自然遗产地裸子植物占中国华中山地分布中心属和种的67%和74%,是中国裸子植物分布中心之一;被子植物科的基部类群科占中国的85%;种子植物单型科(仅含1属1种)占中国的42%;拥有中国特有属56属,占中国特有属总数的23%,很多为古老特有属;神农架世界自然遗产地还分布有中国超过50%的东亚-北美间断分布属。这些事实表明神农架世界自然遗产地种子植物区系起源古老,且有连续的传代线,是神农架世界自然遗产地突出普遍价值的重要体现。  相似文献   

本文就(虫+责)科昆虫的起源,各亚科、族及属的分布特点进行了分析和总结;并根据各属的世界分布情况,将其分为8种类型。文中还就中国(虫+责)科昆虫的地理分布及特点作了初步的探讨,结果表明:在我国已知的2亚科4族20个属中,东洋区分布的有10个属,其中有3个属仅分布于我国;古北区分布的有1个属;东洋-古北区分布的有3个属;东洋-新北区分布的有1个属;东洋-古北-新北区分布的有4个属;东洋-古北-新北-非洲区分布的有1个属。此外,(虫+责)科昆虫在中国的一个主要分布特点就是多数种类集中分布于华中区、华南区和西南区;而华中区则很可能是(虫+责)科种类的分化中心,并以此为中心向其他区扩散。  相似文献   

We investigated differences in endosperm cell wall thickening in three genera of Primulaceae; seven species of Douglasia , 28 species of Androsace representing the four sections of the genus, and the single species of the genus Vitaliana . Endosperm cell walls have irregular wall thickenings and narrow constrictions and characterize all Douglasia species and Vitaliana , whereas evenly thickened cell walls without constrictions were found in the endosperm of Androsace and Primula . The endosperm character supports the monophyly of Douglasia and Vitaliana , and we discuss the phylogenetic implications of this conclusion.  相似文献   

The former Primulales used to be subdivided into the woody Theophrastaceae and Myrsinaceae, from the tropics and subtropics, and the herbaceous Primulaceae, which are mainly found in the temperate regions of the northern hemisphere. Recent analyses based on morphological as well as molecular data revealed a close relationship between the genus Samolus L. of Primulaceae and the monophyletic family Theophrastaceae. We studied the floral development of six species from four different genera of Theophrastaceae and compared it to floral ontogenetical data of Samolus valerandi L. to find support for a close relationship. Samolus and the members of Theophrastaceae share the presence of staminodes and a similar development of the placenta and the ovules. Apart from the different habit and distribution, however, we also observed some major differences between both lineages, such as the absence of common primordia in Theophrastaceae, the development of a gynoecial cap in Samolus, and the difference in development, shape, and structure of the staminodes. Therefore, we propose to keep Samolus separated from the genera of the Theophrastaceae, and we suggest that it be raised to family level.  相似文献   

The distribution of serological determinants in seed proteins from different species of Primulaceae, as well as from Ardisia crenulata (Myrsinaceae), Erica tetralix (Ericaceae), Manilkara zapota (Sapotaceae, Ebenales). Actinidia chinensis (Actinidiaceae) and Armeria maritima (Plumbaginaceae) has been determined by the use of corresponding rabbit immune sera. Serological reactions were carried out using a gel diffusion micro-method in calcium alginate gel, and a special pre-absorption technique was used in order to more closely specify the distribution of serological characteristics in the taxa under examination. While no systematic similarities were found between Primulales and Plumbaginales, a serological correspondence between Primulales and Ericales is very clear. It also occurs between these two taxa and species of the Theales. The Sapotaceae (as representatives of the Ebenales) showed some serological similarities with the Theales.  相似文献   

Seed size and shape, seed coat surface pattern, seed coat thickness, and endosperm structure were investigated in Androsace septentrionalis, Cortusa matthioli, Hottonia palustris, Primula elatior, Soldanella carpatica (Primulaceae), Anagallis arvensis, A. minima, Cyclamen purpurascens, Glaux maritima, Lysimachia nemorum, L. vulgaris, Trientalis europaea (Myrsinaceae), and Samolus valerandi (Theophrastaceae). Three seed size categories were distinguished on the basis of biometric measurements. Almost all seeds examined were found to be small with an angular shape classified as sectoroid or polyhedral. A new type of seed shape, suboval, was identified for H. palustris. Cyclamen purpurascens seeds differed from seeds of all other species examined because of their large size, subglobose shape, and concave hilar area. Despite the different shape types, the length/width ratio of the seeds examined was constant, while their hilum length/width ratio was a highly variable feature. Three types of seed surface patterns were observed: (1) reticulate, (2) tuberculate with secondary striations, and (3) poroid-alveolate with the presence of a spongy outer layer. For seeds of Anagallis arvensis, A. minima, Cortusa matthioli, Lysimachia nemorum, and Soldanella carpatica, secondary seed sculpture was described. The seed coats of all species examined were two-layered, and great differences in testa thickness were found (9.9?C128.6???m). In general, seeds of the Myrsinaceae species were more often characterized by thick testa. Different proportions in thickness of the inner and outer testa layers were observed. In seeds with reticulate seed patterns, the inner testa layer was twice to several times thicker than the outer layer, while the opposite proportions were observed in seeds with the tuberculate or poroid-alveolate seed sculpture pattern. In seeds of all species examined, oxalate crystals were present on the surface of the inner testa layer. Thus, the presence or absence of oxalate crystals in testa is not a feature distinguishing species with angular or subglobose seeds. Four types of endosperm structure were identified according to the thickness of the endosperm cell walls and the relief of their inner surface: (1) with evenly thickened and smooth cell walls, (2) with evenly thickened cell walls and circular or helical thickenings on their inside surfaces, (3) with very thick, but not evenly thickened cell walls with constrictions (??pitted??), and (4) with very thin papery and undulate cell walls. There is no rule concerning the seed shape, type of the seed sculpture, testa thickness, or endosperm structure that corresponds to the family affiliation of the species examined.  相似文献   

The phylogenetic interrelationships in Primulaceae, Myrsinaceae, and Theophrastaceae were investigated using DNA sequence data from the chloroplast genes atpB, ndhF, and rbcL. The three genes were analyzed separately, together, and in combination with morphology, using parsimony jackknifing. The sequence data are further explored by analyses of first and second codon position only, third positions only, and transversions only. The results show that all codon positions contribute group support to the ndhF tree, whereas third codon positions provide most of the structure in the atpB and rbcL trees. Analyzed separately, transversions in atpB and rbcL have little structure, whereas in ndhF they produce a well-resolved tree. We conclude that the most informative and robust results are obtained from analyses with all codon positions included and that the tree resulting from the combined analysis of all available data provides the best estimate of phylogeny.The results show that Maesa is sister to all other taxa from the three families. Theophrastaceae are well supported, but both Myrsinaceae and Primulaceae are paraphyletic. We conclude that four families should be recognized, Maesaceae, Theophrastaceae, Primulaceae, and Myrsinaceae. For all families to be monophyletic, Samolus was transferred to Theophrastaceae, and Lysimachia, Anagallis, Trientalis, Glaux, Asterolinon, and Pelletiera were moved to the Myrsinaceae together with the genera Coris, Ardisiandra, and Cyclamen.  相似文献   

报道了陕西省种子植物区系2新记录属[茜草科(Rubiaceae)的虎刺属(Damnacanthus Gaertn.f.),桔梗科(Campanulaceae)的刺萼参属(Echinocodon Hong)],3新记录种[四川虎刺(Damnacanthus officinarum Huang),刺萼参(Echinocodon lobophyllus Hong)及报春花科(Primulaceae)的异花珍珠菜Lysimachia crispidens(Hance)Hemsl.]。  相似文献   

绣线菊亚科是蔷薇科最原始的亚科,共有22属260余种, 包括常绿和落叶两大类群,前者是 原始类型。我国有8属100种,全都为落叶性。本文着重讨论中国各属的起源、演化和分布等 ,同时也概述全亚科植物在世界各植物区的分布等问题。绣线菊属Spiraea是该亚科落叶类群中最原始的属,它在早期发生趋异进化,衍生出形态各异而亲缘关系密切 的不同属,本文阐明了中国各属的系统位置和属间的亲缘关系。通过对我国各属地理分布的 分析对比,属的分布区可归纳为5个类型。对全球绣线菊亚科植物在世界各植物区中的属、种数统计表明,东亚区有8属105种,其中有96个特有种,是该亚科植物分布最多而又最集中 地区,具有在系统发育上处于各主要演化阶段的落叶类型,因此,东亚区是全球绣线菊亚科植 物的现代分布和分化中心,也是落叶类群发生和发展的关键地区。在北美洲,从马德雷区至落基山区一带分布着11属46种,均为特有种,显然北美洲西部也是该亚科植物的现代分布中心,但可能是第二分布中心。南美洲至今保存2个较古老的常绿属,即Quillaja和K ageneckia,基于此,南美洲可能是绣线菊亚科某些常绿属早期分化和发展的关键地区 。中国绣线菊亚科植物在东亚区占绝对优势,有8属82种,其中有62个特有种,分别占该区属 、种和 特有种数的100%、82%、和65%, 这些类群分布最密集地区是在中国喜马拉雅森林植物亚区 中的横断山脉地区和中国日本森林植物亚区的西部,这一带是中国绣线菊亚科的现代分布和多样性中心,很可能是某些属的发源地。由此看来,绣线菊亚科的落叶属可能起源于劳亚古陆。据化石记载,该亚科植物的起源时间可以追溯到白垩纪早白垩世。  相似文献   

We investigated differences in endosperm cell wall thickening in three genera of Primulaceae; seven species of Douglasia , 28 species of Androsace representing the four sections of the genus, and the single species of the genus Vitaliana . Endosperm cell walls have irregular wall thickenings and narrow constrictions and characterize all Douglasia species and Vitaliana , whereas evenly thickened cell walls without constrictions were found in the endosperm of Androsace and Primulu . The endosperm character supports the monophyly of Douglasia and Vitaliana , and we discuss the phylogenetic implications of this conclusion.  相似文献   

棕榈科植物的地理分布   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
棕榈科是一个泛热带分布的科,共有198属,约2670种,下分6亚科,14族。贝叶棕族是最原始的族,低地榈族则最进化。本科植物在世界上的分布可划分为13个区,其中以印度-马来西区和新热带区的属、种最多。中国只有16属和85种,没有特有属。这些种大部分属热带亚洲分布,与热带亚洲植物区系关系非常密切。关于棕榈科起源地问题,有西冈瓦纳起源和劳亚起源之说。根据化石记录和形态特征的分析,棕榈科很可能于早白垩纪  相似文献   

The World fauna of the tribe Eupitheciini is the most species-rich in the family Geometridae. This tribe includes about 1900 species (almost 3000 species-group names) from 47 genera; about one third of the genera (15) are monotypic. The generic diversity of Eupitheciini is the highest in the Australian (38 genera, 11 of them endemic) and Oriental regions (32 genera, 4 endemic) and the lowest in the Neotropical Region (possibly one genus only). The faunas of different biogeographic regions can be arranged in following order by their species richness: the Palaearctic (487 species), Oriental (397), Neotropical (346), Australian (251), Afrotropical (198), and Nearctic Regions (166 species). Eupithecia is the most species-rich genus in the family Geometridae and the entire order Lepidoptera, and one of the largest genera in the whole World fauna of insects. The greatest number of species of this genus is recorded in the Palaearctic Region (466 species), where Eupithecia accounts for about 95% of the tribe Eupitheciini. The mainland of the Oriental Region (especially the Himalayas) is also very species-rich; however the proportion of the Eupithecia representatives decreases towards Malaysia, Sundaland, and the Australian Region (about 2% of the tribe). The Eupitheciini faunas have the greatest similarity at the generic level between the Oriental and Australian Regions (the Jaccard and Sørensen coefficient values being 0.62 and 0.77, respectively). The Palaearctic fauna is more similar to the Afrotropical and Oriental faunas at the genus-group level. On the whole, the fauna of the Nearctic Region is similar to that the West Palaearctic, with the exception of the fact that representatives of the genera Gymnoscelis and Chloroclystis are absent in North America, although two endemic genera Nasusina and Prorella are present. At the genus-group level, the Nearctic fauna of Eupitheciini is more similar to the Neotropical (the Jaccard and Sørensen coefficients 0.20 and 0.33, respectively) than to the Palaearctic fauna (0.17 and 0.29). The number of synonymies is very high in the tribe Eupitheciini because of the homogeneity of this group, whose species are difficult to identify without the use of elaborate anatomical techniques. Modern revisions, catalogues, surveys, and atlases on Eupitheciini are absent for many countries and large geographic regions. Revisions of pugs of the tribe Eupitheciini for some biogeographic regions are extremely difficult because of fragmentation of entomological collections including the type specimens of many species-group taxa. A large fraction of synonyms is characteristic of parts of the World with the best known faunas: Europe (64% of synonyms) and North America (39%). On the contrary, the lowest levels of synonymy are typical of the less known faunas of the regions situated at the equatorial latitudes, namely the Neotropical (9%) and Afrotropical (8%) ones.  相似文献   

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