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树麻雀肝脏和肌肉产热特征的季节性变化   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
北温带的小型鸟类,通过增加产热来适应低温环境.基础代谢率(BMR)是内温动物能量预算的重要组成部分.本研究中我们分别在冬季和夏季测定了树麻雀(Passer montanus)的BMR、肝脏和肌肉的线粒体蛋白含量、线粒体呼吸及细胞色素C氧化酶(COX)活力及血清中甲状腺激素(T4)及甲状腺原氨酸(T3)含量的变化.结果显示:树麻雀的体重和BMR冬季显著高于夏季;肝脏的线粒体呼吸、肝脏和肌肉的COX活力冬季较高,夏季较低;血清T3浓度冬季明显高于夏季.这些结果表明:在野外条件下,肝脏和肌肉在细胞水平产热能力的提高和血清T3含量的增加,是树麻雀抵御冬季寒冷的重要方式之一.  相似文献   

甲状腺激素对白头鹎基础产热的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
甲状腺激素对动物的基础产热有调节作用,甲状腺活性的增加往往与基础代谢的增加相伴行。通过每日饲喂甲状腺素(T4)研究了甲状腺机能亢进对白头鹎(Pycnonotus sinensis)代谢产热的影响。代谢率的测定采用封闭式流体压力呼吸计测定,细胞色素C氧化酶(COX)采用铂氧电极-溶氧仪测定,反应温度为30℃,肝脏和肌肉的线粒体状态4呼吸采用铂氧电极-溶氧仪测定,反应温度为30℃,线粒体蛋白的测定以牛血清蛋白作为标准,采用Folin-phenol方法,测定肝脏和肌肉组织的蛋白质含量。与对照组相比,甲亢组的基础代谢率(BMR)明显升高;肝脏及肌肉组织状态4呼吸增加;肝脏和肌肉线粒体的COX活力升高。  相似文献   

在自然环境中,有机体某一特性的可塑性变化在适应和功能方面是非常重要的。以成年白头鹎(Pycnonotus sinensis)为研究对象,分别在野外驯化条件和实验室温度适应条件下测定静止代谢率(RMR)、蒸发失水率(EWL)和代谢活性器官的重量,同时测定肝脏及肌肉的线粒体呼吸和细胞色素C氧化酶活力(COX)。野外季节性驯化在冬季和夏季时测定;实验室温度适应分为2组,分别在10℃和30℃下适应4周后进行测定。结果显示,与夏季驯化和暖适应组相比,冬季驯化和冷适应组RMR和EWL较高、代谢活性器官较重,线粒体呼吸速率和COX活性显著增加;器官重量和细胞产热能力的适应性变化可能是导致了RMR适应性调节。结果表明,白头鹎可以表现出对季节性驯化和温度适应的生理反应,利用这种能力应付野外环境温度的波动。生理能量特性的可塑性是鸟类能量代谢的共同特征。  相似文献   

白头鹎的代谢率与器官重量在季节驯化中的可塑性变化   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:5  
动物能量代谢的生理生态特征与物种的分布和丰富度密切相关,基础代谢率(BMR)是恒温动物维持正常生理机能的最小产热速率,是动物在清醒时维持身体各项基本功能所需的最小能量值,是内温动物能量预算的重要组成部分.本研究测定了白头鹎(Pycnonotus sinensis)的BMR、内部器官(肝、心、肌胃、小肠、肾和整体消化道)和肌肉的重量,分析了白头鹎内部器官和肌肉重量的季节性变化及与BMR的关系.方差分析表明,白头鹎的BMR存在明显的季节性变化,冬季较高,夏季最低.其内部器官及肌肉重量的变化同样有明显的季节性.相关分析表明,白头鹎的BMR与肝、心、消化道等内部器官和肌肉重量存在明显的相关性.  相似文献   

小型哺乳动物通过产热能力的调整来应对环境的胁迫。为探究外源瘦素对不同地区大绒鼠(Eothenomys miletus)适应性产热的影响,选取云南昆明和大理地区捕获的大绒鼠各14只,置于25℃±1℃,光周期为12L∶12D的环境中,每日腹腔注射瘦素,持续28 d。以LT502电子天平每两天测定大绒鼠的体重,采用食物平衡法每两天测定大绒鼠摄食量,以便携式呼吸代谢测量系统每7天测定静止代谢率(RMR)、非颤抖性产热(NST)。第28天处死动物后,采用酶联免疫吸附法测定线粒体蛋白含量、线粒体细胞色素c氧化酶(COX)活性、解偶联蛋白1(UCP1)含量、血清三碘甲状腺原氨酸(T3)、甲状腺素(T4)、瘦素水平以及促甲状腺激素释放激素(TRH)和促肾上腺皮质激素释放激素(CRH)水平。结果表明,注射瘦素后昆明和大理地区大绒鼠的体重和摄食量显著降低,RMR和NST增强,肝脏中线粒体蛋白含量和COX活性,褐色脂肪组织(BAT)中COX活性和UCP1含量,及血清T3、T4、T3/T4比值、TRH和CRH浓度均增加。瘦素水平与体重、摄食量呈负相关,血清T3水平与NST和UCP1含量呈正相关。此外,注射前昆...  相似文献   

长爪沙鼠季节性产热特征比较   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
蔡理全  黄晨西 《兽类学报》1998,18(3):215-218
与夏季相比、冬季长爪沙鼠的静止代谢率和非颤抖性产热显著升高;褐色脂肪组织线粒体的细胞色素C氧化酶与α-磷酸甘油氧化酶活力升高,组织总蛋白质及线粒体蛋白质含量增加,而组织的脂肪含量减少;血清T3含量和T3/T4值都显著增加。但是肝脏的各项产热指标变化不显著、表明褐色脂肪组织的产热功能具有季节波动性,是长爪沙鼠适应性产热的主要来源器官.  相似文献   

冷驯化条件下大绒鼠的产热和能量代谢特征   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本文主要研究了冷驯化(5℃±1℃)条件下,大绒鼠(Eothenomys miletus)的能量收支、基础代谢率(BMR)、非颤抖性产热(NST)和肝脏线粒体呼吸.结果表明:随着冷驯化的进行,大绒鼠的体重、体温降低;摄入能、消化能、可代谢能增加;BMR和NST增加;肝脏线粒体呼吸状态Ⅲ呼吸先增加,28天后趋于平稳;线粒体状态Ⅳ呼吸先增加,28天后下降.说明在冷驯化条件下,大绒鼠采取适当降低体重和体温、增加能量摄入、增加BMR和NST产热的对策来维持能量平衡  相似文献   

赵志军  曹静  陈可新 《兽类学报》2014,34(2):149-157
为阐明小型哺乳动物体重和能量代谢的季节性变化以及生理调节机制,将黑线仓鼠驯化于自然环境下12个月,测定其体重、能量收支、身体组织器官和血清瘦素水平的季节性变化。黑线仓鼠能量摄入和支出的季节性变化显著,冬季摄入能、基础代谢率(BMR)、非颤抖性产热(NST)显著高于夏季。体重季节性变化不显著,但身体组织器官重量呈现显著的季节性变化,冬季肝脏、心脏、肾脏以及消化道重量显著高于夏季。体脂含量夏季最高,冬季最低,冬季显著低于夏、秋和春季(P <0.01)。血清瘦素水平的季节性变化显著,夏季瘦素水平比秋、冬季分别高88.2% 和52.4% (P <0.05)。结果表明,黑线仓鼠体重维持季节性稳定,与“调定点假说”的预测不同;但脂肪含量和血清瘦素季节性变化显著,符合该假说。夏季血清瘦素升高具有抑制能量摄入的作用,冬季血清瘦素可能是促进代谢产热的重要因子,瘦素对能量代谢和体重的调节作用与气候的季节性变化有关。    相似文献   

长爪沙鼠褐色脂肪组织和肝脏产热特征的季节性变化   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
长爪沙鼠(Meriones unguiculatus)是一种栖息于典型草原和荒漠草原非冬眠群居性的小型哺乳动物。为研究其产热功能的季节变化,我们分别在2003年秋季(9月下旬)、冬季(11月下旬)、2004年春季(3月底-4月下旬)和夏季(7月下旬),分别测定了其体重、褐色脂肪组织和肝脏的重量、线粒体总蛋白含量和细胞色素c氧化酶活力,以及褐色脂肪组织中解偶联蛋白1(Uncoupling protein1,UCPl)的含量等。结果显示:除雄鼠的体重显著高于雌鼠外,其它各项指标均无性别差异。体重和褐色脂肪组织的重量都在冬季较高,显著高于夏季,而肝脏的重量在夏季显著高于其它季节。褐色脂肪组织和肝脏的线粒体蛋白含量和细胞色素c氧化酶活力以及UCP1含量,都在冬季较高,夏季较低。这些结果表明:在野外条件下,褐色脂肪组织和肝脏在细胞水平上产热能力的提高和UCP1含量的增加,是长爪沙鼠抵御寒冷的重要方式。  相似文献   

基础代谢率(BMR)是恒温动物维持正常生理机能的最小产热速率,是动物在清醒时维持身体各项基本功能所需的最小能量值。"能量需求"假设认为,鸟类短期BMR的调整可以通过改变内部器官的大小来适应能量需求。以白头鹎(Pycnonotus sinensis)为研究对象,分别在10℃和30℃的不同环境中适应4周后,测定了其BMR、蒸发失水(EWL)和内部器官(心、肝、肾、胃、小肠和整体消化道)的重量,同时分析了白头鹎内部器官的变化及与BMR的关系。驯化4周后,白头鹎暖温组(30℃)的体重有明显降低的趋势;经协方差校正体重后,低温组(10℃)单位体重BMR与整体BMR明显高于暖温组,同时两组间EWL表现出显著差异。协方差分析表明,低温组白头鹎的肝脏、肾脏、小肠及总消化道重量显著高于暖温组。低温引起白头鹎能量需求增加,内部器官发生相应改变,要求摄入更多的氧气以维持代谢平衡,导致散失更多的蒸发水。  相似文献   

Temperate zone birds are highly seasonal in many aspects of their physiology. In mammals, but not in birds, the pineal gland is an important component regulating seasonal patterns of primary gonadal functions. Pineal melatonin in birds instead affects seasonal changes in brain song control structures, suggesting the pineal gland regulates seasonal song behavior. The present study tests the hypothesis that the pineal gland transduces photoperiodic information to the control of seasonal song behavior to synchronize this important behavior to the appropriate phenology. House sparrows, Passer domesticus, expressed a rich array of vocalizations ranging from calls to multisyllabic songs and motifs of songs that varied under a regimen of different photoperiodic conditions that were simulated at different times of year. Control (SHAM) birds exhibited increases in song behavior when they were experimentally transferred from short days, simulating winter, to equinoctial and long days, simulating summer, and decreased vocalization when they were transferred back to short days. When maintained in long days for longer periods, the birds became reproductively photorefractory as measured by the yellowing of the birds' bills; however, song behavior persisted in the SHAM birds, suggesting a dissociation of reproduction from the song functions. Pinealectomized (PINX) birds expressed larger, more rapid increases in daily vocal rate and song repertoire size than did the SHAM birds during the long summer days. These increases gradually declined upon the extension of the long days and did not respond to the transfer to short days as was observed in the SHAM birds, suggesting that the pineal gland conveys photoperiodic information to the vocal control system, which in turn regulates song behavior.  相似文献   

小型哺乳动物的体重和产热特征的季节调节对其生存至关重要。为探讨中缅树鼩的能量代谢适应特征随季节的变化,采用耗氧量测定、食物平衡法、形态测量等方法,分别对其冬季和夏季的基础代谢率(BMR)、非颤抖性产热(NST)、体温、体重、蒸发失水、能量收支和消化道的长度和重量进行了测定。中缅树鼩冬季体温、体重、基础代谢率、NST、蒸发失水散热分别为37. 9℃ ± 0.14℃ ,126.1 ± 2.1 g,42. 94 ± 2.65 J/g· h,54. 97 ±2.14 J/ g·h,5. 69 ±0.33 J/ g·h;夏季体温、体重、基础代谢率、NST、蒸发失水散热分别为38.5℃ ± 0. 27℃ ,106.9 ±5.1 g,28. 69 ±3.06 J/ g·h,47.43 ± 2.45 J / g·h,7.12 ±0. 57 J/ g·h;中缅树鼩的每日摄入能、消化能、可代谢能冬季均比夏季显著增加,消化道特征冬季和夏季存在变化,随着温度降低、食物质量下降,小肠长度和重量增加。这些结果表明:中缅树鼩在冬季,通过增加体重、基础代谢率和NST、能量摄入、消化能和可代谢能,降低蒸发失水等方式应对季节性环境变化。代谢产热和消化生理调节在季节性适应过程中具有重要地位。  相似文献   

Acclimatization to winter conditions is an essential prerequisite for survival of small passerines of the northern temperate zone. Changes in photoperiod, ambient temperature and food availability trigger seasonal acclimatization in physiology and behavior of many birds. In the present study, seasonal adjustments in several physiological, hormonal, and biochemical markers were examined in wild-captured Eurasian tree sparrows (Passer montanus) from the Heilongjiang Province in China. In winter sparrows had higher body mass and basal metabolic rate (BMR). Consistently, the dry mass of liver, heart, gizzard, small intestine, large intestine and total digestive tract were higher in winter than in that in summer. The contents of mitochondrial protein in liver, and state-4 respiration and cytochrome c oxidase (COX) activity in liver and muscle increased significantly in winter. Circulating level of serum triiodothyronine (T3) was significantly higher in winter than in summer. Together, these data suggest that tree sparrows mainly coped with cold by enhancing thermogenic capacities through increased organ masses and heightened activity of respiratory enzymes activities. The results support the view that prominent winter increases in BMR are manifestations of winter acclimatization in tree sparrows and that seasonal variation in metabolism in sparrows is similar to that in other small temperate-wintering birds.  相似文献   

We synthesized information on temporal and spatial patterns of salt marsh habitat use by nekton in order to infer the importance of five main types of marsh function: reproduction, foraging, refuge from predation, refuge from stressful environmental conditions and environmental enhancement of physiology. We then extended the concept that intertidal gradients regulate habitat use patterns of nekton to a more universal concept that applies to all salt marsh habitats. We contend that all marsh habitats are linked to each other and to adjacent estuarine habitats along a depth gradient that mediates gradients in abiotic and biotic conditions. Tidal, diel and seasonal shifts in the magnitude and direction of these gradients result in gradients in tidal, diel and seasonal variation in biotic and abiotic conditions within the salt marsh. Collectively these gradients form the `marsh gradient'. We propose that patterns of marsh use and ecological function for nekton result primarily from physiological and behavioral responses to this marsh gradient. A comparison of habitat use patterns in the context of the marsh gradient is an important – and underutilized – method to study marsh function and essential fish habitat. We note that our limited insight into the function of the marsh habitat results from a significant lack of information on the occurrence and causes of tidal, diel and ontogenetic marsh use patterns by nekton; this is particularly relevant with respect to data on the variation in environmental conditions along marsh gradients over tidal, diel and seasonal cycles and on how environmental variation on these scales influences nekton behavior, growth and survival.  相似文献   

在自然界中,环境变化、季节更替和人为因素造成食物资源时空分布的不均一性,导致鱼类经常面临食物资源短缺的环境胁迫,对其能量代谢和行为造成一定影响。为考察食物资源短缺下暖水性鲤科鱼类能量代谢、个性与集群行为的应对策略及其可能的内在关联,选取中华倒刺鲃(Spinibarbus sinensis)幼鱼为实验对象,分别测定饥饿组(2周)和对照组(维持日粮)在处理前后实验鱼的标准代谢率(Standard metabolic rate,SMR)、个性行为(勇敢性、探索性和活跃性)以及实验处理后的集群行为(凝聚力和协调性)。研究发现:(1)饥饿组和对照组实验过程中实验鱼SMR均显著下降,但仅饥饿组实验鱼SMR具有重复性;(2)饥饿导致中华倒刺鲃幼鱼勇敢性、探索性、活跃性均显著增加;(3)饥饿导致群体成员间距离缩短,游泳速度及其同步性上升。研究表明:饥饿后的中华倒刺鲃不仅适应性降低SMR以减少能量消耗,而且呈现出更高的勇敢性、探索性和活跃性以利于获取食物资源;饥饿迫使中华倒刺鲃群体提高凝聚力和协调性,可能有助于提高群体的生存能力。  相似文献   

B D Goldman 《Steroids》1999,64(9):679-685
Circadian systems in a wide variety of organisms all appear to include three basic components: 1) biological oscillators that maintain a self-sustained circadian periodicity in the absence of environmental time cues; 2) input pathways that convey environmental information, especially light cues, that can entrain the circadian oscillations to local time; and 3) output pathways that drive overt circadian rhythms, such as the rhythms of locomotor activity and a variety of endocrine rhythms. In mammals, the circadian system is employed in the regulation of reproductive physiology and behavior in two very important ways. 1) In some species, there is a strong circadian component in the timing of ovulation and reproductive behavior, ensuring that these events will occur at a time when the animal is most likely to encounter a potential mate. 2) Many mammals exhibit seasonal reproductive rhythms that are largely under photoperiod regulation; in these species, the circadian system and the pineal gland are crucial components of the mechanism that is used to measure day length. The rhythm of pineal melatonin secretion is driven by a neural pathway that includes the circadian oscillator(s) in the suprachiasmatic nuclei. Melatonin is secreted at night in all mammals, and the duration of each nocturnal episode of melatonin secretion is inversely related to day length. The pineal melatonin rhythm appears to serve as an internal signal that represents day length and that is capable of regulating a variety of seasonal variations in physiology and behavior.  相似文献   

Seasonal changes in an animal's morphology, physiology, and behavior are considered to be an adaptive strategy for survival and reproductive success. In the present study, we examined body weight and several behavioral, physiological, hormonal, and biochemical markers in seasonally acclimatized Brandt's voles (Microtus brandti) to test our hypothesis that Brandt's voles can decrease energy intake associated with decrease in body weight, body fat content, serum leptin level, and increasing thermogenesis in winter conditions. We found that the body weight of Brandt's voles was lowest in winter (December to February) and highest in spring and early summer (May to June). This seasonal variation in body weight was associated with changes in other markers examined. For example, the winter decrease in body weight was accompanied by increased energy intake and enhanced nonshivering thermogenesis (NST) as well as by decreased body fat mass and reduced levels of circulating leptin. Further, circulating levels of leptin were positively correlated with body weight and body fat mass, and negatively correlated with energy intake and uncoupling protein 1 contents. Together, these data do not support our hypothesis and suggest that leptin may be involved in this process and serve as a starvation signal in Brandt's voles.  相似文献   

A melatonin-based photoperiod timing mechanism and a circannual rhythm-generating system interact to govern seasonal cycles in physiology and behavior in many vertebrates. This paper focuses on the pars tuberalis (PT) of the mammalian pituitary gland as a model melatonin-responsive tissue to investigate the molecular basis of these two basic long-term timing processes.  相似文献   

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