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1998~1999年、1999~2000年在武汉地区使用陷阱法系统采样,研究了大麦田蜘蛛群落结构,比较了不同的冬天气候因素对麦田蜘蛛群落结构的影响.使用Berger-Parker优势度指数分析了调查时间段大麦田的地面优势种蜘蛛.结果显示,1998~1999年的优势种蜘蛛为皿蛛科蜘蛛,隆背微蛛Erigone prominens Boes. et Str.在大麦的全生长期均为优势种.1999~2000年,主要的优势种蜘蛛为狼蛛科的类水狼株Pirata piratoides Boes.et Str.、沟渠豹蛛Pardosa laura Karsch和拟环纹豹蛛Pardosa pseudoannulata (Boes.et Str.).另外,通过各优势种蜘蛛雄蛛的个体数变化,探讨了各优势种蜘蛛在田间的交配繁殖情况.结果表明,冬天气候对蜘蛛的交配时期有明显影响.在暖冬天气,大多数种类的交配比冷冬提前.一般情况下,各优势种蜘蛛能在麦田繁殖1代.另外,还对平腹蛛科的2种蜘蛛的雄蛛在田间的活动情况进行了描述.  相似文献   

任海庆  陈建  袁兴中  刘杰 《生态学报》2016,36(6):1774-1781
为探索天然林和橡胶林蜘蛛多样性现状,于2010年8月在海南黎母山自然保护区选取天然林和橡胶林,采用扫网法、陷阱法和单位面积法收集蜘蛛标本,分析两种林型之间蜘蛛组成、多样性和功能群差异,并以蜘蛛科和数量分布为属性进行主成分分析(PCA),探讨林型中样方之间蜘蛛群落的相似性。共采集蜘蛛标本3609头,用于统计分析的成蛛969头,归属于23科,162种。天然林20科,100种,优势类群为跳蛛科、球蛛科和园蛛科;橡胶林17科,87种,优势类群为肖蛸蛛科、狼蛛科和猫蛛科。从蜘蛛的数量分布看,橡胶林蜘蛛个体密度显著高于天然林;而天然林多样性指数和丰富度指数显著高于橡胶林。橡胶林中结圆网型和游猎型蜘蛛显著高于天然林,结皿网型显著低于天然林,伏击型不存在显著性差异。PCA分析结果表明,24个样方趋于分成天然林和橡胶林2组,并且天然林样方之间相似性极高,而橡胶林样方之间相似性相对较低。以上结果表明:(1)橡胶林替代天然林后蜘蛛群落结构发生变化,多样性降低;(2)增加生境结构的复杂性和减少人为干扰对保护和恢复物种多样性有重要意义。  相似文献   

香蕉园蜘蛛群落研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
张永强  韦绥概 《蛛形学报》2000,9(2):101-106
香蕉园蜘蛛群落组成隶属于17科48属71种。跳蛛科、球蛛科、狼蛛科、肖峭科、皿蛛科和抚蛛科是优势科。种类以跳蛛、数量以抚蛛最多。群落垂直分层结构明显。广西抚蛛与草间钻头蛛,幼豹蛛与类奇异獾蛛分别是植株叶片和地面群落的优势种群。群落多样性地面高于植株。植株层间的相似性高于植株与地面之间的相似性。植株叶片上的蜂蛛与昆虫数量消长相关极显著。  相似文献   

为了研究农田地表蜘蛛的边缘效应及优势种群动态特征,本文采用陷阱法对辽宁省岫岩地区大豆田地表蜘蛛进行了系统的调查和分析。共采集成熟蜘蛛3312头,属于11科23属38种。其中狼蛛科和皿蛛科为优势科,白纹舞蛛、晨豹蛛、赫氏豹蛛、草间钻头蛛、锯胸微蛛为优势种。清种大豆田边缘样带与内部样带的蜘蛛物种数和优势种均存在差异。多样性分析的结果表明,从大豆田边缘到内部,地表蜘蛛的物种数量、丰富度指数D、多样性指数H'有逐渐降低的趋势,说明大豆田地表蜘蛛存在着明显的边缘效应。群落相似性分析的结果也证明了边缘效应的存在。大豆与玉米间作可以显著提高地表蜘蛛的均匀度指数,对蜘蛛多样性和丰度的影响很小。通过优势种的动态分析发现,地表蜘蛛优势种的时间动态变化明显。  相似文献   

2004年4—10月,在甘肃子午岭天然次生林区采用巴氏诱罐法采集土壤蜘蛛2164头,隶属于19科43种。研究表明辽东栎林(Quercusliaotungensis)、油松林(Pinustabulaeformis)和杨树林(Populusdavidiana)3种森林植被类型中土壤蜘蛛群落组成有明显的差异;不同生境蜘蛛群落的组成成分和多样性指数各异;从各生境中捕获的蜘蛛个体数量分析,皿蛛科、平腹蛛科和科狼蛛科的数量最多,优势类群的组成相似;各生境类型中蜘蛛功能集团的组成及多样性也有明显差异。同时,分析了影响蜘蛛群落组成和多样性的主要因子是生境的植被类型和生境异质性。  相似文献   

花生田蜘蛛群落的研究   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
在花生田共采集到蜘蛛41种,隶属于12科、27属。游猎型蜘蛛主要是狼蛛科、跳蛛科、猫蛛科和管巢蛛科的种类,所占比例较高,在春花生田为60.91%~86.21%,秋花生田为50.40%~90.36%。结网蜘蛛主要是皿蛛、球蛛、肖蛸和小型园蛛。在花生的不同生长季节有不同的优势科和优势种。春花生田的优势科是狼蛛科、皿蛛科和猫蛛科,优势种是类水狼蛛、拟环纹豹蛛、脉娲蛛、食虫沟瘤蛛和斜纹猫蛛;狼蛛科、猫蛛科和球蛛科是秋花生田的优势科、脉娲蛛、斜纹猫蛛和八斑鞘蛛为优势种。  相似文献   

棉田蜘蛛群落结构及优势种分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
董应才  竺锡武 《蛛形学报》1994,3(2):137-140
通过棉田定点调查,初步鉴定陕西大荔棉田计有蜘蛛8科17种,其中主要成分依次为狼蛛、皿蛛、球蛛、蟹蛛,园蛛和肖蛸等;蜘蛛群落结构在棉花苗期和蕾铃期有明显不同;Shannon-wiener多样性指数,simpson优势度和均匀度等分析,棉花苗期物种多样性明显小于蕾铃期,优势种为丁纹豹蛛和草间小黑蛛;分析了丁纹豹蛛种群消长动态。  相似文献   

在花生田共采集到蜘蛛41种,隶属于12科、27属。游猎型蜘蛛主要是狼蛛科、跳蛛科、猫蛛科和管巢蛛科的种类,所占比例较高,在春花生田为60.91~86.21%,秋药生田为50.40~90.36%。结网蜘蛛主要是皿蛛、珠蛛、肖蛸和小型园蛛。在花生的不同生长季节有不同的优势科和优势种。春花生男的优势科是狼蛛科、皿蛛科和猫蛛科,优势种是类水狼蛛、拟环纹豹蛛、脉蜗蛛、食虫沟瘤蛛和斜纹猫蛛;狼蛛科、猫蛛科和球  相似文献   

1990年8月对梵净山和张家界两个自然保护区内蜘蛛群落进行调查,结果表明:自然保护区内蜘蛛资源极为丰富,经初步鉴定,计有蜘蛛27科85属180种,其中主要成分依次为肖蛸、园蛛、狼蛛、球蛛和皿蛛等。蜘蛛发生量折合每亩为17,585—54,000头。八个不同生境类型蜘蛛群落的种类数和密度存在明显差异;各种蜘蛛分布群在群落内的比例随栖息地结构变化而改变,因而也导致蜘蛛群落的Shannon-Wiener多样性指数,Simpson优势度和均等度等参数的变化。  相似文献   

丘陵地区果园及其边界蜘蛛群落结构的动态研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
2001年4月~10月用陷阱法对莱阳丘陵苹果园、桃园和二者边界进行了定点调查,初步鉴定该区游猎性蜘蛛群落有8科19种,其中优势种依次为狼蛛科Lycosidae、逍遥蛛科Philodromidae、蟹蛛科Thomisidae和平腹蛛科Gnaphosidae。对3个生境的蜘蛛群落研究表明,(1)各生境各季节蜘蛛群落组成不同;蜘蛛群落多样性、丰富度均有差异。(2)早春季节蜘蛛主要栖息在边界;随边界植株的长高,蜘蛛迁向两侧的苹果园和桃园中,其生态位开始分离。(3)农事操作后,边界可作为蜘蛛的保护场所聚集部分蜘蛛。通过对蜘蛛群落多样性的分析,提出了应将每年的5月和8月作为蜘蛛的重点保护时期,尤应加强边界的保护。  相似文献   

Spiders contribute considerably to diversity in agroecosystems and are important components of natural pest control. Farming system and adjacent habitats may influence spider diversity. In this study, diversity of the spider families Lycosidae and Linyphiidae was studied after spring sowing until the time when a common pest (Rhopalosiphum padi) colonizes cereal fields. The spiders were collected with pitfall traps at eight organically or conventionally managed farms around Uppsala, Sweden, in three different habitats at each site: field margin, crop field and the edge between the two. The effects of farming system and habitat type on diversity of lycosids and linyphiids were considered using three different measures (activity density, species richness and composition). The most dominant species of each spider family, Pardosa agrestis (Lycosidae) and Oedothorax apicatus (Linyphiidae), had higher activity density at organic sites, and farming systems also contained different species compositions of both lycosid and linyphiid spiders. Also, linyphiid species richness was higher on conventional sites and linyphiid species composition was influenced by habitat type, in contrast with lycosids. Activity density and species richness of lycosid spiders were, on the other hand, more associated with field margins than linyphiid spiders.  相似文献   

《Journal of Asia》2002,5(2):181-184
Survey was conducted to determine the composition of the spiders in a grape vineyard by using pitfall traps in Sunggeo-eup, Chunan in 1999. Total 17 genera and 19 species belonging to 10 families of spiders were identified. The dominant family was Linyphiidae. Overall, the seasonal fluctuation of the spider population showed two peaks a year. The results showed that the composition of species was very poor and occurrence density was very low in a grape vineyard in this study.  相似文献   


At temperatures below zero in winter months, a total of 202 spiders was collected by pitfall traps from a snow-covered grassland in eastern Turkey. 16 genera and 20 species were recorded, belonging to the families Gnaphosidae, Lycosidae, Linyphiidae, Thomisidae, Theridiidae, Philodromidae, Salticidae, and Tetragnathidae.  相似文献   

We studied the structure of spider assemblages in fragments of old coniferous forest in the southern Finnish taiga We sampled spiders with pitfall traps in the interiors and in the edges of the old-forest patches and in the surrounding managed forests We surveyed assemblages of ground-dwelling spiders and the relation of species to formerly mentioned three forest-habitat categories We analysed spider assemblages in relation to vegetation structure as well As in forest spiders there are no habitat specialists, no strict old-forest species were found However, the spider assemblages of old forests were different from those in the surrounding managed forests The difference was attributable to habitat differences, mainly to reduced tree-canopy cover in managed forests Large hunting-spider species (Gnaphosidae, Lycosidae) benefitted from clearcutting and other management measures, whereas the catches of small forest-living species (Linyphiidae) decreased in plantations and open forests The hunters colonized the edges of old-forest fragments, and were seldom found in the interior of old forest Size of old-forest fragment did not affect significantly the spider assemblage The results indicate that a buffer zone of mature forest with closed canopy should be left to surround the old-growth reserves in order to minimize the edge effect in the fragments  相似文献   

The efficiency of fenced pitfall traps for estimating the density of commonly occurring epigeal predatory beetles was examined using mark-release-recapture. Most beetles of those recovered were recaptured within one week of their release. For seven of the ten species tested recapture rates were over 70%, with higher rates for the larger species. The predatory arthropod species composition captured using fenced pitfall traps was compared to unfenced pitfall traps in winter wheat, spring barley and winter oilseed rape. Compositional analysis revealed that the dominance structure of seven carabid beetle (Coleoptera: Carabidae) taxa differed between the trap types and month of sampling in winter wheat and spring barley, but differences were small with the exception of a few taxa. Linear relationships between the two techniques were found for some carabid and rove beetles (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae). The dominance structure of seven linyphiid spider (Araneae: Linyphiidae) taxa differed between the two trap types in wheat but not barley, although large differences were restricted to two taxa. No linear relationships between the two techniques were found for any of the Linyphiidae examined. Rove beetles were more effectively sampled using the fenced compared to unfenced pitfall traps.  相似文献   

Seppo Koponen 《Ecography》1987,10(4):278-285
Ground-living spiders were studied, using pitfall traps, in six habitats between 580 and 960 m (deciduous forest, fir forest, forest-line and three alpine mountain top sites) on Mont du Lac des Cygnes. Altogether 88 species of spiders were found during the study summer (June-mid-September 1985), of which 51 belonged to Linyphiidae (s. lat.), 9 to Lycosidae and 8 to Gnaphosidae. The highest species number and diversity were found in the forest-line habitat, the highest individual number on the main summit and the lowest in deciduous forest, the lowest site. Lycosidae and Gnaphosidae species and individuals characterized the alpine habitats. Linyphiidae (especially Linyphiinae) the forested sites and Amaurobiidae and Agelenidae the deciduous forest site. Erigoninae occurred commonly at all sites; their individual numbers were very high at coniferous forest sites. The dominant species in all three alpine habitats was Pardosa concinna , on the forest-line Hybocoptus gibbosus , in balsam fir forest Sisicottus montanus and in deciduous forest Amaurobius borealis . The material included several (sub)arctic-alpine species.  相似文献   

《Journal of Asia》2002,5(1):55-74
A critical check list of the spiders in Jeju island, Korea is presented with review of published reports from 1936 to 2001 and identification of the authors' specimens collected from 1964 to 2001. Total 166 genera 347 species belonging to 36 families of spiders was classified in Jeju Island. The species composition of spiders in Jeju island comprises about 52% of total number of Korean spider species. Dominant spider families with species abundance were Araneidae, Salticidae, Theridiidae, Linyphiidae and Lycosidae. The spider fauna of Jeju island is under strong influence of northern species which are Holarctic and Palearctic species.  相似文献   

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