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中国棕背(鼠平)亚种分化的研究(啮齿目:仓鼠科:田鼠亚科)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文对中国山西、河北、内蒙古南部、大、小兴安岭、长白山及新疆等地区的215号棕背(鼠平)(Clethrionomys rufocanus)标本的外形和头骨的形态进行了亚种分化研究,认为分布于山西、河北、内蒙古南部棕背(鼠平)的亚种为Clethrionomys rufocanus shanseius(Thomas);大、小兴安岭及新疆地区的亚种为Cl.r.irkutensis(Ognev);而将分布于长白山地区的亚种定为一新亚种——棕背(鼠平)长白山亚种(Clethrionomys rufocanus changbaishanensis)。  相似文献   

棕背(鼠平)(Clethrionomys rufocanus)与红背(鼠平)(Clethrionomys rutitus)是吉林省林木主要害鼠,本文应用数量化方法,分析野外调查数据,阐明它们对栖息地选择的生物学特性,为森林鼠害防治工作提供依据。 1.研究方法 1983年9月15日至10月15日,吉林省林业厅在全省43个县同时对森林害鼠的种类、分布密度和危害进行调查,共布41376铗日,捕鼠2271只。本文选择东部山区樟子松人工林31块、红松人工林50块、落叶松人工林78块、人工针叶混交林15块、天然次生林42块样地,对棕背(鼠平)与红背(鼠平)的铗日捕获  相似文献   

三种鼠针毛表面超微结构的比较研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
利用扫描电镜技术对棕背(鼠平)Clethrionomys rufocanus、大林姬鼠Apodemus sylvatics和花鼠Eutaraias sibiricus 3种森林害鼠针毛的表面结构进行观察.研究结果认为:3种鼠针毛在鳞片类型、游离缘平滑度、高度、密度等因素上存在一定的差异,其中棕背(鼠平)和大林姬鼠差异不显著,而花鼠与其它两种鼠差异显著,在鼠的分类上具有一定的参考意义.  相似文献   

棕背(鼠平)(Clethrionomys rufocanus)是东北林区的优势鼠种,由于啃食树皮危害林木生长,在数量大发生年的秋末冬初更加严重,因此了解林地棕背(鼠平)数量变化规律,以便更有效地防治幼林鼠害,是很有意义的工作。棕背(鼠平)数量变化不仅与林分郁闭度有关(舒凤梅,1981),而且与林地坡度也有关。本文着重探讨不同坡度林地的棕背(鼠平)数量  相似文献   

本文为1982年5~6月在吉林省延边地区和龙县长红林场82公里处某施工部队临时驻地的 HFRS 暴发流行的病原学调查。用免疫荧光法对现场扑获的102只野鼠(其中大林姬鼠57只、棕背(鼠平)16只、花鼠12只、东方田鼠9只、红背鼠、平4只、黑线姬鼠3只、鼠兔1只)进行了 HFRS 相关抗原的检出,其中大林姬鼠阳性21只,带毒率21.1%(12/57);棕背鼠平阳性2只、带毒率为12.5%(2/16)。确定了大林姬鼠、棕背(鼠平)为此次暴发流行的病毒抗原的贮存宿主。在我国首次发现大林姬鼠、棕背(鼠平)携带 HFRS 病毒抗原。为该病的流行病学调查、预防和临床治疗提供了病原依据。可供今后对本病传染源的进一步调查及流行规律观察参考。本文还对 HFRS 病毒抗原在鼠类中寄生的脏器和细胞进行了免疫荧光定位观察,并进行了讨论。  相似文献   

1982年5—6月,在吉林省和龙县长红林场筑路人员中,发生一起以大林姬鼠(Apode-mus speciosus)、棕背(鼠平)(Clethrionomysrufocanus)为传染源的流行性出血热爆发流行,发病率达25.5‰。当时大林姬(鼠平)肺流行性出血热抗原阳性检出率为21.1%,棕背(鼠平)肺抗原阳性率为12.5‰。为了研究这两种鼠的生态学特点与流行性出血热的关系,我们于1983年4—9月对发病点及周围进行了调查研究,现将结果报告如下。  相似文献   

高山鼠平亚属(Alticola)广布于中亚山地,即从喜马拉雅山、兴都库什经帕米尔、天山、西藏而至图瓦、抗爱山和贝加尔湖一带。中国过去仅记录2种:银色高山鼠平(Alticola argentatus Severtsov;有时定作劳氏高山鼠平A.roylei的一亚种)和斯氏高山鼠平(A.stoliczkanus Blanford).本文主要依据形态学资料和采用判别函数分析的方法,对该亚属进行了研究。我们认为中国高山鼠平至少有3个以上的物种存在,现概述于后。  相似文献   

现有的分类系统尚缺乏可用于减少鼠平属物种种间鉴定不确定性的形态学鉴别特征。鉴于此,本研究旨在筛选出能够对同域分布的棕背鼠平(Myodes rufocanus)、红背鼠平(M.rutilus)和堤岸鼠平(M.glareolus)进行可靠鉴定的头骨形态指标和方法。为了达到以上目的,本文一方面筛选出能够用于种间鉴别的头骨和齿列形态特征,另一方面提出可用于鉴别以上3个物种的计算公式。对不同研究者提出用于鉴别以上3个同域分布物种的35个特征进行筛选。头骨形态测量数据的获取需要花费较长的时间,而且结果变异很大。在本研究中,剔除15个形态特征,20个相对保守的特征(包括来自头盖骨、牙齿和头骨其他部位的特征)被选择用于分析。在20个特征中,有8个特征被选择出来,并使用Statistica 10计算出判别公式。这些特征使准确鉴定不同个体各自所属种类成为可能。  相似文献   

黑龙江省林区林木鼠害危及多种树种(图1-a、b),冬季啃食幼树树皮损失严重。(舒凤梅1975、1979)。为害鼠种主要为棕背(鼠平)(Clethrionomys rufocanus),其他各种鼠为红背(鼠平)(C.rutilus)、东方田鼠(Microtus fortis)、大林姬鼠(Apodemus Peninsulae)、黑线姬鼠(A.agrarius)和花鼠(Eutamias sibiricus)。以往多采用化学药物防治。本工作发现该鼠的数量与林地郁闭度有密切关系,故而探讨了利用调整鼠类栖息环境,预防林木鼠害发生的途径。  相似文献   

详细描述了陕西洛南张坪洞穴群中中更新世的洮州绒(鼠平)(Caryomys eva)和苛岚绒(鼠平) (C.inez),讨论了绒(鼠平)属的分类地位。分析显示,C.eva各齿测量的平均值小于C.inez;两种臼齿形态从约493 kaBP以来无显著变化,显示出该属的原始性质。  相似文献   

Koh HS  Yang BK  Heo SW  Jang KH  In ST 《Biochemical genetics》2011,49(3-4):153-160
To examine the taxonomic status of the Korean red-backed vole (Myodes regulus), the full cytochrome b sequences of 21 red-backed voles from Korea and northeast China were compared with the corresponding haplotypes from 12 species of Myodes and Eothenomys from GenBank. We identified five red-backed voles from Mount Changbai and Harbin as Myodes rufocanus and three from Harbin as M. rutilus, and we confirmed that the red-backed voles from Korea are M. regulus and not Eothenomys regulus. We found that M. regulus from Korea differed from the other five species of Myodes and that the interspecific distances between M. regulus and each of the two species from northeast China were 4.55% (M. rufocanus) and 11.1% (M. rutilus). We concluded that M. regulus is also genetically distinct and is an endemic species of Korea.  相似文献   

为探讨森林啮齿动物共存机制,于2006年9月,在黑龙江省海林林区,采用标志重捕法和室内饲养观察法研究了松鼠(Sciurus vulgaris)、花鼠(Eutamias sibiricus)、大林姬鼠(Apodemus peninsular)、棕背(Myodes rufocanus)和红背(M.rutilus)时间利用生态位以及种间的生态位叠度,分析了在资源利用时间上的分化。结果表明,这5种动物分化为白天活动和以夜间活动为主的两种生态类型。白天活动的松鼠、花鼠生态位宽度较窄,分别为0·679、0·618。以夜间活动为主的棕背、红背、大林姬鼠的生态位宽度较宽,分别为0·935、0·853、0·844。两种类型间竞争较小,生态位叠度指数在0·286以下。同一类型内种间生态位叠度指数较高,在0·711以上,为了减少竞争,同一类型内种间错开活动高峰时间或延长活动时间。  相似文献   

Blood glucose and leucocytes and liver glycogen and lipids were investigated in Cl. rutilus and Cl. rufocanus fasted for 0, 6, 12, 18 and 22 hr. It was observed: 1. In both species blood glucose content drops (1.3-1.5 times) by 6 hr, slowly rises by 12 hr and then progressively and strongly declines up to the end of starvation (36% and 27% of control for Cl. rutilus and Cl. rufocanus respectively). 2. Liver glycogen was depleted by 6 hr of fasting while lipids accumulate in liver during starvation in a large quantity (3.4-3.6 times at the end). 3. White blood cells content in fasted animals decreases. At one end of starvation it equals 23% and 16% of control for Cl. rutilus and Cl. rufocanus, respectively. 4. Hypoglycemia in Microtinae during starvation is pronounced compared with that in Muridae. Leucopenia and accumulation of lot of lipids in liver are new phenomena for fasting. 5. After refeeding hyperglycemia develops, the liver accumulates large quantities of glycogen. Recovery of all indexes slow. Complete normalization does not occur by 16 hr of refeeding.  相似文献   

Thirteen enzyme systems and three nonenzyme proteins were electrophoretically analyzed in red-backed voles of the genus Clethrionomys. In total, 25 loci were interpreted. Gene-geographic variation was studied and indices of genetic variability and differentiation were determined. By the distribution of electrophoretic variants of hemoglobin, C. rutilus was shown to be divided into two geographical groups (northern and southern). A low level of genetic differentiation was revealed in the island isolates of C. rutilus and C. rufocanus. Separation of C. rufocanus, C. rex, and C. sicotanensis into a superspecies complex was confirmed. A study of differential G- and C-banding on C. rutilus and C. rufocanus chromosomes did not reveal intraspecific variation of autosomes. In these species, karyotypes of voles from Kamchatka Peninsula were studied for the first time. They appeared to be morphologically similar to the karyotypes continental voles by both autosomes and sex chromosomes.  相似文献   

Evolutionary relationships of red-backed voles and their relatives were examined and used to test biogeographic hypotheses. Sequences of the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene were obtained for 25 individuals representing Alticola macrotis, Clethrionomys californicus, C. gapperi, C. glareolus, C. rutilus, and C. rufocanus. These were combined with 21 partial sequences from GenBank for C. regulus, C. rex, C. rufocanus, C. rutilus, Eothenomys imaizumii, E. melanogaster, Phaulomys andersoni, and P. smithii. Complete sequences of three species of Microtus (M. montanus, M. oeconomus, and M. pennsylvanicus), representative species of other arvicoline genera (Myopus, Synaptomys, Arvicola, Ellobius, Ondatra, Lemmus, Dicrostonyx, and Phenacomys), and a sigmodontine representative (Peromyscus) were included as outgroups. We used maximum parsimony, maximum likelihood, distance, and Bayesian based methods and conducted statistical tests on proposed hypotheses of phylogenetic relationships and biogeographic histories. A close relationship of species representing the genera Alticola, Clethrionomys, and Eothenomys was supported (Clethrionomyini); however, the genus Clethrionomys was paraphyletic with respect to both Alticola and Eothenomys. Three major clades were identified as Asian (Eothenomys andersoni, E. smithii, C. rex, C. regulus, and C. rufocanus), Trans-beringian (Alticola macrotis, C. californicus, C. gapperi, C. glarelolus, and C. rutilus), and Taiwanese (E. melanogaster). These results are consistent with the fossil record which indicates an initial diversification in Asia followed by colonization of the Nearctic on at least two occasions. The holarctic species, C. rutilus, appears to have either reinvaded Asia from North America or colonized North America more recently (late Pleistocene) than the two species of Clethrionomys (C. gapperi and C. californicus) that are endemic to North America (early to mid-Pleistocene). Finally, C. gapperi, appears to be comprised of an eastern and a western species, the former with affinities to the Asian C. glareolus and the latter more closely related to C. californicus.  相似文献   

The total aestival ectoparasitic burden of six small mammal species ( Sorex araneus, Clethrionomys glareolus, C. rutilus, C. rufocanus, Microtus agrestis , and M. oeconomus ) was investigated in terms of frequency distribution, frequency of occurrence, species diversity and joint occurrences. The mammals were collected in northern Fennoscandia during peak density years. The frequency distribution of the ectoparasites was best described as negative binomial on C. glareolus, M. agrestis , and M. oeconomus but not so on S. araneus, C. rutilus and C. rufocanus. The distribution did not fit the Poisson distribution in any species. The percentage of S. araneus that had ectoparasites was 49%, and of the microtidae species, 73-96% had ectoparasites. The median number of ectoparasites on the vole species was between 2 and 9 specimens of 1 or 2 species. There was a significant, positive correlation between the number of ectoparasitic species and the total number of individuals on all host species. Pairs of ectoparasitic species occurring together more or less often than expected by chance were found on all host species. However, the pairs rarely repeated themselves on the same host species under different environmental conditions, or on other host species under similar circumstances. Differences in total infestation between reproductive categories and sexes were observed in M. agrestis but not in S. araneus and C. glareolus.  相似文献   

The complete mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) control region was sequenced for 71 individuals from five species of the rodent genus Clethrionomys both to understand patterns of variation and to explore the existence of previously described domains and other elements. Among species, the control region ranged from 942 to 971 bp in length. Our data were compatible with the proposal of three domains (extended terminal associated sequences [ETAS], central, conserved sequence blocks [CSB]) within the control region. The most conserved region in the control region was the central domain (12% of nucleotide positions variable), whereas in the ETAS and CSB domains, 22% and 40% of nucleotide positions were variable, respectively. Tandem repeats were encountered only in the ETAS domain of Clethrionomys rufocanus. This tandem repeat found in C. rufocanus was 24 bp in length and was located at the 5' end of the control region. Only two of the proposed CSB and ETAS elements appeared to be supported by our data; however, a "CSB1-like" element was also documented in the ETAS domain.  相似文献   

紫貂冬季食性的分析   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
徐利  王永庆 《兽类学报》1996,16(4):272-277
1991至1998年的三个冬季,在大兴安岭地区共收集紫貂粪样223个.食性分析结果表明,紫貂冬季食物主要为小型哺乳类(54.1%)、植物浆果和种子(32.4%)、鸟类(12.5%)和昆虫(1.0%).在紫貂选择的7种小型哺乳类中,主要以棕背(27.3%)和红背(19.2%)为食,其次为雪兔和冬眠的花鼠。对于鸟类,紫貂主要捕食花尾榛鸡(8.1%),松鸦(0.7%),大山雀(0.5%)和黑啄本鸟等。有2.2%的粪样中含有小型鸟的卵壳、紫貂的植物性食物主要为越桔浆果(20.8%)和偃松种籽(8.8%)。昆虫中只有蚂蚁在紫貂食性中出现(1.0%).紫貂冬季食物构成没有年度间差异(P>0.05)。通过捕食迹,我们还发现紫貂捕食黑嘴松鸡。虽然红背的捕获率(79.4%)高于棕背(2.9%),但食性分析结果却相反,说明紫貂更喜欢捕捉身体较大的鼠类。有较强气味的中虽有一定的数量,但在紫貂冬季食物中未出现过。  相似文献   

In widespread species, northern taiga voles, most significant differences in the intensity of energy metabolism (M), maximum (Mmax) and reserve (Mres) metabolism were observed at winter temperatures (-5-20 degrees C): Clethrionomys rutilus greater than C. rufocanus greater than Microtus oeconomus; differences in seasonal increase of Mmax and Mres exhibit an inverse proportion. Seasonal changes in M and Mmax in autochthonous tundra rodents indicate that Lemmus sibiricus belongs to a more eurybiont species as compared to Dicrostonyx torquatus. The main characteristic feature of seasonal adaptation of M in lemmings, as compared to voles, is the evident decrease of M value in winter which is accompanied by a more significant increase of Mmax and Mres. Operative pattern and high seasonal mobility of chemical thermoregulation in lemmings are suggested which account for adaptation of these animals mainly to short-term extreme effects of low temperatures.  相似文献   

Using PCR and nested PCR methods, 382 blood samples from adult small mammals of 14 species were examined for Babesia microti. The mammals were trapped in the southern taiga of the Middle Urals (Chusovskoi district, Perm Region). The DNA of human babesiosis agent was detected in the blood of 172 small mammals (45.0% of the samples examined) of 11 rodent and insectivore species (Chlethrionomys glareolus, C. rutilus, C. rufocanus, Microtus oeconomus, M. agrestis, Myopus schisticolor, Apodemus uralensis, Sorex araneus, S. caecutiens, S. isodon, S. tundrensis). Especially high infection rates were characteristic of C. glareolus and S. araneus (47.1 and 38.2 %, respectively), the most abundant small mammal species in the study area. The results confirm the high frequency of contact of small mammals with B. microti in forest ecosystems of the Middle Urals and indicate that they probably maintain circulation of this pathogen.  相似文献   

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