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沙地柏 (Sabina vulgaris)系毛乌素沙地唯一的天然常绿沙生灌木 ,也是一种有代表性的克隆植物 ,对沙地环境具有很强适应性。为了研究不定根对沙地柏生长和资源获得的重要性 ,通过切断匍匐茎 ,以分析模拟干扰对沙地柏子株存活、生长、生物量分配、气体交换和资源利用效率的影响。结果表明 :1)切断匍匐茎对沙地柏子株存活率无明显影响 ,这表明已定居的子株能够独立存活 ;2 )切断匍匐茎对当年生枝生长和生物量分配的影响受模拟干扰和环境水分状况的双重制约 ,流动沙地上比茎长随干扰强度的增加而显著增大 ,这有利于子株寻找到优越的微环境 ;3)固定沙地上 ,切断匍匐茎对当年生枝气体交换和资源利用效率的影响均不显著 ,而显著影响生物量分配 ,这种格局表明切断匍匐茎对沙地柏子株的影响可能具有层次性 ;4)气孔导度减小、资源利用效率提高可能是沙地柏子株对强度干扰的一种生理适应。  相似文献   

为摸清提前钩梢对雷竹地上构件生物量积累与分配及其异速生长模式的影响,为雷竹林合理钩梢提供参考,调查了5月(提前钩梢)、6月(常规时间钩梢)钩梢和未钩梢雷竹林新竹当年(1年生立竹)和第2年(2年生立竹)秆、枝、叶生物量,分析了立竹地上构件生物量积累与分配特征及其异速生长。结果表明:钩梢使雷竹1年生立竹秆、枝、叶生物量显著下降,秆生物量分配比例显著升高,枝、叶生物量分配比例显著下降,枝、叶-总生物量异速生长指数显著增大,秆-总生物量异速生长指数显著减小,且常规时间钩梢立竹叶生物量及其分配比例和出叶强度均显著高于提前钩梢立竹。钩梢也导致雷竹2年生立竹秆、枝、叶生物量明显下降,但秆、枝、叶-总生物量异速生长指数均显著增大,常规时间钩梢立竹叶生物量仅略低于未钩梢立竹,且叶生物量分配比例及出叶强度均显著高于未钩梢和提前钩梢立竹。研究表明提前钩梢对雷竹叶生物量及其分配比例、出叶强度及异速生长均有明显的负面影响,不利于雷竹林光合能力的发挥,因此,雷竹林不宜提前钩梢。  相似文献   

毛乌素沙地旱柳生长和生理特征对遮荫的反应   总被引:15,自引:3,他引:12  
在一个控制试验中,旱柳经历了全不遮荫、部分遮荫和全部遮荫处理.比较了全不遮荫枝、全部遮荫枝、部分遮荫阳生枝(阳生枝)和部分遮荫阴生枝(阴生枝)的生长和生理特征,结果表明:阳生枝和全部遮荫枝的叶出生率和死亡率分别大于全不遮荫枝和阴生枝;遮荫处理明显影响净光合速率和夜间呼吸速率;阳生枝的分枝生物量、总校长度、枝叶生物量和枝叶重比显著大于全不遮荫枝,而阴生枝的分枝数、分枝生物量、叶面积、叶生物量、基茎、总校长度、枝叶生物量和枝叶重比都显著小于全部遮荫枝.  相似文献   

通过对红松生殖枝和营养枝当年的枝叶生长及生物量积累差异的分析,研究2年生雌球果发育对枝叶营养生长和生物量积累的影响。结果表明:2年生雌球果抑制了1年生雌球果的发育,生殖枝当年的营养生长比营养枝当年的营养生长旺盛;生殖枝当年的生长量(顶枝芽除外)与母枝的枝长和基径呈显著正相关(P0.05),生殖枝当年的顶枝和侧枝生物量与母枝的枝生物量呈显著正相关(P0.05); 2年生雌球果数量与生殖枝当年的顶枝基径、侧枝长、侧枝基径、侧枝芽数量和侧枝数量呈显著正相关(P0.05),2年生雌球果生物量与当年的顶枝和侧枝生物量及总生物量呈显著正相关(P0.05),说明2年生雌球果的发育促进了生殖枝当年的营养生长和生物量积累;生殖枝当年的总生物量中分配给顶枝、侧枝、顶枝针叶、侧枝针叶的生物量比营养枝多,生殖枝中超过87%的当年生物量分配给2年生雌球果,仅有0.22%的比例分配给1年生雌球果;通径分析表明,2年生雌球果的生物量积累直接影响生殖枝母枝的生物量积累,对生殖枝和营养枝当年生物量积累没有直接影响,而生殖枝母枝的生物量直接影响生殖枝和营养枝当年的生物量积累。  相似文献   

以江西阳际峰自然保区69种木本植物为对象,采用标准化主轴回归(SMA)的方法,对不同冠层高度当年生小枝的构件生物量(叶生物量、茎生物量、小枝生物量)与茎构型特征(茎直径、茎长度、茎宽长比、茎体积和茎密度)进行了分析,研究当年生小枝茎构型对叶生物量的影响.结果表明:不同冠层高度及生活型间叶生物量、茎生物量、小枝生物量、茎直径、茎长度、茎宽长比及茎体积均无显著差异,而茎密度差异显著.不同冠层高度及生活型间,叶生物量与茎生物量及总生物量之间均呈显著等速生长关系.小枝叶生物量分别与茎直径、茎体积呈显著异速生长关系,且该异速生长指数在不同冠层高度无显著差异.茎长度、茎宽长比及茎密度对当年生小枝叶生物量变异的解释力较小(<24%).冠层高度和生活型对小枝叶-茎生物量的等速分配关系影响不显著.小枝茎构型中,相比于茎长度、茎宽长比以及茎密度,茎的直径与体积对当年生小枝叶生物量的影响更大,冠层高度对当年生小枝茎构型与叶生物量间的异速分配模式无显著影响.  相似文献   

通过设置对照(CK)、连续性水淹(CF)和间歇性水淹(PF)3个水分处理,模拟三峡库区库岸带土壤水分变化,研究乡土树种枫杨当年实生幼苗的生理生态适应机制.结果表明:不同水分处理均显著影响枫杨幼苗的光合作用、生物量积累和生长.与CK相比,CF和PF组枫杨幼苗除胞间CO2浓度升高,净光合速率(Pn)、气孔导度(gs)均显著降低.其变化趋势是枫杨幼苗的Pn、gs在试验初期下降,然后逐渐恢复或趋于稳定.随着处理时间的延长,CF和PF组枫杨幼苗的总生物量、根生物量、茎生物量、叶生物量、株高和地径均呈现上升趋势.CF和PF组的总生物量、根生物量、叶生物量和株高,以及PF组的茎生物量均显著低于CK,而CF组的茎生物量与CK无显著差异,其地径还高于CK.枫杨幼苗具有耐受水湿而不耐水淹-干旱交替的生理生态特征.  相似文献   

采用不同浓度凋落枝、凋落叶浸提液处理闽楠(Phoebe bournei (Hemsl.) Yang)种子和幼苗,测定其萌发、生长及生理指标。结果显示:(1)整体上,闽楠凋落枝和凋落叶浸提液对自身种子萌发表现为抑制作用,且抑制作用均随两种浸提液浓度升高而增强,且凋落枝抑制作用大于凋落叶。在发芽指标上,抑制强度表现为枝>叶;在根芽长度上,抑制强度表现为叶>枝;综合化感效应表现为枝>叶。(2)凋落枝浸提液对一年生闽楠幼苗生长指标表现为抑制作用,凋落叶浸提液表现为“低促高抑”的效应。高浓度浸提液可严重抑制幼苗生长,并造成大量叶片出现斑点、萎缩和枯黄;(3)闽楠凋落物浸提液对闽楠幼苗生理的影响较为复杂,高浓度浸提液可造成幼苗生理紊乱,导致其抗氧化系统异常,引起丙二醛含量显著增加,叶片细胞膜通透性增大,导致植株处于非正常生长状态,而长期浇灌低浓度浸提液也会使植物处于胁迫状态而引起相关生理指标变化。  相似文献   

通过设置对照(CK)、连续性水淹(CF)和间歇性水淹(PF)3个水分处理,模拟三峡库区库岸带土壤水分变化,研究乡土树种枫杨当年实生幼苗的生理生态适应机制.结果表明: 不同水分处理均显著影响枫杨幼苗的光合作用、生物量积累和生长.与CK相比,CF和PF组枫杨幼苗除胞间CO2浓度升高,净光合速率(Pn)、气孔导度(gs)均显著降低.其变化趋势是枫杨幼苗的Pn、gs在试验初期下降,然后逐渐恢复或趋于稳定.随着处理时间的延长,CF和PF组枫杨幼苗的总生物量、根生物量、茎生物量、叶生物量、株高和地径均呈现上升趋势.CF和PF组的总生物量、根生物量、叶生物量和株高,以及PF组的茎生物量均显著低于CK,而CF组的茎生物量与CK无显著差异,其地径还高于CK.枫杨幼苗具有耐受水湿而不耐水淹-干旱交替的生理生态特征.  相似文献   

生态化学计量的提出为认识C、N、P耦合循环特征、驱动力及机制等提供了新方法,但植物在生长过程中的生态化学计量变化尚缺乏相关报道。本研究以唐古特白刺为对象,通过对白刺分株2017年当年生枝、2年生枝、大于2年生枝、叶、根和压条生物量及营养元素的测定,拟合了基于构件大小的元素总量,并推导了白刺各构件及整株依赖于个体大小的生态化学计量模型。结果表明: 推导模型能够反映植物在生长过程中的生态化学计量动态,老枝和压条均具有较高的N∶P与C∶P,叶、当年生枝和根均具有较低的N∶P与C∶P,白刺整株3种元素含量在生长过程中的累积速率为P>N>C。本研究结果符合现有的生长速率假说和异速生长理论,同时也可从侧面印证养分重吸收现象,该方法可作为分析植物生长过程中元素计量动态特征的一种有效途径。  相似文献   

钩梢强度对麻竹生物量分配和生理特性的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
童龙  李彬  陈丽洁  张玮  耿养会  谢锦忠  王玲 《生态学杂志》2016,27(10):3137-3144
以不钩梢为对照,对笋期内麻竹进行轻度、中度、重度钩梢处理,研究各钩梢处理立竹构件生物量分配、当年生枝条和商品叶生长,以及净光合速率(Pn)、蒸腾速率(Tr)、水分利用效率(WUE)和叶片水势(LWP)等的变化,分析麻竹对营林措施中钩梢强度的适应机制和生存策略.结果表明: 与对照相比,钩梢处理对麻竹生物量及分配影响显著,3个处理麻竹立竹的叶/枝、叶/秆、枝/秆生物量比均显著高于对照.轻度钩梢和中度钩梢处理当年生枝条数量、基径、长度均显著大于对照,其中,中度钩梢处理当年生枝条基径、数量、长度和商品叶数量分别比对照增加43.0%、53.3%、29.8%和39.5%.各钩梢处理麻竹PnTr、WUE、LWP在笋期内大小为出笋盛期>末期>初期;钩梢后麻竹的PnTr和WUE显著提高,其中,各处理出笋盛期和末期的Pn大小为中度钩梢>轻度钩梢>重度钩梢>对照,且出笋盛期和末期的Pn分别是对照的1.4和1.3倍.各处理出笋初期、盛期和末期的Tr均为重度钩梢>中度钩梢>轻度钩梢>对照.中度钩梢处理对麻竹立竹的生物量分配、商品叶产量和生理特性均有明显优势,并能有效提高麻竹立竹的水分可获得性.  相似文献   

为了探索杜梨组培复幼变化规律,对10年生杜梨进行连续继代培养,统计不同继代次数杜梨丛生芽繁殖系数和生根率,观察记录叶片形态变化并测定内源激素含量。结果表明:(1)通过连续继代培养,杜梨丛生芽生根率由0提升到66.70%,繁殖系数由第1代的2.13提升到第10代的4.20。(2)叶片在继代第3次时出现裂刻且随后裂刻程度逐代加深;在继代过程中,丛生芽叶面积和叶脉数显著降低,叶周长和叶形指数呈先下降后上升的变化趋势。(3)丛生芽叶片内源IAA含量在继代第6次时达到46.39 ng·g-1,且显著高于初代丛生芽;随着继代次数的增加,叶片内源ZR呈先上升后下降的变化趋势,内源GA3含量没有发生显著性变化,而内源ABA含量逐渐降低;叶片IAA/ABA和IAA/ZR的值随着继代次数的增加而增加。(4)丛生芽叶片ABA含量和IAA/ZR与其生根率分别呈显著负相关和显著正相关关系,叶片裂刻数和IAA/ABA与生根率均呈现极显著正相关关系,而叶脉数与生根率则呈现极显著负相关关系。研究认为,连续继代培养可显著提高杜梨丛生芽的生根能力,并且与丛生芽叶形和激素含量及其比值有密切的关系,该研究结果为难生根植物无性繁殖以及树木复幼提供了重要技术借鉴。  相似文献   

毛竹的无性系生长与立竹密度和叶龄结构的关系   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16       下载免费PDF全文
毛竹为单轴型散生竹,属典型的无性系植物,原产我国亚热带地区。由于其个体高大、生长迅速、产量高、材质好、分布广,长期以来,一直是我国最为重要的经济竹种。本文应用无性系生长生理整合的理论,从种群统计学的角度,探讨了毛竹林立竹密度与叶龄结构对其无性系生长潜力的影响。结果表明:由于毛竹叶的生活期为两年,1龄新叶的光合能力比2龄老叶高,每样地的出笋数、活笋数与带1龄新叶的立竹数呈正相关,而与带2龄老叶的立竹数相关性不显著。另外,竹笋的死亡率是非密度制约的。本研究结果合理地解释了常见的毛竹林产量大小年交替变化的现象。  相似文献   

Vegetative and chemical responses to simulated leaf browsing during the growth season, and their subsequent effect on herbivory, were studied on Combretum apiculatum Sonder (Combretaceae) in Botswana. Treatments (50% and 100% leaf and shoot apex removal) were performed just before the shoot growth curve levelled out, and responses recorded 3 months later, just before leaf fall. Compared to controls, defoliation treatments, removing apical dominance, reduced growth in tree height and increased shoot mortality, although the production of lateral shoots increased. At the end of the trial, there was no difference in total length of annual shoots between treatment groups. Significant refoliation occurred only after 100% defoliation. Refoliated leaves were smaller and the 100% defoliated trees had a lower final leaf biomass. Total leaf biomass production was, however, equal for all treatment groups. Refoliated leaves contained higher levels of N, lower levels of acid-detergent fibre (ADF) and total phenolics, and showed a trend towards lower levels of condensed tannins, compared to leaves on control trees. Such chemical changes may be due to either carbon stress or to younger physiological age of new leaves. In spite of the observed potential increase in food quality, we found no evidence of increased levels of insect or ungulate herbivory on refoliated leaves, which, at least for insect herbivory, may be explained by the reduction in temporal availability of leaves. We conclude that the single severe defoliation was not detrimental to C. apiculatum in the short-term, although the resource loss and induced compensatory growth may produce negative effects during subsequent growth seasons.  相似文献   

Previous studies analyzed the importance of old leaves conservancy for wintergreen species plant growth only after early spring old leaves elimination. However, carbon and nutrient resources for growth could have already been translocated from old leaves to shoots during autumn. In this work, the effect of old leaves absence on the leaf mass per area (LMA, g m−2) and nutrient concentration of new spring leaves, shoot growth, and flowering was studied in Aristotelia chilensis, an Andean Patagonic woody wintergreen species of Argentina. Plants were studied after autumn defoliation (AD) or late winter defoliation (WD) and results were compared to those of undamaged control plants (CO). The new leaves LMA and mineral nutrient (N, P, K, and Mg) concentration values did not decrease in AD or WD compared to CO plants. Conversely, CO plants showed higher flowering intensity and shoot lengthening compared to AD or WD plants. There were not remarkable differences regarding the defoliation time, though non-flowering shoots grew in a lesser degree than the flowering shoots in WD plants. It was concluded that A. chilensis old leaves cohort is an important source to shoot growth and flowering but their absence does not affect the new leaves structure or nutritional status from early spring in either AD or in WD plants. New leaves formation probably is guaranteed by resources (carbon and nutrients) previously stored in stems or even in the buds containing the preformed leaves since March, by the end of summer. Provided the availability of complete resources for the new leaf flush independently of the old leaves A. chilensis would restore the carbon balance as soon as possible to resume the growth of heterotrophic tissues at normal rates. Endogenous response to counterbalance the old leaves absence on non-flowering shoots was more effective when there was greater lag time between defoliation and shoot growth resume. Flowering and non-flowering shoots compete for the available resources when A. chilensis have not yet expanded leaves and shoots supporting reproductive structures were stronger sinks compared to non-flowering shoots in WD plants.  相似文献   

Summary We measured the effects ofEriophyes laevis mite galls on the relative growth of short shoot leaf area ofAlnus glutinosa. A portion of leaves was artificially removed from a set of short shoots with both high and low gall density to cause local stress conditions. Nontreated high and low gall density short shoots were used as controls. The results show that the relative growth of leaf area measured for short shoots is negatively affected by high gall density. Artificial leaf removal, on the other hand, had positive effects on leaf area growth. Interestingly, the growth of leaf area did not differ for high gall density short shoots with leaf removal and noninfested short shoots with no leaf removal. This result may be caused by the combined, opposite effects of leaf removal and gall infestation.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine, for wheat plantsgrowing in an irrigated, well fertilized crop, whether therewere any differences in leaf growth rates and sugar and proteinconcentrations of the extension zone between leaves on the mainshoot and those on the first two primary tillers. High nitrogensupply was used to accentuate any basic differences that mayexist and to ensure minimum carbohydrate concentrations. Final leaf length, leaf extension rates, the responsivenessof leaf extension to temperature, and the sugar and proteinconcentrations of the extension zone did differ between successiveleaves on a shoot but the values for these parameters were similarfor leaves growing on separate shoots at the same time. Theseresults were consistent with the assumptions that the growthof tiller leaves was integrated with the activity of the mainshoot and that there were no basic physiological differencesbetween the leaves on the separate shoots. The differences ingrowth rates between leaves with time were not related to hexoseconcentrations. The variation in protein concentrations wasless than recorded previously and insufficient to establisha significant relationship with leaf growth rates.  相似文献   

Structural and hydraulic correlates of heterophylly in Ginkgo biloba   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study investigates the functional significance of heterophylly in Ginkgo biloba, where leaves borne on short shoots are ontogenetically distinct from those on long shoots. Short shoots are compact, with minimal internodal elongation; their leaves are supplied with water through mature branches. Long shoots extend the canopy and have significant internodal elongation; their expanding leaves receive water from a shoot that is itself maturing. Morphology, stomatal traits, hydraulic architecture, Huber values, water transport efficiency, in situ gas exchange and laboratory-based steady-state hydraulic conductance were examined for each leaf type. Both structure and physiology differed markedly between the two leaf types. Short-shoot leaves were thinner and had higher vein density, lower stomatal pore index, smaller bundle sheath extensions and lower hydraulic conductance than long-shoot leaves. Long shoots had lower xylem area:leaf area ratios than short shoots during leaf expansion, but this ratio was reversed at shoot maturity. Long-shoot leaves had higher rates of photosynthesis, stomatal conductance and transpiration than short-shoot leaves. We propose that structural differences between the two G. biloba leaf types reflect greater hydraulic limitation of long-shoot leaves during expansion. In turn, differences in physiological performance of short- and long-shoot leaves correspond to their distinct ontogeny and architecture.  相似文献   

The extremely skewed female-biased sex ratio in the desert moss Syntrichia caninervis was investigated by assessing the regeneration capacity of detached leaves. Juvenile, green, yellow-green, and brown leaves equating to approximately 0, 2, 6, and 12 yr of age, respectively, were detached from individuals of S. caninervis collected from 10 field populations and grown in a growth chamber for 58 d at a light intensity of 33-128 μmol · m(-2) · s(-1). Younger leaves (0-2 yr old) tended to have a greater viability, regenerate more quickly, extend their protonemal filaments farther, produce shoots (gametophores) more quickly, produce more shoots, and accumulate a greater biomass than older leaves (6 and 12 yr old). Among younger leaf classes, regenerating female leaves were more likely to produce a shoot than male leaves and produced more shoots than male leaves. The sexes did not differ significantly in time until protonemal emergence, linear extension of protonemata, or rate of biomass accumulation. However, protonemata of male leaves tended to emerge more quickly and produce a greater total biomass, ultimately consisting mostly of protonemata, than did female leaves. The more rapid proliferation of shoots by female leaf regenerants may help to explain the rarity of males in this species.  相似文献   

以山杏为试验材料,选取不同部位、不同树龄、不同继代次数的组培苗,研究基于丛生芽诱导率和组培苗生根率、形态指标、生理指标3个层次的幼化效果。结果显示:(1)随着山杏外植体取材部位从树冠上部、中部、下部的依次下降,其丛生芽诱导率和组培苗生根率依次升高且部位间差异显著,其组培苗的株高、叶长、叶宽、根系数量和根系长度也随外植体取材部位下降而增加,但仅根系数量和根系长度在部位间差异显著,但其组培苗和母树叶片SOD活性、POD活性和MDA含量却逐渐降低,且组培苗叶片始终低于母树叶片。(2)随着取材母树的树龄从10a、4a、1a的不断降低,组培苗上述各项指标值均依次升高,1a树龄丛生芽诱导率及组培苗生根率、根系数量、根系长度分别为80%、96.6%、4.3条、2.40cm,极显著高于相应的10a和4a树龄的组培苗。(3)从初代培养到1次、2次继代培养,随着继代次数的增加,各类组培苗的丛生芽诱导率、株高、叶长和叶宽值不断增大,且以2次继代培养的增幅较大;同时相应组培苗叶片SOD活性、MDA含量和POD活性则呈下降趋势,但仍表现为2次继代的组培苗幼化效果较好。研究认为,各层次幼化效果指标在组培苗中表现出相同的变化规律。随着外植体在母树上取材部位的下移、取材母树年龄的降低以及组培苗继代次数的增加,山杏丛生芽诱导率和组培苗生根率、形态指标、生理指标表现出一致的变化趋势,其组培幼化效果愈来愈佳。  相似文献   

Leaf shape and size, stomata dimensions and density, chlorophyll content and photosynthetic rate of the common oak leaves were investigated in shoots of various growth phases (polycyclic growth). Mean and maximal daily net photosynthetic rates, shoot length, leaf area, stomatal density and chlorophyll contents were significantly higher in shoots of the second growth phase. Intraspecific differences in leaf shape were found within each shoot growth phase.  相似文献   

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