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旨在建立转基因水稻"科丰6号"外源基因和边界序列的实时荧光PCR检测方法,为科丰6号定性定量检测提供技术支持。根据外源基因和边界序列信息,设计实时荧光PCR探针引物,优化体系,对不同转基因产品和不同转基因含量的"科丰6号"水稻进行检测。结果显示,所设计的引物探针具有很好的特异性,与其他转基因水稻品系、转基因玉米、转基因棉花、转基因番茄和非转基因水稻均无非特异性反应,对转基因水稻"科丰6号"的检测灵敏度达到0.01%。建立的科丰6号实时荧光PCR检测方法重复性好、灵敏度高,能够达到目前国际上转基因产品定量检测的标准,为该水稻品系的定性定量检测提供技术支持。  相似文献   

PCR对转基因玉米CBH351品系的鉴定检测   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
成功建立了转基因玉米CBH351(Starlink^TM)的筛选和品系鉴定检测的PCR方法,该方法根据玉米自身IVR基因作为内源特异参照基因来检查模板DNA提取的质量,避免了假阴性结果,设计检测CaMV35S启动子的引物扩增195bp,来对转基因玉米进行筛选检测;并进一步设计转基因玉米CBH351(StarlinkTM)品系转化质粒图谱中CaMV35S启动子和Cry9C边界位置基因特异性引物扩增170bp,以及目标基因Cry9C的右端与CaMV35S终止子的左端边界位置基因特异性引物扩增171bp,以此来鉴定检测CBH351(StarlinkTM)的品系。  相似文献   

加工产品中转基因玉米Bt11成分实时荧光PCR定量(性)检测   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
实验在玉米自身基因和外源基因的边界序列之间设计了具有品种和品系特异性的引物和探针 ,并以实时荧光PCR技术 ,建立了加工产品中转基因玉米Bt1 1成分品系鉴定检测和定量检测的方法。实验对加热条件和时间对检测转基因成分的影响作了探讨 ,并检测了部分市售食品和饲料。检测结果发现 ,加热时间温度越高、时间越长 ,对转基因成分定量检测的影响越大 ;在所检测的样品中可以检测出转基因玉米Bt1 1成分 ,有些样品还同时检出其他转基因成分。本研究实验建立的方法 ,可以用于加工产品中转基因成分的定量检测 ,也可以用于定性检测 ,或作为常规PCR定性检测后的确证实验方法。  相似文献   

转g10-epsps基因耐除草剂大豆ZUTS-33是由浙江大学研发的耐除草剂大豆品系,目前已进入生产性试验阶段。到目前为止尚无文献报道对该转基因新品种的检测方法,因此亟需建立精准的定量检测方法为农业转基因生物安全管理提供技术支持。根据耐除草剂大豆ZUTS-33品系外源基因插入位点特异序列设计引物和TaqMan探针,利用优化的实时荧光定量PCR检测方法评价该引物对和探针的特异性、准确度、精确度和重复性,并确定此检测方法的检测极限(limit of detection,LOD)和定量极限(limit of quantity,LOQ)。实验结果显示,研究所建立的转基因大豆ZUTS-33转化体特异性实时荧光定量PCR检测方法具有高度的品系鉴定特异性,准确度、精确度均符合要求,重复性较好,且检测方法的LOD达到20拷贝,LOQ达到40拷贝。研究结果为转g10-epsps基因耐除草剂大豆ZUTS-33的身份识别和检测监测提供了有效的方法。  相似文献   

用实时荧光PCR方法鉴定转基因玉米T14/T25   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
曹际娟  覃文  朱水芳  曹远银 《遗传》2004,26(5):689-694
本研究以实时荧光PCR技术鉴定商业化种植的转基因玉米T14/T25品系。根据转基因玉米T14/T25转入的外源基因质粒图谱,设计转基因引物和探针进行PCR和实时荧光PCR检测,建立了转基因玉米品系鉴定的实时荧光PCR方法。实验结果表明,用TaqMan探针可检测到T14/T25产生的荧光信号,而对其他玉米品系则检测不到荧光信号,为转基因产品的鉴定检测提供了新方法。Abstract: To identify genetically modified (GM) maize T14/T25 lines, a real-time fluorescent PCR (RTF PCR) assay was performed in this study. Primers and Taqman probes specific for inserted genes in the T14/T25 were used to conduct the real-time fluorenscent (RTF) PCR and PCR assays. The RTF PCR method was established to detect and identify GM maize lines. The results show that the TaqMan probe could identify T14/T25 maize used, while other GM and NO-GM maize didn’t be detected. The RTF PCR could be a new method for detecting other genetically modified organism.  相似文献   

针对9种转基因玉米品系Bt11、TC1507、Bt176、MON810、MON863、GA21、NK603、Mon88017、MIR604进行醛基片PCR芯片高通量检测和条件优化。特异性和灵敏度试验表明,醛基片PCR芯片的特异性较好,能应用于转基因玉米品系鉴定。而该方法应用于转基因检测的灵敏度为5%,有待于后续试验进一步优化。  相似文献   

【目的】建立转基因棉花MON88701品系特异性实时荧光聚合酶链反应(polymerase chain reaction,PCR)检测方法。【方法】利用实时荧光PCR技术,根据转基因棉花MON88701品系特异性序列设计引物和探针,建立转基因棉花MON88701实时荧光PCR检测方法,并测定本方法的灵敏度、特异性及可重复性。【结果】建立的检测方法特异于转基因棉花MON88701成分的检测,灵敏度测试表明其定量下限为34拷贝;重复性试验显示其相对标准偏差在可接受范围内。【结论】本研究建立的转基因棉花MON88701品系特异性实时荧光PCR检测方法具有良好的特异性和高灵敏度,适合对转基因棉花MON88701品系进行检测。  相似文献   

【目的】谷斑皮蠹是一种重要的检疫性害虫,在新疆周边多个国家分布,口岸检疫人员多次从进境货物中截获谷斑皮蠹,该虫对新疆的农业生产极具威胁。【方法】以谷斑皮蠹的16S rDNA基因为靶序列,用昆虫通用引物对4种供试皮蠹进行PCR扩增,将扩增产物进行克隆和测序,用生物软件设计检测谷斑皮蠹的特异性引物与探针。【结果】设计的特异性引物(TG-SNP-F/TG-SNP-R)及所建立的常规PCR方法能有效检测出谷斑皮蠹,其扩增产物的片段大小为250 bp,灵敏度为3 ng·μL~(-1)。设计的特异性引物(TG-F/TG-R)和探针(TG-probe),以及所建立的实时荧光PCR方法,对谷斑皮蠹的检测特异性强,灵敏度达0.8 fg·μL~(-1)。【结论】建立的常规PCR方法和实时荧光PCR检测方法能够对谷斑皮蠹进行准确鉴定,为口岸检疫人员检测进境货物中携带的谷斑皮蠹提供技术支持。  相似文献   

为建立转基因玉米Bt176的液相芯片检测方法,根据已公布的转基因玉米Bt176外源插入基因CaMV35S启动子序列,外源基因3’端与玉米基因组DNA连接区序列,同时以玉米特异Zein内源基因序列为参照,利用Primer Premier5.0等软件设计特异性引物和探针。将探针与荧光编码微球偶联后,与PCR产物杂交反应,用液相芯片检测仪(Bio-plex 200)检测荧光信号。检测结果显示,该方法具有高特异性及灵敏度,各条探针之间无交叉反应,最低检测限可达0.01%。初步建立了检测转基因玉米Bt176的液相芯片技术,为其他转基因作物的快速高通量检测提供了借鉴和经验。  相似文献   

本文采用重叠延伸PCR技术快速构建了转基因大豆GTS40-3-2、玉米NK603、油菜RT73和水稻TT51-1的4种品系作物的质粒标准分子.经快速PCR鉴定及测序分析验证后,将构建的阳性质粒标准分子应用于实时荧光定量PCR标准曲线的构建,并建立其相应的荧光定量PCR检测体系,同时对该体系的扩增效率、精确度、灵敏度等指标进行了评估. 结果显示,建立的实时荧光定量PCR检测体系中,目标序列的扩增效率均在97.434%~101.479%正常范围内(R2≥0.995),定量极限为20 copies,表明我们已成功构建了这4种转基因作物的品系质粒标准分子,并能有效应用于实时荧光定量PCR标准曲线的构建.  相似文献   

根据转基因玉米2A-5的旁侧序列信息,设计并筛选出最佳特异性引物及Taqman探针组合2A-5-5-QF8、2A-5-5-QR8、2A-5-5-QP8,优化了该引物探针组合的反应体系,建立了转基因玉米2A-5转化体特异性PCR检测方法。将特异性引物及Taqman探针组合用于qRT-PCR和ddPCR技术,研究了转基因玉米2A-5转化体的定量检测方法,发现PCR定量检测转基因含量与测定样品转基因含量之间呈高度正相关。研究获得的转基因玉米2A-5转化体特异性PCR检测方法及定量qRT-PCR、ddPCR检测方法具有较高的特异性、准确性和灵敏度,是今后准确、高效检测2A-5及其产品的有效方法之一,同时也为我国转基因生物安全监管提供了良好的技术支撑。  相似文献   

商业化种植的六种基因改良玉米品系的鉴定检测方法   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
以PCR方法鉴定检测六种商业化种植的基因改良玉米 (geneticallymodifiedmaize,简称GM 玉米 )。针对Mon810 (Monsanto公司 )、Bt11(Novartis公司 )、Event176 (Novartis公司 )、CBH 35 1(AgrEvo公司 )、T14/T2 5Liberty (AgrEvo公司 )及GA2 1(Monsanto公司 )GM 玉米转入的外源基因质粒图谱 ,设计具有品系特异性的引物进行PCR检测 ,建立了GM 玉米品系鉴定检测的方法。  相似文献   

In the present study a peptide nucleic acid (PNA)-mediated polymerase chain reaction (PCR) clamping method was developed and applied to the detection of genetically modified organisms (GMO), to test PCR products for band identity and to obtain a semiquantitative evaluation of GMO content. The minimal concentration of PNA necessary to block the PCR was determined by comparing PCRs containing a constant amount of DNA in the presence of increasing concentration of target-specific PNA. The lowest PNA concentration at which specific inhibition took place, by the inhibition of primer extension and/or steric hindrance, was the most efficient condition. Optimization of PCR clamping by PNA was observed by testing five different PNAs with a minimum of 13 bp to a maximum of 15 bp, designed on the target sequence of Roundup Ready soybean. The results obtained on the DNA extracted from Roundup Ready soybean standard flour were verified also on DNA extracted from standard flours of maize GA21, Bt176, Bt11, and MON810. A correlation between the PNA concentration necessary for inducing PCR clamping and the percentage of the GMO target sequence in the sample was found.  相似文献   

A multiplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR) system was developed for the simultaneous detection of target sequences in genetically modified soybean (Roundup Ready) and maize (MON810, Bt176, Bt11, and GA21). Primer pairs were designed to amplify the junction regions of the transgenic constructs analyzed and the endogenous genes of soybean (lectin) and maize (zein) were included as internal control targets to assess the efficiency of all reactions. This multiplex PCR has constituted the basis for an efficient platform for genetically modified organism traceability based on microarray technology. In particular, the ligation detection reaction combined to a universal array approach, using the multiplex PCR as target, was applied. High specificity and sensitivity were obtained.  相似文献   

Commercialization of several genetically modified crops has been approved worldwide to date. Uniplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based methods to identify these different insertion events have been developed, but their use in the analysis of all commercially available genetically modified organisms (GMOs) is becoming progressively insufficient. These methods require a large number of assays to detect all possible GMOs present in the sample and thereby the development of multiplex PCR systems using combined probes and primers targeted to sequences specific to various GMOs is needed for detection of this increasing number of GMOs. Here we report on the development of a multiplex real-time PCR suitable for multiple GMO identification, based on the intercalating dye SYBR Green I and the analysis of the melting curves of the amplified products. Using this method, different amplification products specific for Maximizer 176, Bt11, MON810, and GA21 maize and for GTS 40-3-2 soybean were obtained and identified by their specific Tm. We have combined amplification of these products in a number of multiplex reactions and show the suitability of the methods for identification of GMOs with a sensitivity of 0.1% in duplex reactions. The described methods offer an economic and simple alternative to real-time PCR systems based on sequence-specific probes (i.e., TaqMan chemistry). These methods can be used as selection tests and further optimized for uniplex GMO quantification.  相似文献   

PCR detection of genetically modified soya and maize in foodstuffs   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
The detection of genetically modified foodstuffs is becoming both a food sales and legal necessity. This study reports a rapid DNA extraction/PCR-based method for the detection of genetically modified soya (GMS) and maize (GMM) in mixed samples of transgenic and unmodified soybeans and maize kernels, and a variety of processed samples including soya flour, soya protein isolates, extruded defatted soya, acid- and alcohol-precipitated soya concentrates, soya lecithin, maize grits, seasoned corn puffs and salted corn chips. The presence of GMS DNA was determined with two pairs of primers directed towards different GMS target sequences and GMM by one primer pair. In addition, a multiplex PCR reaction which utilises an internal positive control was developed for both genetically modified organisms (GMOs). Results indicated that the methods are sensitive and specific enough to detect GMS down to a level of 0.01% dry weight in single-product PCRs and 0.1% in multiplex PCRs and GMM down to 0.001% dry weight in single-product PCRs and 0.01% in multiplex PCR. The methods are considered to represent a viable route for the commercial detection of GMS and GMM in foodstuffs.  相似文献   

针对基于RNAi技术的转基因玉米品系,研究并建立了一套逆转录芯片式数字PCR(dPCR)定量检测该品系玉米双链RNA的方法。研究内容主要包括RNA提取方法、引物探针设计、逆转录方法、dPCR反应条件及体系等方面的探索和优化。该方法的绝对定量限为2.5 copies/μL,RSD为12.4%;检测低浓度实际样品达21.7 copies/μL时,相对偏差为2.7%,RSD为14.6%,满足国际上转基因定量结果RSD≤25%的要求。将该方法用于基于RNAi技术转基因作物的定量检测,将为我国相关转基因作物的安全评价提供了精确可靠的技术手段。  相似文献   

抗虫和耐除草剂玉米双抗12-5是我国自主研发的转基因品种,该品种于2020年1月21日获得农业转基因生物安全证书,具有广阔的应用前景。转化体特异性PCR方法是进行转基因生物安全监管的最有效的技术手段之一,可以对转基因产品进行身份鉴定。本研究组织8家实验室对研发单位提供的的双抗12-5转化体特异性定性、定量PCR方法进行了验证,验证结果显示定性与定量PCR检测方法均具有稳定性好、特异性强和灵敏度高的特点,定量PCR方法能精确地定量检测质量分数为5%和0.5%的双抗12-5样品,并且具有良好的重复性和再现性,符合相关标准的要求。本研究有助于后续标准方法的建立和完善,为我国转基因生物安全监管提供技术支撑和决策依据。  相似文献   

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