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产纤维素酶菌种TP1202的选育及产酶条件研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
从腐木上分离到1株纤维素酶活较高的野生纤维素酶产生菌TP01,经鉴定为绿色木霉(Trichoderma viride)。以TP01为出发菌株,经紫外线、亚硝基胍、硫酸二乙酯和LiCl等物理化学诱变处理,最后得到1株高产突变株TP1202。通过对培养基中氮源、碳源、培养温度、培养时间、培养基的含水量、培养基的起始pH、培养基中葡萄糖含量的研究,测定Trichoderma viride TP1202纤维素酶的CMC和滤纸酶活,找到了产纤维素酶的较佳条件,即,稻草粉:麦麸=4:1,物料:水份=1:0.75-1,以(NH4)2SO4或NH4Cl为氮源,葡萄糖含量为1%-2%,起始pH为7.5,在30℃下培养96-120h左右,其酶活力为最高,每克干曲CMC酶和滤纸酶活分别达到28900U、604U,是出发菌株的3倍和6倍。  相似文献   

【目的】建立里氏木霉(Trichoderma reesei)高产突变菌株的快速筛选方法,选育出高产内切葡聚糖酶的突变株。【方法】对里氏木霉T306菌株的初筛培养基进行优化,建立快速筛选方法;通过紫外诱变手段选育内切葡聚糖酶高产突变菌株,并对突变菌株的产酶培养基进行优化。【结果】在初筛培养基中添加浓度为0.1%(W/V)的乳糖、蛋白胨及脱氧胆酸钠有利于菌株的筛选。诱变后筛选出菌落形态发生明显变化的内切葡聚糖酶高产突变株0516,其羧甲基纤维素酶活力(CMC酶)较出发菌株提高了38.9%。其产酶培养基经优化后,得到最适碳、氮源分别为:乳糖1.50%、硫酸铵0.14%、尿素0.05%、蛋白胨0.10%,优化后CMC酶活力达64.2 U/mL,较优化前提高了2.3倍。【结论】建立了里氏木霉高产突变菌株的快速筛选方法,通过紫外诱变育种获得了产内切葡聚糖酶能力高且遗传稳定的突变株0516。  相似文献   

里氏木霉LW1固态发酵纤维素酶条件的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用里氏木霉LW 1(Trichoderma.Reesei)固体发酵生产纤维素酶,研究了秸杆粉和麦麸用量、料水比、起始pH值、发酵温度和发酵时间对该菌株产纤维素酶活力的影响。试验结果表明,里氏木霉LW 1的适宜发酵条件为:在秸秆∶麦麸=1∶1,料水比为1∶2的前提条件下,培养温度28℃,发酵周期为72h,起始pH5.5时产酶活力最高。浸出液中FPA酶活为119.417u/g干物质,CMC酶活为452.433u/g干物质。  相似文献   

青海高原降解纤维素微生物的调查、分离、鉴定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从青海高原林区分离筛选 3 0 0余株分解纤维素的细菌及 3 1株降解纤维素的真菌。测定纤维素分解菌含量土样为 2 6× 1 0 5 g。对纤维素酶水解圈较大的 1 1株真菌 ,根据其滤纸酶活筛选出一株分离自互助北山森林的高产纤维素酶的真菌No 0 1 43菌株 ,根据其形态学及培养特征鉴定为康氏木霉 (TrichodermakoningiiQudem) ,该菌湿固体发酵物含滤纸酶活力(FPA)为 1 5u g。该菌无毒副作用 ,可用于饲料业  相似文献   

目的筛选并鉴定一种产纤维素酶能力较高的菌株,为纤维素的高效利用贮备菌源。方法用羧甲基纤维素钠(CMC-Na)平板筛选产纤维素酶菌株,通过LB培养基对其进行纯化,16SrDNA基因序列分析其分类地位,3,5-二硝基水杨酸法(DNS)测定其产酶能力。结果分离纯化得到的产纤维素酶菌株(S1)为芽胞杆菌属(Bacillus genus)的短小芽胞菌,在最佳产酶条件下产酶含量达到1 204U/mL,产纤维素酶能力与里氏木霉(Trichoderma reesei)相当,但其产酶速率较里氏木霉低。结论 S1是一株产纤维素酶能力较高的菌株,产酶条件温和,初步鉴定为一种新种,具有较高研究及应用价值。  相似文献   

【背景】粮食在生长和收储期极易受到病原真菌或产毒真菌的污染,造成严重的损失。众多实践证明木霉属(Trichoderma)可以有效防治植物病原真菌。【目的】鉴定和筛选能有效抑制粮食常见危害真菌的木霉生防菌株,开发生防菌剂,保障粮食生产安全。【方法】从粮食上分离筛选出35株木霉,通过多基因系统发育分析和形态学观察方法进行菌种鉴定,利用平板对峙试验筛选出对粮食常见危害真菌有抑制作用的菌株。【结果】35株木霉分属于8个种,分别为非洲哈茨木霉(Trichodermaafroharzianum)、类棘孢木霉(Trichodermaasperelloides)、 Trichoderma amoenum、近深绿木霉(Trichoderma paratroviride)、Trichoderma obovatum、长枝木霉(Trichoderma longibrachiatum)、东方木霉(Trichodermaorientale)和深绿木霉(Trichodermaatroviride)。对峙试验结果表明,这8种木霉对于粮食上分离到的10种危害真菌均具有较好的抑制效果。非洲哈茨木霉(T.afroharzi...  相似文献   

瑞氏木霉表达黑曲霉葡萄糖氧化酶   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
利用高表达分泌纤维素酶的真菌瑞氏木霉表达重组的黑曲霉葡萄糖氧化酶。在大肠杆菌DH5α中构建瑞氏木霉纤维素酶CBHI启动子和CBHI信号肽基因黑曲霉葡萄糖氧化酶基因瑞氏木霉纤维素酶CBHI终止子构巢曲霉的甘油醛3磷酸脱氢酶启动子大肠杆菌抗潮霉素B磷酸转移酶基因构巢曲霉色氨酸C终止子pUC19(命名为pCBHGOD)质粒,线性化后用瑞氏木霉纤维素酶CBHI启动子和CBHI信号肽基因黑曲霉葡萄糖氧化酶基因瑞氏木霉纤维素酶CBHI终止子构巢曲霉的甘油醛3磷酸脱氢酶启动子大肠杆菌抗潮霉素B磷酸转移酶基因构巢曲霉色氨酸C终止子(命名为CBHGOD)核酸片段转化瑞氏木霉QM9414原生质体。用PCR扩增方法筛选出同源重组葡萄糖氧化酶基因的瑞士木霉突变株。用麦杆诱导瑞氏木霉突变株,生产黑曲霉葡萄糖氧化酶,Westernblot分析重组的葡萄糖氧化酶分子量与Sigma公司的天然黑曲霉葡萄糖氧化酶一致,生产的重组酶活性25umL,相当于Sigma公司葡萄糖氧化酶标准品的产量为0.5gL。瑞氏木霉可用于生产黑曲霉葡萄糖氧化酶。  相似文献   

里氏木霉产纤维素酶研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
木质纤维素类生物质被认为是重要且可持续的可再生能源,其主要组成部分是纤维素。纤维素酶是一种能将纤维素分解为葡萄糖的复合酶,能有效地降解木质纤维素生物质。真菌、细菌、放线菌、酵母等多种微生物均可以产生纤维素酶,其中里氏木霉具有完整的纤维素酶系结构,常作为生物技术领域中一个重要菌株,广泛应用于纤维素酶的商业生产。介绍了纤维素酶的作用机理,综述了里氏木霉产纤维素酶的发展现状和研究进展,讨论了生产工艺(如培养条件及产酶诱导物等)对纤维素酶生产的影响,阐述了通过化学诱变及基因改造构建高产纤维素酶的里氏木霉的研究进展以及纤维素酶生产的主要瓶颈,以提供更经济的生产方案,将纤维素酶广泛应用于工业生产。  相似文献   

[背景]里氏木霉(Trichoderma reesei)是木霉属中产纤维素酶最具代表性的真菌之一,表观遗传调控是不涉及DNA序列变化的可遗传变化,组蛋白去乙酰化是其中一种。组蛋白去乙酰化酶(histone deacetylase,HDAC)负责脱乙酰化,敲除去乙酰化酶基因可引起菌株孢子、菌丝及纤维素酶活性等的一系列改变。[目的]通过敲除里氏木霉组蛋白去乙酰化酶基因(histone deacetylase,hdac)建立了里氏木霉hdac缺失突变株(T.reesei△hdac),以研究对纤维素酶基因表达的调控作用。[方法]利用Split-Maker技术构建了组蛋白去乙酰化酶基因敲除表达盒,并转化了里氏木霉T.reesei QM9414。经PCR及Southern blotting验证正确后,对突变体T.reesei△hdac连续7 d检测滤纸酶活(filter paper activity,AFP)、羧甲基纤维素钠酶活(carboxymethyl cellulase activity,CMCA),利用RT-qPCR检测纤维素酶及其相关基因cbh1、egl1和xyr1的表达。[结果]突变体T.reesei△hdac两种酶活力均显著高于出发菌株,分别高出8.00、30.00 IU/mL。突变体T.reesei△hdac纤维素酶及其相关基因cbh1、egl1和xyr1的转录水平分别为出发菌株T.reesei QM9414的6.50、6.01和4.51倍。[结论]里氏木霉中纤维素酶的基因表达明显受到组蛋白去乙酰化酶基因(hdac)的调控,这为研究里氏木霉表观遗传调控对纤维素酶的影响提供了新的证据。  相似文献   

李鹏  庄文颖 《菌物学报》2022,41(2):281-290
液态发酵条件下,以微晶纤维素为唯一碳源,比较了拟康宁木霉Trichoderma koningiopsis 8985和里氏木霉T. reesei QM9414产纤维素酶的能力。8985发酵12 h开始产生纤维素酶,36 h时酶活达到产酶峰值的50%,此时QM9414尚未诱导产酶。测定8985发酵84 h时上清液中滤纸纤维素酶、羧甲基纤维素酶、β-葡萄糖苷酶和木聚糖酶的酶活分别为1.06、3.62、1.80和6.67 IU/mL,分别是QM9414上述酶活的1.72、1.70、6.35和1.12倍。8985滤纸纤维素酶酶活的最适反应条件为pH 4.5,反应温度50 ℃,在Fe3+ (≤ 4 mmol/L)和Cu2+ (0-10 mmol/L)存在条件下酶活稳定。  相似文献   

The thermophilic fungi Thermomyces lanuginosus, Malbranchea cinnamomea, Myceliophthora fergusii and the thermotolerant Aspergillus terreus were cultivated on various carbon sources, and hemicellulolytic and cellulolytic enzyme profiles were evaluated. All fungi could grow on locust bean galactomannan (LBG), Solka floc, wheat bran and pectin, except T. lanuginosus, which failed to utilize LBG for growth. Different levels of cellulase and hemicellulase activities were produced by these fungal strains. Depending on the carbon source, variable ratios of thermostable hydrolytic enzymes were obtained, which may be useful in various applications. All strains were found to secrete xylanolytic and mannanolytic enzymes. Generally, LBG was the most efficient carbon source to induce mannanase activities, although T. lanuginosus was able to produce mannanase only on wheat bran as a carbon source. Xylanolytic activities were usually highest on wheat bran medium, but in contrast to other investigated fungi, xylanase production by M. fergusii was enhanced on pectin medium. Preliminary thermostability screening indicated that among the investigated species, thermotolerant glycosidases can be found. Some of the accessory activities, including the α-arabinosidase activity, were surprisingly high. The capability of the produced enzymes to improve the hydrolysis of lignocellulosic pretreated substrate was evaluated and revealed potential for these enzymes.  相似文献   

里氏木霉GXC木聚糖酶的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究了里氏木霉GXC产木聚糖酶的条件和酶学性质。结果表明,适宜产酶碳源为乳糖、甘露糖、棉子糖、木聚糖和麸皮,氮源为牛肉膏和酵母膏;产酶的最适初始pH为4.0,30℃培养60h。对以麸皮为碳源的培养液进行纯化的酶特性研究表明,木聚糖酶的最适反应温度为50℃,pH为5.5,该酶在pH5.0(7.0和40℃以下相对稳定。Fe3+和Mn2+对木聚糖酶有较大的促进作用,Cu~2+、Fe~2+和Ca~2+ 具有抑制作用。  相似文献   

研究了里氏木霉GXC产木聚糖酶的条件和酶学性质。结果表明,适宜产酶碳源为乳糖、甘露糖、棉子糖、木聚糖和麸皮,氮源为牛肉膏和酵母膏;产酶的最适初始pH为4.0,30℃培养60h。对以麸皮为碳源的培养液进行纯化的酶特性研究表明,木聚糖酶的最适反应温度为50℃,pH为5.5,该酶在pH5.0(7.0和40℃以下相对稳定。Fe3+和Mn2+对木聚糖酶有较大的促进作用,Cu~2+、Fe~2+和Ca~2+ 具有抑制作用。  相似文献   

Methane fermentation of Japanese cedar wood was carried out after pretreatment with four strains of white rot fungi, Ceriporiopsis subvermispora ATCC 90467, CZ-3, CBS 347.63 and Pleurocybella porrigens K-2855. These fungi were cultivated on wood chip media with and without wheat bran for 4-8 weeks. The pretreated wood chip was fermented anaerobically with sludge from a sewage treatment plant. Pretreatments with C. subvermispora ATCC 90467, CZ-3 and CBS 347.63 in the presence of wheat bran for 8 weeks decreased 74-76% of beta-O-4 aryl ether linkages in the lignin to accelerate production of methane. After fungal treatments with C. subvermispora ATCC 90467 and subsequent 30-days methane fermentation, the methane yield reached 35 and 25% of the theoretical yield based on the holocellulose contents of the decayed and original wood, respectively. In contrast, treatment with the three strains of C. subvermispora without wheat bran cleaved 15-26% of the linkage and produced 6-9% of methane. There were no significant accelerating effects in wood chips treated with P. porrigens which has a lower ability to decompose the lignin. Thus, it was found that C. subvermispora, with a high ability to decompose aryl ether bonds of lignin, promoted methane fermentation of softwood in the presence of wheat bran.  相似文献   

Glucoamylase production has been investigated by solid-state fermentation of agro-industrial wastes generated during the processing of paddy to rice flakes (categorized as coarse, medium and fine waste), along with wheat bran and rice powder by a local soil isolate Aspergillus sp. HA-2. Highest enzyme production was obtained with wheat bran (264 +/- 0.64 U/gds) followed by coarse waste (211.5 +/- 1.44 U/gds) and medium waste (192.1 +/- 1.15 U/gds) using 10(6) spores/ml as inoculum at 28 +/- 2 degrees C, pH 5. A combination of wheat bran and coarse waste (1:1) gave enzyme yield as compared to wheat bran alone. Media supplementation with carbon source (0.04 g/gds) as sucrose in wheat bran and glucose in coarse and medium waste increased enzyme production to 271.2 +/- 0.92, 220.2 +/- 0.75 and 208.2 +/- 1.99 U/gds respectively. Organic nitrogen supplementation (yeast extract and peptone, 0.02 g/gds) showed a higher enzyme production compared to inorganic source. Optimum enzyme activity was observed at 55 degrees C, pH 5. Enzyme activity was enhanced in the presence of calcium whereas presence of EDTA gave reverse effect.  相似文献   

用啤酒厂废弃物麦芽根替代米糠或麸皮用于乳酸发酵生产不仅用量减少,产酸率提高,而且麦芽根价格比米糠便宜一倍,因此降低了乳酸生产成本。  相似文献   

Summary Aspergillus niger produced extracellular cellobiase when grown on different lignocellulosic substrates in solid state fermentation. The enzyme activity and yield were variable according to the carbon source. In Vogel’s medium, the cellobiase productivity was significantly higher on wheat bran, followed by Leptochloa fusca (kallar grass) straw augmented with corn steep liquor. Maximum yield of cellobiase/g wheat bran was significantly higher than the values reported on other potent fungi, bacteria and recombinants, harboring heterologous gene for cellobiase. This enzyme in the presence and absence of Trichoderma reesei and celluloclast, saccharified the biomass and the percentage saccharification as well as glucose yield from lignocellulosic biomass was doubled in its presence. The partially purified enzyme was thermotolerant as evidenced by melting temperature, activation energy demand for active catalysis, enthalpy and entropy of activation for reversible or irreversible thermal inactivation.  相似文献   

几种外生菌根真菌培养特性的研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
对 4种外生菌根真菌的培养特性进行了研究。结果表明 ,PDMA和PD培养基是培养外生菌根真菌的较适合的培养基 ;木屑、麸皮、米糠、玉米粉、蛭石是培养菌根菌菌剂的较适宜的基质 ;用MMN营养液拌料以及适宜的水分供给都有利于外生菌根真菌的生长。  相似文献   

Summary A number of nutritional factors affecting α-amylase production by the edible fungus Calvatia gigantea, cultivated in a wheat bran liquid medium, were investigated. The concentration and particle size of wheat bran and the relative concentration of three nitrogen and three mineral sources markedly affected enzyme production. A high amylase yield of 60.4 U ml-1 was obtained when the fungus was cultivated for 5 days at 29°C in a medium containing optimum concentrations of the tested factors. The results provide additional supporting evidence for the versatility of Calvatia gigantea to upgrade a number of low-cost agricultural products to high value biotechnological products.  相似文献   

The ability of 88 fungi, which had been obtained as high-potency strains for acid proteinase production, to produce a new type of acid carboxypeptidase (having on optimal pH of about 3 for hydrolysis of benzyloxycarbonyl-glutamyltyrosine) in surface koji culture was determined. Among the aspergilli, substantial amounts of this new acid carboxypeptidase were produced by Aspergillus saitoi, A. usamii, A. awamori, A. inuii, and A. niger. Maximum yields of acid carboxypeptidase per gram of substrate were obtained by submerged culture in a medium containing 0.9% defatted soybean and 0.6% wheat bran. However, the maximum enzyme concentration per milliliter was obtained with a medium containing 3% defatted soybean and 2% wheat bran. The terminal pH could be controlled by varying the concentrations of soybean oil meal and wheat bran. The maximum enzyme production was reached after 4 days or more at 30 C.  相似文献   

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