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广西药用野生稻原生地破坏十分严重。二十世纪七十年代普查时在58个公社分布有药用野生稻,2002-2009年重新调查时,仅在43个乡镇发现分布有药用野生稻,比二十世纪七十年代减少25.9%。为确保广西药用野生稻资源的安全,共抢救性收集了170个居群、2142份药用野生稻资源,有效地保存了广西药用野生稻种质资源遗传多样性和完整性。同时,在调查中还发现药用野生稻原生地新的分布点15个以及植株高达5.2m、茎秆高位分蘖有3-4个分枝和半卷叶药用野生稻等特殊种质资源。根据调查结果和对广西药用野生稻濒危状况及其根源的分析,本文对未来药用野生稻的保护提出了建议。  相似文献   

药用石斛是我国传统名贵中药材,具有重要的药用价值,由于人为和环境等因素,药用石斛资源已变得极其匮乏,难以满足市场的需求。药用石斛内生菌资源丰富,在与宿主石斛长期共生的过程中,对药用石斛的生长发育、环境的适应、活性代谢产物的积累等方面具有很强的促进作用。深入研究药用石斛内生菌及其与宿主的关系,对药用石斛生产、资源保护与利用有着重要意义。本文简要概述了药用石斛内生菌资源及其生物学功能,并探讨了存在的问题和未来发展方向,以期为药用石斛内生菌的开发与利用提供参考。  相似文献   

我国专业性的药用植物园(包括医学院校的药圃)有15个左右,整体数量比世界其他国家的要多,规模也较大。特别是广西药用植物园、贵阳药用植物园、四川药用植物园保存药用活植物物种都在2000种以上。  相似文献   

药用植物的结构、发育与其主要药用成分积累关系的研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
药用植物防病治病的基础是含有药用化学成分,这些药用成分都贮存在它们的药用部分(根、茎、树皮、叶、花、果实或种子等)内.为此,研究药用植物的结构、发育与其主要药用成分积累的关系,具有重要的理论和实践意义.应用植物解剖学、组织化学和植物化学等技术相结合的方法,先后研究和阐明了西洋参、金丝桃属和芦荟属植物、绞股蓝、盾叶薯蓣、青藤和毛青藤以及地黄等药用植物的主要药用化学成分在药用部分中积累的部位、贮存结构的特点,在植物不同生长发育时期中药用成分含量的变化规律以及同属不同种植物的结构与药用成分积累的关系.研究结果为药用植物的合理采收、制定植物药材的SOP、GAP,以及药用植物资源的开发利用和保护提供了科学依据.  相似文献   

江西官山自然保护区药用植物资源   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对江西官山自然保护区药用植物调查显示,该地区共有药用植物1378种,其中,药用藻类4种,药用真菌26种,药用地衣5种,药用苔藓36种,药用蕨类93种,药用种子植物642种,常用中药210种,药用珍稀濒危植物94种,药用观赏植物124种,农兽药植物127种。此外,还发现9种江西地理记录新分布,并介绍了药用植物资源合理利用的概况。  相似文献   

大多数药用天然产物在植物中含量低微,提取分离困难;而且这些化合物一般结构复杂,化学合成难度大,还容易造成环境污染。基于合成生物学技术获得药用天然产物具有绿色环保和可持续发展等优点。文中以药用萜类化合物人参皂苷、紫杉醇、青蒿素、丹参酮,生物碱类化合物长春新碱、吗啡以及黄酮类化合物灯盏花素为例,总结了植物来源药用萜类、生物碱类和黄酮类化合物的生物合成途径及合成生物学研究进展,介绍了药用天然产物合成生物学研究的关键技术与方法,并展望了合成生物学技术在药用天然产物研究与开发方面的应用前景。  相似文献   

目的:为掌握禄丰樟木箐州级自然保护区的药用维管植物资源现状及其组成特点,提高对保护区植物资源的就地保护和合理利用水平.方法:基于20余年积累的数据,编制保护区药用维管植物资源数据库,对科属种特征、生活型组成、药用部位、药用功效等进行分析.结果:(1)樟木箐自然保护区药用维管植物共有158科462属741种.少种科的科数...  相似文献   

新疆药用乌头的民族植物学   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文对新疆乌头属药用植物在哈萨克民族中的应用进行调查,基本弄清乌头属的药用部位、民间药用方法,并对乌头属药用资源的开发应用进行探讨.  相似文献   

目的调查江西药用蛇类资源的种类、分布及养殖企业的现状,提出药用蛇类资源保护及利用建议。方法根据江西蛇类资源文献的整理和药材市场的调查,研究江西药用蛇类的种类和分布;通过走访调查以及野生动物管理部门驯养繁殖资料的整理,了解江西养殖药用蛇类企业的养殖现状。结果江西全省分布有蛇类69种,其中31种具有药用价值,养殖较为广泛的有乌梢蛇(Zaocys dhumnades)、银环蛇(Bungarus multicinctus)、尖吻蝮(Deinagkistrodon acutus)、王锦蛇(Elaphe carinata)和滑鼠蛇(Ptyas mucosus)等,药用蛇类养殖企业有38家,养殖的药用蛇类种类达12种。结论江西药用蛇类资源分布广泛,药用蛇类养殖企业驯养繁殖技术滞后,建议加强药用蛇类的野外资源保护、驯养繁殖及综合利用的研究。  相似文献   

药用木本植物的生态保护   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
阎秀峰 《应用生态学报》2003,14(9):1561-1564
在分析我国药用木本植物的利用现状和特殊性的基础上。揭示了药用木本植物保护与利用之间的矛盾。提出了解决矛盾的根本出路和需要开展的基础研究工作.研究成树主要药用成分的器官分布、季节变化、年龄差异以及与环境因素的相关性;研究幼树主要药用成分的器官分布、季节变化特别是年龄差异;研究环境因素(培育条件)对幼树主要药用成分的影响和调控规律;进一步从蛋白质(主要药用成分代谢过程中的关键酶)和核酸(关键酶的编码基因)水平解析环境因子对幼树主要药用成分的调控机理.  相似文献   

通过对近些年关于护理人员职业价值观研究的回顾与总结,对关键词“价值观”“工作价值观”“职业价值观”“护士职业价值观”“护士工作价值观”“护生价值观”“护生职业价值观”“护生工作价值观”“医学生职业价值观”“组织价值观”“道德价值观”进行网络检索。针对护理人员职业价值观内涵的总结与界定,形成构成护理人员职业价值观因素分析,提出研究护理人员职业价值观时代新意。  相似文献   

尖峰岭热带山地雨林主要神类能量背景值测定分析   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
本文报道了海南岛尖峰岭热带山地雨林主要树种67种、灌木及大型木质藤本植物16种的各器官的热值。结果表明,热带森林主要种类的热值差异甚大,即使相同属内的一些种类,均具有明显的差异,这种差异与植物种的生物学特性有关,即在生活型的分类系统中,芽位越高的植物其热值越高,但在同一树种中,不同个体大小的植株,其差异不明显;不同植物种的根系热值也差异不大。一般情况下,树叶的热值较大,树干、树皮、树枝和根系次之。已初步证明了部分热带植物含有较多的硅、锰、铁、钙等元素,它们在样品燃烧后形成了颗粒状的剩余物,这是一个值得更深入探讨的新问题。  相似文献   

Environmental governance research has paid insufficient attention to scholarship on values even though environmental values is a well-studied field. This paper begins to unpack the relationship between values and governance with a particular focus on protected areas governance and in light of ideas such as the distinction between held values and assigned values. We report on research from four case studies in Canada, Ghana and Tanzania, each of which investigated the values, interests and objectives of people in a rural community and ways in which these are reflected, or not, in governance arrangements for an adjacent protected area. Despite very diverse contexts, two held values that were encountered in each of the four case studies could be described as responsibility toward future generations and respect for and appreciation of nature. The existence of what may be universal values does not negate the importance of culture and place: similar held values are translated, through the particular circumstances of different individuals, communities and cultures, into a diversity of assigned values, interests and positions. The attention that governance processes have given to local people’s fundamental held values in three of the cases, and the ignoring of such values in the fourth, have had important implications for the relationship between community members and the adjacent protected area. We argue that systems for governance would do well to explicitly engage with values by supporting local articulation of values and by facilitating dialogue and deliberation amongst diverse stakeholders around their values.  相似文献   

Total protein, albumin and serum protein values were determined on 19 male and 14 female captive, vaccinated, wild coyotes. Male coyotes had significantly higher total protein, alpha 1 and alpha 2 globulin levels than female coyotes. Captive, wild coyotes had lower values for total protein, albumin and beta globulins, and higher values for alpha 2 and gamma globulins than similar values for laboratory dogs. Albumin values determined by bromcresol green were slightly higher than values derived by electrophoresis. This difference was non-significant.  相似文献   

Specific absorption rate (SAR) value is dependent on permittivity value. However, variability in the published permittivity values for human and animal tissue and the development of sophisticated 3-dimensional digital anatomical models to predict SAR values has resulted in the need to understand how model parameters (permittivity value) affect the predicted whole body and localized SAR values. In this paper, we establish the partial derivative of whole body SARs and localized SAR values (defined as SAR for individual organs with respect to a change in the permittivity values of all tissue types, as well as for those tissues with the most variable permittivity values. Variations in the published permittivity values may substantially influence whole body and localized SAR values, but only under special conditions. Orientation of the exposed object to the incident electromagnetic wave is one of the most crucial factors. Published 2001 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Two generations of conservationists and philosophers have built a strong case for intrinsic values in nature; they are the basis of the normative postulates of conservation biology. I argue that the recognition of intrinsic natural value is a fundamental and non-negotiable aspect of an eco-evolutionary worldview. Recently, relational values, “preferences, principles, and virtues associated with relationships”, have been proposed as a third category of values in nature, which may help to resolve the debate between instrumental and intrinsic valuation. By depicting intrinsic values as part of an unhelpful dichotomy between anthropocentric and ecocentric values, the current assessment of relational values fails to adequately account for the modern philosophical view of intrinsic natural value. The recognition of intrinsic natural value is not merely an academic exercise, but rather a vital aspect of conservation of the biosphere; recognition of value entails the obligation to do what is right, i.e., protect the good. Any attempt to reframe the discussion about values and environmental protection through more formal recognition of relational values will need to more clearly address how relational and intrinsic values coexist and how they can jointly form the basis for nature conservation.  相似文献   

Based on a stratified random sample of 93 vegetation plots and coincident measurements of ecological conditions in mountain forests of the Bavarian Alps, the degree to which species composition and Ellenberg indicator values derived thereof were related to measured environmental variables was assessed for vascular understorey plants and epigeic bryophytes. According to Mantel tests vascular composition contained ca. 30% more ecological information than bryophyte composition. When expressed as average Ellenberg or Düll values, vascular plant-based values reflected 60% more of measured variables than bryophyte-based values. The differences remained after rarefaction of the vascular matrix to the gamma diversity of bryophytes, showing that indication is not a function of indicator richness. Analysing vascular plants and bryophytes combined yielded very similar, or even slightly less stringent relationships with the environment than using vascular plants only.Bivariate relationships of indicator values with corresponding ecological measurements confirmed the specific potential of the values to estimate ecological factors from both plant groups, but vascular plants performed better for all factors. Bryophyte indication was particularly poor for light, temperature and base saturation. Bryophyte-based indicator values did not significantly predict the residuals of measured ecological variables against vascular plant-based Ellenberg values.For the study region, it is concluded that indicator values of vascular forest understorey should be used without consideration of Düll's indicator values for epigeic bryopyhtes. There appears to be potential to improve bioindication by recalibrating indicator values of epigeic bryophytes based on ecological measurements and vascular plant indicator values.  相似文献   

Prior work has established robust diversity in the extent to which different moral values are endorsed. Some people focus on values related to caring and fairness, whereas others assign additional moral weight to ingroup loyalty, respect for authority and established hierarchies, and purity concerns. Five studies explore associations between endorsement of distinct moral values and a suite of interpersonal orientations: Machiavellianism, prosocial resource distribution, Social Dominance Orientation, and reported likelihood of helping and not helping kin and close friends versus acquaintances and neighbors. We found that Machiavellianism (Studies 1, 3, 4, 5) (e.g., amorality, controlling and status-seeking behaviors) and Social Dominance Orientation (Study 4) were negatively associated with caring values, and positively associated with valuation of authority. Those higher in caring values were more likely to choose prosocial resource distributions (Studies 2, 3, 4) and to report reduced likelihood of failing to help kin/close friends or acquaintances (Study 4). Finally, greater likelihood of helping acquaintances was positively associated with all moral values tested except authority values (Study 4). The current work offers a novel approach to characterizing moral values and reveals a striking divergence between two kinds of moral values in particular: caring values and authority values. Caring values were positively linked with prosociality and negatively associated with Machiavellianism, whereas authority values were positively associated with Machiavellianism and Social Dominance Orientation.  相似文献   

Relationships between protein structure and ionization of carboxyl groups were investigated in 24 proteins of known structure and for which 115 aspartate and 97 glutamate pK(a) values are known. Mean pK(a) values for aspartates and glutamates are < or = 3.4 (+/-1.0) and 4.1 (+/-0.8), respectively. For aspartates, mean pK(a) values are 3.9 (+/-1.0) and 3.1 (+/-0.9) in acidic (pI < 5) and basic (pI > 8) proteins, respectively, while mean pK(a) values for glutamates are approximately 4.2 for acidic and basic proteins. Burial of carboxyl groups leads to dispersion in pK(a) values: pK(a) values for solvent-exposed groups show narrow distributions while values for buried groups range from < 2 to 6.7. Calculated electrostatic potentials at the carboxyl groups show modest correlations with experimental pK(a) values and these correlations are not improved by including simple surface-area-based terms to account for the effects of desolvation. Mean aspartate pK(a) values decrease with increasing numbers of hydrogen bonds but this is not observed at glutamates. Only 10 pK(a) values are > 5.5 and most are found in active sites or ligand-binding sites. These carboxyl groups are buried and usually accept no more than one hydrogen bond. Aspartates and glutamates at the N-termini of helices have mean pK(a) values of 2.8 (+/-0.5) and 3.4 (+/-0.6), respectively, about 0.6 units less than the overall mean values.  相似文献   

Li H  Robertson AD  Jensen JH 《Proteins》2005,61(4):704-721
A very fast empirical method is presented for structure-based protein pKa prediction and rationalization. The desolvation effects and intra-protein interactions, which cause variations in pKa values of protein ionizable groups, are empirically related to the positions and chemical nature of the groups proximate to the pKa sites. A computer program is written to automatically predict pKa values based on these empirical relationships within a couple of seconds. Unusual pKa values at buried active sites, which are among the most interesting protein pKa values, are predicted very well with the empirical method. A test on 233 carboxyl, 12 cysteine, 45 histidine, and 24 lysine pKa values in various proteins shows a root-mean-square deviation (RMSD) of 0.89 from experimental values. Removal of the 29 pKa values that are upper or lower limits results in an RMSD = 0.79 for the remaining 285 pKa values.  相似文献   

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