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李东来  魏宏伟  孙兴海  张正旺 《生态学报》2015,35(15):5009-5017
大规模的芦苇收割会对在该生境中繁殖的鸟类产生严重影响。为降低芦苇收割对鸟类繁殖的负面影响,许多地区的湿地管理者逐渐采用了镶嵌型的芦苇收割方式。但是,这种新的芦苇管理方式对鸟类繁殖期生境选择的作用机理尚不清楚。震旦鸦雀是一种主要分布在我国东部、完全依赖芦苇生境而生存的珍稀鸟类,已被IUCN定为全球性近危物种。大规模的芦苇收割导致其适宜生境丧失,被认为是该物种面临的一个主要威胁。选择山东黄河三角洲国家级自然保护区为研究地区,采用AIC信息准则法,从巢址微生境、巢域斑块和全模型3个水平上对可能影响震旦鸦雀巢址选择的生境因子进行了逻辑斯蒂回归分析,并重点探讨芦苇镶嵌收割对其巢址选择的影响以及不同水平的相互效应。结果发现,震旦鸦雀的巢址选择受巢址微生境和巢域斑块尺度双重水平的影响,但巢址微生境因子的影响要大于巢域斑块因子。在巢址微生境水平上,影响震旦鸦雀巢址选择的因素有:1.5—2.5 m旧芦苇的密度、2.5 m以上新芦苇的密度、香蒲密度和巢的可见度;在巢域斑块水平上,影响因素包括芦苇生境类型、旧芦苇斑块面积的比例和植被盖度;在综合模型中,影响因素有1.5—2.5 m旧芦苇的密度、2.5 m以上新芦苇的密度、香蒲密度、巢的可见度和植被盖度。综上,震旦鸦雀倾向于在植被盖度较高、具有一定比例(18.3%)旧芦苇面积、1.5—2.5 m旧芦苇密度较高、可见度较低的生境斑块中筑巢。研究中,78.7%(n=141)的震旦鸦雀将巢筑在新旧芦苇混合的微生境中,其中36.9%的巢址附近旧芦苇的比例在一半以上;53.2%(n=111)的巢筑于新、旧两种芦苇茎秆之上,22.3%的巢的支撑芦苇中旧芦苇所占比例在一半以上。研究结果表明,旧芦苇在震旦鸦雀巢址选择和筑巢过程中发挥了重要作用。由于大范围的芦苇收割在微生境水平上可降低1.5—2.5 m旧芦苇的密度,在巢域斑块尺度上可降低旧芦苇斑块面积的比例,因此建议,在震旦鸦雀的繁殖地,未来的芦苇收割应采用镶嵌收割的形式,并至少应保留面积在20%以上的结构较好的旧芦苇斑块,以供震旦鸦雀选择巢址和繁衍后代。  相似文献   

上海崇明东滩震旦鸦雀冬季种群栖息地的生境选择   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
董斌  吴迪  宋国贤  谢一民  裴恩乐  王天厚 《生态学报》2010,30(16):4351-4358
2008年11月-2009年3月,在崇明东滩对震旦鸦雀(Paradoxornis heudei)种群生态进行调查研究,并对震旦鸦雀种群和生境因子的相关性进行分析。运用单因素方差对互花米草(Spartina alterniflora)入侵和芦苇(Phragmites australis)收割造成的芦苇滩涂变化进行分析,并运用多元回归的方法对震旦鸦雀种群的密度和分布以及相关环境因子进行生境选择分析。结果表明,崇明东滩震旦鸦雀种群的密度为(5.08±3.11)只/hm2;震旦鸦雀种群的密度和芦苇直径呈极显著正相关,震旦鸦雀种群的分布和芦苇的高度、密度呈极显著正相关,和食物资源量呈显著正相关;互花米草和震旦鸦雀种群的密度和分布呈显著负相关;互花米草入侵和芦苇收割降低了震旦鸦雀越冬期的栖息地质量,保留一部分生长质量较好的芦苇可以缓解震旦鸦雀冬季种群的生存压力。  相似文献   

研究鸟类的食性信息,对湿地围垦后利用方式的管理具有重要意义。于2017年7—8月采用稳定同位素分析方法对杭州湾南岸上虞港的震旦鸦雀(Paradoxornis heudei)和东方大苇莺(Acrocephalus orientalis) 2种雀形目鸟类进行研究,结果表明:震旦鸦雀各食物来源的贡献为夜蛾科(Noctuidae)蛹鳞翅目(Lepidoptera)蜘蛛目(Arachnida)膜翅目(Hymenoptera)同翅目(Homoptera);东方大苇莺的各食物来源的贡献为膜翅目(Hymenoptera)蜘蛛目(Arachnida)蜻蜓目(Odonata)鳞翅目(Lepidoptera)鞘翅目(Coleoptera)同翅目(Homoptera);震旦鸦雀和东方大苇莺取食生态位宽度分别为5.21和5.95,两者的δ13C值没有显著差异(P0.05),说明两者之间取食生态位存在一定的重叠,重叠度为6.25,但δ15N值存在极显著差异(P0.01),营养级存在一定的差别。鳞翅目、蜘蛛目、膜翅目和同翅目是两种雀形目鸟类食谱中重叠的食源动物,而震旦鸦雀的取食生态位宽度较小,处于劣势地位,芦苇生境的丧失对震旦鸦雀的影响较大。研究结果可为滨海围垦区雀形目鸟类的栖息地构建、保护与管理提供基础数据。  相似文献   

苏州太湖湖滨人工种植和原生芦苇湿地鸟类群落   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人工种植芦苇(Phragmites adans)是湖泊湿地保护与恢复的重要手段,人工芦苇湿地鸟类群落研究有助于评价湿地生态功能的恢复效果。自2010年6月到2011年5月,根据研究样地情况在人工芦苇湿地内设置一条1.5 km的样线和一条1.0 km的样线,原生芦苇湿地内设置一条1.5 km的样线和两条200 m的样线,逐月对苏州太湖国家湿地公园内的人工芦苇湿地和原生芦苇湿地鸟类群落进行了对比研究,运用单因素ANOVA分析两种生境的差异性。结果表明,芦苇湿地共记录到鸟类11目28科50种,其中人工、原生芦苇湿地分别为39种、36种,共有种25种。棕头鸦雀(Paradoxornis webbianus)、黑水鸡(Gallinula chloropus)、白头鹎(Pycnonotus sinensis)、纯色鹪莺(Prinia inornata)等留鸟在芦苇湿地中一直占优势地位。总体上看,两种芦苇生境中鸟类种数和密度的月变化趋势较为一致,最低值分别出现在1月(11种)和2月(25.36只/hm2),最大值分别出现在5月(30种)和6月(73.64只/hm2)。从各季节看,春季(H'=3.411 5)和夏季(H'=3.050 1)人工芦苇湿地鸟类多样性高于原生芦苇湿地,春季(J=0.993 5)、夏季(J=1.035 9)和冬季(J=0.831 5)人工芦苇湿地均匀度低于原生芦苇湿地;全年多样性指数和均匀度指数人工芦苇湿地(H'=3.274 7,J=0.893 9)原生芦苇湿地(H'=3.300 2,J=0.920 9)。从两种芦苇湿地的鸟类群落比较来看,各项数据差异均不显著,苏州太湖国家湿地公园内人工芦苇湿地的恢复已接近原生芦苇湿地。  相似文献   

河南省鸟类新纪录——震旦鸦雀、红胸黑雁   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2006年1月1日15:00时左右,在河南黄河湿地自然保护区孟津老城黄河高速桥东约50m(34°51′6″N,112°38′8″E)黄河南岸的芦苇丛中,发现5只震旦鸦雀(Parsdoxornis heudei)。  相似文献   

2006年1月1日15:00时左右,在河南黄河湿地自然保护区孟津老城黄河高速桥东约50m(34°51′6″N,112°38′8″E)黄河南岸的芦苇丛中,发现5只震旦鸦雀(Parsdoxornis heudei).震旦鸦雀属雀形目(Passeriformes)鸦雀科(Parsdoxornithidae)鸦雀属,共有2个亚种,指名亚种(P.h.heudei)分布于湖北、江西西北部、江苏、上海、浙江,黑龙江亚种(P.h.polivanovi)分布于黑龙江、辽宁、河北、天津、内蒙古东北部(郑光美,2005).震旦鸦雀被<中国物种红色名录>列为近危(NT)物种(汪松,解焱,2004),在绝大多数分布区并不常见.在分布地为留鸟.这是首次在河南省被记录.  相似文献   

无齿螳臂相手蟹(Chiromantes dehaani)是长江口盐沼湿地大型底栖动物的优势物种,其食性及行为特征对区域生态系统结构与功能的维系具有重要作用。在崇明北滩盐沼湿地取样调研的基础上,通过胃含物分析与室内喂食实验,分析了无齿螳臂相手蟹的食性及其影响因子。结果表明:植物叶片是无齿螳臂相手蟹的主要食物来源,沉积物次之;其对不同叶片的取食量有着明显的差异,具体表现为对芦苇嫩叶的取食量最高,占35.7%,对芦苇凋落叶片的取食量最少,占6.8%;不同样地间不同性别无齿螳臂相手蟹的食物组成也有明显的差异;在野外情况下,无齿螳臂相手蟹对植物的取食受其自身体重、壳宽、螯高的影响较大;室内投喂情况下,无齿螳臂相手蟹对新鲜芦苇嫩叶存在明显的取食偏好(P0.05),其对芦苇嫩叶的取食偏好受其性别的影响较大,而对芦苇凋落叶片的取食偏好受壳宽、体重、螯高的影响较大。无齿螳臂相手蟹的食性具有一定偏好,受食物及其自身生长特征等多种因素的影响。  相似文献   

马华  潘卉  吴捷  李恺  孙瑛  陈秀芝 《昆虫知识》2014,51(1):90-98
【目的】本文旨在揭示芦苇Phragmites australis(Cav.)Trin.ex Steudel收割对宫苍仁蚧Nipponaclerda biwakoensis Kuwana密度及其5种寄生蜂寄生率和共寄生关系的影响及作用机制。【方法】在上海九段沙湿地上沙的芦苇未收割区和收割区分别设置16个和20个样方,于2011年7月和9月进行重复采样,对未收割区和收割区的蚧虫密度、寄生蜂寄生率、共寄生关系和雌性比率分别进行比较分析。【结果】芦苇收割能够显著降低蚧虫密度(P<0.001);从7月到9月,寄生蜂总寄生率呈增高趋势,但7月芦苇未收割区和收割区间寄生蜂总寄生率差异不显著(P>0.05),而9月芦苇收割区寄生蜂总寄生率则显著高于未收割区(P<0.001);而寄生蜂总寄生率与蚧虫密度相关性并不显著。不同寄生蜂对芦苇收割的响应不同,且存在时间差异性。7月,Aprotocetus sp.的寄生率最高,且在收割区的寄生率显著高于未收割区(P<0.05),而其他寄生蜂寄生率均较低。9月,Aprotocetus sp.的寄生率呈下降趋势,而其余寄生蜂寄生率则呈升高趋势;而且除Encyrtidae sp.外,其他寄生蜂寄生率在未收割区和收割区间存在显著差异(P<0.001)。此外,芦苇收割还显著增加Boucekiella depressa与Astymachus japonicus的共寄生率(P<0.001),并显著减少B.depressa与Aprotocetus sp.的共寄生率(P<0.001)。除Aprotocetus sp.(P<0.05)外,芦苇收割对寄生蜂的雌性比率无显著影响。【结论】不同寄生蜂对芦苇收割的响应,不仅依赖于蚧虫密度,而且还与寄生蜂的扩散能力和竞争能力等生物学特性有关。因此,芦苇收割能通过多种途径影响寄生天敌和宫苍仁蚧的高营养级互作关系,需引起足够的重视。  相似文献   

鄱阳湖越冬雁类食源植被适宜取食时间窗口   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
雁类是长江中下游越冬水鸟的优势种群,以苔草(Carex spp)等湿生植被为主要食物来源。作为长江中下游仅存的通江湖泊之一,鄱阳湖显著受到水文波动的影响,湿地植被的生长发育与洲滩淹没和出露时间密切相关。雁类对食物资源具有高度的选择性,建立雁类取食植被的特征和苔草生长过程之间的关系,是刻画适宜栖息地时空分布范围,开展雁类及其食物资源保育的关键。选择鄱阳湖典型子湖泊常湖池作为研究区,对苔草春季生长期开展了原位观测试验,对4个高程梯度的苔草株高和生物量等关键生长因子进行了12次野外监测和采样。同时,结合遥感影像、气温数据及实地观测记录,确定了4个高程梯度洲滩的出露时间和苔草有效生长时间。在此基础上,建立了基于Logistic方程的苔草株高和生物量的生长过程曲线。并根据实地观测的雁类觅食苔草的特征,反推得到雁类适宜取食苔草的时间窗口。结果表明:苔草株高与地上生物量显著正相关,水文条件和气温是影响苔草生长的关键因素,而退水时间的推迟,会导致生长期缩短和低温限制下的有效生长时间减少,影响雁类食物资源的分布。苔草在秋季生长期出露达到12—28 d,而在春季生长期出露达到83—182 d时适宜雁类取食。研究提出了确定越冬雁类苔草适宜取食时间窗口的方法,证实洲滩退水时间推迟超过20 d,苔草生长节律将难以匹配雁类数量峰值期觅食的需要。本研究对鄱阳湖湿地水文调控和湿地资源管理具有重要意义。  相似文献   

通过稳定同位素方法,研究植物在大型底栖动物的食源占比,可以为滨海湿地下行效应提供直接证据。本文研究了黄河三角洲高潮滩芦苇区天津厚蟹的食性和食源。结果表明: 该植被区蟹类密度为(5.5±1.5) ind·m-2,存在夜间攀爬芦苇取食的行为。在室内试验条件下,天津厚蟹具有明显的食物偏好,偏好取食芦苇新鲜叶片。通过稳定同位素食源分析发现,在野外自然环境下,芦苇叶片是天津厚蟹的重要食源之一。鲜叶[5月:(6.4±4.9)%;7月:(5.8±4.9)%;9月:(12.5±8.8)%]和枯叶[5月:(12.4±7.8)%;7月:(15.5±9.9)%;9月:(15.1±9.4)%]的食源占比均具有时间异质性。天津厚蟹不仅可能通过取食抑制芦苇生长,还可能通过取食的扰动行为影响该植被区的枯落物分解。  相似文献   

There is a conflict between nature conservation and thatching industry regarding the management of reedbeds. On one hand, reedbeds are of an economical importance by providing thatching material, on the other hand, they harbour several endangered species. Reedbeds are typically managed by winter cutting, but its impacts on biodiversity are poorly understood. Our aim was to study the effects of winter cutting on the habitat diversity and structural heterogeneity of wetlands in a lowland alkali landscape (East-Hungary). We tested the following hypotheses: (i) Both diversity of plant species and habitat diversity are lower in winter cut wetlands compared to unmanaged stands. (ii) The distribution of biomass (green biomass, litter and standing dead biomass) is more homogeneous in winter cut wetlands compared to unmanaged ones. We found that winter cutting decreased habitat diversity and structural heterogeneity at multiple scales. Number of plant species and all measures of habitat diversity (number of patches, vegetation types and the length of vegetation margins) had lower scores in cut wetlands than in unmanaged ones. We found that unmanaged wetlands harboured high amount of accumulated biomass and they also maintained high habitat diversity likely due to the heterogeneous distribution of the biomass. In unmanaged wetlands, biomass accumulation did not decrease habitat diversity and also contributed to a higher structural heterogeneity. In cut wetlands, expansion of reed was an important driver of the decrease in habitat diversity and structural heterogeneity. Reed expansion likely overrode fine-scale edaphic conditions (hydrology and salinity) in shaping vegetation patterns; thus we suggest to avoid intensive winter cutting.  相似文献   

Reed passerine birds are strict habitat specialists inhabiting reedbed habitats. In Europe, many of these species are threatened due to loss and degradation of natural reedbeds. Another important factor that can negatively affect the abundance of reed passerines is commercial reed harvesting. Previous studies have shown negative impacts of large-scale winter reed cutting on passerine breeding assemblages and arthropod communities. The effect of reed cutting on a small scale, however, has not been studied experimentally to date. The aim of this study was to investigate whether and how small-scale, mosaic reed cutting influences prey abundance and nest predation rate of reed passerines. In June, after the reed had reached maturity, we conducted nest predation experiments with artificial nests and arthropod sampling using pan traps in cut reed patches, adjacent uncut reed patches and unmanaged reedbed. We found no differences in the risk of egg predation between three types of reedbeds. In contrast, the abundance of arthropods in cut and adjacent uncut reed patches was significantly higher than that in unmanaged reedbed. We assume this was caused by habitat heterogeneity, small size of cut patches and their rapid recolonization by arthropods from adjacent uncut patches. Our results suggest that in contrast to large-scale reed cutting, small-scale, mosaic reed cutting has no negative effect on nest survival and food abundance of reed passerine birds. However, given that we performed all experiments in June, i.e., when the reed was mature, our findings cannot be generalized to whole breeding period of all reed passerine birds. Therefore, temporal variation in nest predation rate and arthropod abundance in managed and unmanaged reedbeds during the entire breeding season should be examined in future studies.  相似文献   

Predation is a major cause of nest failure in many bird species. High levels of nest loss may be a consequence of habitat fragmentation, leading to increased amounts of edge habitat. Yet the evidence for generally high nest predation rates along edges in fragmented landscapes is ambiguous. Using real nests of Reed Buntings Emberiza schoeniclus in which artificial Reed Bunting and real Japanese Quail Coturnix japonica eggs were placed, we experimentally tested for edge effects on nest predation in highly fragmented reed Phragmites sp. habitats in the Swiss lowlands. We also examined seasonal patterns of predation and the impacts of nest visits by observers. We found evidence for an edge effect at the water-sided reed edge, with nests located closer to the water being more likely to be predated than those further away. Predation probability increased from early to late season, suggesting that nest predation may be density dependent. Probability of nest predation was only weakly influenced by whether or not a nest was visited. Our results suggest that the intensive reed management currently applied in Swiss nature reserves may result in unnaturally high levels of nest losses in the Reed Bunting, because reed bands are not wide enough to allow nest placement at a safe distance from reed edges.  相似文献   

Effects of salinity and cutting on the development of Phragmites australis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The effects of increased salinity and cutting the above ground biomass on the growth of Phragmites australis were evaluated by investigating four experimental reed stands grown in outdoor tanks. Two stands were treated with 30 salinity and the other two stands with freshwater; one stand of each treatment was cut to 20 cm during the second growing season. Growth conditions were observed until all the plants were dead at the end of the second year. The number of shoots emerged from the freshwater-treated stand was about 70% higher than that of the saltwater-treated stand. The number of shoots emerged from cut plant stands were markedly lower than uncut stands. The average shoot height was negatively affected by salinity and shoots that emerged after cutting further decreased in height. The average number of leaves on a shoot was not significantly affected by salinity, but reduced by cutting in both treatments. Leaf length, width and the distance between leaves were decreased by both salinity and cutting. In the freshwater-treated uncut stand more than 50% of the shoots formed panicles, but this proportion was reduced to 6% by salinity, to 15% by cutting, and to 0% by the combination of salinity and cutting. This study showed again that salinity reduces the growth of aboveground components. The growth, however, was most severely retarded by cutting combined with salinity, which has many implications for better management of P. australis stands.  相似文献   

Reed canary grass (Phalaris arundinacea L.) is an aggressive invader that dominates wetlands throughout the US. We examined the effects of reed canary grass on wetland habitat, both vegetation canopy architecture and soil environment, and its impacts the arthropod community in an urban wetland in Portland, OR, USA. Reed canary grass dominance resulted in reduced vegetation canopy complexity through reductions in native vegetation diversity and canopy height. In addition, reed canary grass dominance significantly changed the wetland soil environment, decreasing soil organic content and increasing soil moisture. The arthropod community responded to these habitat changes, being distinct between plots dominated by reed canary grass and those dominated by native vegetation. In addition, diversity measures were significantly lower in plots dominated by reed canary grass. Variables describing both vegetation canopy complexity and soil environment were more important predictors than relative abundance of reed canary grass in multiple regression models developed for dominant arthropod taxa and community metrics. Our results suggest that the mechanism by which reed canary grass affects the wetland arthropod community is primarily indirect, through habitat changes, rather than by directly altering its food source.  相似文献   

Capsule Careful management is required to maintain or create habitats with the correct proportions of rush with reeds that are preferred by this subspecies.

Aims To determine the habitat requirements of Eastern Iberian (Western Iberian Reed Buntings were not included in the study) Reed Buntings Emberiza schoeniclus witherbyi, a subspecies endemic to a few marshes in France, Spain and Morocco, with a population of 254–360 breeding pairs.

Methods Twenty-five wetlands in Spain were surveyed and presence/absence of Iberian Reed Buntings was deteremined together with data on 41 environmental variables. The relationships between the birds and habitat data were investigated using glm.

Results Proportion of rush with reeds, proportion of reed–bulrush patches and perimeter length of rush–reed patches, were the variables that primarily explained the present distribution of Eastern Iberian Reed Buntings. Other vegetation classes traditionally associated with the presence of the Eastern Iberian Reed Buntings, such as sedges, were not found to be important in the selected models.

Conclusion Conservation planning and management guidelines for this subspecies should focus on encouraging these specific-vegetation parameters. Flood control and grazing are proposed as the best practices that will favour these vegetation variables and avoid simplification of the plant community.  相似文献   

Rates of brood parasitism vary extensively among host species and populations of a single host species. In this study, we documented and compared parasitism rates of two sympatric hosts, the Oriental Reed Warbler (Acrocephalus orientalis) and the Reed Parrotbill (Paradoxornis heudei), in three populations in China. We found that the Common Cuckoo (Cuculus canorus) is the only parasite using both the Oriental Reed Warbler and Reed Parrotbill as hosts, with a parasitism rate of 22.4%-34.3% and 0%-4.6%, respectively. The multiple parasitism rates were positively correlated with local parasitism rates across three geographic populations of Oriental Reed Warbler, which implies that higher pressure of parasitism lead to higher multiple parasitism rate. Furthermore, only one phenotype of cuckoo eggs was found in the nests of these two host species. Our results lead to two conclusions: (1) The Oriental Reed Warbler should be considered the major host of Common Cuckoo in our study sites; and (2) obligate parasitism on Oriental Reed Warbler by Common Cuckoo is specialized but flexible to some extent, i.e., using Reed Parrotbill as a secondary host. Further studies focusing on egg recognition and rejection behaviour of these two host species should be conducted to test our predictions.  相似文献   

Lipid phospholipid and fatty acid compositions, fluidity, phase transition temperatures and membrane-bound Ca2+ ,Mn2+ ,Mg2+-ATPase activities of plasmolemmas extracted from four reed Phragmites communis Trin. ecotypes in Hexi Corridor of Gansu province were investigated. The results showed that all plasmolemmas of the four reed ecotypes consisted of the same six phospholipid and seven fatty acid components, but their proportions in the plasmolemma lipids of various reed ecotypes were markedly different. Index of unsaturated fatty acid (IUFA)and fluidity of plasmolemmas increased in the sequence of swamp-,dune-, meadow-dune transitional zone, salt meadow reeds. The plasmolemmas of all reed ecotypes showed phase transition in the two ranges of low-, high temperatures (4–6℃, 20–28 ℃ ), their phase transition temperatures in the latter were markedly different, Plasmolemma-bound Ca2+ ,Mn2+ ,Mg2+-ATPase activity positively related to IUFA and fluidity. Combining the membrane properties with environments,in comparison with swamp reeds, the increases of phosphatidylcholine, cardiolipin and the significant rising of IUFA in plasmolemma lipids are closely responsible for reed saR-tolerance, whereas the increase of phosphatidylglycerol and the suitable rising of IUFA make a contribution to reed drought-tolerance.  相似文献   

We examined long-term responses in the breeding performance of the Great Reed Warblers Acrocephalus arundinaceus to climate change. The study took place in various years from 1970 to 2007. During the study period, mean temperatures in the breeding season of the species increased and precipitation decreased significantly. We found evidence for the significant advancement in both earliest and annual median first-egg-laying dates. This advancement correlated with temperature increases early in the season. The latest first-egg laying dates, however, remained unchanged. Other breeding statistics: clutch size, nest losses, and production of young per nest, did not change significantly over the study period. Precipitation did not affect any of the analysed measures. It is important to note, though, that during dry seasons, the production of young per successful nest was higher. In contrast to some woodland species, the Great Reed Warbler seems to adapt well to climate change by shifting laying dates. The reason for this is probably to optimise food resources.  相似文献   

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