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植物物种入侵研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
详细阐述了生物入侵对生态系统的危害、对社会经济造成的严重损失,重点论述了植物外来种入侵的机制:化学介导机制、植物基因交流机制和干扰机制等;影响入侵的因素:外因、内因,其中外因主要是人为原因和环境因素。总结了植物生态入侵的预防、控制、去除策略及方法,包括机械、化学和生物方法,探讨了今后植物生态入侵的研究重点。  相似文献   

湿地生态系统中凤眼莲(Eichhornia crassipes)入侵造成湿地植物群落结构退化及功能崩溃,直接影响沉水植物的生长繁殖及初级生产力。目前关于凤眼莲的入侵机制有一定的研究,而关于凤眼莲入侵程度对沉水植物金鱼藻(Ceratophyllum demersum)和黑藻(Hydrilla verticillate)生长及种间关系的影响相对缺乏。以外来入侵植物凤眼莲,沉水植物金鱼藻和黑藻为研究对象,设计凤眼莲入侵程度(无入侵,轻度入侵对应盖度25%,重度入侵对应盖度75%)交叉定植方式(黑藻单种模式、金鱼藻单种模式,金鱼藻和黑藻混种模式)的控制实验,探究凤眼莲入侵强度对沉水植物金鱼藻和黑藻生长及种间关系的影响。结果表明,凤眼莲入侵程度显著降低了金鱼藻的生物量、分枝数;黑藻的株高、分枝数和分节数。无凤眼莲入侵时,两种沉水植物生物量均最大,两者种间竞争关系较强;随凤眼莲入侵盖度增加,两种沉水植物的生物量先急剧降低后略微增加,种间关系经过微弱促进后又变为竞争作用,其中黑藻表现出明显的竞争优势。此外,凤眼莲入侵略微降低了水体中的总氮、总磷含量。结构方程模型分析结果表明凤眼莲入侵以及水体总氮、总磷等水体理化性质对沉水植物生长均有显著负向影响(P<0.05),且水体理化性质对沉水植物生长的影响强于凤眼莲入侵。总之,凤眼莲入侵显著降低了金鱼藻和黑藻生长繁殖,随着凤眼莲入侵程度增加,两种沉水植物种间关系由竞争转变为促进再转变为竞争。研究结果为凤眼莲入侵有效控制及湿地沉水植被的恢复与重建提供了一定的理论依据和技术支撑。  相似文献   

红河流域的外来人侵植物   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:8  
红河流域是中国生物多样性最为丰富的地区,植物区系起源古老,生态系统类型复杂多样.本文论述了红河流域外来入侵植物的现状,列举了73种红河流域外来入侵物的种类,对危害比较严重的紫茎泽兰、飞机草、马樱丹、肿柄菊、凤眼莲和空心莲子草6种植物作了具体介绍.对外来入侵植物的控制对策,入侵植物本身的生物学特性的研究、保护生物多样性和退化生态系统的恢复以及路域生态系统管理等几方面作了论述.结果表明,减少人类对生态系统的干扰和破坏,恢复本地植被是防止外来入侵植物入侵的有效途径.  相似文献   

红河流域的外来入侵植物   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
红河流域是中国生物多样性最为丰富的地区,植物区系起源古老,生态系统类型复杂多样.本文论述了红河流域外来入侵植物的现状,列举了73种红河流域外来入侵物的种类,对危害比较严重的紫茎泽兰、飞机草、马樱丹、肿柄菊、凤眼莲和空心莲子草6种植物作了具体介绍.对外来入侵植物的控制对策,入侵植物本身的生物学特性的研究、保护生物多样性和退化生态系统的恢复以及路域生态系统管理等几方面作了论述.结果表明,减少人类对生态系统的干扰和破坏,恢复本地植被是防止外来入侵植物入侵的有效途径.  相似文献   

污染河道治理技术研究进展   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26  
河道综合整治已引起人们广泛关注。综述了国内外河道治理常用的物理、化学和生物等方法的原理和工艺。物理法介绍了调水、机械除藻、底泥疏浚等,该法治标不治本;化学法有混凝沉淀,它易造成产生二次污染;生态-生物法是国外近年来发展很快的,借助自然界自身的水体自净能力治理受污水体的一类新技术,包括河道曝气法、生物膜法、生物修复技术,土地处理法等。同时也介绍了目前发展起来的最新河道治理工艺,如悬浮填料移动床、曝气生态净化系统和底泥生物氧化等多种方法,这类工艺是将生物法与其他工艺相结合,具有多功能、高效率等特点。  相似文献   

不同营养水平对外来物种凤眼莲生长特征及其竞争力的影响   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
入侵种凤眼莲(Eichhorniacrassipes)在中国的泛滥不仅与其强大的适应力和繁殖能力有关,还与水体的富营养化有很大的关系。作者通过盆栽实验比较了三个营养水平的模拟富营养条件下凤眼莲的生长特征和对当地种黄花水龙(Ludwigiapeploidesssp.stipulacea)和黑藻(Hydrillaverticillata)两个不同生长型的影响。结果表明:富营养条件增强了凤眼莲的生长繁殖能力,使其平均每母株克隆分株数、平均株高以及总生物量极大的增加。凤眼莲的生长优势导致了其竞争优势,对黄花水龙和黑藻都发生了明显的竞争效应。迅速繁殖的凤眼莲覆盖大量水面,通过排挤作用抑制了黄花水龙的生长(低营养水平除外);黑藻因光照缺乏,导致正常光合作用受阻,生物量急剧下降。凤眼莲对黑藻的竞争效应较黄花水龙更强。富营养化的水体为凤眼莲的成功入侵提供了优越条件,因此解决当前水体的富营养化状况能有效控制凤眼莲入侵,同时也有利于本地生物多样性的保护。  相似文献   

凤眼莲种植对滇池水体环境质量的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用凤眼莲进行富营养化水体水质净化和生态恢复已经成为水生生态系统修复的一种有效途径。为了探明凤眼莲在净化水质时对水体环境质量的影响, 于2010年4月-2011年3月对滇池凤眼莲种植区域水体环境质量进行了监测, 并与对照组进行了比较研究, 结果表明, 凤眼莲种植降低了水体pH值、透明度、光照强度和溶解氧含量, 与对照区相比, 凤眼莲种植增加了水体中硫化物的含量, 凤眼莲种植对水体环境质量的影响呈一定的月份波动, 推测认为这与凤眼莲本身的生长特性相关。研究结果为大面积种植凤眼莲进行水质净化和水体修复时生态安全控制提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

丁瑜欣  吴娟  成水平 《生物安全学报》2020,29(3):176-180,190
生物入侵是当今世界难题之一,成为维护生物安全和生态安全的共同挑战。水盾草作为一种流行的观赏水草,原分布于美洲中部,伴随人类商业、运输等活动迁移到世界各地,现已成功入侵了亚洲、欧洲和大洋洲等地区,也在我国长三角地区广泛分布。本文介绍了水盾草的生态习性、危害、入侵成因、防治与管理等方面,从生物学特征和生境分析其入侵机制。由于很强的繁殖扩散能力和对新环境的适应能力等特性,水盾草一旦定居,即迅速生长,争夺本地物种的生存空间和资源,对入侵区域的环境、生物、经济产生负面影响。适宜的气候条件、空生态位资源是水盾草入侵的外部环境因素。目前,多种物理、化学和生物控制方法用于管理水盾草,但治理效果不一,需要综合使用多种手段,重复干预以达到管控的目的。为防止水盾草在我国大面积泛滥,亟需开展基础研究,科学预测;针对可能入侵水域,研究提出早期发现和快速响应的综合管理措施,科学治理和管理水盾草。  相似文献   

生物入侵对入侵地生态系统的稳定性及社会经济造成严重危害,成为全球三大环境问题之一。为有效治理入侵植物,结合常采用的物理、化学和生物防治等方法,从防治机制方面分析土著种替代控制入侵植物的有效性。通常土著种替代控制入侵植物是由于土著植物向环境中分泌化感物质,使得土壤中的微生物、动物以及化学成分相互作用,从而改变了入侵植物的生存环境。同时,土著植物利用自身的优势条件与入侵植物进行养分和光能等资源竞争,使入侵植物处于不利地位。通过对替代控制机理的概述,提出了替代植物的选择方法,讨论了需要进一步加强的领域,以期拓展替代控制这一领域的广度和深度,为入侵植物的生态防治提供理论依据。  相似文献   

生物入侵对鸟类的生态影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生物入侵是全球生物多样性面临的最主要威胁之一, 入侵种在改变入侵地环境的同时也使当地的生物受到极大影响。鸟类在生态系统中处于较高的营养级, 生态系统中任何一个环节的变化都可能对鸟类造成一定的影响。本文回顾了哺乳动物、鸟类、无脊椎动物和植物等不同生物类群的入侵对本地鸟类生态影响方面的研究进展。外来生物对鸟类的影响主要表现在以下几方面: (1)外来哺乳动物对成鸟、幼鸟或鸟卵的捕食作用; (2)外来鸟类与本地鸟类竞争栖息地和食物资源, 与当地的近缘种杂交而造成基因流失; (3)外来无脊椎动物改变本地鸟类的栖息环境和食物状况, 甚至直接捕食本地鸟类; (4)外来植物入侵改变入侵地的植物群落组成和结构, 造成本地鸟类的栖息地丧失或破碎化, 并通过改变入侵地生态系统的食物链结构而对高营养级的鸟类产生影响。最后, 作者还提出了该领域有待解决的问题和今后可能的研究方向。  相似文献   

Water hyacinth, Eichhornia crassipes (Mart) Solms, originating in the amazonian basin, is a warm water aquatic plant. Water hyacinth is considered one of the most productive plants on earth and, accordingly, is considered one of the top ten world''s worst weeds. Water hyacinth spread to other tropical and subtropical regions by humans. It invaded about 62 countries in Africa, Asia and North America, and propagated extremely serious ecological, economical and social problems in the region between 40 degrees north and 45 degrees south. The dense weed of water hyacinth forms dense monocultures that can threaten local native species diversity and change the physical and chemical aquatic environment, thus altering ecosystem structure and function by disrupting food chains and nutrient cycling. We have separated and identified nine active fractions from water hyacinth and showed their promising therapeutic activities. Several compounds (alkaloid, phthalate derivatives, propanoid and phenyl derivatives) were identified in the extract of water hyacinth.Key words: water hyacinth, antimicrobial, anticancer, active compounds  相似文献   

Non-native species of fish threaten native fishes throughout North America, and in the Rocky Mountains, introduced populations of lake trout threaten native populations of bull trout. Effective management of lake trout and other exotic species require understanding the dynamics of invasion in order to either suppress non-native populations or to prevent their spread. In this study, we used microsatellite genetic data to estimate the number of lake trout that invaded a population of bull trout in Swan Lake, MT. Examination of genetic diversity and allele frequencies within the Swan Lake populations showed that most of the genes in the lake trout population are descended from two founders. This emphasizes the importance of preventing even a few lake trout from colonizing new territory.  相似文献   

1. Water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) is one of the world’s most invasive aquatic plants and is known to cause significant ecological and socio‐economic effects. 2. Water hyacinth can alter water clarity and decrease phytoplankton production, dissolved oxygen, nitrogen, phosphorous, heavy metals and concentrations of other contaminants. 3. The effects of water hyacinth on ecological communities appear to be largely nonlinear. Abundance and diversity of aquatic invertebrates generally increase in response to increased habitat heterogeneity and structural complexity provided by water hyacinth but decrease due to decreased phytoplankton (food) availability. 4. Effects of water hyacinth on fish are largely dependent on original community composition and food‐web structure. A more diverse and abundant epiphytic invertebrate community may increase fish abundance and diversity, but a decrease in phytoplankton may decrease dissolved oxygen concentrations and planktivorous fish abundance, subsequently affecting higher trophic levels. 5. Little is known about the effects of water hyacinth on waterbird communities; however, increases in macroinvertebrate and fish abundance and diversity suggest a potentially positive interaction with waterbirds when water hyacinth is at moderate density. 6. The socio‐economic effects of water hyacinth are dependent on the extent of the invasion, the uses of the impacted waterbody, control methods and the response to control efforts. Ecosystem‐level research programmes that simultaneously monitor the effects of water hyacinth on multiple trophic‐levels are needed to further our understanding of invasive species.  相似文献   

Ecosystems that are heavily invaded by an exotic species often contain abundant populations of other invasive species. This may reflect shared responses to a common factor, but may also reflect positive interactions among these exotic species. Armand Bayou (Pasadena, TX) is one such ecosystem where multiple species of invasive aquatic plants are common. We used this system to investigate whether presence of one exotic species made subsequent invasions by other exotic species more likely, less likely, or if it had no effect. We performed an experiment in which we selectively removed exotic rooted and/or floating aquatic plant species and tracked subsequent colonization and growth of native and invasive species. This allowed us to quantify how presence or absence of one plant functional group influenced the likelihood of successful invasion by members of the other functional group. We found that presence of alligatorweed (rooted plant) decreased establishment of new water hyacinth (free-floating plant) patches but increased growth of hyacinth in established patches, with an overall net positive effect on success of water hyacinth. Water hyacinth presence had no effect on establishment of alligatorweed but decreased growth of existing alligatorweed patches, with an overall net negative effect on success of alligatorweed. Moreover, observational data showed positive correlations between hyacinth and alligatorweed with hyacinth, on average, more abundant. The negative effect of hyacinth on alligatorweed growth implies competition, not strong mutual facilitation (invasional meltdown), is occurring in this system. Removal of hyacinth may increase alligatorweed invasion through release from competition. However, removal of alligatorweed may have more complex effects on hyacinth patch dynamics because there were strong opposing effects on establishment versus growth. The mix of positive and negative interactions between floating and rooted aquatic plants may influence local population dynamics of each group and thus overall invasion pressure in this watershed.  相似文献   

周晴  潘晓云 《植物生态学报》2014,38(10):1093-1098
为了探究凤眼蓝(别名凤眼莲, Eichhornia crassipes)入侵中国南部基塘区的主要原因, 对历史文献与档案资料进行了综合分析, 结果表明: 凤眼蓝在中国大陆的出现早于1930年。1911年后, 凤眼蓝曾入侵浙江省杭嘉湖平原水网河道。凤眼蓝也是1911年以来珠江三角洲地区十分常见的水生植物。1911-1980年, 基塘农业是浙江省的杭嘉湖地区和广东省珠江三角洲地区的典型农业经营模式, 凤眼蓝在这两个地区都曾被用作有机肥。20世纪50年代末至70年代, 长江流域曾推广凤眼蓝栽培技术, 对凤眼蓝进行了大规模的养植, 但1950-1980年的广积肥运动控制了凤眼蓝的繁殖速度和规模。1980年以来, 基塘地区成为长江三角洲和珠江三角洲城镇化与工业化快速发展的区域, 传统的循环农业经营模式普遍被废弃, 同时, 基塘区河网湿地水文生态环境的改变是凤眼蓝入侵中国南部基塘区的主要原因。  相似文献   

Aims European frogbit (Hydrocharis morsus-ranae L.) is an aquatic plant originating from Europe that has emerged as an invasive species, spreading in the USA and Canada since it was first brought to North America in 1932. It can now be found in many water bodies, from small ponds and long rivers to large lakes such as Lake Ontario and Lake Erie. The continuous spread of this species indicates its success as an invasive species despite legislative attempts to limit its distribution. Catling et al. (Catling PM, Miltrow G, Haber E, et al. (2003) The biology of Canadian weeds. 124. Hydrocharis morsus-ranae L. Can J Plant Sci 83:1001–16) wrote a thorough review about this invasive species in North America. Our review aims for a compilation of the most recent available data and recent studies on H. morsus-ranae L. and focuses primarily on its environmental uses, ecological impacts and management. The purpose of this review is to offer an organized and updated report on European frogbit that can be used towards future studies with the goal of eradicating this invasive species and providing insights on management of other invasive plants.Important findings Our findings reveal that European forgbit's ecological effects on other species and the invaded environment were shown to be less harmful than previously feared. European frogbit had negative impacts on native plants and reduced dissolved oxygen concentration. However, water chemistry, phytoplankton and zooplankton communities were actually not affected by European frogbit. For fungi, bacteria and macroinvertebrates, studies have showed complex and sometimes conflicting results. We also specifically discussed the new method to control this species using shading and the more recent studies on biological control. Shading with a shade cloth has been shown to effectively remove European frogbit and had minor environmental effects. However, using biological control to combat the spread of the invasive frogbit seems not as successful as we wished.  相似文献   

Human impacts on the African Great Lakes   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
The African Great Lakes are important sources of fishes and water for domestic use, are used as avenues of transport, and receive agricultural, domestic and industrial effluents and atmospheric residues. Some of these lakes have speciose fish faunas of great interest to science. The catchment areas of some of the lakes are highly populated and user conflicts have increased the demands on the lakes' resources. There have been drastic reductions in fish stocks in most of the lakes due to overfishing. Introductions of new fish species, though followed by increases in fish catches, have been accompanied by a decline and in some cases extinction of native fish species. Some of the lakes have been invaded by the water hyacinth, Eichhornia crassipes. Agricultural activities, deforestation and devegetation of the catchment areas have increased siltation, and led to loss of suitable habitats and biodiversity. There are increased nutrient inputs from agriculture, sewage and industrial discharges and combustion processes which can cause eutrophication. There are also increased threats of toxic pollution from industrial waste discharge, mining, pesticides, and oil residues and spills. Climatic changes may also affect thermal stability of the lakes. These factors threaten availability of dietary protein, clean water and biodiversity. National and international efforts are required to manage the fisheries, guide the introduction of exotics, conserve biodiversity, control the water hyacinth, control eutrophication, reduce input of contaminants and manage climate change.  相似文献   

Here we explore the utilization of Eichhornia crassipes, commonly known as water hyacinth, as a competitive source of biomass for conversion to fuel. Ecologically, E. crassipes is the most undesirable of a class of noxious and invasive aquatic vegetation. Water hyacinth grows rapidly on the surface of waterways, forming a dense mat which depletes the surrounding environment of essential nutrients. These properties, rarely encountered in other plant systems, are features of an ideal feedstock for renewable biomass. The high characteristic water content limits the range over which the material can be transported; however it also makes E. crassipes a natural substrate for rapid microbial metabolism that can be employed as a potentially effective biological pretreatment technology. We show through a life cycle analysis that water hyacinth is a competitive feedstock with the potential to be produced at a cost of approximately 40 dollars per ton of dry mass.  相似文献   

The objective of this review is to provide a concise summary of literature in the Chinese language since late 1970s and focuses on recent development in global scenarios. This work will replenish the FAO summary of water hyacinth utilization from 1917 to 1979 and review ecological and socioeconomic impacts of the water hyacinth from 1980 to 2010. This review also discusses the debate on whether the growth of the water hyacinth is a problem, a challenge or an opportunity. Literature suggested that integrated technologies and good management may be an effective solution and the perception of water hyacinth could change from that of a notorious aquatic weed to a valuable resource, including its utilization as a biological agent for the application in bioremediation for removing excess nutrients from eutrophic water bodies at low cost. Key aspects on system integration and innovation may focus on low-cost and efficient equipment and the creation of value-added goods from water hyacinth biomass. In the socioeconomic and ecological domain of global development, all the successful and sustainable management inputs for the water hyacinth must generate some sort of social and economic benefit simultaneously, as well as benefiting the ecosystem. Potential challenges exist in linkages between the management of water hyacinth on the large scale to the sustainable development of agriculture based on recycling nutrients, bio-energy production or silage and feed production. Further research and development may focus on more detailed biology of water hyacinth related with its utilization, cost–benefit analysis of middle to large-scale application of the technologies and innovation of the equipment used for harvesting and dehydrating the plant.  相似文献   

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