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刘星  陈奇 《生物工程学报》2020,36(6):1069-1082
单克隆抗体是重要的生物大分子,在免疫检测、体外诊断以及药物开发等领域获得广泛的应用。但是单克隆抗体的分子量大、结构复杂等固有属性正日益成为制约其进一步发展的关键因素。因此,当前迫切需要开发单克隆抗体的替代品。鲨源单域抗体即鲨源新抗原受体可变区(Variabledomainofimmunoglobulinnew antigenreceptor,VNAR),是基于鲨总目鱼类天然存在的新抗原受体(Immunoglobulinnewantigenreceptor,IgNAR)并通过基因工程技术获得的抗原结合域,其分子量仅为12kDa,是目前已知脊椎动物中尺寸最小的抗原结合域。鲨源单域抗体具有分子量小、亲和力高、稳定性强、溶解度好、组织穿透性强以及可识别隐藏抗原表位等优点,在免疫试剂以及药物开发等领域受到广泛的关注。文中综述了鲨源单域抗体的结构及功能特性、制备及人源化改造技术、亲和力成熟策略以及应用领域,并系统性分析了鲨源单域抗体的优缺点,最后对其发展前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

目的:利用小鼠IgG抗体Fc片段高特异、高亲和寡核苷酸配基,构建实时定量免疫PCR检测方法,提高抗体检测的灵敏度。方法:用SELEX技术从随机寡核苷酸文库中筛选抗体Fc片段特异寡核苷酸配基,设计合成信标序列,通过不对称PCR法,制备IgG Fc片段的核酸信标配基分子;32P标记核酸信标配基,采用琼脂糖凝胶阻滞双显色法鉴定核酸信标配基与IgG Fc片段结合的亲和力和特异性;制备IgG Fc特异性寡核苷酸信标配基-抗体复合检测分子,构建小鼠IgG Fc片段特异核酸信标配基介导的实时定量免疫PCR检测方法。结果:制备了IgG Fc片段的核酸信标配基分子;凝胶阻滞放射自显影和考马斯亮蓝二次染色结果显示该核酸信标配基分子与IgG Fc片段具有高度亲和力和活性,而且只与非变性IgG结合,与变性IgG不结合;IgG Fc片段的特异核酸信标配基与IgG结合形成复合检测分子,有效完成了信号传递和实时定量PCR信号放大过程。结论:初步建立了一种全新的核酸信标配基介导的免疫PCR检测方法,可有效提高现有IgG类抗体免疫检测的灵敏度和特异性。  相似文献   

自1986年第一个抗体药物OKT-3上市以来,越来越多的治疗性单克隆抗体进入临床研究并获批上市,利用治疗性单克隆抗体进行靶向治疗已经成为对抗癌症、病毒感染以及免疫性疾病的有效手段。随着细胞工程技术和基因工程技术的进步,为了更好的发挥单克隆抗体的治疗效果,研究人员已经进行了大量的研究来探索抗体的结构性质与其功能之间的联系,其中一个关键领域就是通过Fc工程改造来调节抗体与免疫系统的相互作用。本文将针对IgG结构、IgG抗体Fc区域的作用机理、IgG抗体亚型及Fc区功能差异、Fc区域的改造策略及Fc改造抗体的临床应用及发展前景进行综述。  相似文献   

双特异性抗体是指通过化学交联、细胞工程和基因工程方法制备的一种可以在体内、外特异识别两种抗原并能与之结合产生生物学效应的抗体分子,在免疫学检测与肿瘤药物导向治疗和介导细胞毒作用中应用广泛。近年来,对双特异性抗体制备与应用的研究越来越深入,本文仅就这两方面研究的最新进展作一介绍。  相似文献   

用硫氰酸盐洗脱法直接测定噬菌体抗体的相对亲和力   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
抗体与相应抗原的结合可以被硫氰酸盐洗脱而解离,抗体的亲和力越高则解离所需要的硫氰酸盐浓度就越大,这一原理在传统的免疫学实验中被用来测定单克隆抗体或多克隆抗体的相对亲和力。如果证明该原理同样适用于噬菌体抗体库技术,则可以建立一种直接测定噬菌体抗体相对亲和力的简便方法。首先将噬菌体抗体与工作浓度的硫氰酸盐共孵育,以证明这一过程并不影响其后的ELISA反应,然后参照硫氰酸盐洗脱法测定完整抗体分子和Fab段相对亲和力的方法,在ELISA实验中以酶标抗M13为二抗检测了5个单克隆噬菌体抗体的相对亲和力,并与相对应的可溶性Fab段的相对亲和力进行了比较。被测抗体中包括3个克隆的抗角蛋白抗体和2个克隆的抗乙型肝炎表面抗原抗体。结果发现,用硫氰酸盐洗脱法测定5个噬菌体抗体所得到的亲和力排序与测定其相应可溶性Fab段所得结果一致,表明硫氰酸盐洗脱法可作为一种简便快速的方法用来直接测定噬菌体抗体的相对亲和力。  相似文献   

目的:制备特异性抗人表皮生长因子受体(EGFR)的单链抗体(sc Fv),鉴定其生物学活性,为进一步研究基于单链抗体的免疫治疗奠定基础。方法:从分泌抗人EGFR单克隆抗体的杂交瘤细胞系提取总RNA,利用5'RACE技术扩增轻链和重链可变区(VL、VH)基因,构建具有VL、VH基因的单链抗体基因,并将构建的单链抗体基因克隆到真核细胞表达载体pc DNA3.1中进行表达和鉴定。ELISA鉴定单链抗体对抗原的特异性;Fortebio检测抗原抗体间的亲和力,流式细胞术检测单链抗体结合肺癌细胞系天然EGFR的功能活性。结果:获得唯一的轻重链可变区序列VL、VH,成功构建EGFR-sc Fv,特异性与天然EGFR蛋白结合,亲和力达3.22×10-9mol/L。结论:成功构建了抗人EGFR单链抗体,为肺癌免疫导向治疗研究奠定了基础。  相似文献   

抗体依赖性细胞介导的细胞毒性作用(antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity,ADCC)是一种固有免疫和适应性免疫相结合的免疫学效应。ADCC效应主要是通过效应细胞膜表面的受体IgG Fc受体(Fc receptor,FcR)如FcγRIIIa(CD16)、FcγRIIc(CD32)、FcγRI(CD64)识别靶细胞膜表面抗原,结合相应IgG抗体的Fc段而促发效应细胞脱颗粒和细胞因子分泌的一类细胞毒效应。对人类免疫缺陷病毒(human immunodeficiency virus,HIV)感染已有研究证实了,ADCC效应在控制HIV感染中发挥着重要作用。现对ADCC效应在抗HIV感染中的作用作一综述。  相似文献   

重组抗体药物研究进展及应用   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
重组抗体药物的发展经历了鼠源单克隆抗体(McAb)、人 鼠嵌合抗体、人源化抗体和全人抗体等阶段,目前初步应用于抗肿瘤、抗自身免疫病、抗感染等领域。保持和提高抗体的亲和力、降低抗体的免疫原性是抗体药物基因工程改造的两大原则。在嵌合抗体成功的基础上,通过CDR移植、表面修饰、抗体库以及转基因鼠技术,逐步提高人源化程度至100%。然而,实验室水平的研究结果与实际应用仍然存在一定差距。就重组抗体药物的基本概况、现存的问题与可能的解决办法以及在肿瘤、病毒性疾病和阿尔茨海默病治疗上的应用情况等进行了综述。  相似文献   

抗A型肉毒毒素人源单链抗体融合蛋白的重组设计   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以获得的抗A型肉毒毒素单链抗体为模板,进行融合改构,将人IgGl的Fc片段连接到ScFv的C端,在大肠杆菌中实现抗体融合蛋白ScFv—Fc的表达,表达量30%以上,蛋白以包含体形式存在,经过体外变复性的抗体融合蛋白ScFv.Fc,进行Protein G Sepharose柱亲和层析纯化,纯度达90%-95%。体外活性检测结果表明,重组抗体融合蛋白ScFvFc可以特异结合A型肉毒类毒素抗原,其相对亲和力近似于母本单链抗体,其稳定性高于母本单链抗体。  相似文献   

为了探讨人源抗甲型肝炎(甲肝)病毒scFv—Fc融合抗体在酵母中的表达特性,将获得的人源抗甲肝病毒中和性单链可变区抗体(scFv抗体)基因克隆入含信号肽及人IgG1Fc抗体基因的酵母细胞表达载体中,获得了一株中和性人源抗甲肝病毒pPiscFv—FcHA16融合抗体的分泌表达,并对表达产物进行了纯化。同时对表达产物的生物学特性进行了一系列鉴定。表达的pPiscFv—FcHA16融合抗体为具有不同糖基化形式的同源二聚体,与相应的CHO细胞表达的IgG抗体相比,pPiscFv—FcHA16融合抗体仍保持很好的抗原结合活性,以及与中和性鼠抗甲肝病毒单克隆抗体的竞争抑制能力。同时也保持了对甲肝病毒的体外中和活性。这些结果表明,在酵母中表达的单链可变区(scFv)与IgG1Fc区的融合抗体具有很好的生物学活性,有希望用做体外诊断,用纯化相应的抗原,或者可能用于体内预防与治疗。  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies have become a general modality in therapeutic development. However, even with infinite binding affinity to an antigen, a conventional antibody is limited in that it can bind to the antigen only once, and this results in antigen-mediated antibody clearance when the a membrane-bound antigen is targeted, or in antibody-mediated antigen accumulation when a soluble antigen is targeted. Recently, a pH-dependent antigen-binding antibody that binds to an antigen in plasma at neutral pH and dissociates from the antigen in endosome at acidic pH has been reported to overcome this limitation and to reduce antigen-mediated antibody clearance and antibody-mediated antigen accumulation. A pH-dependent binding antibody against a soluble antigen can be further improved by Fc engineering to enhance the Fc receptor binding. Various approaches, including histidine-based engineering, direct cloning from immunized animals, and synthetic and combinatorial libraries, have been successfully applied to generate pH-dependent binding antibodies against various antigens. This review discusses the features, approaches, advantages, and challenges of developing a pH-dependent binding antibody as a novel therapeutic modality. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Recent advances in molecular engineering of antibody.  相似文献   

A new modality in antibody engineering has emerged in which the antigen affinity is designed to be pH dependent (PHD). In particular, combining high affinity binding at neutral pH with low affinity binding at acidic pH leads to a novel antibody that can more effectively neutralize the target antigen while avoiding antibody-mediated antigen accumulation. Here, we studied how the in vivo pharmacokinetics of the superantigen, Staphylococcal enterotoxin B (SEB), is affected by an engineered antibody with pH-dependent binding. PHD anti-SEB antibodies were engineered by introducing mutations into a high affinity anti-SEB antibody, 3E2, by rational design and directed evolution. Three antibody mutants engineered in the study have an affinity at pH 6.0 that is up to 68-fold weaker than the control antibody. The pH dependency of each mutant, measured as the pH-dependent affinity ratio (PAR – ratio of affinity at pH 7.4 and pH 6.0), ranged from 6.7–11.5 compared to 1.5 for the control antibody. The antibodies were characterized in mice by measuring their effects on the pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics (PK) of SEB after co-administration. All antibodies were effective in neutralizing the toxin and reducing the toxin-induced cytokine production. However, engineered PHD antibodies led to significantly faster elimination of the toxin from the circulation than wild type 3E2. The area under the curve computed from the SEB PK profile correlated well with the PAR value of antibody, indicating the importance of fine tuning the pH dependency of binding. These results suggest that a PHD recycling antibody may be useful to treat intoxication from a bacterial toxin by accelerating its clearance.  相似文献   

Pharmacokinetic (PK) testing of a humanized (κI, VH3 framework) and affinity matured anti-hepatitis C virus E2-glycoprotein (HCV-E2) antibody (hu5B3.κ1VH3.v3) in rats revealed unexpected fast clearance (34.9 mL/day/kg). This antibody binds to the rat recycling receptor FcRn as expected for a human IgG1 antibody and does not display non-specific binding to baculovirus particles in an assay that is correlated with fast clearance in cynomolgus monkey. The antigen is not expressed in rat so target-dependent clearance does not contribute to PK. Removal of the affinity maturation changes (hu5B3.κ1VH3.v1) did not restore normal clearance. The antibody was re-humanized on a κ4, VH1 framework and the non-affinity matured version (hu5B3.κ4VH1.v1) was shown to have normal clearance (8.5 mL/day/kg). Since the change in framework results in a lower pI, primarily due to more negative charge on the κ4 template, the effect of additional charge variation on antibody PK was tested by incorporating substitutions obtained through phage display affinity maturation of hu5B3.κ1VH3.v1. A variant having a pI of 8.61 gave very fast clearance (140 mL/day/kg) whereas a molecule with pI of 6.10 gave slow clearance (5.8 mL/kg/day). Both antibodies exhibited comparable binding to rat FcRn, but biodistribution experiments showed that the high pI variant was catabolized in liver and spleen. These results suggest antibody charge can have an effect on PK through alterations in antibody catabolism independent of FcRn-mediated recycling. Furthermore, introduction of affinity maturation changes into the lower pI framework yielded a candidate with PK and virus neutralization properties suitable for clinical development.  相似文献   

Antibodies with pH-dependent binding to both target antigens and neonatal Fc receptor (FcRn) provide an alternative tool to conventional neutralizing antibodies, particularly for therapies where reduction in antigen level is challenging due to high target burden. However, the requirements for optimal binding kinetic framework and extent of pH dependence for these antibodies to maximize target clearance from circulation are not well understood. We have identified a series of naturally-occurring high affinity antibodies with pH-dependent target binding properties. By in vivo studies in cynomolgus monkeys, we show that pH-dependent binding to the target alone is not sufficient for effective target removal from circulation, but requires Fc mutations that increase antibody binding to FcRn. Affinity-enhanced pH-dependent FcRn binding that is double-digit nM at pH 7.4 and single-digit nM at pH 6 achieved maximal target reduction when combined with similar target binding affinities in reverse pH directions. Sustained target clearance below the baseline level was achieved 3 weeks after single-dose administration at 1.5 mg/kg. Using the experimentally derived mechanistic model, we demonstrate the essential kinetic interplay between target turnover and antibody pH-dependent binding during the FcRn recycling, and identify the key components for achieving maximal target clearance. These results bridge the demand for improved patient dosing convenience with the “know-how” of therapeutic modality by design.  相似文献   

Pharmacokinetic (PK) testing of a humanized (κI, VH3 framework) and affinity matured anti-hepatitis C virus E2-glycoprotein (HCV-E2) antibody (hu5B3.κ1VH3.v3) in rats revealed unexpected fast clearance (34.9 mL/day/kg). This antibody binds to the rat recycling receptor FcRn as expected for a human IgG1 antibody and does not display non-specific binding to baculovirus particles in an assay that is correlated with fast clearance in cynomolgus monkey. The antigen is not expressed in rat so target-dependent clearance does not contribute to PK. Removal of the affinity maturation changes (hu5B3.κ1VH3.v1) did not restore normal clearance. The antibody was re-humanized on a κ4, VH1 framework and the non-affinity matured version (hu5B3.κ4VH1.v1) was shown to have normal clearance (8.5 mL/day/kg). Since the change in framework results in a lower pI, primarily due to more negative charge on the κ4 template, the effect of additional charge variation on antibody PK was tested by incorporating substitutions obtained through phage display affinity maturation of hu5B3.κ1VH3.v1. A variant having a pI of 8.61 gave very fast clearance (140 mL/day/kg) whereas a molecule with pI of 6.10 gave slow clearance (5.8 mL/kg/day). Both antibodies exhibited comparable binding to rat FcRn, but biodistribution experiments showed that the high pI variant was catabolized in liver and spleen. These results suggest antibody charge can have an effect on PK through alterations in antibody catabolism independent of FcRn-mediated recycling. Furthermore, introduction of affinity maturation changes into the lower pI framework yielded a candidate with PK and virus neutralization properties suitable for clinical development.  相似文献   

The presence or absence of core fucose in the Fc region N-linked glycans of antibodies affects their binding affinity toward FcγRIIIa as well as their antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity (ADCC) activity. However, the quantitative nature of this structure-function relationship remains unclear. In this study, the in vitro biological activity of an afucosylated anti-CD20 antibody was fully characterized. Further, the effect of fucose reduction on Fc effector functions was quantitatively evaluated using the afucosylated antibody, its “regular” fucosylated counterpart and a series of mixtures containing varying proportions of “regular” and afucosylated materials. Compared with the “regular” fucosylated antibody, the afucosylated antibody demonstrated similar binding interactions with the target antigen (CD20), C1q and FcγRIa, moderate increases in binding to FcγRIIa and IIb, and substantially increased binding to FcγRIIIa. The afucosylated antibodies also showed comparable complement-dependent cytotoxicity activity but markedly increased ADCC activity. Based on EC50 values derived from dose-response curves, our results indicate that the amount of afucosylated glycan in antibody samples correlate with both FcγRIIIa binding activity and ADCC activity in a linear fashion. Furthermore, the extent of ADCC enhancement due to fucose depletion was not affected by the FcγRIIIa genotype of the effector cells.  相似文献   

Antibody interactions with Fcγ receptors (FcγRs), like FcγRIIIA, play a critical role in mediating antibody effector functions and thereby contribute significantly to the biologic and therapeutic activity of antibodies. Over the past decade, considerable work has been directed towards production of antibodies with altered binding affinity to FcγRs and evaluation of how the alterations modulate their therapeutic activity. This has been achieved by altering glycosylation status at N297 or by engineering modifications in the crystallizable fragment (Fc) region. While the effects of these modifications on biologic activity and efficacy have been examined, few studies have been conducted to understand their effect on antibody pharmacokinetics (PK). We present here a retrospective analysis in which we characterize the PK of three antibody variants with decreased FcγR binding affinity caused by amino acid substitutions in the Fc region (N297A, N297G, and L234A/L235A) and three antibody variants with increased FcγRIIIA binding affinity caused by afucosylation at N297, and compare their PK to corresponding wild type antibody PK in cynomolgus monkeys. For all antibodies, PK was examined at a dose that was known to be in the linear range. Since production of the N297A and N297G variants in Chinese hamster ovary cells results in aglycosylated antibodies that do not bind to FcγRs, we also examined the effect of expression of an aglycosylated antibody, without sequence change(s), in E. coli. All the variants demonstrated similar PK compared with that of the wild type antibodies, suggesting that, for the six antibodies presented here, altered FcγR binding affinity does not affect PK.  相似文献   

The pH-dependent antigen binding antibody, termed a recycling antibody, has recently been reported as an attractive type of second-generation engineered therapeutic antibody. A recycling antibody can dissociate antigen in the acidic endosome, and thus bind to its antigen multiple times. As a consequence, a recycling antibody can neutralize large amounts of antigen in plasma. Because this approach relies on histidine residues to achieve pH-dependent antigen binding, which could limit the epitopes that can be targeted and affect the rate of antigen dissociation in the endosome, we explored an alternative approach for generating recycling antibodies. Since calcium ion concentration is known to be lower in endosome than in plasma, we hypothesized that an antibody with antigen-binding properties that are calcium-dependent could be used as recycling antibody. Here, we report a novel anti-interleukin-6 receptor (IL-6R) antibody, identified from a phage library that binds to IL-6R only in the presence of a calcium ion. Thermal dynamics and a crystal structure study revealed that the calcium ion binds to the heavy chain CDR3 region (HCDR3), which changes and possibly stabilizes the structure of HCDR3 to make it bind to antigen calcium dependently (PDB 5AZE). In vitro and in vivo studies confirmed that this calcium-dependent antigen-binding antibody can dissociate its antigen in the endosome and accelerate antigen clearance from plasma, making it a novel approach for generating recycling antibody.  相似文献   

Modulating the binding affinities to IgE or changing the FcγR binding properties of anti-IgE antibodies offers an opportunity to enhance the therapeutic potential of anti-IgE antibodies, but the influence of increased affinity to IgE or reduced Fc effector function on the pharmacological properties of anti-IgE therapies remains unclear. Our studies were designed to characterize the pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics and immune-complex distribution of two high-affinity anti-IgE monoclonal antibodies, high-affinity anti-IgE antibody (HAE) 1 and 2, in mice and monkeys. HAE1, also known as PRO98498, is structurally similar to omalizumab (Xolair®), a humanized anti-IgE IgG1 marketed for the treatment of asthma, but differs by 9 amino acid changes in the complementarity-determining region resulting in a 23-fold improvement in affinity. HAE2 is similar to HAE1, but its Fc region was altered to reduce binding to Fcγ receptors. As expected given the decreased binding to Fcγ receptors, systemic exposure to pre-formed HAE2:IgE complexes in mice was greater (six-fold) and distribution to the liver lower (four-fold) compared with HAE1:IgE complexes. In monkeys, systemic exposure to HAE1 was similar to that previously observed for omalizumab in this species, but required comparatively lower serum drug concentrations to suppress free IgE levels. HAE2 treatment resulted in greater exposure and greater increase of total IgE, relative to HAE1, because of decreased clearance of HAE2:IgE complexes. Overall, these data suggest that increased binding affinity to IgE may provide a more effective therapeutic for asthma patients, and that retaining FcγR binding of the anti-IgE antibody is important for elimination of anti-IgE:IgE complexes.  相似文献   

Multispecificity is not a well-understood property of some antibodies. Different functions have been attributed to multispecific natural antibodies, commonly associated with the neutralization and clearance of antigens. Much less is known about the role of antibodies like these, based on their idiotypic connectivity. B7Y33 is a chimeric IgG1 version of a polyreactive α anti-idiotype antibody that is able to interact with different immunoglobulin and non-immunoglobulin antigens. Here we report the capacity of this antibody to enhance the immunogenicity of several autologous IgMs in adjuvant-free conditions. Our results suggest that the formation of immune complexes seems to be necessary, but not sufficient, to this activity. The potential involvement of the interaction of B7Y33 with the FcγRIIb is discussed.  相似文献   

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