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【目的】烟粉虱Bemisia tabaci是转基因棉的非靶标害虫,对棉花生产造成严重影响。本文探讨转Bt基因棉花中Cry1Ac蛋白在棉花-烟粉虱-龟纹瓢食物链中的传递规律,以期为转基因棉的环境安全评价提供科学依据。【方法】在实验室条件下,以常规棉SM3号、33、SY321为对照,分析转Bt基因棉花GK12、XM33B、SGK321叶片、在这些棉花上取食的烟粉虱、以及捕食烟粉虱的瓢虫体内Cry1Ac蛋白含量。同时,将取食转Bt基因棉花上的烟粉虱的瓢虫转接到对应的受体亲本棉花上,分析瓢虫体内Cry1Ac蛋白含量变化规律。【结果】在转Bt基因棉花上取食的烟粉虱成虫和若虫以及它们的蜜露中均能检测到Cry1Ac蛋白,以转Bt基因棉花上的烟粉虱若虫为食料的龟纹瓢虫体Propylaea japonica内也能检测到Cry1Ac蛋白。龟纹瓢虫取食转Bt基因棉花上的烟粉虱若虫1 d后体内即能检测到Cry1Ac蛋白,并且随着取食时间的延长,体内Cry1Ac蛋白的含量逐渐增加,但到第6~8天后Cry1Ac蛋白的含量相对稳定。取食3个不同品种棉花上烟粉虱若虫的龟纹瓢虫体内Cry1Ac蛋白的含量存在明显差异,这种差异与棉花叶片上表达的Cry1Ac蛋白量呈正相关。但取食后6 d,在3个品种棉花上取食的龟纹瓢虫体内的Cry1Ac蛋白含量之间没有明显的差异。以转Bt基因棉花上的烟粉虱若虫为食料的龟纹瓢虫转移到对应的常规棉亲本上以后,体内的Cry1Ac蛋白的含量迅速下降,但10 d后仍能检测到微量的Cry1Ac蛋白。【结论】转Bt基因棉花中的Cry1Ac蛋白可以通过烟粉虱途径传递到龟纹瓢虫体内,龟纹瓢虫对食料中的Cry1Ac蛋白具有富集作用,并且Cry1Ac蛋白的富集存在饱和现象,富集饱和量与食料中的Cry1Ac含量无关;龟纹瓢虫脱离含有Cry1Ac蛋白的食料环境后,体内的Cry1Ac蛋白可以消减,但在10 d时间内龟纹瓢虫体内仍会有Cry1Ac残留。  相似文献   

【背景】转基因棉花在商业化种植之前,必须评价其环境安全性。其中新型棉花材料的生存竞争能力和对物种丰富度的影响是评价的重要内容。【方法】以转Cry1Ac+Cry2Ab基因棉为试验材料,转Cry1Ac棉花中棉所41和非转基因棉花中棉所49为对照品种,分别于2014年5~9月对棉花株高、主茎叶片数、叶绿素含量、比叶面积、果枝数、蕾铃数等生长参数进行比较,同时对二代、三代和四代棉铃虫发生期棉田物种丰富度进行系统调查。【结果】转Cry1Ac+Cry2Ab棉花的生长势与转Cry1Ac棉花和非转基因棉花基本相当,没有表现出明显的竞争优势;产量构成参数在成铃和脱落等方面比非转基因棉表现出良好的优势。对棉田节肢动物物种丰富度的影响表明,转Cry1Ac+Cry2Ab棉花对靶标害虫棉铃虫具有良好的控制效果,对主要刺吸性害虫棉蚜、棉蓟马、烟粉虱、绿盲蝽与天敌龟纹瓢虫、草间小黑蛛、草蛉和小花蝽等的种群丰富度在个别时期有所影响,但总体上与转Cry1Ac棉田和非转基因棉田没有显著性差异。【结论与意义】转Cry1Ac+Cry2Ab棉花无竞争优势,但目标性状优势较好;对棉田节肢动物物种丰富度无明显影响。研究结果为新型转Cry1Ac+Cry2Ab棉花对棉田环境安全方面的研究进一步补充了内容,为转基因棉花的环境安全评价提供科学数据。  相似文献   

【目的】为探究转Cry1Ac/1Ab基因棉花对异色瓢虫生长发育及其捕食功能的影响。【方法】以转Cry1Ac/1Ab基因棉与其亲本常规棉为实验材料,利用取食不同棉花品种叶片的棉铃虫饲喂异色瓢虫幼虫。【结果】与常规亲本棉相比,取食饲喂转基因棉花叶片的初孵棉铃虫幼虫的异色瓢虫幼虫从1龄发育至化蛹期时间延长0.77 d,但差异不显著;除1龄幼虫体重增加(0.0773 mg)外,其余各龄期幼虫体重均有所下降,但差异均不显著;异色瓢虫1、2、3、4龄幼虫对初孵棉铃虫捕食量均随棉铃虫密度的增加而增加,捕食功能反应均符合HollingⅡ圆盘方程。【结论】转Cry1Ac/1Ab基因棉花对异色瓢虫生长发育无显著影响,饲喂取食转Cry1Ac/1Ab基因棉花的棉铃虫对异色瓢虫捕食功能无显著差异。  相似文献   

转cry1Ab基因玉米对瓢虫科天敌种群动态的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【背景】瓢虫科天敌昆虫是玉米田中重要的天敌类群,可捕食多种农业害虫,对害虫有很好的控制作用。为了明确转基因玉米对瓢虫科天敌的潜在效应。【方法】在田间条件下,采用系统调查结合吸虫器方法,研究了cry1Ab基因玉米对玉米田主要瓢虫科天敌种类丰富度和种群动态的影响。【结果】转cry1Ab基因玉米田与其对照田瓢虫类群和优势种群组成相同。春播时Bt玉米田与对照田以龟纹瓢虫为优势种,仅在玉米生长后期Bt玉米田中的龟纹瓢虫数量显著高于对照田,其他时期2种田间龟纹瓢虫的种群动态没有显著差异。夏播玉米田以龟纹瓢虫和异色瓢虫为主,在8月17日Bt玉米田中异色瓢虫数量显著高于对照田,在9月27日其异色瓢虫数量显著低于对照田,而其他时期Bt玉米田和对照田中异色瓢虫优势度以及田间种群动态没有显著差异。【结论与意义】转cry1Ab基因玉米对玉米田重要的瓢虫科天敌丰富度、优势度和种群数量没有不良影响。因此,该转基因玉米可用于农田生态系统的有害生物管理。  相似文献   

【目的】为探究Bt杀虫蛋白对次要靶标害虫粘虫Mythimna separata (Walker)(鳞翅目:夜蛾科)的杀虫活性及对其生长发育的影响。【方法】本文通过浸叶法饲喂初孵及2龄末粘虫不同剂量的Cry1Ac及Cry2Ab杀虫蛋白后,观察其死亡率,称量幼虫重,并统计了幼虫历期、化蛹率、蛹重、蛹期、蛹的羽化率、畸形率等指标。【结果】初孵幼虫取食浸泡含16、64、128μg/mLCry1Ac及Cry2Ab的玉米叶片后,随着时间的延长及浓度的增加,死亡率逐渐增加,且Cry1Ac杀虫蛋白对粘虫的生物活性高于Cry2Ab蛋白,在128μg/mL浓度下,取食Cry1Ac和Cry2Ab蛋白13d时的死亡率分别达到了65%及60%。取食两种蛋白后,初孵幼虫和2龄末幼虫重量均受到显著抑制,短期取食两种蛋白对幼虫历期、化蛹率、蛹重、蛹期、蛹的羽化率、畸形率没有影响。【结论】取食Cry1Ac和Cry2Ab杀虫蛋白后,对初孵幼虫有很好的杀虫活性,且Cry1Ac杀虫活性高于Cry2Ab杀虫蛋白;短期饲喂两种杀虫蛋白时,对2龄粘虫后期生长影响不大。本文结果为转Bt基因作物更好的应用于粘虫的防治提供了理论基础。  相似文献   

用转Bt-cry1Ab基因玉米花粉饲喂异色瓢虫,初步研究了转基因玉米花粉对瓢虫的影响。结果显示,异色瓢虫取食混有适量蚜虫的转Bt-cry1Ab基因玉米花粉时与取食混有适量蚜虫的非转基因亲本玉米花粉时相比,各虫态发育历期没有显著差异;取食转Bt-cry1Ab基因玉米花粉对异色瓢虫的体重增加无明显影响。多数龄期内取食转基因玉米花粉的异色瓢虫体内的α-乙酸萘酯酶活性、乙酰胆碱酯酶活性以及谷光甘肽-S-转移酶活性与对照组相比没有显著差异。用酶联免疫(ELISA)方法在取食转Bt-cry1Ab基因玉米花粉的瓢虫体内未检测到Bt杀虫蛋白。转Bt-cry1Ab玉米花粉对异色瓢虫生长发育没有显著负面影响,初步证明Bt玉米MON810花粉对异色瓢虫是安全的。  相似文献   

【目的】本研究旨在调查不同冷藏温度下日本刀角瓢虫Serangium japanicum成虫生物学特性及F1代的生长发育,明确日本刀角瓢虫成虫最适冷藏温度。【方法】将日本刀角瓢虫成虫置于不同低温(7,10,13和16℃),贮藏10 d时测定其存活率、单雌产卵量、寿命和对烟粉虱Bemisia tabaci 4龄若虫的日捕食量,以及日本刀角瓢虫F1代存活率和发育历期;qRT-PCR测定日本刀角瓢虫成虫体内热激蛋白基因Hsp70和Hsp90的相对表达量。【结果】日本刀角瓢虫成虫在16℃低温贮藏10 d时,其存活率、雌雄成虫寿命、单雌产卵量和日捕食量以及F1代存活率均与贮藏在26℃的对照无显著差异(存活率:99%vs 100%;雌成虫寿命:110.65 d vs 106.87 d;雄成虫寿命:123.12 d vs 108.79 d;单雌产卵量:399.19粒vs 422.63粒;日捕食量:34.70头vs 31.95头;F1代存活率:80.39%vs 94.12%);但其F1代发育历期...  相似文献   

【目的】室内抗螟性评价是转Bt基因抗虫玉米研发和安全性评价的重要环节。【方法】采用酶联免疫吸附测定法(ELISA)测定了转cry1Ab/cry1Ac基因玉米ZZM030心叶中Cry1Ab/Cry1Ac融合杀虫蛋白的表达量;采用室内生测法测定了分别取食转基因玉米ZZM030和非转基因玉米X249心叶后亚洲玉米螟Ostrinia furnacalis敏感品系ACB-BtS、Cry1Ab抗性品系ACB-AbR和Cry1Ac抗性品系ACB-AcR初孵幼虫的存活率。【结果】转基因抗虫玉米ZZM030 4叶期和8叶期心叶中Cry1Ab/Cry1Ac融合杀虫蛋白的表达量分别是10.62和2.94 μg/g FW。敏感品系亚洲玉米螟初孵幼虫取食转基因玉米ZZM030心叶2 d的存活率仅为23.6%,4 d后存活率为0,而取食非转基因对照玉米X249心叶4 d的存活率高达93.1%。Cry1Ab抗性品系和Cry1Ac抗性品系初孵幼虫取食转基因玉米ZZM030心叶6 d后的存活率分别为11.1%和12.5%,而取食非转基因玉米X249心叶6 d后的存活率分别为81.9%和77.8%。【结论】转cry1Ab/cry1Ac基因玉米ZZM030心叶中高表达的Cry1Ab/Cry1Ac融合蛋白对亚洲玉米螟初孵幼虫具有极高的杀虫效果。  相似文献   

【背景】转基因作物种植的安全问题一直备受关注。关于Bt蛋白对地下非靶标生物影响的研究是转基因作物安全评价的重要内容。【方法】在转Bt基因水稻收割后的稻田里分别种植豌豆、紫云英和油菜作为后茬作物。分别于2013年1、3和6月3次采集不同后茬作物田中的土壤作为材料,于室内饲养赤子爱胜蚓,4周和7周后,测定蚯蚓的生长发育指标、存活率以及体内酶活性的变化情况。此外,还测定了不同深度土壤中Bt蛋白的含量以及用Bt蛋白直接饲喂的赤子爱胜蚓的存活率。【结果】与种植过非转基因水稻MH63的土壤相比,分别种植过含cry2A和cry1C基因水稻后的土壤对赤子爱胜蚓的生长发育、存活率及体内酶活性无显著影响。1月份和3月份转cry2A基因水稻田以及1月份转cry1C基因水稻田采集的表层土样中的Bt蛋白含量显著高于地下10 cm和地下20 cm土壤中的含量,地下2层土样中的Cry2A蛋白含量之间无差异。3月份转cry1C基因水稻田以及6月份转cry2A和转cry1C基因水稻田的土壤中Bt蛋白的含量均不受土壤深度的影响。种植的后茬作物对土壤中的Bt蛋白无显著消解作用。室内模拟土壤最高Bt蛋白浓度的条件下,Cry2A蛋白处理的蚯蚓存活率为96.7%,Cry1C蛋白处理的蚯蚓存活率为95.0%,两者与对照相比无显著差异。【结论与意义】转cry2A和cry1C基因Bt水稻的种植对蚯蚓的生长发育和体内酶活性无显著影响。本研究为转基因水稻的安全评价提供了一定的依据。  相似文献   

【目的】新型转基因棉花在进入大规模商业化应用前,需对其生态环境安全性进行评价;同时,经基因改造的新型转基因抗虫棉花可能影响抗虫棉的次生代谢,进而导致一些综合的生态学效应,致使棉花生理上发生改变,这也是转基因植物安全性评价研究的重要内容。【方法】比较了不同关键时期新型转Cry1Ac+Cry2Ab基因棉花与转Cry1Ac基因棉花和非转基因棉花叶片的鲜重、干重和干鲜比、主要酶[超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化氢酶(CAT)、过氧化物酶(POD)、抗坏血酸过氧化物酶(APX)和谷胱甘肽还原酶(GR)]活性、营养物质(蛋白质、氨态氮、脯氨酸和可溶性糖)和次生代谢产物(棉酚和单宁)含量的差异及其对棉田不同昆虫营养层昆虫个体总数和物种数的影响。【结果】棉花生长的蕾期、花期和花铃期,转Cry1Ac+Cry2Ab基因棉花、转Cry1Ac基因棉花和非转基因棉花叶片的鲜重、干重和干鲜比呈先升高后降低的趋势;SOD和POD活性在花铃期明显升高,CAT、APX和GR活性无显著变化;蛋白质、氨态氮含量无明显变化,脯氨酸和可溶性糖含量均表现为先升高后下降的趋势;棉酚含量在3个时期无显著变化,而单宁含量呈逐渐升高的趋势。3种棉花叶片中干物质积累、主要酶活性、营养物质和次生代谢产物含量均无显著差异;单株大铃数表现为转Cry1Ac+Cry2Ab基因棉花转Cry1Ac基因棉花非转基因棉花,小铃数则表现为转Cry1Ac基因棉花Cry1Ac+Cry2Ab基因棉花非转基因棉花;昆虫群落和害虫亚群落的昆虫个体总数均表现为转Cry1Ac+Cry2Ab基因棉田转Cry1Ac基因棉田非转基因棉田,天敌亚群落昆虫个体总数无显著变化;3种棉田中昆虫群落、害虫亚群落和天敌亚群落的物种数均未发生显著变化。【结论】转Cry1Ac+Cry2Ab基因棉花叶片干物质积累、产量性状、生化物质含量、酶活性在不同生长期表现不同,但上述参数在3种棉花之间无显著差异;且转Cry1Ac+Cry2Ab基因棉花具有较好的抗虫性,能有效降低棉田害虫数量。  相似文献   

Biosafety of a genetically modified crop is required to be assessed prior to its commercialization. For this, a suitable artificial diet was developed and used to establish a dietary exposure test for assessing the toxicity of midgut-active Bt insecticidal proteins on Chrysopa pallens (Rambur). Subsequently, this dietary exposure test was used to evaluate the toxicity of the proteins Cry1Ab, Cry1Ac, Cry1Ah, Cry1Ca, Cry1F, Cry2Aa, Cry2Ab, and Vip3Aa on C. pallens larvae. Temporal stability, bioactivity, and the intake of the insecticidal proteins were confirmed by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and a sensitive-insect bioassay. The life history characteristics, such as survival, pupation, adult emergence, 7-day larval weight, larval developmental time, and emerged male and female fresh weights remained unaffected, when C. pallens were fed the pure artificial diet (negative control) and the artificial diets containing 200 μg/g of each purified protein: Cry1Ab, Cry1Ac, Cry1Ah, Cry1Ca, Cry1F, Cry2Aa, Cry2Ab, or Vip3Aa. On the contrary, all of the life history characteristics of C. pallens larvae were adversely affected when fed artificial diet containing boric acid (positive control). The results demonstrate that diets containing the tested concentrations of Cry1Ab, Cry1Ac, Cry1Ah, Cry1Ca, Cry1F, Cry2Aa, Cry2Ab, and Vip3Aa have null effects on C. pallens larvae. The outcome indicates that genetically modified crops expressing the tested Bt proteins are safe for the lacewing, C. pallens.  相似文献   

Determining the impact of genetically modified (GM) crops on beneficial organisms is an important aspect of the environmental risk assessment of GM crops. In the present study, the impact of Bt maize expressing Cry1Ab on the development and behaviour of the parasitoid Campoletis sonorensis was compared to individuals reared on hosts fed conventionally bred plants partially resistant to the European corn borer (Ostrinia nubilalis Hübner) and on susceptible maize hybrids. Adult parasitoids reared on Bt maize-fed Spodoptera frugiperda larvae were significantly smaller (15–30%) than those reared in hosts fed either of the conventional maize hybrids. The magnitude of this effect was dependent on the size of the host at oviposition and its subsequent growth rate. The development time of C. sonorensis was not affected by the maize treatment. In choice tests, female parasitoids displayed no preference for hosts fed a specific maize hybrid. No Cry1Ab was detected within adult parasitoids.  相似文献   

Transgenic Bacillus thuringiensis Berliner (Bt) crops receive particular attention because they carry genes encoding insecticidal proteins that might negatively affect non‐target arthropods. Here, laboratory experiments were conducted to evaluate the impact of Cry1Ab‐expressing transgenic maize [5422Bt1 (event Bt11) and 5422CBCL (MON810)] on the biological parameters of two non‐target arthropods, the aphid Rhopalosiphum maidis (Fitch) (Hemiptera: Aphididae) and its predator the ladybeetle Propylea japonica (Thunberg) (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae). In a long‐term assay (three generations), no significant differences were found between R. maidis fed Bt maize and those fed a near‐isogenic line (5422) when individual parameters were compared, including nymph development time, adult longevity, aphid spawning period, and fecundity. No negative effects were detected throughout the life cycle of Pjaponica in aphids’ feeding amount, development (nymphs, pupae, adults, and progeny eggs), fecundity, or egg hatching when they preyed on Bt maize‐fed aphids compared with non‐Bt maize treatments. A tritrophic assay revealed that Cry1Ab was highly diluted through the food chain (Bt maize leaves, R. maidis, and P. japonica), as detected by an enzyme‐linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). In conclusion, although Cry1Ab concentrations in maize leaves increased as the plants developed, Cry1Ab levels were significantly reduced in the aphid R. maidis, and no traces of Cry1Ab were detected in P. japonica preying on Bt maize‐fed aphids. The two hybrids of Bt maize expressing Cry1Ab had no negative effects on the measured biological parameters of the aphid R. maidis or its predator, the ladybeetle P. japonica.  相似文献   

【目的】近年来,我国长江流域和黄河流域棉花面积锐减,种植区域向滨海盐碱地或干旱地转移。研究盐碱旱地转基因棉田与非转基因棉田昆虫群落差异,可为盐碱旱地对转基因棉田生物影响和盐碱旱地转基因棉田害虫防治提供理论指导。【方法】在山东东营和河北枣强盐碱干旱地转Bt基因棉田分别设置常规施药田和非施药田,进行了系统的田间昆虫种群消长动态的调查和统计分析。【结果】中轻度盐碱旱地种植转基因棉花对靶标害虫棉铃虫具有较好的控制作用;与非转基因棉花相比,对其他非靶标害虫棉蚜、烟粉虱和盲蝽及自然天敌龟纹瓢虫、草间小黑蛛种群数量无显著影响,草蛉种群数量在转基因棉田低于非转基因棉田;喷施化学农药对棉铃虫幼虫和棉蚜的防治作用较好,对烟粉虱和盲蝽的防治效果年度间和试验点间有差异,对龟纹瓢虫的杀伤力较大,对草间小黑蛛和草蛉未见明显影响。【结论】盐碱旱地对棉田不同的害虫和天敌影响不同,且转基因棉田与非转基因棉田昆虫群落结构与对照棉田无显著差异。  相似文献   

[目的] 探讨转基因玉米表达的3种Bt蛋白对非靶标害虫玉米蚜的影响效应,为农田生态系统中转基因玉米的环境安全评价提供依据。[方法] 在玉米蚜全纯人工饲料中分别添加Bt蛋白Vip3Aa19、Cry1Ab和Cry1Ah饲养玉米蚜,并以PBS缓冲液或Na2CO3溶液为阴性对照,添加酪蛋白(casein,CS)为中性对照,添加印楝素(neem oil)为阳性对照,比较分析Bt蛋白等各处理对玉米蚜存活率、发育历期、有翅蚜率及繁殖力的影响。[结果] 低浓度印楝素(Neem-L)处理后玉米蚜半数个体生存时间(ST50)为3.2~4.0 d,高浓度印楝素(Neem-H)处理后,玉米蚜在第4天全部死亡,这2个处理均没有子代若蚜产生。添加Bt蛋白和CS对玉米蚜的生存时间没有显著影响,ST50在8.3~9.6 d之间。与阴性对照相比,3个Bt蛋白和CS处理的若蚜期显著短1.0~2.9 d,产出的下一代若蚜数显著增多。Vip3Aa19、Cry1Ab以及CS处理后,有翅蚜比例显著高于其阴性对照。[结论] 饲料中分别添加3种Bt蛋白Vip3Aa19、Cry1Ab和Cry1Ah对玉米蚜的存活率没有显著影响,但具有与添加CS等同提高饲料营养质量的效果;与阴性对照相比,添加3种Bt蛋白对玉米蚜的生长发育和繁殖具有显著的促进效应。  相似文献   

周浩  李博  牛林  邱林  王永 《生物安全学报》2018,27(4):249-254
【目的】二化螟是水稻的重要害虫之一,钙黏蛋白(cadherin,CAD)是一类重要的Bt杀虫蛋白受体,在获得二化螟钙黏蛋白基因(Cs CAD1)的基础上,明确Cs CAD1蛋白与Cry1Ac和Cry2Aa蛋白的结合能力。【方法】利用PCR技术克隆Cs CAD1基因片段,将构建的p ET-28a-(+)-Cs CAD1重组质粒转入原核表达菌株BL21(DE3)中,IPTG诱导表达。目的蛋白经Ni柱亲和纯化后SDS-PAGE电泳检测,利用western blot和ligand blot技术分析其与Cry1Ac和Cry2Aa蛋白的结合能力。【结果】重组载体可在表达菌株BL21中表达一个约44 ku的蛋白,原核表达载体构建成功。SDS-PAGE显示该蛋白条带单一,且纯度较好。Ni柱亲和层析纯化该目的蛋白后进行Ligand blot分析,结果显示Cs CAD1重组蛋白可以与Cry1Ac和Cry2Aa蛋白结合。【结论】Cs CAD1蛋白可以与Cry1Ac和Cry2Aa蛋白结合,是潜在的Cry蛋白受体,所得结果有助于阐明Cry1Ac和Cry2Aa蛋白对二化螟的作用机制。  相似文献   

Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA) and bioassays were used to estimate levels of Cry1Ab protein in four species of phytophagous insects after feeding on transgenic Bt-corn plants expressing Cry1Ab protein or artificial diets containing Cry1Ab protein. The level of Cry1Ab in insects feeding on sources containing the Cry1Ab protein was uniformly low but varied with insect species as well as food source. For the corn leaf aphid, Rhopalosiphum maidis (Fitch), feeding on diet solutions containing Cry1Ab protein, the level of the protein in the aphid was 250–500 times less than the original levels in the diet, whereas no Cry1Ab was detected by ELISA in aphids feeding on transgenic Bt-Corn plants. For the lepidopteran insects, Ostrinia nubilalis (Hübner), Helicoverpa zea (Boddie), and Agrotis ipsilon (Hufnagel), levels of Cry1Ab in larvae varied significantly with feeding treatment. When feeding for 24 h on artificial diets containing 20 and 100 ppm of Cry1Ab, the level of Cry1Ab in the larvae was about 57 and 142 times lower, respectively, than the original protein level in the diet for O. nubilalis, 20 and 34 times lower for H. zea, and 10 to 14 times lower for A. ipsilon. Diet incorporation bioassays with a susceptible insect (first instar O. nubilalis) showed significant Cry1Ab bioactivity present within whole body tissues of R. maidis and O. nubilalis that had fed on diet containing a minimum of 20 ppm or higher concentrations (100 or 200 ppm) of Cry1Ab, but no significant bioactivity within the tissues of these insects after feeding on transgenic Bt-corn plants. The relevance of these findings to secondary exposure risk assessment for transgenic Bt crops is discussed.  相似文献   

Genes encoding cry1Ab and cry1Ac δ-endotoxins from the bacterium, Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) that have been incorporated in several crops to enhance their resistance to insect pests may possibly influence the activity and abundance of natural enemies of insect pests. The ladybird beetle, Cheilomenes sexmaculatus (L.) might ingest Bt toxins expressed by genetically modified plants by feeding on aphids, early instar larvae of lepidopterans, and other soft bodied insects feeding on transgenic plants. Therefore, we studied the effects of Cry1Ab and Cry1Ac Bt toxins on C. sexmaculatus under direct and indirect exposure conditions. For direct exposure, the neonate C. sexmaculatus larvae were fed either pure 2M sucrose (control) or sucrose solution containing Cry1Ab or Cry1Ac (0.1%), and on alternate days with aphids till pupation. Direct exposure of C. sexmaculatus larvae to Bt toxins resulted in reduced larval survival and adult emergence as compared to the controls, which might be due to long-term direct exposure. However, there were no adverse effects of the Bt toxins on C. sexmaculatus when the larvae were reared on Aphis craccivora Koch fed on different concentrations of Cry1Ab or Cry1Ac in the artificial diet. A significant and positive correlation was observed between the presence of Bt toxins in aphids, and coccinellid larvae and adults (r=0.53** to 0.86**). The results suggested that a direct exposure to Bt toxins expressed in transgenic plants or predation on H. armigera on Bt-transgenic plants will have little effect on the activity and abundance of the ladybird, C. sexmaculatus.  相似文献   

The inheritance and expression patterns of the cry1Ab gene were studied in the progenies derived from different Bt (Bacillus thuringiensis) transgenic japonica rice lines under field conditions. Both Mendelian and distorted segregation ratios were observed in some selfed and crossed F2 populations. Crosses between japonica intra-subspecies had no significant effect on the segregation ratios of the cry1Ab gene, but crossing between japonica and indica inter-subspecies led to distorted segregation of the cry1Ab gene in the F2 population. Field-release experiments indicated that the cry1Ab gene was stably transmitted in an intact manner via successive sexual generations, and the concentration of the Cry1Ab protein was kept quantitatively stable up to the R6 generation. The cry1Ab gene, driven by the maize ubiquitin promoter, displayed certain kinds of spatial and temporal expression patterns under field conditions. The content of the Cry1Ab protein varied in different tissues of the main stems, the primary tillers and the secondary tillers. Higher levels of the Cry1Ab protein were found in the stems, leaves and leaf sheaths than in the roots, while the lowest level was detected in grains at the maturation stage. The content of the Cry1Ab protein in the leaves peaked at the booting stage and was lowest at the heading stage. Furthermore, the Cry1Ab content of cry1Ab expression in different tissues of transgenic rice varied individually with temperature. Received: 17 April 2001 / Accepted: 7 May 2001  相似文献   

A rape seed pollen-based diet was developed and found to be suitable for use in a dietary exposure assay for Propylea japonica. Using the diet, we established and validated a dietary exposure assay by using the protease inhibitor E-64 as positive control. Dose-dependent responses were documented for all observed life-table parameters of P. japonica including survival, pupation and eclosion rates, development time and adult weight. Results suggested that the dietary assay can detect the effects of insecticidal compounds on the survival and development of P. japonica. Using the established dietary assay, we subsequently tested the toxicity of Cry1Ab, Cry1Ac and Cry1F proteins that are expressed by transgenic maize, cotton or rice plants to P. japonica larvae. The diet containing E-64 was included as a positive control. Survival and development of P. japonica larvae were not adversely affected when the diet contained purified Cry1Ab, Cry1Ac, or Cry1F at 500 µg/g diet representing a worst-case exposure scenario. In contrast, P. japonica larvae were adversely affected when the diet contained E-64. The bioactivity and stability of the Cry proteins in the diet and Cry protein uptake by the ladybird larvae were confirmed by bioassay with a Cry-sensitive insect species and by ELISA. The current study describes a suitable experimental system for assessing the potential effects of gut-active insecticidal compounds on ladybird beetle larvae. The experiments with the Cry proteins demonstrate that P. japonica larvae are not sensitive to Cry1Ab, Cry1Ac and Cry1F.  相似文献   

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