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Phytoremediation of heavy metal contaminated soils represents a promising technique and salt-tolerant hyperaccumulators for multiple metals are the need of time. Therefore, phytoremediation potential of four salt-tolerant grass species [Dhab (Desmostachya bipinnata), Kallar (Leptochloa fusca), Para (Brachiaria mutica) and Sporobolus (Sporobolus arabicus Boiss)] was evaluated for cadmium (Cd) and lead (Pb) in a hydroponic study. The plants were harvested after a growth period of 3 months in a nutrient solution containing different levels of Cd (0, 5, and 25?mg?L?1) and Pb (0, 25, and 125?mg L?1). Results indicated that Dhab grass showed the highest root and shoot dry matter yield followed by Para, Kallar and Sporobolus grass irrespective of metal or its level under which they were grown. All the grass species showed considerable Cd-accumulating potential with an accumulation of >150?mg kg?1of shoot dry matter at a higher level of Cd-contamination (25?mg?L?1). While in case of shoot Pb-accumulation only Para grass performed well and accumulated Pb >1000?mg kg?1 of shoot dry matter at the higher level of Pb-contamination (125?mg?L?1). Moreover, Para and Dhab grasses performed better for shoot Cd-uptake, while only Para grass showed promising shoot Pb uptake potential. In conclusion, these grass species could be penitentially used for phytoremediation of salt-affected Cd and Pb contaminated soils.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to characterize the heavy metal phytoremediation potential of Miscanthus sp. Goedae-Uksae 1, a hybrid, perennial, bio-energy crop developed in South Korea. Six different metals (As, Cu, Pb, Ni, Cd, and Zn) were used for the study. The hybrid grass effectively absorbed all the metals from contaminated soil. The maximum removal was observed for As (97.7%), and minimum removal was observed for Zn (42.9%). Similarly, Goedae-Uksae 1 absorbed all the metals from contaminated water except As. Cd, Pb, and Zn were completely (100%) removed from contaminated water samples. Generally, the concentration of metals in roots was several folds higher than in shoots. Initial concentration of metals highly influenced the phytoremediation rate. The results of the bioconcentration factor, translocation factor, and enrichment coefficient tests indicate that Goedae-Uksae 1 could be used for phytoremediation in a marginally contaminated ecosystem.  相似文献   

Heavy metal pollution of soil is a significant environmental problem with a negative potential impact on human health and agriculture. Rhizosphere, as an important interface of soil and plants, plays a significant role in phytoremediation of contaminated soil by heavy metals, in which, microbial populations are known to affect heavy metal mobility and availability to the plant through release of chelating agents, acidification, phosphate solubilization and redox changes, and therefore, have potential to enhance phytoremediation processes. Phytoremediation strategies with appropriate heavy metal-adapted rhizobacteria or mycorrhizas have received more and more attention. In addition, some plants possess a range of potential mechanisms that may be involved in the detoxification of heavy metals, and they manage to survive under metal stresses. High tolerance to heavy metal toxicity could rely either on reduced uptake or increased plant internal sequestration, which is manifested by an interaction between a genotype and its environment.A coordinated network of molecular processes provides plants with multiple metal-detoxifying mechanisms and repair capabilities. The growing application of molecular genetic technologies has led to an increased understanding of mechanisms of heavy metal tolerance/accumulation in plants and, subsequently, many transgenic plants with increased heavy metal resistance, as well as increased uptake of heavy metals, have been developed for the purpose of phytoremediation. This article reviews advantages, possible mechanisms, current status and future direction of phytoremediation for heavy-metal–contaminated soils.  相似文献   

The application of vetiver grass (Chrysopogon zizaniodes) for phytoremediation of heavy metal contaminated soils can be promoted by economic return through essential oil production. Four levels of lead (0, 500, 2000, and 8000 mg kg(-1) dry soil), copper (0, 100, 400, and 1600 mg kg(-1) dry soil) and zinc (0, 400, 1600, and 6400 mg kg(-1) dry soil) were used to study their effects on vetiver growth, essential oil composition and yield. This study also investigated the effect of nitrogen concentrations on vetiver oil yield. Vetiver accumulated high concentrations of Pb, Cu and Zn in roots (3246, 754 and 2666 mg kg(-1), respectively) and small amounts of contaminants in shoots (327, 55, and 642 mg kg(-1), respectively). Oil content and yield were not affected at low and moderate concentrations of Cu and Zn. Only the application of Pb had a significant detrimental effect on oil composition. Extraction of vetiver essential oils by hydrodistillation produced heavy metal free products. High level of nitrogen reduced oil yields. Results show that phytoremediation of Cu and Zn contaminated soils by vetiver can generate revenue from the commercialization of oil extracts.  相似文献   

植物修复是一种前景广阔的重金属污染土壤的主要修复技术,在微生物的协助下效果更为显著。植物根际促生菌可通过分泌吲哚-3-乙酸(IAA)、产铁载体、固氮溶磷等方式促进植物生长、改善植物重金属耐受性,从而有效提高重金属污染土壤的植物修复效率。菌根真菌是土壤-植物系统中重要的功能菌群之一,可侵染植物根系改变根系形态和矿质营养状况,通过菌丝体吸附重金属,也可产生球囊霉素、有机酸、植物生长素等次生代谢产物改变重金属生物有效性。植物根际促生菌与丛枝菌根真菌可对植物产生协同促生作用,在重金属污染土壤修复中具有一定应用潜力。目前,国内外关于植物根际促生菌和丛枝菌根真菌互作已有大量研究,而二者的相互作用机理仍处于探索阶段。本文综述了近年来国内外植物根际促生菌和丛枝菌根真菌在重金属污染土壤植物修复中的作用机制,并对其研究前景进行展望。  相似文献   

随着近代工业的发展,土壤重金属污染问题日益严重。重金属即使在极低浓度下仍然可以对人畜造成健康上的威胁,因此迫切需要有效的修复方法对土壤进行修复。生物修复,特别是植物修复目前已经成为重金属污染修复的重要手段之一,了解相关植物的重金属解毒和积累分子机制是提高修复效率、解决重金属污染问题的基础。文中以土壤修复方式为起点,结合植物吸收积累重金属以及解毒的相关分子机制研究,探讨了植物修复的发展现状以及趋势。  相似文献   

蚯蚓对土壤中铜、镉生物有效性的影响   总被引:56,自引:4,他引:52  
俞协治  成杰民 《生态学报》2003,23(5):922-928
以第四纪红黏土红壤和长江冲积物形成的高砂土为供试土壤、分别加入3个浓度的Cu^2 (100、200、400mg/kg)或Cd^2-(5.10、20mg/kg)模拟土壤污染.设置接种蚯蚓(Pheretima sp.)处理与不加蚯蚓对照.并种植黑麦草(Lolium multiflorum)、研究蚯蚓活动对土壤中Cu、Cd生物有效性的影响.以揭示蚯蚓在植物修复重金属污染土壤中的作用。结果表明:蚯蚓活动显著增加红黏中DTPA提取态Cu的含量、只有在浓度低于200mg/kgCu的处理中.才能增加CaCl2提取态Cu的含量.对H2O提取态Cu影响甚微;而对高砂土上Cu、Cd的各种形态影响均不显著;除红黏中浓度高于100mg/kgCu和10mg/kgCd处理外.蚯蚓活动显著提高了两种土壤上黑麦草地上部的生物量;接种蚯蚓后各种重金属处理中黑麦草对Cu的吸收量也显著增加,而Cd的吸收量变化不大。蚯蚓可能通过提高重金属的生物有效性而间接影响植物对重金属的修复效率。  相似文献   

Contamination with heavy metals is one of the most pressing threats to water and soil resources, as well as human health. Phytoremediation might potentially be used to remediate metal-contaminated sites. A major advance in the development of phytoremediation for heavy metal affected soils was the discovery of heavy metal hyperaccumulation in plants. This study applied several established criteria to identify hyperaccumulator plants. A case study was conducted at a mining area in the Hamedan province in the west central region of Iran. The results indicated that plant metal accumulation differed among species and plant parts. Plant species grown in substrata with elevated metal levels contained significantly higher metal levels. Using the most common criteria, Euphorbia macroclada and Centaurea virgata can be classified as hyperaccumulators of specific heavy metals measured in this study and they might potentially be used for the phytoremediation of contaminated soils.  相似文献   

Glasshouse and field studies showed that Vetiver grass can produce high biomass (>100t/tha?1 year?1) and highly tolerate extreme climatic variation such as prolonged drought, flood, submergence and temperatures (?15°–55°C), soils high in acidity and alkalinity (pH 3.3–9.5), high levels of Al (85% saturation percentage), Mn (578 mg kg?1), soil salinity (ECse 47.5 dS m?1), sodicity (ESP 48%), and a wide range of heavy metals (As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Hg, Ni, Pb, Se, and Zn). Vetiver can accumulate heavy metals, particularly lead (shoot 0.4% and root 1%) and zinc (shoot and root 1%). The majority of heavy metals are accumulated in roots thus suitable for phytostabilization, and for phytoextraction with addition of chelating agents. Vetiver can also absorb and promote biodegradation of organic wastes (2,4,6-trinitroluene, phenol, ethidium bromide, benzo[a]pyrene, atrazine). Although Vetiver is not as effective as some other species in heavy metal accumulation, very few plants in the literature have a wide range of tolerance to extremely adverse conditions of climate and growing medium (soil, sand, and tailings) combined into one plant as vetiver. All these special characteristics make vetiver a choice plant for phytoremediation of heavy metals and organic wastes.  相似文献   

我国土壤重金属污染植物吸取修复研究进展   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
我国从上世纪90年代中后期开始土壤重金属(含类金属砷)污染的植物吸取修复研究及技术探索,先后发现了一批具有较高研究价值和应用前景的铜、砷、镉、锰等重金属的积累或超积累植物,并从重金属耐性和超积累生理机制、植物吸取修复的根际过程与机制、吸取修复强化措施和修复植物处置与资源化利用等方面进行了研究,同时开展了植物吸取修复技术的示范与应用,已有一些较成功的植物修复工程应用案例,使我国重金属污染土壤植物修复技术,尤其是植物吸取修复技术在国际上产生了较强的影响力。本文就近年来我国土壤重金属污染植物吸取修复研究进展进行了综述,并对今后的发展趋势进行了展望。  相似文献   

This article reviews recent developments in in situ bioremediation of trace metal contaminated soils, with particular reference to the microbial dynamics in the rhizospheres of plants growing on such soils and their significance in phytoremediation. In non-agricultural conditions, the natural role of plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR), P-solubilizing bacteria, mycorrhizal-helping bacteria (MHB) and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) in maintaining soil fertility is more important than in conventional agriculture, horticulture, and forestry where higher use of agrochemicals minimize their significance. These microbes initiate a concerted action when a particular population density is achieved, i.e. quorum sensing. AMF also recognize their host by signals released by host roots, allowing a functional symbiosis. AM fungi produce an insoluble glycoprotein, glomalin, which sequester trace elements and it should be considered for biostabilization leading to remediation of contaminated soils. Conclusions drawn from studies of metal uptake kinetics in solution cultures may not be valid for more complex field conditions and use of some combination of glasshouse and field experiments with organisms that occur within the same plant community is suggested. Phytoextraction strategies, such as inoculation of plants to be used for phytoremediation with appropriate heavy metal adapted rhizobial microflora, co-cropping system involving a non-mycorrhizal hyperaccumulator plant and a non-accumulator but mycorrhizal with appropriate AMF, or pre-cropping with mycotrophic crop systems to optimize phytoremediation processes, merit further field level investigations. There is also a need to improve our understanding of the mechanisms involved in transfer and mobilization of trace elements by rhizosphere microbiota and to conduct research on selection of microbial isolates from rhizosphere of plants growing on heavy metal contaminated soils for specific restoration programmes. This is necessary if we are to improve the chances of successful phytoremediation.  相似文献   

In situ immobilization and phytoextraction techniques have been used for remediation of Pb and Cd polluted soils. Three rates (0.25, 0.5 and 1.0%) of seven immobilizing agents (cement, slag, phosphate rock, bitumen, Fe- and Al-gels, and δ-MnO2) were tested on three soils containing various levels of Pb (48–192.0 ug/g) and Cd (0.75–3.45 ug/g). All immobilizing agents reduced the plant available Pb and Cd as extracted by DTPA (diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid). The effectiveness of the various agents in immobilizing Pb and Cd followed the descending order: bitumen > cement > slag > Fe-gel > Al-gel > phosphate rock > δ -MnO2. Cement and phosphate rock fixed Pb and Cd mainly in the carbonate form, whereas the slag, bitumen, Fe-gel, Al-gel and δ -MnO2 fixed the metals mainly in the oxide form.

The results of pot experiment proved the high ability of barnyard grass (Echinnochloa stagninum) to accumulate elevated amounts of Pb and Cd (ranging from 291–2421 and 6.1–45.9 ug metal/g dry matter, respectively). These amounts are higher than those reported for hyperaccumulators, particularly for Pb. The amounts of Pb and Cd removed by barnyard grass represent, on average, 46 and 72% of their initial total contents in the soils, respectively. These results proved that, without any other soil treatments, barnyard grass is highly efficient in removing considerable amounts of Pb and Cd from polluted soil within a reasonably short period of time. Therefore, use of barnyard grass for the phytoremediation of Pb and Cd polluted soils is feasible and recommended as an environmentally safe and cheap method. The most significant finding of this study is to name the barnyard grass as an efficient lead accumulator plant.  相似文献   

This article reviews recent developments in in situ bioremediation of trace metal contaminated soils, with particular reference to the microbial dynamics in the rhizospheres of plants growing on such soils and their significance in phytoremediation. In non-agricultural conditions, the natural role of plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR), P-solubilizing bacteria, mycorrhizal-helping bacteria (MHB) and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) in maintaining soil fertility is more important than in conventional agriculture, horticulture, and forestry where higher use of agrochemicals minimize their significance. These microbes initiate a concerted action when a particular population density is achieved, i.e. quorum sensing. AMF also recognize their host by signals released by host roots, allowing a functional symbiosis. AM fungi produce an insoluble glycoprotein, glomalin, which sequester trace elements and it should be considered for biostabilization leading to remediation of contaminated soils. Conclusions drawn from studies of metal uptake kinetics in solution cultures may not be valid for more complex field conditions and use of some combination of glasshouse and field experiments with organisms that occur within the same plant community is suggested. Phytoextraction strategies, such as inoculation of plants to be used for phytoremediation with appropriate heavy metal adapted rhizobial microflora, co-cropping system involving a non-mycorrhizal hyperaccumulator plant and a non-accumulator but mycorrhizal with appropriate AMF, or pre-cropping with mycotrophic crop systems to optimize phytoremediation processes, merit further field level investigations. There is also a need to improve our understanding of the mechanisms involved in transfer and mobilization of trace elements by rhizosphere microbiota and to conduct research on selection of microbial isolates from rhizosphere of plants growing on heavy metal contaminated soils for specific restoration programmes. This is necessary if we are to improve the chances of successful phytoremediation.  相似文献   


Soil contamination with heavy metals has become a worldwide concern. A sustainable technology to mitigate heavy metal contamination is extremely important. Phytoremediation is a cost-effective method, environmentally friendly, and esthetically pleasing. The aim of this study was to investigate the potential of Vetiver phytoremediation of soils contaminated with heavy metals. This research was conducted as a factorial design with four different heavy metals (lead, cadmium, manganese, and nickel) with three varying levels and also three replications for each treatment. Statistical analysis of data was performed using SPSS19 software and analysis of variance, Duncan and Pearson correlation tests. The results showed that, the highest uptake rate was related to lead metal with 282.45 mg/kg of dry soil and 83.4% uptake percentage. Then, the mean and percentage of adsorption for cadmium, nickel and manganese were 248.3 mg/kg (53.2%), 69.4 mg/kg (65.5%), and 63.29 mg/kg (61%), respectively. Lead was found to be the main component of uptake by Vetiver plant. It was found that the roots of the plant have absorbed more heavy metals than the shoots. And at the roots in total 1089.05 and on average 363.01 mg/kg and at the shoots 901.19 and on average 300.39 mg/kg, the metals used were adsorbed on three levels and four treatments. The results of analysis of variance, Duncan test and Pearson correlation showed that the effect of applied treatments on lead uptake in roots and shoots increased significantly (P ≤ 0.05) with increasing levels of treatments. The biological concentration factor was more than one, and the transfer factor was close to one. Therefore, it can be used as a phytostablization plant. The results showed that Vetiver can be considered as a refining plant due to its vegetative characteristics, cost-effectiveness and high adaptation to environmental conditions.  相似文献   

丛枝菌根在植物修复重金属污染土壤中的作用   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
王发园  林先贵 《生态学报》2007,27(2):793-801
丛枝菌根(Arbuscular mycorrhizae,AM)是自然界中分布最广的一类菌根,AM真菌能与陆地上绝大多数的高等植物共生,常见于包括重金属污染土壤在内的各种生境中。在重金属污染条件下,AM真菌可以减轻重金属对植物的毒害,影响植物对重金属的吸收和转运,在重金属污染土壤的植物修复中显示出极大的应用潜力。重点介绍了AM真菌对植物重金属耐性的影响及其在植物提取和植物稳定中的应用等方面的进展,讨论了未来研究所面临的任务和挑战。  相似文献   

环境重金属污染的植物修复及基因工程在其中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着工业技术的发展,重金属在土壤和水体中的含量越来越高,重金属污染已日益成为威胁人类健康和人类生活质量的严重的社会问题和环境问题。植物修复可部分解决这一问题且正引起人们的普遍关注。但现在发现许多用于修复的超量积累植物生长缓慢、植株矮小、地上部生物量小,成了实际应用中的最大限制。利用基因工程手段改变植物对重金属吸收、转运、积累和忍耐的机制,从而提高植物对重金属的富集能力,将成为今后植物修复领域研究的一个重要方向。  相似文献   

Phytoremediation is a natural, aesthetically pleasing, low-cost technology that employs plant-influenced microbial, chemical, and physical processes to remediate contaminated soils and waters. The Institute of Gas Technology (IGT) conducted a laboratory study to determine the potential of phytoremediation to remediate soils contaminated with polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). The soils used for the study were collected from a former manufactured gas plant (MGP) site in Newark, NJ. Phytoremediation was assessed both as a primary remediation technology and as a final polishing step for soil treatment. The following three plant species were used for the 6-month laboratory study: alfalfa (Medicago sativa), switch grass (Panicum virgatum), and little bluestem grass (Schizachyrium scoparium). Using both alfalfa and switch grass for primary treatment of PAH-contaminated soil, a 57% reduction in total PAH concentration was observed after 6-months of treatment. Final polishing of that soil using alfalfa further reduced the total PAH concentration in that soil by 15%. Research is in progress with the objective of improving both the efficiency and the economics of phytoremediation for the cleanup of contaminated soils to environmentally acceptable endpoints at MGP sites.  相似文献   

Phytoremediation is a nondestructive, cost-effective in-situ technology to clean up contaminated soils. In the case of contamination with petroleum hydrocarbons, plants enhance microbial degradation of the contaminant in the rhizosphere. The potential of this technology for the tropics should be high due to prevailing climatic conditions favoring plant growth and stimulating microbial activity. Investigations of the potential of tropical plants for phytoremediation, however, are scarce. The present work studied two grasses and six legumes from the eastern savannah of Venezuela on their reaction to crude oil contamination in soil. Results shall help to identify plants with a potential for phytoremediation and subsequent studies. Seedling emergence and biomass production were determined for plants growing in soil contaminated with 0%, 3%, and 5% heavy crude oil. Contamination had, in general, a tendential but not significant negative influence on seedling emergence. Dry matter production was reduced by only a few percent to up to 85%. Furthermore, in some legumes inhibition of nodulation was observed. The grass Brachiaria brizantha and the legumes Centrosema brasilianum and Calopogonium mucunoides are promising for phytoremediation because in contaminated soil they combined high seedling emergence with least affected biomass production. Since they are cultivated forage/soil cover species also in other regions of the tropics, their potential for phytoremediation of petroleum contaminated soils extends beyond Venezuela.  相似文献   


Phytoremediation with vetiver was investigated in relation to heavy metal contaminated soil in Thailand. The work compared the performance of two species of vetiver named Songkhla 3 (Chrysopogon zizaniodes) and Prachuap Khiri Khan (Chrysopogon nemoralis) in absorbing lead, zinc, and cadmium in contaminated soils. Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure (TCLP), and Allium tests were conducted to determine toxicity of treated soil. Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) was also used to increase heavy metals concentration in solution in soil, which led to an increase in translocation and bioaccumulation factors. In general, results showed that concentration of heavy metals decreased in soil and increased in both the shoots and roots of vetivers during a 4-month treatment period. TCLP results indicated that the concentration of zinc and cadmium in contaminated soil was reduced over treatment time, and significantly increased after EDTA was applied. To confirm vetiver performance in phytoremediation, Allium testing showed that remained heavy metals in treated soils had no effect on nucleus aberration. Songkhla 3 and Prachuap Khiri Khan showed similar trends in their ability to remediate lead, zinc, and cadmium from contaminated soil. Both species could accumulate higher concentrations of heavy metals in their shoots and roots over time, and with EDTA application.  相似文献   

四川甘洛铅锌矿区优势植物的重金属含量   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:16  
刘月莉  伍钧  唐亚  杨刚  祝亮 《生态学报》2009,29(4):2020-2026
通过野外调查采样,分析了四川凉山州甘洛县铅锌矿区土壤的重金属含量,以及矿区生长的13种优势植物对Pb、Zn、Cd、Cr、Cu的吸收与富集能力及其富集特性.结果表明,矿区土壤受Pb、Zn、Cd 3种重金属污染严重,13种植物体内的Pb含量均高于普通植物10倍以上,具有修复矿区土壤铅污染的潜力,其中植物1的转运系数和富集系数都大于1,满足Pb超富集植物的基本特征.Zn在凤尾蕨、细风轮菜、大火草、蔗茅、小飞蓬和牛茄子中含量较高.小飞蓬和紫茎泽兰的Cd含量较一般植物高出17~61倍,其中,紫茎泽兰的转运系数与富集系数均大于1,其对Cd的吸收特性值得进一步研究.  相似文献   

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