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水文过程是沼泽湿地最基本的生态过程, 理解物种空间格局形成机制及其种群特征随水位环境变化的规律对于科学指导沼泽湿地植被恢复具有重要意义。本研究分别选择三江平原季节性积水与常年积水沼泽, 应用点格局方法中的完全空间随机模型、泊松聚块模型和嵌套双聚块模型分析了毛薹草(Carex lasiocarpa)、漂筏薹草(C. pseudocuraica)、狭叶甜茅(Glyceria spiculosa)、小叶章(Deyeuxia angustifolia) 4个主要优势植物种群的空间格局, 并测定了不同水位环境条件下的种群密度和个体大小特征。结果表明: 在沼泽湿地中, 4个优势种群在0-200 cm的尺度范围内都偏离了完全随机模型, 表现为集体性聚集分布特征, 且聚集距离主要集中在0-50 cm之间。随着水位的升高, 毛薹草种群密度、个体生物量、株高和基径都呈显著增大趋势, 但其聚集强度变弱; 而小叶章种群密度和个体大小则显著降低, 其聚集强度增大; 漂筏薹草和狭叶甜茅种群密度、个体大小和聚集强度变化并不显著。在季节性积水区, 4个物种在小尺度上均偏离了泊松聚块模型, 符合嵌套双聚块模型, 即在大聚块中分布较高密度的小聚块。但是, 在常年积水区, 仅毛薹草、漂筏薹草和狭叶甜茅3个物种符合嵌套双聚块模型, 而小叶章种群则符合泊松聚块模型, 说明在高水位胁迫下小叶章种群空间格局的大聚块中不存在较高密度的小聚块。综上所述,水位环境胁迫主要通过影响繁殖分配、种内竞争、易化作用以及个体大小变异等生物学过程共同决定着三江平原淡水沼泽湿地植物种群的斑块化分布特征, 不同零模型可以帮助解释种群空间分布格局的形成机制。  相似文献   

在种群空间格局研究中,定量分析格局及其形成过程已成为生态学家的主要目标。在量化分析的众多方法中,点格局分析是最常用的方法,而在选择零模型时,完全空间随机模型以外的复杂零模型很少使用,实际上,这些零模型可能有助于认识格局的内在特征。为此,我们在研究实例中,选择完全空间随机模型(complete spatial randomness)、泊松聚块模型(Poisson cluster process)和嵌套双聚块模型(nested double-cluster process)对典型草原处于不同恢复演替阶段的羊草(Leymus chinensis)种群空间格局进行了分析。结果发现:完全空间随机模型仅能检测种群在不同尺度下的格局类型;而通过泊松聚块模型和嵌套双聚块模型检验表明,在恢复演替的初期阶段,羊草种群在小尺度范围内偏离泊松聚块模型,而在整个取样范围内完全符合嵌套双聚块模型;随着恢复演替时间的推移,在恢复演替的后期,在整个取样尺度上,羊草种群与泊松聚块模型相吻合。这是很有意义的生态学现象。这一实例表明在应用点格局分析种群空间格局时,仅通过完全空间随机模型的检验来分析格局特征,或许很难论证复杂的生态过程,而选择一些完全空间随机模型以外的较复杂的零模型,可能发现一些有价值的生态学现象,对揭示格局掩盖下的内在机制有所裨益。  相似文献   

三江平原典型沼泽湿地植物种群的生态位   总被引:20,自引:3,他引:17  
采用Levins 公式,对三江平原典型沼泽湿地植物群落的优势种群生态位宽度和生态位重叠值进行了研究.结果表明:各湿地植物种的生态位宽度排序为漂筏苔草(0.907)>毛果苔草(0.864) >狭叶甜茅(0.855) >小叶章=睡菜=球尾花=二歧银莲花(0.500).毛果苔草、漂筏苔草、睡菜与球尾花之间,以及狭叶甜茅、小叶章与二歧银莲花的生态位重叠值均较高,说明几种植物在同一资源位上出现的频率相近,利用资源的能力相似,在对资源利用上具有一定的竞争性.睡菜与小叶章和二歧银莲花,以及球尾花与小叶章和二歧银莲花的生态位重叠值均为0,表明几种植物适应环境的方式不同.水分是导致湿地植物生态适应性差异的主导因子,植物对环境生态位适应的程度是水分和营养状况等因素共同作用的结果.湿地植物的生态位特征能较好地表征各植物的生态适应性和分布幅度.  相似文献   

三江平原七星河流域湿地植物多样性及影响因素   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
单元琪  姚允龙  张欣欣  张强 《生态学报》2020,40(5):1629-1636
湿地植物多样性是生物多样性的重要组成部分,在维护湿地生态功能和湿地生态系统稳定性方面发挥着极其重要的作用。为研究七星河流域湿地植物的多样性,选择七星河流域的七星河国家级自然保护区和三环泡国家级自然保护区,分别于2016年和2017年,对该流域内湿地植物进行了实地植物样方调查,共计调查194个样方,利用TWINSPAN进行了样方群落划分,并采用广义线性模型分析了影响植物多样性的影响因素。结果表明七星河流域湿地植物共有532种,隶属于80科,212属,主要群落类型为湿苔草-隐果苔草群丛;狭叶甜茅群丛;萍蓬草-狐尾藻群丛;漂筏苔草群丛;小叶章-臌囊苔草群丛;甜茅-芦苇群丛;芦苇群丛;貉藻群丛等,狭叶甜茅群丛物种多样性较单一,芦苇群丛的物种多样性较丰富。广义线性模型分析结果得出物种多样性与植被密度密切相关,植被密度越大,物种的多样性越小。为七星河流域物种多样性研究提供了重要的基础数据。  相似文献   

三江平原典型沼泽湿地螺类组成生态指示   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
螺类作为湿地的重要生物类群,对环境变化响应敏感,这使得螺类成为潜在的环境指示物种。为了研究中国东北沼泽湿地不同类型湿地螺类群落结构的差异以及螺类作为不同类型湿地指示物种的可能,在2014年9月和2015年5月对小叶章沼泽化草甸湿地、臌囊苔草湿地、毛苔草湿地、漂筏苔草湿地共17个采样点进行螺类样品采集。共采集到了螺类8科13属17种4452个。研究表明,螺类以扁卷螺科Planorbidae、椎实螺科Lymnaeidae、膀胱螺科Physidae为主;4种不同类型湿地螺的种类组成不同,这些螺类的种类组成与不同类型湿地的水深、植物类型组成等湿地特征是相对应。螺类的生物多样性指数(ShannonWiener指数和Marglef指数)在不同类型湿地之间也存在一定差异,筛选了指示螺类6种,无褶螺是小叶章沼泽化草甸的指示物种,小土蜗、半球多脉扁螺和虹蛹螺是臌囊苔草湿地的指示物种,琥珀螺是毛苔草湿地的指示物种,平盘螺是漂筏苔草湿地的指示物种,这表明了螺类是沼泽湿地类型的重要指示生物。也为螺类生物多样性资源的保护、恢复和生态评价提供科学依据和资料积累。  相似文献   

羊草+大针茅草原退化群落优势种群空间点格局分析   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
草原退化的特征主要表现为群落生产力的大幅下降和植物个体的小型化, 同时, 退化的草原生态系统与一定强度的放牧压力保持平衡而相对稳定。该文应用摄影定位法测定了羊草+大针茅草原退化群落中4个优势种群羊草(Leymus chinensis)、米氏冰草(Agropyron michnoi)、大针茅(Stipa grandis)、糙隐子草(Cleistogenes squarrosa)的空间格局。点格局分析结果表明: 在空间分布格局上, 4个优势种群均偏离完全随机模型和泊松聚块模型, 而符合嵌套双聚块模型, 也就是说, 其空间格局表现为聚集分布, 且在大聚块中分布着较高密度的小聚块。严重退化的草原群落中优势种群的嵌套双聚块空间分布格局当属一种集体行为, 是种群适应过度放牧压力的一种表现形式, 为过度放牧导致的退化草原群落的主要特征之一。这种生态学现象同植物个体小型化一样, 是种群易化(正相互作用)的结果。在过度放牧的胁迫下, 种群通过改变个体性状及个体在空间的分布状况实现自我帮助, 以抵御外界的放牧压力达到自我保护, 从而维持退化草原生态系统与放牧压力间的相对平衡。  相似文献   

采用摄影定位法测定了羊草+大针茅草原不同恢复演替群落中糙隐子草种群的空间格局,并应用完全空间随机模型、泊松聚块模型和嵌套双聚块模型对其格局进行分析.结果表明:在严重退化的群落中,糙隐子草种群格局表现为嵌套双聚块结构,即在大聚块中分布着较高密度的小聚块;在恢复5年、8年和21年的群落中,则为以母体为中心的泊松聚块结构,即在糙隐子草种群空间格局的聚块中不存在较高密度的小聚块.这说明在严重退化的群落中正相互作用居主导,而在恢复演替群落中负相互作用居主导.糙隐子草种群在恢复演替过程中的格局变化主要是由于伴随放牧胁迫的消失,种群正相互作用(易化)向负相互作用(竞争)转化所致.  相似文献   

水分是影响湿地生态系统植物多样性的重要因素之一。以三江平原湿地小叶章群落为对象,研究了沿土壤水分梯度的典型草甸、沼泽化草甸和沼泽3种生境中群落物种组成及多样性特征。结果表明,3种生境均以小叶章占优势,但是伴生物种组成分化明显,其中,典型草甸指示种为二歧银莲花和垂梗繁缕,沼泽化草甸指示种为灰脉苔草和五脉山黧豆,沼泽指示种为漂筏苔草和毛果苔草;非度量多维尺度分析结果表明,草甸的物种组成差异更大,而沼泽和沼泽化草甸的物种组成差异较小。随土壤水分含量增加,小叶章的优势度逐渐降低,群落物种丰富度和Simpson优势度均呈逐渐降低的趋势,而Shannon-Wiener多样性与Pielou均匀度均呈逐渐上升的趋势;群落相似性系数(CJ、CS)呈现逐渐升高的趋势,二者的最大值分别出现在沼泽化草甸和沼泽,最小值分别出现在典型草甸和和沼泽化草甸,而Cody指数的变化格局呈现渐低的趋势,群落间共有物种数逐渐减少,物种替代速率降低。研究认为,三江平原小叶章湿地植物群落物种组成、Pielou均匀度、Simpson优势度和Shannon-Wiener多样性的变化格局与水分密切相关,β多样性的格局与水分联系紧密,物种丰富度的变化格局与水分无相关性,可能与物种自身的生物学特性以及其它环境因子有关,尚需进一步探讨。  相似文献   

植物空间分布格局是物种自身生物学特性与环境因素相互作用的结果,生殖株丛空间分布格局则能够揭示物种有性繁殖过程应对异质生境的生态学适应机制。本研究利用群落学调查和基于完全随机、泊松聚块和嵌套双聚块模型的点格局方法,分析了沙鞭(Psammochloa villosa)种群生殖株丛空间分布格局特征,并探讨了空间格局对降水梯度的响应和适应机制。结果表明:(1)聚集分布是沙鞭种群生殖株丛的主要类型。在89、107.8、117.4、186、191.1 mm·a-1降水梯度上聚集尺度分别为0~90、0~35、0~100、0~125、0~70 cm;(2)基于完全随机模型的空间分布格局对降水的响应规律显著,整体表现为随干旱程度加剧,沙鞭种群生殖株丛聚集尺度从0~125 cm下降至0~35 cm,聚集强度从24.92增长至97.14;(3)在89和107.8 mm·a-1降水条件上,基于泊松聚块的空间分布格局分别在27~28和6~7 cm中正向偏离泊松聚块模型,但符合基于嵌套双聚块模型的空间分布格局。沙鞭生殖株丛空间格局变化规律反映了物种有性繁殖过程及应对环境...  相似文献   

荒漠草原不同土壤条件下猪毛蒿幼苗种群的点格局分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李月飞  陈林  李学斌  张义凡  苏莹 《生态学报》2019,39(17):6273-6281
采用摄影定位法测定了宁夏荒漠草原3种不同土壤条件下猪毛蒿(Artemisia scoparia)幼苗种群的空间格局,并应用完全空间随机模型、泊松聚块模型和嵌套双聚块模型对其分布格局进行了分析。结果表明:(1)在灰钙土生境下,猪毛蒿幼苗种群在小尺度上(0-2.85m)表现为聚集分布,随着尺度的增大先呈现为随机分布(2.85-3.75 m),然后又呈现为均匀分布(3.75-5m);在风沙土生境下,猪毛蒿幼苗种群在0-1.85 m之间表现为聚集分布,在1.85-2.35 m之间表现为随机分布,当尺度大于2.35 m时表现为均匀分布;而基岩风化残积土上的猪毛蒿幼苗种群在整个尺度上均呈现随机分布。(2)猪毛蒿种群幼苗在基岩风化残积土上符合泊松聚块模型,即猪毛蒿种群空间格局的聚块中不存在较高密度的小聚块;而在风沙土和灰钙土上则符合嵌套双聚块模型,即在大聚块中分布较高密度的小聚块。猪毛蒿幼苗种群空间格局的形成与土壤异质性存在着密切的联系,种群在空间中分布格局的形成机制可以通过种群空间格局的分析加以解释。  相似文献   

Sanjiang Plain is the largest freshwater marsh in China, where plant zonation along water-level gradients is a common phenomenon. The aim of this experiment was to identify the role of water level and nutrient availability on plant zonation in the plain. Growth and root morphology of three perennial emergent macrophyte species were investigated by growing in two water levels (0.1 and 10.0 cm, relative to soil surface) and in two levels of nutrient supply (0 and 0.5 g slow-release fertilizer per container). In the plain, Carex lasiocarpa typically occurs at low elevations, Glyceria spiculosa at medial elevations, and Deyeuxia angustifolia at high elevations. The relative growth rate was the highest in C. lasiocarpa and the lowest in D. angustifolia in the 10.0-cm water level. Among the three species, only total biomass of D. angustifolia was affected by water level, and decreased with increasing water level. High nutrient supply led to increased total biomass in C. lasiocarpa and G. spiculosa. High water level led to an increased root diameter in G. spiculosa and a decreased root length in C. lasiocarpa. In the 10.0-cm water level, low nutrient supply led to thinner roots in D. angustifolia, but resulted in an increased specific root length (SRL) in C. lasiocarpa and root diameter in G. spiculosa. Water-level effect on root porosity was only observed in G. spiculosa, and nutrient amendment did not influence root porosity in all the species. These data indicate that both nutrient and water level are important factors regulating plant distribution pattern in the Sanjiang Plain, because both C. lasiocarpa and G. spiculosa are relatively sensitive to nutrient supply whereas D. angustifolia is sensitive to water level. Handling editor: S. M. Thomaz  相似文献   

There are large temporal and spatial variations of methane (CH4) emissions from natural wetlands. To understand temporal changes of CH4 production potential (MPP), soil samples were collected from a permanently inundated Carex lasiocarpa marsh and a summer inundated Calamagrostis angustifolia marsh over the period from June to October of 2011. MPP, dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentration, abundance and community structure of methanogenic archaea were assessed. In the C. lasiocarpa marsh, DOC concentration, MPP and the methanogen population showed similar seasonal variations and maximal values in September. MPP and DOC in the C. angustifolia marsh exhibited seasonal variations and values peaked during August, while the methanogen population decreased with plant growth. Methanogen abundance correlated significantly (P?=?0.02) with DOC only for the C. lasiocarpa marsh. During the sampling period, the dominant methanogens were the Methanosaetaceae and Zoige cluster I (ZC-Ι) in the C. angustifolia marsh, and Methanomicrobiales and ZC-Ι in the C. lasiocarpa marsh. MPP correlated significantly (P?=?0.04) with DOC and methanogen population in the C. lasiocarpa marsh but only with DOC in the C. angustifolia marsh. Addition of C. lasiocarpa litter enhanced MPP more effectively than addition of C. angustifolia litter, indicating that temporal variation of substrates is controlled by litter deposition in the C. lasiocarpa marsh while living plant matter is more important in the C. angustifolia marsh. This study indicated that there was no apparent shift in the dominant types of methanogen during the growth season in the species-specific freshwater wetlands. Temporal variation of MPP is controlled by substrates and substrate-driven changes in the abundance of methanogenic archaea in the C. lasiocarpa marsh, while MPP depends only on substrate availability derived from root exudates or soil organic matter in the C. angustifolia marsh.  相似文献   

The zonation of depressional and riparian wetlands in the Sanjiang Plain of northeastern China was studied to describe their vegetation composition and environmental variables. We sampled 108 plots in 6 depression and riparian wetlands. Samples were classified into 4 groups using two‐way indicator species analysis (TWINSPAN). Emergent marsh vegetation was characterized by Carex lasiocarpa and C. pseudocuraica, meadow marsh vegetation by tussock species such as Carex appendiculata and C. meyeriana, wet meadow vegetation by Calamangrostis angustifolia and Carex appendiculata, and shrub meadow vegetation by the shrubs Betula fruticosa, Alnus sibirica and Salix rosmarinifolia and the graminids Carex schmidtii and Calamagrostis angustifolia. CCA ordination showed that water table, organic matter and available N were the major factors explaining the vegetation zonation pattern. Compared with other Northern Hemisphere regions, bog and fen vegetation are completely absent due to climatic conditions unfavorable for peat formation. Out of four vegetation types, only the Carex lasiocarpa community and the C. pseudo‐curaica community have been found in other regions. However, at the species level many species are widespread and some species are vicariant or pseudovicariant to other regions in the world. Our study suggests that topography and hydrology may be the most important determinants of the vegetation pattern in this region.  相似文献   

王志韬  任珩  辛存林 《生态学报》2023,43(10):4121-4129
植物空间分布格局是物种自身生物学特性与环境因素共同作用的结果,非生殖株丛空间分布格局能够揭示物种无性繁殖与种群扩张过程对异质生境的生态学适应机制。利用基于完全随机、泊松聚块和嵌套双聚块模型的点格局方法和群落学调查,分析了沙鞭(Psammochloa villosa)种群非生殖株丛空间分布格局,探讨了空间格局对降水梯度的响应和适应过程。结果表明:(1)聚集分布是沙鞭种群非生殖株丛的主要类型。在89 mm/a、107.8 mm/a、117.4 mm/a、186 mm/a、191.1 mm/a、363 mm/a降水梯度上聚集尺度分别为3—126 cm、9—200 cm、9—129 cm、6—77 cm、2—95 cm、2—96 cm;(2)基于完全随机模型的空间分布格局对降水的响应规律显著,整体表现为随干旱程度加剧,沙鞭种群非生殖株丛聚集尺度从2—96 cm下降至6—77 cm;(3)在107.8 mm/a、117.4 mm/a、191.1 mm/a、363 mm/a降水梯度上,基于泊松聚块模型的空间分布格局分别在15—19 cm、2—6 cm、2—4 cm、9—25 cm尺度正向偏离泊松聚...  相似文献   

王小鹏  赵成章  王继伟  赵连春  文军 《生态学报》2018,38(11):3943-3951
植物种群的多尺度集聚与聚块特征变化是植物对环境协同适应的结果。运用成对相关函数与零模型方法,依据微地形的土壤盐分分布规律设置4个样地,在2 m×2 m的样方内设置400个小格子记录植物株数并取土样,分析了兰州秦王川盐沼湿地土壤盐分梯度下角果碱蓬种群(Suaeda corniculata)种群空间格局的集聚分布内在特征。结果表明:角果碱蓬种群集聚分布范围内呈现2个关键尺度的集聚现象,小尺寸聚块的集聚或叠加形成复合大尺度聚集,整体表现为嵌套双聚块分布;随着土壤盐分递减,种群集群分布中大聚块尺寸趋于增大,小聚块尺寸差异不明显;大尺寸聚块的数量明显减少,小聚块数量随种群植株数量变化,整个梯度呈现降低趋势;小聚块中植株个体平均数逐渐减少,复合大聚块中包含小尺度聚块平均数量呈降低趋势。内陆盐沼湿地土壤环境异质性背景下角果碱蓬种群集群分布中聚块特征的梯度变化,是植株个体形态与构成的调整适应,种群正负向生态关系、庇护与自疏效应梯度转换的结果。  相似文献   

基于零模型的宁夏荒漠草原优势种群点格局分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
植物种群空间分布格局是多种生态过程综合作用的结果。明确植物优势种群个体的空间分布格局与形成机制有助于认识种群生态适应对策与群落多样性维持机制。以宁夏荒漠草原优势种群蒙古冰草、短花针茅、牛枝子和牛心朴子为研究对象,采用完全空间随机零模型分析其种群空间分布格局特征,并通过异质泊松零模型与泊松聚块零模型探讨生境异质性、扩散限制等因子在其空间分布格局形成过程中的作用。结果显示:(1)完全空间随机零模型下,4个物种在4 m尺度范围内表现为聚集分布,随尺度增大,逐渐过渡到随机分布和均匀分布。(2)在排除生境异质性的异质泊松零模型下,蒙古冰草种群在整个研究尺度上表现为随机分布;牛枝子、短花针茅和牛心朴子种群仅分别在0—0.2、0.1—0.4 m与0—0.2 m尺度范围内发生偏离,表现为均匀分布与聚集分布,其他尺度均为随机分布。(3)在排除扩散限制的泊松聚块零模型下,所研究种群均表现为随机分布。综上,荒漠草原优势种群在小尺度范围内主要表现为聚集分布;生境异质性与扩散限制均是驱动其空间分布格局形成的重要因子,相对而言,小尺度空间范围内扩散限制的作用更为显著。  相似文献   

Abstract. In the cool-temperate Bibi Mire, Hokkaido, Japan, valley fens and flood-plain fens have quite different vegetation. The main variables controlling the vegetation were all hydrological: mean water level, water level fluctuation and surface water flow. Chemical factors such as electrical conductivity, dissolved oxygen and related peat decomposition were less important. The pH was about neutral and has little effect. The flood-plain fen developed under fluctuating water table conditions. The dominant species are Calamagrostis langsdotffii and Carex pseudocuraica. When temporal inundation occurs in the rainy or typhoon seasons, the submergence stimulates bud germination of the stoloniferous C. pseudocuraica, which can rapidly elongate its stolons upward. Some large floating peat mats occurred in the flood-plain fen zone. On these mats some Alnus japonica saplings establish and patches of alder forest can arise. Here the water level was higher than in the peripheral alder forest zone. The valley fen is dominated by Carex lasiocarpa var. occultans and/or C. limosa. It is formed under stable water table conditions in the inundated parts of the mire -where the non-inundated wet areas are dominated by alder trees. In the area where the surface water is flowing, these two fen sedges grow in deeper water since the high oxygen content is considered to compensate the flooding stress.  相似文献   

This study characterized the morphological and photosynthetic responses of two wetland plant species when they were subject to 2–6°C fluctuations in growth temperature and ±50% of precipitation, in order to predict the evolution of natural wetlands in Sanjiang Plain of North-eastern China. We investigated the morphological and photosynthetic responses of two dominant and competitive boreal freshwater wetland plants in Northeastern China to manipulation of warming (ambient, +2.0°C, +4.0°C, +6.0°C) and altered precipitation (−50%, ambient, +50%) simultaneously by incubating the plants from seedling to senescence within climate-controlled environmental chambers. Post-harvest, secondary growth of C. angustifolia was observed to explore intergenerational effects. The results indicated that C. angustifolia demonstrated a greater acclimated capacity than G. spiculosa to respond to climate change due to higher resistance to temperature and precipitation manipulations. The accumulated effect on aboveground biomass of post-harvest secondary growth of C. angustifolia was significant. These results explain the expansion of C. angustifolia during last 40 years and indicate the further expansion in natural boreal wetlands under a warmer and wetter future. Stability of the natural surface water table is critical for the conservation and restoration of G. spiculosa populations reacting to encroachment stress from C. angustifolia expansion.  相似文献   

Carex lasiocarpa and C. pellita (sect. Carex) share a very similar morphology and have overlapping ranges in North America, but are found in different habitats characterized by contrasting soil types and pH. We studied allozyme variation and chromosome numbers to assess genetic differentiation between the two taxa. Both principal components analysis on the allele frequencies from 12 putative enzyme-coding loci and cluster analysis of genetic identities separated 51 sampled populations into two groups that were consistent with recognized structural differences between C. lasiocarpa and C. pellita. Mean within-group genetic identities were 0.95 for C. lasiocarpa and 0.93 for C. pellita; mean between-group genetic identity was 0.81. With the exception of two rare alleles, the alleles of C. pellita were a subset of those found in C. lasiocarpa. Principal components analysis of measurements of structural characters from voucher specimens representing 46 populations also separated the two species with minimal overlap. Meiotic squashes of microsporocytes revealed haploid chromosome numbers of 38 and 38 + 1 for C. lasiocarpa and 41 and 40 + 1 for C. pellita. These data support the continued recognition of the two taxa as distinct species, and suggest that C. pellita may be a daughter species still in the process of divergence from C. lasiocarpa.  相似文献   

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