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石羊河下游白刺灌丛演替过程中群落结构及数量特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
白刺灌丛(Nitraria tangutorum Bobr.)是在石羊河下游存活面积最大的天然植被类型,研究不同演替阶段白刺灌丛群落的结构和数量特征可为该区白刺群落保护与恢复提供科学依据.根据白刺灌丛生长及其生境状况,在石羊河下游选择了初期发育、稳定、衰退、严重衰退的群落,研究了各演替过程中各阶段的群落物种组成、生活型谱,群落盖度、群落物种多样性及各演替阶段群落的相似性特征.结果表明,从初期发育阶段到稳定阶段的群落物种数量明显减少,而从稳定阶段至严重衰退阶段的演替过程中群落物种是逐渐增加的.在整个演替过程中,1年生植物所占比例逐渐增加,至严重衰退阶段时1年生植物所占的比重高达80%.不同演替阶段群落盖度最高、最低值出现的月份也不相同,5-10月群落盖度的平均值为稳定阶段>初期发育阶段>衰败阶段>严重衰败阶段.各演替阶段多样性Simpson、Shannon-Wiener指数以及Pielou均匀度指数5-10月均呈现波动变化特征,Simpson、Shannon-Wiener指数大小顺序均表现为初期发育阶段>严重衰退阶段>衰退阶段>稳定阶段,而均匀度Pielou指数为衰退阶段>严重衰退阶段>稳定阶段>初期发育阶段.各演替阶段群落之间的相似性均较低,演替序列越相近,相似性系数越高.  相似文献   

岷江干旱河谷灌丛土壤种子库及其自然更新潜力评估   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为了解岷江干旱河谷区灌丛植被土壤种子库的特征及预测灌丛植被自然更新的潜力,利用土壤种子库"萌发法"(每个地段15个2m×2m样方内分土表层、0-5cm土层和5-10cm土层采集土样)及野外植被调查方法(每个地段15个1m×1m的调查样方),研究了岷江干旱河谷3个地段(河谷下游边缘汶川地段、核心茂县地段以及上游边缘松潘地段)阳坡灌丛植被土壤种子库及其与地上植物群落的关系。发现:土壤种子库发芽试验共观察到4274株幼苗,分属于113个物种。土壤种子库密度在102—103ind./m2,物种数在12—23种/0.06m2,边缘地段的土壤种子库平均种子密度(ind./m2)和平均物种数(种/0.06m2)均比中心地段(茂县)高。3个地段土壤种子库和地上植被的组成物种均多为多年生植物,地上灌丛与其土壤种子库的密度及物种数均呈不显著相关性;物种组成的Sorensen相似性指数较低,不足30%,但土壤种子库均比地上植被具有更高的物种丰富度。综合分析表明,岷江干旱河谷灌丛具有依靠土壤种子库实现自然更新的潜力,但由于物种组成相似性较低,现存灌丛植被一旦遭到破坏后,单依靠土壤种子库自然恢复到现存植被是困难的,需要在自然恢复潜力评估基础上积极充分采取人工促进自然恢复的策略,同时也应充分考虑干旱河谷植被及其自然更新潜力的空间异质性。探明岷江干旱河谷区灌丛植被的土壤种子库特征,是认识灌丛植被自然更新潜力的基础,是合理制订该区植被恢复与管理措施的重要依据。  相似文献   

通过测定甘肃民勤绿洲外围不同演化阶段灌丛沙堆表面抗剪强度,选取稳定阶段灌丛沙堆,定位观测结皮和植被去除前后灌丛沙堆表面侵蚀速率,研究了白刺灌丛沙堆表面抗蚀性及其影响因素,结果表明:稳定阶段灌丛沙堆土壤抗剪强度最大,在0.31~0.79 kg·cm-2,雏形阶段最小,在0.06~0.15 kg·cm-2,稳定阶段灌丛沙堆的土壤抗剪强度显著高于其它演化阶段(P<0.01);除退化阶段外,其它演化阶段不同坡位土壤抗剪强度差异均不显著(P>0.05).去除结皮和植被后,稳定阶段灌丛沙堆表面抗剪强度迅速下降,去除前后差异显著(P<0.01),去除后不同坡位差异不显著(P>0.05).保留结皮和植被,灌丛沙堆不同部位均出现堆积;去除结皮但保留植被,灌丛沙堆堆积量开始减小;去掉植被保留结皮,灌丛沙堆表面堆积量迅速减小;去除结皮和植被后,灌丛沙堆表面出现严重风蚀.  相似文献   

科尔沁沙地植被恢复演替进程中群落土壤种子库研究   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26  
赵丽娅  李兆华  李锋瑞  赵哈林 《生态学报》2005,25(12):3204-3211
研究了科尔沁沙地植被恢复演替进程中各群落土壤种子库种类组成、密度以及物种多样性等特征。主要结论是:①科尔沁沙地植被退化后的恢复演替是一种次生的中途恢复演替。演替各阶段土壤种子库密度为流动沙丘<半流动沙丘<固定沙丘,从流动到半流动沙丘阶段,土壤种子库密度平均增加了709%;从半流动到固定沙丘阶段,土壤种子库密度平均增加了393%。从流动到半流动沙丘阶段是土壤种子库密度的快速增长期。②植被恢复演替过程中,土壤种子库组成均以1年生草本植物为主(优势度为60.40%~91.83%),到演替中后期阶段,多年生草本植物的种类有所增加,但其所占比例仍很小。③演替各阶段群落种子库物种多样性指数分别为0.6616、0.7736、0.7281、1.0939、1.0648和0.9682,可见种子库物种多样性最高的群落并非是演替历史最大的群落。④恢复演替系列各阶段土壤种子库间的相似性系数都较大,在0.368~1.000范围之内,任一群落总是与其下一阶段最邻近的群落具有最高的相似性系数。  相似文献   

长白山森林不同演替阶段采伐林隙土壤种子库特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对长白山地区不同恢复演替阶段的杨桦次生林、次生阔叶林和阔叶红松林采伐林隙内的土壤种子库进行了研究.结果表明:次生阔叶林林隙内土壤种子库的种子密度最大,为652粒·m-2.随着森林群落的演替,土壤种子库的多样性指数和均匀度指数逐渐增大,而优势度指数则逐渐降低;红松、臭松和色木槭等顶极种的种子密度逐渐增大,山槐、水曲柳等树种的种子密度逐步降低;种子库的物种组成同更新幼苗的相似性越来越高,相异性则越来越低.在3种林型中,非林隙林分土壤种子库的种子密度,以及同幼苗的相似性均与林隙内种子库相同.说明土壤种子库为群落的恢复演替提供了丰富的种源基础,且随着恢复演替的进行,对地表植被更新的影响越来越强.  相似文献   

铜尾矿废弃地与相邻生境土壤种子库特征的比较   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
沈章军  欧祖兰  田胜尼  汤伟 《生态学报》2013,33(7):2121-2130
土壤种子库是植被群落的重要组成部分,其特征决定了群落的演替方向。对铜陵杨山冲尾矿库6个植被群落及相邻两处生境的土壤种子库进行了研究。结果表明,尾矿内各植被群落种子库的种子密度间存在较大差异,变化范围为57—593粒/m2,平均种子密度为370粒/m2,尾矿坝体和周围山体种子库种子密度分别为999和121粒/m2,各样地土壤中种子均主要集中在0—5 cm范围内。尾矿种子库与坝体种子库间的相似性指数大于其与周围山体种子库的相似性指数,但尾矿内各植被群落种子库间的相似性较差,相似性指数的变化范围为0.308—0.636。可见,群落微生境对土壤种子库的种子密度和物种组成产生了较大的影响。尾矿种子库种类与地上植被的平均相似指数为0.355,低于坝体种子库种类与地上植被相似性系数。3处样地土壤种子库的物种多样性、丰富度和均匀度指数均表现为坝体>尾矿>山体。尾矿种子库在农田土壤中萌发并正常生长的幼苗为16科44属53种,而在尾矿基质中仅为9科36属45种,均以禾本科、菊科和豆科植物萌发和生长状况较好,这3科构成了尾矿地上植被的主要类型。尾矿种子库在尾矿基质中萌发成活率为62.2%—91.2%,约为坝体和山体土壤种子库在尾矿基质中萌发成活率的2倍。说明,组成尾矿种子库的种子大部分已经适应了尾矿的极端恶劣环境或者其本身就是耐性极强的植物类型。  相似文献   

石羊河中游沙漠化逆转过程土壤种子库的动态变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在石羊河中游,应用空间代替时间的方法,选择流动沙丘以及封育恢复5a、15a和25a的沙漠化逆转过程序列,研究了沙漠化逆转过程土壤种子库的变化特征。结果表明:石羊河中游沙漠化土地土壤种子库由4科12种植物组成,种子库主要分布于表层0-5cm。在沙漠化逆转过程中,土壤种子库物种数趋于增加,物种组成以1年生草本植物占优势逐渐向多年生草本植物和半灌木植物转变;种子库密度、表层土壤种子比例、物种多样性指数、与地上植被的相似性呈现先增大后降低趋势;沙漠化土地生态恢复间隔的时间越长,土壤种子库间的相似性程度越低;沙漠化土地与地带性植被区种子库的相似性逐渐增大,但是恢复25a沙漠化土地也仅达到0.36。研究认为,沙漠化逆转过程也是沙漠化土地土壤种子库向地带性植被土壤种子库演变的过程,而且是一个十分缓慢的过程,该研究有助于丰富干旱区土壤种子库的理论和指导干旱内陆河流域沙漠化土地的生态恢复实践。  相似文献   

采用野外取样和盆栽试验观察相结合的方法,对桂西南不同演替阶段退化植被的土壤种子库进行初步研究。通过统计分析,其结果:(1)厚度为20cm的表层土壤的种子库密度,其值变动于0~1125粒·m-2;(2)在物种丰富度和数量上占优势的种类均是草本植物,其中又以禾亚科、菊科的植物为主,灌木种类和数量较少,无乔木种类出现;(3)种子多集中在上层或接近上层,并且自上而下递减明显;(4)11月份采样的各演替阶段的种子库的物种丰富度和密度普遍比5月份相应演替阶段的高;(5)任两演替阶段的土壤种子库相似性较低,但出现在相邻的两个演替阶段相似性系数比相邻较远的两个演替阶段的相似性系数要高;(6)地上植被与土壤种子库的相关性不管在早期阶段还是中后期阶段都不紧密,而且从草丛阶段向乔灌林阶段演替,两者之间的相关性有降低的趋势。结果表明:对桂西南峰丛洼地退化植被,有必要开展人工诱导促进封山育林区植被恢复,从而构筑具有较高生态效益的生态防护林体系。  相似文献   

黔中石漠化地区不同土地利用类型土壤种子库特征   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
李生  姚小华  任华东  张守攻 《生态学报》2008,28(9):4602-4608
在贵州省普定县喀斯特石漠化地区通过种子萌发试验,对封山育林、退耕还林2a、农耕地等3种不同土地利用类型的土壤种子库进行分析.结果表明,不同利用类型土壤中种子数量差异显著,封山育林土壤中平均种子密度为1664粒/m2,退耕还林2 a土壤中平均种子密度为8060粒/m2,农耕地土壤中平均种子密度为6239粒/m2.土壤中的种子集中分布在表层0~5cm范围内,随土层深度变化,土壤中所含种子数量和物种数呈减少的趋势.不同利用类型土壤种子库物种相似指数较低,物种数、多样性指数、均匀度及生态优势度指数以退耕还林地最大,农耕地高于封山育林地.土壤种子库所含物种数较接近,物种组成以草本植物为主,菊科、禾本科占优势.封山育林地、退耕还林地属于进展演替,封山育林地处于较高演替阶段,农耕地属于逆行演替.应引进适宜物种以促进植被恢复.  相似文献   

准噶尔盆地梭梭土壤种子库基本特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
土壤种子库是种子的安全岛,是干旱荒漠区植被更新与恢复的基础。以梭梭为主的荒漠植被是准噶尔盆地绿洲区重要的生态屏障,但是,对于与梭梭种群自然更新紧密联系的土壤种子库特征的研究却相对缺乏。本研究通过野外采样、物理筛分并结合室内实验分析,对准噶尔盆地梭梭土壤种子库基本特征进行了研究。结果表明:(1)梭梭种群平均土壤种子库密度从71~696 粒·m-2,局部小环境甚至达到7 534 粒·m-2;(2)变异系数分析表明,各种群土壤种子库密度变异系数均大于1,说明梭梭土壤种子库的数量分布是非常不均匀的;(3)梭梭种群土壤种子库中种子萌发率从2.08%到47.62%不等,平均约18%;(4)变异函数分析表明,梭梭土壤种子库中种子分布的空间变异较大。综上,准噶尔盆地梭梭土壤种子库密度大且种子萌发能力强,同时其时空分布差异明显,这些特征均将影响梭梭种群的分布格局和种群更新。  相似文献   

Soil seed banks are important to many plant communities and are recognized as an important component of management plans. Understanding seed bank composition and density is especially important when communities have been invaded by exotic species and must be managed to promote desirable species. We examined germinable soil seed banks in southern California coastal sage scrub (CSS) that is heavily invaded by exotic grasses and in adjacent exotic grassland. Soils from both communities had similar seed banks, dominated by high densities of exotic grass and forb species. Up to 4,000 exotic grass seeds and at least 400 exotic forb seeds/m2 were found in most soils, regardless of aboveground vegetation type. Native forbs averaged 400 seeds/m2 in grass-dominated areas and about 800 in shrub-dominated soils. Shrub seed density was <1 and <10 seeds/m2 in grass- and shrub-dominated areas, respectively, indicating that the shrub seed bank is not persistent compared to annuals. We also compared pre- and post-burn soil seed banks from one location that burned in October 2003. Late-season burning in both grass- and CSS-dominated areas disproportionately reduced exotic grass seed densities relative to native seed densities. The similarity of the seed banks in adjacent grass and shrub communities suggests that without intervention, areas currently dominated by CSS may become more similar to grass-dominated areas in terms of aboveground vegetation. In such areas, the first growing season following a wildfire is a window of opportunity for increasing native diversity at a time when density of exotic grass seeds is low. At time of research, Robert D. Cox was graduate student.  相似文献   

Soil-stored seed banks of grassland, fynbos and thicket, all growing on calcareous dunes and each subject to different disturbance regimes, were examined. Seed banks were determined from counts of germinants from 50 soil cores from each type. Aboveground estimates of plant species cover in 10 1-m2 plots were used in determining vegetation/seed bank similarities. There was no evidence for seed bank densities to be markedly higher in the most frequently disturbed community (grassland -4273 seeds/m2) than the least disturbed community (thicket - 3417 seeds/m2). Highest similarity between seed bank and above-ground vegetation composition in terms of species and growth form/life-span classes was recorded for grassland (CC = 50%). Lowest similarity (CC = 13%) was found in the less frequently disturbed thicket where no seeds of climax trees were recorded in the seed bank. A fynbos community on a north-facing (warm, dry) slope had intermediate-sized seed banks (1683 seeds/m2) with intermediate vegetation/seed bank similarity (CC = 46%). However, on the south-facing slope, which has a large post-fire ephemeral herb component, seed banks were larger (4518 seeds/m2) but less similar to above-ground vegetation (CC = 39%o). Ordination (DCA) of vegetation data from the four communities was different from an ordination of their seed bank data. Fynbos shrub species were absent from seed banks of both grassland and thicket, even though secondary succession proceeds from grassland, through fynbos to thicket. Their seed banks appear less persistent than those of European heath or Californian chaparral shrubs.  相似文献   

The size and species composition of soil seed banks were assessed at 111 altitudinally diverse sites in the Cairngorm Mountains. Mean densities of germinable seeds varied from 83 000 m–2 in Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) woodland at 230–490 m to 200 m–2 in moss (Racomitrium lanuginosum (Hedw.) Brid.) heath at 1000–1120 m. Seed banks were dominated by Calluna vulgaris (L.) Hull, not only wherever it was prominent in the vegetation, but also at some sites with less than 5% cover of parent plants in the ground vegetation. Many species conspicuous in the vegetation were under-represented in or absent from the seed bank and surface vegetation generally was more species rich than was the underlying seed bank, especially in high montane communities. Multiple regression was used to examine the relationship between the density of buried Calluna seeds and the abundance of parent plants in the vegetation, site altitude and the organic matter content of the soil. The model fitted to woodland communities accounted for 95% of the variation in seed density. The heathland model was less predictive but still explained 52% of the variation in seed bank size. In mire communities there was no relationship, collective or individual, between buried seed density and the measured environmental variables, possibly due to variations in the duration and frequency of waterlogging at these sites. The potential role of seed banks for initiating the recolonisation of disturbed ground is discussed. Densities of buried seeds at most Calluna-dominant sites were probably sufficient to generate successful recolonisation but the prospects for recovery were poor at other sites, particularly in graminaceous communities at 800 m or higher.  相似文献   

Soil seed banks can play an important role in the regeneration of wetland vegetation. However, their potential role in the restoration of degraded wetland forests is less certain. I surveyed the soil seed bank and extant floras of four sites across a eucalypt wetland forest of variable vegetation condition. At each site, the extant vegetation was surveyed within two 5 × 5 m2 quadrats, each from which five composite soil seed bank samples were collected. Across the four sites, 57 (including 18 exotic) species were identified in the extant vegetation, while from the seed bank samples 6379 seedlings emerged from 80 taxa, 33 of which were exotic species. The soil seed bank was dominated by native and exotic monocots, and contained very few seeds of wetland tree or shrub species. Overall, the similarity between the extant and seed bank floras was very low (~24 %). Soil seed banks are likely to be of limited use in the restoration of degraded wetland forests, because the dominant species in such systems—woody and clonal plants—are typically absent from the soil seed bank. Wetland soil seed banks may contribute to the maintenance and diversity of understorey vegetation, however, they may also act as a source of exotic plant invasions, particularly when a wetland is degraded.  相似文献   

该研究以甘肃洮河国家级自然保护区大峪沟林区(TH)、冶力关林区(YLG)、尕海 则岔国家级自然保护区则岔林区(GZ)的紫果云杉(Picea purpurea)天然林群落为研究对象,通过样地调查与萌发实验,分析洮河上游紫果云杉群落土壤种子库特征,以揭示洮河上游紫果云杉群落土壤种子库特征及与地上植被的关系,为紫果云杉群落恢复和管理提供依据。结果表明:(1)3个林区土壤种子库共萌发27科45属50种植物,种子库密度在958~1 129粒/m2之间,草本植物是构成研究区土壤种子库的主体。(2)3个林区紫果云杉群落土壤种子库垂直结构明显,物种数及种子密度随土层的加深呈减少趋势。(3)3个林区地上植被物种数大于土壤种子库物种数,相似性系数在0.15~0.23之间,表现为极不相似性;土壤种子库的多样性指数除Pielou指数高于地上植被外,Margalef指数、Shannon Wiener指数、Simpson指数均低于地上植被。研究认为,洮河上游紫果云杉群落土壤种子库以草本植物为主,乔木和灌木的储量较小,特别是建群种紫果云杉的储量较小;地上植被和土壤种子库之间相互的贡献力较低,仅依靠紫果云杉林土壤种子库进行自然恢复,远不能缓解现阶段紫果云杉林退化的问题,因此需开展人工育苗、造林等措施来促进紫果云杉的更新与发展。  相似文献   

白刺沙堆退化与土壤水分的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近几十年来,我国西北干旱区白刺沙堆退化严重,导致固定沙丘活化,流沙掩埋绿洲,造成了严重危害。如何尽可能长期保持白刺沙堆的稳定、防止白刺沙堆活化成为绿洲保护和沙漠化防治急需解决的问题。在多年野外观察的基础上,提出了"土壤水分收支不平衡所导致的土壤水分减少是白刺沙堆退化的主要原因"的研究假设。但是,由于缺少长期的野外观测试验,这个假设一直未被很好地证明。为了证明这个假设,在甘肃民勤的绿洲外围选择了雏形、发育、稳定和死亡四个退化阶段的白刺沙堆,于2008年1月至2012年6月利用中子水分仪和土壤烘干称重法对土壤水分进行了长期观测。结果表明:各样地的土壤含水量均呈现出2008年最大,2009年和2011年次之,2010年最小的趋势。年内变化是春季土壤含水量最低,夏季逐渐增加,随后逐渐减小。在不同发育阶段,雏形阶段的土壤含水量最大,且降水容易下渗。稳定和死亡阶段的白刺沙堆土壤含水量很低,降水难以下渗,只有大的降水事件发生时,水分才可以下渗。因此,稳定和死亡阶段白刺沙堆的土壤水分经常在植物的凋萎点之下,是造成白刺沙堆退化重要原因。证明了"土壤水分减少是白刺沙堆退化的原因"的研究假设。研究结果对今后的植物固沙实践活动会有积极的参考意义。  相似文献   

土壤种子库是植物潜在的种群,对生态系统稳定和未来植被的结构、功能有着举足轻重的影响。垂序商陆(Phytolacca americana)的入侵已对山东省胶南市灵山湾国家森林公园的森林生态系统构成严重危害。为调查该物种在公园内的潜在扩散能力,于2009—2014年调查了刺槐(Robinia pseudoacacia)林、黑松(Pinus thunbergii)林、刺槐黑松混交林和紫穗槐(Amorpha fruticosa)林(灌丛)4种林分类型,以及2009年采用物理和化学控制入侵危害严重的刺槐林内的土壤种子库。结果表明:垂序商陆种子在4种林分中均有发现,在刺槐、黑松林内表现为由林缘至林内逐步降低的趋势。垂序商陆种子只存在于枯落物层和5 cm以上的土壤中,随土层深度的增加而减少,枯落物层土壤种子库由林缘到林内呈递减趋势。与2009年相比,2014年黑松林和灌丛中平均种子库密度分别降低46%和44%,刺槐林和混交林分别增加299%和355%。垂序商陆种子发芽率在10%以下,随土层深度的增加而依次降低。采用物理、化学控制措施的刺槐林内垂序商陆的更新量、结实量、种子库含量均明显高于紫穗槐林的。调查结果表明垂序商陆土壤种子库具有明显的空间异质性,并且保持了较强的繁殖潜力,营造紫穗槐灌丛可以有效控制垂序商陆的扩散,可为经营沿海防护林提供理论指导。  相似文献   

湿地恢复过程中,时常有外来种或本地杂草入侵。土壤种子库作为未来植被的潜在种源,对湿地恢复效果具有重要的指示意义。在莫莫格国家级自然保护区,以恢复白鹤栖息地(扁秆藨草(Scirpus planiculmis)沼泽)为目的,进行了退化湿地的水文恢复;但退化湿地恢复2a后,一年生杂草长芒稗(Echinochloa caudata)在大部分区域成为建群种。以长芒稗入侵湿地和扁秆藨草自然湿地为研究对象,对比分析了长芒稗和扁秆藨草的土壤种子库及生长结实特征。结果表明,在自然湿地扁秆藨草种子库规模是长芒稗的18.42倍,而在恢复湿地长芒稗种子库大小是扁秆藨草的5.04倍。与自然湿地相比,扁秆藨草种子库密度在入侵湿地明显减少,但仍保留了一定量具有活力的种子(664.32±105.98)粒/m~2,这与研究区扁秆藨草较高的种子生产力(9210.4±1513.4)粒/m~2及种子较强的浮力(FP50=39.7d)有关,说明扁秆藨草具备通过种子库或水传播恢复的潜力。长芒稗土壤种子库密度在入侵湿地高达(3345.9±520.3)粒/m~2,明显高于自然湿地种子库规模(P0.01),说明恢复湿地受长芒稗入侵影响严重,这与长芒稗较高的种子生产力(7621.4±376.25)粒/m~2及较弱的种子浮力(FP0=5d)有关,同时也表明长芒稗通过水传播扩散的能力较弱。另外,研究区长芒稗平均高度超过1m,且盖度较大,不仅阻碍扁秆藨草种子的水播,也降低了到达地表的光照水平,从而抑制扁秆藨草更新。因此,在莫莫格受长芒稗入侵湿地,于开花结实前收获长芒稗地上植物体及凋落物应是限制长芒稗扩展、同时促进扁秆藨草恢复的有效措施。  相似文献   

In the Loess Plateau region, soil erosion is a serious problem. Vegetation restoration is an effective approach to control soil erosion and improve ecosystems. The soil seed bank generally plays an important role in vegetation restoration after disturbance. Thus, we reviewed soil seed bank studies to reveal the soil seed bank characteristics and its role in vegetation restoration in three vegetation types (forest, forest‐steppe, and steppe). We selected 38 seed bank studies and analyzed several seed bank characteristics, such as seed density, species composition, and the relationship between seed size and seed bank. We also assessed the role of the soil seed bank in vegetation restoration. The soil seed bank density ranged from 2,331 ± 1,993 to 6,985 ± 4,047 seeds/m2 among the different vegetation types. In the soil seed bank, perennial herbs and grasses accounted for 51.5% of the total species. Native species that were dominant or common in the standing vegetation usually had relatively high seed bank densities. Moreover, species with smaller seeds generally had higher soil seed bank densities. The present study indicates that the soil seed bank plays a significant role in spontaneous vegetation restoration, especially during the early successional stages in abandoned slope farmlands and grazing‐excluded grasslands. However, species with large seeds or transient soil seed banks should be reintroduced through seeding to accelerate target species restoration. More studies on soil seed banks need to be conducted to comprehensively reveal their characteristics.  相似文献   

Question: Are the seed banks of an isolated subtropical oceanic island capable of naturally regenerating vegetation either with species of the historical forest community or with the existing grassland community after severe damage to the vegetation by goats? Location: Nakoudojima Island, Bonin Archipelago (Ogasawara Shoto), Japan. Methods: Soil samples were collected at 0–5 cm and 5–10 cm depths from seven plots in forests, grasslands, artificially matted areas and bare land. Soil seed banks were assessed using the seedling emergence method followed by the hand‐sorting of ungerminated seeds. We determined the size and composition of the seed banks in upper soil layers of plots and compared the seed banks to the standing vegetation. Results: A total of 12 220 seedlings belonging to 42 species from 20 families germinated. Total mean seed density (0–5 cm depth) was low in all plots within forest, grassland, and heavily degraded vegetation types (34.7 ± 8.6 to 693.5 ± 123.6, 58.6 ± 7.8 to 107.1 ± 10.0, and 1.1 ± 0.5 to 7.2 ± 2.3 seeds/m2, respectively). Forbs and graminoids dominated the seed banks of grassland and forest plots including Cyperus brevifolius, Gnaphalium pensylvanicum, Oxalis corniculata and Solanum nigrum, and these alien species comprised 90% of the density of the seed bank. There was little correlation between seed banks and standing vegetation of the island (Sørensen similarity coefficient values 0.26 to 0.45). Conclusions: If natural regeneration occurs from the seed bank of the island, future vegetation will not move toward the original forest community, because the seed bank is dominated by non‐native herbaceous grassland species. Though isolated, a few forest remnants with low species richness could be an important source for the natural re‐establishment of forest on the island; however, seed availability may be limited by either poor dispersal or pollination so that woody species will probably recover very slowly on this goat‐impacted island.  相似文献   

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