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对白符tiao(Folsomia candida)胚胎发育全过程进行显微观察,记述了白符tiao从卵裂、囊胚期、原肠期、组织分化期、孵化前期等不同发育阶段的形态变化和发育过程。其结果表明,白符tiao卵为聚产,形成大小不等的卵块,卵初产时为乳白色,卵壳表面覆盖有细密的颗粒状突起,直径为110—126 μm。随着白符tiao发育的进行,胚膜直径增大到180—185 μm,其卵裂方式为完全均等卵裂,整个胚胎发育历期7—10 d。  相似文献   

Hafer N  Pike N 《动物学研究》2010,31(6):623-626
Wolbachia属共生菌的侵染是引起跳虫——白符虫兆孤雌生殖的原因。对带有正常沃尔巴克氏体菌群的白符虫兆卵和通过利福平处理剔除沃尔巴克氏体菌群的白符虫兆卵的胚胎发育进行实验观察。白符虫兆的活性卵产出3到4天后,卵体大小显著性地增大,并伴随卵体形状从球形到圆饼形的变化。这些变化在利福平处理的或者是7%自然失活的非活性卵中都没有出现。推测沃尔巴克氏体在白符虫兆卵产出后的3天之内或者3天之前的受精卵发育或胚胎发育中发挥着重要作用;同时根据目前已有的研究结果推断沃尔巴克氏体对白符虫兆卵发育可能的影响机制。  相似文献   

本文描述了等节科的两新种,中华尾四刺Tetracanthura sinensis sp.nov.和缺眼二刺Uzelia anommatos sp.nov..其中Tetracanthura Martynova 1971为中国新记录属.  相似文献   

描述尖瘤属Acrocyrtus印度1新种,陈氏尖瘤A.cheni sp.nov.。  相似文献   

描述了采自中国西北地区的维特疣属Vitronura1新种——陕西维特疣,模式标本保存在中国科学院上海生命科学研究院。新种与属内其它种的区别在于上颚具有7齿,上唇有4根毛,头部背面毛的数量明显少于其它种类,An疣上有2根毛,胸部第2~3节的Di疣上分别有3根毛,腹部第1~4节De疣上分别有3根普通毛和1根感觉毛,腹部第5节的Di疣互相分离。文中同时还编制了该属中国种类检索表。  相似文献   

记述广东弹尾纲 1 新种广东丽虫兆Callyntrura (Javaphysa) guangdon gensis sp. nov.,该新种与C. (J.) javana Yosii,1992 在上唇和下唇上比较相似,但是它们在体色、齿节刚毛、头部 V0 大毛、胸部第2节毛序有较大的区别。  相似文献   

本文记述中国西部剌齿(虫兆)属1新种:中带剌齿(虫兆)H.mediofascia,sp.nov..该种区别属内其他种的主要特征是本种胸部第2节到腹部第2节背部中间具色带,第1腹节具大刚毛a1,腹部第4节后缘大刚毛7+7,粘管后侧面具光滑刚毛4根.本文还对属内5个相近种进行了比较.正模:早,陕西省安康市,2006-Ⅵ-15;副模:8♀♀,1♂以及8头酒精标本,陕西省安康市,2006-Ⅵ-15.1♀和1头酒精标本保存于南京大学,其他标本保存于台州学院生命科学学院.  相似文献   

记述采自中国四川省青城山的维特疣虫兆属Vitronura1新种:青城维特疣V. qingchengensis,sp. nov.,这是该属在四川的新纪录。新种与韩国分布的V. acuta Deharvenget Weiner,1984在身体背面的疣和毛的分布上大部分相似,但是新种头部背面的Dl+L+So疣上有17根毛,爪有内齿,上颚有5齿,而V. acuta头部背面的Dl+L+So疣上只有9–11根毛,爪无内齿,上颚3齿可将二者区分。新种与韩国分布的V. dentata Deharveng et Weiner,1984也较相似,这2个种头部的OC,Fr和De疣上都分别有3根毛,爪都有内齿。但是新种上颚5齿,体毛光滑,腹部第5节的De+Dl疣上5根毛,腹部第5节L疣上有4–5根毛,头部背面的Dl+L+So疣上有17根毛等特征不同于后者。后者上颚3齿,身体大毛具细齿,腹部第5节的De+Dl疣上4根毛,腹部第5节L疣上有2–3根毛,头部背面的Dl+L+So疣上有12根毛。新种与该属已知种类的区别见检索表。新种的正模标本和3个副模标本保存在中国科学院上海生命科学研究院植物生理生态研究所昆虫标本室,其余5个副模标本(2雄3雌)保存在湖南文理学院动物标本室。  相似文献   

记述了采自中国西北部宁夏省六盘山自然保护区的图姚属1新种,六盘山图姚Tuvia liupanensis sp.nov..文中给出了图姚属已知种类检索表.模式标本保存于中国科学院上海生命科学研究院植物生理生态研究所昆虫标本馆.  相似文献   

报道中国鳞(虫兆)属(弹尾纲,鳞(虫兆)科)1新纪录种,即刻点鳞(虫兆)Tomocerus punctam Yosii,1967,并对其进行重新描述.该种已知分布于日本,齿节刺简单,仅最后1个2分叉.观察标本保存于中国科学院动物研究所.  相似文献   

Morphological variation in the apical mandibular teeth of seven Folsomia species (F. bisetosa, F. brevicauda, F. Candida, F. fimentaria, F. inoculata, F. penicula , and F. quadrioculata) was examined by canonical variates analysis of a systematic 'truss' of measurements. Differences were found between all but two species (F. brevicauda and F. quadrioculata) showing that the morphology of 'biting-type' mouthparts can be used for species recognition. The results also show that the truss system of measurement is sensitive to small-scale differences in the mandible morphology of these insects. It is suggested that variation in mouthpart morphology, and in patterns of tooth wear, reflect differences in the feeding behaviour of Folsomia species.  相似文献   

Seven species of the genus Isotomiella Bagnall 1939 were collected in China, two of which from Hainan and Guangxi provinces (South China) are newly described and illustrated. Isotomiella longisensilla n. sp. has bidentate mucro and long sensilla on most tergites, a character never seen before in this genus. I. deharvengi n. sp. belongs to the minor group and is characterized by a pair of strongly curved sensilla on Abd. V.  相似文献   

Esterase enzymes from four strains of Folsomia candida were investigated using polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Up to 12 bands of enzymatic activity were present in each strain. Esterase bands were classified as choline esterases or as one of two groups of carboxyl esterases, based on mobility, on substrate specificity and on activity remaining after inhibition by class-specific chemicals. One strain-specific choline esterase was discovered which resisted the effects of many organophosphate inhibitors. Organophosphate inhibitor concentrations had to be 10 to 100 times greater to reduce the staining activity of this resistant choline esterase to the level of comparable esterases in other strains.  相似文献   

A third-generation cephalosporine, cefodizime, was tested in two experiments on the springtail, Folsomia candida, used as a model of infradian rhythmicity. Any effect on ecdysis (molt), oviposition and oviproduction was sought for 6, 20 or 60 ng of cefodizime administered with brewer's yeast every other day, as compared to controls given only the yeast. Results indicate that a 20-ng dose of cefodizime on alternate days may shorten an infradian period (of molt) in the springtail.  相似文献   

Summary The Basidiomycete fungi Coriolus versicolor and Hypholoma fasciculare were grown in liquid media containing 2, 20, 200 and 2,000 ppm nitrogen (as asparagine) and fed to cultures of Folsomia candida. Collembola feeding on both species of fungi exhibited trends of increased moulting and egg laying rates up to 200 ppm N and an inhibition of growth and fecundity at 2,000 ppm N. The differences in moulting rates between individual treatments were small for both species of fungi and not all the pair wise comparisons of treatments were significantly different. Egg laying rates of collembola fed C. versicolor showed a highly significant response to all levels of N in the growth medium and egg production at 200 ppm N was over three times higher than at 2 ppm N. Collembola fed H. fasciculare showed a less marked fecundity response to the different nitrogen levels and egg production at 200 ppm was approximately 1.5 times higher than at 2 ppm N. Both moulting and egg laying rates were significantly affected by the species of fungus presented as food to the collembola. The patterns of growth and reproduction of starved control groups of F. candida as well as those fed the test fungi demonstrate the adaptability of this species to changes in the quality and quantity of available food.  相似文献   

Zn uptake by maize plants may be affected by the presence of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF). Collembola often play an important controlling role in the inter-relationship between AMF and host plants. The objective of this experiment was to examine whether the presence of Collembola at different densities (0.4 and 1 individuals g−1 dry soil) and their activity have any effect on Zn uptake by maize through the plant–AMF system. The presence of the AMF (Glomus intraradices) and of the Collembola species Folsomia candida was studied in a laboratory microcosm experiment, applying a Zn exposure level of 250 mg kg−1 dry soil. Biomass and water content of the plants were no different when only AMF or when both AMF and Collembola were present. In the presence of AMF the Zn content of the plant shoots and roots was significantly higher than without AMF. This effect was reduced by Collembola at both low and high density. High densities of Collembola reduced the extent of AMF colonization of the plant roots and hyphal length in the soil, but low densities had no effect on either. The results of this experiment reveal that the F. candidaG. intraradices interaction affects Zn uptake by maize, but the mechanisms are still unknown.  相似文献   

Arthropod appendages are among the most diverse animal organs and have been adapted to a variety of functions. Due to this diversity, it can be difficult to recognize homologous parts in different appendage types and different species. Gene expression patterns of appendage development genes have been used to overcome this problem and to identify homologous limb portions across different species and their appendages. However, regarding the largest arthropod group, the hexapods, most of these studies focused on members of the winged insects (Pterygota), but primitively wingless groups like the springtails (Collembola) or silverfish and allies (Zygentoma) are underrepresented. We have studied the expression of a set of appendage patterning genes in the firebrat Thermobia domestica and the white springtail Folsomia candida. The expressions of Distal-less (Dll) and dachshund (dac) are generally similar to the patterns reported for pterygote insects. Modifications of gene regulation, for example, the lack of Dll expression in the palp of F. candida mouthparts, however, point to changes in gene function that can make the use of single genes and specific expression domains problematic for homology inference. Such hypotheses should therefore not rely on a small number of genes and should ideally also include information about gene function. The expression patterns of homothorax (hth) and extradenticle (exd) in both species are similar to the patterns of crustaceans and pterygote insects, but differ from those in chelicerates and myriapods. The proximal specificity of hth thus appears to trace from a common hexapod ancestor and also provides a link to the regulation of this gene in crustaceans.  相似文献   

类符(虫兆)属Folsomina是由Denis(1931)建立的,至今只报道过一种,Folsominaonychiurina Denis,1931,为世界广布种。类符(虫兆)属由于触角第Ⅳ节上特殊的感觉器,缺角后器和眼,腹部第Ⅳ—Ⅵ节愈合等特征,很容易与等节(虫兆)科的其他属相区别。Gisin(1960)和Christiansen & Bellinger(1980)将其归入符(虫兆)属Folsomia,但绝大多  相似文献   

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