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昆虫趋光行为的光胁迫假说   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
趋光性是昆虫的固有行为特征之一,被广泛的应用在害虫物理防治中。本文综述了几种主流的昆虫趋光性假说,着重介绍了昆虫在趋光过程中的行为反应、受光胁迫后生理应激和补偿效应,提出了昆虫趋光行为的光胁迫假说,以期为昆虫趋光性理论研究提供新的思路。  相似文献   

定量行为学的研究是在宏观水平研究感觉信息的输入与行为反应输出之间的相互关系。本文主要介绍了用定量行为学方法对昆虫运动知觉,定向行为,图形背景分辨以及自由飞行条件下跟踪、追逐行为研究进展的情况。  相似文献   

作为世界上数量最多、最成功的物种之一,昆虫对人类健康和农业生产都具有重要而深远的意义。本书综述了昆虫取得如此巨大成功的生理机制。大量的参考文献、丰富的图表,以及对最新进展的讨论,为读者理解昆虫整个生理系统的工作机制提供了必要的基础知识。通过对昆虫模式系统的研究,也为研究哺乳动物的生理学和行为学提供参考和基本依据。  相似文献   

昆虫定向机制研究进展   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
高月波  翟保平 《昆虫知识》2010,47(6):1055-1065
许多昆虫具有定向运动的行为。对部分社会性昆虫和迁飞性昆虫定向行为的大量研究已经初步阐明太阳、地磁场、天体、风及地面标志物等都可能成为昆虫返巢和迁飞定向的线索。社会性昆虫具有对不同定向线索进行整合而实现精确导航的能力。日间迁飞性昆虫利用时间补偿太阳罗盘进行定向的机制亦已明确,但夜间迁飞昆虫的定向机制尚需深入研究。迁飞性害虫定向机制的明确将有助于判断害虫迁飞路径及降落区域,为迁飞害虫的准确预测提供科学依据。本文对昆虫的定向机制研究进展进行了综述。  相似文献   

蚂蚁亲系识别及研究方法进展   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:7  
谭声江  刘志斌 《昆虫知识》1998,35(4):246-249
1前言亲系识别(Kinrecognition)是指社会性昆虫具有识别亲属与非亲属的能力,它被认为是昆虫社会性起源和演化的必要条件。此外,亲系识别在昆虫个体间的通讯、协作和繁衍等社会生活中具有重要作用。蚂蚁是社会性昆虫,许多种类表现出社群封闭性,即社群内相互合作和利它,而社群间表现出相互排斥,甚至强烈的进攻性。这一现象表明蚂蚁具有识别亲系的能力。揭示亲系识别的化学本质和遗传根源,不仅有助于对昆虫超社会性的起源和演化的研究,而且对行为学的其它相关学科(如行为生态学、行为遗传学、行为生理学),进化生物学的研究以及人…  相似文献   

刘晨曦 《昆虫知识》2009,(4):573-573
由中国农业大学昆虫学系秦玉川教授等主编的《昆虫行为学导论》,于2009年由科学出版社出版。该书的分为上、下两篇,共十六章。上篇为昆虫行为基础,介绍昆虫行为的基础知识,如昆虫行为发生的遗传、神经、生理、生态等机理;下篇为昆虫行为各论,从不同的领域或侧面介绍昆虫行为的表现、调控、应用,如昆虫的定向、移动、通讯、取食、繁殖、占区、社会生活等。  相似文献   

光强度对大草蛉成虫感光性和趋光性行为的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
运用视网膜电位(electroretinogram, ERG)技术和行为学方法研究了大草蛉Chrysopa pallens Ramber成虫的光强度反应。结果显示: (1)白光(Log I= 4.5~0.0)可引发2 h暗适应的大草蛉复眼的电位反应。随光强增强其ERG值呈近线性增大, 最强时未出现高端平台, 表明该光强范围内其感光性基本一致, 且可感受更强的光; (2)一定光强度(Log I= 4.0)以上的白光可引发大草蛉较明显的趋光性行为, 该行为具有光强域值特征和较明显的光强度依赖性。弱光时(Log I=4.5)无趋光性行为, 随光强增大趋光性反应率增大, 光较弱(Log I= 4.5~1.5)时增大缓慢, 较强(Log I=1.5~0.0)时迅速增大, 至最强(Log I=0.0)时最大(37.1%), 呈一近“J”型式样。避光行为无或很低, 且无规律, 最大值仅为4.5%。这些结果表明: 光强度是大草蛉感光性与趋光性行为的重要决定因素, 强光时感光性电位反应与趋光性行为反应基本一致, 弱光时则不同, 暗示了光强度信息在感光性和趋光性间作用的有条件性和复杂性。  相似文献   

不同光源和暗适应时间对棉铃虫蛾趋光行为的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
1 引  言诱虫灯是监测昆虫迁飞、扩散、发生期和发生量的重要工具 ,也是害虫综合治理的重要措施之一 .一般认为 ,昆虫飞向光源是一种趋光行为 ,但国内外很多学者认为这种行为是光源对昆虫正常活动的干扰 ,并非是昆虫的趋性[4 ].昆虫对不同波长的光源反应不同 .丁岩钦[6 ]对棉铃虫蛾 (Helicover paarmigera)进行了 1 3种单色光的行为选择实验 ,最高峰在333nm ;侯无危等[9]对桃小食心虫 (Carposinaniponensis)的趋光性研究发现 ,其对 333nm以上的单色光均有趋光反应 .魏国树等[12~ 14 ]在 340~ 6 0 5nm波谱范围内测定了棉铃虫蛾的行为反…  相似文献   

昆虫迁飞的调控基础及展望   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
江幸福  罗礼智 《生态学报》2008,28(6):2835-2835~2842
昆虫迁飞是在长期适应多变的环境过程中进化形成的一种行为对策,也是昆虫的种类和数量繁多,以及迁飞害虫经常暴发成灾的主要原因.昆虫迁飞行为的发生不仅受到外界环境因素的影响,而且受到本身生理因素的调控.目前,国内外对此类研究主要集中在生态环境、生理因素、行为学以及种群遗传学方面的调控机制.随着分子生物学技术的发展,昆虫迁飞行为发生的分子调控机制也越来越受到重视.在对国内外主要昆虫迁飞调控机制概述的基础上,对新的分子生物学技术在昆虫迁飞调控中的应用进行了探讨与展望.  相似文献   

复眼是昆虫主要的视觉器官,具有感受物体的大小、形状和颜色等功能。研究复眼结构是了解昆虫感光机制的基础,进而明确视觉信号在昆虫行为中的作用。昆虫的复眼包括了重叠像眼和并列像眼两种类型,重叠像眼具有聚光作用,可以感受到低强度的光,但是分辨率较低;并列像眼没有聚光作用,分辨率较高。大多数白天活动的昆虫具有并列像眼,夜晚活动的昆虫具有重叠像眼。分子生物学、视网膜电位和行为学研究结果均表明昆虫对紫外、蓝和绿光最敏感。昆虫利用天体和地面目标物信号定向和导航,依靠天体发出的偏振光和地面目标物与背景颜色的对比度进行视觉判断,对于任何一种昆虫,这两种信号都可能同时应用。视觉信号在昆虫定位植物寄主、寻找配偶和产卵过程中起着至关重要的作用,不能低估昆虫视觉能力的作用。利用昆虫对不同波长光波的趋性,研制专一性强的诱捕装置,可为害虫的无公害防治提供理论基础。  相似文献   

1. Stentor coeruleus exhibits negative phototaxis (due to phototactic orientation response) and step-up photophobic response (avoiding reaction) to visible light. 2. The effect of Ja-value ([K+]/[Ca2+]1/2) and calcium ion concentration of the surrounding medium on the photoresponses in Stentor were studied. 3. The both types of photoresponses in Stentor are greatly affected by the Ja-value. A higher Ja-value medium suppressed the step-up photophobic response of Stentor, whereas the organism showed a higher degree of phototactic orientation response in higher Ja-value solutions. 4. The effect of the Ja-value on the step-up photophobic response was opposite to that on the phototactic orientation response. 5. With increasing calcium concentration but at a constant Ja-value, the number of Stentor showing the step-up photophobic response increased, whereas the phototactic orientation response of Stentor was suppressed at higher Ca2+ concentrations. 6. The effect of the calcium concentration on the photophobic response was also opposite to that on the phototactic orientation response, as in the case of Ja-value effect.  相似文献   

When exposed to light, planarians display a distinctive light avoidance behavior known as negative phototaxis. Such behavior is temporarily suppressed when animals are decapitated, and it is restored once the animals regenerate their heads. Head regeneration and the simple but reproducible phototactic response of planarians provides an opportunity to study the association between neuronal differentiation and the establishment of behavior in a simple, experimentally tractable metazoan. We have devised a phototaxis assay system to analyze light response recovery during head regeneration and determined that light evasion is markedly re-established 5 days after amputation. Immunohistological and in situ hybridization studies indicate that the photoreceptors and optic nerve connections to the brain begin by the fourth day of cephalic regeneration. To experimentally manipulate the light response recovery, we performed gene knockdown analysis using RNA interference (RNAi) on two genes (1020HH and eye53) previously reported to be expressed at 5 days after amputation and in the dorso-medial region of the brain (where the optic nerves project). Although RNAi failed to produce morphological defects in either the brain or the visual neurons, the recovery of the phototactic response normally observed in 5-day regenerates was significantly suppressed. The data suggest that 1020HH and eye53 may be involved in the functional recovery and maintenance of the visual system, and that the phototaxis assay presented here can be used to reliably quantify the negative phototactic behavior of planarians.  相似文献   

The phototactic behavior of individual cells of the cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. strain PCC6803 was studied with a glass slide-based phototaxis assay. Data from fluence rate-response curves and action spectra suggested that there were at least two light input pathways regulating phototaxis. We observed that positive phototaxis in wild-type cells was a low fluence response, with peak spectral sensitivity at 645 and 704 nm. This red-light-induced phototaxis was inhibited or photoreversible by infrared light (760 nm). Previous work demonstrated that a taxD1 mutant (Cyanobase accession no. sll0041; also called pisJ1) lacked positive but maintained negative phototaxis. Therefore, the TaxD1 protein, which has domains that are similar to sequences found in both bacteriophytochrome and the methyl-accepting chemoreceptor protein, is likely to be the photoreceptor that mediates positive phototaxis. Wild-type cells exhibited negative phototaxis under high-intensity broad-spectrum light. This phenomenon is predominantly blue light responsive, with a maximum sensitivity at approximately 470 nm. A weakly negative phototactic response was also observed in the spectral region between 600 and 700 nm. A deltataxD1 mutant, which exhibits negative phototaxis even under low-fluence light, has a similar action maximum in the blue region of the spectrum, with minor peaks from green to infrared (500 to 740 nm). These results suggest that while positive phototaxis is controlled by the red light photoreceptor TaxD1, negative phototaxis in Synechocystis sp. strain PCC6803 is mediated by one or more (as yet) unidentified blue light photoreceptors.  相似文献   

A three-dimensional model of the flagellateEuglena gracilis was developed to simulate phototaxis and movement in space. The simulation of the phototactic behavior was compared with thein vivo behavior in order to determine the mechanism of orientation with respect to light. Phototactic behavior with respect to one light source, can be explained by the shading hypothesis as well as by a dichroic orientation of the absorbing vectors of the photoreceptor pigments. In contrast, the behavior of the cells when exposed to two perpendicular light beams is not compatible with the shading hypothesis. Likewise, the phototactic orientation of stigmaless cells cannot be accounted for on the basis of the shading hypothesis. In contrast, simulations andin vivo observations of the behavior under polarized light strongly indicate the validity of the dichroic orientation of the photoreceptor pigments.  相似文献   

Abstract The phototactic orientation of the marine dinoflagellate Prorocentrum micans was studied at three different ages and at several light intensities. High irradiances caused the cells to show negative phototaxis and low irradiances caused positive phototaxis. The precision of negative phototaxis reached a maximum in the early afternoon, while the precision of positive phototaxis was found to peak in the morning and at night. The cells also showed a pronounced negative gravitactic orientation, which had a maximum in precision in the early afternoon. The degree of gravitaxis was found to be constant over time when the cells were confined to a closed cuvette for up to 9 h. As a consequence of the orientation strategies, populations of Prorocentrum micans showed daily vertical migrations in a 3-m Plexiglas column. They accumulated in the top layers in the afternoon and were almost randomly distributed during the rest of the day.  相似文献   

A real-time automated method was developed for simultaneous measurements of phototactic orientation (phototaxis) and step-up photophobic response of flagellated microorganisms. Addition of all-trans retinal restored both photoresponses in a carotenoid-deficient mutant strain of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii in a dose-dependent manner. The phototactic orientation was biphasic with respect to both the light intensity and the concentration of retinal. All-trans retinal was more effective than 11-cis retinal to regenerate both photobehavioral responses. Analogs having locked 11-cis configurations and a phenyl ring in the side chain also induced photoresponses, although at concentrations more than two orders of magnitude higher than all-trans retinal. According to the present assay method, the responses were hardly detectable in cells incubated with retinal analogs in which the 13-ene was locked in either its trans or cis configuration. The results strongly suggest that the isomerization of the 13-14 double bond is important for photobehavioral signal transduction and that a single retinal-dependent photoreceptor controls both phototactic and photophobic responses.  相似文献   

Predator avoidance is generally thought to be the most importantultimate reason for diel vertical migration in zooplankton.Combining field observations and experimental results, it isshown, first, that a phototactic reaction to relative changesin light intensity is at the base of a diel vertical migrationand, secondly, how this phototaxis is enhanced by a chemicalmediated by juvenile perch.  相似文献   

Phototaxis and gravitaxis are characterized in a freshwater species of the flagellate Cryptomonas. The phototactic orientation in this limnetic species is unusual and differs from all other Cryptomonas species studied so far: At both low (< or = 1O W m-2) and higher fluence rates it orients perpendicular to the light beam (diaphototaxis) while another freshwater Cryptomonas species (strain CR-1) is restricted to positive phototaxis and the marine species, C. maculata, shows both a positive and a more pronounced negative phototaxis. The mechanism of light direction detection seems to depend on a periodic shading or irradiation mechanism as confirmed by the disturbance of phototaxis in the presence of high viscosity media. In addition, this freshwater species possesses a rather pronounced negative gravitaxis which is only partially modified by phototaxis. The ecological consequences of this behavior are discussed.  相似文献   

Eucryptorrhynchus scrobiculatus and E. brandti (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) are destructive weevils on Ailanthus altissima in China. This study examined phototactic behaviour of E. scrobiculatus and E. brandti in response to eight light-emitting diodes (LEDs) in the laboratory and field. Effects of gender, starvation, and light and dark experience on the phototactic behaviour of the insects were evaluated. The results demonstrated that, the two species of weevil were phototactic insects and most sensitive to violet light (400–405?nm), followed by blue–violet light (420–430?nm). They were less sensitive to red (655–660?nm), white (6000–6500?k), blue–green (470–480?nm), yellow (590–595?nm), blue (450–455?nm), and green (515–530?nm) light. In the light intensity range of 200–1000?lux, the light intensity had no significant effect on the phototatic behaviour of E. scrobiculatus and E. brandti. Phototactic behaviour of the insects was affected by gender. The phototaxis indices of the two species of weevil increased with starvation, reaching a plateau after 2 or 3?d of starvation. The phototaxis indices of E. scrobiculatus and E. brandti were significantly affected by various wavelengths of light following exposure to the light for 3?h or in different dark experience time. In the mark-release-recapture test, the number of E. scrobiculatus and E. brandti adults trapped by violet (400–405?nm) light traps is the largest. The information provided here provides a basis for survey and control of E. scrobiculatus and E. brandti.  相似文献   

A microscope-television system was used to monitor quantitatively the behavior of Gymnodinium splendens Lebour in response to light. The predominant behavioral sequence upon stimulation is (a) an initial 2–5 sec cessation of movement (stop-response) followed by (b) positive phototaxis. The action spectra for each response are identical, having maxima at 450 and 280 nm. Upon measuring the percent response to a range of stimulus intensities, it is apparent that a stop-response is not a behavioral prerequisite for phototaxis. An identical circadian rhythm in photoresponsiveness is observed for phototaxis and for the stop-response with greatest light sensitivity occurring during the first 4 hr of the entrained light period. The implication of phototactic sensitivity and the phototactic circadian rhythm in diurnal vertical migration is discussed.  相似文献   

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