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巢湖夏、秋季浮游植物叶绿素a及蓝藻水华影响因素分析   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
2007年6-11月份,对设置在巢湖全湖的23个样点水体的理化指标水温(WT)、pH值、溶解氧(DO)、总氮(TN)、总磷(TP)、活性磷(RP)以及浮游植物的种类组成和叶绿素a(Chl-a)浓度进行了调查分析。结果表明:在巢湖夏秋季温差变化不大的环境中,温度依然是影响藻类生物量的重要因素。夏、秋季蓝藻为最主要的藻类类群(其平均值占藻类总生物量的63.36%);藻类生物量与所测理化因子均有显著正相关。在夏、秋季各月份,蓝藻生物量呈前高后低状M型波动,其中7月份湖水中蓝藻浓度最低。夏、秋季湖水中叶绿素的浓度没有太大变化,维持在一个较高的水平(>10mg/m3),遇到合适的气象条件有形成大面积水华的可能。  相似文献   

洋河水库富营养化发展趋势及其关键影响因素   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
王丽平  郑丙辉 《生态学报》2013,33(3):1011-1017
洋河水库作为秦皇岛和北戴河暑期办公的重要水源地,近年来富营养化逐年加重,水质恶化.通过收集历史资料和现场连续监测,综合分析了洋河水库富营养化发展趋势及其关键影响因素,结果表明1990-2011年期间,总氮、总磷常年超过国际公认的发生富营养化的浓度水平,每年8月是水华集中暴发期.以8月为例,自1990年以来,水体总氮、总磷和叶绿素a浓度逐年上升,透明度则呈明显下降趋势,富营养化状态从1990年的中营养状态变成2011年的超富营养状态.对2011年5-10月监测数据进行相关关系分析发现水温、透明度、溶解氧、pH值、总磷、正磷酸盐、高锰酸盐指数和总有机碳都与叶绿素a浓度明显相关,其中透明度、溶解氧、pH值是水华暴发的结果而非原因,表明透明度、溶解氧和pH值是水华暴发影响水质的主要表现因素;既然洋河水库地处北温带,四季分明,冬季存在2-3个月的冰封期,因此水温是水库水华暴发的驱动因子之一.2011年7月中旬至8月底洋河水库暴发了全库水域的蓝藻水华,优势种为铜绿微囊藻(Microystis aeruginosa)和鱼害微囊藻(M.ichthyoblabe),密度分别达到3.5×106和1.4×106个/mL.  相似文献   

为了探究不同无机碳(Ci)转运基因型蓝藻与湖泊水体pH变化的关系,文章优化了水体中不同无机碳转运基因型蓝藻相对丰度的检测方法,测定了太湖、滇池及武汉市18个湖泊中具有不同无机碳(Ci)转运基因型蓝藻的相对丰度,并结合水体pH进行分析。结果发现,在所有湖泊中均存在bicA株、sbtA株及bicA+sbtA株,其中sbtA株分布最为广泛;随着水体中pH升高, sbtA株优势度随之增加。为了进一步解析不同Ci转运基因型蓝藻对CO2浓度变化的响应,研究了室内纯培养条件下bicA株、sbtA株及bicA+sbtA株分别在高浓度(1000 ppm)和低浓度(100 ppm)CO2下的竞争。结果显示,在低Ci水平下sbtA株具有明显竞争优势,而在高Ci水平下bicA株占据了优势地位。上述研究表明随着CO2浓度的上升,水华蓝藻中bicA株会具有竞争优势。大气CO2浓度上升可能会显著影响水华蓝藻的群落组成。  相似文献   

汤溪水库蓝藻水华发生的影响因子分析   总被引:57,自引:0,他引:57  
赵孟绪  韩博平 《生态学报》2005,25(7):1554-1560
汤溪水库位于北回归线附近的热带地区,是广东省东部的大型供水水库。1997年来该水库频繁在10~11月份发生蓝藻水华,但在2003年,蓝藻水华提前在7月份发生。对影响蓝藻水华发生的主要因子进行了分析,探讨了2003年蓝藻水华提前发生的原因。汤溪水库的营养物质主要来源于流域降水形成的地表径流,其中5月份降水多,水库营养盐输入量大;该水库浮游植物生长基本不受N、P营养盐限制,具备蓝藻水华发生的N、P营养盐基础。在4~11月份,水库表层水温为25~35℃,适合蓝藻水华的发生,水温与蓝藻、微囊藻的丰度具有显著相关性,较高的水温是蓝藻水华发生重要条件之一。在具备充分营养盐与适合水温条件下,水体稳定性是控制汤溪水库蓝藻水华发生时间的关键因子。2003年全年的降水仅为多年平均值的76.8%,且汛期7月份降水量只有64mm,远小于往年的同期降水量,汛期反常的水体稳定性导致了蓝藻水华的提前发生。  相似文献   

湖泊蓝藻水华发生机理研究进展   总被引:43,自引:6,他引:37  
马健荣  邓建明  秦伯强  龙胜兴 《生态学报》2013,33(10):3020-3030
蓝藻水华是富营养化湖泊常见的生态灾害,通过产生毒素、死亡分解时使水体缺氧和破坏正常的食物网威胁到饮用水安全、公众健康和景观,会造成严重的经济损失和社会问题,揭示其发生机理是进行防治的基础。综述了蓝藻水华发生机理的主要假说和证据,主要分为环境因子(营养盐、氮磷比、温度、微量元素、浮游动物牧食、水文和气象条件等)和生理生态特性(伪空泡、胶质鞘、CO2浓缩机制、适应低光强、贮藏营养物质、防晒、产毒素和固氮等)两个方面;评述了主要新理论,展望了今后的研究。到目前为止的研究表明寻找一两个关键因子并不能阐明蓝藻水华的发生机理。现存的理论或假说尽管已经在蓝藻水华的防治实践中产生重要作用,但仍然未能清楚地阐释其发生的客观规律。认为蓝藻水华是在各种环境因子(外因)的耦合驱动下,水华蓝藻由于其独特的生理生态特性(内因),产生巨大的生物量而在浮游植物群落中占绝对优势,在合适的水文气象条件下集聚于水表而形成。因此水华机理的研究应同时关注水华蓝藻的生理生态学规律和蓝藻水华发生的各种环境条件。不同环境因子协同影响水华蓝藻的不同生理生态特性的表达,从而影响水华的发生过程,将可能是以后研究的重点。蓝藻水华机理的研究在微观方面正趋向于应用分子生物学手段分析蓝藻生理过程,宏观方面则将广泛应用遥感遥测技术观测全湖蓝藻的变化规律。今后加强对水华蓝藻生理生态特性的基因表达与调控和环境多因子耦合作用于蓝藻水华过程的研究将有重要意义。蓝藻水华的机理研究包括现象、过程和原因3个层次的问题,通过大量的现象和过程的研究,不断揭示其发生过程中水华蓝藻的群落演替、种群发展、细胞活性和分子机理等变化规律,才能找到其发生的真正原因,为其防治提供理论依据和更好的治理措施。在蓝藻水华防治方面,控制营养盐和生态修复可能将是今后很长时间内最根本最有效和最具操作性的方法。  相似文献   

王朋  徐钢春  徐跑 《水生生物学报》2019,43(6):1290-1299
采用基于Illumina Miseq测序平台的高通量测序技术, 从不同角度(密度、区域、溶氧、季节)分析大口黑鲈(Micropterus salmoides)池塘工程化循环水养殖系统中溶解氧和水温对细菌群落结构和丰富度的影响。结果表明: 菌群丰富度在9月份最高, 在10月份最低。在昼夜变化中, 溶解氧最低时的菌群丰富度整体上高于溶解氧最高时。在不同区域中, 粪便收集区的菌群丰富度高于养殖区。在7—11月份的季节变化中, 变形菌、放线菌、拟杆菌和蓝细菌的相对丰度占据前四位; 在属水平上, 假单胞菌、黄杆菌和聚球菌为优势物种; 几乎每种细菌都具有显著或极显著的月份差异。假单胞菌的相对丰度与溶解氧和水温皆具有极显著的相关性。聚球菌、蓝细菌、CL-500_marine_group和Alpinimonas皆与水温具有极显著相关性。分枝杆菌、MNG7与溶解氧极显著相关。此外, 不同菌群之间也具有显著或极显著的相关性。实验结果表明放养密度、养殖区域、溶氧浓度和季节变化都会影响水体菌群丰富度。  相似文献   

高温强太阳光照条件下蓝藻水华形成的实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王小冬  秦伯强  高光 《生态科学》2008,27(5):357-361
富营养化和藻类水华尤其是蓝藻水华在全世界范围内的湖泊中都有发生,但富营养化和水面藻类水华出现之间没有等同关系.目前人们对水华形成机制还不是很了解,对水华的具体形成过程也不是很清楚,因此若能通过一定的途径使没有形成水面水华的富营养水体出现水面水华就对水华形成机制的研究很有意义.实验选用高温季节里,于2007年8月28日将室外塑料蓝桶中培育的浮游植物丰富的天然水体-其中含有类颤藻鱼腥藻但其并不占据优势,引入到无色透明玻璃瓶中.实验初始水体的chl-a、TN和TP依次为 615.20mg·-3、9.144mg·L-1和0.453mg·L-1.2007年8月29日对各处理进行营养盐的梯度添加,添加的营养盐为KNO3和KH2PO4.共有4个营养盐添加梯度,添加的N/P(质量比)为7:1,其中添加的N的梯度为(mg·L-1):0,0.5,1.0和2.0.实验过程中测定了水温、光合有效辐射、氮磷营养盐、叶绿素a和浮游植物种类的数量变化.结果表明实验过程中各处理的营养盐和chl-a含量均比开始时有下降,同时各处理中水面出现了类颤藻鱼腥藻水华,且类颤藻鱼腥藻的数量随处理中营养盐添加量的增多而升高.这说明了含有少量鱼腥藻的高chl-a含量的天然水体在高温季节引入到透明玻璃容器中后能形成水表面鱼腥藻水华,玻璃容器中的高温强光照条件和营养盐的添加能促进鱼腥藻在竞争中取得优势.本实验利用小玻璃容器,排除了鱼类、风浪、底泥等多个因素的影响,集中关注营养盐添加和高温强光照因子,成功重现了蓝藻表面水华的发生.营养盐添加水平与浮游植物种间竞争并导致水体表面水华发生之间的关系在此实验中得到很好的体现.虽然本实验不能揭示蓝藻水华形成的具体机制,但为蓝藻水华形成机制研究提供了便捷的途径而很有意义.  相似文献   

富营养湖泊滇池水华蓝藻的机械清除   总被引:37,自引:2,他引:35  
富营养湖泊暴发蓝藻水华时可集聚浓度达n× 10 8— 9cell/L ,利用重力振动、旋振和离心等方法收集富藻水 ,逐次浓缩、脱水后得藻泥 ;根据需要可对藻泥进行干燥 ,得到干藻粉。 2 0 0 1年 4月至 2 0 0 2年 11月在云南滇池以上述方式清除蓝藻水华 35 1d ,共处理富藻水 4 2 6 4 8m3 ,折合清除水华蓝藻干重为 4 6 0 .83t。按所清除的蓝藻干粉的总氮、总磷、总钾、粗有机质及重金属的平均含量计算 ,相当于从试验区水体中去除了氮 (N) 37.33t、磷 (P) 2 .71t、钾 (K)2 .4 9t及粗有机质 2 0 0 .32t;重金属铅 (Pb) 2 .2 89kg、砷 (As) 2 .2 3kg、汞 (Hg) 2 .3kg、镉 (Cd) 0 .5 1kg。表明在富营养湖泊中水华蓝藻大量暴发时 ,采用机械除藻 ,对控制蓝藻水华污染 ,有效降低内源氮、磷等污染物负荷具有十分重要的作用  相似文献   

上海市河道水体拟浮丝藻生物量与环境因子的回归分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
拟浮丝藻是一类常见的水华蓝藻,为探究城市河道生境中该类蓝藻与环境因子的关系,本研究采用广义加性模型(GAM)回归分析法对2013—2016年夏季上海地区36条河道的野外调查数据进行了分析。结果表明:夏季拟浮丝藻生物量与水温(25~35℃)和pH(6.5~9.5)二者呈显著正相关,而与氮、磷浓度相关性不显著(P0.05);上海市河道水体中营养盐(总氮浓度平均为2.62 mg·L-1,总磷浓度平均为0.46 mg·L-1)不是拟浮丝藻生长的限制性因素;另外,拟浮丝藻生物量与轮虫、原生动物和小型枝角类生物量总体呈显著正相关,而与桡足类的生物量呈负相关;这可能与食物资源(小型可食性藻类的增加)以及不同类型的浮游动物对于丝状蓝藻的耐受性差异有关。  相似文献   

大型浅水富营养化湖泊中蓝藻水华形成机理的思考   总被引:247,自引:3,他引:244  
孔繁翔  高光 《生态学报》2005,25(3):589-595
湖泊富营养化依然是我国目前以及今后相当长一段时期内的重大水环境问题。研究蓝藻水华的形成机制 ,对于科学预测湖泊中蓝藻水华的产生 ,并采取相应措施减少其带来的影响具有重要的生态和环境意义。为探索富营养化湖泊中蓝藻水华形成机理 ,综述了目前对我国大型浅水湖泊蓝藻水华成因研究现状和对水华形成机理的一般认识。分析了导致蓝藻水华形成的化学、物理和生物等主要环境因素 ,论述了蓝藻 ,尤其是微囊藻成为水华优势种的可能原因。认为对水华的形成需要全面认识 ,营养盐浓度的升高可能仅是蓝藻水华形成、且人们可以加以控制的因素之一 ;在探索水华成因时 ,不能仅仅局限于夏季蓝藻水华发生时环境特征的研究与观察 ,而应该提前关注蓝藻的越冬生理生态特征、春季复苏的生态诱导因子及其阈值以及在复苏后 ,蓝藻如何在生长过程中形成群体 ,并逐步成为湖泊水生生态系统中的优势种乃至形成水华的过程。并需要对蓝藻越冬的生存对策、蓝藻群体的形成的条件、蓝藻在春季复苏的触发条件及其生态阈值、以及蓝藻在与其它藻类种群竞争中取胜的生理生化特征有足够的认识。蓝藻水华的“暴发”是表观现象 ,其前提还是藻类一定的生物量 ,且是一个逐渐形成的过程。根据生态学的基本理论和野外对水华形成过程的原位观测  相似文献   

Microbially reducible iron (water-soluble plus exchangeable forms) in three soils represented about 20% of the chemically reducible iron. The amount of iron reduced by microorganisms increased for about ten days to two weeks following flooding and thereafter remained constant. A similar trend was observed for the release of added Fe-59 in the soils following flooding, except that the reduction of labelled iron began earlier. In the more weathered soil, a higher proportion of the total iron was reduced by citrate-dithionite than in the relatively unweathered alluvial soils. Of labelled iron added, sequential reduction showed approximately 70% in the three soils was microbially reducible, an additional 20% was reduced by citrate-dithionite, and 10% of the labelled iron had moved into the residual form.  相似文献   

Aktar Ali  Qi Zhang  Jisen Dai  Xi Huang 《Biometals》2003,16(2):285-293
The fluorescence quenching of calcein (CA) is not iron specific and results in a negative calibration curve. In the present study, deferoxamine (DFO), a strong iron chelator, was used to regenerate the fluorescence quenched by iron. Therefore, the differences in fluorescence reading of the same sample with or without addition of DFO are positively and specifically proportional to the amounts of iron. We found that the same iron species but different anions (e.g. ferric sulfate or ferric citrate) differed in CA fluorescence quenching, so did the same anions but different iron (e.g. ferrous or ferric sulfates). Excessive amounts of citrate competed with CA for iron and citrate could be removed by barium precipitation. After optimizing the experimental conditions, the sensitivity of the fluorescent CA assay is 0.02 M of iron, at least 10 times more sensitive than the colorimetric assays. Sera from 6 healthy subjects were tested for low molecular weight (LMW) chelator bound iron in the filtrates of 10 kDa nominal molecular weight limit (NMWL). The LMW iron was marginally detectable in the normal sera. However, increased levels of LMW iron were obtained at higher transferrin (Tf) saturation (1.64–2.54 M range at 80% Tf saturation, 2.77–3.15 M range at 100% Tf saturation and 3.09–3.39 M range at 120% Tf saturation). The application of the assay was further demonstrated in the filtrates of human liver HepG2 and human lung epithelial A549 cells treated with iron or iron-containing dusts.  相似文献   

Absorption from food is an important route for entry of the toxic metal, cadmium, into the body. Both cadmium and iron are believed to be taken up by duodenal enterocytes via the iron regulated, proton-coupled transporter, DMT1. This means that cadmium uptake could be enhanced in conditions where iron absorption is increased. We measured pH dependent uptake of 109Cd and 59Fe by duodenum from mice with an in vitro method. Mice with experimental (hypoxia, iron deficiency) or hereditary (hypotransferrinaemia) increased iron absorption were studied. All three groups of mice showed increased 59Fe uptake (p<0.05) compared to their respective controls. Hypotransferrinaemic and iron deficient mice exhibited an increase in 109Cd uptake (p<0.05). Cadmium uptake was not, however, increased by lowering the medium pH from 7.4 to 6. In contrast, 59Fe uptake (from 59FeNTA2) and ferric reductase activity was increased by lowering medium pH in control and iron deficient mice (p<0.05). The data show that duodenal cadmium uptake can be increased by hereditary iron overload conditions. The uptake is not, however, altered by lowering medium pH suggesting that DMT1-independent uptake pathways may operate.  相似文献   

Ferric iron acted as a non-competitive inhibitor for the biological oxidation of ferrous iron and decreased the inhibitory effects of high concentrations of ferrous iron as well as the auto-inhibitive effect the bacterial cells. A previously developed kinetic model for this reaction was modified to incorporate the inhibition effects of ferric iron. © Rapid Science Ltd. 1998  相似文献   

This paper briefly presents a review concerning the species which can arise when iron salts and citric acid are mixed together. The data commented on are required for a correct interpretation of the chemical processes which play a paramount role in biology and in the biological studies involving iron-citrate complexes.  相似文献   

缺铁性贫血是全球最常见的一种营养素缺乏疾病,患者由于血氧不足,易引起疲劳、烦躁、记忆力减退等系列症状,严重影响身 体健康,降低了生活质量。补铁剂是目前最广谱有效的预防和治疗缺铁性贫血的药物。综述补铁剂的发展历程,在铁吸收代谢机制的基础上, 归纳总结传统铁剂的特点和类别,同时对高分子铁剂的结构信息、理化性质、给药途径和剂量、吸收机制等进行系统整理,介绍3 种即 将进入我国市场的新型静脉铁剂的使用和临床试验情况,为补铁剂的研究提供参考。  相似文献   

Summary The kinetics of the separate processes of Fe2(III)-transferrin binding to the transferrin receptor, transferrin-receptor internalization, iron dissociation from transferrin, iron passage through the membrane, and iron mobilization into the cytoplasm were studied by pulse-chase experiments using rabbit reticulocytes and59Fe,125I-labeled rabbit transferrin. The binding of59Fe-transferrin to transferrin receptors was rapid with an apparent rate constant of 2×105 m –1 sec–1. The rate of internalization of59Fe-transferrin was directly measured at 520±100 molecules of Fe2(III)-transferrin internalized/sec/cell with 250±43 sec needed to internalize the entire complement of reticulocyte transferrin receptors. Subsequent to Fe2(III)-transferrin internalization the flux of59Fe was followed through three compartments: internalized transferrin, membrane, and cytosol.A process preceding iron dissociation from transferrin and a reaction involving membrane-associated iron required 17±2 sec and 34±5 sec, respectively. Apparent rate constants of 0.0075±0.002 sec–1 and 0.0343±0.0118 sec–1 were obtained for iron dissociation from transferrin and iron mobilization into the cytosol, respectively. Iron dissociation from transferrin is the rate-limiting step. An apparent rate constant of 0.0112±0.0025 sec–1 was obtained for processes involving iron transport through the membrane although at least two reactions are likely to be involved. Based on mechanistic considerations, iron transport through the membrane may be attributed to an iron reduction step followed by a translocation step. These data indicate that the uptake of iron in reticulocytes is a sequential process, with steps after the internalization of Fe2(III)-transferrin that are distinct from the handling of transferrin.  相似文献   

An amino acid derivative isolated from seedlings of Avena sativa and Oryza sativa, along with avenic acid A and its derivatives which possess a chelating ability with iron ions, has been shown to be nicotianamine. The co-occurrence of nicotianamine and avenic acids in the same plant, as well as their structural similarity, reveals their close biosynthetic relationship.  相似文献   

The ability of the mycotoxin citrinin to act as an inhibitor of iron-induced lipoperoxidation of biological membranes prompted us to determine whether it could act as an iron chelating agent, interfering with iron redox reactions or acting as a free radical scavenger. The addition of Fe3+ to citrinin rapidly produced a chromogen, indicating the formation of citrinin-Fe3+ complexes. An EPR study confirms that citrinin acts as a ligand of Fe3+, the complexation depending on the [Fe3+]:[citrinin] ratios. Effects of citrinin on the iron redox cycle were evaluated by oxygen consumption or the o-phenanthroline test. No effect on EDTA-Fe2+-->EDTA-Fe3+ oxidation was observed in the presence of citrinin, but the mycotoxin inhibited, in a dose-dependent manner, the oxidation of Fe2+ to Fe3+ by hydrogen peroxide. Reducing agents such as ascorbic acid and DTT reduced the Fe3+-citrinin complex, but DTT did not cause reduction of Fe3+-EDTA, indicating that the redox potentials of Fe3+-citrinin and Fe3+-EDTA are not the same. The Fe2+ formed from the reduction of Fe3+-citrinin by reducing agents was not rapidly reoxidized to Fe3+ by atmospheric oxygen. Citrinin has no radical scavenger ability as demonstrated by the absence of DPPH reduction. However, a reaction between citrinin and hydrogen peroxide was observed by UV spectrum changes of citrinin after incubation with hydrogen peroxide. It was also observed that citrinin did not induce direct or reductive mobilization of iron from ferritin. These results indicate that the protective effect on iron-induced lipid peroxidation by citrinin occurs due to the formation of a redox inactive Fe3+-citrinin complex, as well as from the reaction of citrinin and hydrogen peroxide.  相似文献   

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