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在《中国植物志》第14卷中,萱草属Hemerocallis夜间开花类群被处理为3个独立的物种,北黄花菜、黄花菜和小黄花菜。但是,它们之间因严重的性状重叠和交叉,用单个性状如花数、花被管长度、根的直径等区分它们极为困难。本文根据国产干标本和栽培材料,对9个常用检索性状以及核型做了定量分析。另外,这3个类群的地理分布式样表明,它们似乎是不同的地理宗,因为三者替代性分布在由暖湿到旱冷的气候梯度中。本文结论是,将三者处理为同一物种北黄花菜的3个亚种也许更令人信服,即原亚种北黄花菜,亚种黄花菜和亚种小黄花菜。  相似文献   

中国西北地区萱草属花粉形态研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
孔红  王庆瑞 《植物研究》1991,11(1):85-90
本文借助光学显微镜和扫描电镜,对我国西北地区萱草属6种1变种的花粉形态进行了比较研究,不同的种类,其花粉形态或多或少有所不同,说明花粉形态在种间具有分类意义,而且6种、1变种可自然地分为两大类群,第一类群包括小黄花菜、北萱草、黄花菜,第二类群包括北黄花菜、折叶萱草、萱草、重瓣萱草。#br#北黄花菜、小黄花菜的花粉形态差别较大,证明把小黄花菜做为北黄花菜的变种是不妥当的。  相似文献   

中国萱草属数量分类研究   总被引:15,自引:2,他引:13  
用聚类分析和主成分分析研究了国产萱草属11个类群的分类。结果发现这些类群形成4簇。第一簇:北黄花菜、黄花菜、小黄花菜和多花萱草。第二簇:小萱草和大苞萱草。第三簇:折叶萱草,西南萱草和矮萱草。第四簇:萱草及其三倍体类型。各簇都有其区别特征。讨论了簇内各类群之间的亲缘关系及属下分组问题。  相似文献   

甘肃萱草属植物的核型研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
孔红  王庆瑞   《广西植物》1993,13(3):247-251
本文研究了甘肃萱草属6种、1变种的染色体核型;黄花菜K(2n)=22=12m+10sm(2SAT);小黄花菜K(2n)=22=10m+12sm;北萱草K(2n)=22=8m+14sm;北黄花菜K(2n)=22=14m+6sm+2st;萱草K(2n)=22=12m+8sm+2st;重瓣萱草K(2n)=33=18m+12sm+3st:折叶萱草K(2n)=22=10m+10sm+2st。以上核型可自然地分成两大类群,第一类群包括小黄花菜、北萱草、黄花菜;第二类群包括折叶萱草、萱草、重瓣萱草、北黄花菜。  相似文献   

芍药属牡丹组的分类历史和分类处理   总被引:95,自引:7,他引:95  
芍药属Paeonia木本类群,即牡丹组sect.Moutan DC.,为中国特有;广泛栽培的牡丹也起源于 中国。遗憾的是我国学者对牡丹类群的分类一直未予重视,野生类群的标本也很少。90年代以来对该 类群的分类突然热起来,中外学者连续发表了多个新种、新亚种和新等级,但仍然没有一个全面的修订。 在美国地理学会基金资助下,我们几乎踏遇了该类群分布区的各个角落,拜访了所有模式产地(仅一个 例外),对64个居群进行了考察和取样。在性状分析的基础上检查了各个分类群的问题,考证了全部模 式,最后对该类群作出分类修订。本文是对分类历史的回顾,并表述了我们的分类处理:牡丹组共有8个种,其中3个种各包含两个亚种,另有两个杂种。  相似文献   

棕头鸦雀分类问题商榷   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
韩联宪 《动物学研究》1991,12(2):117-124
棕头鸦雀的分类有过几次较为系统的整理研究。因其飞羽外缘有栗红色与褐色两种类型,前者又可分为红胸、灰胸两类群,故在分类上各学者持有不同意见。或将其分为3个种,或归并为1种。本文依据作者工作结果,从地理分布、形态及骨骼性状进行分析研究,认为棕头鸦雀具栗红翅缘的红胸、灰胸两类群在中国西南地区的云、贵、川三省的亚种分布接触地带彼此混交并有居间个体,不应独立为两个不同种。栗红翅缘褐色翅缘两大类群尚未发现重叠分布,形态明显间断,一直未见有中间类型。两大类群在头骨的泪骨突起和方骨形态上有明显差异,建议将它们分为Paradoxornis webbianus和paradoxornis brunneus。前者再分为红胸、灰胸两亚种组。对少数有争议的亚种也提出了处理意见。  相似文献   

代应贵 《动物学杂志》2017,52(2):253-262
基于2014~2015年对贵州蒙江流域的野外调查,合并过去的零星采集,共计收集蒙江鱼类标本5 206号,经鉴定为65种(或亚种)。结合历史文献,蒙江共分布有鱼类75种(或亚种),隶属7目18科56属。其中,鳗鲡(Anguilla japonica)为洄游鱼类,食蚊鳉(Gambusia affinis)、陈氏新银鱼(Neosalanx tangkahkeii)、尼罗罗非鱼(Oreochromis niloticus)为外来种。与历史调查记录相比,本调查新增蒙江鱼类记录41种(或亚种)。蒙江鱼类组成,以鲤形目鱼类占显著优势,共计有51种(或亚种),占总种(或亚种)数的68.0%。在科的水平,以鲤科为主要类群,占总种(或亚种)数的60.0%。其次,鲇科和鲿科物种较多,分别有3和4种鱼类。UPGMA聚类分析表明,蒙江鱼类组成,与西江上游支流北盘江具有高度相似性。蒙江鱼类区系中,以华南区指示性种类最多,其次为华东区代表性种类较多,缺乏北方区指示性成分。蒙江鲤科鱼类由老第三纪原始类群、东亚类群、南方类群和青藏高原类群等4个类群组成,并以老第三纪原始类群占优势,缺乏北方冷水性类群种类。蒙江鱼类区系具有物种多样性高、区系成分复杂、特有种和受威胁种类多、富于适应急流环境鱼类和具有云贵高原东部地区鱼类区系特殊组成等特点。蒙江鱼类区系属于东洋区南亚亚区。  相似文献   

湖南的一些泥盆纪竹节石   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
描述湖南中部中、上泥盆统的薄壳竹节石8属27种(或亚种),其中4新种,将它们划分为3个类群:中泥盆统类群以 Nowakia, Viriatellina和Costulatostyliolina 为主,弗拉斯阶下部类群为Homoctenus tenuicinctus tenuicinctus组合,弗拉斯阶上部类群为H.ultimus ultimus组合.  相似文献   

贞琵甲属Agnaptoria是小琵甲亚族Gnaptorinina中第三大属和青藏高原特有类群,已知36种/亚种。本文选取3个线粒体基因(COI; Cytb; 16S rDNA)和1个核基因(28S rDNA-D2)片段,采用最大似然法(Maximum likelihood,ML)构建了该属的系统发育树;运用ASAP(Assemble Species by Automatic Partitioning)、GMYC(Generalized Mixed Yule Coalescent)和PTP(Poisson Tree Processes)3种方法对该属进行了分子物种界定分析。结果表明:综合运用3种分子物种界定方法的界定结果与形态鉴定结果基本吻合。依据形态特征与分子物种界定技术相结合的综合鉴定方法,大大提高了该类群的物种鉴定效率,为该类群未来在系统发育、地理分布格局演化等方面的研究提供了可靠的分子数据。  相似文献   

木槿的发育可塑性及种下分类研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
史刚荣 《植物研究》2003,23(3):340-344
对紫花单瓣木槿、紫花重瓣木槿和牡丹木槿在叶和花部性状上的发育可塑性研究表明,三个种下类群,特别是紫花单瓣木槿和牡丹木槿的叶片性状具有很大的发育可塑性,但花部性状的发育可塑性则相对很小,暗示着花部性状较叶片性状具有更大的分类价值。通过种下类群间表型性状的比较,发现牡丹木槿在叶缘、叶柄长度、花色、花冠直径、花梗长度、果实长宽比等性状上都与其它两个类群存在显著差异,从而建议将牡丹木槿确立为亚种(H. syriacus Linn. subsp. paeoniflorus (Gagnep.)G. R. Shi)  相似文献   

The nocturnal-flowering group of Hemerocallis was treated as including three separate species, H.lilioasphodelus,H.citrina and H.minor in the Florae Reipublicae Popularis Sinicae Vol.14(1980).However it is difficult to distinguish them from one another by a single feature,such as the flower number,length of perianth tube,diameter of tuberous roots,for they are strongly overlapping.In the present paper,numerical analysis was made of nine morphological characters and karyotype divergences which are of taxonomic significance as shown in the study of H. fulva and its two varieties (Xiong and Chen,1992),based on dry and living materials from China.In addition,geographical distribution pattern of the three taxa studied shows that they seem to be different geographical races or allopatric ecotypes in a topocline,since they inhabit a climate gradient from warm and moist to cold and drought condition.As a result,the present authors tend to consider it more reasonable to treat them as a single species,H.lilioasphodelus,with three subspecies,that is, H.lilioasphodelus ssp.lilioasphodelus,H.lilioasphodelus ssp. citrina (stat.nov) and H.lilioasphodelus ssp.minor(stat.nov.)  相似文献   

Comparative studies of karyotypes in Hemerocallis from China have been carried out using numerical techniques. Taxa studied are as follows: Hemerocallis citrina, H. dumortieri , H. esculenta , H. forrestii , di- and triploid H. fulva , H. lilioasphodelus , H. middendorffii, H. minor, H. multiflora and H. plicata. The results show that variation in speciation has taken place at chromosomal level, and that karyotype variations have largely paralleled the morphological ones. Taxonomic proposals are given to treat H. citrina and H. minor as subspecies of H. lilioasphodelus, and H. esculenta as a variety of H. dumortieri. The results are not in favour of considering H. middendorffii as a variety ofH. dumortieri, and H. multiflora closely related to H. plicata.  相似文献   

Taxonomic studies of 11 taxa in Hemerocallis from China were conducted using cluster analysis and principal components analysis. The taxa were grouped into four clusters. The Cluster one includs H. citrina, H. lilioasphodelus, H. minor and H. multiflora ; the second cluster H. dumortieri and H. middendorfii ; the third cluster H. plicata, H. forresti and H. nana; and the fourth cluster di-and triploid of H. fulva. Relationships between the taxa within clusters as well as the subdivision of the genus are discussed.  相似文献   

萱草属有毒植物的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
萱草属中某些种的根含神经性毒物,家畜采食或饲喂实验动物能引起中毒病的发生。在鉴于此对北萱草,黄花菜,北黄花菜,小黄花菜进行了植物调查鉴定及有毒成分—萱草根素的提取分离与毒性和结构再鉴定的研究,确认除黄花菜根外其它3种均含有萱草根素。讨论了黄花菜种鉴定中存在的问题。  相似文献   

孔红  王庆瑞   《广西植物》1990,(4):325-328
本文对黄花菜三个品种进行了细胞学研究。三个品种的染色体数目均为22,核型有所不同,核型公式分别为:线黄花2n=2x=22=12m+10sm;马连黄花2n=2x=22=10m+10sm+2st(SAT);小黄花2n=2x=22=6m+14sm+2st。核型均属2B型。线黄花与马连黄花的核型接近。细胞学研究说明,根据植物形态分类划分的黄花菜三个品种是确切的。  相似文献   

为探究黄花菜栽培种植时氮(N)、磷(P)、钾(K)肥的最佳施肥量,给黄花菜科学合理施肥提供依据。本试验以海螺沟本地黄花菜品种为研究对象,运用"3414"肥效试验方案,分别以N13.5kg/667m^2,P2O540kg/667m^2,K2O15kg/667m2为常规施肥水平,通过大田试验,研究氮磷钾配施对黄花菜主要农艺性状、产量和2种蒽醌类活性成分含量的影响。结果表明,合理的氮磷钾配施不仅能促进单株黄花菜生长发育的协调,而且能够显著提高其鲜花中的大黄酸和大黄酚含量;施用氮磷钾肥对黄花菜产量的增产效果明显,处理6(N2P2K2)的产量最高,为1727.73kg/667m^2,比不施肥处理增产457.90kg/667m^2,增产率达36.06%;施用氮、磷、钾肥对黄花菜产量影响的大小顺序为氮>磷>钾,氮肥增产效果最显著,磷肥次之,钾肥最差。一元二次肥效方程推荐的氮、磷、钾施肥量与本实验设计的最适施肥量相似,可以用于黄花菜实际生产施肥指导。综合考虑,在海螺沟地区推荐的氮、磷、钾肥最佳施用量分别为13.69kg/667m^2、31.53kg/667m^2和26.40kg/667m^2,获得的产量为1678.98~1763.31kg/667m^2。  相似文献   

Summary Plastid and mitochondrial DNAs from Hedysarum species of the western Mediterranean basin, H. spinosissimum ssp eu-spinosissimum, H. spinosissimum ssp capitatum, H. carnosum, H. coronarium and H. flexuosum, were compared by restriction endonuclease fragment analysis. ctDNA fragment patterns for ssp eu-spinosissimum and ssp capitatum were indistinguishable in different enzyme digests. An identical ctDNA variation was found in Hpa II digests with two Sardinian populations of ssp capitatum. Each of the two subspecies was characterized by specific mt DNA patterns with Pst I, Bam HI, Sma I and EcoRI. No variation was detected in populations of different geographical origins for a given subspecies. H. carnosum, H. coronarium and H. flexuosum generated specific ct and mt DNA patterns. Comparison of mitochondrial fragments indicated: — a strong homology between the two subspecies, — a closer homology among the three other diploids, each being closer to the other two than to H. spinosissimum subspecies — as was also the case for the plastid genomes.  相似文献   

Abstract: Six metal-tolerant populations and sub-populations of Armeria maritima ssp. halleri, ssp. hornburgensis, and ssp. bottendorfensis and two non-tolerant populations of ssp. elongata in Central and Northeast Germany have been analysed using RAPD markers. The populations show very strong genetic differentiation (ΦST = 0.46), corresponding gene flow between them is low (Nem = 0.29). A moderate positive correlation between the matrices of genetic and geographical distances was found between the seven populations and sub-populations of central Germany (r = 0.68, p < 0.001). Calculated parameters of genetic variability are molecular variance, percentage of heterozygosity and percentage of polymorphic loci. A significant correlation between population size and parameters of genetic variability was not recognisable. Genetic structure was investigated by an analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA). The studied populations show strong genetic differentiation. Genetic variation within populations ("normal" as well as metalliferous) is higher (53.9 %) than among them (46.1 %). Six hypotheses of possible genetic relatedness between the studied populations have been tested by AMOVA. A data set structure above the populational level is hardly recognisable. It was impossible to combine the populations to edaphic (tolerant and "non-tolerant") or taxonomic groups. A. maritima ssp. halleri of the north Harz mountains and ssp. hornburgensis are clearly separated from a geographical group containing all other populations (across taxonomic and edaphic boundaries). These results are a further indication for a polyphyletic origin of metal-tolerant populations of A. maritima s.l. by multiple colonizations of metalliferous sites from neighbouring populations on non-metalliferous soil.  相似文献   

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