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山茶科濒危植物猪血木的生态与繁殖特性   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
在广东省阳春市八甲镇地区发现濒危和特有植物猪血木(Euryodendron excelsum)80余株个体及其自然居群,通过其生境条件,分布格局,群落组成,物候,种子散布和种子萌发实验等研究。结果显示该植物生长繁殖正常;其种子散布以黄臀鹎(Pycnonotus xanthorrhous)等鸟类散布为主,但鸟类消化处理不是其种子萌发的必要条件,湿度保持是其种子保持活力的重要条件;其种子无休眠期,同时探讨了该植物的濒危状况的原因。提出了相应的保护建议和方案。  相似文献   

刘明航  叶娟  文彬 《西北植物学报》2016,36(8):1654-1661
森林生态系统中小生境的差异可能影响种子萌发与幼苗的建立,并形成物种不同的分布格局。为探讨生境异质性对植物分布的影响,该研究在西双版纳热带季节性雨林中选取5个具有不同海拔和地形的小生境,人工散布木奶果与染木种子,定期监测种子萌发与幼苗存活,同步记录小生境的近地面(距地面3 cm)温度、近地面(3 cm)空气湿度和表层土壤(5 cm)含水量变化,并在实验室开展种子脱水和不同水势条件下的种子萌发实验。结果表明:(1)实验所选的5个小生境中,沟底地带的土壤水分含量在一年中始终都高于其他小生境;5个小生境的空气相对湿度在雨季与雾凉季都接近饱和,只有在干热季出现明显的差别,即随海拔的升高,空气湿度下降。同时,在旱季,近地面温度随海拔的升高而升高, 出现1~2个月的山地逆温现象。(2)木奶果与染木具有不同的种子传播与萌发规律,而且染木种子在不同生境下,其种子萌发率和幼苗存活率有显著的差异。其中:木奶果种子在雨季成熟散布并快速萌发,以幼苗的形式度过干热季,其种子可以在相对较低的水势下萌发;染木种子在雨季末期成熟并进入休眠期,以种子的形式度过干热季,其种子相对较抗脱水。研究认为,地形是决定西双版纳热带季节性雨林生境异质性的重要因子,小生境在温度和水分方面的差异在干热季时尤为明显,并对木奶果和染木种子的萌发或幼苗存活产生了重要影响, 而木奶果与染木种子自身的特性使其对于西双版纳季节性的干旱具有不同的适应对策。  相似文献   

毛红椿天然林种子雨、种子库与天然更新   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
2008-2011年,调查江西九连山国家级自然保护区毛红椿天然林的种子雨、种子库及林下幼苗数量.结果表明:在毛红椿天然林,种子雨散布时间为10月下旬至12月下旬.2010年不同样地的种子雨强度为虾公塘气象观测站(320.3±23.5粒·m-2)>虾公塘保护站(284.7±24.2粒·m-2)>大丘田保护站(251.6±24.7粒·m-2),分别以222.0、34.3和22.6粒·m-2完好种子供土壤萌发更新;毛红椿种子储量取决于结实量、鸟类取食和种子活力等因素,鸟类取食是其种子储量大幅下降的首要因素;由于种子不耐储藏以及大量腐烂,种子有效贮藏期不足1个月.12月天然林种子库平均萌发数≤2株·m-2,次年1月土壤种子库种子量最少,为6.7~11.8粒·m-2,平均仅萌发0.4~0.6株·m-2,与林下实生幼苗分布极少相吻合.毛红椿种子雨储备、种子库种子活力保存及幼苗建成等因素影响其天然更新.  相似文献   

于洋  曹敏  盛才余  唐勇 《生态学报》2007,27(9):3556-3564
绒毛番龙眼(Pometia tomentosa)、琴叶风吹楠(Horsfieldia pandurifolia)、箭毒木(Antiaris toxicaria)和思茅木姜子(Litseapierrei var. szemois)是西双版纳热带季节雨林乔木层的优势树种,也属于珍稀濒危物种。实验研究了4个树种的种子在经过不同脱水水平、人工遮荫条件下的不同光照水平以及热带季节雨林之林下和林窗的萌发特性。结果显示:脱水对于种子萌发特征具有显著影响,绒毛番龙眼和琴叶风吹楠经48h的连续脱水后丧失了萌发能力;箭毒木和思茅木姜子具较强的脱水耐性,经96h的连续脱水后仍具有较高的种子含水量,且种子萌发率分别为15%和33%。干旱季散布的种子比雨季散布的种子具有更强的脱水耐性。遮荫及森林种子萌发试验中,除绒毛番龙眼外,其它3个树种的种子萌发率以及平均萌发周期在不同光水平或生境下差异显著。琴叶风吹楠和思茅木姜子在30%的光照以及林窗中心的萌发率要显著低于低光处理(10%和3.5%光照)和林下,而箭毒木在30%和10%光水平以及林窗中心获得较高萌发率。雨季传播的具有干燥敏感性的种子,可以减少种子由于干燥而引起的死亡。试验结果可以为4种珍稀濒危植物的保护和人工繁育提供一定理论依据。  相似文献   

鸟类对山黄麻种子的传播及其生态作用   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:13  
在云南西双版纳的勐宋和勐仑地区观察和研究了传统山黄麻种子的鸟类。在野外持网捕获摄食山黄麻果实的鸟类,称量后分别放在布袋内,让其自然排泄,然后标志释放,观察和网捕共记录到摄食山黄麻果实的鸟类36种,其中26种挂网捕获并从排泄物得到种子。用鸟类排泄物中的山黄麻种子、山黄麻树上采摘的成熟果实及人工分离山黄麻种子播种,进行萌发对比实验,实验结果表明,直接播种成熟果实,在阳光充足的空旷地、林冠下或用树叶覆盖遮光等条件下都未萌发,种子容易霉烂或被虫蚀;从山黄麻果肉中分离出来的种子具有萌发能力;而经鸟类摄食、消化后从果肉中分离的种子,具有较好的萌发活力。在不同条件下山黄麻种子萌发情况差异明显,林冠下条件对种子有抑制作用,阳光作用下种子显示出很好的萌发及成活率。鸟类排泄物种子放在林上或用树叶覆盖遮光,经过较长时间便可萌发,而人工分离种子不能萌发。鸟类摄食及消化过程对山黄麻种子的处理表现出很好的生态互惠关系,观察萌发后的山黄麻幼苗的生长情况还表明,幼苗生长也需要光照和较开阔的生境条件,鸟类取食山黄麻果实及其将种子远距离传播适宜生境,正好具有这样的生态作用。  相似文献   

对泡桐,春椿,木蝴蝶,枳Ju扁斗青冈和罗浮柿等亚热带森林乔木树种在不同强条件下的种子萌发及其幼苗生长进行观察,泡桐和枳Ju种子在光(100%)条件下的萌发率最高,香椿和罗浮肺种子在轻阴(62.2%)条件下的萌发率最高,木蝴蝶和扁斗青冈种子在中阴(34.4%)条件下萌发率最高,阳性树种泡桐,香椿,木蝴蝶和枳Ju幼苗生长速度较快,属速生型树种,其幼苗在自然光条件下的总生物量最大;扁斗青冈和罗浮柿幼苗生  相似文献   

黄檗的更新特点及食果实鸟类对其种子的传播   总被引:20,自引:5,他引:15  
在帽儿山实验林场和哈尔滨实验林场 ,黄檗母树下没有幼苗分布 ,不能进行天然更新 ,需要靠食果实鸟类等将果实和种子传播至远离母树的其他林下。捕食黄檗果实的食果实鸟类有 9种。其中 6种是食果肉鸟类 ,吞入果实后 ,消化果肉 ,而种子完整地随粪便排出而得以传播。其余 3种是食种子鸟类 ,没有传播作用。果实在鸟类消化道内的滞留时间达 2 0~ 30min ,具有很长的潜在传播距离。将鸟类消化后的种子与完整果实和人为去果肉种子进行萌发对比实验 ,消化后种子的累计萌发率与其余二者之间均没有显著性差异 ,说明食果实鸟类的消化 (道 )过程对种子萌发没有明显影响 ,同时证明果肉对种子萌发率没有显著影响 ,果肉中不含萌发抑制物质。黄檗提供多种鸟类以食物 ,而鸟类也同时以多种肉质果植物为食物。因此食果实鸟类和肉质果植物 (包括黄檗 )之间形成了松散的互利共生关系  相似文献   

猪血木(Euryodendron excelsum)是特产于中国的山茶科极危种, 但目前对导致猪血木种群结构改变的原因缺少相关的调查及研究, 保护策略不完善。该研究依据野外调查方法、编制标准生命表、存活曲线、致死力和寿命期望曲线, 利用德氏多度分析方法分析了广东省阳春市八甲镇极小种群野生植物猪血木种群的年龄结构和动态, 并与2007年的研究结果进行对比, 分析该种群近10年的变化情况及其原因。结果表明: (1)研究区域内野生猪血木种群的数量变化动态指数(VpiV′pi)均小于0, 存活曲线趋于Deevey-III型, 种群结构属于衰退型, 幼树数量丰富, 但由于向小树发展过程受阻, 种群无法及时更新补充。(2)存活曲线、致死力和寿命期待曲线一致显示在幼树、小树2级、中龄树2级这3个阶段, 出现阻碍因素, 影响种群的自然更新。(3)三甲镇猪血木幼苗减少了39.3%, 八甲镇猪血木幼苗锐减了71.9%, 三甲镇幼苗转化率较八甲镇低了近1/2。人为干扰是导致猪血木野生种群衰退的主要驱动因素, 已实施的保护策略并不适合当前情况下的野生猪血木种群。  相似文献   

猪血木(Euryodendron excelsum)是特产于中国的山茶科极危种, 但目前对导致猪血木种群结构改变的原因缺少相关的调查及研究, 保护策略不完善。该研究依据野外调查方法、编制标准生命表、存活曲线、致死力和寿命期望曲线, 利用德氏多度分析方法分析了广东省阳春市八甲镇极小种群野生植物猪血木种群的年龄结构和动态, 并与2007年的研究结果进行对比, 分析该种群近10年的变化情况及其原因。结果表明: (1)研究区域内野生猪血木种群的数量变化动态指数(VpiV′pi)均小于0, 存活曲线趋于Deevey-III型, 种群结构属于衰退型, 幼树数量丰富, 但由于向小树发展过程受阻, 种群无法及时更新补充。(2)存活曲线、致死力和寿命期待曲线一致显示在幼树、小树2级、中龄树2级这3个阶段, 出现阻碍因素, 影响种群的自然更新。(3)三甲镇猪血木幼苗减少了39.3%, 八甲镇猪血木幼苗锐减了71.9%, 三甲镇幼苗转化率较八甲镇低了近1/2。人为干扰是导致猪血木野生种群衰退的主要驱动因素, 已实施的保护策略并不适合当前情况下的野生猪血木种群。  相似文献   

以杉木种子为材料,研究不同浓度(0.003、0.03、0.3、3、30、300 mg·L-1)哈茨木霉和绿色木霉溶液对杉木种子萌发和幼苗生长的影响.结果表明: 各浓度木霉溶液处理对杉木种子萌发和幼苗生长均有一定的促进作用,其促进效果随着处理浓度的增加均呈先升后降的趋势.与对照相比,0.03 mg·L-1哈茨木霉和绿色木霉处理对提高杉木种子的发芽率、发芽势、发芽指数、活力指数、根长、苗高和鲜质量效果最佳,分别提高了57.6%、125.0%、51.0%、209.2%、114.3%、16.1%、24.6%和42.7%、76.7%、43.9%、185.4%、113.8%、8.6%、22.6%;0.3 mg·L-1哈茨木霉和绿色木霉显著提高杉木幼苗超氧化物歧化酶和过氧化物酶活性,分别增加了157.6%、179.9%和127.5%、116.2%,而丙二醛含量降低了86.1%和72.4%. 0.03~0.3 mg·L-1浓度的哈茨木霉和绿色木霉不仅能显著促进杉木种子的萌发和幼苗生长,而且能够提高其抗氧化酶活性,增强杉木幼苗的抗逆性.  相似文献   

This study assesses the dispersal mechanisms of the narrow endemic Polygala vayredae, analysing the functioning of its dispersal syndromes (anemochory and myrmecochory), the spatio-temporal variability of the disperser assemblage, foraging behaviour and dispersal ability, and the role of the elaiosome in ant attraction and seed germination. The dispersion of diaspores begins when either (1) capsules or seeds fall beneath the mother plant (barochory) or (2) the seeds are directly collected in the suspended capsules by ants (myrmecochory). As capsules frequently open and expose/disseminate seeds before leaving the mother plant, the adaptation for anemochory appears to be reduced and rarely functional, possibly with only occasional events of long-distance dispersal (e.g. under extreme weather conditions). P. vayredae is essentially myrmecochorous and a diverse array of ant species are involved in seed manipulation, with the elaiosome playing a major role in ant attraction. From the plant’s perspective for dispersal, the majority of ant species had a positive interaction with the seeds, but negative and potential neutral interactions were also observed. Overall, dispersal distances were limited and were mainly determined by ant body size. The frequency of interactions and the ant assemblage varied significantly both spatially and temporally, and these factors may have an effect on directing or disrupting the selection of plant traits. Low seed predation and similar germination rates of intact seeds compared with seeds without elaiosome indicate that seed predator avoidance and seed germination improvement after ant manipulation are not among the selective advantages of myrmecochory operating at present. Dispersal mechanisms that enhance seed dispersal within the population and only occasionally lead to long-distance dispersal events, along with the rarity and patchiness of suitable habitats, may be the main factors explaining the actual density and narrow distribution of this species.  相似文献   

Seed dispersal determines a plant’s reproductive success, range expansion, and population genetic structures. Camellia japonica, a common evergreen tree in Japan, has been the subject of recent genetic studies of population structure, but its mode of seed dispersal has been assumed, without detailed study, to be barochory. The morphological and physiological features of C. japonica seeds, which are large and nutritious, suggest zoochorous dispersal, however. We compared actual distances between mother trees and seedlings with distances attributable to gravity dispersion only, to test the zoochory hypothesis of C. japonica. The animals that transport the seeds for caching were identified experimentally. We also examined the extent to which seed dispersal is affected by the behavior of animal vectors. Seed dispersal by Apodemus speciosus was confirmed by taking photographs of animals that were consuming seeds experimentally deposited on the ground. Camellia seeds hoarded by the rodents under the litter or soil were protected from drying. On the basis of microsatellite analysis of maternal tissue from the seed coat, the mother trees of 28 seedlings were identified. Maternity analysis revealed the average seed-dispersal distance from mother trees was 5.8 m±6.0 SD, a distance greater than initial dispersal by gravity alone. These results indicate that C. japonica is a zoochorous species dispersed by A. speciosus. Fifty percent of the seed dispersal occurred from mature evergreen forests to dwarf bamboo thickets. This directional seed dispersal would contribute to range expansion of C. japonica. Home range sizes of A. speciosus were 0.85 ha at most and covered with different types of vegetation, from evergreen forests to grassland. This low specificity of their microhabitat use might enhance seed dispersal to different types of vegetation.All animal experiments complied with Japanese laws.  相似文献   

Current knowledge of frugivory and seed dispersal by vertebrates in the Oriental Region is summarized. Some degree of frugivory has been reported for many fish and reptile species, almost half the genera of non-marine mammals and more than 40% of bird genera in the region. Highly frugivorous species, for which fruit dominates the diet for at least part of the year, occur in at least two families of reptiles, 12 families of mammals and 17 families of birds. Predation on seeds in fleshy fruits is much less widespread taxonomically: the major seed predators are colobine monkeys and rodents among the mammals, and parrots, some pigeons, and finches among the birds. Most seeds in the Oriental Region, except near its northern margins, are dispersed by vertebrate families which are endemic to the region or to the Old World. Small fruits and large, soft fruits with many small seeds are consumed by a wide range of potential seed dispersal agents, including species which thrive in small forest fragments and degraded landscapes. Larger, bigger-seeded fruits are consumed by progressively fewer dispersers, and the largest depend on a few species of mammals and birds which are highly vulnerable to hunting, fragmentation and habitat loss.  相似文献   

Aim To assess the geographical variation in the relative importance of vertebrates, and more specifically of birds and mammals, as seed dispersal agents in forest communities, and to evaluate the influence of geographical and climatic factors on the observed trends. Location One hundred and thirty‐five forest communities in the Brazilian Atlantic forest. Methods We collected data on dispersal modes for 2292 woody species. By combining species × site with species × trait matrices, we obtained the percentages of endozoochory, ornithochory, mastozoochory and the mean fruit diameter for the local forest communities. We used Spearman's correlation to assess bivariate relationships between variables. Subsequently, we performed paired t‐tests to verify if variations in frequency of dispersal modes and mean fruit diameter were influenced by altitude or temperature. Then, we applied multiple linear regressions to evaluate the effect of geographical and climatic variables on variation in the relative frequency of dispersal modes and mean fruit diameter across communities. Results We found no consistent latitudinal or longitudinal trend in the percentage of vertebrate‐dispersed species, neither bird‐ nor mammal‐dispersed species along the Atlantic forest. Endozoochory was affected chiefly by annual mean rainfall, increasing towards moister sites. Forest communities located at higher altitudes had a higher percentage of bird‐dispersed species. Even when sites with identical values of annual mean temperature were compared, altitude had a positive effect on ornithochory. Conversely, we found a higher percentage of mammal‐dispersed species in warmer forests, even when locations at the same altitudinal belts were contrasted. Fruit diameter was clearly related to altitude, decreasing towards higher elevations. Main conclusions This is the first analysis of a large data set on dispersal syndromes in tropical forest communities. Our findings support the hypotheses that: (1) geographical variation in the relative number of fleshy fruit species is mainly driven by moisture conditions and is relatively independent of geographical location, and (2) broad‐scale trends in fruit size correspond to geographical variation in the relative importance of mammals and birds as seed dispersal agents at the community level.  相似文献   

Although seed dispersal is considered to be a key process determining the spatial structure and spread of non-native plant populations, few studies have explicitly addressed the link between dispersal vector behaviour, seed distribution and seedling recruitment to gain insight into the process of exotic species invasion within a fragmented landscape context. The present study analyses the relationship between avian frugivory and spatial patterns of seed deposition and seedling recruitment for an expanding population of the invasive Prunus serotina in a hedgerow network landscape in Flanders, Belgium. We quantified fruit production, observed frugivores, and determined the spatial distribution of bird droppings and P. serotina seedlings. A relatively diverse assemblage of frugivores visited P. serotina seed trees, with Columba palumbus and Turdus merula being by far the most important dispersers. Landscape structure strongly affected dispersal vector behaviour and the spatial distribution of perching birds, droppings and seedlings. Frugivorous birds non-randomly dispersed seeds to perching sites and an association between perching birds, seed deposition and seedling recruitment was found. Results indicate that landscape structure contributes to non-random seed deposition of P. serotina by common local frugivores. Cutting the larger seed trees is proposed as the most feasible measure to slow down the invasion rate.  相似文献   

Contribution of the soil seed bank to post-fire recovery of a heathland   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Valbuena  L.  Trabaud  L. 《Plant Ecology》2001,152(2):175-183
The importance of a soil seed bank was evaluated through its role in the recovery of a burnt shrubland. The study was carried out in a heathland characterized by several ericaceous species. Part of the heathland was burnt in a wildfire on 7 April 1991, while the rest was not affected by the fire and used as a control. Soil samples were collected three days after the wildfire, in the absence of rain; 10 samples (20×25 cm width to a depth of 5 cm) were collected from the burnt area and 10 from the control. Samples were set out in a greenhouse where germinating seedlings were recorded, counted and identified for 17 months. Observations were also carried out twice in the field for 14 months after the wildfire by examining two permanent transects in the study area and recording all regenerating species. The results show a low correspondence between soil seed bank and aboveground vegetation: only 23% of the identified taxa appeared both in the bank and in the field observations. From these species 65% of them have dispersal types like autochory or barochory, that is they generally fall near the mother plant. In the identified species as a whole, therophytes and hemicryptophytes dominate in comparison with chamaephytes, phanerophytes and geophytes; this also applied to the herbaceous species in comparison with the woody ones. Potentially soil possesses an important seed bank, which contributes poorly to the vegetation recovery after fire.  相似文献   

刘炳亮  苏金豹  马建章 《生态学报》2017,37(14):4786-4794
鸟类在植物种子传播中扮演着重要的角色。为了研究旅游活动对鸟类传播种子的影响,在兴凯湖自然保护区游憩区和非游憩区选择黄檗(Phellodendron amurense Rupr.)树种作为观测对象进行对比研究。结果显示,游人活动高峰时段游憩区鸟的取食行为发生了明显改变,取食鸟的物种丰富度、取食频度、取食时间以及种子取食量均显著减少。观察发现,游人活动干扰是导致鸟的取食行为发生改变的根本原因。取食行为的改变,减少了种子的扩散机会,进一步导致了幼苗更新量的减少以及相对较短的扩散距离。此外,对幼苗更新格局的检验发现,游憩区幼苗在空间分布上明显偏向景观内部。产生该结果的原因与鸟的飞离路径有关,来自景观外部的游人干扰压力可能是导致鸟的飞行路径发生改变的主要原因。结果表明,旅游活动可能通过干扰动植物关系对植物产生连锁影响。  相似文献   

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