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椴树属的地理分布   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
椴树属Tilia是椴树科一个形态特殊且唯一的北温带分布属,分布于亚洲、欧洲和北美,构成典型的北温带分布格局,三个分离的分布区之间缺乏共有种。本文对各分布区的种类进行重新评价,确认全属25种。其中东亚17种,占68%,包含了现存种类各个演化阶段的类群,是现代分布中心;欧洲-西西伯利亚6种,属于木果组及壳果组;北美2种,均为木果组成员。化石分布与现代地理分布格局基本相似,但分布纬度较现代分布偏北,达到北纬80°附近,且还出现于现今无椴树分布的亚洲大陆腹地,北美西部椴树至第三纪末完全绝迹,而东部到第四纪才有化石记录。根据现代地理分布,结合化石证据、地质历史、气候变迁及形态演化推测,椴树属可能在白垩纪晚期起源于中国东部亚热带山地,至少到始新世之前已散布至欧洲和北美西部。渐新世之后的全球降温和更新世大冰期对椴树属现代地理分布格局的形成起着至关重要的作用。  相似文献   

中国卷柏科植物的研究(Ⅰ): 卷柏属同形叶亚属   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对中国卷柏科卷柏属同形叶亚属进行了分类学修订,首次承认中国分布有3种,即西伯利亚卷柏 S.sibirica,印度卷柏S.indica和细瘦卷柏S.vardei。绘制了每种的叶形,孢子叶穗线条图;并绘有同形 叶亚属植物的地理分布图。该亚属在中国的分布呈西南和东北分布格局。  相似文献   

论松科植物的地理分布、起源和扩散   总被引:32,自引:1,他引:31  
李楠 《植物分类学报》1995,33(2):105-130
松科有10属,约235种,是现存球果类中最大的一群,广泛分布于北半球,在北温带及亚热带山地针叶林中占有重要地位。本文根据植物的地理分布与系统发育统一的原理,在利用松科系统发育方面的研究资料的基础上,尤其着重于对化石资料的分析,同时综合古地理、古气候及古植物区系资料,对松科的种系发生及地理分布的有关问题进行讨论,主要观点如下:a)松科在地质时期是一个很庞大的类群,有过很多属。中生代以后其中很多属都相继绝灭,现代松科只是其祖先中少部分喜温性分支的后裔;却异军突起,后来居上,发展成现今北温带针叶林的主要组成成分。其兴旺与温带成分的出现密不可分,这就决定了它与其它主要分布于热带、亚热带的原始裸子植物科属有一定的区别。因为温带成分主要是现以衍生科属为主,而现代松科即是这样一类衍生类群。b)松科的起源时间虽然可追溯到侏罗纪甚至三叠纪,但现代松科各属的出现却是在早白垩期纪至第三纪之间。c)松科各属可能并非是在同一阶段、同一地点起源的。松属可能是现存的分化最早的类群,于侏罗纪至早白垩纪期间起源于欧美古陆,其它属则到晚白垩纪至第三纪早期(有1—2属至中期)才陆续从其祖先复合体中分化出来,分化地仍限于劳亚古陆,但有向太平洋植物区转移的倾向,该区至今仍是现代松科植物分布最为集中和丰富的地区。d)现代松科的早期扩散可能存在以下三条主要的迁徙路线,即:欧美路线、欧亚路线和古白令路线。e)松科遍布北半球的现代分布格局的形成是以上述三条迁徒路线为基础的。此外,还受到自第三纪以来古地质、古气候、古区系的变迁,植物自身的适应能力,以及植物与植物之间或植物与环境之间的相互作用和人类活动等诸多因素的影响。f)将松科划分为6区、4亚区,并附有分区图、各区所分布种数的统计表以及各属目前的地理分布和化石分布图。  相似文献   

金建华 《生态学报》2005,25(4):676-681
红树科植物化石种类有红树属Rhizophora、秋茄属K andelia、角果木属Ceriops和木榄属Bruguiera等4属,主要分布于亚洲、欧洲、非洲、大洋洲和美洲的古新世至全新世地层中。红树科植物化石记录显示:该科植物很可能于古新世至始新世早期起源于环特提斯海沿岸,中始新世开始从这一起源中心迅速向世界其它地方包括亚洲、欧洲、非洲、大洋洲和美洲等地扩散;渐新世在上述地区继续这一扩散历程,但在欧洲的化石记录消失;中新世时在亚洲、非洲、大洋洲和美洲达到了极盛期;上新世开始分布范围有所缩小,更新世则进一步缩小;一直到全新世才又重新繁盛起来。红树科植物的这一分布格局和地史演变是与地质时期大陆漂移、洋底扩张、第四纪冰川活动、古气候和古地理的变迁紧密相连的  相似文献   


现生真蕨目马通蕨科(Matoniaceae)植物仅存MatoniaPhanerosorus两属, 集中分布于马来西亚、印度尼西亚等热带地区。马通蕨科植物在中生代时期全球广布, 且主要分布于热带、亚热带地区, 有近9个属, 被作为热带、亚热带气候的标志性植物化石之一。本文梳理总结了中国中生代的马通蕨科化石记录并分析其多样性特征, 共计有2属16种, 包括异脉蕨属(Phlebopteris) 15种和准马通蕨属(Matonidium) 1种。对其化石记录和地质地理分布分析表明, 晚三叠世时期, 异脉蕨属植物广泛分布于热带—亚热带湿热气候区, 包括华南一带的四川、湖北、 云南、西藏、福建等地; 早侏罗世时期, 其分布逐渐向北方扩展, 在南、北方植物区系界线附近均有发现; 中侏罗世局限于湖北、青海等地; 早白垩世时仅在黑龙江和西藏少量发现。准马通蕨属仅在黑龙江地区的早白垩世地层中发现。整体上, 马通蕨科在中国中生代的分布范围变迁与气候带范围变化相吻合。  相似文献   

庄平  王飞  邵慧敏 《广西植物》2013,(6):791-797
通过青藏高原的川西地区与藏东南地区杜鹃花属植物类群及其数量、地理分布型与垂直分布格局的研究,借助比较生物学的研究方法,揭示这两个重要区域分布的杜鹃花属植物类群及其分布格局的异同。结果表明:青藏高原东部区域的川西地区杜鹃花属植物具有较原始类群多、较高分类等级多、大类群多并与我国东部和狭义横断山联系较广泛的区系特征,类群及其特有种的垂直分布重心较低; 而青藏高原南缘区域的藏东南地区具有较进化类群多、较低分类等级多、小类群多、特化强烈并主要与狭义横断山有较密切联系的区系特征,类群及其特有种的垂直分布重心较高,且两地间近缘类群垂直替代现象明显。有关特征和现象与白垩纪晚期杜鹃花属起源地的温润气候、第三纪渐新世前后高原漫长的渐进抬升和第四纪高原的迅速隆升及其多次冰川的进退等三个地质历史节点和事件具有密切关联并相互对应。从而揭示了在共同的生物地质历史背景下,我国杜鹃花属植物地理区系及其垂直分布特征由东至西的趋异化过程与性质,并据此提出了在幅员广阔的中国—喜玛拉雅这个现代杜鹃花属植物分布中心内,可勾勒出三块具有明显分异的核心分布区,即川西—滇东北区、滇西北—滇西区、藏东南—藏南区。  相似文献   

论中国-喜马拉雅植物亚区乌头属植物地理分布特点   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
本文对乌头属Aconitum L.植物分布区内各地区的分布作了分析,统计了各地区不 同等级分类群的频度,认为中国-喜马拉雅植物亚区是乌头属植物地理分布最大的频度中心、 多样性中心和特有种的分布中心。 文中还讨论了乌头属内的演化关系,以及本属与邻近属的 系统发育关系,发现在中国-喜马拉雅植物亚区既有许多原始类群,又有大量的进化类群,提出 了本亚区不但是本属植物原始类群的保存中心,而且是活跃的分化中心。产生上述结果的原因可能与喜马拉雅山脉的抬升以及本亚区复杂的自然条件有着密切的关系。  相似文献   

蚊科昆虫是最重要的医学昆虫类群,是人类最致命的动物杀手。准确的蚊虫分类鉴定是媒介蚊虫基础研究和控制的基础。蚊科现代分类学研究起自于林奈1758年对库蚊属Culex种类的记述,200多年来,已定名的种类日渐增多,分类系统已基本成形。本文在系统地编制了蚊科昆虫的世界名录和地理分布记录的基础上,概述了世界范围内蚊科昆虫的分类研究历史,属级及以上类群的分类系统、种类及其生物学研究现状,并作了初步讨论和展望。目前,全球已知蚊虫41属201亚属3 573种,其中我国已知20属63亚属419种。按蚊亚科(Anophelinae)被认为是蚊科内单系类群,包括按蚊属Anopheles、白蚊属Bironella和沙蚊属Chagasia 3属11亚属489种。其中,按蚊属已知476种,占按蚊亚科已知种97%,是疟疾的单一传播媒介。库蚊亚科(Culicinae)被认为是一个复系类群,共计11族38属190亚属3 084种,系统发育关系尚未解决。伊蚊族(Aedini)、库蚊族(Culicini)、煞蚊族(Sabethini)和蓝带蚊族(Uranotaeniini)是其中的较大族,分别拥有1 262,800,432和270种。特别是库蚊属Culex、伊蚊属Aedes和曼蚊属Mansonia的许多种类是非常重要的医学媒介昆虫。在所有这些蚊虫种中,东洋区的种类最多,达1 075种;其次为新热带区(951种),非洲区(798种),澳洲区(542种),古北区(251种);新北区分布种类最少,有196种,不少种类跨区分布。这些信息有助于对世界范围内蚊科昆虫分类和分布现状的整体了解。由于隐存种(cryptic species)广泛存在,实际种数应是已定名种数的3~5倍。蚊科昆虫的系统分类对于蚊科昆虫的准确鉴定、基础生物学及蚊媒病传播机制研究、媒介蚊虫及蚊媒病控制都具有非常重要的理论和应用价值,蚊科昆虫的分类、系统发育和区系仍是急需要研究的重要课题。  相似文献   

亚鳞木属[Sublepidodendron (Nathorst) Hirmer, 1927]的研究述评   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
王祺  郝守刚 《古生物学报》2003,42(4):598-612
亚鳞木属广泛分布于世界早石炭世地层中,其模式种奇异亚鳞木不但被视为欧美植物区泥盆纪末与石炭纪初之交的标志种,而且在中国还广泛出现于晚泥盆世,因此也被作为中国晚泥盆世晚期(法门期)植物化石组合带的首要成员。然而,由于以往亚鳞木属单凭叶座等外部形态性状来定义,所以人们对它的认识仍然局限于茎器官属,这妨碍了对亚鳞木属的真正分类位置和演化谱系的认识。文章通过对亚鳞木植物研究历史的回顾,分析了与其相关的古植物学家的分类观点,并从中发现了一些有待解决的问题。结合亚鳞木属的两个种无锝亚鳞木和松滋亚鳞木的解剖学和生殖器官的研究,作者得出以下主要认识:1)历史上的亚鳞木属缺乏明确的定义和必要的生物学属性研究;2)亚鳞木属的定义需要重新厘定;3)无锡亚鳞木和松滋亚鳞木的解剖、生殖结构以及松滋亚鳞木和模式种奇异亚鳞木的分枝构造表明,亚鳞木属与石炭纪比较进化的鳞木目(或广义水韭目)中的木本石橙檀物关系更近,而与传统所认为的泥盆纪原始鳞木目中草本石松植物的关系较远。因此,文章将亚鳞木科和亚鳞木属从原始鳞木目中分离出来,归入广义的水韭目。亚鳞木属种的广泛出现进一步证实,石炭纪比较进化的木本石松植物在晚泥盆世(距今约3.7亿年)已经演化成功,木本石松植物中假单轴分枝的组构类型在同一时期业已形成。亚鳞木属可能代表了系统发育上比较高级的木本石松植物的一个演化支系或鳞木科的祖先类群之一。  相似文献   

姜科植物地理   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
本文讨论了姜科的分类系统、起源、进化和地理分布.姜科为一还热带分布科,按Burtt[8]的系统分2亚科4族.全世界有52属,约1377种,其中姜亚科含48属,1268种.主要分布于热带亚洲.其现代分布中心在印度-马来西亚。闭鞘姜亚科含4属,109种,主要分布于热带美洲及非洲。本文在化石资料及现代分布资料的基础上,讨论了姜科的早期分化时间、地点及现代分布格局形成。化石记录表明.欧洲、北美及印度的白垩纪、早第三纪均发现过姜科的化石,据此姜科植物的起源时间应不晚于早白垩纪。姜亚科的早期分化中心推论在劳亚古陆的南部.欧洲和北美没有现代姜科的分布是因为第三纪冰期的影响.而亚洲热带地区现代姜科植物繁盛是因为气候适宜.且相对稳定所致.南美的姜亚科种类应是由非洲传人.而大洋洲的姜亚科种类则是由马来西亚传入.闭鞘姜亚科的早期分化中心推论在西冈瓦纳古陆.亚洲及大洋洲的闭鞘姜亚科的种类应是随印度板块飘向亚洲时传入。中国姜科植物有22属.209种(占全世界属的42%.种的15%).主要分布于马来西亚亚区(占全国属的90%).其次为中国喜马拉雅亚区(占全国属的68%)。最少为中国-日本亚区(占全国属的45%)。统计数字表明.马来西亚  相似文献   

The evolutionary history of Eucalyptus and the eucalypts, the larger clade of seven genera including Eucalyptus that today have a natural distribution almost exclusively in Australasia, is poorly documented from the fossil record. Little physical evidence exists bearing on the ancient geographical distributions or morphologies of plants within the clade. Herein, we introduce fossil material of Eucalyptus from the early Eocene (ca. 51.9 Ma) Laguna del Hunco paleoflora of Chubut Province, Argentina; specimens include multiple leaves, infructescences, and dispersed capsules, several flower buds, and a single flower. Morphological similarities that relate the fossils to extant eucalypts include leaf shape, venation, and epidermal oil glands; infructescence structure; valvate capsulate fruits; and operculate flower buds. The presence of a staminophore scar on the fruits links them to Eucalyptus, and the presence of a transverse scar on the flower buds indicates a relationship to Eucalyptus subgenus Symphyomyrtus. Phylogenetic analyses of morphological data alone and combined with aligned sequence data from a prior study including 16 extant eucalypts, one outgroup, and a terminal representing the fossils indicate that the fossils are nested within Eucalyptus. These are the only illustrated Eucalyptus fossils that are definitively Eocene in age, and the only conclusively identified extant or fossil eucalypts naturally occurring outside of Australasia and adjacent Mindanao. Thus, these fossils indicate that the evolution of the eucalypt group is not constrained to a single region. Moreover, they strengthen the taxonomic connections between the Laguna del Hunco paleoflora and extant subtropical and tropical Australasia, one of the three major ecologic-geographic elements of the Laguna del Hunco paleoflora. The age and affinities of the fossils also indicate that Eucalyptus subgenus Symphyomyrtus is older than previously supposed. Paleoecological data indicate that the Patagonian Eucalyptus dominated volcanically disturbed areas adjacent to standing rainforest surrounding an Eocene caldera lake.  相似文献   

长翅目昆虫在地史纪录上可以追溯到早二叠纪,是全变态昆虫中最原始的种类之一.截至目前,29篇关于中国长翅目昆虫化石分类的论著发表,共描述我国长翅目昆虫化石11科28属51种,这些化石分布于从三叠纪到白垩纪的不同地层中.本文通过图表提供了我国已发现的长翅目化石名录并介绍了其分布和年代,回顾了我国长翅目昆虫化石的研究进展,指出了一些分类存在的问题,简要慨述了长翅目中一些科的起源与演化以及长翅目与其它全变态昆虫的关系.我国长翅目化石种类丰富,但在基础分类、系统演化方面还缺乏系统的研究,因而许多工作甚至最基础的分类工作亟待开展.  相似文献   

The order Osmundales is a unique fern taxon with extensive fossil records in geological past. Diverse osmundalean fossils have been reported from China, ranging in age from the Late Palaeozoic to the Cenozoic. Most of them are based on leaf impressions/compressions, but permineralized rhizomes are also well documented. In this study, we provide a systematic overview on fossil osmundalean ferns in China with special references on diversity variations, distribution patterns, and evolutionary implications. Fossil evidence indicates that this fern lineage first appeared in the Late Palaeozoic in China. The Late Triassic to Middle Jurassic interval was the radiation stage. From the Late Jurassic onward, fossil diversity declined rapidly. Cenozoic osmundalean taxa are represented by the relict species of Osmunda. Geographically, osmundalean fossils are found from both the Northern and Southern phytoprovinces of China, though variations are documented for geographical ranges. The Chinese fossil records cover almost all important stages for the macroevolution of the Osmundales, and contribute to further understanding of evolutionary processes of this peculiar fern lineage.  相似文献   

The ring‐cupped oaks (Quercus subg. Cyclobalanopsis) characterized by united and concentric ring‐cupped acorns, are mainly distributed in broad‐leaved evergreen forests in tropical and subtropical regions of East and Southeast Asia. Their geological history has been traced from the middle Eocene to Pleistocene. Most reports of the subgenus have been on the basis of leaves, whereas the acorns or cupules, more valuable evidence for the inter‐ and intrageneric classifications, have been relatively poorly documented. Here, we describe a new species, Quercus shangcunensis sp. nov., based on a ring‐cupped fossil acorn and pollen on the acorn, as well as Quercus sp. associated leaves, recovered from the early Oligocene Shangcun Formation of Maoming Basin, Guangdong Province, South China. The morphological and anatomical structures of these fossils confirm their attribution to the subg. Cyclobalanopsis. Quercus shangcunensis sp. nov. represents the world's first Oligocene fossil acorn and the earliest fossil acorn in China for the subgenus, indicating that the subg. Cyclobalanopsis arrived in the low latitude area of South China at least by the early Oligocene. Our fossil provides evidence that the subgenus was present in one of its modern distribution centers in the Oligocene, suggesting that the modern distribution patterns of the subg. Cyclobalanopsis most likely originated during or prior to the Oligocene.  相似文献   

Aim To compare the phylogeny of the eucalypt and melaleuca groups with geological events and ages of fossils to discover the time frame of clade divergences. Location Australia, New Caledonia, New Guinea, Indonesian Archipelago. Methods We compare published molecular phylogenies of the eucalypt and melaleuca groups of the plant family Myrtaceae with geological history and known fossil records from the Cretaceous and Cenozoic. Results The Australasian eucalypt group includes seven genera, of which some are relictual rain forest taxa of restricted distribution and others are species‐rich and widespread in drier environments. Based on molecular and morphological data, phylogenetic analyses of the eucalypt group have identified two major clades. The monotypic Arillastrum endemic to New Caledonia is related in one clade to the more species‐rich Angophora, Corymbia and Eucalyptus that dominate the sclerophyll vegetation of Australia. Based on the time of rifting of New Caledonia from eastern Gondwana and the age of fossil eucalypt pollen, we argue that this clade extends back to the Late Cretaceous. The second clade includes three relictual rain forest taxa, with Allosyncarpia from Arnhem Land the sister taxon to Eucalyptopsis of New Guinea and the eastern Indonesian archipelago, and Stockwellia from the Atherton Tableland in north‐east Queensland. As monsoonal, drier conditions evolved in northern Australia, Arnhem Land was isolated from the wet tropics to the east and north during the Oligocene, segregating ancestral rain forest biota. It is argued also that the distribution of species in Eucalyptopsis and Eucalyptus subgenus Symphyomyrtus endemic in areas north of the stable edge of the Australian continent, as far as Sulawesi and the southern Philippines, is related to the geological history of south‐east Asia‐Australasia. Colonization (dispersal) may have been aided by rafting on micro‐continental fragments, by accretion of arc terranes onto New Guinea and by land brought into closer proximity during periods of low sea‐level, from the Late Miocene and Pliocene. The phylogenetic position of the few northern, non‐Australian species of Eucalyptus subgenus Symphyomyrtus suggests rapid radiation in the large Australian sister group(s) during this time frame. A similar pattern, connecting Australia and New Caledonia, is emerging from phylogenetic analysis of the Melaleuca group (Beaufortia suballiance) within Myrtaceae, with Melaleuca being polyphyletic. Main conclusion The eucalypt group is an old lineage extending back to the Late Cretaceous. Differentiation of clades is related to major geological and climatic events, including rifting of New Caledonia from eastern Gondwana, development of monsoonal and drier climates, collision of the northern edge of the Australian craton with island arcs and periods of low sea level. Vicariance events involve dispersal of biota.  相似文献   

Background and AimsExtant plant groups with a long fossil history are key elements in understanding vascular plant evolution. Horsetails (Equisetum, Equisetaceae) have a nearly continuous fossil record dating back to the Carboniferous, but their phylogenetic and biogeographic patterns are still poorly understood. We use here the most extensive phylogenetic analysis to date as a framework to evaluate their age, biogeography and genome size evolution.MethodsDNA sequences of four plastid loci were used to estimate divergence times and investigate the biogeographic history of all extant species of Equisetum. Flow cytometry was used to study genome size evolution against the framework of phylogenetic relationships in Equisetum.Key ResultsOn a well-supported phylogenetic tree including all extant Equisetum species, a molecular clock calibrated with multiple fossils places the node at which the outgroup and Equisetum diverged at 343 Mya (Early Carboniferous), with the first major split among extant species occurring 170 Mya (Middle Jurassic). These dates are older than those reported in some other recent molecular clock studies but are largely in agreement with a timeline established by fossil appearance in the geological record. Representatives of evergreen subgenus Hippochaete have much larger genome sizes than those of deciduous subgenus Equisetum, despite their shared conserved chromosome number. Subgenus Paramochaete has an intermediate genome size and maintains the same number of chromosomes.ConclusionsThe first divergences among extant members of the genus coincided with the break-up of Pangaea and the resulting more humid, warmer climate. Subsequent tectonic activity most likely involved vicariance events that led to species divergences combined with some more recent, long-distance dispersal events. We hypothesize that differences in genome size between subgenera may be related to the number of sperm flagellae.  相似文献   

Living fossils are survivors of previously more diverse lineages that originated millions of years ago and persisted with little morphological change. Therefore, living fossils are model organisms to study both long‐term and ongoing adaptation and speciation processes. However, many aspects of living fossil evolution and their persistence in the modern world remain unclear. Here, we investigate three major aspects of the evolutionary history of living fossils: cryptic speciation, population genetics and effective population sizes, using members of the genera Nautilus and Allonautilus as classic examples of true living fossils. For this, we analysed genomewide ddRAD‐Seq data for all six currently recognized nautiloid species throughout their distribution range. Our analyses identified three major allopatric Nautilus clades: a South Pacific clade, subdivided into three subclades with no signs of admixture between them; a Coral Sea clade, consisting of two genetically distinct populations with significant admixture; and a widespread Indo‐Pacific clade, devoid of significant genetic substructure. Within these major clades, we detected five Nautilus groups, which likely correspond to five distinct species. With the exception of Nautilus macromphalus, all previously described species are at odds with genomewide data, testifying to the prevalence of cryptic species among living fossils. Detailed FST analyses further revealed significant genome‐wide and locus‐specific signatures of selection between species and differentiated populations, which is demonstrated here for the first time in a living fossil. Finally, approximate Bayesian computation (ABC) simulations suggest large effective population sizes, which may explain the low levels of population differentiation commonly observed in living fossils.  相似文献   

Nonmarine biostratigraphic/biochronologic schemes have been created for all or parts of the late Carboniferous–Middle Triassic using palynomorphs, megafossil plants, conchostracans, blattoid insects, tetrapod footprints and tetrapod body fossils, and these provide varied temporal resolution. Cross correlation of the nonmarine biochronologies to the Standard Global Chronostratigraphic Scale has been achieved in some parts of the late Carboniferous–Middle Triassic in locations where nonmarine and marine strata are intercalated, the nonmarine strata produce biochronologically significant fossils and the marine strata yield fusulinids, conodonts and/or ammonoids. Other cross correlations have been aided by magnetostratigraphy, chemostratigraphy and a growing database of radioisotopic ages. A synthetic nonmarine biochronology for the late Carboniferous–Middle Triassic based on all available nonmarine index fossils, integrated with the Standard Global Chronostratigraphic Scale, is presented here. The focus is on the nonmarine biostratigraphy/biochronology of blattoid insects, conchostracans, branchiosaurid amphibians, tetrapod footprints and tetrapod body fossils within the biochronological framework of land-vertebrate faunachrons. Correlation to the Standard Global Chronostratigraphic Scale presented here is divided into seven time intervals: Pennsylvanian, Carboniferous–Permian boundary, Cisuralian, Guadalupian, Lopingian, Permian–Triassic boundary and Early to Middle Triassic. The insects, conchostracans and branchiosaurs provide robust nonmarine correlations in the Pennsylvanian–Cisuralian, and the footprints and tetrapod body fossils provide robust correlations of varied precision within the entire Pennsylvanian–Middle Triassic. Radioisotopic ages are currently the strongest basis for cross correlation of the nonmarine biostratigraphy/biochronology to the Standard Global Chronostratigraphic Scale, particularly for the Pennsylvanian–Cisuralian. Chemostratigraphy and magnetostratigraphy thus far provide only limited links of nomarine and marine chronologies. Improvements in the nonmarine-marine correlations of late Paleozoic–Triassic Pangea require better alpha taxonomy and stratigraphic precision for the nonmarine fossil record integrated with more reliable radioisotopic ages and more extensive chemostratigraphic and magnetostratigraphic datasets.  相似文献   

近200年来,全世界共报道半翅目蜡蝉次目化石昆虫28科、216属、400余种.本文回顾了蜡蝉次目化石昆虫的研究历史,统计了中国已报道的该类群化石种类名录,总结了蜡蝉次目化石昆虫的地质历史、地理分布和年代、以及属种组成特征,提出了该类群化石昆虫研究中有待解决的问题以及未来的研究前景.  相似文献   

为了更好地了解晚古生代楔叶属的物种多样性及形态演化,通过对化石宏观形态的研究以及与相似化石种的对比,确定甘肃永昌太原组中几种楔叶植物化石的分类位置。本文共鉴定楔叶植物化石2属5种,其中包括营养叶和繁殖器官。基于这些楔叶属的新材料,对椭圆楔叶以及马齿楔叶的茎轴表面纵纹、叶片分裂次数等特征进行修订。同时报道楔叶穗属一新种Bowmanites yongchangensis sp. nov.。结合该属在晚古生代的古地理分布情况,表明在乌拉尔世早期该研究区内楔叶属植物呈现出较高的物种多样性,并推测该属植物的起源时间不晚于晚泥盆世法门期,在维宪期由华南地区传入华北地区后,于宾夕法尼亚亚纪晚期传入龙首山地区所在的阿拉善地块。  相似文献   

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