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应激诱导的细胞早衰与复制性细胞衰老有相似的细胞表型,但其机制不尽相同.分析二者的衰老相关基因表达特点对了解应激因素诱导细胞衰老的机制有重要意义. 本文对过氧化氢诱导的HeLa细胞早衰过程中的关键衰老相关基因及其转录后调控因子的表达做了分析.结果发现,在复制性衰老过程中明显降低的cyclin A、cyclin B1、c-fos及HuR,在温和过氧化氢诱导的细胞早衰过程中并无明显改变;在氧化应激诱导的细胞早衰过程中,p21与p16表达升高,AUF1则降低,与复制性衰老过程一致;p21 mRNA半衰期在复制性衰老过程中无明显变化,但在氧化应激诱导的细胞早衰过程中则显著延长.上述结果提示,尽管氧化应激诱导的细胞早衰与复制性衰老存在相似基因表达变化,调控机制则不尽相同.  相似文献   

热量限制延缓人二倍体成纤维细胞衰老的体外模型   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为建立人二倍体成纤维细胞IMR 90的热量限制体外模型 ,分别采用低浓度、正常浓度和高浓度葡萄糖培养条件 ,常规传代培养IMR 90细胞 ,利用综合细胞衰老指标对模型进行评价 .低、正常和高浓度葡萄糖培养条件组IMR 90细胞平均寿限分别为 5 8 3、5 5 0和 4 7 2PDL(群体倍增水平 ) .低浓度葡萄糖培养IMR 90细胞早期增长速度有所减慢 ,但仍保持对生长因子诱导的细胞增殖能力 ,并使晚期IMR 90处于细胞周期S期的比例以及其DNA修复能力显著高于其他条件培养的晚期细胞 .低浓度葡萄糖培养IMR 90晚期细胞的半乳糖苷酶染色阳性率亦明显低于其他条件培养的晚期细胞 .实验结果表明 ,低浓度葡萄糖培养可以延缓IMR 90复制衰老 ,建立了热量限制延缓衰老体外模型 ,为进一步探讨热量限制延缓衰老作用机制的研究打下基础  相似文献   

为研究人胸苷激酶 (humanthymidinekinase ,hTK)基因在复制衰老细胞及早衰细胞中表达下调的分子机制 ,构建了含hTK启动子的荧光素酶报告基因载体 .转染结果显示 ,复制衰老细胞与早衰细胞中hTK启动子的转录活性比年轻细胞中下降了近 3倍 ,表明转录水平的调控是hTK在衰老细胞中表达下降的主要调控机制 .定点突变的结果显示 ,转录因子Sp1、NF Y结合位点的突变可使hTK启动子活性降低近 5 0 % ,而E2F结合位点的突变可使其活性升高 2倍多 ,提示Sp1和NF Y是hTK基因的转录活化因子 ,而E2F为转录抑制因子 .电泳迁移率变更实验发现 ,与年轻细胞相比 ,Sp1、NF Y与hTK启动子的DNA结合活性在复制衰老细胞和早衰细胞中无明显改变 ,提示转录活化因子Sp1、NF Y并非hTK在衰老细胞中下调的主要因素 .染色质免疫共沉淀结果显示 ,在细胞内Rb结合在hTK启动子上 ,且同年轻细胞相比 ,复制衰老细胞及早衰细胞中的hTK启动子结合着更多的Rb ,这提示细胞衰老过程中Rb的去磷酸化可能与hTK基因在衰老过程中的下调有关 .  相似文献   

热休克因子1(HSF1)是调控热休克蛋白(HSPs)表达的核心转录因子,可被热应激、氧化应激、缺氧/血、pH下降等刺激因素激活,与靶基因的热休克元件特异性结合,增强HSPs表达,发挥内源性保护作用.HSF1活性的调控发生在HSF1三聚化、转位入核、结合DNA和调节转录等多个环节,受到分子伴侣蛋白、磷酸化作用、氧化-还原等机制共同调控,其复杂而精确的调控对于应激应答、生长发育等过程有重要意义.  相似文献   

热休克转录因子1的抗炎症作用   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
Wu C  Ren AJ  Yuan WJ 《生理科学进展》2008,39(2):151-154
热休克转录因子1(heat shock factor 1, HSF1)是调节细胞保护性应激蛋白--热休克蛋白表达的主要转录因子,可被热应激、氧化应激等多种理化因素激活.近年研究表明,HSF1具有抗炎症作用:HSF1可抑制TNFα、IL-1β、M-CSF等致炎因子表达,促进IL-10等抗炎因子表达,并降低NF-κB、AP-1等致炎转录因子的活性.HSF1上调热休克蛋白和抑制炎症的双重活性,提示其很可能是联系应激反应和炎症反应的重要因子.  相似文献   

目的:探讨子宫内膜癌细胞在受到过氧化氢刺激时热休克因子1(Heat Shock Factor 1,HSF1)表达的变化,以及HSF1对肿瘤细胞抗凋亡能力的影响。方法:选择子宫内膜癌的Ishikawa、HEC-1-B及RL95-2三株细胞。分别测定细胞中HSF1基因转录以及翻译表达水平。给予细胞不同浓度的H2O2刺激后,检测细胞内HSF1的mRNA表达变化并且统计受刺激后细胞受抑制情况,观察细胞存活和生长与HSF1含量的关系。结果:三株细胞中HSF1mRNA和蛋白表达的基水平不同;在受到H2O2刺激后,细胞内HSF1表达有不同程度的升高;Ishikawa、HEC-1-B细胞分别在受到较高浓度的H2O2刺激后,细胞存活率出现明显下降;而RL95-2细胞在受到相对低浓度的H2O2刺激后,细胞存活率即出现明显降低。结论:一定范围内浓度的H2O2刺激能够上调子宫内膜癌细胞中HSF1在转录以及蛋白水平的表达,而过高的浓度会使细胞中HSF1表达减少,对于不同细胞来说H2O2刺激的适宜浓度不同。而能使细胞增殖与增长发生明显变化的H2O2浓度与细胞内HSF1表达水平相关。  相似文献   

热休克转录因子1(HSF1)能够启动各种热休克蛋白基因的诱导表达,这对防止机体免受热应激损伤具有重要的意义。从HSF1的结构、功能及活化过程等几个方面阐述了HSF1的生理特征及其与机体耐热性能之间的关系。  相似文献   

热休克蛋白(HSP)具有广泛的生物学功能,其表达方式有两种:一种是诱导性表达,即当生物细胞受到刺激时才进行表达,另一种是组成性表达,即在生物,细胞的正常生活,代谢过程中表达。HSP的这两种表达式意味着HSP基因表达的调控方式和机理不同。本文简要介绍了热休克因子(HSF)的种类,结构及调控HSP基因表达的机理,HSF通过以下4个步骤调节HSP基因:(1)HSF由单体形式变成磷酸化的三聚体形式被激活;(2)三聚体形成式的HSF与HSP基因的热休克元件(HSE)上相邻排列的3个5′-GAA-3′结合,(3)与HSF结合后,HSE的活化域暴露,HSP基因转录;(4)HSP的mRNA5′端前导芪的特异结构适合于核糖体快速结合和高效翻译,不同生物体内的HSF作用有一定差异,功能较为明确的有:(1)对应激信号敏感的HSF1;(2)对应激信号不敏感,对生长,发育,分化信号敏感的HSF2;(3)起抑制HSP基因转录作用的HSF4。还有一些HSF(如HSF3)的作用机制较复杂,有待深入研究。此外,本文也简单介绍了HSP在衰老,免疫应答,细胞生存和凋亡平衡等中的作用,对了解和认识生物生长,发育,衰老,保护,免疫应答及细胞生存和凋亡平衡的分子机制有一定帮助。  相似文献   

为了探讨HSF2 mRNA在热应激和超生理剂量睾酮诱导恒河猴生精细胞凋亡中的表达变化,我们建立了手术诱导单侧隐睾和注射大剂量11酸睾酮(TU)恒河猴动物模型,应用3′末端标记分析(TUNEL)和原位杂交方法,检测睾丸细胞的凋亡信号和HSF2的表达变化。TUNEL结果显示热应激和超生理剂量睾酮能够诱导生精细胞出现凋亡信号,它分别于处理后第5天和第30天达到最强,表明热应激和睾酮干扰精子发生可能是通过生精细胞凋亡的方式来实现的。HSF2 mRNA水平在生精细胞凋亡早期(凋亡信号达到最强以前)略有降低,而在凋亡高峰期之后其表达急剧下降。Hsf2基因与我们以前研究的Hsp70-2基因的表达具有时间上的相关性,表明HSF2蛋白可能调控Hsp70-2基因的表达,而且HSF2可能通过多种方式影响精子的发生以及抑制生精细胞的凋亡。  相似文献   

研究2种肽链延长因子(eEF1A-1,eEF1A-2)在不同发育阶段的小鼠神经元中的表达特征,探 讨其调控机制.应用Western印迹和组织免疫荧光技术分析两蛋白质在不同基因型小鼠(n =10)神经细胞中的表达水平和分布.结果表明,在胚胎期和幼龄期的野生型小鼠神经元胞 质中,eEF1A-1呈高水平表达并随发育而下降,于出生后26 d时停止表达;而eEF1A-2蛋白于出生后7 d开始表达并呈上调趋势,出生后20 d时达到最高水平,其后一直保持稳定表达,2种肽链延长因子在野生型小鼠神经元中的表达随发育而呈相反变化.eEF1A_2基因突变小鼠无eEF1A-2蛋白,eEF1A_1蛋白的表达模式与野生型小鼠基本类似,但出生后26 d时仍有微量表达.2种肽链延长因子在野生型小鼠发育阶段的表达水平变化受内在机制调控,不直接受各自表达水平的影响;eEF1A_2蛋白与神经元生理功能的维持有密切关系.  相似文献   

The eEF1Alpha-2 gene (S1) encodes a tissue-specific isoform of peptide elongation factor-1A (eEF1A-1); its mRNA is expressed only in brain, heart, and skeletal muscle, tissues dominated by terminally differentiated, long-lived cells. Homozygous mutant mice exhibit muscle wasting and neurodegeneration, resulting in death around postnatal day 28. eEF1Alpha-2/S1 protein shares 92% identity with eEF1A-1; because specific antibodies for each were not available previously, it was difficult to study the developmental expression patterns of these two peptide elongation factors 1A in wasted and wild-type mice. We generated a peptide-derived antiserum that recognizes the eEF1Alpha-2/S1 isoform and does not cross-react with eEF1A-1. We characterized the expression profiles of eEF1A-1 and eEF1A-2/S1 during development in wild-type (+/+), heterozygous (+/wst), and homozygous (wst/wst) mice. In wild-type and heterozygous animals, eEF1A-2/S1 protein is present only in brain, heart, and muscle; the onset of its expression coincides with a concomitant decrease in the eEF1A-1 protein level. In wasted mutant tissues, even though eEF1A-2/S1 protein is absent, the scheduled decline of eEF1A-1 occurs nonetheless during postnatal development, as it does in wild-type counterparts. In the brain of adult wild-type mice, the eEF1A-2/S1 isoform is localized in neurons, whereas eEF1A-1 is found in non-neuronal cells. In neurons prior to postnatal day 7, eEF1A-1 is the major isoform, but it is later replaced by eEF1A-2/S1, which by postnatal day 14 is the only isoform present. The postdevelopmental appearance of eEF1A-2/S1 protein and the decline in eEF1A-1 expression in brain, heart, and muscle suggest that eEF1A-2/S1 is the adult form of peptide elongation factor, whereas its sister is the embryonic isoform, in these tissues. The absence of eEF1A-2/S1, as well as the on-schedule development-dependent disappearance of its sister gene, eEF1A, in wst/wst mice may result in loss of protein synthesis ability, which may account for the numerous defects and ultimate fatality seen in these mice.  相似文献   

During postnatal brain development the level of peptide elongation factor-1A (eEF1A-1) expression declines and that of the highly homologous isoform, eEF1A-2, increases in neurons. eEF1A-1 is implicated in cytoskeletal interactions, tumorigenesis, differentiation, and the absence of eEF1A-2 is implicated in neurodegeneration in the mouse mutant, wasted. The translation of eEF1A-1 mRNA is up-regulated via mitogenic stimulation. However, it is not known if eEF1A-1 mRNA translation is regulated by neurotrophins or if its synthesis is differentially regulated than that of the neuronal isoform, eEF1A-2. Regulated translation of these factors by neurotrophins, particularly by the Trk class of neurotrophin receptors, would implicate them in differentiation, survival, and neuronal plasticity. In this study, we investigated the effect of nerve growth factor (NGF) stimulation on the synthesis of eEF1A-1 and eEF1A-2. We found that NGF stimulation causes a preferential synthesis of eEF1A-1 over eEF1A-2 in PC12 cells. We analyzed the co-sedimentation of eEF1A-1 mRNA with polyribosome fractions in sucrose gradients, and found that NGF stimulation enriched the presence of eEF1A-1 mRNA in polyribosomes, indicating that the translation of eEF1A-1 mRNA is regulated by NGF. Inhibitors of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (LY 294002), mammalian target of rapamycin (rapamycin), and the NGF receptor, TrkA (K-252a), but not of mitogen-activated protein kinase (PD 98059), prevented the recruitment of eEF1A-1 mRNA to polyribosomes. The mobilization of eEF1A-1 mRNA to polyribosomes was rapamycin-sensitive in both proliferating and differentiated PC12 cells, indicating the importance of this pathway during differentiation. Our data shows that after growth factor withdrawal, an NGF-signaling pathway stimulates eEF1A-1 mRNA translation in proliferating and differentiated PC12 cells. Therefore, eEF1A-1 mRNA is a specific translational target of TrkA signaling.  相似文献   

Peptide elongation factor eEF1A-2/S1, which shares 92% homology with eEF1A-1/EF-1alpha, is exclusively expressed in brain, heart, and skeletal muscle. In these tissues, eEF1A-2/S1 is the only type 1A elongation factor expressed in adulthood because a transition from eEF1A-1/EF-1alpha to eEF1A-2/S1 occurs in early postnatal development. In this article, we report that the expression of eEF1A-2/S1 protein is activated upon myogenic differentiation. Furthermore, we show that upon serum deprivation-induced apoptosis, eEF1A-2/S1 protein disappears and is replaced by its homolog eEF1A-1/EF-1alpha in dying myotubes; cell death is characterized by the activation of caspase-3. In addition, we show that the continuous expression of eEF1A-2/S1 resulting from adenoviral gene transfer protects differentiated myotubes from apoptosis by delaying their death, thus suggesting a prosurvival function for eEF1A-2/S1 in skeletal muscle. In contrast, myotube death is accelerated by the introduction of the homologous gene, eEF1A-1/EF-1alpha, whereas cells transfected with antisense eEF1A-1/EF-1alpha are protected from apoptosis. These results demonstrate that the two sister genes, eEF1A-1/EF-1alpha and eEF1A-2/S1, regulate myotube survival with the former exerting prodeath activity and the latter a prosurvival effect.  相似文献   

eEF1A-1 and eEF1A-2 are two isoforms of translation elongation factor eEF1A. In adult mammalian tissues, isoform eEF1A-1 is present in all tissues except neurons, cardiomyocytes, and myotubes, where its isoform, eEF1A-2, is the only form expressed. Both forms of eEF1A have been characterized to function in the protein elongation step of translation, and eEF1A-1 is shown to possess additional non-canonical roles in actin binding/bundling, microtubule bundling/severing, and cellular transformation processes. To study whether eEF1A-2 has similar non-canonical functions, we carried out a yeast two-hybrid screening using a full sequence of mouse eEF1A-2 as bait. A total of 78 hits, representing 23 proteins, were identified and validated to be true positives. We have focused on the protein with the highest frequency of hits, peroxiredoxin I (Prdx-I), for in-depth study of its functional implication for eEF1A-2. Here we show that Prdx-I coimmunoprecipitates with eEF1A-2 from extracts of both cultured cells and mouse tissues expressing this protein, but it does not do so with its isoform, eEF1A-1, even though the latter is abundantly present. We also report that an eEF1A-2 and Prdx-I double transfectant increases resistance to peroxide-induced cell death as high as 1 mM peroxide treatment, significantly higher than do single transfectants with either gene alone; this protection is correlated with reduced activation of caspases 3 and 8, and with increased expression of pro-survival factor Akt. Thus, our results suggest that eEF1A-2 interacts with Prdx-I to functionally provide cells with extraordinary resistance to oxidative stress-induced cell death.  相似文献   

Abstract: Subcutaneous injection of 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine (MPTP) HC1 (25 mg/kg) in pregnant female mice at the 17th day of gestation markedly depleted striatal dopamine (DA) concentrations in the mothers 24 h later and at 24 h and 28 days after delivery. By contrast, in the offspring of the female mice exposed to MPTP during pregnancy, fetal brain DA concentrations at 24 h after injection and at 24 h after birth and striatal DA levels at 14 and 28 days postnatally were unaffected and identical to those in age-matched controls. The postnatal ontogenesis of striatal DA levels was identical in offspring of control vehicle- and MPTP-treated pregnant mice. Also, prenatal challenge with MPTP did not make nigrostriatal DA neurons more vulnerable to a second postnatal treatment with the toxin. Striatal DA depletions were identical in 6-week-old mice given MPTP, whether they were exposed to MPTP or to vehicle in utero. Monoamine oxidase (EC; MAO) type B activity was extremely low in the fetal brain and, relatively, much lower than that of MAO-A. Prenatal MPTP administration reduced maternal striatal and also embryonal brain MAO-B activity at 24 h post treatment but did not alter the normal postnatal development of striatal MAO-A and -B activities in the offspring. Study suggests that resistance of fetal DA neurons to the DA-depleting effect of MPTP may be due, at least in part, to an absence in the embryonal brain of adequately developed MAO-B activity required for the conversion of MPTP to its toxic metabolite, 1-methyl-4-phenylpyridinium ion.  相似文献   

alpha-Internexin is a 66 kDa neuronal intermediate filament protein found most abundantly in the neurons of the nervous systems during early development. To characterize the function of mouse alpha-internexin promoter, we designed two different expression constructs driven by 0.7 kb or 1.3 kb of mouse alpha-internexin 5'-flanking sequences; one was the enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) reporter for monitoring specific expression in vitro, and the other was the cre for studying the functional DNA recombinase in transgenic mice. After introducing DNA constructs into non-neuronal 3T3 fibroblasts and a neuronal Neuro2A cell line by lipofectamine transfection, we observed that the expression of EGFP with 1.3 kb mouse alpha-internexin promoter was in a neuron-dominant manner. To establish a tissue-specific pattern in the nervous system, we generated a transgenic mouse line expressing Cre DNA recombinase under the control of 1.3 kb alpha-Internexin promoter. The activity of the Cre recombinase at postnatal day 1 was examined by mating the cre transgenic mice to ROSA26 reporter (R26R) mice with knock-in Cre-mediated recombination. Analyses of postnatal day 1 (P1) newborns showed that beta-galactosidase activity was detected in the peripheral nervous system (PNS), such as cranial nerves innervating the tongue and the skin as well as spinal nerves to the body trunk. Furthermore, X-gal-labeled dorsal root ganglionic (DRG) neurons showed positive for alpha-Internexin in cell bodies but negative in their spinal nerves. The motor neurons in the spinal cord did not exhibit any beta-galactosidase activity. Therefore, the cre transgene driven by mouse alpha-internexin promoter, described here, provides a useful animal model to specifically manipulate genes in the developing nervous system.  相似文献   

The olfactory system is well suited for studies of glutamate receptor plasticity. The sensory neurons are glutamatergic, and they turn over throughout life, and the olfactory bulb neurons that process their inputs express many of the known glutamate receptor subunits. Neonatal naris occlusion alters olfactory bulb development and the expression of certain neuroactive substances and receptors, at least in part due to loss of the sensory inputs. We therefore postulated that neonatal naris occlusion might alter glutamate receptor expression during postnatal development. Single nares of newborn mice were occluded on postnatal days 1-2, and the distribution of glutamate receptor subunits was evaluated using immunoperoxidase methods. Light microscopic examination on postnatal day 6 failed to reveal adult-like staining of neuronal cell bodies in the olfactory bulbs. By day 12, cell bodies that were immunoreactive (-IR) for the GluR1 subunit were visible in the external plexiform layer (EPL) of both sides. By day 18, many of the GluR1-IR cell bodies could be identified as cell types that had previously been reported to express homomeric GluR1 receptors. Analysis of single, mid-dorsal sections from 18-25-day-old mice showed that the medial EPL of the occluded side had a significantly lower density of these cell bodies. The GluR1 staining of the adjacent mitral cell layer (MCL) was also heavier on the occluded side, but no gross differences in staining for other glutamate receptor subunits were observed. Neonatal naris occlusion therefore appears to provide a new model for studying expression of GluR1 receptors during the development of a discrete population of olfactory bulb neurons.  相似文献   

Gangliosides are characteristic plasma membrane constituents of vertebrate brain used as milestones of neuronal development. As neuronal morphology is a good indicator of neuronal differentiation, we analyzed how lack of the ganglioside biosynthetic gene Galgt1 whose product is critical for production of four major adult mammalian brain complex gangliosides (GM1, GD1a, GD1b and GT1b) affects neuronal maturation in vivo. To define maturation of cortical neurons in mice lacking B4galnt1 we performed a morphological analysis of Golgi-Cox impregnated pyramidal neurons in primary motor cortex and granular cells of dentate gyrus in 3, 21 and 150 days old B4galnt1-null and wild type mice. Quantitative analysis of basal dendritic tree on layer III pyramidal neurons in the motor cortex showed very immature dendritic picture in both mice at postnatal day 3. At postnatal day 21 both mice reached adult values in dendritic length, complexity and spine density. No quantitative differences were found between B4galnt1-null and wild type mice in pyramidal cells of motor cortex or granular cells of dentate gyrus at any examined age. In addition, the general structural and neuronal organization of all brain structures, qualitatively observed on Nissl and Golgi-Cox, were similar Our results demonstrate that neurons can develop normal dendritic complexity and length without presence of complex gangliosides in vivo. Therefore, behavioral differences observed in B4galnt1-null mice may be attributed to functional rather than morphological level of dendrites and spines of cortical pyramidal neurons.  相似文献   

By the use of ribonuclease protection assay (RPA) combined with immunohistochemical techniques, the expression of estrogen receptor (ER) alpha and ERbeta was mapped in the developing gonads and reproductive tracts of male and female mice from fetal day 14 to postnatal day 26 (PND 26). This study was designed to determine the pattern of expression of both ER subtypes in specific tissue compartments during development. In ovaries, ERalpha mRNA was detected at all ages examined; ERbeta mRNA was seen as early as PND 1, and its expression increased with age. Immunolocalization showed ERbeta in differentiating granulosa cells of the ovary, whereas ERalpha was predominantly seen in interstitial cells. The remainder of the female reproductive tract showed ERalpha mRNA at all ages examined with little or no significant levels of ERbeta, except on PND 1 when a low level of message appeared. In males, ERalpha and ERbeta mRNA were detected in the fetal testis; however, ERbeta gradually increased until PND 5 and subsequently diminished to undetectable levels by PND 26. Immunolocalization showed ERalpha in the interstitial compartment of the testis, whereas ERbeta was seen predominantly in developing spermatogonia. The remainder of the male reproductive tract showed varying amounts of both receptors by RPA and immunostaining throughout development. These studies provide information useful in studying the role of both ER subtypes in normal differentiation, and they provide indications of differential tissue expression during development.  相似文献   

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