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本文主要从生物因素方面考虑,分析了导致石质文物病害的主要原因和机理,并综述了国内外石质文物保护的现状、防治和修复方法。地衣是引起石质文物腐蚀的关键生物类群,与国外相比,目前国内专门针对地衣进行石质文物防治的研究鲜见报道。作者建议,石质文物的地衣生物腐蚀及防治研究应从以下方面入手:(1)石质文物地衣必须首先进行系统的种类调查;(2)对地衣腐蚀石质文物的机理进行深入研究;(3)探寻地衣病害安全有效的去除方法;(4)逐步探索地衣病害修复后的监测和预防方法。  相似文献   

石质建筑暴露在自然环境中不可避免地遭到各种因素的影响,其中由细菌、真菌、藻类、地衣和苔藓等引起的生物风化问题普遍存在,生物风化的长期累积效应会导致石质建筑在物理结构、化学性质和美学特征等方面发生不可逆的变化和损坏。因此,运用不同方法来减少生物对石质建筑的侵蚀是非常必要的。本文根据典型案例整理归纳了目前研究中生物风化治理的传统方法(包括热处理、激光和紫外线辐照、施用杀菌剂等)和几种新兴技术(包括物理方法和化学方法协同作用、植物提取物和纳米材料作为杀菌剂等),并对其优缺点及适用性进行了评述。本文还论述了石质建筑生物风化的防护对策和防治效果的检测方法,并对未来研究方向进行了展望,旨在为石质建筑的生物风化防治研究提供方法借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

于淼  朱旭东  潘皎 《微生物学报》2011,51(11):1147-1453
本论文针对国内外最新的石质文物微生物的检测技术进行了论述,主要包括核酸分析鉴定方法、细胞膜分析法、次级代谢产物分析法和传统培养法等。并综合比较各种方法的优势和不足,对石质文物的生物保护提出展望。石质文物微生物的无损或微损快速检测技术的建立,对于进一步清理石质文物的微生物污染,有效防治微生物对石质文物的腐蚀,保护我国宝贵的文化遗产具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

石生微生物研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
石生微生物是一类自养微生物支持下的在全球广泛分布、能较好适应极端自然条件的岩石生境微生物及微生物群落。石生生物的研究对极端环境生态适应机制、探索地外生命以及保护石质文物等方面都有重要指导作用,然而我国对石生微生物的研究罕有报道。本文从石生微生物的分类、分布、研究方法、生态适应等方面的研究进展进行综述,对石生微生物研究存在的问题进行探讨,为我国相关领域的研究提供参考。  相似文献   

地衣是真菌和一种或多种光合微生物形成的稳定的共生联合体 ,既是先锋生物 ,又是敏感生物。环境的变化及生境的片断化 ,使得许多地衣种类处于濒危状态。保护珍稀濒危地衣物种的方法包括地衣体的移植 ,地衣中菌藻的分离培养及基因组文库的构建等。本研究用改进的CTAB方法提取基因组总DNA ,以Lamb daGEM 11为载体 ,构建了红脐鳞 (Rhizoplacachrysoleuca)的基因组文库 ,文库中同时含有该地衣共生菌与共生藻的DNA。该文库包含 8.5× 10 5个重组子 ,插入片段的平均大小为 19kb。文库的容量约为红脐鳞单倍体基因组的 10 0倍。该基因组文库的构建为保护稀有与濒危地衣物种提供了一个新的途径 ,并可进一步开展有关地衣的分子操作研究 ,如地衣冰核蛋白的异源表达等。  相似文献   

陈旭黎  吴福佳  孙博  杨天宇  宋会兴 《生态学报》2022,42(21):8762-8772
大气氮沉降可能通过直接和间接途径影响石质文物风化过程,但相关研究明显不足。因此,以乐山大佛周围相似的裸岩和地衣覆盖的岩石为研究对象,对比研究了不同浓度(N0:0 kg hm-2 a-1;N1:9 kg hm-2 a-1;N2:18 kg hm-2 a-1;N3:36 kg hm-2 a-1;N4:72 kg hm-2 a-1)的氮添加试验对乐山大佛裸露岩石与地衣覆盖岩石表面细菌群落结构的影响,探讨大气氮沉降对乐山大佛岩石风化的潜在影响。结果表明:(1)裸岩和地衣覆盖岩石表面细菌群落α-多样性对氮沉降的响应不同。氮添加处理对裸岩表面细菌α-多样性指数(Sobs、Shannon指数)影响不显著,但在不同程度影响到地衣覆盖岩石表面的细菌多样性。其中,N4处理显著降低了细菌α-多样性指数(Sobs、Shannon指数),N2和N3处理也显著降低了细菌Sobs指数;(2)主坐标PCoA分析结果证实,不同氮添加处理间的裸岩和地衣覆盖岩石表面的细菌群落物种组成均发生变化。与对照相比,低氮处理(N1-N3)显著改变了裸露岩石表面细菌群落组成,且高氮(N4)处理与低氮处理对细菌群落组成的影响不同(R=0.464;P=0.002);在地衣覆盖的岩石表面,细菌群落在不同氮添加(N0-N4)处理下均发生了明显变化(R=0.822;P=0.001);(3)变形菌门(Proteobacteria)、放线菌门(Actinobacteria)、酸菌门(Acidobacteria)、WPS-2、Patescibacteria和浮霉菌门(Planctomycetes)均是裸岩与地衣覆盖岩石表面在门水平上的优势菌群,但它们在裸岩与地衣覆盖岩石表面随氮添加后的动态并不一致;(4)线性判别和效应量分析分别发现了裸岩和地衣覆盖岩石表面7个和21个在氮添加后的细菌指示类群。由此可见,未来大气氮沉降会对乐山大佛佛体表面细菌群落产生显著影响,地衣覆盖岩石较裸岩表面的细菌群落对未来大气氮沉降更为敏感。研究为未来气候变化条件下的乐山大佛保护提供了数据支持,也为大气氮沉降对亚热带地区红砂岩的原生演替过程研究积累了基础资料。  相似文献   

附生地衣是热带和亚热带山地森林生态系统中重要的结构性组分, 在生物多样性保护、环境监测、养分循环中发挥着重要作用。附生地衣按共生藻、生活型和繁殖策略的不同可划分为不同的功能群, 不同附生地衣功能群的分布格局存在较大的差异, 然而其生理生态机制仍不清楚。该研究以我国西南地区哀牢山亚热带山地森林中的附生地衣优势类群为研究对象, 对该地区蓝藻地衣、阔叶地衣、狭叶地衣及枝状地衣4种功能群的8种附生地衣的水分关系、光合生理特征等进行了测定分析, 结果显示: 不同功能群附生地衣的持水力和失水速率均存在差异, 其中蓝藻地衣具有较高的最大水分含量, 而枝状地衣的失水速率较快; 过高和过低的水分含量都会抑制附生地衣的光合作用, 但抑制程度有所差异; 蓝藻地衣的光合作用最适水分含量比较高, 表明它们的光合生理活动对水分条件要求较高, 所以它们偏好潮湿的生境, 同时蓝藻地衣的光补偿点比较低但光饱和点却不低, 反映出它们具有较宽的光强适应范围, 所以蓝藻地衣能够同时分布于强光和弱光生境中; 枝状地衣的光合最适水分含量较低, 表明它们的光合生理活动对水分条件要求不是很高, 能够适应较为干旱的环境, 同时枝状地衣的光补偿点和光饱和点都很高, 说明它们的光合生理活动对光照条件要求比较高, 所以它们广泛分布于强光生境中; 阔叶和狭叶地衣的光补偿点比较高, 说明它们更适应有充足光照条件的生境。  相似文献   

微型生物结皮在干旱、半干旱荒漠地区广泛分布,对维持荒漠生态系统的稳定性具有重要作用。地衣结皮是微型生物结皮的重要组成部分及主要类型之一,在固沙、固碳和固氮能力方面独具优势。本文从区域尺度和局部尺度综述了国内外荒漠地衣分布、群落组成及其影响因素,从微尺度探讨了荒漠地衣在形成过程中可能相关的生物因子的作用与功能。虽已有研究发现气候类型、降水量、土壤理化性质、微地形和温度会对荒漠地衣生长型、种类、丰度及盖度产生影响,来自地衣体、地衣结皮和地衣结皮土壤中的生物因素与维持地衣正常生命活动及分布之间存在相关关系,但上述结论尚具有一定的局限性,主要表现在区域尺度仍缺乏专门对荒漠地衣的研究,微尺度缺乏对地衣相关生物功能的实验性探索及验证。上述局限在一定程度上限制了通过人工手段大规模应用荒漠地衣结皮的研究。本文基于国内外研究进展及存在问题,对荒漠地衣结皮应用进行了展望,以期为人工构建荒漠地衣结皮和干旱、半干旱荒漠治理及生态恢复提供新的思路和参考。  相似文献   

新疆地衣研究概述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据1985年以来的研究资料并结合前人的研究报道,综述了新疆地衣在分类学、地理区系、生态学和应用等方面的研究历史和现状。重点分析了新疆地衣的地理成分、分布型和不同环境、基物条件下的地衣种群及群落,文中还阐述了新疆地衣研究的未来发展趋势,并进行了展望。为新疆地衣物种多样性的有效保护、地衣资源的合理开发利用等方面提供了重要的理论依据。  相似文献   

地衣在自然界中是一种特殊的生物类群,具有独特的结构特征和较强的环境适应能力。它在环境污染评价,药物和香料开发利用方面具有较高的研究价值。目前对地衣的研究涉及地衣分类、地衣区系地理、地衣群落生态学、地衣化学、利用地衣评价环境质量以及地衣分子生物学等领域。回顾了新疆地衣研究近20年的发展概况,总结了新疆地衣研究的发展历程、特点,并展望了新疆地衣研究的方向。  相似文献   

Assessments of the impacts of environmental hazards on ecological systems and human health have become a subject of ever-increasing importance. In this work, we extend current ecological hazard evaluation to the problem of protecting cultural relics from hazards attributable to the presence of a large-scale canal system being planned in China. The development and utilization of water resources must be closely combined with the preservation of cultural relics. The Middle Route Project for Water Transfer from South to North China (MRWT) is a current example. In this paper, the engineering background of this project is briefly introduced. The distribution of cultural relics related to it is also summarized in terms of different geographical divisions. An influence index E = f(L, δh, k, I, v, s) is introduced to measure the comprehensive effect of the canal on cultural relics. Because this function is really established at the preconstruction stage, it is treated by use of fuzzy mathematics. Each cultural relic has its own E value. Cultural relics with E values greater than 0.75 should be paid high attention, while those with E less than 0.5 may generally be ignored. What must be preserved through use of engineering measures are cultural relics with E values greater than 0.9. As to those cultural relics with E ranging between 0.5 and 0.75, whether they should be preserved with engineering controls depends upon practical circumstances specific to each relic.  相似文献   

徐桐 《生物信息学》2019,26(11):13-19
在中国文物保护体系下,古道等遗产线路类的文物保护工作尚未能完全对接国际文化线路的保护理念,文化线路的国内文物保护体系和国际保护视野面临无法衔接的困境。以国际文化线路“物质线路”和“衍生要素”的分析视野,将具有申遗背景同时需要对接文物保护工作的米仓道(巴中段)作为对象,通过梳理其时空范畴和价值认知,分别辨析作为国内文物保护体系的交通遗产构成框架,以及对接申遗工作的文化线路衍生遗产要素。基于此,遗产线路衔接国内文物保护体系和“文化线路”申遗保护要求的工作框架得以厘清,可为国内面临类似研究需求的文化线路类遗产提供借鉴。  相似文献   

新兴遗址第1地点位于吉林省汪清县嘎呀河支流前河北岸的二级阶地,2018年调查发现,2019年对该地点进行了复查和试掘,试掘面积14 m2。采集和试掘发现标本131件,以石制品为主,包括石核、石片、石叶、细石叶、刮削器、砍砸器、尖状器、手斧和磨制石器,此外还发现有少量夹砂陶片。总体来看该遗址包含旧石器和新石器两期文化遗存,其中旧石器时代遗存以石叶和细石叶为主要技术特征,石制品原料以硅质页岩和黑曜岩为主,根据石制品技术特征和地层堆积情况判断,年代与临近的黑龙江穆棱市康乐遗址年代相近,为距今10000年前后;新石器时代文化遗存属图们江流域金谷文化范畴。  相似文献   

Two limestones from Crete, Greece and a dolomite from Mansfield, UK were subjected to combined microbial and physical weathering simulation cycles, in an attempt to assess the contribution of each agent of decay. Sound stone discs were exposed to different temperature and wet/dry cycling regimes involving treatment with distilled water or solutions of sodium chloride or sodium sulphate. Before the weathering cycles, half of the discs were inoculated with mixed microbial populations (MMP), originally recovered from decayed building stone of Portchester Castle, Hampshire, UK. The presence of MMP greatly accelerated the rates of deterioration of stone of all treatments, measured by weight change and alteration of hydraulic properties of stone. A combination of physical and biological processes significantly enhanced the extent of decay when compared with the physical or biological agents acting alone. Populations of heterotrophic, sulphur-utilising, halotolerant and moderately halophilic bacterial populations remained large throughout the experiment. Biofilms formed by populations of microorganisms were visualised by staining and assessed by colorimetric measurement of total carbohydrate in the stone substrate. The relative contribution of microbial and physical weathering to the process is discussed.  相似文献   

The problem of deterioration of art works is particularly relevant in countries like Iran that are rich in cultural heritage. According to UNESCO data, Iran holds the tenth rank in a list of countries possessing the highest number of monuments belonging to the world cultural heritage. Archaeological areas, buildings, mosques, statues, museums and objects are all exposed to different biogenic and abiogenic stresses under generally aggressive climatic conditions. Lichens and fungi are known to actively decompose stone surfaces. This process is both physical and chemical in nature and often reaches deep below the stone surfaces. This is caused by chemical and physical interactions of the microbiota with the fluctuating and often drastically changing environmental conditions. Here, we describe and analyze the mainly physical degradation by invading fungal hyphae between stone crystals and a generally destabilizing stone texture. In addition to physical deterioration, organic acids produced by lichens enhance the chemical decomposing processes. In this work, penetration of hyphal bundles as well as individual fungi was studied, and the biodeteriorating patterns were documented and compared to general physical–chemical weathering phenomena. Several strains of aggressive black yeast-like fungi and bacteria were isolated and cultivated and will be described in a taxonomical context with many other isolates from different localities using physiological, morphological and molecular data.  相似文献   

王府井东方广场遗址出土石制品共计1098件,主要来自下文化层。除石锤、石砧和人工石块外,其他石制品的原料几乎全部为黑色燧石。石制品普遍较小,主要为小型和微型。石核数量很少,但石片占石制品总数的一半还多。碎屑在探方中的几个区域密集分布。石器加工精致,刃缘大部分都比较平齐且其上的修疤排列均匀、整齐,尤其表现在端刮器上。原料、类型与技术特点表明,东方广场遗址石制品组合属于中国旧石器时代晚期的以石片为主要特征的文化系列。这一文化系列与周口店北京猿人遗址、周口店第15地点、许家窑遗址等有较多的相似性,推测东方广场石制品组合是由中国旧石器时代早期和中期石器工业演变而来。  相似文献   

This study describes the stone handling (SH) behavior of captive rhesus macaques and compares it with that of a captive troop of Japanese macaques with reference to the relative contributions of phylogeny-driven behavioral propensities, environmental differences and socially facilitated learning to the formation of culture. These systematically collected data demonstrate for the first time that two closely related macaque species might share a common cultural behavior, SH. The rhesus troop displayed SH behavioral patterns that was already described in Japanese macaque troops. The one exception was a new pattern not yet seen in any Japanese macaque troop. Differences in the physical environment of the two study enclosures may be responsible for some of the variation in observed SH behavioral patterns in these two troops. These data support the idea that environmental factors can be important for the formation of cultural variation, when the key materials needed to perform the behavior are present in both habitats (stones). Our results are consistent with the prediction made by Huffman and Hirata [The biology of tradition: Models and evidence. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. p 267-296] that an interactive triad of phylogenetic, environmental and social factors can be responsible for the formation of cultural variation in primates.  相似文献   

Variation in biological communities is a consequence of stochastic and deterministic factors. Examining the relative importance of these factors helps to understand variation in the whole biodiversity in a region. We examined the roles of stochastic and deterministic factors in structuring macroinvertebrate communities in high-latitude streams across two seasons. We predicted that if communities are the result of deterministic environmental filtering processes, the communities should show strong association with environmental variables, as taxa would be selected according to stream environmental conditions. However, if communities are driven by stochastic factors, they should show strong association with spatial variables, as the distribution of taxa in communities would be driven by spatially related dispersal factors. We studied these predictions by calculating the degree of uniqueness of the streams in terms of their taxonomic and functional community compositions and by modelling the resulting index values using spatial and environmental variables. Our results supported the first prediction where the communities are more influenced by the environmental filtering processes, although indications of the effect of spatial processes in structuring the communities were present especially in autumn. High-latitude stream communities also seem to be sensitive to environmental changes, as even small changes in environment were enough to affect the ecological uniqueness of the streams. These findings highlight the vulnerability of northern streams in the face of the climate change. To maintain biodiversity in high-latitude catchments, it would be important to protect varying habitat conditions, which are the main forces affecting the ecological uniqueness of the streams.  相似文献   

For many years, lichens were considered as being of minor importance in terms of their environmental impact, other than in a few extreme ecosystems and habitats where they provided the dominant vegetational cover. Their role as biological weathering agents in the development of soils was formerly considered in a geological context only, but recent research has shown that these organisms are capable of biodeteriorating stone substrata within a relatively short time-scale.  相似文献   

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