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2009年9~12月以4只大猩猩(Gorilla gorilla)为研究对象,应用瞬时扫描取样法观察记录其活动行为,建立不同取样间隔与数据准确性和数据独立性的线性回归方程,计算变量系数和常数项的95%置信区间,进而确定瞬时扫描法的最适取样间隔。研究结果表明,大猩猩活动主要集中于上午10:00~11:00时和下午14:00~15:00时(χ2=19.110,df=4,P=0.001),不同大猩猩个体间活动行为存在显著差异(Kruskal Wallis Test,χ2=11.229,df=3,P=0.011)。随着取样间隔的增大,间隔取样与连续取样数据的相关系数呈下降趋势,满足数据准确性需求的最适取样间隔为3~13 min,随取样间隔的增大,数据独立可能性逐渐升高,其中满足数据独立性需求的最适取样间隔为2~8 min。综合考虑以上两种因素,确定针对大猩猩活动行为的瞬时扫描取样的最适间隔为3~8 min。  相似文献   

生态限制模型(Ecological constraints model)认为随种群规模增加,灵长类种群会增加日移动距离、移动时间和取食时间,减少休息时间。果食性灵长类为取食斑块分布的高质量食物资源(如果实)而存在群内分摊竞争(Within-group scramble competition),很好地验证了生态限制模型。为了检验温带叶食性灵长类是否适用于生态限制模型,于2018年12月—2019年5月,在云岭省级自然保护区拉沙山采用20 min瞬时扫描取样法收集猴群日活动时间分配,每隔30 min在地形图(1:50 000)上记录猴群活动位点收集其日移动距离数据,比较了同域分布的黑白仰鼻猴较大群(170只)和较小群(100只)冬春季的日移动距离和活动时间分配差异。结果表明,春季和冬季黑白仰鼻猴较大群比较小群的日移动距离更远;虽然春季较大群减少了社交时间、增加了移动时间,但是冬季两群活动时间分配无差异。此外,春季,较大群相比较小群的成年和青少年个体减少了社交时间,成年雌性增加了移动时间;冬季,较大群仅成年雌性增加了休息时间,其他不同年龄—性别组的活动时间分配无差异。本研究证实了黑白仰鼻猴群内存在分摊竞争,且春季分摊竞争的强度更高,符合生态限制模型。此外,群体规模对成年雌性的活动时间分配影响较大,这与其妊娠期相对高的营养和能量需求有关。  相似文献   

&#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &# 《水生生物学报》2014,38(1):129-136
以壳聚糖为原料制备壳聚糖-HCG缓释制剂,进行激素埋植实验,间隔一定时间检测雌和雄鱼性腺发育、血清主要性激素含量和繁殖内分泌相关基因表达特征。结果表明:在埋植壳聚糖-HCG缓释激素后,雌鱼性成熟系数(GSI)、血清睾酮(T)水平、血清雌二醇(E2)水平在630d内较对照组效果明显;雄鱼GSI仅在第6天显著高于对照组,血清T水平在第2、第14天高于对照组。血清E2水平在实验期间与对照组无显著差异。RT-PCR结果显示:性腺型P450芳香化酶(CYP19A)在性腺中表达丰富,心脏中最少。雌鱼性腺P450芳香化酶(CYP19A)基因mRNA相对表达量在第2、第6天显著高于对照组,雄鱼在第6天显著高于对照,雌鱼性腺雌激素受体(ER)基因mRNA相对表达量在1430d显著高于对照组,雄鱼在第6至第21天显著高于对照组。研究表明,壳聚糖-HCG缓释制剂一次埋植后可在21d内稳定持久地释放激素,对调节鱼类的生殖机能具有良好的促进效果。    相似文献   

笼养东北虎雌雄行为差异的比较   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
1998年4月-2001年3月在哈尔滨动物园,采用瞬时扫描取样法和全事件取样法对5只笼养东北虎(3雌2雄)的昼夜行为时间分配及活动规律进行了研究。结果表明:东北虎的睡眠、卧息、运动和其他行为在时间分配上两性存在一定差异,即雌性的睡眠和卧息时间比雄性多,雌性的运动和其他行为时间比雄性少;但摄食行为的时间分配相差不大。两性日活动规律的差异为雄性的睡眠高峰主要在夜晚,卧息较雌性少且相对集中,运动出现和结束的时间较雌性延迟约1h。对两性及不同个体行为时间分配的单因素方差分析发现,不同个体间仅运动存在显著差异(P<0.05);两性间睡眠、卧息、运动和其他行为均存在显著差异(P<0.05)。笼养东北虎两性行为的差异可能与其野外的行为习惯有关,而这些行为习惯又与其担当的性别角色有紧密联系。  相似文献   

张琦  李浙  吴庆明  隋媛 《生态学报》2020,40(19):7054-7063
为了更深入地了解青头潜鸭的越冬行为模式及性别差异,以期为后续青头潜鸭的保护管理提供科学的理论参考,2018年11-12月采用定点观察法、扫描取样法等方法,对河南民权国家湿地公园越冬期青头潜鸭的越冬行为模式及性别差异进行了观察分析。观察期间共记录到青头潜鸭158只,超过全球种群数量1000只的10%。分析结果表明:(1)民权湿地公园,青头潜鸭越冬期行为时间分配以静息、觅食和运动三类行为为主,其次是修整和飞行两类行为;运动行为与觅食、修整、社会等行为之间呈极显著正相关,修整行为与社会行为之间呈极显著正相关,静息行为与修整、运动、社会等行为之间呈极显著负相关,飞行行为与觅食、静息、修整等行为之间呈极显著负相关;(2)静息行为具有全时段高时间分配的特征,不存在峰期和谷期;觅食行为(峰期为10:30-11:30、13:30-14:30,谷期为11:30-12:30、14:30-15:30)和飞行行为(峰期为11:30-12:30、14:30-15:30,谷期为10:30-11:30、13:30-14:30、15:30-16:30)具有明显的错峰式节律;(3)不同性别青头潜鸭越冬行为时间分配存有差异,其中静息、觅食、运动是雄性青头潜鸭主要行为类别(超过70%),雌性青头潜鸭的主要行为为运动、飞行、觅食(接近70%);雌雄青头潜鸭在静息、修整、运动和飞行四类行为时间分配方面存在显著性差异,雄性的静息、修整行为的时间分配极显著高于雌性,而运动、飞行行为的时间分配极显著低于雌性;(4)不同性别青头潜鸭越冬行为活动节律方面,除飞行行为外,其余行为均在行为峰期与谷期节律方面存有差异。进一步分析表明:民权湿地公园青头潜鸭越冬行为模式符合行为投资与收益的能量学理论,越冬行为模式在行为时间分配和行为节律方面存在性别差异。  相似文献   

对散养在30hm^2场地内的塞加羚羊(Saiga tatarica)一个敏殖群体在2000年12月(酱期及其前、后)和2001年5-7月(哺乳期)的昼间时间分配做了观察研究。数据用个体扫描-瞬时取样法收集。结果表明:①雌性塞加羚羊在交配期结束后,躺卧时间减少,进食时间增加;从前期到后期,站立时间连续递减;母羊分娩后2周内离群单独活动,往返于觅食地和幼仔隐藏地之间;第3周起,母仔合群。②雄性在交配期的移动多于交配前,交配后躺卧时间增加。③塞加羚羊时间分配的性别差异始于交配期;这时,雄性个体忙于追逐圈赶雌性,导致移动时间增加,躺卧减少;交配期后,雌性觅食时间突增,而雄性不变;雌性进入哺乳期后,各月觅食时间均多于雄性。以上时间分配的性别差异反映了它们的繁殖投资差异。上述结果暗示,对此类散养动物,应在其能量需求高峰期增加投食量,以提高繁殖成功率。  相似文献   

为探究埋植外源褪黑激素(MLT)对水貂血清主要生殖激素年周期变化的影响,实验选用4月龄雌貂和雄貂各72只,分为A、B、C、D组,A组(雌貂)和C组(雄貂)不做任何处理,B组(雌貂)和D组(雄貂)于2018年7月7日至2019年7月7日埋植外源MLT。实验期间,每隔30 d每组随机选取3只水貂,心脏采血并分离血清,共12次。用酶联免疫吸附实验(ELISA)法分别测定雌貂和雄貂血清中主要生殖激素含量。结果表明:(1) A组促性腺激素释放激素(GnRH)、催乳素(PRL)和孕酮(P)除冬季1月处于高水平,其他时间均处于较低水平;夏季在6月出现小高峰,P在7月出现小高峰;促卵泡素(FSH)和促黄体生成素(LH)在秋、冬季先下降后上升且在12月达高水平,春、夏季FSH呈逐渐下降趋势,LH呈先下降后上升趋势;雌二醇(E2)在秋、冬季逐渐上升且在1月达高水平,春、夏季逐渐下降后波动。(2) B组与A组相比较,GnRH分别在10月和1月显著升高(P ≤ 0.05),且1月极显著升高(P ≤ 0.01);PRL在1月、2月、6月降低(P ≤ 0.05);P在10月、6月升高(P ≤ 0.05),1月降低(P ≤ 0.01);FSH和LH在10月显著上升(P ≤ 0.05),且FSH极显著上升(P ≤ 0.01),但FSH在1-2月降低(P ≤ 0.05),LH在3月显著上升(P ≤ 0.05)。(3) C组睾酮(T)仅在冬季1月上升至高水平;C组与D组相比较,T仅在1月降低(P ≤ 0.01)。由此得出,外源MLT能使1月GnRH浓度提高,PRL、P、T的浓度降低,使FSH和LH浓度于10月提前达峰值,E2于11月提前达峰值。埋植MLT导致雄性和雌性水貂发情时间不一致,因而此法并不适于种貂繁殖。  相似文献   

大豆黄酮对去卵巢猪LH分泌的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
去卵巢的德国格丁根微型小母猪、于静脉内注射或皮下埋植大豆黄酮,并以雌激素诱导后,观察其对垂体LH反馈性分泌的影响。试验分两系列。第一系列共三组,每组6头:试验组按每10μg/kg体重静脉注入大豆黄酮悬浮液,对照Ⅰ组注入相等量大豆黄酮溶剂,对照Ⅱ组作空白对照。第二系列为二组,每组9头动物,试验组皮下埋植大豆黄酮硅胶囊,对照组埋植不含任何药品的硅胶管,埋植期12天。埋植后第7天,两组同时肌注雌二醇。慢性血管导管采集血样,RIA分析血浆LH。结果表明,系列试验一,试验组注射大豆黄酮后LH分泌呈下降趋势,LH平均水平和峰值在处理后第1小时明显低于对照组,尔后与对照组趋于相似。系列试验二,试验组在大豆黄酮埋植后第4天和第7天,LH平均水平明显低于对照组和自身埋植前。雌激素处理后48h内,试验组LH分泌几乎完全被抑制,而对照组仍有明显分泌(P<0.001)。LH正反馈峰,试验组较对照组晚12h出现,但峰值显著高于对照组。结果表明,大豆黄酮对去卵巢猪垂体LH分泌具有类雌激素效应,而其程度可能与大豆黄酮处理剂量和处理时间有关。  相似文献   

取75尾网箱养殖的2~3龄雌性赤点石斑鱼,分为3组(高、低剂量组和对照组),各25尾。高剂量组埋植促黄体生成索释放激素类似物(LHRH—A)缓释剂,剂量为300μg/kg体重,低剂量组为100μg/kg体重,对照组埋植不含LHRH—A的药丸。分别在实验开始和埋植药丸后0、10、20、30、40天抽血,用放射免疫测定血清类固醇激素(E2、T);解剖鱼体测定相关指标,计算性腺成熟系数;取性腺和肝脏组织常规组织学切片并透射电镜观察。埋植后第10-30天,两种剂量处理组的排卵率均高于对照组,高剂量组显著高于低剂量组。在第10天性腺成熟系数高剂量组为1.055%,卵母细胞已有部分迅速发育到Ⅳ期末(核偏位);低剂量组相对缓慢。第20天性腺成熟系数高剂量组达1.858%,低剂量组为0.987%;处理组卵母细胞基本发育成熟。埋植后第10天,两处理组血清E2和T水平显著升高;第20天显著下降;此后E2保持在较低的水平,T显著低于对照组水平。超微结构的观察证实脑垂体GTH细胞在LHRH—A缓释剂诱导性腺发育成熟和排卵过程中处于活跃的合成与分泌状态。LHRH—A缓释剂能有效诱导赤点石斑鱼卵巢发育成熟和排卵,而性类固醇激素(E2、T)只与卵黄生成有关,与排卵无关。  相似文献   

摘要:豚鹿(Axis porcinus)是一种分布于中国南部且极度濒危的小型有蹄类,有关该物种的生态学数据极其稀缺。2006年3 ~12月,运用目标取样法和瞬时取样法观察圈养于成都动物园的16只豚鹿行为。通过预观察,定义并描述了16种行为,并按照PAE进行编码。结果显示,休息行为、取食行为、站立行为、运动行为与其他行为...  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to identify efficient sampling methods for establishing accurate activity budgets for zoo animals. Seven cotton‐top tamarins (Saguinus oedipus) from two zoos were videotaped for multiple 90 min sessions, 3 to 4 days per week for 12 weeks. An activity budget was constructed for each animal using a continuous sampling method to analyze 30 hr of video recording of each animal. These master datasets, reflecting actual behavior, were re‐sampled using interval sampling lengths of 0.25, 0.5, 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 10, 15 and 20 min, and cluster sampling protocols (periodic sessions of continuous sampling) of 10 min×3, 15 min×2, 20 min×1, 15 min×1 and 10 min×1 (min×repetitions/90 min sample period) to construct additional activity budgets for each animal. The Canberra similarity index was used to determine the statistical relationship between these activity budgets and those based on the master datasets. As interval length increased, there was a consequent decrease in the accuracy of the associated activity budgets as compared with the master dataset. No cluster sampling protocols yielded activity budgets as accurate as the four shortest interval lengths, but all cluster sampling protocols were more accurate than the three longest interval lengths. All the tested protocols varied in ability to accurately portray animal behavior. Overall, interval sampling provided superior behavioral representations at lower observer input. Results from this study will potentially facilitate the standardization of behavior monitoring protocols at zoos. Zoo Biol 29:416–431, 2010. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

American minks (Mustela vison) are difficult to radio tag because of their similar head and neck circumference as well as their semi-aquatic and frequently subterranean behaviour patterns. During a radio-telemetry study of American mink, we compared collar transmitters and intraperitoneal-implanted transmitters with reference to animal welfare and practicability in the field. Between October 2003 and March 2004, we fitted eight minks with collar transmitters. Six showed serious neck injuries caused by carrying the radio collars. From April 2004 to June 2005, radio transmitters were surgically implanted in the peritoneal cavity of 14 minks by veterinarians. After surgery, the observation of mink in a quarantine cage for 72 h appeared adequate to ensure that they do not attack the sutures. During quarantine, minks were calm and took the offered food (fresh carp). The replacement of five failed implanted transmitters after 2–10 months revealed that the transmitters were floating freely in the peritoneal cavity, and no local reactions were observed. Except for one male, intraperitoneal implants do not appear to affect short-term survival or reproductive potential of minks. For long-term telemetry studies, we recommend implanted transmitters instead of external radio collars to radio tag American minks.  相似文献   

Immature female mink, 8 weeks of age in July, were treated with implants releasing melatonin. Mating, which induced ovulation, took place during the normal breeding season in the following March. Circulating prolactin and progesterone concentrations did not undergo the expected gestational increases, and no embryos implanted. A similar absence of gestational changes in prolactin and progesterone values ensued in primiparous mink treated with the melatonin implant 2-3 days after the second of 2 matings. Administration of exogenous sheep prolactin (0.5 mg/day) by minipump induced precocious elevation of progesterone concentrations in mated mink. Prolactin administration overcame the effects of melatonin, in that the corpora lutea were activated and embryos implanted, but exogenous prolactin resulted in degeneration of implanted embryos both in the presence and absence of chronic melatonin. The results suggest that melatonin has a single effect in alteration of gestation in mink; i.e. the prevention of prolactin secretion. Hyperprolactinaemia may inhibit embryo development in this species.  相似文献   

Activity budgets are widely used to compare behavior patterns but sampling methods vary, rendering comparisons difficult. The two main methods used are instantaneous and continuous sampling. Their comparability was examined by applying them to data obtained from bottlenose dolphins in the Port River estuary, South Australia. They gave comparable results for activity budgets, but instantaneous sampling did not detect most of the behavioral events. Individual differences in behavior and/or follow duration influenced results. Variability in activity definitions and categories among studies makes comparative analysis difficult. Comparison of the Port River dolphin's activity budget with other inshore populations indicated the former spent more time feeding and resting, and less time traveling. The greater feeding time seemed to be due to small prey size rather than reduced abundance or unpredictable distribution. The reduced traveling time, possibly the result of low predation pressure and/or evenly distributed prey, gave them more time to rest. They traveled mostly at 2.5 kn or less, consistent with studies from other shallow areas. Most feeding was individual, probably on demersal species. Surface feeding incorporated physical barriers rather than cooperative behavior. Activity durations ranged from 2 s to 2.9 h, with mean durations varying from 7.8 to 22.9 min.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the thermoregulatory adaptations to fasting in a medium-sized mustelid with a high metabolic rate and energetic requirements. Sixteen farm-bred female American minks, Mustela vison, were divided into a fed control group and an experimental group fasted for 5 days. The deep body temperature (T(b)) of the minks was registered at 10 min intervals with intraabdominal thermosensitive loggers and the locomotor activity was videotaped continuously for 5 days during the fasting procedure. The T(b) of the fasted animals increased during the first day of fasting and decreased during the second day. After 3-4 days of fasting, the levels of physical activity and T(b) of the fasted minks increased above the levels of the fed animals. Significant increases in these parameters were observed at the beginning of the working day on the farm, during the feeding of the fed animals and around midnight. It is concluded that the mink differs from previously studied homeotherms in thermoregulatory and behavioral responses to fasting probably due to its high energy requirements and predatory success.  相似文献   

Eight male and eight female minks were given exogenous melatonin as subcutaneous implants. The plasma leptin and thyroxine concentrations were measured. The leptin concentrations showed clear seasonal variations and differences between the experimental groups. In September most of the control females had undetectable plasma leptin concentrations, but the melatonin-treated females had detectable concentrations significantly higher than the leptin levels of the controls. Most of the males had undetectable leptin concentrations, too. In October the plasma leptin levels had increased significantly in all the groups except the control males. The melatonin-treated minks had significantly higher leptin levels than the controls. There was a significant rise in the thyroxine levels from September to October and the melatonin-treated groups had significantly higher thyroxine levels than the controls. The effects of exogenous melatonin are very pronounced in the mink. Melatonin elevates the plasma leptin and thyroxine levels possibly by direct and indirect mechanisms.  相似文献   

自咬症是危害笼养水貂的一种慢性疾病, 造成水貂自咬创伤而影响其生长发育和毛皮质量。文中从遗传基因角度探讨水貂自咬症的发病原因在国内外尚属首次, 采用RAPD 技术分别对正常水貂和自咬水貂样本进行了分子水平的遗传结构分析。从100 个随机引物中筛选出26个重复性好的标记引物, 对60只水貂群体(健康与患病)进行随机扩增多态DNA(RAPD)标记研究。结果表明, 26个引物扩增出105条带, 其中29条带呈现多态, 多态率为27.62%。不同引物扩增出的DNA 片段在健康与患病水貂群体中的分布频率不同。水貂群体间相似系数为0.8471, 遗传距离(变异)指数为0.1529。引物S356(序列为CTGCTTAGGG)扩增出健康与患病水貂互不相同的条带, 如在患病水貂群体中扩增出的1000 bp左右的DNA 片段, 可初步作为区分健康和患病水貂群体的分子遗传标记, 逐渐剔除自咬水貂个体, 达到净化水貂群的目的, 减少水貂饲养业的经济损失, 为今后水貂的分子育种及其疾病的预防提供一定的理论依据。  相似文献   

水貂自咬症病因RAPD遗传分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自咬症是危害笼养水貂的一种慢性疾病, 造成水貂自咬创伤而影响其生长发育和毛皮质量。文中从遗传基因角度探讨水貂自咬症的发病原因在国内外尚属首次, 采用RAPD 技术分别对正常水貂和自咬水貂样本进行了分子水平的遗传结构分析。从100 个随机引物中筛选出26个重复性好的标记引物, 对60只水貂群体(健康与患病)进行随机扩增多态DNA(RAPD)标记研究。结果表明, 26个引物扩增出105条带, 其中29条带呈现多态, 多态率为27.62%。不同引物扩增出的DNA 片段在健康与患病水貂群体中的分布频率不同。水貂群体间相似系数为0.8471, 遗传距离(变异)指数为0.1529。引物S356(序列为CTGCTTAGGG)扩增出健康与患病水貂互不相同的条带, 如在患病水貂群体中扩增出的1000 bp左右的DNA 片段, 可初步作为区分健康和患病水貂群体的分子遗传标记, 逐渐剔除自咬水貂个体, 达到净化水貂群的目的, 减少水貂饲养业的经济损失, 为今后水貂的分子育种及其疾病的预防提供一定的理论依据。  相似文献   

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