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2种麻黄光合及其耐逆性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在河西临泽小泉子麻黄大田种植试验区和民勤沙生植物园中草药种植区,对多年生中麻黄(Ephedra intermedia Schrenk ex Mey.)和草麻黄(E.sinica Stapf)的光合速率、蒸腾速率及其影响因子进行测试分析,结果表明:(1)中麻黄和草麻黄的光合速率日变化均为单峰曲线,峰值均出现在11:00时,分别为12.098和11.560μmol.m-2.s-1。(2)中麻黄蒸腾速率日变化为单峰曲线,峰值在11:00时,为25.992 5 mol.m-2.s-1;草麻黄蒸腾速率日变化呈双峰曲线,峰值分别出现在11:00时与15:00时,峰值为26.280 0和24.3600 mol.m-2.s-1。(3)2种麻黄光合速率与光量子通量密度、大气温度、水汽压亏缺及蒸腾速率之间均呈显著或极显著正相关关系,与大气CO2浓度和胞间CO2浓度之间均呈显著或极显著负相关关系,与其余因子相关不显著。(4)2种麻黄水分利用效率对比分析显示,中麻黄水分利用效率值(平均0.9022)高于草麻黄(平均0.4532),表明中麻黄与草麻黄相比在生长过程中是以较低的蒸腾强度和相对较高的光合速率值来适应干旱荒漠环境的,比草麻黄更具抗干旱性。  相似文献   

棍子植物中的麻黄科,仅有一个麻黄属,总共约40种,中国有12种及4变种。种数虽少,可分类上并不容易。尤其因为它们的植株形态相似,常常认不准确。三个县混淆的属麻黄、木贼、木麻黄三个属(种)植物分别属于探子植物麻黄科、获类植物木贼科、被子植物木麻黄科。可是它们营养  相似文献   

中国麻黄属的地理分布与演化   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
中国现有麻黄属植物15种,2变种和1变型,这些种属于膜果麻黄组和麻黄组中的麻黄亚组,没有原始类型藤麻黄亚组的代表。我国除长江中下游及珠江流域的省区处,其他省区都有分布。麻黄花粉的化石-麻分在地层中的分布说明,麻黄在过去曾遍布我国各地,发现的最早时期是在侏罗纪,到白垩纪-早第三纪时,种类较现在丰富,将近50种,根据麻黄粉在世界各地地层中的分布和时期,结合大陆飘移和海底扩张板块构造学说推断,原麻黄在各  相似文献   

辽宁西部晚侏罗世晚期义县组的似麻黄属植物   总被引:13,自引:4,他引:9  
《辽西义县组单子叶植物化石的发现》中被归入被子叶植物门单子叶植物纲莎草科和禾 本科的化石,经与现代麻黄科植物对比研究后,发现它们应归入裸子植物门麻黄科似麻黄属。讨论似麻黄属植物的命名,地理分布和生态环境。  相似文献   

甘草、麻黄根际土壤微生物的生态分布特性   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
对野生中麻黄(Ephedra intermedia)、膜果麻黄(Ephedra przewalskii)、乌拉尔甘草(Glycyrrhiza uralensis)和胀果甘草(Glycyrrhiza inflata)根际土壤微生物的种类、数量、分布规律及其与土壤肥力关系进行了研究,结果表明,麻黄和甘草根际土壤微生物均以细菌为主,其次是放线菌,真菌最少。甘草根际土壤微生物数量多于麻黄;乌拉尔甘草根际土壤微生物数量多于胀果甘草;中麻黄根际土壤微生物的数量多于膜果麻黄;通过测定土壤微生物数量可间接的判断土壤的肥力。麻黄根际分离的细菌可提高麻黄种子的发芽率。  相似文献   

目的:探究麻黄不同炮制方法对麻黄有毒成分含量的影响。方法:分别采用蒸制、清炒、酒炙和醋炙这四种炮制方法对麻黄进行炮制,并测定其不同炮制品的有毒成分生物碱的含量,比较该四种炮制方法对其有毒成为生物碱含量影响。结果:麻黄的各炮制品的生物碱的含量从高到低:清炒醋炙酒制蒸制。结论:蒸制炮制工艺在降低药物的毒性效果优于清炒炮制法、酒炙炮制法及醋炙炮制法,可以作为麻黄的优选炮制方式。  相似文献   

木贼麻黄(Ephedra equisetina)具有重要的药用和经济价值,在水土保持、生态平衡、荒漠化防治等方面也发挥重要作用,被列为国家二级保护植物。全球气候变化和人类活动严重威胁到木贼麻黄资源保护与利用,因而预测其潜在适生区空间变化具有重要意义。基于最大熵(MaxEnt)模型和ArcGIS软件,结合201条木贼麻黄在中国的有效分布记录和21个环境变量,预测在自然环境影响及人类活动干扰下中药材木贼麻黄适生区分布,并将木贼麻黄高适生区与土地利用类型进行叠加分析。结果表明:(1)模型添加人类活动因子后曲线下面积(AUC)值由0.919升至0.948,预测结果精度提高,而添加人类活动因子使木贼麻黄适生区面积严重减少,部分适生区等级退化,其分布愈破碎化稀疏零散;(2)木贼麻黄适生区多集中分布于新疆、甘肃、宁夏、陕西和山西地区,未来时期两种情景下木贼麻黄适生区都出现不同程度的扩张,RCP2.6-2050年相对当前时期高适生区面积增加最多;(3)参与建模的环境因子中贡献度较高的酸碱度(pH)、海拔(Altitude)和年平均温度(Bio1)对木贼麻黄地理分布有关键影响;(4)未来时期下木贼麻黄高适生区的几何质心出现不同程度向东迁移的现象,多分布于甘肃省境内;(5)木贼麻黄高适生区部分土地已经被开发利用,剩余未利用的土地分布于新疆、甘肃、内蒙古和宁夏地区,可在这些地区因地制宜发展木贼麻黄种植业。为木贼麻黄的就地、迁地保护、优先保护区以及人工种植选地提供理论依据,这对木贼麻黄资源保护与利用具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

麻黄水溶性多糖的提取及其清除氧自由基作用的研究   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:11  
采用热水提取法 ,从麻黄中提取到水溶性多糖 ,其收率为 2 .8%左右。经SephadexG -1 0 0柱层析得到较纯的麻黄多糖样品。该样品具有清除O -2 的作用。  相似文献   

<正>山岭麻黄(Ephedra gerardiana)隶属于麻黄科麻黄属。是一种矮小灌木,株高一般在5~15 cm之间,其木质茎常横卧或倾斜形如根状茎,埋于土中,直径约1 cm,外皮红褐色,纵裂成不规则的条状薄片剥落;每隔5~10 cm,从地下根状茎上生出一植株,先端有少数短的分枝,伸出地面后成粗大节结状。地上小枝绿色,短而向上直伸,通常仅具1~3个节间,纵槽纹明显,节间长1~2 cm,直径  相似文献   

刘全儒 《生物学通报》2011,46(11):12-13
对世界三大毒品海洛因、大麻和可卡因的原植物罂粟、大麻、古柯的形态特征以及产生毒品后的危害进行了介绍,同时也对能够制造新型毒品冰毒的原植物麻黄属中的草麻黄形态特征和药理作用也作了介绍,指出了该植物与中麻黄和木贼麻黄在形态上的差异。  相似文献   

The distinctive gymnosperm genus Ephedra is sometimes considered to have originated over 200 million years (Myr) ago on the basis of "ephedroid" fossil pollen. In this article we estimate the age of extant Ephedra using chloroplast rbcL gene sequences. Relative rate tests fail to reject the null hypothesis of equal rates of nucleotide substitution of the rbcL sequences among three landmark lineages (Gnetales, Pinaceae, and Ginkgo). The most divergent sequences we have found in Ephedra differ by only 7 bp for an 1,110 bp region of rbcL sequence, whereas the differences among genera range from 92 to 107 bp in Gnetales and from 35 to 92 bp in Pinaceae. Using three landmark events, the age of extant Ephedra is estimated to be approximately 8-32 Myr. Our result is consistent with the current distribution of many Ephedra species in geologically recent habitats and points out difficulties in the identification of older ephedroid pollen fossils with the modern genus Ephedra.  相似文献   

The role of chemical fingerprinting: application to Ephedra   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Ephedra sinica, known as Ma Huang, is one of the oldest medicinal herbs in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). Preparations, namely teas, of E. sinica have been used for over 5000 years as a stimulant and as an antiasthmatic. In the West, extracts of E. sinica, E. intermedia or E. equisetina are most commonly used in dietary supplements as a stimulant and to promote weight loss. More than 50 species of Ephedra are native to both hemispheres, but the detection of ephedrine alkaloids has been limited to species in Eurasia. Currently, methods exist to quantitate the ephedrine alkaloids in extracts of plant material or dietary supplements, but the methods are not able to verify the extract is of an Ephedra species. Reverse phase high performance liquid chromatography with photodiode array detection was applied for the chemical fingerprinting of the Ephedra species. Two regions of comparison were determined in the chromatograms at 320 nm. The series of peaks between 52 and 64 min confirms an Ephedra species is being analyzed. The aforementioned peaks also could distinguish between Ephedra species from Eurasia, North America and South America. Peaks at ca. 57 and 59 min were isolated and determined to be two new compounds, 4-(2-eicosyloxycarbonyl-vinyl)-benzoic acid and 4-(2-docosyloxycarbonyl-vinyl)-benzoic acid respectively. Authentication of ground plant material as Ephedra can be achieved by this chemical fingerprinting method.  相似文献   

安西荒漠植物群落和优势种的分布与环境的关系   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
应用排序(DCA)和回归分析方法对安西砾石戈壁荒漠植物群落及优势种的分布与环境的关系进行了研究。结果表明,该区群落的盖度(C)和密度(D)均与年降水量(R)有密切关系,而群落的种类丰富度(N)则与土壤含盐量(S)相关,其回归关系式为:C=0.051968163e0.040786821R(R=0.95,P<0.01),D=0.27147913e0.052741829R(R=0.96,P<0.01),N=13.7748-6.477303lg1000S(R=0.83,P<0.01)。即:年降水量是决定戈壁荒漠植物群落盖度和密度的主要因素,土壤含盐量则与群落种类丰富度的关系尤为突出。优势种的抗旱性顺序是:红砂(Reaumuriasongorica((Pal.)Maxim.)>泡泡刺(NitrariasphaerocarpaMaxim.)>黑柴(SympegmaregeliBge.)>珍珠(SalsolapaserinaBge.)>膜果麻黄(EphedraprzewalskiStapf.),而耐盐性顺序是:珍珠>红砂>黑柴>泡泡刺>膜果麻黄  相似文献   

The ordination (DCA) and the regression analysis methods were used to study the relations between the Gobi desert plant communities as well as the distribution of the dominants and the environment in Anxi. The results indicated that the coverage(C) and density(D) of the plant communities have a close relation to the annual precipitation(R), but the species richness(N) of the plant communities has a relation to the salt content(S) in the soil. Their regression equations are as follows: C = 0. 051 968 163e0.040786821R (R = 0.95, P < 0.01), D = 0.27 147 913e0.052741829R (R =0.96,P Nitraria sphaerocarpa Maxim. > Sympegma regelli Bge. > Salsola passerina Bge. > Ephedra przewalskii Stapf., but the resistibility to salt of the main dominants was found in the order as follows: Salsola passerina > Reaumuria soongorica > Sympeg- rna regelli > Nitraria sphaerocarpa > Ephedra przewalskii.  相似文献   

Ephedra, also known as "ma huang", is a dioecious, drought- and frost-resistant, perennial, evergreen shrub with compelling medicinal value. The genus is represented by 42 species around the world, 9 of which were provisionally reported from Pakistan. Species of the genus have a controversial taxonomy due to their overlapping morphological features. Conventional tools alone are not sufficient for characterizing the species. The objective of present study was to assess the genetic variability present in different biotypes of Ephedra growing in Pakistan using molecular markers. A total of six genotypes collected from diverse geographic zones of Pakistan were used. The DNA of all genotypes was amplified using nine randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) primers to study genetic variability at the molecular level. The dissimilarity coefficient matrix based on the data of 9 RAPD primers was used to construct a dendrogram which was then used to group the genotypes in clusters. Based on the dendrogram and dissimilarity coefficient matrix, the RAPD markers used here revealed a moderate to high level of genetic polymorphism (6 to 49%) among the genotypes. It was found that the collection of genotype accessions from Swat Valley in northwestern Pakistan was most distantly related to the other five collections. More molecular markers including functional genes and ribosomal spacer regions are suggested to find a better estimate of the genetic diversity present in Ephedra growing in Pakistan. The information provided here is useful for identifying valuable Ephedra variants which will be used for medicinal purposes and earning foreign currency.  相似文献   

Detailed investigations on Lower Cretaceous Ephedra L. fossils (Gnetopsida) reveal morphological characters similar to those of extant Ephedra rhytidosperma Pachomova, including articulate branches with many fine longitudinal striations, a dichasial branching pattern, uni- or bi-ovulate cones with paired bracts, cones terminal on branchlets, and seeds with a short, straight micropylar tubes, covered by numerous regular and prominent transverse laminar protuberances. Fossils are similar to extant E. rhytidosperma reproductive organs but differ in some vegetative structures and are described and discussed here as Ephedra archaeorhytidosperma Y. Yang et al. Because E. rhytidosperma is currently considered one of the most specialized members in Ephedra L. section Pseudobaccatae Stapf, the occurrence of E. archaeorhytidosperma in the Yixian Formation suggests that Ephedra L. was perhaps a more diverse genus in the Lower Cretaceous. Perhaps the evolution and diversity of Ephedra L. was already in place by the Lower Cretaceous and certainly before the end of the Mesozoic.  相似文献   

麻黄属(Ephedra)的分子系统学研究结果明显不同于基于雌球果成熟苞片质地的传统分类,指出麻黄属的形态特征和分子特征存在冲突。对麻黄属53种植物的种子表面微形态特征进行了研究,结果表明麻黄属的种子表面纹饰包括3种主要类型,即横向片层型(T型)、乳突型(P型)和扁平型(S型)。麻黄属的种子表面纹饰特征既与宏观形态特征不相关,也与分子系统学的研究结果不相关,表明该属微形态特征、宏观形态特征和分子特征之间的更多冲突。在欧洲和东亚发现的与买麻藤类有关的几个大化石带有T型种子表面纹饰,暗示具有T型纹饰的麻黄类植物在早白垩纪就十分多样。  相似文献   

麻黄资源的利用与研究开发进展   总被引:28,自引:0,他引:28  
本文介绍了麻黄资源的现状、麻黄碱的特性以及代谢途径 ,评述了有机合成、植物提取、组织培养以及微生物发酵半合成等生产麻黄碱方法及存在的问题 ,详细讨论了近年来麻黄组织培养的进展及其影响因素。强调生物技术应是解决麻黄碱生产中资源枯竭和保护环境的有效手段。  相似文献   

Sequences of the nuclear ribosomal DNA internal transcribed spacer region 1 and the chloroplast-encoded genes maturase K and ribulose-1,5 biphosphate carboxylase large subunit were obtained from species of Ephedra (Ephedraceae) representing the geographic range and morphological diversity of the genus. Phylogenetic analyses of the DNA data indicate that relationships within the genus are better predicted by geographic region of origin than by ovulate cone characters. The sampled species with dry, winged (versus fleshy) ovulate cone bracts or single-seeded cones do not form monophyletic groups and therefore the previous classification systems of Ephedra based on these aspects of bract morphology appear to be largely unnatural. Three groups were identified among the Old World species studied, one comprising European and Mediterranean species and two including only Asian species. The sequence data suggest a possible early divergence of a New World clade of Ephedra from among the Old World groups. The South American species form a distinct clade apparently related to one of two groups of North American species, which accords with a frequent floristic pattern of close relationships between species groups in western South America and southwestern North America.  相似文献   

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