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【目的】研究昆虫病原真菌蜡蚧霉Lecanicilliurn lecanii(Zimmermann.)菌株No.V3.4504在不同培养基上继代培养,对菌种的菌落生长特性、胞外酶活力和对蚧虫致病力的影响。【方法】试验菌种蜡蚧霉菌株No.V3.4504是从染病蚧虫上分离的。试验蚧虫是沙里院褐球蚧Rhodococcus sariuoni Borchsenius和日本龟蜡蚧Ceroplastes japonicus Green。采用7种培养基继代培养多代。观察菌落形态特征、测定生长速率、产孢量、胞外蛋白酶和几丁质酶活性及对蚧虫的致死率。【结果】在PDA培养基上,菌落生长速率最快,但产孢量最低,胞外蛋白酶和几丁质酶的活性均呈逐代下降趋势,对两种蚧虫致死率也最低;增加蛋白胨对改善菌种致病力没有明显效果;在增加蚧虫尸体的D、E、F培养基上,菌落生长速率虽然较慢,但产孢量上升为8.83×106-9.13×106孢子/cm2。蛋白酶和几丁质酶的活性平均达到2.16-2.13 U/g和1.01-1.03 U/g,对两种蚧虫的致死率分别在55%-58%和39%-42%;在活蚧虫上连续培养3代,蛋白酶和几丁质酶的活性最高,为3.08-2.92 U/g和1.45-1.42 U/g,是PDA培养基上的1.6倍。对两种蚧虫的致死率也最高,分别达到71.30%和58.89%。蛋白酶和几丁质酶的活性与蚧虫死亡率呈正直线相关关系。【结论】采用PDA培养基连续多代培养会引起菌株No.V3.4504明显退化;在培养基中加入蚧虫尸体,对于保持菌种活力有明显效果;在活蚧虫体上继代培养对复壮菌种,提高菌种毒力的效果最佳。  相似文献   

本文通过对浙江丽水市区园林花卉植物的蚧壳虫调查,表明有6科29属44种蚧壳虫为害53种植物寄主,文中列出各蚧壳虫的中名,学名,寄主,危害度等。  相似文献   

福州地区桑白蚧发生动态和药剂防治试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
桑白蚧在福州地区一年发生4代.以雌成虫在寄主枝干上越冬.越冬代(第4代)一雌虫产卵量多的达278粒.少的36粒,平均171粒,比第2代产卵量多2.6倍.比第3代多4.5倍.药剂防治试验结果,在2龄幼蚧高峰期,用25%扑虱灵可温性粉剂1500倍液,40%氧化乐果乳油800-1000倍液和95%机油乳剂50—100倍液喷雾.防治效果可达90%左右.用25%扑虱是可湿性粉剂1000-1500倍液.喷酒幼蚕触杀试验和喷洒桑叶喂蚕胃毒试验结果.对幼蚕安全.用扑虱灵防治桑树上的桑白蚧,对养蚕业无不良影响。  相似文献   

杜松皑粉蚧的生物学特性及其防治   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
段半锁  杨蕊枝 《昆虫知识》1996,33(5):281-284
杜松皑粉蚧是杜松的重要害虫。该虫在内蒙古包头1年发生2代,以2龄若虫越冬。5月中下旬和7月中下旬是若虫危害的两个高峰期。在越冬代若虫活动盛期(5月中旬)喷洒2.5%溴氰菊酯+40%氧乐果(1:3)1500~2000倍混合稀释液或40%氧乐果+80%敌敌畏乳油1000倍混合稀释液2~3次,杀虫效果可达95%。  相似文献   

在埃及,黄盾食蚧蚜小蜂Coccophagus suteelaris(Dalman)是一种有效防治蚧壳虫的寄生蜂,研究中分别用6种蚧壳虫Ceroplastes floridensis Comstock,Coccus hesperidumL.,Pulvinaria floccifera (Westwood),P.psidii Maskell,Saissetia coffeae(Walker)以及S.oleae(Oliver)来饲养黄盾食蚧蚜小蜂,1999-2000年间,在埃及的Beni-Suef,Cairo,Giza,Gharbiya和北海岸等5个地方,C.scutellaris大规模的发生在7-11月间,C.scuteelaris对S.coffeae和S.oleae的最高寄生率分别是发生在1999年11月和8月的26%和22%,因此可以认为,黄盾食蚧蚜小蜂是对两种蚧壳虫有效的寄生蜂。  相似文献   

日本方头甲生物学、捕食效能和农药选择毒性   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
日本方头甲(Cybocephalus nipponicus)是盾蚧科害虫的重要天敌。福建沙县一年4-5代,世代重叠。以成虫越冬,平均温度24.8℃,一世代历期47.2天;27.7℃,为32.6天。捕食盾蚧科害虫9种,并具有嗜食矢尖蚧雄虫的习性。一只末龄幼虫日取食矢尖蚧雄虫20-30只。柴油乳剂,松脂合剂和氧化乐果对日本方头甲低毒。  相似文献   

30%强力杀蚧防治梅园朝鲜球坚蚧试验   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
黄保宏  王从汉 《昆虫知识》2005,42(5):575-577
30%强力杀蚧(Omethoate)微乳剂防治梅园朝鲜球坚蚧DidesmococcuskoreanusBorchs试验结果表明:800,1200倍液药后1~7d的防效均保持在94.5%以上,击倒力强,杀蚧效果快;药效期长,药后14d,防效仍达99%以上;其600,800和1200倍液之间防效差异不明显。600,800和1200倍液的防治效果与25%蚧死净乳油在药后3,5,7,14d的防效有显著差异,25%蚧死净乳油的持效时间均较短,药后3d防效就陆续下降,分别从89.92%降到88.56,81.41%和61.82%。而与40%杀扑磷(速扑杀)乳油相比其防治效果之间无显著差异。30%强力杀蚧微乳剂具有作用速度快,持效期长、对青梅安全性高,防治成本底的特点。  相似文献   

微红梢斑螟的生物学特性及其防治   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
微红梢斑螟是为害马尾松的重要害虫之一,该虫在福建明溪1年发生3-4代,以幼虫越冬,幼虫5龄,卵期3-7天左右,曲虫期24-35天,越冬代138-169天,蛹期11-18天。选用40%氧化乐果、80%敌敌畏、50%甲胺磷、4.5%氯氢萄酯,20%杀灭菊脂等农药的不同浓度,采用拉丁方设计对微红梢斑螟进行防治试验。结果表明所选用的农药中80%敌敌畏500倍液、50%甲胺礴500倍液、40%氧化乐果500、1000、1500倍液,对3-5龄幼虫的防治效果部在85%以上。20%杀灭菊酯、80%敌敌畏和柴油以2:1:50或1:2:50的比例混合,防治效果均在90%以上.  相似文献   

试验了一些药剂对考氏白眉蚧的防治效果。对初孵若虫及2、3龄若虫室内均以40%氧化乐果乳油、50%乐果乳剂、20%中西除虫菊酯乳剂、40%水胺硫磷乳剂的1000倍液及60%柴油乳剂30倍液效果较好。对雌成虫室外试验以60%柴油乳剂30倍液、40%氧化乐果乳油、40%水胺硫磷乳剂1000倍液及50%杀螟松乳剂600倍液效果较好。  相似文献   

4种杀虫剂防治松突圆蚧的野外试验   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
采用平均虫口数、有虫针束率和危害程度3个指标评价毒死蜱、杀扑磷、噻虫嗪和吡虫啉4种杀虫剂对松突圆蚧的种群及危害动态的影响和野外防治效果。结果表明:4种杀虫剂均可产生有效影响,表现为阶段性显降低松突圆蚧种群数量、有虫针束率和危害程度等指标;其中杀扑磷、毒死蜱和噻虫嗪的的显作用期长(60d以上),吡虫啉的显作用期短(60d以下);这种影响主要源于施药后0—60d内杀虫剂对松突圆蚧的有效控制。在毒死蜱、杀扑磷和噻虫嗪作用下,松突圆蚧平均虫口数的校正减退率60d后均高于60%,其余指标则低于50%,但相对较高,可以在生产上使用。  相似文献   

An integrated pest management programme for control of the psyllid,Ctenarytaina thysanura (Ferris & Klyver) (Hemiptera: Psyllidae) in commercial boronia plantations was developed and implemented from 1986–1989. The programme involved spraying boronia stems only with the systemic organophosphate mevinphos at peak incidence of late stage nymphs. At this time, the majority of parasitoids were pupating within mummified hosts. Consequently, actively feeding nymphs were potentially susceptible to mevinphos but the parasitoids were not. Stem application negated any contact effect on parasitoids and predators. The conservation of natural enemies subsequently reduced psyllid numbers and no insecticide has been required since 1989. In economic terms the benefit to cost ratio of the IPM programme was $22.40: $1.0 and this was 40 times greater than the conventional 10 demeton-S-methyl sprays used by growers prior to the study.  相似文献   

橄榄星室木虱的种群动态及药剂防治   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
橄榄星室木虱在福建省莆田地区 1年发生 8代 ,世代重叠 ,以成虫越冬 ,1年中有 6个发生高峰期 ,以橄榄秋梢期为全年雌成虫产卵、若虫发生最高峰 ,夏梢期是成虫羽化全年最高峰。田间药效试验结果表明 ,1 5种杀虫剂对橄榄星室木虱都有较好的防效 ,持效期可长达 7d以上 ,药后 7d的防效都在90 %以上 ,但速效性差异较大。其中 ,以 1 %威宝乳油 2 0 0 0倍、2 5 %功夫菊酯乳油 2 0 0 0倍、2 5 %功夫菊酯 +1 0 %吡虫啉 ( 1 2 5∶1 ) 2 0 0 0倍和 2 5 %功夫菊酯 +1 0 %吡虫啉 ( 1∶2 ) 2 0 0 0倍对橄榄星室木虱效果最好 ,速效性好 ,药后 1d的防效均达 91 5 8%以上。  相似文献   

Normal mouse peritoneal macrophages attached to glass were induced to spread by one of the following procedures: treatment with proteolytic enzymes or with dithiothreitol; incubation in media of low ionic strength or at pH around 6.0; or layering of the phagocytes on glass bound antigen-antibody complexes [21–23]. With the exception of spreading induced by proteolytic enzymes, macrophage spreading required the presence of Mg2+ while Ca2+ was clearly less effective. In all cases spreading was found to be temperature dependent, to be favored by an acid pH of the medium and to be decreased by cytochalasin B or by serum. Three primary mechanisms may underlie induced macrophage spreading: (a) a structural or functional alteration of the macrophage membrane; (b) an effect on the substrate; (c) an intracellular effect. These perturbations could result in increased membrane adhesiveness and/or cell deformability.  相似文献   

丛枝菌根真菌(AMF)和植物共生放线菌(PSA)具有促进植物生长、抑菌、抗逆和防病等作用.然而,AMF与PSA之间是否能协同发挥促生防病作用值得探究.本试验旨在评价AMF和PSA对茄科蔬菜的促生防病效应,获得高效AMF+PSA组合.温室盆栽试验采用辣椒(羊角椒)和茄子(黑冠长茄子),分别接种和不接种AMF摩西斗管囊霉(Fm)、变形球囊霉(Gv)、PSA浑圆链霉菌(H6-1)、娄彻氏链霉菌(S2-2)、珊瑚链霉菌(D11-4)和病原真菌灰葡萄孢,共48个处理,测定各处理植株生长、发病和根系共生体发育状况等.结果表明: Fm与PSA能相互促进侵染定殖,而Gv与PSA相互抑制.与不接种对照相比,接种AMF、PSA和AMF+PSA各处理均能不同程度地提高辣椒和茄子植株的光合性能、根系活力和生长量.接种病原真菌条件下,接种AMF和PSA处理均显著促进植株生长,降低植株的病情指数,其中,PSA的促生防病效应大于AMF,Fm+H6-1组合对辣椒的促生防病效果最好,对灰霉病的防效达69.1%;Fm+D11-4对茄子的促生防病效果最佳,对灰霉病的防效达75.5%.在本试验条件下,Fm+H6-1和Fm+D11-4分别是辣椒和茄子促生防病的高效组合,有待进一步开展田间试验.  相似文献   

SPARC (secreted protein, acidic and rich in cysteine) is an extracellular, Ca(2+)-binding protein that inhibits the spreading of newly plated cells and elicits a rounded morphology in spread cells. In this study, I investigated whether the rounding effect of SPARC depends on the ability of the protein to chelate Ca2+ at the cell surface. Bovine aortic endothelial cells were plated in the presence of different concentrations of SPARC and Ca2+; control experiments were performed with 1 mM EGTA and with Mg2+. Quantitative estimates of cell rounding were calculated according to a rounding index. SPARC, at concentrations between 0.15 and 0.58 microM, elicited rounding (or prevented spreading) of cells cultured for 16-38 h in 0.5-2.0 mM Ca2+. Addition of 0.5-2.0 mM Mg2+ to cells previously rounded in the presence of SPARC did not abrogate the effect of SPARC. When the levels of extracellular Ca2+ were adjusted with 1 mM EGTA to maximum values ranging from 7.1 to 320 microM, cells displayed a rounded morphology in the presence of exogenous SPARC. Although the rounding induced by 1 mM EGTA was essentially reversed by the inclusion of 2 mM Ca2+, cultures containing these reagents together with SPARC maintained the rounded phenotype. These results do not support a mechanism that involves the abstraction of Ca2+ from proteins at the cell surface or the provision of Ca2+ from native extracellular SPARC to cells. Therefore, SPARC does not appear to act as a local chelator of extracellular Ca2+ and Mg2+ and presumably exerts its function as a modulator of cell shape via a different pathway.  相似文献   

为研究紫苏叶在大鲵日粮中的生物学效果, 配制4组不同紫苏叶含量的等氮等脂实验饲料: D0(0)、D1(1%)、D2(2%)和D3(3%), 饲喂初始体质量为(54.23±0.26) g的大鲵105d。结果显示: (1)大鲵终末均重(FBW)、增重率(WGR)、特定生长率(SGR)和摄食量均在D2组达到最优, 且饲料系数(FCR)最低。(2)D2组肌肉粗蛋白含量最优, 显著高于对照组; 粗脂肪含量随紫苏叶添加量增加有下降趋势, 但不显著; 水分含量变化不明显。(3)紫苏叶添加能显著提高胃肠功能, 胃蛋白酶活性、H+-K+-ATP酶活性在D1组最佳; 肠道脂肪酶活性、Na+-K+-ATP酶活性及肠道屏障功能在D2组最佳; 肠道胰蛋白酶活性和淀粉酶活性在D3组最佳。(4)当紫苏叶添加量为2%时, 肝脏和肠道总抗氧化能力(T-AOC)、总超氧化物歧化酶(T-SOD)活性显著升高, 血浆丙二醛(MDA)含量显著降低。(5)紫苏叶添加能改善免疫及肝功能, 显著降低血浆中谷草转氨酶(AST)、谷丙转氨酶(ALT)和碱性磷酸酶(AKP)活性; 免疫球蛋白M(IgM)和一氧化氮(NO)含量分别在D2和D3组显著提高。(6)D2组的高密度脂蛋白胆固醇(HDL-C)和低密度脂蛋白胆固醇(LDL-C)指标最为理想; 总胆固醇(TC)含量则随紫苏叶添加量的增加而降低, 甘油三酯(TG)含量无显著变化。研究表明, 日粮中2%紫苏叶添加在改善大鲵生长性能和胃肠肝功能等方面的综合效果最佳。  相似文献   

Taking a published natural population life table of rice leaf roller, Cnaphalocrocis medinalis (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae), as an example, we estimated the population trend index, I, via re‐sampling methods (jackknife and bootstrap), determined its statistical properties and illustrated the application of these methods in determining the control effectiveness of bio‐agents and chemical insecticides. Depending on the simulation outputs, the smoothed distribution pattern of the estimates of I by delete‐1 jackknife is visually distinguishable from the normal density, but the smoothed pattern produced by delete‐d jackknife, and logarithm‐transformed smoothed patterns produced by both empirical and parametric bootstraps, matched well the corresponding normal density. Thus, the estimates of I produced by delete‐1 jackknife were not used to determine the suppressive effect of wasps and insecticides. The 95% percent confidence intervals or the narrowest 95 percentiles and Z‐test criterion were employed to compare the effectiveness of Trichogramma japonicum Ashmead and insecticides (powder, 1.5% mevinphos + 3% alpha‐hexachloro cyclohexane) against the rice leaf roller based on the estimates of I produced by delete‐d jackknife and bootstrap techniques. At α= 0.05 level, there were statistical differences between wasp treatment and control, and between wasp and insecticide treatments, if the normality is ensured, or by the narrowest 95 percentiles. However, there is still no difference between insecticide treatment and control. By Z‐test criterion, wasp treatment is better than control and insecticide treatment with P‐value < 0.01. Insecticide treatment is similar to control with P‐value > 0.2 indicating that 95% confidence intervals procedure is more conservative. Although similar conclusions may be drawn by re‐sampling techniques, such as the delta method, about the suppressive effect of trichogramma and insecticides, the normality of the estimates can be checked and guaranteed, and the correlation among sequential life stages of rice leaf roller is also considered in the estimation. Judged by the P‐values from Z‐test, the delta method is more conservative.  相似文献   

Integrins are a major family of heterodimeric adhesion receptors that are responsible for anchoring cells to extracellular matrix and they also can initiate intracellular signal pathways. Here parental and alpha 4-expressing human malignant melanoma cell lines were used to study the effect of protein kinase C (PKC), protein tyrosine kinases (PTKs) and intracellular Ca2+ on alpha 4 beta 1-mediated cell spreading on VCAM-1. Incubation of melanoma cells with PKC inhibitor inhibited alpha 4 beta 1-mediated melanoma cell spreading completely. Effect of intracellular Ca2+ on melanoma cell spreading was also investigated by non-phorbol ester tumor promotor, thapsigargin, which blocks the ability of the endoplasmic reticulum to replenish stocks of calcium which naturally leak out into the cytosol leading to a transient increase in concentration of intracellular calcium. The results showed that alpha 4 beta 1-mediated spreading was also required intracellular calcium involvement. However, in the presence of PTKs inhibitor melanoma cells showed long, thin dendiritic projections compared to control cells. Previously, data was obtained from immunofluorescense experiments showed that after genistein treatment, alpha 4-expressing cells exhibited considerable amounts of alpha 4 integrin and PTKs in both the focal contact points as well as over the whole cell. PTKs inhibitor did not have any effect on alpha 4-expressing cells spreading. This could be related to the amount of the PTKs present in these cells.  相似文献   

药用植物灯盏花的组织培养   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
黄衡宇  李鹂  党承林 《广西植物》2008,28(5):685-689
以灯盏花花葶、花盘及叶柄为外植体,MS为基本培养基,通过不同的激素种类和浓度配比,建立灯盏花组培快繁体系。结果如下:在所有实验方案中,花葶的出愈率最高,是理想的快速繁殖材料。较适宜的诱导愈伤组织的培养基为MS+BA1.0mg/L+IBA0.05mg/L+蔗糖3.0%,诱导不定芽的培养基为MS+BA2.0mg/L+IAA1.0mg/L+蔗糖3.0%或MS+Kt3.0+IAA0.5mg/L+蔗糖3.0%,而根的诱导则是在1/2MS+NAA1.0Mg/L+蔗糖3.0%的培养基上进行。同时对组织培养过程中灯盏花植株再生的方式进行了讨论。  相似文献   

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