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晚更新世晚期以来昆仑山垭口区的植被与环境   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
昆仑山垭口区小南川剖面和雪水河热水剖面的孢粉分析揭示了该区44000aB.P.以来的植被演替和气候变化。40000aB.P.前,推测昆仑山垭口区为典型的灌木荒漠植被,气候极端干燥。40000-30000aB.P.,气候稍有好转。30000-24000aB.P.为草原荒漠,降水增加。24000-18000aB.P.为末次冰期极盛期,气候干冷。18000-13000aB.P.气候凉偏干。13000-8000aB.P.气候凉干。8000-6000aB.P.为全新世温暖期,但由于植被的滞后现象,本区仍为草原荒漠景观。6000-5000aB.P.,本区可能也存在着中全新世的降温事件。5000-3000aB.P.在全新世大暖期的影响下,小南川附近的植被演变成温性草原植被,并有人类的放牧活动。3000aB.P.以后,气候变凉,草原迅速地演变为灌木和小乔木荒漠植被,其中3000-1000aB.P.为凉干时期,1000aB.P.以后,可能有过一段凉湿时期。  相似文献   

根据孢粉资料推论长江三角洲地区12000年以来的环境变迁   总被引:15,自引:2,他引:13  
根据长江三角洲地区全新世9个具代表性钻孔的孢粉分析结果讨论了本区约自12000年以来的环境变迁。孢粉序列表明,本区约在距今12000年前就已发育了亚热带性质的落叶常绿阔叶林,约在9000-5000aB.P.常绿阔叶林获得大发展,孢粉序列良好地记录了古季风盛衰的历史,表现在:12000-10800aB.P.较温湿 ,东南季风强度加强,10800(或11000)-10000(或10300)aB.P.偏  相似文献   

根据长江三角洲地区全新世9个具代表性钻孔的孢粉分析结果讨论了本区约自12000年以来的环境变迁。孢粉序列表明:本区约在距今12000年前就已发育了亚热带性质的落叶常绿阔叶林,约在9000—5000aB.P.常绿阔叶林获得大发展。孢粉序列良好地记录了古季风盛衰的历史,表现在:12000—10800aB.P.较温湿,东南季风强度加强;10800(或11000-10000(或10300)aB.P.偏闵干,东南季风强度减弱,对应于新仙女木期;约自10000a.P.起,气候好转,气温明显上升,东南季风强度再次增强,约在9000—5000aB.P.温暖湿润,为东南季风强盛期。此外.还讨论了约在距今11000年前的海侵,全新世下限和哥德堡事件的年代问题,并确定哥德堡事件的年限为11000—1000aB。P。  相似文献   

西藏扎布耶盐湖晚第四纪孢粉植物群的初步研究   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:15  
扎布耶盐湖位于西藏青藏高原腹地。通过该湖ZK2钻孔的孢粉分析,揭示了约36000aB.P.以来扎布耶地区的气候和湖盆演变。约在36000-33000aB.P.,扎布耶地区为森林草原,气候冷、湿;约33000-30000aB.P.,为灌丛草原,气候温、干;约30000-27500aB,P.为干旱草原,气候偏暖、湿;约18000-12000aB.P.,为干旱草原,环境寒冷,干燥;约12000-4000aB.P.,扎布耶地区各类草本植物繁茂,气候偏温、干。另外,根据水生藻类化石群的分析,自36000aB.P以来,扎布耶盐湖有三次湖进、淡水湖期,同时也有三次湖退事件。  相似文献   

11000年以来太湖地区的植被与气候变化   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
根据太湖盆地3个钻孔、约自11000年以来的孢粉分析结果将其划分为3个阶段:1)11000—9000aB.P,该段虽以Pinus为主的针叶植物占有一定的优势,但起主导作用的仍以壳斗科为主的阔叶乔木种类,尤其是其间尚含有不少的亚热带成分,推测当时该区地带性植被已为亚热带落叶常绿阔叶林,鉴于植被中尚含有少量耐寒的Abies和Picea,推测当时气温可能较今略低;2)9000—5000(5400)aB.P,该段为常绿阔叶林大发展时期,气候温暖适宜,为全新世最佳期,气温约较今高1—2C;3)5000?aB.P.-现在,孢粉组合特征显示,阔叶木本植物就总的来说呈下降趋势,尤其是亚热带成分,与其相反,针叶和一些暖温带成分的含量则略有上升,表明该段气温较前一阶段有所下降,但该阶段的植被受人类活动的影响较大。  相似文献   

11000年以来太湖地区的植被气候变化   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
根据太湖盆地3个钻孔,约自11000年以来的孢粉分析结果将其划分为3个阶段;1)11000-9000aB.P.该段虽以Pinus为主的针叶植物占有一定的优势,但起主导作用的仍以壳斗科为主的阔叶乔木种类,尤其是其间尚含有不少的亚热带成分,推测当时该区地带性植被已为亚热带落叶常绿阔叶林,鉴于植被中尚含有少量耐寒的Abies和Picea,推测当时气温可能较今略低;2)9000-5000(5400)aB.  相似文献   

腾格里沙漠晚更新世孢粉植物群与气候环境演变   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
根据腾格里沙漠断头梁人工开挖剖面距今约42000~23000aBP(晚更新世)的孢粉分析结果,可将该期植被和气候演化划分为5个阶段(组合带):阶段Ⅰ,约42000~38000aBP,此段孢粉组合特征显示出,在现今为戈壁荒漠的山地丘陵上,当时发育着针阔混交林,在古湖边缘上发育着杨柳林和草原,气候较温暖湿润;阶段Ⅱ,约38000~31000aBP,气候温暖湿润,地带性植被为以温带、暖温带阔叶林为主的针阔混交林,湖畔河边发育着草甸植被;阶段Ⅲ,约31000~30000aBP,为针叶林和寒温性高山柳丛大发展时期,气候寒温,为一冷期;阶段Ⅳ,约30000~28000aBP,为冷期过后的升温期,也是湖面扩大期,孢粉组合中藻类含量高,为草甸和沼泽植被;阶段Ⅴ,28000~23000aBP,孢粉组合显示出丘陵山地上发育温带柏和桦为主的针阔混交林,平原上生长着草原植被,湖畔、河边有柳林分布,气候较温暖湿润,但较阶段Ⅰ略干。此剖面孢粉组合所反映的气候变化特征与古里雅及格陵兰冰芯δ18O所记录的同期气候变化特征具有良好的可比性。  相似文献   

根据孢粉分析论青藏高原西部和北部全新世环境变化   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
通过对青藏高原西部班公湖钻孔和北部中昆仑山3个湖相剖面的孢粉研究,揭示青藏高原西部和北部地区全新世1万年期间植被的演替和气候变化,西部在全新世早期9900-7800yr.B.P.植被由荒漠转为草原,气候好转;中期7800-3500yr.B.P.,草原发展,气候较适宜,以7200-6300yr.B.P.为高温湿期,5500yr.B.P.和3500yr.B.P.出现干旱,晚期从3500yr.B.P.至今植被为荒漠,气候干旱,其中700yr.B.P.气候恶化。北部地区全新世时期为荒漠植被,当气候温湿时,蒿和禾本科,莎草科成份增加,藜科减少,气候干旱时则相反,北部全新世的气候分期和干湿波动与西部相近,两地在晚期气候朝干旱化发展。  相似文献   

依据河北省卢龙县闫深港4.6m厚的冲积物剖百,揭示了较高时间分辨率的孢粉分析,参照现代冲积物孢粉与植被的对应关系,探讨了距今11000年以来饮马河流域植被的时空变化。11000~9000aBP的森林覆盖率约10%,9000~7000aBP约30%~40%,7000~4000aBP约20%~40%,3000~2500aBP约10%~20%。在9000aBP左右出现了云杉、冷杉花粉的高峰值,表明饮马河  相似文献   

西藏佩枯错13000—5000aB.P.植物被与环境   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
黄翡 《古生物学报》2000,39(3):441-448
青藏高原的强烈上升对北半球大气环流起重要作用并控制东亚季风的形成和发展。西藏佩枯错13kg-5kgB.P.高密度样品孢粉分析表明:约12500aB.P.湿度加强,区域性植被中雪松占优势,莎草草原大发展;约10760aB.P.气候冷干,莎草草原分布范围减少。雪松成分降低,可能与欧洲Younger Dryas事件相当;10000aB.P.左右是本区气候变化的转折点,湿度迅速增加,沙棘增多,雪松林占优势  相似文献   

本文报导了分布在大兴安岭的10种黄梅属(Xanthoparmelia)地衣,很多文献曾报导过中国的菊叶黄梅(X.conspersa),但是魏江春(1983)根据形态及化学两方面研究的结果指出,文献中的菊叶黄梅实际上分别是暗腹黄梅(X.tinctina)和淡腹黄梅(X.mexicana)。本文作者在大兴安岭北部釆到了真正的菊叶黄梅。本文还包括5个中国新记录种,它们是贴生黄梅(X.hypopsila),线形黄梅(X.lineola),新墨西哥黄梅(X.novomexicana),黑黄梅(X.tasmanica)和离心黄梅(X.centrifuga)。  相似文献   

本文报导了分布在大兴安岭的10种黄梅属(Xanthoparmelia)地衣,很多文献曾报导过中国的菊叶黄梅(X.conspersa),但是魏江春(1983)根据形态及化学两方面研究的结果指出,文献中的菊叶黄梅实际上分别是暗腹黄梅(X.tinctina)和淡腹黄梅(X.mexicana)。本文作者在大兴安岭北部釆到了真正的菊叶黄梅。本文还包括5个中国新记录种,它们是贴生黄梅(X.hypopsila),线形黄梅(X.lineola),新墨西哥黄梅(X.novomexicana),黑黄梅(X.tasmanica)和离心黄梅(X.centrifuga)。  相似文献   

青藏高原东南部18ka以来气候与水文变化   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
青藏高原东南部众多封闭小湖的湖相沉积记录着重要的地理信息,是恢复当地晚更民以来古环境演变的理想材料。西藏海登湖和仁同分辨率的花粉组合,AMS^14C测年及磁化率和有机质含量测定,揭示了研究区与鳊季风密切相关的古植被,古气候和古水文变化历史。高分辨率的花粉记录反映,在16kaBm,P,以前花粉组合以黎科(Chenopodiaceae)和蒿属(Artemisia)为主,花粉浓度很低,应为荒漠草原植被。  相似文献   

东北全新世乔木种类演化的区域差异及其迁移问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据花粉等时线图和代表性剖面花焰资料,总结了东北全新世主要乔木在再现和发展的地区差异。三江平原和小兴安岭地区的栎属与松属的出现和发展分别比长白山地区推迟1--2千多上时间上的差别说明它们可能有从南向北的迁移过程。不同乔木种类迁移的速率也不一样。初步估计的几种乔木迁移速率为,栎250~590m/a,松属150-580m/a,胡桃属200-810m/a。这种差异可能主要与种子大小、河流和地形等因素有联  相似文献   

Qinghai Lake is the largest inland saline lake in China. it is situated in the northeastern part of the Qinghai Xizang Plateau. This paper is based on the information of the sporo-pollen assemblages of 47 samples from the drill core and surface samples. The general treads of vegetational and climatic changes since 11,000 years B. P. may be subdivided in ascending order as follows: In the first stage which corresponds to zone Ⅰ of the sporo-pollen assemlage, the vegetation during the past of 11,000–10,000 years was represented by a temperate shrub, semi-shrub and steppe, consisting of Chenopodiaceae. Artemisia, Nitraria, Ephedra and Gramineae were predominant. At the same time, some subalpine conifers, Pinus, Picea and Betula, would grow by the side of rivers and lakes, the climate was warmer and wetter than that of the Late Pleistocene. Due to the rising temperature in this zone, the Pleistocene-Holocene boundary might be estimated at about 11,000 years B. P.. The vegetation of the first stage belonges to temperate steppe with a few trees: In the second stage (ZoneⅡ of pollen), the vegetation was characterized by a temperate forest steppe during this period of 10,000 to 8,000 years B. P. Forest area apparently increased and some broadleaf deciduous and need leaf evergretn trees, such as Quercus, Betula, Pinus and Picea, grew by lakes and on mountains. At this time, the climate was warmer and wetter than that of the first stage. In the third stage (Zone Ⅲ) between B,000 and 3,500 years B. P, The vegetation was composed of a temperate mixed broad-leaf deciduous and needle-leaf evtrgreen forest. The needle-leaf evergreen forest consisting of Picea, Pinus, Abies, Betula grew in temperate zone mountains. The climate was relatively warm and wet. The fouth stage (zone IV), the vegetation was dominated by shrub semishrub, dwarf semishrubs, steppe and semi-arbors. Some trees consisting of Betula, Picea, and Pinus decreased in number in the lake regions. Some subalpine cold temperature evergreen trees, such as Abies and picea disappeared from the lake region. This indicated that the climate was warmer and drier during the past 3500–1500 years B. P. than the third zone. In the fifth stage (pollen zone V), the vegetation comprised steppe and desert from 1500 years ago to the present time. Some arborealtrus such as Betula and Pinus were less increased about 500 years B. P. at this time the temperate and wet slightly, rose up. From the above analysis, it is clear that the Qinghai lake region has been confronted with the vegetational and climatic changes since ll,000 years B. P. Therefore, the palynoflora of the Qinghai lake has its significance in Geography and vegetational history.  相似文献   

This paper is based on the informations of the sporopollen assemblages of 52 samples obtained from the Fenzhuang field outcrop and its drilling core near Zhoukoudian in the vicinity of Beijing. About 30,000 years ago of the Dali glacial period, spruce-fir forests became predominant in the low land and the plain in Beijing. At that time the annual mean temperature was about 7 ℃ lower than that of the present. Based on the characteristics of Fenzbuang sporo-pollen assemblages four zones may be subdivided in ascending order as follows: 1. In the first zone (FⅠ), the herbaceous plants, such as Artemisia, Chenopodiaceae, Gramineae, etc., were predominant. The climate was rather dry and cold. 2. In the second zone (FⅡ), the vegetation during the past 22000–13000 years was dominate of a subalpine conifer forest, consisting of Picea, Abics, Larix, etc., Water plants Myriophyllum, Typha, Sparganium and some members of Cyperaeeae and Green algae, Mougeotia, Zygnema apparently increased. Annual mean temperature was lower than that of the present. The climate was wet with an annual precipitation about 800–1000 mm and cool. 3. In the third zone (FⅢ), the vegetation was represented by a warm temperate forest, predominant of Pinus, Tilia, Selaginella sinensis and Typha. The climate of Beijing was rather wet, with an annual mean precipitation more than that of the present, and warm. The Lakes and bogs were better developed. According to the temperature increasing at this zone, we think the Pleistocene-Holocene boundary should be maked at about 12000 B.P. 4. In the Zone Ⅳ (FⅣ), Tilia was still flourishing and the water plants were better developed at his initial stage but afterwards they were obviously reduced, since 10000 years ago.  相似文献   

太湖16000年来沉积环境的演变   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
王建  刘金陵 《古生物学报》1996,35(2):213-223
通过对太湖钻孔岩芯岩性,结构,构造的剖析及粒度,磁化率的测试,发现冰后期东太湖形成于跑今6500年前,在距今6500-5800年,为一水深约2-3m的,经常受到流水作用影响的浅水湖泊,距今约5800-5700年,东太湖曾一度干枯或接近于干枯,距今5700年以来湖泊变浅,平均水深只有1m左右,由于湖泊变浅,湖底经常遭受波浪的扰动,形成波状层理或透镜状层理。西太湖局部洼地集水成湖的时间比东太湖早,并且  相似文献   

中国东部森林植被带划分之我见   总被引:27,自引:0,他引:27  
简要回顾了中国东部森林植被带划分研究的历史及当前存在的争论。提出了中国东部植被带划分应以植被本身的特征,特别是地带性的生物群落集为主要依据,同时参照它们的区系组成和气候指标。根据上述原则将中国东部划分为6个植被带∶北方针叶林带、凉温带针阔混交林带、温带落叶阔叶林带、暖温带常绿落叶阔叶混交林带、亚热带常绿阔叶林带和热带雨林、季雨林带,并对各植被带的特征作了简要的描述。阐述了对一些植被带名称、界线改动的原因,特别讨论了我国常绿落叶阔叶混交林以及常绿阔叶林生物气候带的归属问题,认为前者归属于暖温带植被,后者归属于亚热带植被为宜。  相似文献   

Abstract. This study deals with stand dynamics over a 6‐yr period in a conifer/broad‐leaved mixed forest in Hokkaido, northern Japan. The annual rates of gap formation and recovery were 81.3 m2/ha and 66.7 m2/ha, respectively and turnover time of the canopy was 125 yr. The recruitment processes of the component species in this cool‐temperate forest were governed by different canopy types: gap, canopy edge and closed canopy. Magnolia obovata regenerated in canopy edges, and Acer mono and Prunus ssiori regenerated in canopy edges and gaps. The results suggested that the mosaic structure made up of closed canopy, canopy edge and gap was related to various regeneration niches. Abies sachalinensis had high mortality rates, initiating gap expansion. The transition probabilities from closed canopy or canopy edge to gap for deciduous broad‐leaved trees were lower than for A. sachalinensis, which implies that the difference in degeneration patterns of conifer and broad‐leaved canopies contributes to the heterogeneity of spatial structure in the mixed forests. Spatial dynamics were determined by a combination of gap expansion by A. sachalinensis (neighbour‐dependent disturbance) and gap formation by deciduous broad‐leaved trees (random disturbance).  相似文献   

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