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Invasive alien species can have serious adverse impacts on both the environment and the economy. Being able to predict the impacts of an alien species could assist in preventing or reducing these impacts. This study aimed to establish whether there are any life history traits consistently correlated with the impacts of alien birds across two continents, Europe and Australia, as a first step toward identifying life history traits that may have the potential to be adopted as predictors of alien bird impacts. A recently established impact scoring system was used in combination with a literature review to allocate impact scores to alien bird species with self‐sustaining populations in Australia. These scores were then tested for correlation with a series of life history traits. The results were compared to data from a previous study in Europe, undertaken using the same methodology, in order to establish whether there are any life history traits consistently correlated with impact across both continents. Habitat generalism was the only life history trait found to be consistently correlated with impact in both Europe and Australia. This trait shows promise as a potential predictor of alien bird impacts. The results support the findings of previous studies in this field, and could be used to inform decisions regarding the prevention and management of future invasions.  相似文献   

To identify the factors that influence the availability of data on the negative impacts of alien bird species, in order to understand why more than 70% are currently classified as Data Deficient (DD) by the Environmental Impact Classification of Alien Taxa (EICAT) protocol. Information on factors hypothesised to influence the availability of impact data were collated for 344 alien bird species (107 with impact data and 237 DD). These data were analysed using mixed effects models accounting for phylogenetic non‐independence of species (MCMCglmm). Data deficiency in the negative impacts of alien birds is not randomly distributed. Residence time, relative brain size and alien range size were found to be strongly related to the availability of data on impacts. The availability of data on the negative impacts of alien birds is mainly influenced by the spatial and temporal extents of their alien ranges. The results of this study suggest that the impacts of some DD alien birds are likely to be minor (e.g. species with comparatively long residence times as aliens, such as the common waxbill Estrilda astrild and the Java sparrow Padda oryzivora). However, the results also suggest that some DD alien birds may have damaging impacts (e.g. species from orders of alien birds known for their impacts to biodiversity but with comparatively small alien ranges, such as the New Caledonian crow Corvus moneduloides). This implies that at least some DD alien birds may have impacts that are being overlooked. Studies examining the traits that influence the severity of alien bird impacts are needed to help to predict which DD species are more likely to impact upon biodiversity.  相似文献   

Aim Determining which traits predispose a species to become invasive is a fundamental question of invasion ecology, but traits affect invasiveness in concert with other factors that need to be controlled for. Here, we explore the relative effects of biological traits of plant species and their distributional characteristics in the native range on invasion success at two stages of invasion. Location Czech Republic (for native species); and the world (for alien species). Methods The source pool of 1218 species of seed plants native to Central Europe was derived from the flora of the Czech Republic, and their occurrence in 706 alien floras all over the world was recorded, distinguishing whether they were listed as an ‘alien’ or a ‘weed’ in the latest version of Randall’s ‘Global compendium of weeds’ database. The latter type of occurrence was considered to indicate species ability to invade and cause economic impact, i.e. a more advanced stage of invasion. Using the statistical technique of regression trees, we tested whether 19 biological traits and five distributional characteristics of the species in their native range can be used to predict species success in two stages of invasion. Results The probability of a species becoming alien outside its native distribution range is determined by the size of its native range, and its tolerance of a wide range of climates acquired in the region of origin. Biological traits play only an indirect role at this stage of invasion via determining the size of the native range. However, the ability of species to become a weed is determined not only by the above characteristics of native distribution, but also directly by biological traits (life form and strategy, early flowering, tall stature, generative reproduction, number of ploidy levels and opportunistic dispersal by a number of vectors). Species phylogenetic relatedness plays only a minor role; it is more important at the lowest taxonomic levels and at the later stage of invasion. Main conclusion The global success of Central European species as ‘weeds’ is determined by their distributional characteristics in the native ranges and by biological traits, but the relative importance of these determinants depends on the stage of invasion. Species which have large native ranges and are common within these ranges should be paid increased attention upon introductions, and the above biological traits should be taken into account in screening systems applied to evaluate deliberate introductions of alien plants to new regions.  相似文献   

The international wildlife trade is a significant source of introduced alien species, some of which proceed to become invasive and cause negative environmental and economic effects. However, not all introduced aliens establish viable populations, and it is important to identify the factors that determine establishment success. We explore the role of environmental suitability (including anthropogenic influences, climate and habitat types) in the establishment success of alien bird species introduced to Taiwan. Using maximum entropy modelling, we employed a recursive feature elimination and Akaike information criterion (AIC)‐based stepwise model selection approach to assess whether the environmental suitability, native range size, body size, residence time and the numbers of birds for sale in the shops affect variation in the extent of alien bird range size in Taiwan. We show that species with larger native range sizes and larger body sizes tend to have larger alien range sizes in Taiwan. There was no effect of environmental suitability on alien range size in Taiwan, but environmental suitability influenced the establishment success of bird species there.  相似文献   

Understanding the likely future impacts of biological invasions is crucial yet highly challenging given the multiple relevant environmental, socio‐economic and societal contexts and drivers. In the absence of quantitative models, methods based on expert knowledge are the best option for assessing future invasion trajectories. Here, we present an expert assessment of the drivers of potential alien species impacts under contrasting scenarios and socioecological contexts through the mid‐21st century. Based on responses from 36 experts in biological invasions, moderate (20%–30%) increases in invasions, compared to the current conditions, are expected to cause major impacts on biodiversity in most socioecological contexts. Three main drivers of biological invasions—transport, climate change and socio‐economic change—were predicted to significantly affect future impacts of alien species on biodiversity even under a best‐case scenario. Other drivers (e.g. human demography and migration in tropical and subtropical regions) were also of high importance in specific global contexts (e.g. for individual taxonomic groups or biomes). We show that some best‐case scenarios can substantially reduce potential future impacts of biological invasions. However, rapid and comprehensive actions are necessary to use this potential and achieve the goals of the Post‐2020 Framework of the Convention on Biological Diversity.  相似文献   

Aim Conifers are invasive species in many parts of the world, especially in the Southern Hemisphere. There are many introduced conifers in Europe, but their status as alien species is poorly documented. We conducted a comprehensive literature review to ascertain the extent to which alien conifers can be considered invasive. Location Europe. Methods We reviewed the historical record of alien conifer invasion in Europe (i.e. species with a native range outside the continental boundaries of Europe) by screening the DAISIE database and the ISI Web of Science. Results According to DAISIE, there are 54 alien conifer species in Europe. Pseudotsuga menziesii is the species recorded as naturalized in the most countries (12) and the UK is the country with the most naturalized species (18). Thirty‐seven of these conifers have been studied, to some extent, in a total of 131 papers (212 records). Nevertheless, only a few papers have investigated aspects related to biological invasions. In fact, the species are not referred to as alien by the authors in more than half of the papers (66%). Twenty‐five per cent of the papers have investigated plant traits, 46% are about biotic and abiotic factors influencing tree performance and 29% deal with ecological and economic impacts. Most papers are related to entomology, dealing with natural enemies affecting the alien conifers. Main conclusions Scientists have not yet perceived alien conifers in Europe as problematic species. Moreover, the low introduction effort, long lag‐time since plantation and phylogenetic closeness between alien and native conifers are possible reasons for their low expansion in Europe to date. From a management point of view, careful observations of sites with alien conifers is necessary to watch for new invasions. From a scientific perspective, thorough analyses of the extent that introduction, rates of naturalization and biogeographical differences influence invasive spread between the two hemispheres will prove timely.  相似文献   

Biodiversity inventories unravel insightful taxonomic and biogeographic patterns that provide valuable inputs in guiding conservation practices and policymaking. Here we present an updated inventory of the native and alien woody flora of the Kashmir Himalaya, India, together with analyses of the patterns of taxonomic composition, geographic distribution, and invasion status of the alien species. The data was assembled from the floristic literature of the last two centuries, supplemented with herbarium records and validated by field surveys over the past decade. In total, the woody flora comprised of 520 species; out of these 322 species were native and 198 alien, yielding a proportion of 38% aliens. Amongst the natives, 16 species are on the IUCN red list 2009. While 37 genera included both native and alien species indicating a potential for hybrid formation, only 15 families were represented by alien species exclusively. Regarding the invasion status, presently 37 alien woody species are naturalized and 7 are invasive in the region. The results show that the Kashmir Himalaya harbours a diverse woody flora. It is concluded that a distinction between the native and the alien flora, as adopted in the present study, is crucial for a meaningful analysis of any biodiversity patterns. We predict that in the near future many alien woody species, presently naturalized in the region, can become serious plant invaders, and therefore need further research efforts and timely management.  相似文献   

In addition to their impact on natural habitats, invasive alien plants can have a significant negative effect on agricultural systems and cause economic losses. Flood‐irrigated orchards in the Mediterranean Basin are vulnerable to the invasion of alien weeds, primarily because of the traditional management practices used in the orchards, which are characterized by high soil moisture during the dry summer period, nutrient availability and high levels of disturbance. This study sought to determine whether their biological traits can explain the success of alien weed species. To answer this question, 408 floristic relevés were conducted in 136 flood‐irrigated orchards on the Plains of Lleida (Catalonia, NE of Spain). Richness and cover of native and alien weeds were compared. Furthermore, a set of biological traits were compared between successful and non‐successful weeds for the whole data and separately between native and alien weeds using logistic regression and classification trees. In flood‐irrigated orchards, alien species covered most of their area, even though the richness of alien species was lower than that of the native species. The most important species were C4 species with seeds dispersed by water, and on the other hand, rosulate and caespitose‐reptant hemicryptophytes with long flowering period. Most of these traits fitted with those of the invasive alien weeds, which were mostly C4 species with seeds dispersed by water. Perennial life form characterized successful native weeds. In this study, we discuss how the traditional management of flood irrigation in fruit‐tree orchards favours invasive alien weeds that have specific traits, acting as a reservoir for the spread of alien weeds into other crops and surrounding riparian habitats. We also propose changing management practices in order to avoid the selection of alien weeds and to promote native species.  相似文献   

Based on data of bryophyte invasions into 82 regions on five continents of both hemispheres, we aim here at a first comprehensive overview of the impacts that bryophytes may have on biodiversity and socio-economy. Of the 139 bryophytes species which are alien in the study regions seven cause negative impacts on biodiversity in 26 regions, whereas three species cause negative impacts on socio-economic sectors in five regions. The vast majority of impacts stem from anecdotal observations, whereas only 14 field or experimental studies (mostly on Campylopus introflexus in Europe) have quantitatively assessed the impacts of an alien bryophyte. The main documented type of impact on biodiversity is competition (8 alien bryophytes), with native cryptogams being most affected. In particular, C. introflexus (9 regions) and Pseudoscleropodium purum (7 regions) affect resident species composition. The few socio-economic impacts are caused by alien bryophytes which form dense mats in lawns and are then considered a nuisance. Most negative impacts on biodiversity have been recorded in natural grasslands, forests, and wetlands. Impacts of alien bryophytes on biodiversity and socio-economy are a recent phenomenon, with >85 % of impacts on biodiversity, and 80 % of impacts on socio-economy recorded since 1990. On average, 40 years (impacts on biodiversity) and 25 years (impacts on socio-economy) elapsed between the year a bryophyte species has been first recorded as alien in a region and the year impacts have been recorded first. Taking into account the substantial time lag between first record and first recorded impact in a region, it seems to be likely that the currently moderate impacts of alien bryophytes will continue to increase. As quantitative studies on impacts of alien bryophytes are rare and restricted to few environments and biogeographic regions, there is a need for addressing potential impacts of alien bryophytes in yet understudied settings.  相似文献   

An often-cited reason for studying the process of invasion by alien species is that the understanding sought can be used to mitigate the impacts of the invaders. Here, we present an analysis of the correlates of local impacts of established alien bird and mammal species in Europe, using a recently described metric to quantify impact. Large-bodied, habitat generalist bird and mammal species that are widespread in their native range, have the greatest impacts in their alien European ranges, supporting our hypothesis that surrogates for the breadth and the amount of resources a species uses are good indicators of its impact. However, not all surrogates are equally suitable. Impacts are generally greater for mammal species giving birth to larger litters, but in contrast are greater for bird species laying smaller clutches. There is no effect of diet breadth on impacts in birds or mammals. On average, mammals have higher impacts than birds. However, the relationships between impact and several traits show common slopes for birds and mammals, and relationships between impact and body mass and latitude do not differ between birds and mammals. These results may help to anticipate which species would have large impacts if introduced, and so direct efforts to prevent such introductions.  相似文献   

A changing climate may directly or indirectly influence biological invasions by altering the likelihood of introduction or establishment, as well as modifying the geographic range, environmental impacts, economic costs or management of alien species. A comprehensive assessment of empirical and theoretical evidence identified how each of these processes is likely to be shaped by climate change for alien plants, animals and pathogens in terrestrial, freshwater and marine environments of Great Britain. The strongest contemporary evidence for the potential role of climate change in the establishment of new alien species is for terrestrial arthropods, as a result of their ectothermic physiology, often high dispersal rate and their strong association with trade as well as commensal relationships with human environments. By contrast, there is little empirical support for higher temperatures increasing the rate of alien plant establishment due to the stronger effects of residence time and propagule pressure. The magnitude of any direct climate effect on the number of new alien species will be small relative to human‐assisted introductions driven by socioeconomic factors. Casual alien species (sleepers) whose population persistence is limited by climate are expected to exhibit greater rates of establishment under climate change assuming that propagule pressure remains at least at current levels. Surveillance and management targeting sleeper pests and diseases may be the most cost‐effective option to reduce future impacts under climate change. Most established alien species will increase their distribution range in Great Britain over the next century. However, such range increases are very likely be the result of natural expansion of populations that have yet to reach equilibrium with their environment, rather than a direct consequence of climate change. To assess the potential realised range of alien species will require a spatially explicit approach that not only integrates bioclimatic suitability and population‐level demographic rates but also simulation of landscape‐level processes (e.g. dispersal, land‐use change, host/habitat distribution, non‐climatic edaphic constraints). In terms of invasive alien species that have known economic or biodiversity impacts, the taxa that are likely to be the most responsive are plant pathogens and insect pests of agricultural crops. However, the extent to which climate adaptation strategies lead to new crops, altered rotations, and different farming practices (e.g. irrigation, fertilization) will all shape the potential agricultural impacts of alien species. The greatest uncertainty in the effects of climate change on biological invasions exists with identifying the future character of new species introductions and predicting ecosystem impacts. Two complementary strategies may work under these conditions of high uncertainty: (i) prioritise ecosystems in terms of their perceived vulnerability to climate change and prevent ingress or expansion of alien species therein that may exacerbate problems; (ii) target those ecosystem already threatened by alien species and implement management to prevent the situation deteriorating under climate change.  相似文献   

Biological invasions often transcend political boundaries, but the capacity of countries to prevent invasions varies. How this variation in biosecurity affects the invasion risks posed to the countries involved is unclear. We aimed to improve the understanding of how the biosecurity of a country influences that of its neighbours. We developed six scenarios that describe biological invasions in regions with contiguous countries. Using data from alien species databases, socio‐economic and biodiversity data and species distribution models, we determined where 86 of 100 of the world's worst invasive species are likely to invade and have a negative impact in the future. Information on the capacity of countries to prevent invasions was used to determine whether such invasions could be avoided. For the selected species, we predicted 2,523 discrete invasions, most of which would have significant negative impacts and are unlikely to be prevented. Of these invasions, approximately a third were predicted to spread from the country in which the species first establishes to neighbouring countries where they would cause significant negative impacts. Most of these invasions are unlikely to be prevented as the country of first establishment has a low capacity to prevent invasions or has little incentive to do so as there will be no impact in that country. Regional biosecurity is therefore essential to prevent future harmful biological invasions. In consequence, we propose that the need for increased regional co‐operation to combat biological invasions be incorporated in global biodiversity targets.  相似文献   



To identify traits related to the severity and type of environmental impacts generated by alien bird species, in order to improve our ability to predict which species may have the most damaging impacts.




Information on traits hypothesized to influence the severity and type of alien bird impacts was collated for 113 bird species. These data were analysed using mixed effects models accounting for phylogenetic non‐independence of species.


The severity and type of impacts generated by alien bird species are not randomly distributed with respect to their traits. Alien range size and habitat breadth were strongly associated with impact severity. Predation impacts were strongly associated with dietary preference, but also with alien range size, relative brain size and residence time. Impacts mediated by interactions with other alien species were related to alien range size and diet breadth.

Main conclusions

Widely distributed generalist alien birds have the most severe environmental impacts. This may be because these species have greater opportunity to cause environmental impacts through their sheer number and ubiquity, but this could also be because they are more likely to be identified and studied. Our study found little evidence for an effect of per capita impact on impact severity.

The introduction of an alien plant is widely assumed to have negative consequences for the pollinator‐mediated fitness of nearby natives. Indeed, a number of studies, including a highly cited meta‐analysis, have concluded that the trend for such interactions is competitive. Here we provide evidence that publication bias and study design have obscured our ability to assess the pollinator‐mediated impacts of alien plants. In a meta‐analysis of 76 studies, we demonstrate that alien/native status does not predict the outcome of pollinator‐mediated interactions among plants. Moreover, we found no evidence that similarity in floral traits or phylogenetic distance between species pairs influences the outcome of pollinator‐mediated interactions. Instead, we report that aspects of study design, such as distance between the control and nearest neighbour, and/or the arrangement of study plants better predict the impact of a neighbour than does alien/native status. Our study sheds new light on the role that publication bias and experimental design play in the evaluation of key patterns in ecology. We conclude that, due to the absence of clear, generalisable pollinator‐mediated impacts of alien species, management schemes should base decisions on community‐wide assessments of the impacts of individual alien plant species, and not solely on alien/native status itself.  相似文献   

Introduction and naturalization of non-native species is one of the most important threats to global biodiversity. Birds have been widely introduced worldwide, but their impacts on populations, communities, and ecosystems have not received as much attention as those of other groups. This work is a global synthesis of the impact of nonnative birds on native ecosystems to determine (1) what groups, impacts, and locations have been best studied; (2) which taxonomic groups and which impacts have greatest effects on ecosystems, (3) how important are bird impacts at the community and ecosystem levels, and (4) what are the known benefits of nonnative birds to natural ecosystems. We conducted an extensive literature search that yielded 148 articles covering 39 species belonging to 18 families -18% of all known naturalized species. Studies were classified according to where they were conducted: Africa, Asia, Australasia, Europe, North America, South America, Islands of the Indian, of the Pacific, and of the Atlantic Ocean. Seven types of impact on native ecosystems were evaluated: competition, disease transmission, chemical, physical, or structural impact on ecosystem, grazing/ herbivory/ browsing, hybridization, predation, and interaction with other non-native species. Hybridization and disease transmission were the most important impacts, affecting the population and community levels. Ecosystem-level impacts, such as structural and chemical impacts were detected. Seven species were found to have positive impacts aside from negative ones. We provide suggestions for future studies focused on mechanisms of impact, regions, and understudied taxonomic groups.  相似文献   

The spatial distribution of alien species richness often correlates positively with native species richness, and reflects the role of human density and activity, and primary productivity and habitat heterogeneity, in facilitating the establishment and spread of alien species. Here, we investigate the relationship between the spatial distribution of alien bird species, human density, and anthropogenic and natural environmental conditions. Next, we examined the relationship between the spatial distribution of alien bird species and native bird species richness. We examined alien species richness as a response variable, using correlative analyses that take spatial autocorrelation into account. Further, each alien bird species was examined as a response variable, using logistic regression procedures based on binary presence–absence data. A combination of human density and natural habitat heterogeneity best explained the spatial distribution of alien species richness. This contrasts with the results for individual alien species and with previous studies on other non-native taxa showing the importance of primary productivity and anthropogenic habitat modification as explanatory variables. In general, native species richness is an important correlate of the spatial distribution of alien species richness and individual alien species, with alien species being more similar to common species than to rare species.  相似文献   

Alien species are a significant threat to natural ecosystems and human economies. Despite global efforts to address this challenge, the documented number of alien species is rapidly increasing worldwide. However, the magnitude of the impact of alien species may vary significantly across habitats. For example, some habitats are naturally less prone to biological invasions due to stringent abiotic and biotic characteristics, selecting for a limited number of introduced species possessing traits closely related to the native organisms. Subterranean ecosystems are quintessential examples of habitats with strong environmental filters (e.g. lack of light and scarcity of food), driving convergent adaptations in species that have successfully adapted to life in darkness. Despite these stringent environmental constraints, the number of records of alien species in subterranean ecosystems has increased in recent decades, but the relevant literature remains largely fragmented and mostly anecdotal. Therefore, even though caves are generally considered very fragile ecosystems, their susceptibility to impacts by alien species remains untested other than for some very specific cases. We provide the first systematic literature survey to synthesise available knowledge on alien species in subterranean ecosystems globally. This review is supported by a database summarising the available literature, aiming to identify gaps in the distribution and spread of alien invertebrate species in subterranean habitats, and laying the foundations for future management practices and interventions. First, we quantitatively assessed the current knowledge of alien species in subterranean ecosystems to shed light on broader questions about taxonomic biases, geographical patterns, modes of dispersal, pathways for introductions and potential impacts. Secondly, we collected species-specific traits for each recorded alien species and tested whether subterranean habitats act as ecological filters for their establishment, favouring organisms with pre-adaptive traits suitable for subterranean life. We found information on the presence of 246 subterranean alien species belonging to 18 different classes. The dominant alien species were invertebrates, especially insects and arachnids. Most species were reported in terrestrial subterranean habitats from all continents except Antarctica. Palaearctic and Nearctic biogeographic regions represented the main source of alien species. The main routes of introductions into the recipient country are linked to commercial activities (84.3% of cases for which there was information available). Negative impacts have been documented for a small number of case studies (22.7%), mostly related to increased competition with native species. For a limited number of case studies (6.1%), management strategies were reported but the effectiveness of these interventions has rarely been quantified. Accordingly, information on costs is very limited. Approximately half of the species in our database can be considered established in subterranean habitats. According to our results, the presence of suitable traits grants access to the stringent environmental filter posed by subterranean environments, facilitating establishment in the new habitat. We recommend that future studies deepen the understanding of invasiveness into subterranean habitats, raising public and scientific community awareness of preserving these fragile ecosystems.  相似文献   

Failure to quantify differences in the shape of inter‐specific trait distributions (e.g., skew, kurtosis) when comparing co‐occurring alien and native plants hinders the integration of biological invasions and plant community ecology. Within a plant community, understanding the circumstances that lead to the shape of the inter‐specific distribution of one or more functional plant traits being unimodal, bimodal, multimodal or skewed has the potential to shed new light on community vulnerability to invasion, subsequent ecosystem impacts and the selection pressures (e.g., stabilizing, directional or disruptive) acting upon native and alien species. Ignoring differences in the shape of inter‐specific trait distributions of alien and native species could miss important insights into plant invasions, including: the existence of unsaturated native plant communities, empty niches, shifting trait optima of species as a result of environmental change and incomplete colonization–extinction processes following invasion. Future comparisons of functional trait differences between native and alien species should include assessment of the shapes of inter‐specific trait distributions since these may differ even when the mean values of traits are similar for native and alien species. The infrequent application of such approaches may explain the limited generalizations regarding the drivers and consequences of plant invasions in plant communities.  相似文献   

Helen E. Roy  Sven Bacher  Franz Essl  Tim Adriaens  David C. Aldridge  John D. D. Bishop  Tim M. Blackburn  Etienne Branquart  Juliet Brodie  Carles Carboneras  Elizabeth J. Cottier-Cook  Gordon H. Copp  Hannah J. Dean  Jrgen Eilenberg  Belinda Gallardo  Mariana Garcia  Emili García‐Berthou  Piero Genovesi  Philip E. Hulme  Marc Kenis  Francis Kerckhof  Marianne Kettunen  Dan Minchin  Wolfgang Nentwig  Ana Nieto  Jan Pergl  Oliver L. Pescott  Jodey M. Peyton  Cristina Preda  Alain Roques  Steph L. Rorke  Riccardo Scalera  Stefan Schindler  Karsten Schnrogge  Jack Sewell  Wojciech Solarz  Alan J. A. Stewart  Elena Tricarico  Sonia Vanderhoeven  Gerard van der Velde  Montserrat Vil  Christine A. Wood  Argyro Zenetos  Wolfgang Rabitsch 《Global Change Biology》2019,25(3):1032-1048
The European Union (EU) has recently published its first list of invasive alien species (IAS) of EU concern to which current legislation must apply. The list comprises species known to pose great threats to biodiversity and needs to be maintained and updated. Horizon scanning is seen as critical to identify the most threatening potential IAS that do not yet occur in Europe to be subsequently risk assessed for future listing. Accordingly, we present a systematic consensus horizon scanning procedure to derive a ranked list of potential IAS likely to arrive, establish, spread and have an impact on biodiversity in the region over the next decade. The approach is unique in the continental scale examined, the breadth of taxonomic groups and environments considered, and the methods and data sources used. International experts were brought together to address five broad thematic groups of potential IAS. For each thematic group the experts first independently assembled lists of potential IAS not yet established in the EU but potentially threatening biodiversity if introduced. Experts were asked to score the species within their thematic group for their separate likelihoods of i) arrival, ii) establishment, iii) spread, and iv) magnitude of the potential negative impact on biodiversity within the EU. Experts then convened for a 2‐day workshop applying consensus methods to compile a ranked list of potential IAS. From an initial working list of 329 species, a list of 66 species not yet established in the EU that were considered to be very high (8 species), high (40 species) or medium (18 species) risk species was derived. Here, we present these species highlighting the potential negative impacts and the most likely biogeographic regions to be affected by these potential IAS.  相似文献   

This review deals with alien species invasion in Southeast Asia, an important conservation and management concern in the region. I report on the current and potential future impacts of biological invasions on biodiversity in Southeast Asia. Current knowledge of the invasive species in Southeast Asia is mostly based on anecdotal observations. Nevertheless, I attempt to compile existing empirical evidence on the negative effects of the biological invaders found in the region. These impacts include displacement of native biota, modification of ecosystems, hybridization, environmental disturbance, and economic loss. Any effective counter-measure will need to involve a multi-national strategy, yet such measure is challenging due to a broad spectrum of political and economic development models among the Southeast Asian countries. An overview of the taxonomic structure of the invasive species in Southeast Asia shows that the invasive plant and fish are the most represented taxonomic groups in all countries. The current research effort in invasion ecology from Southeast Asia is not being up to international standard in comparison to other regions, and the absence of recent international journal articles on invasive plant species reveals the biases in biological invasion-related research. The lack of research capacity and financial support from governments, and the inability to disseminate scholarly data in international journals are the possible reasons for the dearth of research literature on biological invasions from the region. Finally, a forward-looking agenda for the region should include improving the quality and quantity of biological invasion research; adopting a tough approach to the illegal release of wildlife; and applying multi-national strategies that integrate data sharing, prioritization, public awareness, policy work, capacity building, conservation actions and surveillance.  相似文献   

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