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费学超  童志前 《生理学报》2020,72(4):463-474
甲醛是地球上进化早期阶段最早出现的同时含有C、H、O元素的最简单有机小分子之一,被发现存在于每一个真核细胞中,并参与"一碳代谢"。近期研究表明,内源性甲醛可能作为信号分子参与记忆的形成。电刺激或学习训练后,大鼠脑内甲醛含量瞬时升高,激活N-甲基-D-天冬氨酸(N-methyl-D-aspartate, NMDA)受体,促进长时程增强(long-term potentiation,LTP)或空间记忆的形成。相反,降低脑内甲醛含量后,NMDA受体不能被激活,不能形成LTP和短时记忆。在正常老年大鼠和阿尔茨海默病转基因小鼠中,脑内甲醛浓度异常升高,NMDA受体活性受到抑制,空间记忆受损。因此,维持体内生理水平的甲醛浓度对于记忆的形成与储存尤为必要。本文对内源性甲醛在学习和记忆中的生理与病理生理学功能进行了综述。  相似文献   

慢性脱水是阿尔茨海默病患者的临床表现之一,慢性脱水不但可以造成血清渗透压升高,同时也引起中枢神经系统代谢失调和认知损伤.本文通过配制4%Na Cl溶液作为C57 BL/6小鼠饮用水,连续喂养3个月,建立慢性脱水动物模型.慢性脱水(实验组)小鼠出现血清渗透压和Na+浓度升高、体重减轻等脱水症状.实验组小鼠在"穿梭箱"行为范式中表现学习迟缓,同时其脑内5-羟色胺显著降低,甲醛浓度升高,产生甲醛的氨基脲敏感氨氧化酶(SSAO)活性升高,并且活性升高的程度(脱水组酶活/对照组酶活)显著高于甲醛脱氢酶3(ADH3)的变化程度.腹腔注射甲醛溶液7天(每天1次)也导致小鼠的"穿梭箱"学习过程迟缓,并伴有脑内5-羟色胺下降;但在相同条件下,连续7天注射4%Na Cl溶液的小鼠组未见学习迟缓和5-羟色胺水平的降低.这些结果提示,慢性脱水导致小鼠脑内甲醛升高,5-羟色胺下降,可能是引起小鼠"穿梭箱"学习迟缓的原因之一.  相似文献   

【目的】肠道菌群通过"微生物-肠道-脑轴"影响中枢神经系统的功能,同时也与老年性痴呆的发生发展相关,特别是盲肠内微生物菌群的变化更为显著。肠道菌群可以产生和代谢甲醛,而肠道能够迅速吸收甲醛;体内甲醛含量与老年性痴呆病人的认知损害程度呈正相关。因此,本文比较了7月龄APP/PS1转基因老年性痴呆模型小鼠(简称APP/PS1转基因小鼠)与同月龄C57BL/6J野生型小鼠(简称C57BL/6J小鼠)肠道菌群产生甲醛的情况。【方法】取APP/PS1转基因小鼠(n=8)与C57BL/6J小鼠(n=9)的不同肠段(十二指肠、小肠、盲肠、结肠),采用2,4-Dinitrophenylhydrazi zne(DNPH)显色偶联高效液相色谱(HPLC coupled with DNPH)测定肠道消化物和肠壁组织的甲醛。【结果】APP/PS1转基因小鼠盲肠消化物内的甲醛含量,较C57BL/6J小鼠存在显著升高(P=0.036);而两者小肠和结肠消化物甲醛含量无显著差别。在两种小鼠之间,小肠壁内甲醛存在差异(P=0.052),而盲肠和结肠壁甲醛含量无显著差异(P0.05)。【结论】肠道菌群是小鼠体内甲醛的主要来源之一,无论肠道消化物,还是肠道壁组织均为盲肠的甲醛含量最高。这些结果表明,APP/PS1转基因小鼠肠道菌群存在甲醛代谢失调,从而导致其肠道消化物的甲醛含量升高。  相似文献   

目的:明确经典阿尔兹海默症(Alzheimer's Disease,AD)小鼠模型APP/PS1的年轻小鼠是否存在学习记忆障碍,并探讨尾静脉注射同龄小鼠的血清是否可以改善年老AD小鼠的认知能力。方法:根据转基因小鼠的基因型,将同龄小鼠分为wildtype(WT)和APP/PS1两组,首先用物体辨别实验(Novel object recognition,NOR)检测2个月龄小鼠的认知能力(90min retention:WT n=6,APP/PS1 n=8; 24hours retention:WT n=7, APP/PS1=8),同时用Morris水迷宫实验(Morris water maze,MWM)检测2个月龄小鼠的空间学习记忆能力(WT n=6, APP/PS1 n=5);采用内眦取血法从8月龄小鼠中获取全血,高速离心获得血清。将8月龄APP/PS1小鼠分为两组:对照组注射PBS(n=7),实验组注射血清(n=6),每周注射两次,100μL/只/次,连续注射3周。注射结束后,用NOR法检测对照组和实验组小鼠的认知能力。结果:NOR实验结果显示APP/PS1小鼠的辨别指数(Discrimination index(%))显著低于WT小鼠(P0.05);MWM实验结果显示APP/PS1小鼠到达平台的时间明显长于WT小鼠,同时在测试阶段中,APP/PS1小鼠在目的象限的探索时间及穿越次数显著低于WT小鼠(P0.05);治疗实验中,与对照组APP/PS1小鼠的辨别指数相比较,实验组APP/PS1小鼠在注射同龄小鼠的血清后,其物体辨别指数显著升高(P0.05),小鼠脑中的Aβ沉淀明显减少。结论:APP/PS1小鼠在2个月左右就会表现出明显的学习记忆障碍;注射正常同龄鼠的血清可以明显改善APP/PS1小鼠的学习记忆能力同时阻碍Aβ沉淀的形成。  相似文献   

核酸(DNA和RNA)甲基化/脱甲基是表观遗传调控的重要机制.甲醛参与DNA、RNA的甲基化/脱甲基过程,从而影响表观遗传的调节,包括学习记忆等认知功能.然而,甲醛代谢失调将影响核酸的甲基化与脱甲基,使动物的学习记忆能力下降,造成认知损伤.对北京地区604名老人(≥60岁)的调查显示,内源甲醛含量与被试受教育的年限相关,受教育程度越高,内源甲醛含量越低,反之亦然.这些结果表明,内源甲醛在人类学习记忆中扮演重要的角色,"活到老,学到老"可以延缓甲醛代谢失调引起的老年认知损伤.因此,研究内源甲醛代谢与核酸甲基化修饰之间的关系,对探索记忆储存及认知损伤等表观遗传学相关疾病的发生发展机制,具有一定的启示.  相似文献   

藏药七十味珍珠丸(ratanasampil,RNSP)可改善大脑氧化应激水平,改善大脑功能,有安神和促进学习记忆的功效,然而RNSP是否可改善阿尔茨海默症(AD)小鼠的学习记忆功能,尚缺乏系统研究。本研究采用APP/PS1转基因小鼠为研究对象,并随机将其分为实验组和对照组。对实验组进行为期12周的RNSP灌胃给药,对照组进行12周的蒸馏水灌胃,采用Morris水迷宫与开场实验评价小鼠学习记忆能力,比较小鼠体重与相关器官质量,并比较器官质量指数,通过分子生物学检测指标评价小鼠脑内老年斑数量,Aβ生成量及BACE1表达水平。本研究证实,与对照组相比,给药组小鼠定位航行潜伏期明显缩短(22.60±13.26 vs.46.44±8.41,P<0.01,day 5),穿越平台次数明显增加(1.29±0.37 vs.0.54±0.29,P<0.01),探洞次数明显增加(32.11±9.85 vs.20.89±8.78,P<0.05),表明RNSP提高了APP/PS1小鼠的学习记忆能力和空间探索能力。与对照组相比,给药组小鼠大脑重量及脑质量指数均增高(0.4135±0.0102 vs.0.3833±0.0254,P<0.05;2.04±0.08 vs.1.84±0.15,P<0.05),脑内老年斑数量减少(18.70±7.88 vs.38.83±6.15,P<0.05),Aβ1-42水平及BACE1表达均显著降低(0.19±0.08 vs.0.41±0.12,P<0.05;0.136±0.04 vs.0.206±0.02,P<0.05),表明RNSP延缓了APP/PS1小鼠的脑萎缩进程,降低脑内老年斑的形成,下调脑内Aβ1-42水平和BACE1裂解酶的蛋白质表达量。本研究提示,RNSP可改善APP/PS1小鼠的学习记忆能力,其机制可能和RNSP抑制脑萎缩,降低BACE1蛋白表达以及减少脑内Aβ沉积有关。  相似文献   

慢性脱水是阿尔茨海默病患者的临床表现之一,慢性脱水不但可以造成血清渗透压升高,同时也引起中枢神经系统代谢失调和认知损伤.本文通过配制4%Na Cl溶液作为C57 BL/6小鼠饮用水,连续喂养3个月,建立慢性脱水动物模型.慢性脱水(实验组)小鼠出现血清渗透压和Na+浓度升高、体重减轻等脱水症状.实验组小鼠在"穿梭箱"行为范式中表现学习迟缓,同时其脑内5-羟色胺显著降低,甲醛浓度升高,产生甲醛的氨基脲敏感氨氧化酶(SSAO)活性升高,并且活性升高的程度(脱水组酶活/对照组酶活)显著高于甲醛脱氢酶3(ADH3)的变化程度.腹腔注射甲醛溶液7天(每天1次)也导致小鼠的"穿梭箱"学习过程迟缓,并伴有脑内5-羟色胺下降;但在相同条件下,连续7天注射4%Na Cl溶液的小鼠组未见学习迟缓和5-羟色胺水平的降低.这些结果提示,慢性脱水导致小鼠脑内甲醛升高,5-羟色胺下降,可能是引起小鼠"穿梭箱"学习迟缓的原因之一.  相似文献   

目的:探讨阿魏酸对阿尔茨海默病(AD)模型小鼠神经行为学和海马胶质纤维酸性蛋白(GFAP)表达的影响,分析阿魏酸对小鼠脑的保护作用。方法:海马CA1区注射微量红藻氨酸(KA)建立痴呆模型,然后对痴呆小鼠用不同剂量的阿魏酸(FA)灌胃治疗。Morris水迷宫实验观察小鼠行为学变化,免疫组织化学方法观察GFAP的表达。结果:与假手术组相比,模型组学习记忆能力明显降低(P<0.01),GFAP阳性细胞表达明显增多(P<0.01);与模型组相比,阿魏酸治疗组学习记忆能力均明显提高(P<0.01),GFAP阳性细胞表达均明显减少(P<0.01)。结论:用不同剂量的阿魏酸治疗拟AD小鼠后,小鼠学习记忆能力得到明显改善,GFAP表达得到明显抑制,起到保护脑的作用。  相似文献   

内源甲醛代谢失调被认为是导致阿尔茨海默病的危险因素之一,甲醛蓄积会引起神经细胞的死亡和认知功能的降低.研究表明,细胞内甲醛分布于溶酶体内,而溶酶体功能异常与神经退行性疾病密切相关.本文采用甲醛特异荧光探针,在氧化应激条件下,检测到小鼠脑微血管内皮细胞株bEnd.3和小鼠神经瘤母细胞株N2a溶酶体内甲醛明显升高;在慢性脑低灌注大鼠动物模型中,其脑神经细胞的溶酶体内甲醛也升高(P0.01);LeuLeuOMe处理bEnd.3细胞,使其溶酶体膜通透性增加,导致细胞内甲醛蓄积,而胞外甲醛降低.以上结果证明,溶酶体具有储存和转运甲醛的功能,如果溶酶体出现结构与功能的异常,会导致甲醛代谢失调,造成认知损害.  相似文献   

该文旨在研究雌激素缺乏不同时间段对APP/PS1双转基因小鼠学习记忆及海马区细胞增殖和成熟的影响及探究潜在的机制。将3月龄APP/PS1双转基因AD雌性小鼠行双侧卵巢切除(AD-OVX),以假手术AD小鼠(AD-Sham)及同月龄正常野生型小鼠(WT)作为对照,于术后1周(模拟绝经早期)和3月(模拟绝经中晚期), Morris水迷宫行为测试结果显示,在APP/PS1双转基因AD小鼠中, OVX后1周, AD-OVX组与AD-Sham组比较,其逃避潜伏期、搜索路径以及穿越平台的次数无明显差异(P0.05);而OVX后3月, AD-OVX组小鼠找到平台的时间和搜索路径显著延长(P0.05),穿越平台的次数也相应减少(P0.05);子宫重量结果、EDU细胞增殖状况、老年斑、脑内NeuN蛋白和芳香酶的变化水平分别显示,在APP/PS1双转基因AD小鼠中, OVX后1周, AD-OVX组与ADSham组比较,循环雌激素水平无明显变化;小鼠脑内未见老年斑;小鼠海马区新生阳性细胞数量和NeuN的表达反应性增多(P0.05);此时小鼠脑内芳香酶表达也呈反应性升高(P0.05)。而OVX后3月, AD-OVX组小鼠循环雌激素水平明显降低(P0.05);脑内老年斑显著增加(P0.05);小鼠海马区新生阳性细胞数量和NeuN的表达减少(P0.05);此时小鼠脑内芳香酶水平也显著降低(P0.05)。以上结果说明,雌激素缺乏早期可反应性地增加痴呆小鼠海马区细胞的增殖和成熟,对小鼠学习记忆无影响;但随着雌激素缺乏时间的延长,痴呆小鼠出现学习记忆的损害及海马区细胞增殖和成熟减少;该作用可能与脑内芳香酶水平的变化密切相关。  相似文献   

A norepinephrine (NE) deficiency has been observed in aged rats and in patients with Alzheimer's disease and is thought to cause cognitive disorder. Which endogenous factor induces NE depletion, however, is largely unknown. In this study, we investigated the effects of aging‐associated formaldehyde (FA) on the inactivation of NE in vitro and in vivo, and on memory behaviors in rodents. The results showed that age‐related DNA demethylation led to hippocampal FA accumulation, and when this occurred, the hippocampal NE content was reduced in healthy male rats of different ages. Furthermore, biochemical analysis revealed that FA rapidly inactivated NE in vitro and that an intrahippocampal injection of FA markedly reduced hippocampal NE levels in healthy adult rats. Unexpectedly, an injection of FA (at a pathological level) or 6‐hydroxydopamine (6‐OHDA, a NE depletor) can mimic age‐related NE deficiency, long‐term potentiation (LTP) impairments, and spatial memory deficits in healthy adult rats. Conversely, an injection of NE reversed age‐related deficits in both LTP and memory in aged rats. In agreement with the above results, the senescence‐accelerated prone 8 (SAMP8) mice also exhibited a severe deficit in LTP and memory associated with a more severe NE deficiency and FA accumulation, when compared with the age‐matched, senescence‐resistant 1 (SAMR1) mice. Injection of resveratrol (a natural FA scavenger) or NE into SAMP8 mice reversed FA accumulation and NE deficiency and restored the magnitude of LTP and memory. Collectively, these findings suggest that accumulated FA is a critical endogenous factor for aging‐associated NE depletion and cognitive decline.  相似文献   

The relationship between amyloid beta and cognitive dysfunction in mouse models of Alzheimer's disease has been evaluated predominantly with the spatial reference memory version of the water maze task. However, as Alzheimer's disease encompasses decline in multiple memory systems, it is important to also utilize non-spatial tasks to fully characterize the role of amyloid on behaviour in animal models. We used the TgCRND8 mouse model of Alzheimer's disease to evaluate the effect of amyloid on spatial reference memory, as well as on the non-spatial task of acquisition of conditioned taste aversion, and on the procedural task of swimming to a visible platform. We demonstrate that 8- to 12-month-old TgCRND8 mice are significantly impaired in all three tasks, and that the levels of soluble amyloid beta are significantly correlated with impairment in spatial reference memory, but not with impairment in conditioned taste aversion or swimming to a visible platform. Insoluble fractions of amyloid, which correspond closely to amyloid plaque burden in the brain, are not associated with any behavioural measure. Our study extends the characterization of the model to stages of advanced amyloid pathology and demonstrates that older TgCRND8 mice are impaired in multiple memory systems, including procedural tasks, which are spared at younger ages. The lack of association between amyloid plaques and memory decline supports clinical findings in Alzheimer's patients.  相似文献   

Clinical irradiation of the brain induces hippocampus-dependent cognitive impairments in some but not all individuals, suggesting the involvement of genetic risk factors. Deficiency of apolipoprotein E (APOE), which is important for the metabolism and redistribution of lipoproteins and cholesterol, increases behavioral impairments after irradiation, supporting a protective role for APOE against radiation-induced cognitive injury. Compared to APOE3, APOE4 increases while APOE2 decreases the risk of developing age-related cognitive decline and Alzheimer's disease, particularly in women. To determine the potential effects of APOE isoform and sex on radiation-induced cognitive impairments, we irradiated 2-month-old male and female APOE2, APOE3 and APOE4 mice and assessed their cognitive performance 3 months later. When hippocampus-dependent spatial learning and memory were assessed in the water maze, sham-irradiated female APOE2, APOE3 and APOE4 and irradiated female APOE2 mice showed spatial memory retention, but irradiated female APOE3 and APOE4 mice did not. Compared to sham-irradiated female APOE4 mice, irradiated female APOE4 mice also required more trials to reach criterion in the hippocampus-dependent passive avoidance test. Radiation had no effects on water maze or passive avoidance learning and memory of male APOE2, APOE3 or APOE4 mice, indicating that the effects of radiation on cognitive performance are dependent on sex- and APOE isoform.  相似文献   

Progressive memory loss and cognitive dysfunction are the hallmark clinical features of Alzheimer's disease (AD). Identifying the molecular triggers for the onset of AD-related cognitive decline presently requires the use of suitable animal models, such as the 3xTg-AD mice, which develop both amyloid and tangle pathology. Here, we characterize the onset of learning and memory deficits in this model. We report that 2-month-old, prepathologic mice are cognitively unimpaired. The earliest cognitive impairment manifests at 4 months as a deficit in long-term retention and correlates with the accumulation of intraneuronal Abeta in the hippocampus and amygdala. Plaque or tangle pathology is not apparent at this age, suggesting that they contribute to cognitive dysfunction at later time points. Clearance of the intraneuronal Abeta pathology by immunotherapy rescues the early cognitive deficits on a hippocampal-dependent task. Reemergence of the Abeta pathology again leads to cognitive deficits. This study strongly implicates intraneuronal Abeta in the onset of cognitive dysfunction.  相似文献   

改良2, 4-二硝基苯肼法测定脑内源甲醛   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
内源甲醛代谢失衡所造成的脑慢性损伤被认为是衰老过程中记忆丢失的危险因素之一,因此,有必要准确测定脑内不同区域甲醛的含量为相关研究提供参考.作者通过2,4-二硝基苯肼(2,4-DNPH)偶联高效液相色谱(UV-HPLC),测定了家猪脑额叶、顶叶、颞叶、枕叶、海马、小脑、脑干内源甲醛含量(75.5~83.4μmol/kg).采用10%三氯乙酸处理脑组织匀浆(pH=1.0),不但可以避免蛋白质及其他分子的干扰,还可以省略现有方法中的萃取步骤,且提高了测试的灵敏度(P<0.05).该方法的回收率约95.96%~102.04%,相对标准偏差(n=5)小于10%.结果表明,改良2,4-DNPH法用于脑内源甲醛的测定,其操作简便、可信度高.  相似文献   

Cognitive dysfunction is one of the most striking age-related impairments seen in human beings and animals. This impairment probably is due to the vulnerability of the brain cells to increased oxidative stress during aging process. Pineal hormone melatonin is reported to be an endogenous antioxidant, whose peak plasma level declines during aging and in Alzheimer's disease (AD). Present experiments were performed to study the possible effect of exogenously administered melatonin on cognitive performance of young, aged, or ethanol-intoxicated mice (an animal model for AD) using one trial step-down type of passive avoidance and elevated plus-maze task. Aged or chronic ethanol-treated mice showed poor retention of memory in step-down passive avoidance and in elevated plus-maze task. Chronic administration of melatonin (0.1-10 mg/kg, sc) for 30 d or its coadministration with ethanol (15% W/V, 2 g/kg perorally) for 24 d significantly reversed the age-induced or chronic ethanol-induced retention deficits in both the test paradigms. However, in both the memory paradigms chronic administration of melatonin failed to modulate the retention performance of young mice. Chronic administration of melatonin (0.1-10 mg/kg) for 30 d also reversed age-associated decline in forebrain total glutathione (tGSH) level. Chronic ethanol administration to young mice produced decline in forebrain tGSH level and enhanced brain lipid peroxidation, which was significantly reversed by coadministration of melatonin (10 mg/kg). The results of this study showed chronic melatonin treatment reverses cognitive deficits in aged and ethanol-intoxicated mice, which is associated with its antioxidant property.  相似文献   

Oxidative stress is one of the earliest events in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease (AD) and can markedly exacerbate amyloid pathology. Modulation of antioxidant and anti-inflammatory pathways represents an important approach for AD therapy. Synthetic triterpenoids have been found to facilitate antioxidant response and reduce inflammation in several models. We investigated the effect of the triterpenoid, 2-Cyano-3,12-Dioxooleana-1,9-Dien-28-Oic acid-MethylAmide (CDDO-MA) in Tg19959 mice, which carry the human amyloid precursor protein with two mutations. These mice develop memory impairments and amyloid plaques as early as 2–3 months of age. CDDO-MA was provided with chow (800 mg/kg) from 1 to 4 months of age. CDDO-MA significantly improved spatial memory retention and reduced plaque burden, Aβ42 levels, microgliosis, and oxidative stress in Tg19959 mice.  相似文献   

Alzheimer's disease (AD) is the most common neurodegenerative affliction of the elderly, presenting with progressive memory loss and dementia and terminating with death. There have been significant advances in understanding the biology and subsequent diagnosis of AD; however, the furious pace of research has not yet translated into a disease-modifying treatment. While scientific inquiry in AD is largely centered on identifying biological players and pathological mechanisms, the day-to-day realities of AD patients and their caregivers revolve around their steady and heartbreaking cognitive decline. In the past decade, AD research has been fundamentally transformed by the development of genetically modified animal models of amyloid-driven neurodegeneration. These important in vivo models not only replicate some of the hallmark pathology of the disease, such as plaque-like amyloid accumulations and astrocytic inflammation, but also some of the cognitive impairments relevant to AD. In this article, we will provide a detailed review of the behavioral and cognitive deficits present in several transgenic mouse models of AD and discuss their functional changes in response to experimental treatments.  相似文献   

Brain lesions in Alzheimer's disease (AD) include amyloid plaques made of Aβ peptides and neurofibrillary tangles composed of hyperphosphorylated tau protein with synaptic and neuronal loss and neuroinflammation. Aβ oligomers can trigger tau phosphorylation and neuronal alterations through activation of neuronal kinases leading to progressive cognitive decline. PKR is a ubiquitous pro‐apoptotic serine/threonine kinase, and levels of activated PKR are increased in AD brains and AD CSF. In addition, PKR regulates negatively memory formation in mice. To assess the role of PKR in an AD in vivo model, we crossed 5xFAD transgenic mice with PKR knockout (PKRKO) mice and we explored the contribution of PKR on cognition and brain lesions in the 5xFAD mouse model of AD as well as in neuron–microglia co‐cultures exposed to the innate immunity activator lipopolysaccharide (LPS). Nine‐month‐old double‐mutant mice revealed significantly improved memory consolidation with the new object location test, starmaze test, and elevated plus maze test as compared to 5xFAD mice. Brain amyloid accumulation and BACE1 levels were statistically decreased in double‐mutant mice. Apoptosis, neurodegeneration markers, and synaptic alterations were significantly reduced in double‐mutant mice as well as neuroinflammation markers such as microglial load and brain cytokine levels. Using cocultures, we found that PKR in neurons was essential for LPS microglia‐induced neuronal death. Our results demonstrate the clear involvement of PKR in abnormal spatial memory and brain lesions in the 5xFAD model and underline its interest as a target for neuroprotection in AD.  相似文献   

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