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为探究滨豇豆(Vignamarina)的生态生物学特性及其对热带珊瑚岛的适应性,对西沙群岛野生滨豇豆的叶片形态解剖结构、生理特征和营养成分进行了分析。结果表明,滨豇豆具有叶片厚、比叶面积小、栅栏组织发达、气孔密度大、气孔面积指数大等形态特征,对减少蒸腾、保持水分起到重要作用。滨豇豆叶片的SOD活性和脯氨酸(Pro)含量高,丙二醛(MDA)含量低,表明抗氧化能力较强;滨豇豆叶片养分含量适中但其生境土壤养分含量很低,说明其对养分有着良好的吸收利用能力,利于适应贫瘠的环境。因此,滨豇豆具有能够较好地适应珊瑚岛礁高温、干旱、贫瘠生境的形态解剖结构和生理特征,加之其具有良好的固氮和养分利用能力,可作为热带珊瑚岛植被恢复的工具种。  相似文献   

甘南高寒草甸植物元素含量与土壤因子对坡向梯度的响应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘旻霞 《生态学报》2017,37(24):8275-8284
通过测定甘南高寒草甸不同坡向条件下25科86种植物叶片氮(N)、磷(P)、钾(K)含量、有机碳(C)含量、叶片含水量和相对叶绿素(SPAD)值,以及不同坡向的土壤含水量、有机碳、全氮、全磷含量等土壤指标,分析了不同坡向植物叶片元素含量与土壤环境因子之间的关系。研究结果表明,在南坡-北坡梯度上,随着土壤含水量的增加,植物叶片P含量、叶K含量和叶片含水量显著增加,而相对叶绿素显著降低。土壤养分含量与植物叶片P、叶K含量和叶含水量显著正相关,与叶片相对叶绿素显著负相关。说明不同坡向条件下叶片养分含量受土壤因子的影响显著,土壤的水分及养分状况对植物叶片元素含量的贡献不同。土壤含水量是坡向梯度上影响植物叶片特征的最主要因子。坡向梯度上土壤含水量对植物叶片各种元素含量的影响和植物叶片含水量对不同土壤因子的响应模式支持了生长在南坡的植物能以提高水分和养分利用效率而适应南坡较为干旱和贫瘠的生境。  相似文献   

弄拉典型峰丛岩溶区青冈栎叶片形态特征及对环境的适应   总被引:29,自引:6,他引:23  
邓艳  蒋忠诚  曹建华  李强  蓝芙宁 《广西植物》2004,24(4):317-322,331
选取广西弄拉典型峰丛洼地生态系统中不同地貌类型的青冈栎 (Cyclobalanopsisglauca)叶片进行形态解剖特征比较分析 ,结果表明 :( 1 )峰丛洼地生态系统中不同地貌青冈栎叶片形态解剖特征差异显著。山顶青冈栎叶片部分表皮结构 (角质膜、表皮毛、表皮细胞、气孔 )趋向旱化。山顶青冈栎下表皮毛比山腰青冈栎的浓密且长。两者叶片的厚度和宽度、上表皮细胞个数、气孔指数、下表皮厚度、栅栏组织厚度、海绵组织厚度存在着显著性差异 ;位于山顶的青冈栎受到水分的胁迫 ,在形态解剖上呈现出中生偏旱的结构。 ( 2 )青冈栎的各种形态解剖指标说明在岩溶区青冈栎的抗旱性主要是通过抵御干旱来适应水分的胁迫 ,并主要取决于减少蒸腾失水和维持水分吸收能力两个方面  相似文献   

采用盆栽试验,研究元谋干热河谷燥红土和变性土上生长的植物叶片以及凋落叶营养元素含量,并分析养分重吸收效率对土壤类型与物种互作的响应.结果表明: 土壤类型对叶片N、P、Ca、Mg、Cu、Zn、Fe、N∶P以及凋落叶N、P、Mn、N∶P均有显著影响;燥红土植物叶片与凋落叶N、Mn含量和N∶P显著高于变性土,而燥红土植物叶片P、Ca、Mg、Fe、Cu、Zn和凋落叶P含量显著低于变性土.燥红土植物叶片N含量较变性土高34.8%,而P含量低40.0%;在叶片凋落时,N、P、K表现为重吸收,而其他元素呈富集状态.燥红土凋落叶Ca、Mg、Mn富集系数显著高于变性土.物种仅对叶片N含量有显著影响,物种与土壤交互作用对植物叶片和凋落叶元素含量影响不显著,表明各土壤类型对不同物种元素含量的影响方式较为一致.土壤类型对植物元素含量的影响可进一步作用于干热河谷植物凋落物分解、植物-土壤的养分反馈以及生物地球化学循环.  相似文献   

王以静  吴丽情  许建初  赵高卷 《广西植物》2021,41(11):1882-1888
乳油木(Vitellaria paradoxa)为非洲热带地区重要的生态恢复树种和油料作物,其果实含有丰富的果油和代可可脂,被称为“植物油中的翡翠”。然而,当乳油木被引种到中国干热河谷后,其果实特征及其营养物质研究未见报道。为大面积种植和综合开发乳油木,该研究以云南省元江县引种的乳油木为研究对象,采用田间调查和室内植物化学提取方法,对其果实生物学性状及营养成分进行分析和评价。结果表明:(1)引种到元江干热河谷的乳油木树形优美高大,果实大(22.15 g/个),可食率高(61.12%)。(2)果肉中膳食纤维含量达41.52 g/100 g,种仁中粗脂肪含量为33.72 g/100 g。(3)果实矿质元素K、Ca、Mg、Na、Fe和Zn含量分别为6 476.70、376.47、181.93、139.20、3.54和1.92 mg/100 g。(4)果肉中氨基酸种类极为丰富(17种),必需氨基酸含量占29.87%,其中天冬氨酸含量最高,为1.51 g/100 g。(5)该区域乳油木的果实形态、膳食纤维、种油、K、Ca和天冬氨酸含量均显著大于原产区。该研究不仅为元江干热河谷乳油木人工种植奠定了理论基础,也为乳油果产业化发展和深加工提供了一定的技术支撑。  相似文献   

对在坡地和沼泽地生长的野牡丹叶的解剖特征与气孔气体交换特性的研究表明:两者在形态结构方面存在着一定的差异,坡地野牡丹叶较窄,上表皮细胞小而排列紧密,气孔密度较大,上表皮厚,沼泽地野牡丹整个叶片和海绵组织比较厚,最大导管直径和栅栏细胞长度/宽度比值大,但栅栏组织厚/海绵组织厚比值较小。坡地野牡丹与沼泽地野牡丹的叶绿素a、叶绿素b的含量和类胡萝卜素的含量以及叶绿素a,b比值的差异都很小。沼泽地野牡丹净光合速率、蒸腾速率及气孔导度较高,常用的水分利用效率(Pn/Tr)接近,沼泽地野牡丹的内在水分利用效率(Pn/Gs)略高于坡地,但差异不显著。综合分析其生境条件,土壤与野牡丹叶片解剖结构和生理生态特性相关性密切。但实验结果不足以确定两种生境下生长的野牡丹为不同的生态型。  相似文献   

为了解元江及元谋干热河谷人工栽培酸角的土壤氮磷含量对酸角叶片氮磷含量及光合作用的影响,本研究测定了两个干热河谷区酸角人工林土壤、叶片氮磷含量及光合参数,并使用4种常用的光响应曲线拟合模型(直角双曲线模型、非直角双曲线模型、直角双曲线修正模型、二项式拟合模型)对其进行拟合。结果表明:元江、元谋干热河谷酸角人工林土壤氮磷含量及氮磷比存在显著差异,两地土壤氮含量分别为1.205和0.881 g·kg-1,磷含量分别为0.481和0.177 g·kg-1,氮磷比分别为2.61和5.49;两地酸角叶片氮含量存在显著差异,元江、元谋干热河谷酸角叶片的氮含量分别为17.28和13.51 g·kg-1,而叶片磷含量没有显著差异,分别为1.51和1.18 g·kg-1,叶片氮磷比也没有显著差异,分别为11.80和11.66; 4个光响应曲线拟合模型对两个干热河谷酸角的光响应曲线都有较高的拟合度,但直角双曲线修正模型在低光合有效辐射情况下拟合度最高,而二项式拟合模型在高光合有效辐射情况下拟合度最高,因此表观量子效率(α)、光补偿点(LCP)、暗呼吸速率(Rd)取直角双曲线修正模型的拟合数值,元江、元谋两地酸角的数值分别为0.055和0.060、38.921和8.019μmol·m-2·s-1、1.377和0.404μmol·m-2·s-1;最大净光合速率(Pnmax)、光饱和点(LSP)取二项式拟合模型的拟合数值,两地分别为11.073和6.331μmol CO2·m-2·s-1、3223.2和2532.4μmol·m-2·s-1;元江干热河谷的酸角光合作用显著高于元谋干热河谷,两地土壤磷含量和叶片磷含量是影响酸角光合作用的关键因子。  相似文献   

油松幼苗对干旱胁迫的生理生态响应   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
在适宜水分(田间持水量为80%)、轻度干旱(60%)、中度干旱(40%)和重度干旱(20%)4种土壤水分条件下研究了油松的生理生态特征,结果显示; 油松各器官(根、茎、叶)的干物质积累量、干物质积累总量、相对生长率、株高和基径均表现为适宜水分>轻度干旱>中度干旱>重度干旱,而根冠比大小顺序与其相反.气体交换参数(净光合速率、气孔导度、蒸腾速率) 随干旱程度的加剧显著下降,并且净光合速率的下降主要受气孔因素限制.油松的瞬时水分利用效率和长期水分利用效率(稳定碳同位素含量,δ13C)表现适宜水分<轻度干旱<中度干旱<重度干旱,而且中度和重度干旱显著提高油松的水分利用效率.另外,单位干重叶片氮元素含量(N%)随胁迫增加呈下降趋势,而单位干重碳元素含量(C%)却与之相反,从而导致碳氮比随胁迫增加而增加,并且我们的结果显示光合速率与氮含量存在显著正相关. 结果表明,油松可以通过调节自身生长特征、生物量分配模式和叶片营养元素的含量及提高水分利用效率而增强应对干旱胁迫的能力.  相似文献   

刘培卫  张玉秀  杨云  陈波 《广西植物》2017,37(5):565-571
为比较沉香属不同种植物间的叶片形态解剖特征,将不同来源的六种沉香属植物在海南省兴隆南药园种植,运用石蜡切片法和撕片法对其成熟叶片的解剖特征进行观察,并对叶片的上下表皮,叶脉和叶横切面等12项数量性状进行统计分析。结果表明:六种沉香属植物叶片解剖结构基本一致,均为典型的异面叶,由表皮、叶肉和叶脉组成,表现出典型的旱生形态特点。表皮细胞单层,气孔微下陷,仅分布在下表皮,上下表皮上零星分布着表皮毛。叶肉组织发达,栅栏组织由1~2层排列紧密地圆柱状细胞组成,其间分布着大量的长方晶体,海绵组织内有一层排列较整齐,染色较深的异细胞组成的下皮层。主脉维管束双韧型,呈圆环状,内含大量异细胞。方差分析表明,除栅海比外,叶片厚度、叶脉条数、主脉厚度等其余11项数量指标在六种植物间差异均达到显著水平。聚类分析将这六种植物聚成3类,Aquilaria sinensis(白木香),A.crassna和A.banaensis聚为一类,A.baillonii和A.malaccensis聚为一类;A.yunnanensis(云南沉香)单独为一类。该研究结果为沉香属植物的物种鉴定提供了解剖学依据,同时对沉香属植物合理开发利用具有重要意义。  相似文献   

海刀豆的抗逆生理生化特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了解西沙群岛上海刀豆(Canavalia maritima)的抗逆特性,对其叶片解剖结构、生理学特征和养分状况进行了分析。结果表明,海刀豆叶片的栅栏组织发达,气孔密度大;叶绿素a/b低于3∶1;抗氧化酶活性普遍较高,以SOD活性最大;脯氨酸含量高;在土壤养分含量较低的情况下,叶片中的营养元素含量仍然较高。因此,海刀豆具有耐干旱、强光、高温和贫瘠等抗逆生物学特性,可以作为热带珊瑚岛(礁)防风固沙和植被恢复物种。  相似文献   

云南元江干热河谷木本植物的物候   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在中国西南干热河谷的典型地段——元江干热河谷,连续3年观测了32种木本植物的枝条生长、叶片动态、花期、果期和果实类型。这些植物的枝条生长方式可以分为连续生长、枝条枯死、陡长和间歇生长4个类型。其中连续生长型占优势,包括13种植物,它们的枝条在雨季连续不断伸长。9种植物雨季的枝条伸长与连续生长型的相似,但它们顶部的枝条在旱季末期出现枯死现象。6种植物属于陡长型,在2周内完成抽枝,且一年只抽一次枝。4种植物属于间歇生长型,枝条在雨季来临后伸长一段时间,然后生长停滞,过一段时间后再接着伸长。从叶片物候类型看,元江干热河谷植被以落叶植物占优势。落叶植物中冷凉旱季(11月~2月)落叶植物占优势(19种),而干热旱季(3—4月)落叶植物很少(4种)。除红花柴(Indigofera pulchella)和狭叶山黄麻(Trema angustifolia)从雨季中期开始脱落叶片外,其它30种植物从雨季末期开始脱落叶片,落叶期至少延续3个月以上。常绿植物脱落近1/3~1/2的当年生叶片。共有6种植物能在旱季末期长出新叶。常绿植物的叶面积、单个枝条上的总叶面积和枝条承载(总叶面积/枝条长度)比落叶植物小。虽然一年四季都有不同植物开花和结果,但多数植物(29种,占观测树种的91%)的花期集中在旱季和雨季初期,而果实(种子)成熟期从雨季末期延续到旱季末期和下个雨季初期。果实多为核果。  相似文献   

Productive leaf functional traits of Chinese savanna species   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The river valleys in Southwest China are characterized by a dry?Chot climate and relatively rich soils, and host valley-type savannas that are dominated by deciduous species. However, little is known about the ecological adaptations of Chinese savanna plants to the local environments. We hypothesize that Chinese savanna species mainly possess a drought-avoiding strategy by having a deciduous leaf habit and have productive leaf traits. To test this hypothesis, we measured 26 anatomical, morphological, physiological, and chemical traits for 33 woody species from a valley savanna in Southwest China and compared them with the literature data of other dry and wet tropical tree species and a global dataset. We found that Chinese savanna species showed drought avoidance adaptations and exhibited productive leaf traits, such as thin and dense leaves with high ratio of palisade to spongy mesophyll, leaf nutrient concentrations and photosynthetic capacity. Correlations of photosynthetic capacity with N, P, and stomatal conductance across Chinese savanna species were consistent with global patterns reported for seed plants. However, the Chinese savanna species had consistently greater carbon gain at a given specific leaf area, N, P, and stomatal conductance, suggesting higher nutrient- and intrinsic water use efficiencies. These results suggest that paradoxically, Chinese savanna species are adapted to the stressful dry?Chot valley habitat by having productive leaves.  相似文献   

Important phenological activities in seasonally dry tropical forest species occur within the hot‐dry period when soil water is limiting, while the subsequent wet period is utilized for carbon accumulation. Leaf emergence and leaf area expansion in most of these tree species precedes the rainy season when the weather is very dry and hot and the soil cannot support nutrient uptake by the plants. The nutrient requirement for leaf expansion during the dry summer period, however, is substantial in these species. We tested the hypothesis that the nutrients withdrawn from the senescing leaves support the emergence and expansion of leaves in dry tropical woody species to a significant extent. We examined the leaf traits (with parameters such as leaf life span, leaf nutrient content and retranslocation of nutrients during senescence) in eight selected tree species in northern India. The concentrations of N, P and K declined in the senescing foliage while those of Na and Ca increased. Time series observations on foliar nutrients indicated a substantial amount of nutrient resorption before senescence and a ‘tight nutrient budgeting’. The resorbed N‐mass could potentially support 50 to 100% and 46 to 80% of the leaf growth in terms of area and weight, respectively, across the eight species studied. Corresponding values for P were 29 to 100% and 20 to 91%, for K 29 to 100% and 20 to 57%, for Na 3 to 100% and 1 to 54%, and for Ca 0 to 32% and 0 to 30%. The species differed significantly with respect to their efficiency in nutrient resorption. Such interspecific differences in leaf nutrient economy enhance the conservative utilization of soil nutrients by the dry forest community. This reflects an adaptational strategy of the species growing on seasonally dry, nutrient‐poor soils as they tend to depend more or less on efficient internal cycling and, thus, utilize the retranslocated nutrients for the production of new foliage biomass in summer when the availability of soil moisture and nutrients is severely limited.  相似文献   

Recently we reported on the expansion of riparian forests into savannas in central Brazil. To enlarge the scope of the earlier study we investigated whether upland deciduous and xeromorphic forests behaved similarly. We investigated past vegetation changes that occurred in forest/savanna transitions using carbon isotope ratios (δ13C) measured in the soil organic matter as a tracer. We analyzed the 14C activity where δ13C showed major shifts in vegetation. The role of soil chemical and physical attributes in defining vegetation distribution is discussed. Structural changes in vegetation were found to be associated with shifts in the isotope composition (δ13C) of soil organic matter. This was attributed to intrinsic differences in the biomass of trees and grasses and allowed for the determination of past shifts in vegetation by evaluating δ13C at different depths. The deciduous forest decreased in area approximately 980 years ago. Tree cover increased in the xeromorphic forest, but the border stayed stable through time. The deciduous forest and adjacent savanna have eutrophic soils while the xeromorphic forest and adjacent savanna have dystrophic soils. However, greater organic carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations are observed in the forests. We provide concrete evidence of deciduous forest retreat unlike the stability observed in the xeromorphic forest/savanna boundary. These results contrast with the expansion of riparian forests recently reported in the same region.  相似文献   

Interactions between trees and grasses that influence leaf area index (LAI) have important consequences for savanna ecosystem processes through their controls on water, carbon, and energy fluxes as well as fire regimes. We measured LAI, of the groundlayer (herbaceous and woody plants <1-m tall) and shrub and tree layer (woody plants >1-m tall), in the Brazilian cerrado over a range of tree densities from open shrub savanna to closed woodland through the annual cycle. During the dry season, soil water potential was strongly and positively correlated with grass LAI, and less strongly with tree and shrub LAI. By the end of the dry season, LAI of grasses, groundlayer dicots and trees declined to 28, 60, and 68% of mean wet-season values, respectively. We compared the data to remotely sensed vegetation indices, finding that field measurements were more strongly correlated to the enhanced vegetation index (EVI, r 2=0.71) than to the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI, r 2=0.49). Although the latter has been more widely used in quantifying leaf dynamics of tropical savannas, EVI appears better suited for this purpose. Our ground-based measurements demonstrate that groundlayer LAI declines with increasing tree density across sites, with savanna grasses being excluded at a tree LAI of approximately 3.3. LAI averaged 4.2 in nearby gallery (riparian) forest, so savanna grasses were absent, thereby greatly reducing fire risk and permitting survival of fire-sensitive forest tree species. Although edaphic conditions may partly explain the larger tree LAI of forests, relative to savanna, biological differences between savanna and forest tree species play an important role. Overall, forest tree species had 48% greater LAI than congeneric savanna trees under similar growing conditions. Savanna and forest species play distinct roles in the structure and dynamics of savanna–forest boundaries, contributing to the differences in fire regimes, microclimate, and nutrient cycling between savanna and forest ecosystems.  相似文献   

云南热带季雨林及其与热带雨林植被的比较   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
朱华 《植物生态学报》2011,35(4):463-470
在中国植物学文献中, 对热带季雨林的解释和运用是不一致的, 特别是易于把季雨林与热带雨林相混淆。季雨林是在具有明显干、湿季变化的热带季风气候下发育的一种热带落叶森林植被, 是介于热带雨林与热带稀树草原(savanna)之间的一个植被类型。云南的热带季雨林在分布生境、生态外貌特征、植物种类组成和地理成分构成上, 均与热带雨林有明显区别, 季雨林主要分布在海拔1 000 m以下的几大河流开阔河段两岸和河谷盆地, 其群落结构相对简单, 乔木一般仅有1至2层, 上层树种在干季落叶或上层及下层树种在干季都落叶; 在生活型组成上, 季雨林的木质藤本相对较少, 大高位芽植物及地上芽植物很少, 但地面芽植物很丰富, 地下芽植物和一年生植物也相对丰富; 在叶级和叶型特征上, 季雨林植物的小叶和复叶比例相对较高, 分别占到24%和44%; 在植物区系地理成分构成上, 季雨林的热带分布属合计也占绝对优势, 但以泛热带分布属的比例相对较高, 约占到总属数的30%, 热带亚洲至热带非洲分布属的比例也较高, 约占总属数的12%。季雨林的地理成分更为多样性, 起源与发展历史也更复杂和古老。  相似文献   

With the aim of recognizing the commonest leaf pattern found in the woody flora of the cerrado (the Brazilian savanna) we analyzed the leaf anatomy of 30 representative species. The leaves are mostly dorsiventral and hypostomatic and covered by trichomes and a thick layer of wax and cuticle; the vascular bundles are surrounded by a sheath of fibers. The mesophyll has a developed palisade tissue, dispersed sclerified cells and idioblasts bearing crystals and phenolic compounds. We compared the results with those reported for other species (60 species) from the same biome and for the families that the studied species belong. The present study suggests that the xeromorphism observed for the cerrado leaves is related to the evolutionary history of this biome, since its first floristic elements must have faced deficient water conditions as well as the consequent soil acidity and toxicity. Therefore we may infer that the leaf anatomical pattern here observed was already present in the first elements of the cerrado and was selected to guarantee the survival of those species in the new environment. Furthermore, the xeromorphic features present in those leaves continue nowadays to help the plants protecting themselves from the different biotic and abiotic factors they are subjected to.  相似文献   

元谋干热河谷生态恢复区昆虫多样性研究   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
以元谋退化生态系统初始生态恢复中人工构建植被为研究对象,在样地调查的基础上,对比分析了退化生态系统和恢复生态系统昆虫群落多样性组成与结构的恢复状况及其对人工群落类型的生态响应。结果表明,植物群落组成是影响昆虫群落多样性的关键因子。与天然植被相比,混交林促进了昆虫在退化地的扩散和定居,物种多样性明显增加。主成分分析排序将6种生境分为两大类:第Ⅰ类为赤桉纯林,代表物种单一、林下空旷、环境干燥为特点的植被;第Ⅱ类为扭黄茅草坡、车桑子灌丛及赤桉 银合欢、赤桉 相思、相思 银合欢3种混交林,代表物种相对复杂,生境偏向湿润的植被。不同生境的特有昆虫和优势昆虫种类和数量分析表明,在3种混交林中,相思 合欢恢复的效果较赤桉 相思与赤桉 合欢显著,是最好的先锋群落植物混交模式,能够较快改良生境,提高其物种多样性。但由于造林面积较小,植被恢复时间短,受人为干扰较大,昆虫多样性恢复的效果还不明显。  相似文献   

Variation in the sesquiterpene hydrocarbon leaf resins in the tropical leguminous genus Hymenaea is compared between parent tree, seedling and sapling progeny. Relatively large discrete quantitative variation in the leaf resins, known experimentally to display little phenotypic plasticity, has been classified into Compositional Types. Differences in Compositional Types in the leaves between parent tree and their seedling and sapling progeny are more pronounced in rain forest and related eocystems than in savanna and dry forests. A model is presented in which it is suggested that this variation in leaf resin may play an important role in defence against lepidopteran herbivores and thus also in seedling establishment under Hymenaea parent trees in rain forest and related ecosystems.  相似文献   

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