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抚仙湖窑泥沟人工湿地的除磷效果研究   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:7  
为了减缓和控制抚仙湖局部湖湾水体富营养化趋势,在抚仙湖北岸建设了净化面积1 hm2的人工湿地.综合利用生物氧化塘、水平潜流人工湿地和表面流人工湿地治理技术,对入湖河道窑泥沟污水中磷的去除效果进行了试验研究.结果表明,该人工湿地系统对磷具有较强的去除能力.总磷去除率在57.7%~81.10%之间,平均去除率为54.9%.单位面积磷滞留量平均为26 mg·m-2·d-1,其中,湿地植物同化作用磷滞留量为26.1 mg·m-2·d-1,约占磷滞留总量的10%,大部分磷去除是通过基质吸附和沉降作用,但主要湿地植物水芹的季节变化对相应功能区的除磷效果会产生一定影响.试验期间,各功能区单位面积磷滞留量依次为水平潜流人工湿地>生物氧化塘>沉淀池>表面流人工湿地.  相似文献   

人工湿地除磷研究进展   总被引:42,自引:0,他引:42  
李晓东  孙铁珩  李海波  王洪 《生态学报》2007,27(3):1226-1232
从人工湿地除磷机理着手,综述了国内外有关湿地基质、湿地植物及微生物强化除磷的研究机理以及进展。深入研究多种基质组合对磷素的吸附与解析机理,可以从理论上推进诸多高效除磷基质的实际应用进程;植物间接净化作用及其与湿地水力停留时间的关系,是影响湿地植物选种和种植的重要依据;植物根际微环境以及植物与微生物的耦合作用可能是人工湿地除磷的主要途径之一;强调湿地的污水净化功能而忽视其生态服务功能,是湿地运行中普遍存在的认识错误。最后指出:湿地运行应采取高水力负荷、低污染负荷的方式,强调强化一级处理的重要性。  相似文献   

红树植物人工湿地对生活污水的净化效果   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了潜流型海桑(Sonneratia caseolaris)人工湿地、桐花树(Aegiceras corniculatum)人工湿地和木榄(Bruguiera gymnorrhiza)人工湿地对生活污水的净化效果。一年来,3种红树植物人工湿地对BOD5、CODCr、TP、TN、NH4^+-N和NO2^--N的平均去除率分别达到83%、71%、41%、55%、50%和84%以上。人工湿地各处理周期之间,BOD5和CODCr去除率波动较小,而TP、TN、NH4^+-N和NO2^--N去除率波动较大。3种红树植物人工湿地对各种污染物的净化效果存在一定的差异。海桑人工湿地和桐花树人工湿地对BOD5、CODCr、TP、TN和NH4^+-N去除率明显高于木榄人工湿地,而海桑人工湿地和桐花树人工湿地相比较,除TP外,BOD5、CODCr、TN和NH4^+-N去除率没有显著差异。人工湿地单一处理周期内,去除率随水力停留时间(HRT)的延长而增加。BOD5、CODCr、TN和NH4^+-N在HRT为1d和2d的去除率分别为HRT为3d去除率的54%-65%和73%-84%,NO2^--N在HRT为1d和2d的去除率分别达到了HRT为3d的70%-81%和85%-94%,而TP在HRT为1d和2d的去除率分别只有HRT为3d的39%-50%和65%-74%。另外,红树植物人工湿地与风车草(Cyperus alternifoliu)人工湿地相比,前者的BOD5、CODCr、TP、TN和NH4^+-N去除率明显小于后者(P〈0.05)。总体上看,3种红树植物人工湿地对生活污水的净化效果呈现海桑人工湿地≈桐花树人工湿地〉木榄人工湿地。  相似文献   

两栖榕在人工湿地的生长特性及其对污水的净化效果   总被引:27,自引:1,他引:26  
研究了两栖榕在潜流型人工湿地的生长特性及其对污水的净化效果。一年多的实验表明,生长在人工湿地的两栖榕具有发达的侧根和不定根,保持正常的净光合速率,蒸腾速率,根系活力生长速率。两栖榕人工湿地对TN,TP,CODCr和BOD5的去除率分别为54.2%、40.9%、72.4%和74.3%,与无植物系统相比较,去除率分别提高了17%、12%、10%和11%,此外,两栖榕人工湿地系统中,水力停留时间对去除率果有一定影响。  相似文献   

复合生态系统工程中高效去除磷,氮植被植物的筛选研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
对8种漫灌和垄沟处理和利用单元的植被植物进行了去除污水中磷、氮效能的筛选研究,以皇草为植被的垄沟系统具有较高的净化效能,TP和TN的去除率分别为83.2%和76.3%;以水稻I(88-132)和水稻Ⅱ为植被的漫灌系统对污水中的N有很高的去除利用效能,去除率分别为84.7和84.3%。质量平衡的研究结果表明,对于以水稻I和水稻Ⅱ为植被的漫灌系统以及皇草为植被的垄沟系统而言,植物的吸收作用最主要的是去  相似文献   

固定化的栅藻深度脱氮和除磷能力   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
将栅藻包埋固定在筛网上,经饥饿处理,在平行板式生物反应器中对人工污水进行深度净化后,测定藻细胞生长期和饥饿时间对NH4^+-N和PO4^3-P去除效率影响以及净化前后藻细胞生理变化的结果表明,生长静止初期藻细胞的氮和磷去除率高于对数期的,细胞饥饿48h的氮和磷去除率大于饥饿24和12h,第2个循环中处理4h的氨氮和磷的去除率可分别达到90%和70%以上。  相似文献   

几种湿地植物净化生活污水COD、总氮效果比较   总被引:38,自引:2,他引:36  
以无植被、基质为河砂的潜流型人工湿地为对照,研究了石菖蒲、灯心草和蝴蝶花3种类型植被、基质均为河砂的潜流型人工湿地净化生活污水COD、总氮的效果.结果表明,在污水COD浓度小于200mg·L^-1、总氮浓度小于30mg·L^-1的低浓度范围里,无植被的人工湿地和有植被的人工湿地对污水中COD、总氮均有很好的去除效果,两者差异不大,其COD去除率均达90%以上,总氮的去除率达80%以上.随着污水中COD和总氮浓度的增加,无植被人工湿地和有植被人工湿地去除COD和总氮的效果均有不同程度下降,两者差异明显,有植被的人工湿地能维持较高的COD、总氮的去除效果,无植被的人工湿地COD和总氮去除效果下降很快,植被在人工湿地系统去除污水COD和总氮过程中起着重要的作用.在整个试验阶段,石菖蒲植被人工湿地COD和总氮平均净化效率分别为80.46%和77.77%、灯心草人工湿地分别为75.53%和71.17%、蝴蝶花人工湿地分别为70.50%和66.38%,无植被人工湿地分别为61.39%和55.81%.同无植被人工湿地COD和总氮净化效果相比,石菖蒲植被人工湿地净化效果最好;其次为灯心草植被人工湿地,再次为蝴蝶花植被人工湿地.不同类型植被的人工湿地净化污水中COD和总氮的效果与其生物量关系密切,这与植被系统吸收同化有机物质和总氮数量、根际微生物分解有机物质和硝化-反硝化作用有关。  相似文献   

垂直流人工湿地的设计及净化功能初探   总被引:60,自引:2,他引:58  
阐述了垂直流人工湿地小试系统的设计,并测试其冬季污水净化效果,垂直流人工湿地由下地流和上行流方式的两池组成,对受污染地面水体中的CODCr,BOD5和TSS的去除率分别为53.6%,78.7%和80.2%,对细菌,总大肠菌,粪大肠菌和藻类的平均去除率分别达99.4%,85.9%,89.7%和97.7%,。对KN,HN4^ -N和TP的平均去除率分别为39.2%,16.5%和25.8%,各系统对污染物的去除作用无明显差异。系统出水NO3^-N浓度高于进水,而有植物系统中又高于无植物的对照,表明湿地植物的存在有利于硝化,表明下行流-上行流人工湿地在冬季仍能较好地改善水质,是一种有效的水处理技术,对水体水质改善和水生态系恢复具有重要意义。  相似文献   

潜流湿地和表面流湿地的净化效果与植物生长比较   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
分别以砾石和土壤为填料构建成潜流人工湿地和表面流人工湿地,处以较大水力负荷的污水处理。比较了两种湿地对污水的净化效果,结果表明在较大水力负荷条件下两种湿地的净化效果都较差,但潜流湿地对各种污染物的净化能力都优于表面流湿地;土柱法测量了湿地植物的根系生物量,结果显示湿地植物地上部分长势差异不明显,但潜流湿地的根系生物量显著低于表面流湿地的根系生物量(P<0.05)。结合前期实验结果得出湿地净化效果不仅与湿地植物根系生物量有相关关系,还与其他因素有一定的相关关系。  相似文献   

【目的】磷化氢为磷的气态形式,将污水中磷通过转化为磷化氢的方式去除,为污水除磷提供新思路。【方法】采用厌氧持续培养的方式,以经过磷化氢处理和没有处理的水稻土分别作为接种物,在氧化还原电位(ORP)≤-300 m V、恒温35°C,避光持续培养160 d。【结果】培养器1出水总磷的去除率稳定达到25%,最高去除率为26.78%,气体磷化氢的产量达到130 ng/L以上。培养器2出水总磷去除达到23%,气体磷化氢的产量达到126 ng/L。【结论】对水稻土进行厌氧条件下连续培养,可以形成稳定的厌氧产磷化氢微生物体系,提高磷化氢的释放量。  相似文献   

煤渣-草炭基质垂直流人工湿地系统对城市污水的净化效果   总被引:41,自引:3,他引:38  
垂直流人工湿地系统不但具有较高的水力负荷率(54—64cm.^-1),而且对有机物和N、P都具有较高的去除效果.其对化粪池出水中的COD、BOD5、NIA4^+-N和总P的去除率分别为76%--87%,88%--92%,75%--85%和77%--91%.处理出水中COD、BOD5、NH4^+-N和总P的平均浓度分别小于60、20、25和2.0mg.L^-1.植物种植试验结果表明,种植风车草可提高氨氮、总N和总P的去除率,分别为2%--3%、4%--6%、10%--14%.  相似文献   

Aims: Free-surface flow-constructed wetland is a powerful means forthe reduction of contaminants from agricultural runoff. Wetlandsdominated by submerged aquatic vegetations (SAVs) may take upnutrients, particularly phosphorus (P), from surface flow withhigh efficiency. The objective of this study was to assess Premoval performance by the SAV community under high and lowP concentrations. Methods: Weekly or biweekly inflow and outflow water samples were collectedfrom four small constructed wetlands (test cells) planted withSAV in South Florida, USA, between September 1999 and September2001. These test cells were divided into two groups, with thenorth test cells receiving a higher inflow total phosphorus(TP) concentration (average = 75 µg l–1) than thesouth test cells receiving a lower TP concentration (average= 23 µg l–1). Limerock (LR) berms were installedin two of these test cells to allow an evaluation of the efficiencyof this physical barrier to enhance wetland performance. Important findings: North test cells displayed high TP removal of 60% while theremoval efficiency of the south test cells was only 20%. Solublereactive phosphorus concentrations in both north and south testcells were sequestered down to near-detection limit. High removalefficiencies for particulate phosphorus were also observed inthe north test cells. The LR berms at the two test cells werefound to be associated with decreases of an average TP removalof 2 µg l–1. Outflow TP concentration did not increasewith inflow TP concentration, but increased with nominal hydraulicloading rates. Findings from this study demonstrated high Premoval from inflow water containing high TP concentration bythe SAV wetland and the importance of hydraulic regime to wetlandperformance.  相似文献   

Lakes and reservoirs (impoundments) are often viewed as a sink for nutrients within the river continuum. To date, most studies on nutrient retention within impoundments are derived from the temperate climate zones of Europe and North America, only consider one nutrient, and are often short-term (1–2 years). Here, we present a long-term (17 year) data set and nutrient (nitrogen, phosphorus and silica) budget for two connected semi-arid lakes (the Lower Lakes) at the terminus of the River Murray, Australia. Most of the filterable reactive phosphorus and nitrate entering the lakes were retained (77 and 92%, respectively). Total phosphorus (TP) was also strongly retained (55% of the annual TP load on average) and the annual TP retention rates could be predicted as a function of the areal hydraulic loading rate (annual lake outflow/lake surface area). On average, there was a slight net retention (7%) of the annual total nitrogen (TN) load but a slight net export (6% of the load) of organic N. TN retention as function of the areal hydraulic loading rate was lower than expected from existing models, possibly because of high nitrogen fixation rates in the Lower Lakes. Silica was retained (39%) at similar rates to those observed in previous studies. There was also a marked increase in the TN:TP and TN:Si ratios within the lake (TN:TP~30 and TN:Si~0.67) compared to those entering (TN:TP~15, TN:Si~0.45), as a consequence of the relatively low net retention of nitrogen.  相似文献   

Li L  Li Y  Biswas DK  Nian Y  Jiang G 《Bioresource technology》2008,99(6):1656-1663
Three parallel units of pilot-scale constructed wetlands (CWs), i.e., vertical subsurface flow (VSF), horizontal subsurface flow (HSF) and free water surface flow (FWS) wetland were experimented to assess their capabilities in purifying eutrophic water of Taihu Lake, China. Lake water was continuously pumped into the CWs at a hydraulic loading rate of 0.64 m d(-1) for each treatment. One year's performance displayed that average removal rates of chemical oxygen demand (COD), ammonia nitrogen (NH(4)(+)-N), nitrate nitrogen (NO(3)(-)-N), total nitrogen (TN) and total phosphorous (TP) were 17-40%, 23-46%, 34-65%, 20-52% and 35-66%, respectively. The VSF and HSF showed statistically similar high potential for nutrients removal except NH(4)(+)-N, with the former being 14% higher than that of the latter. However, the FWS wetland showed the least effect compared to the VSF and HSF at the high hydraulic loading rate. Mean effluent TP concentrations in VSF (0.056 mg L(-1)) and HSF (0.052 mg L(-1)) nearly reached Grade III (0.05 mg L(-1) for lakes and reserviors) water quality standard of China. Wetland plants (Typha angustifolia) grew well in the three CWs. We noted that plant uptake and storage were both important factors responsible for nitrogen and phosphorous removal in the three CWs. However, harvesting of the above ground biomass contributed 20% N and 57% P of the total N and P removed in FWS wetland, whereas it accounted for only 5% and 7% N, and 14% and 17% P of the total N and P removed in VSF and HSF CWs, respectively. Our findings suggest that the constructed wetlands could well treat the eutrophic lake waters in Taihu. If land limiting is considered, VSF and HSF are more appropriate than FWS under higher hydraulic loading rate.  相似文献   

The hydroponic bio-filter method (HBFM) was adopted to purify eutrophic surface water. The average removal efficiency of total nitrogen (TN) and total phosphorus (TP) was 16.8% and 30.8%, respectively, at the hydraulic loading rate (HLR) of 3.0 m3 (m2 d)−1. The mass removal rate of TN and TP accordingly reached 1.0 and 0.1 g (m2 d)−1 separately. The sedimentation of particulate nitrogen and phosphorus played a major role in removal of nitrogen and phosphorus, which contribute 62.2% and 75.9%, respectively. The optimal HLR of HBFM ranged from 3.0 to 4.0 m3 (m2 d)−1. The sediment in midstream reached a maximum nitrification potential of 4.76 × 10−6 g (g h)−1, while upstream it reached a maximum denitrification potential of 8.1 × 10−7 g (g h)−1. The distribution of nitrification potential corresponded to the ammonium-oxidizing bacteria density. The key for improving nitrogen removal efficacy of HBFM system consisted of changing the nitrification/denitrification region distribution and accordingly enhancing the denitrification process. The sum of dissolved nitrogen removed by denitrification and plant assimilation was nearly equal to the amount released by sediment. Secateur length of Nasturtium officinale had some effect on its uptake rate. The length of cut should be less than 10 cm at a time. The harvesting frequency of once a month for N. officinale had no influence on nitrogen and phosphorus removal.  相似文献   

A free-water surface wetland covering an area of 2800 m2 was operated from March 2002 to June 2004 for agricultural runoff treatment in the Dianchi Valley in China. In the wetland were grown Zizania Caduciflora Turez Hand-mazt and Phragmites australis (Cav.) Trin.ex Steud. The instantaneous inflow rate was measured and the integrated flux was recorded by an ultrasonic flow instrument all year round. The average inflow rate, hydraulic loading rate (HLR) and hydraulic retention time (HRT) were kept at 242 m3 d?1, 12.7 cm d?1 and 2.0 d, respectively. The annual average total phosphorus (TP) in the inflow was 0.87 mg L?1, and the corresponding removal efficiency was calculated to be 59.0%. Biannual plant uptake and removal by harvesting and seed transport was the main pathway for TP removal, while the influent TP load was 12.9 g m?2 year?1. Hydraulic retention time had a significant positive correlation with the removal of P (r2 = 0.88). Water temperature, inflow phosphorus load, inflow and hydraulic load rates were positively correlated with the removal of P. Inflow phosphorus concentrations were negatively correlated with the removal of P. It is shown that the free-water surface wetland was an effective and economical system for agricultural runoff treatment in lake regions.  相似文献   

In this investigation, a laboratory-scale enhanced biological phosphorus removal (EBPR) process was operated under controlled conditions to study the impact of varying the influent ratio of chemical oxygen demand (COD), total Kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN) and total phosphorus (TP), and the consequential biochemical reactions on oxygen transfer parameters. The data showed that the experiment with high influent phosphorus relative to nitrogen (COD/TP = 51 and TKN/TP = 3.1) achieved higher alpha and oxygen transfer efficiency (OTE(f)). On the other hand, the experiment with high influent nitrogen relative to phosphorus (TKN/TP = 14.7 and COD/TP = 129) resulted in approximately 50% reduction in alpha and OTE(f) under similar organic loading. This suggested that the intracellular carbon storage and the enhanced biological P removal phenomenon associated with the phosphorus-accumulating organisms (PAOs) had a positive influence on OTE(f) in the high phosphorus experiment compared to an active population of nitrifying and denitrifying organisms in the high nitrogen experiment. The intracellular carbon storage by the glycogen-accumulating organisms also appeared to have had a positive effect on oxygen transfer efficiency, although to a lesser extent in comparison to the PAOs. It was also found that oxygen uptake rate (OUR) was not a good indicator of the measured alpha and OTE(f), because it was a combined effect of several biochemical reactions, each having a varying degree of influence. It is difficult to underestimate the crucial role of flocs in mass transfer of oxygen, because microorganisms associated with flocs carry out the biochemical reactions. It seems that the combination of influent characteristics and biochemical reactions in each experiment produced a unique biomass quality (determined by the biomass N to P ratio), ultimately affecting the mass transfer of oxygen. A theoretical explanation for the observed oxygen transfer efficiency under the process conditions is also proposed in this article.  相似文献   

The biological removal of nitrogen and phosphorus from nutrient-rich abattoir wastewater using granular sludge has been investigated. A lab-scale sequencing batch reactor, seeded with granular sludge developed using synthetic wastewater, was operated for 13 months under alternating anaerobic and aerobic conditions. It is demonstrated that the granules could be sustained and indeed further developed with the use of abattoir wastewater. The organic, nitrogen, and phosphorus loading rates applied were 2.7 gCOD L(-1) day(-1), 0.43 gN L(-1) day(-1), and 0.06 gP L(-1) day(-1), respectively. The removal efficiency of soluble COD, soluble nitrogen and soluble phosphorus were 85%, 93%, and 89%, respectively. However, the high suspended solids in the effluent limited the overall removal efficiency to 68%, 86%, and 74% for total COD, TN, and TP, respectively. This good nutrient removal was achieved through the process known as simultaneous nitrification, denitrification, and phosphorus removal, likely facilitated by the presence of large anoxic zones in the center of the granules. The removal of nitrogen was likely via nitrite optimizing the use of the limited COD available in the wastewater. Accumulibacter spp. were found to be responsible for most of the denitrification, further reducing the COD requirement for nitrogen and phosphorus removal. Mineral precipitation was evaluated and was not found to significantly contribute to the overall nutrient removal. It is also shown that the minimum HRT in a granular sludge system is not governed by the sludge settleability, as is the case with floccular sludge systems, but likely by the limitations associated with the transfer of substrates in granules.  相似文献   

A laboratory scale rotating biological contactor (RBC) predenitrification system incorporating anoxic and aerobic units was evaluated for the treatment of settled high-strength municipal wastewater. The system was operated under four recycle ratios (1, 2, 3 and 4) and loading rates of 38-182 gCOD/m(2)d and 0.22-14 gOxid-N/m(2)d on the anoxic unit and 3.4-18 gCOD/m(2)d and 0.24-1.8 gNH(4)-N/m(2)d on the aerobic. The average removal efficiency in terms of chemical oxygen demand (COD), biochemical oxygen demand (BOD(5)), total suspended solids (TSS) and total nitrogen (Total-N) was 82%, 86%, 63% and 54%; settling of the RBC effluent increased COD and TSS removal to 94% and 97%. An increase in hydraulic loading resulting from higher recirculation, had limited negative effect on organic removal but improved nitrogen removal, and in terms of Total-N removal efficiency increased up to a ratio of 3 and then decreased.  相似文献   

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