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摇蚊幼虫广泛分布于各种类型的水体底部或水生植物间。由于种类多,且多数种类的个体数量大而成为淡水水体中主要的一类动物。摇蚊幼虫是重要的水生生物资源,对维持和促进渔业发展,关系重大。又因其区系组成与环境性能有密切关系,其群落组成和变化能反映环境质量的变动情况,已被广泛应用于监测和评价水质。世界各国,特别是欧美和日本,对摇蚊科昆虫的研究十分重视。我国该领域的研究起步较晚,截止1986年年底,仅报道176种m。近几年我们对辽宁省各河流及其他类  相似文献   

周东  张玮  朱利明  齐鑫  王丽卿  张瑞雷 《生态学杂志》2018,29(11):3857-3866
为了解浙江仙居国家公园内溪流中摇蚊幼虫的群落结构及其对水质的指示作用,于2016年8月对仙居国家公园内13条溪流59个点位进行了调查,运用Hilsenhoff生物指数对溪流水质进行评价.结果表明: 59个点位中有37个点处于清洁状态,19个点处于轻污染状态,3个点处于中污染状态.此次调查共获得摇蚊幼虫86种,隶属于4亚科51属.其中,摇蚊亚科种类数最多,有19属37种;直突摇蚊亚科次之,有21属35种;长足摇蚊亚科有9属12种;寡角摇蚊亚科最少,为2属2种.摇蚊亚科密度比重最大,为40.3%;长足摇蚊亚科与直突摇蚊亚科所占比重差异不大,分别为30%与29.4%;寡角摇蚊亚科比重最小,仅为0.3%.壳粗腹摇蚊为仙居国家公园溪流摇蚊幼虫绝对优势种;黄色多足摇蚊、流环足摇蚊、平滑环足摇蚊、纽流长跗摇蚊和小型棒脉摇蚊为优势种.仙居国家公园溪流中摇蚊幼虫指示种分析结果显示,平滑环足摇蚊、双色矮突摇蚊、台湾长跗摇蚊和渐变长跗摇蚊可作为污染水体指示种,流环足摇蚊可作为清洁水体指示种.  相似文献   

白洋淀的摇蚊幼虫及二新种记述   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
摇蚊幼虫是内陆各类水体中主要的底栖动物,许多种幼虫能忍受水环境的有机污染和缺氧,另有许多种幼虫不耐污染而需要大量的氧,还有某些种类的幼虫能忍受水中氰、酚、砷、铜、铬等等有毒物质。因此可利用它们作为水体营养类型和监测水环境污染的指示生物。而且对污水自净也有一定作用。摇蚊幼虫还是许多经济鱼类很好的食饵,但也  相似文献   

红裸须摇蚊Propsilocerus akamusi为华北地区常见耐污种,广泛分布于各种水体中。本研究采用传统培养法对4龄红裸须摇蚊幼虫肠道内细菌种类进行分离,利用16S rRNA基因序列分析比对,结合菌落形态、系统进化分析等方法进一步鉴定菌株种类,同时探究可培养菌株对重金属(铜、镍)的耐受情况。结果表明,红裸须摇蚊幼虫在重金属铜暴露下的24 h-LC50、48 h-LC50、72 h-LC50、96 h-LC50分别为6304.86、403.59、29.33以及14.43 mmol/L,在重金属镍暴露下的24 h-LC50、48 h-LC50、72 h-LC50、96 h-LC50分别为339.52、182.18、102.59以及60.94 mmol/L。利用LB、NA、BHI、MC 4种培养基,从幼虫肠道分离纯化到16种不同遗传型细菌,分属2门 9科16属,其中优势菌门为变形菌门Proteobacteria。另外,丛毛单胞菌科Comamonadaceae丛毛单胞菌属Comamonas丛毛单胞菌Comamonas sp.对重金属铜和镍有良好耐受性。通过研究红裸须摇蚊幼虫肠道可培养细菌群落组成以及重金属胁迫下摇蚊幼虫肠道细菌群落生长情况,可为水生昆虫肠道菌群资源库的开发提供了一定的思路,也可为筛选出具备重金属代谢功能的细菌资源奠定基础。  相似文献   

2006年7月至2008年4月,对上海崇明岛明珠湖摇蚊群落的结构特征进行了季节调查研究.共调查到11种摇蚊,隶属3亚科10属,优势种为红裸须摇蚊和微小摇蚊.聚类分析表明,优势种具有明显的季节性,春夏季优势种为微小摇蚊、秋季为中国长足摇蚊、冬季为红裸须摇蚊.摇蚊群落物种多样性(H′)季节间差异显著,春、秋、冬季较高,夏季最低;物种多样性与均匀度(J)和物种丰富度(S)均显著相关,但主要受均匀度的影响.摇蚊幼虫年平均密度冬季最高、秋季最低,生物量冬季最高,其他3季均处在较低水平上.红裸须摇蚊和微小摇蚊种群动态季节变化显著,而中国长足摇蚊的变化不明显.采用Shannon多样性指数和Hilsenhoff生物指数对明珠湖的水质进行了评价,表明该湖的水质等级为中污染-污染,已达富营养化水平.  相似文献   

城市供水系统摇蚊污染发生与防治研究   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
近年来 ,国内已有 1 0余个省区城市供水系统中先后发生了摇蚊幼虫 (红虫 )污染事件。文章介绍了国内外供水系统摇蚊发生概况 ;分析了供水系统中摇蚊发生的 3个主要原因 :原水环境污染 ,水处理过程摇蚊污染和二次供水污染。简要回顾了国外供水系统摇蚊污染防除的历史和进展 ;重点介绍了目前国内供水行业所采用物理、化学以及生物的方法在水厂净水处理及二次供水过程防除摇蚊污染的研究 ;同时指出了当前有关研究和实践中存在的主要问题是对摇蚊生物学和生态学等知识的缺乏。对该问题开展进一步研究提出了建议  相似文献   

【目的】通过对在重金属污染的天津市渤海湾淡水区域鉴定出的摇蚊耐污种红裸须摇蚊Propsilocerus akamusi进行肠道细菌群落多样性和潜在功能研究,了解生境的变化对摇蚊幼虫肠道细菌群落的影响。【方法】将在受重金属污染的天津市渤海湾淡水区域鉴定到的红裸须摇蚊4龄幼虫用实验室蒸馏水饲养7 d作为实验室培养组,并提取实验室培养组和野外采集组的红裸须摇蚊4龄幼虫肠道细菌基因组DNA,对16S rRNA基因V3-V4区进行高通量测序,将测序结果进行数据质控、序列对比和过滤,分析肠道细菌群落物种组成变化并预测肠道细菌潜在功能。【结果】基于红裸须摇蚊4龄幼虫肠道细菌16S rRNA测序结果共注释到11个门、13个纲、33个目、54个科、71个属、90个种以及105个可操作分类单元(operational taxonomic units, OTUs)。实验室培养组红裸须摇蚊4龄幼虫肠道内细菌群落多样性和丰度较野外采集组下降,两组优势菌门相似,均包含厚壁菌门(Firmicutes)、变形菌门(Proteobacteria)、拟杆菌门(Bacteroidota)及脱硫弧菌门(Desulfobact...  相似文献   

使用采自野外的6组沉积物作为受试沉积物,一龄摇蚊(Chironomus tepperi)幼虫作为受试物种,对摇蚊幼虫分别进行了5 d生长及20 d慢性毒性试验,分别观测了摇蚊幼虫头宽、体长,雄、雌性摇蚊平均羽化时间、摇蚊发育速率、存活率、羽化率、摇蚊性别比例共8项指标与沉积物中污染的响应关系。结果表明,摇蚊体长、存活率及羽化率均受到As、Cu、Zn、Pb、Cd的污染而显著降低(P0.05),摇蚊发育速率、雄性摇蚊羽化时间及雌性摇蚊羽化时间显著提前(P0.05),摇蚊幼虫头宽与羽化后的雌雄比例与沉积物重金属间不存在显著相关,Cr、Ni、Co与摇蚊生长发育的各指标间并不存在显著相关。在所观测因素中,摇蚊幼虫体长、摇蚊平均羽化用时、羽化率、存活率在测试沉积物质量方面是需要重点考虑的因素。  相似文献   

2013年5月对深圳大鹏半岛4条主要河流(葵涌河、王母河、鹏城河和东涌河)的大型底栖动物群落结构进行了调查,并利用香农-维纳多样性指数和生物指数(BI)对河流水质进行了生物学评价。在大鹏半岛主要河流的15个样点共采获大型底栖动物35种,隶属3门7纲21科,其中水生昆虫26种,约占底栖动物种类数的74%。但底栖动物的种类组成与分布极不均匀,EPT(蜉蝣目+襀翅目+毛翅目)等对水质变化较敏感的类群主要分布于葵涌河的源头及受人为干扰活动较少的东涌河,而耐污能力较强的摇蚊科幼虫、霍甫水丝蚓和颤蚓等则为葵涌河中、下游样点、王母河和鹏城河的优势物种。生物指数(BI)相较于香农-维纳多样性指数,更适用于水质评价。结果显示,除葵涌河源头、鹏城河和东涌河样点的水质处于清洁至轻污染外,其余大部分样点处于中污染至重污染状态。推测大鹏半岛的王母河及葵涌河中、下游河段的生活污水及工业废水已对底栖动物的群落结构与河流水质造成了一定的影响。  相似文献   

对广州华南植物园的豆娘的生物学特征及特有的栖境选择进行了初步的调查研究,同时在实验室的条件下对豆娘幼虫进行培育.通过对各类豆娘种类的水体状况、栖境水生植被、不同季节的分布情况研究,发现某些豆娘由于其对生境条件的敏感,因而对于湿地水生生物群落的结构变化及水质的污染状况可以起到生态指示的作用.本研究对于水质污染的生物监测、豆娘栖息地的保护、城市中对于湿地的兴建和改造有十分重要的意义.  相似文献   

In order to estimate the water quality of S?o Pedro stream, through distribution and composition of Chironomidae larvae present in the sediment four sampling sites were selected. In each sampling site, three sediment samples were collected within a period of twelve months using the Petersen (0.0189 m2) and the van Veen (0.0518 m2) dredges. Samples were washed through a sieve with a 0.21 mm mesh and the collected organisms were sorted in transparent trays, with a light shine being reflected into the tray. The sites located in the greatest urban mesh showed high densities of the genus Chironomus and lower values for diversity, uniformity and taxa richness, in relation to sites located in a less urbanized area. A significant difference in density of Chironomidae larvae (p = 0.02; H = 5.89) was observed between the sites without domestic sewage effluents (site I) and those with the input of the effluents (sites II, III and IV). The Chironomidae larvae composition and the physical and chemical parameters were effective as indicators of the environmental alterations in S?o Pedro stream.  相似文献   

This study describes the structure of the Chironomidae community associated with bryophytes in a first-order stream located in a biological reserve of the Atlantic Forest, during two seasons. Samples of bryophytes adhered to rocks along a 100-m stretch of the stream were removed with a metal blade, and 200-mL pots were filled with the samples. The numerical density (individuals per gram of dry weight), Shannon’s diversity index, Pielou’s evenness index, the dominance index (DI), and estimated richness were calculated for each collection period (dry and rainy). Linear regression analysis was employed to test the existence of a correlation between rainfall and the individual’s density and richness. The high numerical density and richness of Chironomidae taxa observed are probably related to the peculiar conditions of the bryophyte habitat. The retention of larvae during periods of higher rainfall contributed to the high density and richness of Chironomidae larvae. The rarefaction analysis showed higher richness in the rainy season related to the greater retention of food particles. The data from this study show that bryophytes provide stable habitats for the colonization by and refuge of Chironomidae larvae, mainly under conductions of faster water flow and higher precipitation.  相似文献   

The Chironomidae of tropical South America are a very rich species, but are scarcely known. The range of environmental conditions under which chironomids are found is more extensive than that of any other group of aquatic insects. The objectives of this study were to carry out a diversity survey of chironomid larvae in wetland systems of the coastal plain in the south of Brazil and to analyze the effects of area, altitude, water conductivity, nitrate and phosphorus concentrations, and the life form of the dominant plant species on chironomid richness and composition. Collections were carried out from March to April in 2002. A total of 30 taxa (23 morphospecies and 7 species) distributed along 23 genera were found, and the Chironominae showed the greatest richness, followed by Tanypodinae and Orthocladiinae. The chironomid richness was higher in the emergent than in the multistratified wetland class. The wetland area, altitude, nitrate and phosphorus concentrations, and water conductivity did not influence the richness of Chironomidae. The Chironomidae genera and species were present in both the wetland classes (emergent and aquatic bed vegetation). However, while Chironominae were more frequent in the emergent than in the aquatic bed wetlands, no difference was observed for Tanypodinae. The aquatic vegetation was an important environmental predictor for chironomid larvae richness in the studied wetlands in the south of Brazil.  相似文献   

Global climate change has the potential to alter aquatic communities through changes in evapotranspiration and increased variability in precipitation. We used aquatic mesocosms to test the impacts of variable precipitation on population dynamics of common mosquito (Culicidae) and midge (Chironomidae) larvae that inhabit vernal pools. In a mixed deciduous forest in northern Vermont, USA, we orthogonally crossed seven levels of mean water level (increased rainfall) with seven levels of water level coefficient of variation (more variable rainfall) to simulate a broad array of climate change scenarios in 49 experimental mesocosms. The average abundance of Culicidae was highest at low water levels, whereas the average abundance of Chironomidae was highest at higher water levels and low variability in water level. Treatments and environmental and spatial covariates collectively explained 49% of the variance in mean abundance. For both taxa, we fit hierarchical Bayesian models to each 16‐week time series to estimate the parameters in a Gompertz logistic equation of population growth with density dependence. We found that Culicidae population growth rate increased with decreasing water levels and that 87% of the variance in Chironomidae density dependence could be explained by treatment. Collectively, these results suggest that climate change can alter abundances aquatic invertebrate taxa but not necessarily through the same mechanism on all populations. In the case of Culicidae the abundance is affected by changes in growth rate, and in Chironomidae by changes in the strength of density dependence.  相似文献   

We analyzed the feeding preference of Cnesterodon decemmaculatus, a small‐bodied poecilid native from the Rio de la Plata and proximate Atlantic Basins in South America. This species has a wide distribution in Uruguayan water bodies but its effectiveness as a predator of mosquito larvae has not been tested. In laboratory trials, five aquatic invertebrates were offered simultaneously as potential prey to fish: Daphnia pulex (Cladocera), copepods, two different instars of mosquito larvae (Culex pipiens), and the 4th instar of Chironomidae larvae. Preference was measured by the Chesson's electivity index (α). In order to determine differences in prey preference according to fish size, individuals ranging from 9.5 mm to 35.3 mm were classified in three different body size classes: small, medium, and large. Small fish showed preference for copepods, while medium‐sized fish preferred the smallest mosquito larvae instars and Chironomidae larvae. We conclude that C. decemmaculatus is a zooplankton facultative‐feeder fish that prefers large‐bodied zooplankton but is a weak predator of mosquito larvae. Thus, the introduction of C. decemmaculatus as a biological‐control agent in natural environments is not an effective strategy.  相似文献   

Diel drift samples utilizing nets with mesh size less than 200 microns were taken in Linesville Creek, Pennsylvania, an eastern deciduous forest stream, and Inlet Run, Wyoming, an alpine snow melt stream. Identification of drifting Chironomidae larvae to lowest level taxonomic categories indicated 51 species or species group categories representing 51.95% of the total insect drift in Linesville Creek and 18 species or species group categories representing 70.47% of the total insect drift in Inlet Run. Orthocladiinae were the predominant larvae in the drift in Linesville Creek, with 19 species comprising 43.84% of the Chironomidae drift. In decreasing abundance were Chironomini (12 species, 40.36% of Chironomidae drift), Tanytarsini (10 species, 8.89%), and Tanypodinae (10 species, 6.91%). By contrast, Diamesinae were the predominant larvae in the drift in Inlet Run, (5 species, 71.43%) followed by Orthocladiinae (10 species, 27.25%), Tanytarsini (2 species, 1.20%), and Podonominae (1 species, 0.12%). Comparison of drift composition with substrate samples and/ or emergence data indicated a close relationship between relative abundance in drift and relative abundance in the benthos. Behavioral drift patterns with nocturnal peaks were seen for 3 species or species groups in Linesville Creek. Four species with diurnal drift peaks were present in Inlet Run. Analysis of the size distribution of drifting larvae indicates that a mesh size as small as 200 microns is required to resolve diel drift patterns. It is postulated that random factors greatly influence the apparent diel drift pattern of Chironomidae when nets with mesh size in excess of 400 microns are employed in drift studies. Conflicting literature reports of behavioral drift for Chironomidae may be due to differing species composition of drifting larvae and net mesh size related artifacts.  相似文献   

1. δ13C and δ15N stable isotope signatures combined with an in situ microphytobenthic 13C labelling experiment were performed on epilithic biofilms of a large temperate river (the Garonne, France) to infer the trophic positioning of biofilm‐dwelling meiofauna and their uptake of microphytobenthic carbon. 2. Chironomidae larvae and Chromadorina spp. nematodes rapidly incorporated freshly produced microphytobenthic carbon in contrast to Rhyacophilidae larvae and Naididae oligochaetes. Quantitatively, macrofaunal Chironomidae incorporated more microphytobenthic carbon per day than did meiofauna. Moreover, Chironomidae seemed more involved in the spatial export of microphytobenthic carbon than nematodes. 3. Rhyacophilidae larvae were predators feeding on large meiofauna (Naididae and Chironomidae) but not on nematodes. Naididae oligochaetes primarily gained their carbon from allochthonous and/or microbial‐loop recycled sources. 4. A rapid and significant loss of labelled microphytobenthic carbon was observed. Feeding activity of biofilm‐dwelling invertebrates seemed not to be primarily involved in this loss.  相似文献   

The diel drift patterns of Chironomidae larvae were investigated in a seventh order section of the Warta River (Central Poland) over two diel cycles during May 1989. Three nets (mesh size 400 m) were installed in a cross section of the Warta River.The estimated drift density was low, but was comparable to that calculated for other large rivers. Spatio-temporal fluctuations in abundance and composition of macroinvertebrate drift, including Chironomidae, were observed with the highest density of drifting macrobenthos recorded near the depositional bank of this river. The ratio benthosdrift indicated differing propensities for of the older instars of a given chironomid taxon to drift. Orthocladiinae larvae were the most abundant subfamily of Chironomidae in drift but not in benthos, reaching up to 73% of the total drifting chironomid larvae. More taxa but fewer individuals (about 20% of the chironomid larvae collected) belonged to the tribe Chironomini, the dominant group in benthos.A major part of chironomid drift collection may represent behavioural drift because the net mesh size used in the Warta River was insufficient to catch the earliest instars (distributional drift). Both at the family and subfamily level chironomid larvae exhibited a distinct nocturnal drift periodicity. Nocturnal periodicity was documented for the dominant species, but due to the low density of many chironomid species, it was impossible to determine their diel drift pattern. Some Chironomidae appeared to be aperiodic.  相似文献   

Saline rivers are supposed to be ‘hot spots’ of high biological productivity in arid landscapes. To test this, we quantified the production of chironomid larvae, because river production is known to be transferred to arid landscapes primarily by birds fed on these larvae. In addition, we studied the potential biochemical quality of the larvae for birds based on the essential highly unsaturated fatty acid (HUFA) contents in their biomass. We studied species composition and measured production of chironomid larvae in two saline rivers (Volgograd region, Russia). We also evaluated the fatty acid composition and contents of the dominant taxa and estimated the flux of HUFA from the studied saline rivers to land via chironomid potential emergence. Average monthly production of chironomids measured for only 1 month, August, was quite comparable to annual production in some freshwater rivers. All the dominant chironomid larvae had comparatively high essential eicosapentaenoic acid contents, especially Cricotopus salinophilus, which showed the highest value, reported for Chironomidae. The monthly flux of HUFA from the studied rivers to land due to the chironomid potential emergence was roughly comparable to the global average estimation of annual water–land HUFA export via emerging insects.  相似文献   

Various genera of non-biting midges (Diptera: Chironomidae) possess haemoglobins in larvae and adults. For certain species, these haemoglobins have been implicated in human allergic disease in several countries. The present study confirms and extends observations that haemoglobin is present in many species of Chironomidae, establishes that it is retained from the larval to the adult stage and shows that haemoglobin persists both in live and in dead dry flies. Previous suggestions that Chironomidae should be seen as important environmental and occupational allergens are clearly substantiated.  相似文献   

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