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本文研制了用生物倒置显微镜和以微通道板为核心的超高灵敏度光电成像系统组成的光子计数显微成像系统,此系统具有高空间放大倍数(160×)和极高的光子放大倍数(107),可探测到大小为μm量级,发光强度为100光子/秒的发光图像。应用此系统拍摄到了单个明亮发光杆菌(Photobacteriumphosphoreum)的发光图像,图像显示明亮发光杆菌的大小为2.4×0.60(μm)2,单个细菌的发光强度在100光子/秒量级。上述实验为明亮杆菌在环境保护中的应用提供了基本参数,也为进一步从细胞水平上研究发光细菌提供了可能。  相似文献   

髓性白血病细胞HL60自发超微弱生物光子辐射研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用光子计数成像采集系统(PIAS)对髓性白血病细胞HL60自发的超微弱生物光子辐射进行了初步研究,获得了HL60细胞的生物光子强度与培养时间及细胞密度的关系。研究表明,HL60细胞的生物光子强度反映了细胞繁殖规律性及新陈代谢状况。为进一步探索肿瘤细胞与抗癌药物作用的生物光子效应,我们把TNF-β(肿瘤坏死因子)对悬浮HL60细胞进行处理,发现比同性质无TNF-β药物的对照组有更强的的超微弱光子辐射。  相似文献   

为了研究绿豆幼苗的超弱发光规律及盐胁迫对其的影响和改变,本研究首次采用以EMCCD(电子倍增式CCD)为主的、自行搭建的超弱光图像探测系统,以豫绿2号绿豆为实验材料,检测了绿豆幼苗的自发超弱发光以及在盐胁迫下的改变情况。结果发现:绿豆幼苗自发发光的强度远小于延迟发光的强度,不同的盐胁迫时间对延迟发光强度和自发发光强度的影响各不相同,故可以用延迟发光强度的变化来表征盐胁迫对植物的伤害程度。实验数据的统计结果表明:盐胁迫下绿豆幼苗的发光强度-时间曲线遵循指数衰减规律,说明生物光子具有一定的相干性。本文结果将为农田实时监测植物盐胁迫生理状况提供一种新的光子学手段。  相似文献   

自发和光诱导的生物超微弱发光图像的观测   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
邢达  谭石慈 《激光生物学报》1997,6(2):1035-1039
本文报导一种最新研制的高探测灵敏度,低噪声的光子图像观测系统。利用该系统观测了绿豆芽,小葱和树叶等活体品的超弱发光图像。  相似文献   

采用生物超微弱发光探测技术,并用量子光学中的光子计数分布统计方法测量植物叶片超微弱发光的结果表明,大光金鱼花幼叶和老叶的超微弱发光强度较低,光子计数分布与泊松分布基本吻合。  相似文献   

用生物超微弱发光探测技术,对植物叶片的超微弱发光透过滤波片进行测量,并用量子光学中的光子计数分布统计方法得到的结果表明,不同波长下,大光金鱼花叶片的光子计数分布不同,但幼叶和老叶的光子计数分布的规律基本相同,而成熟叶片光子计数分布的规律比较紊乱。  相似文献   

上转换发光是指稀土离子吸收两个或两个以上低能光子(近红外光)而辐射一个高能光子(可见光)的发光现象。与传统紫外激发相比,上转换发光由于采用近红外光激发而具有高的组织穿透深度、弱的生物样品损伤且无生物样品自发荧光,这些优点表明上转换发光在生物成像方面具有广阔的应用前景。文章介绍了基于稀土上转换发光过程的显微成像技术和活体成像技术,及其在肿瘤靶向成像领域的应用。  相似文献   

本文介绍了自行研制的二套系统及其应用。1.高灵敏荧光显微镜系统,该系统探测灵敏度达到10-6lx量级,比普通CCD系统提高了104倍,系统用宽量程照度计对微弱光成象性能进行了标定,在给出细胞荧光图象的同时,可以给出每一象元的发光强度,并可给出视觉更易分辨的光强的三维显示和伪彩色图象。在该系统上得到了分红菌甲素在Hela细胞中的分布图象,Hela细胞加入竹红菌甲素后的光照损伤及抗氧化剂维生素E等对细胞的保护图象。2.光子计数成象系统,该系统灵敏度达10-8lx量级,可探测到单个光子及其分布,在其上得到了绿豆芽,树叶,昆明鼠,人手及手指的超微弱发光的光子图象,并用统计理论进行了信号检验。  相似文献   

水稻和玉米幼苗的超弱生物光子发射比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用自制的超高灵敏度超弱生物光子发射(ultraweak biphoton emissions,UBE)二维图象系统观测比较了水稻(Orza sativaL.)和玉米(Zea maysL.)不同品种种子萌发过程中超弱生物光子发射的变化。发现普通饲料玉米(阳单82)和高杆水稻品种(金科占)的种苗及+1叶的UBE分别比超甜玉米品种(穗甜1号、3号)和矮杆水稻品种(矮珍占)低,而前者的UBE衰减比后者要快,进一步证实超弱生物光子发射是十分灵敏的,且其差别的出现远远早于其它生物学指标,这种特性可能具有普遍性。  相似文献   

绿豆和花生的超弱发光   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对黄化绿豆幼苗先形态建成过程的超弱发光图象(延迟发光)的初步观察发现:见光培养40min后的绿豆幼苗即可探测到明显的延迟发光;见光时间越长,光诱导的延迟发光强度也越强。从绿豆和花生幼苗的趋弱发光图象来看,生长健壮的幼苗发光较强。其中茎尖和新生幼叶的延迟发光最强,上胚轴、子叶和下胚轴弯钩较强,下胚轴伸长部分次之,根部发光最弱。从不同发育阶段叶片的超弱发光图象来看,光合作用较强、新陈代谢旺盛的成熟叶片的超弱发光较强;光合作用和其它代谢过程相对较弱的叶片(伸展叶、老叶和幼叶),其超弱发光强度相应较弱。而叶绿素提取液和失活绿叶观测不到超弱发光。此外,对超弱发光光谱的初步研究表明它很可能来自光合作用中叶绿素的发光。这些都暗示,植物的(诱导)超弱发光与光形态建成和光合作用等生长代谢过程密切相关。  相似文献   

代谢抑制剂对萌发绿豆超弱发光的影响   总被引:20,自引:2,他引:18  
本文报导了A.D(actinomycin D)、EB(ethidium bromide)、CHI(cycloheximide)及NaN_3,对萌发绿豆(胚根长1.5cm左右)的自发性超弱发光强度的影响的研究结果,提供了DNA分子和/或RNA合成代谢对超弱发光有贡献的证据.  相似文献   

电离辐射对活细胞超弱发光的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文报导了活细胞(CHO和V_(79)细胞)的辐射诱导低水平发光.实验证明,这种诱导的超弱光子发射要比未受辐照的细胞发光要高,我们发现该诱导发光的强度依赖于照射剂量.辐射增敏剂miso(Misonidazole)可以增强活细胞的超弱光子发射.  相似文献   

Living organisms have been known to spontaneously emit ultraweak photons in vivo and in vitro. Origin of the photon emission remains unclear, especially in the nervous system. The spontaneous ultraweak photon emission was detected here from cultured rat cerebellar granule neurons using a photomultiplier tube which was highly sensitive to visible light. The photon emission was facilitated by the membrane depolarization of neurons by a high concentration of K+ and was attenuated by application of tetrodotoxin or removal of extracellular Ca2+, indicating the photon emission depending on the neuronal activity and likely on the cellular metabolism. Furthermore, almost all the photon emission was arrested by 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine, indicating that the photon emission would be derived from oxidized molecules. Detection of the spontaneous ultraweak photon emission will realize noninvasive and real-time monitoring of the redox state of neural tissue corresponding to the neuronal activity and metabolism.  相似文献   

水稻种子萌发期超微弱光子计数成像研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
鲍超 《生物物理学报》1998,14(4):772-776
运用PIAS捕获了水稻种子萌发期自发辐射的超微弱光子。光子长时间累积形成了二维图像。研究表明:萌发种子整体均发光,胚根和胚芽及其生长点发较强的光;水稻种子萌发期光子辐射强度呈现双峰值规律,第二峰前期光子数和根生长长度与萌发时间均有自然对数关系,根生长激增迟后于光子数激增  相似文献   

The inhibitory analysis of the spontaneous ("ultraweak") and the luminole-induced chemiluminescence of marine Sycon sponges and Aiptasia actinias supports the idea that ultraweak photon emission of marine invertebrates is a consequence of Ca(2+)-dependent processes related to the interaction of reactive oxygen species with some endogenous fluorophore substrates.  相似文献   

采用一台高灵敏的生物活体单光计数系统对淡水鱼的主要超微弱发光特性进行了研究.淡水鱼的各种不同脏器的光子辐射强度数值为3.6—97.3CPS.发射光谱的最大值接近640nm处和460nm附近.实验结果表明,超微弱光子辐射的总强度随所测的时间而变化,加入UOUO_2~( )离子之后,其发光强度下降.  相似文献   

Convincing evidence supports a role for oxidative stress in the pathogenesis of many chronic diseases. The model includes the formation of radical oxygen species (ROS) and the misassembly and aggregation of proteins when three tiers of cellular defence are insufficient: (a) direct antioxidative systems, (b) molecular damage repairing systems, and (c) compensatory chaperone synthesis. The aim of the present overview is to introduce (a) the basics of free radical and antioxidant metabolism, (b) the role of the protein quality control system in protecting cells from free radical damage and its relation to chronic diseases, (c) the basics of the ultraweak luminescence as marker of the oxidant status of biological systems, and (d) the research in human photon emission as a non-invasive marker of oxidant status in relation to chronic diseases. In considering the role of free radicals in disease, both their generation and their control by the antioxidant system are part of the story. Excessive free radical production leads to the production of heat shock proteins and chaperone proteins as a second line of protection against damage. Chaperones at the molecular level facilitate stress regulation vis-à-vis protein quali y control mechanisms. The manifestation of misfolded proteins and aggregates is a hallmark of a range of neurodegenerative disorders including Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, amylotrophic lateral sclerosis, polyglutamine (polyQ) diseases, diabetes and many others. Each of these disorders exhibits aging-dependent onset and a progressive, usually fatal clinical course. The second part reviews the current status of human photon emission techniques and protocols for recording the human oxidative status. Sensitive photomultiplier tubes may provide a tool for non-invasive and continuous monitoring of oxidative metabolism. In that respect, recording ultraweak luminescence has been favored compared to other indirect assays. Several biological models have been used to illustrate the technique in cell cultures and organs in vivo. This initiated practical applications addressing specific human pathological issues. Systematic studies on human emission have presented information on: (a) procedures for reliable measurements, and spectral analysis, (b) anatomic intensity of emission and left-right symmetries, (c) biological rhythms in emission, (d) physical and psychological influences on emission, (e) novel physical characteristics of emission, and (f) the identification of ultraweak photon emission with the staging of ROS-related damage and disease. It is concluded that both patterns and physical properties of ultraweak photon emission hold considerable promise as measure for the oxidative status.  相似文献   

水稻籽粒灌浆过程中超弱发光特性的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本实验对水稻籽粒灌浆过程中不同时期籽粒进行了超弱发光测定。实验结果表明:在整个灌浆过程中单粒发光量呈单峰曲线,在籽粒全部充实并且颜色由青转黄时,发光量最大;发光强度呈递减趋势;运用该技术有可能进行水稻不同品种间的比较和品种灌浆力强弱的筛选。  相似文献   

A scanning system for the detection of spontaneous ultraweak photon emission from nude mice with transplanted tumors is presented. A photomultiplier tube (PMT) with an effective area of 15 mm diameter was used for measuring photon emission in a wavelength range from 300 to 650 nm. Tumors were induced in nude mice by transplantation of an ovarian cancer cell line into the back of mice. The PMT was moved for scanning over the whole body of a mouse placed in a dark box. The profiles of the intensities of photon emissions from the tumor mice are presented and compared with those obtained from the control mice.  相似文献   

盐胁迫下绿豆幼苗的超微弱发光   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
对不同NaCl浓度胁迫下绿豆种子早期萌发时的超微弱发光变化进行了初步研究。结果表明,随。NaCl浓度的增加,绿豆胚根的生长速度(根长)减慢,生长受到明显抑制,其超微弱发光的强度显著下降。萌发期间,SOD活性随着盐浓度的增加而降低,其活性与生物光子强度有极为密切的关系。这些结果表明生物超微弱发光探测技术有可能成为植物盐胁迫研究的有效工具,对于进一步理解盐胁迫机理有一定的意义。  相似文献   

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