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目的对益生菌制剂清除幽门螺杆菌(H.pylori)感染的临床疗效及其对治疗中抗生素相关的不良反应的改善情况进行系统评价。方法通过计算机检索CBMdisc、CNKI、VIP以及MEDLINE等数据库,全面收集中国地区应用益生菌制剂治疗且pylori感染的随机或半随机对照试验,并按Cochrane协作网推荐的方法对其进行Meta分析。并评价Meta分析结果的稳定性和发表偏倚。结果纳入15个试验包括1572例病人,对尼py/or/清除率和不良反应改善情况分别进行Meta分析显示,试验组Hpylori清除率(88.53%)明显高于对照组(82.73%)(合并OR为1.56,95%CI为1.17—2.08,总体效应检验,Z=2.99,P=0.003);不良反应发生率分别为5.O%和24.3%,合并OR为0.16,95%cI为0.09—0.31,表明能显著改善治疗中的不良反应发生情况,且差异具有显著性。结论联合应用益生菌制剂可以提高抗皿pylori感染治疗中的清除率,单独应用益生菌制剂清除且pylori感染也有一定的疗效。同时,益生菌制剂对且pylori感染治疗中的不良反应有较显著的改善。益生菌制剂有可能对Hpylori感染及相关疾病的防治具有重要意义。  相似文献   

目的探讨肠道益生菌复合制剂预防重症监护病房抗生素相关性腹泻临床效果。方法将181例ICU患者随机分为预防组(90例),对照组(91例),预防组在对照组广谱抗感染及对症治疗的基础上加用乳酸杆菌复合制剂。观察两组患者发生抗生素相关性腹泻情况。结果抗生素相关性腹泻在预防组出现8/90例(8.89%),对照组出现23/91例(25.27%),两组相比差异有显著性(P〈0.05),发生率绝对值下降16.38%。结论乳酸杆菌复合制剂可以预防和减少ICU抗生素相关性腹泻发病率,降低住院费用。  相似文献   

国内益生菌制剂临床应用状况分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
目的探讨国内益生菌制剂临床应用情况。方法从中国生物医学文献数据库和CHKD期刊全文数据库检索相关文献,选择临床应用类论文进行有关指标的统计分析。结果自1994年至2007年共有临床应用类论文558篇,常用制剂前6位为妈咪爱112篇(20%)、金双歧105篇(19%)、丽珠肠乐91篇(16%)、培菲康80篇(14%)、整肠生37篇(7%)、贝飞达28篇(5%);治疗疾病前8位依次为急性腹泻213篇(38%),功能性肠病92篇(16%),新生儿黄疸70篇(13%),慢性及迁延性腹泻41篇(7.3%),母乳性黄疸39篇(7.0%),肝脏疾病33篇(5.9%),炎症性肠病22篇(3.9%),抗生素相关性腹泻16篇(2.9%);单纯一般临床观察51篇(9.1%),采用对照临床试验497篇(89%),随机对照临床试验(含多中心或双盲)9篇(6.2%);其中50例以下284篇(50.9%),50~100例212篇(37.9%);所有文献均报道益生菌治疗有效,有9篇提及安全性(1.7%)。结论国内益生菌制剂已用于多种疾病的治疗,并有一定疗效;虽然多数研究设有对照组,但随机对照研究很少,仍然需要推广验证。  相似文献   

目的评估市场常见益生菌对临床常用抗生素的体外耐药情况,为临床预防抗生素相关性肠道菌群紊乱和抗生素相关性腹泻提供参考。方法分离培养9种益生菌制剂中的20株益生菌,采用浓度梯度试条法(E-test)测定益生菌对16种抗生素的最低抑菌浓度(MIC)。结果细菌类益生菌对一些口服抗生素敏感,其中枯草芽胞杆菌、保加利亚乳杆菌、长双歧杆菌、婴儿双歧杆菌和嗜热链球菌对12种以上的抗生素敏感;屎肠球菌只对5种抗生素敏感,而真菌类益生菌如布拉酵母CNCM I-745则对16种抗生素均具有耐药性。结论细菌类益生菌和真菌类益生菌表现出不同的抗生素敏感性,在临床预防和治疗抗生素相关性腹泻时应注意益生菌与抗生素的合理使用。  相似文献   

目的测定与验证摄入含特定乳酸菌株组合(嗜酸乳杆菌NCFM和乳双歧杆菌Bi-07)一定剂量的益生菌补充剂对动物(小鼠)免疫功能的影响。方法SPF昆明种小白鼠经口连续分别给予0.25、0.50、1.50g/kgBW的益生菌补充剂4周,进行迟发型变态反应试验、溶血素滴度测定、NK细胞活性测定等。结果在小白鼠迟发型变态反应试验中,中、高剂量组足跖增厚值均高于对照组,差异有显著性(P〈0.05);对受试动物血清溶血素抗体滴度水平的影响的实验中,中、高剂量组的抗体积数高于对照组,差异均有显著性(P〈0.05)。NK细胞活性测定中,高剂量组脾NK细胞活性增强,差异有非常显著性(P〈0.01)。结论含该两种特定乳酸菌株的益生菌补充剂被小自鼠摄入一定剂量后,起到了增强小白鼠细胞免疫、体液免疫功能及NK细胞活性的作用。  相似文献   

目的采用盐酸林克霉素诱发小鼠相关性腹泻模型,观察螺旋藻、婴儿型双歧杆菌及其混合物爱灵生乐(2036)螺旋藻双歧胶囊(胶囊内容物,含婴儿型双歧杆菌、螺旋藻,下同)对抗生素相关性腹泻小鼠的治疗作用。方法经口投予盐酸林克霉素0.15 g/(d.鼠),连续3 d,然后经口分别给予螺旋藻、双歧杆菌及爱灵生乐(2036)螺旋藻双歧胶囊1.66 g/(kg.b.w),连续5 d。结果经口投予螺旋藻、婴儿型双歧杆菌及爱灵生乐(2036)螺旋藻双歧胶囊1.66 g/(kg.b.w),连续5 d,能有效改善盐酸林克霉素诱发的小鼠相关性腹泻症状,特别是给予爱灵生乐(2036)螺旋藻双歧胶囊组,可有效治疗盐酸林克霉素诱发小鼠相关性腹泻。结论螺旋藻与双歧杆菌复合制剂对抗生素相关性腹泻有明确治疗作用。  相似文献   

八角枫挥发油化学成分研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
八角栎是八角枫科八角枫属药用植物,分布较广。用气相色谱/质谱/计算机联用技术(GC/MS/DS)分析了水蒸气蒸馏得到的八角枫挥发油,鉴定出59种化学成分,其主要成分为:1,8-桉叶素(43.325%)、β-侧然(10.713%)、丁香酚甲醚(7.088)、α-松油醇(7.017%)、α-蒎烯(5.830%)等5种化合物。被鉴定的59种成分,共占挥发油总量的97.04%。  相似文献   

我国益生乳酸菌研究与产业化现状及发展对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
乳酸菌(lactic acid bacteria,LAB)作为人和动物的有益菌或称为益生菌(probiotic)广泛用于发酵乳制品(益生菌酸奶、益生菌发酵乳饮料、益生菌奶酪)、发酵豆乳制品、功能性食品配料和食品添加剂(如在婴儿配方乳粉、中老年乳粉、果汁等产品中的添加)、膳食补充剂(片剂、胶囊等)、饲料微生态制剂。2007年.世界乳酸菌产业规模已达3000亿美元(约合20482.02亿元人民币),年增长速度为20%左右。  相似文献   

目的探讨妇科门诊不同症状患者的阴道微生态状况。方法回顾性分析2011年11月至2012年9月西安交通大学医学院第一附属医院妇科门诊因不同症状就诊患者的阴道微生态评价(菌群的密集度、多样性、优势菌、病原菌、AV评分、Nugent评分及五项菌群功能及炎症反应指标)检测结果。结果4019例被检查者平均年龄为33.56岁。其中阴道微生态正常占n70%(28/4019);阴道微生态失调者占99.30%(3991/4019);后者包括未明确感染的阴道微生态失调患者占66.36%(2667/4019);明确感染的阴道微生态失调患者占32.94%(1324/4019);其中外阴阴道假丝酵母菌病(vulvovaginal candidiasis,VVC)患者占24.33%(978/4019);需氧菌陛阴道炎(aerobic vaginitis,AV)患者占3.11%(125/4019);细菌性阴道病(bacterial vaginosis,BV)患者占3.14%(126/4019);滴虫阴道炎(trichomonas vaginitis,TV)患者占5.15%(207/4019);混合感染患者占8.31%(110/1324)。优势菌群异常患者占54.32%(2183/4019)。结论妇科门诊中未明确感染的阴道微生态失调患者构成比最高;在明确感染的患者中外阴阴道假丝酵母菌病构成比最高;因此阴道微生态评价成为阴道感染性疾病诊断首选检测方法,在临床诊疗实践中具有重要意义。  相似文献   

目的分析非免疫抑制患者医院获得性肺炎及呼吸机相关肺炎临床特征、病原菌组成及耐药性,指导临床诊断及合理使用抗菌素。方法回顾性分析46例前瞻性观察诊断的非免疫抑制患者医院获得性肺炎及呼吸机相关肺炎临床及微生物学资料。结果平均起病时间为人院后(14.3±13.2)d,最常见基础疾病依次为脑血管意外(16/46),慢性肺部疾病(13/46)和糖尿病(5/46)。培养阳性率58.7%,最常见细菌依次为鲍曼不动杆菌(8/27)、铜绿假单胞菌(6/27)、阴沟肠杆菌(3/29)及金黄色葡萄球菌(3/29)。80.4%患者入院72h内使用过抗生素,初始经验性治疗最常使用的抗菌素依次为头孢菌素(29/46)、碳青霉烯类(9/46)、糖肽类(5/46)。8株鲍曼不动杆菌对头孢哌酮/舒巴坦中介MIC〉32mg/L,对其他抗生素耐药;2株铜绿假单胞菌对美罗培南高度耐药MIC=128mg/L。结论非免疫抑制患者医院获得性肺炎及呼吸机相关肺炎多发生在有脑血管疾病及慢性肺疾病老年患者,我院非免疫抑制患者医院获得性肺炎及呼吸机相关肺炎最常见的病原菌多药耐药鲍曼不动杆菌,铜绿假单胞菌对碳青霉烯类耐药率较高。应优化医院获得性肺炎及呼吸机相关肺炎初始抗生素使用。  相似文献   

Spore probiotics     
Data on probiotic preparations prepared from spore-forming bacteria is reviewed. Information on indications for use, effectiveness and the mechanism of action is given. Preparations being produced in Russia (Biosporin, Sporobacterin and Bactosporin) are evaluated in detail as well as the prospects of the application of probiotics from spore-forming bacteria.  相似文献   

The use of probiotics is a new way to control and treat infections in this modern era. Application of beneficial bacteria to protect against detrimental bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract and thus reap a positive health benefit is the basis of probiotic therapy. Probiotics have a long global history of traditional use. They are normally consumed through fermented foods and are currently sold mostly as ingredients in foods or nutritional supplements. They are also supplied as pharma products. Recent research has highlighted the probiotic potential in the treatment or prevention of disease conditions, maintenance of health, improving immunity and in the reduction in the risk of future diseases. But their position in the pharmaceutical industry is still not very clear. Clinical practitioners use probiotic pharma products mostly as supplements. Their status as drugs is still unclear. This review is aimed to analyze probiotics as pharmaceuticals, their current status as dietary supplements and drugs, existing probiotic preparations and future research needs.  相似文献   

Utilization of different types of dietary fibres by potential probiotics   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A better understanding of the functionality of probiotics and dietary fibres with prebiotic activity is required for the development of improved synbiotic preparations. In this study, utilization of β(2-1) fructans, galactooligosaccharides, and plant polysaccharides as prebiotics by lactobacilli, bifidobacteria, and pediococci was investigated. Our results demonstrate that prebiotics with linear chains consisting of galactose units are better utilized by probiotics than are those consisting of glucose and fructose units, and the ability of probiotic bacteria to utilize prebiotics is strain-specific. In addition, rye fructooligosaccharides represent a prebiotic fibre that supports the growth of a wide range of probiotic cultures and as such has a potential to improve the successfulness of probiotic treatments. This study also demonstrates dietary fibre utilization by pediococci and provides data supporting the possible use of pediococci as a probiotic in synbiotic combinations.  相似文献   

Chapman CM  Gibson GR  Rowland I 《Anaerobe》2012,18(4):405-413
Many studies comparing the effects of single- and multi-strain probiotics on pathogen inhibition compare treatments with different concentrations. They also do not examine the possibility of inhibition between probiotic strains with a mixture. We tested the ability of 14 single-species probiotics to inhibit each other using a cross-streak assay, and agar spot test. We then tested the ability of 15 single-species probiotics and 5 probiotic mixtures to inhibit Clostridium difficile, Escherichia coli and S. typhimurium, using the agar spot test. Testing was done with mixtures created in two ways: one group contained component species incubated together, the other group of mixtures was made using component species which had been incubated separately, equalised to equal optical density, and then mixed in equal volumes. Inhibition was observed for all combinations of probiotics, suggesting that when used as such there may be inhibition between probiotics, potentially reducing efficacy of the mixture. Significant inter-species variation was seen against each pathogen. When single species were tested against mixtures, the multi-species preparations displayed significantly (p < 0.05 or less) greater inhibition of pathogens in 12 out of 24 cases. Despite evidence that probiotic species will inhibit each other when incubated together in vitro, in many cases a probiotic mixture was more effective at inhibiting pathogens than its component species when tested at approximately equal concentrations of biomass. This suggests that using a probiotic mixture might be more effective at reducing gastrointestinal infections, and that creating a mixture using species with different effects against different pathogens may have a broader spectrum of action that a single provided by a single strain.  相似文献   

The usage of probiotics proved advantageous in aquaculture due to its positive impact on fish growth, immune response and environment. This study was aimed to assess the effects of probiotics on growth, survival and histometry of intestine and liver in Gangetic mystus (Mystus cavasius) using two separate experiments for a period of 8 weeks (in aquaria) and 16 weeks (in earthen ponds). Three different probiotic treatments were incorporated i.e. commercial probiotic one; CP-1 (T1), commercial probiotic two; CP-2 (T2), Lab developed (Lab dev.) probiotic (T3) including a control. The results indicated that the probiotics usage especially Lab dev. probiotic (T3) significantly improved the growth parameters such as weight gain (g) and specific growth rate (SGR, %/day) as well as ensured better feed conversion efficiency. Zero mortality was observed in aquaria whereas probiotic application enhanced survivability in earthen ponds. Moreover, all probiotic treatment exhibited positive results for different histo-morphometric features of intestine and liver. Mucus secreting goblet cells and fattening of mucosal fold increased significantly with probiotic usage. The amount of regular shaped nucleus was maximum in T3 with least intra cellular distance between liver tissues in earthen ponds. The greatest value for hemoglobin with lowest glucose level was observed in T3 as well. Furthermore, probiotic ensured low concentration of ammonia during culture. Overall, it was anticipated that the application of probiotics in Gangetic mystus culture resulted positive effect on its growth, feed utilization, survivability, histo-morphometry, immunity and hematological parameters.  相似文献   

The use of probiotics is a common practice of current shrimp aquaculture. Despite the immunophysiological responses that have been measured in shrimp exposed to probiotics, no information is currently available on the effect of this practice on the intestinal microbiota. The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of a probiotic mixture on the intestinal microbiota of shrimp cultured under farm conditions. A culture-independent method based on high-throughput-sequencing (16S rRNA) was used to examine intestinal bacterial communities. A traditional system (without probiotics) was used as the reference. Targeted metagenomics analysis revealed that the probiotic mixture was based on bacteria in the phyla Proteobacteria and Firmicutes. A total of 23 species of bacteria were detected in the probiotic mixture; of these, 11 were detected in the intestine of shrimp reared in both systems, and 12 were novel for the system. Eight of the novel species were detected in shrimp cultured with the probiotic mixture; however, none of these novel species were related to marine or inclusively aquacultural environments, and only one (Bacillus subtilis) was recognized as probiotic for shrimp. The use of the probiotic mixture modified the bacterial profile of the shrimp intestine; however, most of the bacteria incorporated into the intestine were nonindigenous to the marine environment with no previous evidence of probiotic effects on any marine organism. The use of this probiotic mixture may represent a risk of causing environmental imbalances, particularly because farms using these types of probiotic mixtures discharge their effluents directly into the ocean without prior treatment.  相似文献   


Alterations of intestinal microflora are involved in the pathogenesis and natural history of inflammatory bowel diseases (IBDs). Manipulation of human gut microbiota with probiotics may be a therapeutic option. In this retrospective cohort study, the benefits of probiotic use in reducing adverse events were analyzed. Data from clinical charts of IBD patients followed up for at least 36 months were retrieved. The occurrence of adverse events including the need for systemic steroids, hospitalization, and surgery related to IBD was analyzed according to age, gender, body mass index, treatments, IBD phenotype, disease duration, and probiotic use. The amount of probiotic use was calculated as the ratio of time under probiotic treatment to the disease duration starting from the date of the first probiotic administration and expressed as a percentage. Patients were stratified according to the percentage of probiotic use as ≤?24%, 25–74%, and ≥?75%, and the number of adverse events per patient-years was calculated. Results were adjusted for Crohn’s disease (CD) and ulcerative colitis (UC) by multivariate analysis including study variables. Data from 200 patients (78 CD, 122 UC; 117 females; mean age 40.6?±?15.3 years; mean disease duration 12.1?±?8.7 years) were available. CD patients taking probiotics for 2574% of the disease duration experienced a 64% reduction in total adverse events. The need for systemic steroids, hospitalization, and surgery dropped to zero events per person-year in UC patients and decreased by 93% (p?<?0.001) in CD patients taking probiotics for ≥?75% of the disease duration. Our findings suggest that the use of probiotics may be an additional therapeutic tool in patients with IBD.


Probiotics have been widely publicized in the general press and the consumer media. Knowledge of the existence of “probiotics” is commonplace, and the effectiveness of probiotic therapy has been well reported in the medical literature. However, even though most published dental studies have reported positive results, the dental profession has not yet accepted the use of probiotic therapy as an adjunct for preventive dental care. This review article discusses published and current research into the applications of probiotics along with diagnostic testing of the oral biofilm. Probiotic therapy appears to be generally safe and effective in modifying with beneficial bacteria the oral biofilm and thereby reducing the effects of pathogenic oral bacteria. In this review, some examples of current oral probiotic research are discussed along with reference to the potential application of diagnostic testing of the oral biofilm for the presence of oral pathogens as a precursor to initiation of specific probiotic therapy. Dental professionals should be actively investigating this potentially very useful therapeutic measure for the benefit of their patients.  相似文献   

The application of probiotics and prebiotics to the manipulation of the microbial ecology of the human colon has recently seen many scientific advances. The sequencing of probiotic genomes is providing a wealth of new information on the biology of these microorganisms. In addition, we are learning more about the interactions of probiotics with human cells and with pathogenic bacteria. An alternative means of modulating the colonic microbial community is by the use of prebiotic oligosaccharides. Increasing knowledge of the metabolism of prebiotics by probiotics is allowing us to consider specifically targeting such dietary intervention tools at specific population groups and specific disease states.  相似文献   

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