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限制性条件下药物对细菌抑制作用微量量热法研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
用微量量热计测定了福氏志贺氏菌(Shipella flexneri)中7株菌(6、2b、3b、sb、la、x、y)在合成药物抑制作用下生长的热谱图,按限制性条件下微生物生长的模型进行了数学处理,得出了比生长速率(μ),由此确定了各细菌比生长速率(μ)与药物浓度?之间的定量关系,求出了比生长速率(μ)为零时的用药浓度,并对该合成药对各细菌的抑菌效果进行了分析.  相似文献   

细菌生长的热谱图测定   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
The fundamental growth thermograms of bacteria have been determined by using the microcalorimetric method. These perfect thermogram curves reflect the changes of bacterial growth patterns (including the lag phase of growth, log growth, stationary phase and the decline phase of growth). In our experiments, highly characteristic and reproducible growth patterns are observed under the same condition, therefore one can use these thermograms as "finger print" to discriminate bacteria. On the other hand, there thermogram curves contain ample information, which are very significant for the studies on microorganism metabolism, bio-thermokinetic and clinical fields.  相似文献   

依据E.coli菌株在摇瓶和发酵罐培养条件下菌群增长过程光密度值的变化,在改进了数据平滑和微分求导方法的基础上,以瞬时速率和瞬时增量为目标函数表征菌群增长的动力学过程.瞬时速率表现为指数衰减模式,而瞬时增量的过程曲线因接种量而异,由它们所表征的生长动力学过程都不存在延迟期和稳定期.动力学曲线的形状由接种物中含有的处于分裂状态的细胞数所决定,它是菌群内源性的增长能力(来自细胞分裂的连续发生)和由增长引发的外源性阻抑力(营养物质的减少和代谢产物的增加)相互作用的结果.由瞬时速率和瞬时增量还可推导出菌群增长的倍增时间及体积生产效率等参量.研究结果可为解决logistic方程和Monod方程在拟合菌群增长过程曲线时遇到的不确定性等难题提供有效的数学分析方法.  相似文献   

微量量热法研究酸奶菌种的适宜生长温度及最佳生长温度   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
测定酸奶菌种保加利亚孔杆菌、嗜热链球菌及二者混合菌在乳中生长的热谱图曲线,确定了各菌种及混合菌的适宜生长温度范围,计算出了各菌种在不同温度下的生长速率常数。用计算机拟合k-T方程,求出各菌种的最佳生长温度。  相似文献   

用微量热仪测定了人参对金黄色葡萄球菌促进代谢作用和对大肠杆菌、枯草杆菌抑制代谢作用的热谱图,并按微生物生长的新模型进行了数学处理,得出了生长速度常数,进而获得了人参促菌的最低用药浓度和人参抑菌的最佳用药浓度。  相似文献   

以比生长速率时间曲线为基础的生物群体生长数学模型   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
构建了一个描述限制性环境条件下生物群体生长规律的数学模型。模型中比生长速率(μ)是时间(t)的函数。模型可以很好地拟合多种生物或生物细胞群体生长的延迟期、指数期和稳定期。该模型参数少,模型参数生物学意义明确,计算简单。  相似文献   

微量热法研究传统中药板蓝根中四种有机酸对大肠杆菌、金黄色葡萄球菌和痢疾杆菌生长代谢的影响。得到加药与不加药时大肠杆菌、金黄色葡萄球菌和痢疾杆菌生长代谢的“效-时”曲线, 以生长速率常数(k1, k2)、最大产热功率(Pm)和最大达峰时间(tm)等热力学参数来评价四种有机酸对微生物生长代谢抑制的强度和程度。四种有机酸抗微生物活性作用的顺序为: 丁香酸>邻氨基苯甲酸>水杨酸>苯甲酸, 其中苯甲酸对金黄色葡萄球菌和痢疾杆菌的生长代谢具有促进作用。本研究对板蓝根的进一步研究提供了基础和依据。  相似文献   

微量热法研究传统中药板蓝根中四种有机酸对大肠杆菌、金黄色葡萄球菌和痢疾杆菌生长代谢的影响。得到加药与不加药时大肠杆菌、金黄色葡萄球菌和痢疾杆菌生长代谢的“效-时”曲线, 以生长速率常数(k1, k2)、最大产热功率(Pm)和最大达峰时间(tm)等热力学参数来评价四种有机酸对微生物生长代谢抑制的强度和程度。四种有机酸抗微生物活性作用的顺序为: 丁香酸>邻氨基苯甲酸>水杨酸>苯甲酸, 其中苯甲酸对金黄色葡萄球菌和痢疾杆菌的生长代谢具有促进作用。本研究对板蓝根的进一步研究提供了基础和依据。  相似文献   

介绍了微量量热系统的基本结构和工作原理,以及微量量热法在酶学、细胞生物学、微生物学、植物生理学研究中的应用。  相似文献   

以传统面制品馒头作为研究对象,采用修正的Gompertz(SGompertz)和修正的Logistic(SLogistic)作为一级生长模型,应用Origin 9.0软件分别拟合馒头中金黄色葡萄球菌在10、15、25、30和37 ℃的生长情况,获得其最大比生长速率(μmax)和迟滞期(λ)。采用平方根模型和二次多项式模型建立馒头中金黄色葡萄球菌的二级生长模型,并对该模型进行验证。结果表明,SGompertz模型能较好地拟合馒头中金黄色葡萄球菌的生长。以μmax建立的平方根和二次多项式模型,R2分别为0.931 5和0.932 0,偏差因子(Bf)分别为1.123 2和1.050 1,准确因子(Af)分别为1.221 0和1.190 2,表明采用μmax进行拟合时,二次多项式模型的拟合效果较好;以迟滞期λ建立的平方根和二次多项式模型,R2分别为0.948 4和0.969 6,Bf分别为0.890 1和0.912 2,Af分别为1.541 1和1.180 3,表明采用迟滞期λ进行拟合时,二次多项式模型的拟合效果较好。本研究可为馒头等传统面制品的定量风险评估提供参考。  相似文献   

红松单木高生长模型的研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
邓红兵  郝占庆 《生态学杂志》1999,18(3):19-22,31
1引言生长模型是定量研究树木生长过程的有效手段。它既可对林木生长作出现实的评价,也可用来预估将来各测树因子的变化;既是编制修订各种数表的基础,也是森林经营中各种措施实施的依据。在林学上,生长模型主要包括单木生长模型和林分生长模型,其中单木生长模型是林...  相似文献   

用毛细滴管洗净法从松花湖分离纯化出铜绿微囊藻(Microcystisaeruginosa)的单藻株和无菌株,研究了温度、照度、N、P、Fe各种因素对单藻株和无菌株生长的影响。结果表明,各种因素对单藻株和无菌株最大比增长率的影响差别不大,单藻株和无菌株分别在温度33℃,照度5000Lx(2000Lx)、NO3-N浓度1.2mg·L-1,PO43-P浓度0.06mg·L-1,柠檬酸铁铁浓度0.05mg·L-1(0.04mg·L-1)时,达到最大比增长率。在一定浓度范围内,随着N、P、Fe浓度的增加,单藻株比无菌株的最大增长量高得多,可见附着细菌的存在,能促进铜绿微囊藻的生长。从松花湖湖水中N、P和Fe含量以及温度和照度的情况看,松花湖的某些区域已经基本具备了水华发生的条件。  相似文献   

以稻瘟病菌(Pyricularia grisea),水稻恶苗病菌(Fusarium moniliforme),玉米大斑病菌(Exserohilum turci-cum)等12种植物病原菌为供试菌种,采用生长速率法对77种植物的95%乙醇提取物在200μg/mL下进行室内抑菌试验。结果表明有15种植物提取物对植物病原菌有抑制作用,其中华山姜、硬骨藤、龙舌兰、红蒜、大花哥纳香、海南草珊瑚对至少一种菌的抑制率在50%以上,版纳青梅、大果巴戟、华山姜等8种植物提取物对至少三种病原菌均有不同程度的抑制作用。红蒜提取物对百合炭疽病菌、海南草珊瑚提取物对番茄灰霉病菌,以及龙舌兰提取物对玉米大斑病菌的抑制率分别为61.4%、70.7%、76.6%,与阳性对照抑制率相比效果明显。  相似文献   

We examined the effect of growth temperature on the underlying components of growth in a range of inherently fast‐ and slow‐growing plant species. Plants were grown hydroponically at constant 18, 23 and 28 °C. Growth analysis was conducted on 16 contrasting plant species, with whole plant gas exchange being performed on six of the 16 species. Inter‐specific variations in specific leaf area (SLA) were important in determining variations in relative growth rate (RGR) amongst the species at 23 and 28 °C but were not related to variations in RGR at 18 °C. When grown at 18 °C, net assimilation rate (NAR) became more important than SLA for explaining variations in RGR. Variations in whole shoot photosynthesis and carbon concentration could not explain the importance of NAR in determining RGR at the lower temperatures. Rather, variations in the degree to which whole plant respiration per unit leaf area acclimated to the different growth temperatures were responsible. Plants grown at 28 °C used a greater proportion of their daily fixed carbon in respiration than did the 18 and 23 °C‐grown plants. It is concluded that the relative importance of the underlying components of growth are influenced by growth temperature, and the degree of acclimation of respiration is of central importance to the greater role played by NAR in determining variations in RGR at declining growth temperatures.  相似文献   

Abstract: Plants vary widely in their relative growth rate (RGR), be it dependent on environmental conditions or due to their genetic background. In a comparison of the RGR of grasses growing under different environmental conditions, variation in RGR tends to correlate with that in the leaf elongation rate (LER). When different species or genotypes thereof are compared under identical growing conditions, variation in LER may or may not correlate with that in RGR, depending on the comparison. However, since RGR is described by an exponential equation, whereas LER is mainly a linear process, we conclude that any correlation between RGR and LER must be fortuitous. That is, exponential growth must be due to increases with time in plant traits such as 1) leaf dry mass per unit leaf length invested per unit time, and/or 2), i.e., the total LER of all the growing leaves at one point in time. The latter can be achieved as follows: 1) each subsequent leaf has a higher LER than the preceding one; 2) leaves appear at an increasing rate; 3) the duration of the process of leaf elongation increases for subsequent leaves. In this review, we only explore possible factors that account for changes in with time, in different genotypes and under different environmental conditions. Inherent variation in LER of individual leaves and variation due to environmental factors may reflect variation in the rate of cell division and/or in cell elongation.  相似文献   

实验动物心肌梗塞模型的建立和染色方法的改进   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
介绍了如何建立可靠稳定的心肌梗塞动物模型.通过应用常规病理苏木素-伊红(H.E)染色及改进的碱性复红-苦味酸(HBFP)组织化学染色,结果表明,在建立实验动物心肌梗塞模型时,操作规范、及时取材制片、选用改进的染色液和染色时间流程,即可证明心肌梗塞的发生.  相似文献   

The growth characteristics of Escherichia coli K-12 in the continuous culture with a smooth increase in the dilution rate (A-stat) of various carbon sources (glucose, acetate, succinate, glycerol, lactate, acetate + succinate, casamino, acids + glucose) were studied. For all substrates studied the maximum value of specific respiration rate, Q O2, remained between 14–18 mmol O2 h-1 g dwt-1 and the maximum growth rate varied from 0.22 h-1 on acetate to 0.77 h-1 on glucose + casamino acids. After the respiratory capacity of the cells was exhausted at growth rates µ < µcrit, the growth yield YXO2, increased slightly when the dilution rate increased. The maximum growth rate of Escherichia coli K12 was dependent on growth yield, respiratory capacity and glycolytic capacity of the strain. Analysis of the cultivation data using a stoichiometric flux model indicated that ATP synthesis in E. coli exceeds by two-fold that (theoretically) required to build up biomass. The experimental value of mATP < 4 mmol ATP h-1 g dwt-1 determined from A-stat cultivation data was low compared with the calculated unproductive hydrolysis of ATP (64–103 mmole ATP g dwt-1).  相似文献   

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