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中条山中段木本植物群落植物种多样性分析   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:11  
采用样方法取样,依据重要值指标运用双向指示种分析(TWINSPAN)法,将山西中条山中段植被群系分成16个群丛。应用丰富度指数(R1R2)、Simpson指数(λ),Shannon-Weiner指数(H′)和均匀度指数(E1E5)研究了16个群丛的植物种多样性。结果表明:群系植物种多样性指数的大小受立地生境和人为活动的综合影响;森林群落的植物种多样性指数明显高于灌丛群落;群落植物种多样性在空间上的差异不仅决定于物种丰富度指数,更与各物种间的均匀度指数密切相关;进而影响不同层次的物种多样性对群落总体物种多样性的贡献。  相似文献   

蒙古栎群落交错带(ecotone)的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过群落学的样地法对蒙古栎(Quercus mongolica)群落和核桃楸(Juglans mandshurica)群落、蒙古栎群落和长白落叶松(Larix olgensis)群落、蒙古栎群落和杂灌丛群落及其交错带进行了研究,分析了在三个地点的几种群落结构和物种组成方面的差异,计算了各群落的物种丰富度指数(dGl)、Simpson 物种多样性指数(D)、Shannon-Weiner物种多样性指数(H′)及Pielou均匀度指数(J)。研究发现在通化和大青沟两个地区群落交错带的物种丰富度及Shannnon多样性指数最高;而在桦甸群落交错带的物种丰富度和物种多样性指数要比核桃楸群落低,比蒙古栎群落高,没有表现出特别强烈的边缘效应。本文也分析了群落乔木层、灌木层和草本层盖度之间的关系。  相似文献   

太白山南坡夏秋季鸟类组成   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
太白山是秦岭山脉的主峰, 生物区系成分复杂。为了研究太白山鸟类区系在过去20年间的变化, 我们于2007年5–7月(夏季)和9–10月(秋季), 根据海拔和典型植被在太白山南坡选定5种生境类型(退耕林、阔叶林、混交林、针叶林和高山灌丛草甸), 并在各种生境中选择样区采用样线法对鸟类组成进行调查。两个季节共观察到鸟类122种, 其中留鸟85种, 夏候鸟31种, 冬候鸟1种, 旅鸟5种。不同的生境类型中优势种和常见种不同, 而且在夏秋两季也有变化。中低海拔退耕林带鸟类物种数最多, 夏季有60种, 优势种为绿背山雀(Parus monticolus)、黄腹山雀(P. venustulus)和冠纹柳莺(Phylloscopus reguloides); 秋季有59种, 优势种为大山雀(Parus major)。中海拔阔叶林带夏季有鸟类40种, 优势种为绿背山雀、黄腹山雀和异色树莺(Cettia flavolivaceus); 秋季37种, 优势种是黄腹山雀、黑冠山雀(Parus rubidiventris)和银脸长尾山雀(Aegithalos fuliginosus)。 中高海拔针阔混交林带夏季有46种, 优势种是黄腰柳莺(Phylloscopus proregulus)、极北柳莺(P. borealis)和黑冠山雀; 秋季有37种, 优势种是黑冠山雀、褐冠山雀(Parus dichrous)和长尾山椒鸟(Pericrocotus ethologus)。高海拔针叶林带夏季有36种, 优势种是黄腰柳莺和黑冠山雀; 秋季有27种, 优势种是血雉(Ithaginis cruentus)和黑冠山雀。高山灌丛草甸带物种最少, 夏秋季都只有7种。各生境中鸟类物种组成的季节周转率随着海拔的升高而下降, 物种丰富度也呈现同样的趋势。太白山南北坡鸟类物种组成有较高的相似性。与20年前相比, 尽管在每种生境类型中优势种和常见种的组成仍相似, 但太白山南北坡的鸟类物种组成有较大的变化。  相似文献   

山西桑干河流域湿地植被物种多样性研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
贾燕春  张峰 《植物研究》2006,26(3):364-369
以109个样方调查数据为基础,采用丰富度指数、物种多样性指数和均匀度指数对山西桑干河流域湿地植物群落的物种多样性进行了研究,并用方差分析和多重比较的方法研究了各群落之间多样性指数的差异程度。研究结果表明:各植被类型的物种多样性指数大小排列依次为:柽柳—委陵菜群落>柽柳+沙棘—鹅观草群落>柽柳—鹅绒委陵菜群落>柽柳—芦苇群落>芦苇+水蓼+莎草群落>芦苇+苔草群落>百里香+铁杆蒿群落>香蒲+水蓼群落>水葱+轮藻+眼子菜群落>藨草+莎草+泽泻群落>水葱+藨草+芦苇群落>狐尾藻+香蒲群落>慈姑+芦苇群落>水蓼+慈姑群落>水莎草+水稗群落。对12种多样性指数进行比较后发现,R0、H′和E4优于其他指数。  相似文献   

三峡重庆库区不同鸟类群落的物种组成及多样性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1996~1997年,对三峡工程重庆库区的鸟类群落物种组成和种群数量进行了调查,共调查记录库区鸟类15目48科226种,数量18929只。用鸟类数量级划分、Sorensen相似性指数、Shannon-Wiener指数和Pielou指数分析库区各种生境鸟类群落物组成和物种多样性结果表明:1)库区天然林、人工林、灌草丛和水域生境中鸟类群落的组成与农田生境具有较高的相似性,尤以人工林和农田的相似性最高;2)库区人工林生境鸟类群落物种多样性最高;3)库区由于长期以来人类活动的影响,生境日趋单一,已逐渐形成一种以农田灌丛鸟类为主的鸟类生态系统。  相似文献   

彭晓莉  吴旺泽 《植物研究》2011,31(4):436-442
由于青藏高于独特的地理环境,第四纪冰期反复的退缩和扩展对目前该地区生物物种的地理分布及居群结构产生重要的影响。本文对这一地区特有分布物种丽江云杉(Picea likiangnsis)3个变种丽江云杉变种(var. likiangensis)、川西云杉变种(var. rubescens)和林芝云杉变种(var. linzhiensis)共11个种群228个个体进行RAPD分析,研究其遗传多样性及谱系地理。结果表明,该种具有较高的总体遗传多样性,多态位点达85.42%;然而在群体水平上却保持了相对低的多态性,种群间差异不显著,种群平均多态条带百分率为62.31%,Nei’s平均遗传多样性指数(HE)为0.250,Shannon’s多样性指数(Hpop)从0.267到0.421 1。Nei’s基因多样性(GST=0.256)和AMOVE分析(Phist=0.236)表明,群体间有较高的遗传分化,群体间基因流有限(Nm=1.453 2),远远低于已报道的其它松科植物。UPGMA聚类分析表明3个形态上分离的变种没有单个聚成一枝,形成单系群。本研究认为,在第四纪冰期丽江云杉这一种在南部可能存在至少3个不同的避难所,北边和西边的居群应该是南方避难所里的居群经过不同的回迁路线而产生的,有可能是由于种内亚种间的反复杂交造成了目前的种群分布模式。  相似文献   

达赉湖自然保护区冬春季鸟类生物多样性与生境的关系   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
2004年4月-5月,利用样带法对达赉湖自然保护区5种主要生境类型中冬春季鸟类生物多样性进行了调查,利用Shannon-Wiener指数和Smith相关性系数分析了这5种生境类型中冬春季鸟类的生物多样性、区系、鸟类的群落组成、群落间的相似性和均匀度。结果表明,古北界鸟类是组成达赉湖鸟类群落的主体(约占冬春季鸟类的86%);芦苇湿地的鸟类多样性接近于芦苇甸的2倍:芦苇湿地鸟类群落的物种多样性最高(Shannon-Wiener指数为1.3001),而芦苇甸中鸟类群落的物种多样性最低(Shannon-Wiener指数为0.6629);芦苇湿地和芦苇甸两鸟类群落组成的相关性指数仅为0.038;从具有共同物种的多少考虑,典型草原和芨芨草原鸟类群落之间的关联较大。  相似文献   

2016—2019年对乌鲁木齐市7种生境(高寒草甸、针叶林-灌丛、草原、农田、荒漠、湿地和城市公园)的繁殖期鸟类进行实地调查。共记录鸟类178种,隶属19目45科,其中雀形目Passeriformes最具代表性,共86种(占48.3%);居留型以夏候鸟和留鸟为主,共153种(占86.0%);分布型以古北型为主,共82种(占46.1%);珍稀濒危和重点保护物种共33种(占18.5%)。鸟类群落物种数及个体数最多的为湿地生境,荒漠、针叶林-灌丛生境次之,各生境物种数(H=30.628,P0.001)存在显著性差异。湿地生境鸟类的Shannon-Wiener多样性指数最高,高寒草甸生境的最低;草原生境的Pielou均匀度指数最高,高寒草甸生境的最低;高寒草甸生境的Simpson优势度指数最高,草原生境的最低;针叶林-灌丛生境的物种丰富度指数最高,荒漠生境的最低。草原与针叶林-灌丛生境之间的Sorensen相似性系数最高(0.59),高寒草甸与荒漠之间的最低(0)。湿地生境鸟类群落的捕食集团以食虫性为主,其他生境以杂食性为主。湿地生境中鸟类营地面巢的居多,高寒草甸生境中鸟类营洞巢的居多,其他生境中鸟类营编织巢的居多。上述结果表明,乌鲁木齐市周围的湿地生境应该得到优先保护。  相似文献   

中国板栗自然居群微卫星(SSR)遗传多样性   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
采用8对微卫星分子标记对中国板栗(Castanea mollissima)的28个自然居群进行了遗传多样性与遗传结构分析。在849个个体上扩增得到128个等位基因, 每位点平均等位基因数(A)为16。中国板栗居群的平均预期杂合度(HE)为0.678, 平均观察杂合度(HO)为0.590。华中地区的中国板栗居群遗传多样性最高(A = 8.112, HE = 0.705, HO = 0.618), 其次为西北地区和华东地区, 而西南地区遗传多样性最低(A = 6.611, HE = 0.640, HO = 0.559)。基于无限等位基因模型(IAM)和基于逐步突变模型(SMM)的遗传分化系数分别为FST = 0.120和RST = 0.208。分子方差分析(AMOVA)结果表明中国板栗野生居群的遗传变异主要存在于居群内(87.16%)。Mantel检测揭示遗传距离与地理距离之间无显著相关性, 表明基因流不是主导中国板栗居群遗传结构的关键因素。华中地区(尤其是神农架及其周边地区)是中国板栗遗传多样性的现代分布中心, 因而应该得到优先保护, 同时该区域的野生板栗居群可优先作为栽培板栗遗传育种的材料和基因库。  相似文献   

花楸树天然群体的遗传多样性研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
花楸树(Sorbus pohuashanensis)是我国北方一种观赏兼经济用途的树种。本研究采用水平淀粉凝胶同工酶电泳技术, 对采自山东、山西、河北、辽宁4个省的8个花楸树天然群体的种子样本进行了分析, 旨在了解花楸树天然群体的遗传多样性和遗传结构, 为该树种的保护与利用提供科学依据。4个酶系统10个位点的检测结果表明, 花楸树群体水平上的遗传多样性较高, 每位点平均等位基因数(Na)为2.2000, 多态位点百分率(P)为100%, 期望杂合度(He)为0.4240。花楸树8个群体间的有效等位基因数(Ne)、He和Shannon信息指数差异较小,3个指标从高到低依次为: 河北驼梁山>河北雾灵山>山西庞泉沟>河北白石山>山东崂山>河北塞罕坝>山东泰山>辽宁老秃顶子。群体间遗传分化系数(Fst)为0.0758, 群体间总的基因流较高(Nm = 3.0472), 群体间遗传一致度较高(I为0.8585– 0.9872), 表明群体间遗传分化程度小。在单个群体中, 通过χ2检验, 花楸树群体有73.62%的位点组合显著偏离Hardy-Weinberg平衡(P<0.05), 总群体水平近交系数(Fit)和单个群体水平近交系数(Fis)分别为–0.3105和–0.4180, 表明无论在总体水平还是群体内个体间, 花楸树群体表现为杂合体过量的现象。UPGMA聚类结果显示, 8个群体的遗传距离与地理距离相关性不显著。  相似文献   

中国森林生态系统服务功能及其价值评价   总被引:98,自引:0,他引:98  
针对我国森林生态系统服务功能及其价值评估相对滞后的局面,提出尽快开展我国森林生态系统服务功能及其价值评估的研究工作.首先,在我国森林生态系统类型划分的基础上,研究不同森林生态类型(包括人工和半人工森林生态类型)的服务功能,将我国各类森林总体服务功能划分为林木产品、林副产品、森林游憩、涵养水源、固碳释氧、养分循环、净化环境、土壤保持和维持生物多样性八大类型.其次,在Costanza等提出的全球生态系统服务功能评价指标的基础上,结合我国森林生态系统的特点,针对不同的森林生态系统类型,分别提出和建构一系列可用于我国不同类型森林生态系统价值评估指标体系.利用该指标体系估算出我国森林生态系统服务功能的总价值为30601.20×108元,其中直接经济价值和间接经济价值分别为1920.23×108和28680.97×108元,间接经济价值是直接经济价值的14.94倍.该研究的目的在于尽快将自然资源和环境因素纳入国民经济核算体系而最终为实现绿色GDP提供基础,为实现可持续发展和生态环境保护提供科学依据.  相似文献   

森林生态系统健康评估的一般性途径探讨   总被引:41,自引:3,他引:38  
生态系统健康评估方法及指标体系成为21世纪生态系统健康研究的核心内容.作为陆地生态系统的重要组成部分,森林生态系统健康的评估研究引起了广泛的关注.学者们对森林生态系统健康的定义、测度、评估和管理开始做出积极的探讨和实践,提出了一些理论和应用上的评价方法、评估途径和框架,为解决陆地生态系统危机甚至全球环境问题提供了新的概念和一系列研究手段.但由于多种条件的限制,目前仍然没有通用有效的评估森林生态系统健康的一般模式.文中简要探讨了森林生态系统健康问题,提出有效评估森林健康的3个前提:1)清晰明确的概念框架;2)充分有效的数据信息;3)正确合理的研究途径和技术手段.并分别进行了探讨.在此基础上总结阐述了可用于森林生态系统健康评估研究的途径:长期研究和定位监测、时空互换、历史研究途径、经济价值评估及其途径等.  相似文献   

木材腐朽菌在森林生态系统中的功能   总被引:23,自引:1,他引:22  
魏玉莲  戴玉成 《应用生态学报》2004,15(10):1935-1938
木材腐朽菌是森林生态系统的重要组成部分,在森林生态系统中起着极为重要的降解还原作用,主要包括担子菌门非褶菌目、子囊菌门盘菌纲和半知菌类的部分真菌,能全部或部分降解木材中的木质素、纤维素和半纤维素,其降解机制有3种:白色腐朽、褐色腐朽和软腐朽.木材腐朽菌与生态系统中其它生物关系密切,为很多昆虫、鸟类提供营养,有些昆虫也能使木腐菌得到传播.保护木材腐朽菌的生物多样性是保护森林生态系统、维护生态系统健康的重要因素.  相似文献   

白云山森林生态系统间接经济价值评估   总被引:32,自引:2,他引:30  
使用市场价值法,影子工程法,机会成本法和替代法等对白云山1800hm2森林生态系统的功能价值进行经济评估,评估结果表明,白云山总的生态价值为14 580.17万元,其中活立木生产量的价值1423.58万元,涵养水源价值和保护土壤价值为460.66万元,固定二氧化碳和放出氧气的价值为3623.54万元,动物栖息地和生物多样性保护价值为632.47万元,林分持留N、P、K养分价值133.52万元,卫生保健价值为1737万元,农业粮食产量增加价值为2 338.54万元,降解SO2和防治病虫害17.33万元,旅游价值4 213.53万元。  相似文献   

The Biogeochemistry of Carbon at Hubbard Brook   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
The biogeochemical behavior of carbon in the forested watersheds of the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest (HBEF) was analyzed in long-term studies. The largest pools of C in the reference watershed (W6) reside in mineral soil organic matter (43% of total ecosystem C) and living biomass (40.5%), with the remainder in surface detritus (14.5%). Repeated sampling indicated that none of these pools was changing significantly in the late-1990s, although high spatial variability precluded the detection of small changes in the soil organic matter pools, which are large; hence, net ecosystem productivity (NEP) in this 2nd growth forest was near zero (± about 20 g C/m2-yr) and probably similar in magnitude to fluvial export of organic C. Aboveground net primary productivity (ANPP) of the forest declined by 24% between the late-1950s (462 g C/m2-yr) and the late-1990s (354 g C/m2-yr), illustrating age-related decline in forest NPP, effects of multiple stresses and unusual tree mortality, or both. Application of the simulation model PnET-II predicted 14% higher ANPP than was observed for 1996–1997, probably reflecting some unknown stresses. Fine litterfall flux (171 g C/m2-yr) has not changed much since the late-1960s. Because of high annual variation, C flux in woody litterfall (including tree mortality) was not tightly constrained but averaged about 90 g C/m2-yr. Carbon flux to soil organic matter in root turnover (128 g C/m2-yr) was only about half as large as aboveground detritus. Balancing the soil C budget requires that large amounts of C (80 g C/m2-yr) were transported from roots to rhizosphere carbon flux. Total soil respiration (TSR) ranged from 540 to 800 g C/m2-yr across eight stands and decreased with increasing elevation within the northern hardwood forest near W6. The watershed-wide TSR was estimated as 660 g C/m2-yr. Empirical measurements indicated that 58% of TSR occurred in the surface organic horizons and that root respiration comprised about 40% of TSR, most of the rest being microbial. Carbon flux directly associated with other heterotrophs in the HBEF was minor; for example, we estimated respiration of soil microarthropods, rodents, birds and moose at about 3, 5, 1 and 0.8 g C/m2-yr, respectively, or in total less than 2% of NPP. Hence, the effects of other heterotrophs on C flux were primarily indirect, with the exception of occasional irruptions of folivorous insects. Hydrologic fluxes of C were significant in the watershed C budget, especially in comparison with NEP. Although atmospheric inputs (1.7 g C/m2-yr) and streamflow outputs (2.7 g C/m2-yr) were small, larger quantities of C were transported within the ecosystem and a more substantial fraction of dissolved C was transported from the soil as inorganic C and evaded from the stream as CO2 (4.0 g C/m2-yr). Carbon pools and fluxes change rapidly in response to catastrophic disturbances such as forest harvest or major windthrow events. These changes are dominated by living vegetation and dead wood pools, including roots. If biomass removal does not accompany large-scale disturbance, the ecosystem is a large net source of C to the atmosphere (500–1200 g C/m2-yr) for about a decade following disturbance and becomes a net sink about 15–20 years after disturbance; it remains a net sink of about 200–300 g C/m2-yr for about 40 years before rapidly approaching steady state. Shifts in NPP and NEP associated with common small-scale or diffuse forest disturbances (e.g., forest declines, pathogen irruptions, ice storms) are brief and much less dramatic. Spatial and temporal patterns in C pools and fluxes in the mature forest at the HBEF reflect variation in environmental factors. Temperature and growing-season length undoubtedly constrain C fluxes at the HBEF; however, temperature effects on leaf respiration may largely offset the effects of growing season length on photosynthesis. Occasional severe droughts also affect C flux by reducing both photosynthesis and soil respiration. In younger stands nutrient availability strongly limits NPP, but the role of soil nutrient availability in limiting C flux in the mature forest is not known. A portion of the elevational variation of ANPP within the HBEF probably is associated with soil resource limitation; moreover, sites on more fertile soils exhibit 20–25% higher biomass and ANPP than the forest-wide average. Several prominent biotic influences on C pools and fluxes also are clear. Biomass and NPP of both the young and mature forest depend upon tree species composition as well as environment. Similarly, litter decay differs among tree species and forest types, and forest floor C accumulation is twice as great in the spruce–fir–birch forests at higher elevations than in the northern hardwood forests, partly because of inherently slow litter decay and partly because of cold temperatures. This contributes to spatial patterns in soil solution and streamwater dissolved organic carbon across the Hubbard Brook Valley. Wood decay varies markedly both among species and within species because of biochemical differences and probably differences in the decay fungi colonizing wood. Although C biogeochemistry at the HBEF is representative of mountainous terrain in the region, other sites will depart from the patterns described at the HBEF, due to differences in site history, especially agricultural use and fires during earlier logging periods. Our understanding of the C cycle in northern hardwood forests is most limited in the area of soil pool size changes, woody litter deposition and rhizosphere C flux processes.  相似文献   

In the last decades, soil is facing numerous environmental threats and climatic changes that are causing a rapid decline of soil fertility and biodiversity. Soil organic matter (SOM), has the most widely recognized influence on soil quality, but it hardly puts in evidence processes associated to the new soil threats, because of its insensitivity in assessing soil quality changes in the short-term. A series of chemical and biochemical analyses were carried out in agricultural and forestry soil ecosystems subjected to different threats, to identify the parameters that better evidence changes in soil characteristics in a short term, but the identification of basic universal indicators and the choice of the number of estimated measures are still under investigation and discussion. The main aim of this paper was to identify biochemical markers to be used routinely and applicable to different soil ecosystems, as early warning indicators of alteration in soil ecosystem functioning. The results obtained allowed to identify three indicators, microbial biomass (MBC), water soluble phenols (WSP), and fluorescein diacetate hydrolase (FDA), as effective tools in the evaluation of soil quality changes in the short term, showing also a threat-indicator specificity. MBC reflected changes mainly induced by abiotic stress, FDA displayed modification caused by climate, and WSP pointed out alteration due to the organic amendment.  相似文献   

生态因子对森林生态系统稳定性影响的数学分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文在对河南省森林生态类型划分的基础上,应用主成分分析、模糊聚类和遂步判别分析的方法,对森林生态系统的稳定性进行了研究,结果表明:影响森林生态系统稳定性的因子主要有6个,即:森林覆被率、人口密度、土壤侵蚀模数、大风日数、降水集中率和地形;河南省森林生态系统按其稳定程度可分为5个等级;应用逐步判别分析是建立稳定性判别模式的较好方法。  相似文献   

森林生态系统中草层植物的生态功能   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
综述了过去20年国内外有关森林生态系统中草层植物的生态功能研究。森林生态系统中的草层植物是指活的草本类植物及在一定高度(通常40cm)以下的乔灌木幼苗的总和,它和枯落物以及林下土壤共同构成森林生态系统中的林下层亚生态系统。森林生态系统中的草层植物具有明显增加生物多样性,防止水土流失,改良土壤结构,保持和提高土壤肥力,促进林木生长,改善林地小气候,加速生态恢复等方面的功效。其功能是相当强大且多种多样的,我国南亚热带森林生态系统中的草层植物研究应在以下方面进一步加强:1)草层植物与枯落物各自的生态功能与生态效益;2)人工林下的草层植物发生与演替规律;3)林下幼苗的更新演替规律;4)草层植物在复合农林业生态系统中的生态功能及其机理;5)加强草层植物的良种的选育和应用研究等。  相似文献   

氮沉降对三种林型土壤动物群落生物量的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
从2003年5月~2004年8月,在华南鼎湖山地区针叶林、混交林和季风林内,采用模拟的方法,构建了对照、低氮[50kg/(hm2.a)]和中氮处理[100kg/(hm2.a)]组。在以后近16个月内,利用线框法收集地表凋落物层,在实验室内用Tullgren干漏斗法采集土壤动物标本,最后根据本地区长期土壤动物研究得出的不同类群动物生物量标准,对土壤动物类群生物量在氮沉降下的响应进行研究。结果表明,整体上氮处理对土壤动物类群生物量并未产生显著影响。然而通过氮处理与取样期和林分的交互作用,土壤动物类群生物量对氮沉降有一定的响应趋势。外界的氮输入明显促进了针叶林土壤动物类群生物量的增长,正效应明显;而季风林在较高氮处理下的负效应明显。经历一周年后,土壤动物类群生物量在各林分中的分布格局发生了显著变化,由实验处理前的季风林>混交林>针叶林,变为针叶林>季风林>混交林。低氮处理在一定程度上显示了对土壤动物类群生物量发展的利好作用,各林分动物类群生物量都有不同幅度的上升,平均季风林为44.33%,混交林9.19%,针叶林60.66%;而中氮处理使季风林和混交林分别下降32.55%和2.81%。提示氮沉降对土壤动物类群生物量的影响可能也存在阈值作用。  相似文献   

Quantification of annual carbon sequestration is very important in order to assess the function of forest ecosystems in combatting global climate change and the ecosystem responses to those changes. Annual cycling and budget of carbon in a forested basin was investigated to quantify the carbon sequestration of a cool-temperate deciduous forest ecosystem in the Horonai stream basin, Tomakomai Experimental Forest, northern Japan. Net ecosystem exchange, soil respiration, biomass increment, litterfall, soil-solution chemistry, and stream export were observed in the basin from 1999–2001 as a part of IGBP-TEMA project. We found that 258 g C m–2 year–1 was sequestered annually as net ecosystem exchange (NEE) in the forested basin. Discharge of carbon to the stream was 4 g C m–2 year–1 (about 2% of NEE) and consisted mainly of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC). About 43% of net ecosystem productivity (NEP) was retained in the vegetation, while about 57% of NEP was sequestered in soil, suggesting that the movement of sequestered carbon from aboveground to belowground vegetation was an important process for net carbon accumulation in soil. The derived organic carbon from aboveground vegetation that moved to the soil mainly accumulated in the solid phase of the soil, with the result that the export of dissolved organic carbon to the stream was smaller than that of dissolved inorganic carbon. Our results indicated that the aboveground and belowground interaction of carbon fluxes was an important process for determining the rate and retention time of the carbon sequestration in a cool-temperate deciduous forest ecosystem in the southwestern part of Hokkaido, northern Japan.  相似文献   

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